HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_19-050_ Brenner (2)LF 5 zz Town of Holden Beach Local Government LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERNT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concem pursuant to Section 113A-11e of the General Statutes, "Coastal Aron Management" 2019-050 Permit Number zr ' Issued to Mark & Crystal Brenner, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 193 Highpolnt Street, In Holden Beach, and NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated received November 12, 2019 This peril, issued on November 25, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the Wrifi t), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subect perditee to a fine, Imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void, This permit authorizes: CONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, GRAVEL DRIVEWAY, STORMWATER RETENTION DITCHES, POOL UNDER THE EXISTING HOUSE, (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated 11-05-2019 and stamped by Engineer Everett Graham, pool pump and HVAC location as shown on survey dated received November 26, 2019 by Town of Holden Beach, (2) n construction must conlor to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, appkable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit (4) A copy of this permit shag he posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910.842.6080 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) Thy permit aclon may be appealed by ae pemrilee of other quarried persons mihin f aamtq (,L0) days of the isararg dale, Thia pennR must ba on are pruled site end wcew& kr the permit Officer Men the proed is insrxded for canoaire. Any mal:Henacce werk or proad mod"dicaaon ml covered under its pemal, regtWe fLdwwditen pemd approval. Aa wark nrsl cease when this DECEMBER 31, 2022 it Is9*9 ads pami [ Is Weed Ghat this Pr*d is corhtent with the local land the Plan and a& appacade rndx amxs. This permit may not be transferred in anaihwr paq mfth" the v/ratan approval of aye OMSIOn of CoaStzl maragwmt Rhona Wooten CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL r 110 Rothschild Street "-1nA r rtA-.. (Signature required if condiffoEge.a��-vg,a 6 to permit) DEC 0 5 U'.9 OCM WILMINGTON, INC Name; Mark & Crystal Brenner Minor Permit # 2019.050 Date; November 2f,2019 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of mean high water. In this case there will be 2,578 square feet within the 75 foot (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10) and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction including the overhangs shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of normal high water, (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent bulkhead, marsh, coastal wetlands or 404 wetlands, or water areas until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (9) Be advised that an as built final survey will be required prior to final inspection. (10) No fill material is being proposed or permitted. (11) The swimming pool may be placed beneath a coastal building only If the top of the pool and accompanying pool deck are flush with the existing grade and only if the lower area (below the lowest floor) remains unenclosed. Under NFIP and Town ordinance, lower area enclosures around pools constitute a recreation use and are not Alfowed. (12) The pool shalt be independent of the building and its foundation. Pool pumps are not permitted underneath the structure. (13) The fol will maintain a 30 foot wide vegetated buffer between all impervious areas and surface waters, (14) The (7) V x 29 parking spaces shall remain accessably for the life of the structure. (15) The underground stormwater retention shall not be located within the 30 foot buffer area and shall be Inspected prior to being covered up. (16) There shall not be any impervious fabric — product placed until the gravel placed in the driveway that will not allow water to Infiltrate through, (17) Only storage or parking is allowed below the design flood elevation. (18) Provide your contractor with a copy of the conditions of this permit. (19) No structure including the HVAC unit shall be located within the 5 foot setback area. _ ll SIGNATURE; �_. DATE: 1 PERMITTEE RECEIVED l9Fr, 0 5 JIy OCM WILMINGTON, NC L.ocanry_- Ocean Hazard Estuarine Sboreline ✓ uRW Shoreline: (For official use 6nly) ` LAND OWNER W15-1 v -I -------- City State ZiP213jJPhone .- i r 46 Email .AUTHORIZED AGENT Name NAL Co to l `. Address I`'�y " City S Ao(3. ,q _State Email 4 t "` vun F,5 04 iJ L Zi➢� hone q")•-ksy-9 6 LOCATION OF pROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site, If not oceanfront, what is the At adjacent evaterbody.) 