HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-56_ Harris (DENIED) (2)tF 75-zz NEW HANOVER COUNTY Planning & Land Use 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX: (910) 798-7060 Kev Vafier Planning B Land Use Manager October 3, 2019 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETLRN RECEIPT REQUESTED W. Don Harris 602 Grantwood Lane Whitsett, NC 27377 RE: DENIAL OF CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER- 19-56 PROJECT ADDRESS- 8437 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington NC 28411 Dear Mr. Harris: After reviewing your application in conjunction with the development standards required by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) and our locally adopted Land Use Plan and Ordinances, it is my determination that no permit may be granted for the project which you have proposed. This decision is based on my findings that your request violates NCGS 113A- 120(a)(8) which requires that all applications be denied which are inconsistent with CAMA guidelines. You have applied to construct a Single Family Residence and driveway which is inconsistent with 15 NCAC 7H.0209 Coastal Shorelines, which states that: (f) Specific Use Standards for ORW Coastal Shorelines; Within the AEC for estuarine and public trust shorelines contiguous to waters classified as ORW by the EMC, all development projects, proposals, and designs shall limit the built upon area in the AEC to no more than 25 percent or any lower site specific percentage as adopted by the EMC as necessary to protect the exceptional water quality and outstanding resource values of the ORW, and shall: (A) provide a buffer zone of at least 30 feet from the normal high water line or normal water line; and (B) otherwise be consistent with the use standards set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (2) Single- family residential lots that would not be buildable under the low -density standards defined in Subparagraph (f)(1) of this Rule may be developed for single-family residential purposes so Ck long as the development complies with those standards to the maximum extent possible. j W Should you wish to appeal my decision to the Coastal Resource Commission or U request a variance from that uJ eq group, please contact me so I can provide you with the proper tY forms and any other information you may require. The Division of Coastal Management central office in Morehead City must receive appeal notices within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter in order to be considered. Respectfully yours, Christine R. Bouffard, ��� New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 cc: NC Division of Coastal Management • iTbr offs "fise ate}►! 'GENERAY:IIVFORMATION. � � � � . '. CANTO OWNER j 'Names, Citty �' , > >"'' ..c=� :State r�E. = Zip Phone �X Entail '. AUTHORIZED.AGENT' , ' Name . r c 11` • ! i; is � �F Address �>����' �*:t P (.� ��•Vt'' �.. ���=f �:.. �,,,:�'E � � tom- !��,� �� . • ' < Cty.14 state ''� zip"s °tt# Phon . - WCATION OF PROMO. T (Address, street name andfor df ections to site..If aot' gceanfront, ;ovhat is the name of adacentwaterbody)1` �` �� E i'�ct�"�� .�� DESCRIPTION OFPIOJECI'� (L�ist ail; mp sed construction and land disturbance) 40 SIZE. OF LOT/PARCEL:. , • : * :' �"� square acres PROPOSED, USE: Residential (Single=family []'' Multi family 0 Co nmerciaVIndustnal.Q Other. COMPLETE EITHER o) OR (2). BEIAW (Cozad yinw Loral Pam& Q�cet' if you are not swe 'whieh AI;C oo ies to your p�+apert y): (1) OCEANG.HAZAItD AAECs:, TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE:. square feet (includes !, air'oonditioned tieing space, parking elevated'above ground level, non -conditioned space elevates abbr►e:ground level but. excluding non load -bearing attic e . (2) : COASTAL. SHORELINE AECs, SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND`:OTHER .'WERVIOUS, ORIWIL.T :UPON SURFACES: .square feet (incXudes the arca:of the roogdrip' line, of all buildings, d iveways, covered decks, concrete'or#nas atiioss,.eta: that ard.withii'the:applictbleAEC.Attachyoutddculationswith -the pioject'dm*ing.) .. .. Alt► . STATE STQRi+IWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT:; Is the'project located in an.aiea:sublect :to a State;Stormwater.: Manageineni Permit i sued'by-the NC Divisioiof.!Water Quality? If yes; list the; total built upon 'area/innpervious ' sM*C allowed far, your, lot or parcel mare feetw ; : I�ECEIV •NOVI 2.201.9'.• . .. .. .. . DC:M W�iLMiNGT ON; NC OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. Check with your Local Permit Officer for more information. