HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-64_ Goldenberg (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government Constar Management ENVMONMENIAL vunury If 175-ZZ MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT —iVk It/s/ly 19_64 Permit Number as authorized by the North Carolina Department or Environmental Quality State of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Stehrtes, "Coastal Area Management' Issued to Scott Goldenberg, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 284 Beach Rd. N., in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated September 16, 2019. This permit, issued on October 1, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject pernittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes. Construction of new driveway and landscaping (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on September 20, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. 1 (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a reevaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appeared by the perrnittee or other quallW persons within twenty (20) days at the Issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this perm't expires on DECEMBER 31, 2022 In Issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the Iota! Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This pert may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. J. . Christine R. ffard CAMA LOCAL PE MIT OFFICIAL 4969iWvANfiger tkenter Drive, Suite 110 DCM WILMIVjft&i NC28403 ACT 0 2 2019 PERMITTEE (Signature required ff conditions above apply to permit) -ill tf Cott Gcldenbeif liRirtOr-Pi t'mit # 11944 Date: W- b erµ4, 2019 "Page (5} The-stivctErre=must set bask a=mfin�mum'o 60-met MOM the first lime of stage na#Gr l.vegetation, as»detem ir�ed by �. the ifffie (6) N per_m�tee s©requ��L � intact theme Local Permit Of icer at 91©=7a 71118 sltartty `b6fd--- a plans to t:e i atnstrupttQn to arrange a setback measusEment thatwtll lge=effestive for st 60 ; d- s [iamn a'm a s[�ortalirx { } ! 4 aJ f change., Qnstruction mustubegin iNlt hESIxty 60} days fof-tfte determrnaftt►�r or the r*4u meet s-vdid and must be:re`done 7 All bu7drn�s cons _ i") ttt�ctt±d within tNe ocean hazard shall 4comply With -the, NC Bwkitng Code; inclriting the, Coasts{ and Flood Main Eonstructian standards of ithei. N, Q iBuwidtng Codes and"u #he1`Looal f o[�od datiPgei Phla m tion 4tdinatace_as required by the National Flood insurance Program. If any provist4rls "outfie twildmg cue 'Wor a itlood; damage prevention -ordinance are irisonslstent with diy of the fogawtn SEC standards, the more gam_ rastrisfivexprovis►on sFrall �cofrtol. ____.. 4 __ (8} A11 6tirldtngs must be e<evated on pilings +itt a diameter of at I$aist w$ inches in d�amefisr_sif_round or 8 inches=to a :— side soars; and the:fi►et floor level- the sills and joists�mast-mee#the 10U-year #load level elevation. {9l All ptlmgsehall ave a_tip penetration gmater,than eightfeet,betow the louvestground devatFo under the strdcture. (tQ} QuneLLdtsturbanceswilt beallowed only to the extent necessary for development and if-theGdune�s%Rra Cove v lue mot weakened or°reduced. Disturbed dune`areas wt8 tide irnmedtater;stahii �.. (1�}Alrunconsolida edainaterta! res�G ft from assoe�ated_gradmg and-landsgaping�shall bentained_onxsite by eft etivep :s mentatian and erosion control ,measuLres. Disturbed areas shall be, vegetatatively -stabillM � (pli�iN and° .mulched} wit" days of -construction -completion, (12 )Any stnrcture authorized by this permit=shall-tie-relocated `& dlsmardled when it -becomes to min�n threatened :changes inastraretirte-YCanfigura toi�. ftie structure[sl-shall tie rel at a r,� ii r�anti mJiRhin fw„ .;em.%� ^f ,• .+ .n...w IIII lei1U ,U11;Mw11Gu allull 17MfY*VdSU POWRS corrapse-or,sunstdence However,14 natural, ;shoreline recover y` or beach Rnouiishment, takes ipiace within two years of ithe :fame ithe istiucture :bet Imes lmrninentiy kthraatenedi so that_the structure is no longer imminently #hreatenedl them it need riot be €ielaOted or dismanttesLat;that time. This=conditionshall not affect the permit Foldeift -tor- aut oriz lion off temporary protective. measuresallowed=urider=CRC rules. SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE Address Atldrt ss C, � �ut State � � _ x 426't'1` t' 1 � P lta+etc ?.d.:l 9_ za . r -7 Lt)t'AT tUiIOh 1'!di)JCT,1c�dreus strcvt�— nn#� �i�rtics:�€� srte 'il'rtat.