01 -5 to ` u tJ 0 t t + i ST DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance) e LO Qa QV ,� ITtV la! SIZE OF LOT/pARCEL: \ b b5a_ sVare feel acres CrYrt t cXL 'Y PROPOSED USE: Residential (Single-family Mufti -family ❑ ) Commercial/Industrial'C] COMPLETE EITIIER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Canmcl yorrr Local Permit Officer Jf you are no[ sure tvHre/t atst ro,t�nrproperq): (I) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: sgnacl .air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above gru excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELiNE.t ECs: SIZE Of BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOI3S:1 UPON SURFACES: G1762 square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways; vl concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable ABC. Attach your calculations with the pr6jei STATE STORMWATER NIANAGiEMENT PERMIT Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water YES_ No- If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface al ect located in an area subject to a State 5IRovIRn-? your lot or parcel: NOV 1 2 2019 KEUEIVEb: NOV 18 2M TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH ACM WILMINGTON, NC OT.14ER ,PERMITS MAY RE ROQUiXLED: The activity you are planning may regnire permits ot< minor devetapment permit,including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, t3eptio xanlc k o�(te. treatment system), I3utlding, Elcctrleai, Plumbing, Pleating and Air Conditioning, Xnsulatjoo tl,;i3 Certification, Sand Danc, Sediment Control, Subdlvisiot. Approval, Mobiie Homo Park A ?I . otltets, Check with your Loaal permit WOO for mote itilbrmation, S'rATr,.&jE,N,r or, OWNERSHIP-6 i, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA tninar developntet1l permit, being oliltor the awrieX;opr ip �, -M person authorized to act as nit agaut for -purposes of'anplyiug.for n CAMA►minor develo tent• e t fisted as latidotiyner on this ap llcation has a significant inlet -sot In the real property descr111e¢ ltetr Ott described as: (olleok one) ' T' _.�+�.aLi_. • nn owneux or record lltia, Title is vesteci in Gounty'lttsg�ry oFA s. :' � •'Y''.' PeBa.�-�1;n the „�S�IA� :.:•,;., on owner by virtue of ihlierhattce. Appiicnnt is an hair to the Witte of probate was in County, if other interest, $ttolt as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & APR'% NOTI<FXCAi'10N 01?AIDJACI;NT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthetmbre eerti:ly that the follotving parsons are owuers of properties acjoining this pto ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to devAlopthis property and to (l+Iante) (Address) 9•6-C P—r ACKNOWaLEDGEMBITrst 1, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed dev may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding, I acknowledge that the Lacs] Permit lar hazard problems associated with this lot, This explanation was accompanled'by dlan and •floodproofing techniques. I ffirthertnore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do to -fact grant, permission to Dlvlsion the 1,oca! Permit Officer and their age to enter on the afoPementioned iaitds in connt+upliog. related to this permit application. This -tile �_ day o: person aut'borized to act as hislhor agent for purpose ofiiling a CA.MA permic Landowner or N � 1. R s . ; '� t4�21,.,� 1'1.44 This rrnpllenllon lnelrtrles: general lnjorr»atlort (lhlirforrrt), a slit; dr rrtt+ing (is desct'lbed on ltlt{:�aFlc o : );:lit i D otivrow;shr`p slate+ne►tt, the Ocean Haza+tl AEC Notice tt�lter:e necessary, a check for $100A0 iriir set. any ffpror n+utfw+ as r+tay be provided orally by the applicant. .The details of the a licllion as•iJe g ; . i' Gy. (fti's sQ; f lncarporaled tvithoul r ejer�nce in any Permit Which may he Issued, Dev1a!!on fi am These derails 4vlr�,co»,tllt+i}ej�l,:�o.�c Inca permit, A. wIlbo l da+'elopl»g 1�f an �1 SC �t'ltho+rr pemmtt is subject to vied, criminal and adi+tlnlsh'ative actio}i, RECEIVE® ' NOV 18 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC UhHTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Mail Only IS.Domestic For delivery mfmorma t`lIt9:AL�� � ifn, wstt our w,bit, at www.usps.com°'. _ tl.l Cenifietl Mall Fee uf- V, � s 8's.SG 0461 Date m F t2 Services & Fees (Me 1t tl0 e/eea gyyaysq 09 '1 r1�r� ❑ FeNm FemIM(nmaeaav% S LTV VV C3�flelem flecelPt (elacVonlcl $ it Adjacen— t Property Owner ❑cen ea w,Re mc,aaoelrve s AID 00 Here POB� `A QAEYII Spnature flepu4e0 ry 5 �'. nn � �AEult ftnature Reetrk,ea OeNvery $ M�IQ�ddress O�(, 2 c Postage $0.55 P' R C m 7otalPosteaeand c 08/13/2019 City, State, Zip Code s 11.05 r— sent To S A T�IR1�,$ Q i.) .`-i..G�C.e�-.._.73�!`]- .__.... 