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) r ` � ✓ an owner or record title, Title is vested in _ (, tGI()),a 1 Y� IF E # 1 , see Deed Book page 't I in the &- t—y County Registry of Deeds. _an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. _if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (1; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu- lar hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This the -3I day o4jdak, 20 1 f _I or person authorized to act as his/her agent for piupose of filing a CAMA permit application This application Includes: general information (thisform), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the Ocean Hazard AEC Notice where necessary, a checkfor $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as desciltem are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and admi"t"at t. DCM WILMINGTON, NC I GENERAL INFORMATION 0XIN - / 9 404; LAND OWNER . i bkr_m.- Tiz>y-ye2AA, V 'Ar_rf-c i r. �rnr -, S RECEIVi�� Address.n m C4: Tfp-., � 1-t-2-7 Am: NEW HANOVTR COUNTY AUTH4RLZED AGENT PLANNING & ZONING Name, Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: LOCATIONOYPROJECT. .... (Add,iqm�' C,-n_d or directions ,�—­­ -the, name_oftheIas�LL_ A nn0 . ... DESCRIPTION OF PROJEC: (List:allproposedconstracton and rand diAmbatwd) U4 SIZE OFLOTIPARCEL: ---:21 Milacres l 71 PROPOSED M Residential v"""" (ginglerfamily k-family _) �Commeriea;Ylndustrialj 0ftj-____ TOTAL ENCLOSED -FLOOR AREA -OF ,&BUILDINQ IN -THE 0CMAN-MAZAR-D MR —EA OF Q _' ENVIRONMENTAL C ONCERN- squ are (e.eqj, (includes all .floors and roof co-vered--decks)i 91-A Off' A :A06WIkift' AND 0,T-HER-EMP-ERVIOUS..,OkBUILT-UPON SURFACES"IN-'T-HE COASTAL -SHORELINE AREA, OF ENVIRONMENTAL,CONCERN (AEC): 4&'square feet -- -1A dii (Calculations-includeFs theareadf.the roo - -'--f/dhp- ifafl bw-1 ew4y. covered decks, concrete or;pgww patios, : Iffi-t eo etc. that are wiiliin the applicable AEG )(Af tech your calculations wrfh the; projeci drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to yWp"pe (1) within 75 feet of Normal High Water for-thei Estuarine:Shorehne AEC, ogwithin 5 75- feet of NorvmkHi@i Water f br-thie, EsWaYilfe Shoreline AEC, a4ft-eftM j0idAki4ffi_' 21tZi6gfie (3) within 3 0'feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC y ifi-9-6A-K- not -sure which AEC applies, to your property.) i STATE -'S*-T-O,RMWA-TERMA-NAGEMENT-,PERMI-T,.-,ItF-tlfd'pr6jpctldcit6difiaiAft ,�--' subject to a State Wimwafer Manapniat'Pennit issued bythe' NC DiVitibri ofWaterQuality? YES No If Ye5, 40 *9 W bp* upon area/unperyious sudweAlowed for your lot -or parcel. square feet. RECEW STP DCM WILMINGTON, NC A-ly, ). 1Q 2019 STATEMENT OF OVd4MM: PA- .13P a - a rwwfi ai thonzed to ad as ahragem, for pu _Iposcs 4 -d as AW�� cm this wthliffe - on bp,.dmn- v b MOW= y Countyl iWh as wfttten grad or case, ,N61`'MC, ATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY-OWNEM: cemFy=that the rein. This-ii P-6 6:ggt q g qw mlsave qipz—op—ft*csLa-toimg-diis--.propmty., 17.af 'jVb7ft-iifVI'E'L-OPERSI-IN-.00EAN.R&ZAWAIqD ESTUARDWIRAZARDAREAS- - that the UM 6*fw b -- tbaft- - P—rOP-0-994 development is p1mmed for awarw-which . :tmy-be �WKC _!A'*: ,n,s-m.ocuded-.w.W.tbis.-lot: ,This-eVIanatiamwas -,accompanied -,by- TO ENTER ON=LAI�ID: lam-.audwdzedto-gmnt-and-.do.-iwfiLeLgmnt-petmimion-.to�"tlw,,Ibw,permit illrl�an, d Jq's S agents ton Wou the-afmcmendoned lan&7iwconnecdw with:,evaluating inft�zea-ffdto .it appACorL ownerslnp statameat, the ATC hazard notice where necessary,,a�check.%$I00:00:madepayable:toWthe locality; and amy applxcahan as described by theme sons are 20 1 t -as- -agent mwPcmon7mdw&edto.aa -big n for Purpose -of fiHng a.CAMA permit. -Vplicatio Name of Property Owner Requesting Perm„r���'(j' YsY/►il (ilQ (Z�.� Mailing Address: (IDALA k Phone Number: Email Address: I certify that I have authorized -9� =iy un�,nvc �..�_R COUNTY LhWNNG & ZONING ONES' M£S to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: u. o al I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property`Owner Information `zi IV4 rsiav d R ;v�n r v�y.Ya sce m. YCJ(H HHI=, AWNUAUQI'-VWO Signature on and Debra Harris Print or Type Name Property Owners rn/e 10/31/2019 Date This certification is valid through t RECEIVED NOV 2 2 Z019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC MacPherson, Tara From: Brown, Denise <dbrown@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 5:30 PM To: MacPherson, Tara Subject: [External] NHC CAMA(1QTR)2019-2020 Attachments: HARRIS 19-56 HOLD LETTER.pdf Please see the hold letter for CAMA APPLIC(HARRIS-19-56). Thank you, Denise Brown I Administrative Technician Planning & Land Use - Planning & Zoning New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7116 p 1 (910) 798-7053 f www.nhcqov.com 1*GV-NED 00 0 4 Z019 t)CM VVILWJ4GT0N, NC QpmCsfk',Mnll.Fs 10131119 W_ Charels Blalock w.n Adjacent PropertyownerN s.z5 eern. fan, �+V�.NC Mailing Address City, stab, ZIP code N W HAN�LANNIOVER u COUNvTM Dear Adtecent Property AEM-C - mA.a°.qaOD* *, VOOrnu+w.0. u- C3 m .o ATM ^j- •� - `.ndRFOtkuc 0 0451 08 Foam HM 10/31/2014 This letter is to inform you that t, Donald F. & Debra M. Hams have ---- Prop Owner applied for a CAMA Minor Permit on my property at 8437 Bald Eagle Lane, W lmmgton, Ne (Lot 21) Property Address m New Hanover Counly. As required by CAMA reguialk ts, I have enclosed a copyof my permit application and pmject drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action Is required from you Of you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. ff you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at -.._. 