<���nt: sc:ismrh nan��f'1�� aeiluc on! waterl?l :� II�C�tlr'Ttit ii� P�iL?.1°'t-�tE ��t ailr�►cd ���i�tr�icn a43:1an�l�dist�arb.�nce p Y�VVV w- _ , k ? �'�-• Srzt-UF Lo-rrPAKEL: 1•!t(1.I�13+r 1) i'�ti[ Rrys#tit�Etita4 .: 1 to 6=famt8w 19i�1t-Femilti ©} I'ummercifi oAt (wit— il Other . C U,4 P .Ir 0 ;,1 i,Frt=11;} UR:(2� !ll:C [3t� (f r tNac.t t�t�ttr l: x al f..:rturt t jftt r r�% t ntrir tt toss cf, ei#' /iAC' appltex. pit lvft7 kficEr tilr+r l"b-'k-°cam; (z) t:UAS'i'4L�11URELfs'�C�IEC's•°517 tlF't3UIUDIl-{;F0PT,P INTANDraTl)r=ROKI1'1;to '9Cai�`L3�rlLT, UP ?N ltRFr`1CI S. ig3V squa►r Cc� It lrmct� th .are, �►# uhc _rc:c�f rl}�°toss _ctC it t aild�h} t, drit+� is ; r=cv sr ci=dc�+ "s: n�the-peoneee crmasonrmatretiitaiit>:apicatilAEA. AtIa latx ct.h *+7:�►'E r 8'i 4N till l tF 1►TE 1r \ [: ;�1r 4; [' 1t11!'r'. tlti�� I�rr .r;I eat i_tn .��s: a a.sub�ert-cc� a Stzt Stc�r�i ►� pit r a #`'}Fast i is, t.itc�tal=kuii;upts�.reap'rtt3ericaras_sri'uez_atc�rxe:tear95'arkl�t�ia>�E,ct�r� 1t OCT 14 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC —_---=- -' '" I AN S tit L S �» curr i tt : tc ati�°i�r r utrturC44 r�k tta4� t i � rt'kum rri�c ,tettulrt. �► �i � fA l'.eiiinc ►t &'.vvf PP-Iu � Locat: t?eran�t:)ticcr wcti.tiL t,o: ifreijustrt;, A&W AlitON is�tbu�rlcrosst�ettwu�;'ttnc� _.._Aa W an)indatt gt6tctuie4- and drtvcwA s currc�tlw �X Sting c�sr �ari?p��t�t tN��ie� �djac�r�t v��t�ctwd? PHYSICAL CHARA. C'TRRISTICS .r t�+ ;�sra ir1n :� r�srt h t tr water tiruC �+ +�ti.tc t.('i3 fxi .�., tititccV t anal tame[ 1urdcvard;Ditrttt_ctt`At'! .... t ra±u ;tztxci:tahc�l a�11 K P��tia:rc4 Er>Z�e ,Rcunra t=t !�[ for assiimam�;x. tutd't:tll the 3t""fti taits'r'tirte Sht►» iarrc6�,s�tarn'' •HIRE=TO APPLT"T • 9 OwnIfwd atI"bI nl.—s-,i ^W iffilAiZ..if cI"I ►iJ-14 4�sf'£Ii� �i+iVf • .rrQt�Fr�ct;auct l��t�-�i:arit��ccrat prop��rty�:r��Xn�" • ins tuck itt�r sfi• +ti}itnry • se�cct�a=actt�d�rz.�d.:ttac�sr}�txcatit�n"�, • ��� � tt tO, Otf reV • crrrrtaccrt,�C+H;"+x:.;Yf'naaw�:x�tirltoat.bci�,rc�`+ tEt4:&natatrr utttrt !_ a si IN LOwkic qFe ilng Permit; rter Ema,11 Addres I certi6r.fhat,, I .-of-pp .a lyi'ng for and qbt _Al,CAA A►;perrtiis necessary for the'-follovving proposed_' 6iop iient: 34- ;W*1,:,0_Q P`d�!.,_W� 4" t0d 'ounfy fu rthermore: m, ore: carq6,( thau, 6MI authorized #o grant ih.d"dom' tktgr ert»rssrorr t -Off ter and 09pa "A"IN Qater, on thaaf&ementfbnad lbnjs wit/7 g. l; rfQrrriaflonlremt6d to. - is-, 'Proes'd itor Inkemitrom: , ty-()%v , ­_ ..EcEIVED PAW This certification is valid through A A IN Se terriber I I W 19 ,M & L Family Ventures-,LLC c/o IMA-r, . ... . ......... t & Margaret 1anfy Smith 3225 Sprrey Durham, NC 27707 Dear Wf 'g—afet AM, Larity Smith': Scott Goldenbeeg; it 284"%jjch Road No_' Pleat 8ft, t-h—c'- XQU61.aye.nQ .' :.0DJc.ct10ns,youM- aySip 7 iil-"ig-,not-�necessary -tqn ,o-s tbi' ib­rm; no r ,esobject, you cart file , _q written & mm .c -ents: Thank vou for vour time 1-(ECEIVED SE"R 2' 0� 2019 'WOVE R COUU 'Y' INGz& - - , T, ZQN'IN'G'H equifes&your.neiRhbor. permit, fonx C A A Christine Off Local Permit Permit 46 f t New"_Hanaver Cbbiky 2.3OGov.erriment-Center bri-ve7li SUite4FE0Wilmington; NCB 2$4.03 WG Tony Parker CW-gic Lai*pa po� M TRADITIONAL MODERN -ECOLOGICAL 910.895.2500 • FaX 910.395.2572 P.O. Box 10819 • Wilmington, NC 28404 • custO.MersePAce@classiciandscapesnr.com M"Al September 13, 2019 Jay & Olga Faison- 136-5 Greenwood Cliff; $,Qp M-01-A Charlotte; NC 280311 REcEi,-v-F- 2 0 NEVV HANOER COUNTY PLANNING ZONING Mar Jay, and Olga Fg-sbh: tEis:letter J and-d'nf-ormadqra�j notifyfy- ypuip, Ind sqap o -1require S46fiffie—', At 284,Beech,,j6&8,to: -appty-for EAM k permit. havC>any questxoris., please: f6,el,-,freeLto,---,contactT-i — Christine Bouffard Local Pefm7 itOfficer. for M&W Hanover County 2301 QoYornment. Center Drive Suite #110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Thank you for your time, Tony Parker CM§Rc LCrfdsq'-pes TRADITIONAL MODERN ECOLOGICAL - 910.395.'2500 R I 9 T E 1@� G. r� N NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING 19