336-456.5574 —- ,or by mall at the address listed below. iicant's Telephone If you Nhah to App file written comments or objections with the New Hanover County CAMA Mnor Permit Program, you may submk them to: 602 Gantwood Lane Marling Address Whitseft, NC 28411 City, State, Zip Code CAMA local Permit Officer Local Permit Officer for New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Zoning Division Wlmington, NC 28403 RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC M1 ao o- ut A m 10/31/19 A ante vt Rufus 8 Carolyn Pearson [' f�� p Adjacent Property Owner o nsstaw Ejpy Lan, M4mipMnNC :E/11 Mailing Address c Q'/ 2 1 p m City, Stale, zip code Dear Adjacent Property: so NEW HANOVER COL A PLANNING & ZONIi Er-3 n U.S. Postal Service'' CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT pomeeNc NO Only ❑wnm aeWWleiec,mniG s vu.uu _ Pommwk �CwYbnl.{®IRWnctetl oe':very S NNe �/dJ S9rvarvre Few'M S�BaUB— �MLISIJWrvilee:•k,eO�N.'e,y5 — 'ost"a f0.5S This letter Is to inform you that 1, Donald F. and Debra M. Harris have for a CAMA Misr Property Owner Permit on my property at 8437 Bald Eagle Lane, Wilmington NC (Lot 21) �- - -- in New Hanover Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my pent appkdon and project drawings) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and rewrn the enclosed no objection tam. if you have any questions or comments about my Proposed project, Please contact me at 336-456-5574 Applicant's Telephone ,or by mall at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objeom with Sre New Hanover County LAMA Misr Permit Program, you may submft them to: CAMA local Pem It Officer Local Permit Officer for New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Zoning Division Wlk*gton, NC 28403 1I� 08 602 Gantwood Lana Mating Address Whitaett NC 27377 RECEIVED city. Stale. Zp code Nov 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC !� rnailErrg !o[ter or so": CERTIEIEDI -MAIL• RETURNRECEIPT REQUESTED RECEIVED Dear (hr yhcs P'.ce, rso o MrJ.luirs.ut�, .� s�a►r. r; s _._.__ AUG m yo2"0_1..9This tt10 aenantha m plans to construe° - ; R F NEW HA OVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING in c .1i,r,�: rsar: tit_r M . 7,7G (" 1 W. ' o. o,1, ft - e;.to 0 77 M to r ti . ,o.r Should you have NO�ob�eeions to thus proposal 3 . Phase place a check made (T}' a# the appmp ore' statement below, 4= =Sign and date -this letter and retum to: a as�soon a 00-05 ibhe Shouid1 you HAVE oto thN proposal; please., send .your wrlt#-en q*mer": C,AMA Local PermOtiicer New.Hanorrer County Inspe ons: Department Zoning Division 230 MaQrket uPlace LDnve; Surte.1;1O --wilini I qwn, �Noi#h.C; rol!na:284Q3 Cotnrrierito will, be c r s�derod up :ur i:tl a time' Qt "suance..of a_Perrnit Sincerely, M� 1 y- I have NGeoblections to-tfi+s prolect:as�presentl'y proposed. ! HAVEwobjeotions tohthe prof i t as presently proposed and hawenclosed commw4s .. x lfin ilt-[etter pleas'send ar. CER"nFIEWNWIL ,RTR -Q _-Wqll�RMIMSTEVI , �RN ............... Date: for`; t 2 Z IT'D IR RECEIVED ,201a COUNTY 'ONING as mas odid you HAVE objectio ns ions twthisproposal, please sendyour written comments to C2 AMA L aW -,'P-6 r M it UMior New Hanover -County inspections Department �filh­ D-d"j-6h , 230 �,,: Zoning -;- Mp - �, , ­ 230-MarkeLP-Jace Drive, Sutter. 110 Wilmingto,r, Nor.ftCarolina 20,493� Comments wiWbe. - -con sidere ua un limthe ttr ai I Sincerely, - rhi o na t o' t h'a- o ro I a c.1, a s, 6 f ma, rnnoswid 1:b2va_N0-nbkaL p,ARAMOUNTE E. N O I N E @ R 1 N O 1 N C lu.7ll�rM tiats� Novemberii, 2019 To: Mr. Lee Pair, Bib Clark Homes FIE: 8437 Bald Eagle Lane, New Hanover County From: J. Brarrh Srr ln. PE. Psramourts _rg resring. Inc. 4P P--7-�7 RECEIVED NOV I"W H'HOVER COUNTY ^'LANiVING & ZONING 'i've understand 511 Clark Hor:es is constructing a single-family residence at M37 flak! Eagle Lane, Wilmington, NC 28411 in the County of New Hanover mere defined as Lot 21 of Porters Neck Plantation Section E and County Parcel #R03712-0C2-132v-0UG. Tne :rope".,y is C.59 so+( according to the survey map by Atlantic Coast Surveying, Mites Moul iii. dated i 1 -Ig, This oroperty's subie.^t whe 57S-R Coastal Area Management Area (CAMA) Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). Der iaA `CAC 07 i.0209'Coasta; Shoreline Rules`. part of the larger CAMA Rules in the State of NC, there is a section on Oulzand;ne Reams".-:"ietets (17U) in the AEC Brea, This property drains into those ORW waters since this ponor: of tFe 'r:treoosste 'Naterway 3 classified as SA:ORW. SA means tidal saftwater5 used for oommercial 4^ei f9t r,. 'he� -fwer tr,.:s pn:prrty is subject to theses rules, .U2C9(f), where It states: Within the AEG for estuarine anti p bi;o �^.181 atomines .sort?; uc•us to Ivaters classified as OR'W by the EMC, all development projects, proposals, aid desyns she.+; Ir f;' tte &4t upon area in the AEC to no more than 25 percent or any laver ells specific oerce,-daye as 6,1•-xted by the EVC as necessary to protect the exceptional water quality and outstanding resource 44.-w cf ;ha ORV'J.. arc' ahai'* {A/ provide a buffer zone of at least 30 feet from the normal high water Are or normal watarl na; and !8; oiher vise be .or:a stem with the use standards set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. In order to Drive the (bulit-upon area or imperious) is less than 25%, we have been asked to justify the use of per.4.063 pavement on the driveways and sidewalks. We have been provided a soils report in the driveway: and have evalsated the lar:Joular peer .sab;e pavement product The Techo-Bloc BLU 80mm product has an infiltration rate of 570 Irwhr ex--eedi r the .rim. 50 ;n.hr Der State Svmwater rules, and the paver design will be at least 24' above the S-H44r; 0tn a sobgrsde :1it"3LiD^ rate cf 1 6.85 irpbr • which aso exceeds the State Stormwater rules. Based an t"Ps t*�grnation,'Ns product meet3 the defnitror: of a pwAouis surface in order to meet the 25% impervious limit in the ORW watershed. Attachments, • EIS Rrrcr149 -1C£3:" Techo-Bloc Spec Sheet • S!'rVai `, I RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC ��\\\I III///// o r�s SR ti1.y :4 SEAL Y 034354 ; r /l' 2/' / T ECS SOUT11 EAST, LLP setting the 4o: s�::c_- GeotechniCal • L-a s -_�_?, - TME!te,;als Environmental • Facilities Mr. Lee Pair Bill Ciark Homes 127 Rad ne Drive Wilmington, North Carojina 28403 November 21, 2019 �4'-FEIVEU Reference: Report of Seasonal High Water Table Estimation and Infiltration Testing , &a3 % Bead ll Lane diimingt�a, New Hanover County. North Carolina ECS project -No. 49.10630 NEW HArIOV=R COi1NTy Deer Air. Pair PLANNING & ZONING ECS Southeest, LLP (ECS) recently conducted a seasonal high water table (SHWT) estimation and infiltration testing within the stormwater control measure (SCM) area(s) at 6437 Bald Eagle Lane in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. This ietter, with attachments, is the repot of our testing. Field Testing On Noverber 21, 2019, ECS conducted an exploration of the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. ir, accordance with the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual section A-2, at one requested location shown on the attached Boring Location Plan (Figure 1). ECS used GPS equipment 'n order -,o ^etemnine the boring location. The purpose of this exploration was to cbtain subsurfn_oe lnformat•on 7 the in situ soils for '.he SCM area(s). ECS explored the subsurface soli anc groundwater conditions by advancing one hand auger boring into the existing ground surjece at each or the requested boring location. ECS visually classified the subsurfa:e soils and obtained representative samples of each soil type encountered. ECS also recorded the 5i•MJT and groundwater elevation observed at the Ume or the hand auger boring. The attached Infiltratior Testing Form provides a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered at th6 hand auger boring iodation The SHWT and groundwater elevation was estimated at the boring location below the existing grade elevation.. A sur*imery of the findings are as follows: _Location SHWT Groundwater 90 inches 100 •inches ECS has conducted an infwiretion. "test u,iiizing a compact constant head permeameter near the ^.and auger borings in order to estimate the infiltration rate for the subsurface soils. infiltration :gists are typloalty cond, ed at two fset aoove the SHWT or in the most restrictive soil horizon. TKs 'as! Wes conducted at 18 inches below the existing grade elevation to represent the subgrade scfs in the proposed pervious pavement area. Tests in clayey conditions are conducted `or duratior:s of up to 30 mirutes. If a more precise hydraulic conductivity value is css'red fcr tr..ese iocaticns, then ECS recommends collecting samples by advancing Shelby tubes and perfom-dng laboratory permeability testing. RECEIVED Nov 2 2 2019 r.,, 'L,..w n}p:.'LL': c:`•,�J::.c+�G.:. :a... .:J.: cG`:t:;a _LS Y. &A W11-04G't`ON F4'C Report o!Stiit : Est., 'an aid irffltrat:on T"Ung 6437 8a,'d Eagia Lan6 i�/11m+rg'.on. Nciv yam rer Couniy: North Caroline ECS Protect No. 49.'^E30 R'ovwroer27, 2012 Feld Test Resuits 6elc:v is a summary of the infiltration test results: REGEIVED IYuY L tCOUNTY ZONING 1 1 Tan fine SAND 18 inches 16.85 Infiltration roses and SKIa may very within the proposed site due to changes in elevation, soil dass"?cadon and subsurface conditions. Closure ECS's analysis of the site has been based on our understanding of the site, the project informal+on provide tc us, and the data obtained during our exploration. tf the project ?nformat'on pro iaed to us is Changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be r6vie,tied and apprc.-flate revisions provided, if necessary. The discovery of any site or 3JbSUrfaC9 Conditions during constructior which deviate from the data outlined In this exploraticr, shcLiid be reported 10 us for our review, analysis and revision of our recommendations; ;f necessary. The assessment of site environmental conditions for the oreserce of poilutants In ;^e soil and groundwater of the site is beyond the scope of this geotechnicei e;tplor?iion. ECS appreciates ;he opportunity to provide our services to you on this project. tf you have any c, esticns xmcernlrc this report cr this project. please contact us. Respectfully,. ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP K. Brooks Wall Project Manager bwail _ecslimited.com 910-686-9114 Attachments: Figure 1 -Boring Location Plan infltraticn Tesiing Form >,2BA Dcvxment W. Brandon Fulton, PSC,rPWS, LSS Environmental Department Manager bfu Iton(aecslimited.com 704-525-5152 RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC -*,c--7T Infiltration Testing Form 8437 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49.10630 November21, 2019 RECEIVED Location Depth USCS Soil Description P. 0-48" SP Tan fine SAND 48%80" SM Brown fine SAND w/ silt 80%100" SP Tan fine SAND NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANNING & ZONING Seasonal High Water Table was estimated to be at 90 inches below the existing grade elevation. Groundwater was encountered at 100 inches below the existing grade elevation. Test was conducted at 18 inches below existing grade elevation Infiltration Rate: 16,85 inches per hour RECEIVED NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Geolechnimce1mbilineeping Repopt —; The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) has prepared this advisory to help you — assumedly a client representative — interpret and apply this geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as possible. In that way, clients can benefit from a lowered exposure to the subsurface problems that, for decades, have been a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. If you have questions or want more information about any of the Issues discussed below, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. Active involvement in the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk -confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone Involved with a construction project. Geotechnical-Engineering Services Are Pedl srmepd for Specific Purisosrs, Persons, and Projetits toxhn�a{ engine rt stra-Reri clselr scnicas ✓• etasthe soe: ac rredroflbev lteuita.:;�a•xxs+ri.•sl-=nyH::estxgstudvric*.±ctts Per r. given Lii mainextr 4i cis: i W! y meet t : i:G•d-< of u civil• Irks ortnr x:o ore sc s•�tlierent- .:± eng±seez. Sxliusex,^ =e.LtthNca:-mg!nee:'sg o�sd; n tr,:gr:, ee:h �;e:.etrr±�s y,+tee:ing r.,r�rt ♦a unigiu, ptr�:rdl .•!r .tot ti:e ee".t.'Inou i.Nr i.y Oe.r z[W:rSI'!fltR!-e.'};iNe%rtsd ref.{ tmirn: r.' jo- a a*i�e.trtt!r'a+t: :An b3 tlric:tu• nth7ea �!9 9na G:eep! ixJ'.Z:1! c):eni y: r.En±eilvrs #ur:.id nhi au 1!a gem'^,nice? •�i*.aitf-a:erem •�yttisx:t :irt •:.wfr[ring wi:•: the See =unnrc ssginr:r � i•:a ;repsred t,. srni.a une - :el esss,•ar- i:u:aa,}sa, r)il: nssrr €a a y fs:•ras ar p• ,en rxtp! rha n-:e nrlgr4aliL'Utirts„tlNJxtd • Reed this Report in Fisl! _usdy dNt s: hive o:ru red beeers +:taa r l Aug at a grotzc itsl- m4ti'eer9rg riron did not tee,: is in ib etri!nr.i: Co rat ^tar sin a: •sx.a!i:; ranmarr. Da stet tend psi erces c:im�t:=sr..!v. ina: t'it: rewrr You Need to fnfoem Your Gne)Whmcal Eingineer about Change =svr gatisdnrtrst engineer ca:wAarei cn:q a, prcrjat-npeaEc %:rcrers +�hct xis.lidne:r; :%tc ttcilybeht;ru dosrep--,t N,d 3eveiOki tha o-.ttS!:r:trti:.a ieyerd.-'t:amm:aria[ISMthacorWc l..klet, else dk fr gw.d1., tti<-Otivti, t_ev.-lehedak. an:1 li.'>-niar. tcleaC', 'Intri kt; rJsc• genre! n,:cdra -if the vr:Uec-a invbvd, i:s i sv, i,atM1!yacant+t. F.:d irtr+tn'tl;altJe:CtNi.; rbr..rri.Se lurch tnrstinn anituriarxztivu nit the ii:c; and • :stitct plvt(Ied or atlz :ng s^:ir Imp:ave::cntz, ;uch at reLrSx!rg WON. rc:w» :Jain, led1111-5 l::». ant: urdrxgrrad uti!tites 'MriL�d change tnat cuald emede the rehaklity of this report Include those drat aflia. • tilc xi `s Size Qr SKIpe: • the runctiun nfthe proposed structure, a.; when it's chnagid fr:nt a puricng garege to an officrbididing, or nmin a!*.t-!ndustr,ul phait to a r.-friga-eted n orehoasr, • the tioLution, ci figuretfon, la:ation, orientation, or at!#': of tpt pnposed,tructisret • the :ompo faun of the design :aern; or . pro, -act owncrshlp. t_t a geomii role, ,:Iswjt inform your georecbricsl anghieer of pruject chanj," - m . minor ones - and request an assessment cd t::el.• :r?pset.r4—bletr who prepared :i:i: nprr:::.rro: a:rpi rpsrsih@L• rr?iobt!?!t;uprobeurrrhaiarise brcaasr;hrgexr9n cn? rnginfez wai rnr mfn-wire ahvia 4,n doprnerb the engirtmr odirmise tteto Rotiourr may Nat Be Reliable Dv rut ;.),- Dn cii;r reyor!%yaur geotechn:eai engineer pnV.rtu it: Sat Id Ifferept chenC inr a •!$event pvu)eck fur a C?ffetrat t to ;thai mayor tmv not;ncfidr all o- a pormil of the nrigtnal dtel± or before impatW:tt rsrnts occurred at the site or adja:ent to it: e.g., tnan-made eralag; like cun:trwtion or enirnamental mredlation, or nshual timili like floods, irauglits, earthgteeke-;, or groundwater 9unuatiorm ton, :.ha[ is cculld he uriwlse to rely or. a gir.:tehnical-er g;.netriag rer et %*rot r Iabih:7 may have been erected Ily the passage of time, ostiause o: lncrors like chanced subsurface conditio" new• or modifieti :odes, e:an:lards, tic ttgalations; or new techniques or tools. #ivur 60CA1,101er ANehas oar tndi.vteiion apply-iiy'da#or, the epvt. eak wim:: shoaid 1,e and. in general. if ew are rip least bit uncertain t:bcat the continued reiiabfllty of this =port, contact Ninur geotechn;eal r..atprer before applving 1t, A mtnur urnuunt of addidunpi testing or eca:-mil - .!anr is required at al±- could present major problems. Most of t4rw. "i-iod(rigs' Relates in Thita ReElva Are, Ptmfeusionsi Opinicws Urcble cornruc•:ioa i falls, geotechnical englneers explore a elate vtniurike • ihr;,ugh rarlcM sarnplirg and tesdag pro:e.?ures Greta: ni.ai Curl ,errs n:,: pnsarve ds'hrp) sNlunrface cora1iors milj• at owe "p is /p:nd,•ss whcri snr)ipdng and texhN ; were performed. i he &a%.k?iv„ j front that a:mplins and te.tbtg u'M re%-1 v ed be mu. gcatec:ad. ! ueYfneer, ;ebo then applied proiessiondi judgment if. torte opirtros a!•aal sul%urface conditions througl:nut the site. Actual iitr dd;-sernurfue ciinditions lady ditTer - mavhe• signifiiant}r - from :ins, at l =zii, I this report. Confront chit rink Its retallAng your geuhc}tu:cal e:tgtnerf to serve on the derigrt Leant QFp>� gg1�t ID, : rrai•'Llifli,ti. the imftrdual.an proslde infxtne MIS .e quickly, when:'er reed d. NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC This Rsptzrt's Rrecn.tvrr andalitins Arbi C ti e s li r m a ti t�tt . f �!e pen des n t il+s ce:ea..--one!rr.?ulcdec In _hils =art - acac'ng rr•,p opt-1 sax a: ularrnete-.¢i - ere xn§.. �aa;on.-6esandant. ;n other words, •r;ev ar. na:its:, btmate to gwtraaical engias.: wh,. avmvpm ti theraked or. Judgment and ul'x.Etm to do :c. Your geo:e:-hnia•1 engineer :pa Enthz&fnarecemmndxrwn4 :jaSsesbssnlagec.'xulvbsrnfacz m+tift'cv; revcale:i L'urng.:cna^u: :or.. IftL-vaih a w:iw-: vow rea{3ti:alb e.nw.cieC C'm-A -A .a: tee:anCEt t ninitu .ed to -zxt =t'Ja!iv do . :Ai be. Elf d apR:, Asf rrm"'Irt sty :the, 4=rgi' odW Ocraro .7r - isms^-Ch!ky4'A+v':nnc•'rvlil U+eedleSi drr avatar: aM:-01ran:,nr r a sfcfl r. o* l:au lc- iur : xitrnr:atsn- dtott::isrt«„rrrerrdc;iavti}sin:!!%nut, dwe?t.Lrs'er V; hsrm tontrsr-wrt bar:ch's: �. rylf¢ 6ieprxt (:aul4 Bat Mi ;it tr tpecfasl Cdtrr dsrtg:r r:rsst;._ar: c+;s!�t>ro•atet;u, �:'yacx rkrd- lmgtnesrna nepr rc:. iss ruulud in madv vo a blar„s. Coetynift teat, risk by h5":ng it ;r fs-;%.-.'ustm wtv'eer verve ra:: ~'l t me climber of ti-e dt.:lcn te-a21, t • canferxtheri:arcasivaew-tvie:—.ben' hdp dt••etop �raiaclr-t: _ • '. crfe••J_!^neat slarritmrf:I.latr ae:t$n t^J!!•rill`_ plank sad and be oa hand q.�:Y v.aaYrtr gaste?tte:d-ca3iarer:.ng _sdnncr is naeitd. Yoe hattid Mica MA&ord this:tal= otcoastr—cors mirintaip^tting titit rmwe. tMu :t-• hr rse:trlogdads- Foru:hn!cri Ntyr,Ker m participate Ln ,-%+id and GY•'ares!ruz;:an et+n!'er`actx Ind ra parfo: et c.on;!ncrhr aiiterrathvi. Ginn Coristtuiitws. a P.ompleta Rr4wirt and Gcridanop snnit otrn!-, aAd a•s+g'r. pti ss;.on_ s :nWaieti,: br:rro B:e+• era shIil un-n-1c!pated•sublurfate-:anktl.Yts liti 111ry r3:.nttray..on byimitinl the ntfus-axta^. %n-W rd:.s I'm : temeatle n. To :,e p pe-".::iI rite xad.-, :an2atinuu ;:rtxvlc.,;. rhL r.e:ticaY.s; cau:ai, lncisde tbt caaplare gs.^4::+^.tsx-sari.^.erring tailor..11ongvi'h uy attamrrer"s rI fppsnOcn, %1:h iq+ tr eon_Yr. ilcz_mevrs' ?sea bi c rtrdn :a rote at,: _:±.m!ra-•l: dim;mat•z %rtiu;ie;i tits ,!minx f i iv,/an.vario,rtt ,rsepurae vrdy. Tc <•,�t;i sndrtmdtrs:st:d_:g, .0 rnv,ds:• tnu+t :o :,o+.f !hat `in6:.rntztrosal Firlsosef' in.'mL :..^atra_f or•, bNt nc right :o fiv sot list ictetn"vorlom,uoi: sr: a:te:o:smendatiom!:: du :•sat. bat thri mriv rN. an the faunal dam r 11M ra the specific tint:• h+•c:alcm.end der veivsd.•:nrefererccd. beM!mr,that :rolilt'a bni knirw 01vmay lest YCvv! epeti9i Prei[t'. indudWit Wtiost se4acx4 from the mpor:, air 3 aim Me daian dray ft,, aci,(vv:tfi•:o+sre<-. T.t:~ef::d CP. na«xc✓%, ti:vt :ne+; may 1 PUNTM their own studies of they xsnt ta, and besum It, allow enough time to permit them to An so. Only then might you be In a position to gi:r eonsiructars 6te information available w you, while requiring them cc at iraat share some of the financial responsibilities stemming fmcn unanticipated conditimt. Conducting prebid and preconstructim umfertinces can ally be valuable in this respect. Read R.espovtc btlity Provie.iorIS 0064x4*t S me cuent repmtactatirrs, design piofeasiooals, and constructors do not raidse that gectechntcal engineering is far less emct titan a'ber mv�r:nee .rip dt•cipimes.'Ihat lack of uniicntandtng ha• ,n:rhircl uv vza ist'.c expeclsuuru :hat have mulled in disappointments, delays, curt overruns, claims, .rd disputes. To confront that risk geotc:hnical tin, jntrs ccmmnnlc i:o_lude explanatory provisions in their report. Same:r•esiabeltrd'imiatiunt; msm; Indicate wbem _eorechnierd cagina<rs rcspvnaiF'rdtfss begin and end: to hdp �t:hers rs.n;.iss itttit' own responsibilities and :1w. Raved :here prawmcrs dxei:. Ask gnvtionx. Ya.r geotechriical engirirer should r::sponel fuiiv end Frsatly. Cscacterinisimenrlat Comex mm Arn: Not Cavtttvd 'i!'e perxartaet, ecoipment, and techniques rased to perform a. tali^t.•-mail shudv - e.g., i. `phwe-ens" or'phae-two' envir:.nmerr,:.'; Arc as:esrert - drlier sigh Fvvaly fmm those used to pcc`orni s grot.:c+edu:i-erg:r,-era.g stucly. Fo:'tbat rewm, s M,zechnicai- eme, nex4ni; rtpr,rl does not :'.mally relate any enviromneatai Findings, ¢:r:dusiors. or reconmrsda:ions: e.g.. abo.0 the Lk-Umd of en:,tutitering i:nderground.mmge ranks or regulated ronlaminantr. r,�r;; ::pwtzr rubrtrrk:cs snviromnritai probiams have led n prq!s:t :ib:ru. rf>•ac air riot ve! oi+talned your owns a•,rn`1ron:nenta: :niorntaticn, ail. ; War stelechnical consultant far :'tit-maeegemrnt guidance. .As a general rule. via not rzb- on an euvimutrental "per: prtparai for a di&mijr ahem, tire, of project. at (hat u more rims: its near ;u rid. ObtAio PttttF11001tal A5001ittartr:e tie Deal with (400414'P infUtzetanrl Bond Maid 4'r.H.e .:,n-geatchincal tall nee r mayha.%- addnssad g.oundxatet, x,mx L•vl!rr:nvn, or:dmdar issues In !his report, none of the engineer's seMces wort designed, conducted, or intended to prevent oncnntrdled migm!on of moislure - including water wpoe - Frain the soil through ba:Adtng clubs and v.-alls ar.d into the betiding interior, where it can cease in -ill growth and matsrel-performance deficiencies. Acconhngly, proper hoplementation of tht goarchnical engineer's rzrcnnraendativns wilt not oj'ite-elfbe su ident topnrartmoisture bofdhation.Confront :r:risk:rfmoishir:nS!hatiun by Includingii"dint-im rape or mold tpecicliels on the deaigr. -eam. CeorfAnieal engimeri art nor building- vmiope or could specialist. GEOPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS: SEA ASSOCIATION ielepnrmet 3011563-Z33 e-!iaa!Y !C!OQgiGJ::rit!a��.^.al.1Jrf� Wt:'W,'�COI7f(IfastiiJrlIIl.gCg t NEW A NNVER -AECEIVED NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, f:nt"+l�';to:a ip• GnagraAfwc ixc-s-,t !. arfzdr..'tad1:. S.yPez!w:, radar-•.`ttpr. urrnplw•. at, inn daeinnrM. .n wLok w �n pArt,>7 siiry mew whpwtixr. ! dr¢tlr :eaadw-1, swat W. 3tine:pe:i:e+l:'vs-peg-.tnYa 6zu as;oXani,v:rFr-rem!cnnpvatLns rears ih'4J-amrra is pmirikd M'y wlti: ifu exp:au wrinrn pemw= e>^:A i. ri[ nnh (r. y,� j,e•a+k .CVAe•i+tr!t •!a m ">-'ft ee,.iea l,e:i -�wtwt nfCS'. �iy ar: i,•:. Cvument «iriw«,Lt�a.. r rompl<rient eo « u xn e�emmi <de rep•.m ar.rr i,!rt a.!::: rlkr e..i•..{r!>tt.3r.;.etY.hsr M::)ILa:ta•aat-aitcSnaertt'_Y.kw:brm:a GB�mnnhee taeid �e rumminina�•sifsen; 5.TECHO-BLOC SEGMENTAL PERMEABLE PAVEMENT SYSTEMS TECHO-BLOC permeable pavements are an alternative to traditional impervious cover. They reduce stormwater runoff to sewerfyatlmrrC p"ompting T7. D water detention and infiltration. They area ne"ive way to control stormwater at source on residential, commercial and Industrial lots. They can Sim of vacant lots being developed in an existing urbanized sector. The segmto Vy cerrteaNA �avernen: s -tarn !s the type that has been -fie most riccesfuI among the various types of perrnaable paving available ^4ry.!t c'an be Lied a:t_'crxri;Rly rn a vowr{!Imzti and :e:est prone tc clogging compared to perviou a concrete w porous asphalt. -_,wCt Yoavea erd e!sbs eec_r%:h#rc-quirments d'ASTM 17956. C$A A23: 2 arse CSt A23.t. I;tamards. N._':'v r-,A OVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Comprusivastrongth Rtcstznsa rn i-sizing and thamni tCKalatttaiptien rl: as i*:tG!! al'D!HaPtaS Modulusofrupturs pssistanca rofreezing and thawing Lott of Teat aftar28 rytles Low of -rasa after Le cycies Lergm anti x`=dtn Height Less of mass alter 28 ryelts Lon *!moss ahat'* cycles 111(loopsi t55 Mpg) ruin. 223 9W ' SxVe Mu.5% L z 31mm) 7- L psi [r- S MPa] 122S elms i'vi 9 I ILano I WW*.0.04 In. trl mum] to•0.08 is maril- i Ueitg uo to and lndudt11124 In. IE10 mml ThithritC.L2In. 13murb 4 Length & Width; 406 in. [LS mml to 4912 [3 mmj Yaa1r•Yb'iair. ti7C mmt ___.._._.__—.�_'.--_—_._ Thicknesst0121n_[7mm; ___.-... _...J Wsma6F _^ �'>a. ;2 mml C?.Snynn oILT.TS in. [+,70 m!rl; and toss 1 =0 i2:^.:a n+n! ymrnt✓Y.gyer!7 7S+n. {450 mmj i no s pntr+ri!h ra obst4des, vrei4wa, ss> .yid nri i b-i; uy gens z4ow!ng the oucagt o! e;phere grecer than 1,2' i13 mm) m diameter The open;ngs of rate z'str si^_ne end thus rrrrphr wfd: 4DA itandoid fv Access;me Design. AMT11W tellable •."aNFt+l. M,ttl9 99r 31n./hr aS227 mnVbr! j -z+ .Oat. i ..nw fhiri H r WKN S:'b: '{L3ntm) — _ 08,189 83TIn./hrt21267mm/lid V.147A RANDOM°_ _ i.3 io i �,' (4 mrn) to+.' (14 mnit --- 49 610 in.,iV U5 So5 rnny'hr; ?UFEr sA as —� I• '(LC mm) s9 726injhrV8440mnVhr) _ bALFT __ 5.345` "17 corn) s9 ' com to e bl:TOmlFkl60 ream' � 9.3%=`i"Mm; _{ f- rig909 in.rhr(230d5 mMhd YILUNAOt 8.0% 1 0i3mm;CaN" Smrn) N I 6961c./!v(72BOmnyltrj 3Lu 60 mm 3.C.% V?T mmj b l 570 fnjhr Y4475 mnfhr) _. . uyc-.rr..z.nr•,.:Y•rareaaM,.::r.M^.ncr.!:.r+er•;-:i^LL"°::d`is?o RECEIVED �=:ar•:rt`ru•..nt-a•SlY'>' P.vaettt Px: v::n3..^vTj!o-r.eutr.TY.'a'.T^!::'M1i NOV 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC R I zonw 230:Govern7e"n -Drive, SufWI10 Iiiiii6m-'- KC 284Q3 NEV p ZONIN ;DearMm.PatnW; JOeme-see-16-endosed-appliddomfor- -aLAMA -permit (would Awwtow— ft.-)41' ��avejnorveyorN­I-.t ddf the A"J-1 -tho " - - - I propeWat, 9-437-Said. 6&Iarw� Wihnington;,-�NC;-�orf.which�f:[tM-- - d'f'- I #I propose I I 'hwd did th-d4dod:tM "Oil -1000� f0l * application, a(mm VOW approval; from the -,ProPedv owners-onl.efther-side°af my -lot 'Pleme-latmerknow--If-you have--addrdwjgj:-WdiddiW6, I can lie rea -N— phdh4 g-3afi-21-243:63, or by im—glai-dharnsg�ggenw4A.-net Sincerely, Don Harris 'm LIJ ()Z ONINNIad --- I Wl UN VH MSN 'briviandwAm z 0 61 60 w ,11LIUVI AAAIA I c inU 7�094z2A =4,271 2: z W -W LU �IWIU FACE 44 Rik. E 6#lcllwrrY MAP PROPM. NOl OVICALE j NV LTICDSUNE v 1M tov.... L6t 31 w 8mv. 0WO 2. r - M.A COMMA- 4"] NEW V 1KANWFORIN W-ME POEM= -TO WAPVOK 9. ipml 9 4. (ALL` 4K HWAWAL mm Owmm WILM !18W VD7 I JKj$W&,tM 4my L WnMW NOTED. lk 7. 'NO WINWOM FOUNDAINW2DOW-0 S"L-i ,DE aIfit OF,& TIRE FOUT., M 9AVEYSS07,40 MY LkEl. 001SMIDmIAMMUDWWAY EDW M.-BYARU 0. ROD) NOTE,"At FIROKWODES ANY APPEAR ID LOUIED gd:A:SPECX Ft ffMrf. Z -!nK , lie MAP BONA PAW 9 TDRAX 2WI THE AD LUK tz MTALSIV a a Zo WbVmw*abbis PoW, wo:mAWMx*tw F-_ DEW1001 sm.- PACE'610` PO"M Wt 20 now MAP 9M.-ei PAGEI INDR, 3W4 CNpDES N WAIDIX ( W1 REARE 29 I -HEATHY CERl1EY TDPILLWRK-HONES �WkiCIdi{LLCTHAT THE MD0RDED PXM`&IRWOGM HOUSE F0ffMt.'AM0 MAY nNE ALDT.VLA*.WAS :PREPAW LINUM wammusm! t A) 1 MILES U. mIxon'In. n5 L-ama Vo. zz' e, GRAPHIC' 9CALE 0 40 u IN 7m) 1 f=h -'40 W TJOB W: AM TREELINE 8Q0'— •. 2 CAR GARAGE 121 VIiTGIS 111.E nV/cv. .. — .� 5.. 1HTS ARE U4 SURVEY FEET UNXW OTHERWISE NOTED. 'WAD 6. AREA ,.By COORDINA7E GEOMETRY 7 :NO GRID MONIVAOM FOUND MINN. 2000' OF 37E LOT 21 IL - THIS SURVEY" PERFORMED AND MAP PREPARED YNTNOUT _ ER 29,967E Sq. Ft Welt OF A 7171.E REPORT., THIS SURVEY SUBLECT TO ANY FACTS AND EAS MEN7S WHICH MAY BE DISaOSED BY A FULL AM ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. N 37*41'29' 9 FLOOD NOTE AS DETERAgAtED 8Y GRAPMC PLOTMA TH1S� 29.9T PROPERTY DOTES NOT APPEAR TO BE'LOCA7E0 IN A SPECIAL O0 FLOOD HAZARD ZONE PER FFJ41A .FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP EAGLES RIDGE AT ER PORTERS NECK PLANTATKWI N 52 2O'00' W . 299.66' #3720l3'1790itat� EFFECTIVE DATE: 8/28/2014 LOT .14R 10. COUNTY PARCEL OMM2-002 020=00a MAP BOOK 37. PACE 89 11. PARCEL. ADDRESS- 8437 BALD EAGLE LANE 575 CAMA AEC WIL16NG1ON. NC 28411 ROBERT 7w 576 FROM THE �fLKHEAD oRti1a 12 TOTAL SITE AREA: 29.967E SQUARE FEET (6,69t AMS). GA7EW00D .R. TRUST F 11 MAP & DEED .REFERENCES PER THE -NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEED BOOK 5287. REGISTRY. MAP BOOK 6. PAGE 1 HEREON) MAP BOP � PORTERS. NECK PLANT DEED BQOK 460Z'PAGE 41 .. PAGE 610 y LOT 2O.W - SEC TKIN (AND .OTHERS SHOWN 5. 'PAGE 14. BI111DI o SETBACKS PER NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING: CHMM nw. 30' E1R DEED ~- 1 BOOK M. P AaG SIDE: 15'- 9 READ 25' I HEREBY CERTIFY TO BILL -CLAAK HOMES OF, WILMINGTON, LLC THAT .. "f ' TIt7S PLOT PLAN EXHIBiLJS. A TRITE AND .ACCURATE REPtRESEN TATION, S:Z?: �. OF THE RECORDED PARCEL E"PROPOSER"HOUSE FOOTPRINT, AND THAN THE PLOT PLAN WAS PREPARED UNDER W-ISUPERSIOy. - . oe o .lr, � PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS DATA BUILD= HEATED: 4= Sq. Ft ..BUM lA1W IM (FRANT POIW TERRACES AND PORW STEPS) . 712 Sq. Ft. 70TAL' Sq. FL LOT COMAGE 1&2 X AREA OF PROPERTY INM AEC:: tAfPERVIOUS AREA PBMM. "WlMN AEG` PROPOSED AB'E wow AREA NFM AEC: C nN 1 inch