1 or p Srr etandapt. No., ar75 "Buii No: " M1--------- ---------------- Dear Adjacent Properly: — — nl C This letter is to inform you that[, MA a K iElZ IJ I`Z?, have applied foraCAMA Im Property Owner Permit on my property at 3 t &a A T6 In Brunswick County Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project, No action Is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at q I () a Sl 1-3 5`f b or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Holden Beach CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Hoiden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, tJ\ A,¢ = a(ze0Ne2\ Property Owner 0.0, doh S.2.�a Mailing Address \,W.c. zk371- City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC g4 �q Date MA2k AAJ CA(-OL GA$QAL, Adjacent Property Owner 'Aot--'�ayLr�p i5 ST Mailing Address, N� 2 �3G0 City, Stale, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: W This letter is to inform you that I, M A & k 'Z RI N aQ CZ have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at J q3 N \fr4kPo t N'f S'i In Brunswick County Property Address County, As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and projecl drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project, No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form, If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 0f10—MI'35"Ib ,or by mall at the address listed below, if you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Holden Beach CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, A -c Property Owner A0, zax Sa8 a. Mailing Address PC a fs371i City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED NOV 18 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Ln to a. LUN Tifilrs CM Ct} R1;, q;� ram. " SOUTHPORT 206 E NASH ST SOUTHPORT, NC 28461-3987 tr rrU -a aMllen mwlFw b3. �0 s 0461 07 367232-0461 re ary eeskJ.akaox a.lka ey y- (800)275-8777 �"° ^ne"°°� 07/25/2019 10:35 AM o $_ Rn -int Postmark xx_x..x=xcxxxxxxx x_xxxc_x=xxxxx_xx _v_x xxx_ O OGall$ea MNflafhkltl DeL\v,y $ dfffil Hare ______________ � (]AaW ®Oaeeaa nofakitl Oefw.y$ Product 0tY Unit Price to $0.70 Price ---------------- p7l25I2019' oa aata can eea a .First -Class Mail® 1 $0•70 Letteromestic) $OJO s RR`< b a(t��t. (LUMBER70N, NC 28360) r . ..1. ...__..._ 93� �_ _ eC7_........ _....r................. .. aar Naight:0 Lb 1. u)a N G 2 36O (ESTfma very Date) (S aY 07/27/2019) " Certi• e� j $3.50 /2USPS Certified Mail N) ! ----- T dal:--$4.20 Cash $4 25 Change ($0.05) ----------------------------------------- Text your tracking nLdber to 28777 (2USPS) to get the latest status, Standard Message and Data rates may apply. You may also visit www.usps.com USPS Tracking or call 1-800-222.1811. Preview your Mail Track your Packages Sign up for FREE www,informeddelivery.com All sales final on stamps and postage. Refunds for guaranteed services only. Thank You for your buslness. HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER TELL US ABOUT YOUR RECENT POSTAL EXPERIENCE Go: https://postalextolence.com/Pos or scifn this,cede with YO r M04KO device: • RECEIVED call 1-800-410-7420 YOUR OPINION COUNT N U V) I DCM WILMINGTON, NC Receipt N. 840-528 t5-1-374475E-2 Clerk: 07 Brenda M. Clof"o MP BrumWe tY. NC Replotor of Dodds "go f of 2 �i Ch _ , IGash !'__Finance_ : Pon'^:�I i;c...r:,:r: •.:.,: �aMlEon ... „__. .moo n.7�"•'rsdwmpol. This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys, without opinion on title. INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, made this the ) 5�h day of February, 2017, by MARK E. BRENNER and wife, CRYSTAL BRENNER, of Post Office Box 2000, Pinehurst, NC 28374; WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS the makers of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION (hereinafter referred to as "Ownersl own certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, known as Lots 1 and 2, Holden Beach Harbor (Tax Parcel #232 PC 030); WHEREAS, said owners wish to combine the above -mentioned properties into one tract of land for the purpose of complying with all applicable provisions of the Town of Holden Beach and Brunswick County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances; and, WHEREAS, this is a limited special purpose instrument for the purposes specified above and is not a conveyance and does not change or modify in any manner the ownership interests in the above -mentioned property; and, WHEREAS, upon execution and recordation of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, the above -mentioned properties are hereby combined and shall hereafter be described as follows: BEING all of Lots 1 and 2, all as shown on a consolidation of maps of Holden Beach Harbor recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 132 of the Brunswick County Registry and prepared by R. B. McHenry, R.L.S.: on March 3, 1962, and in Map Book 7 at Page 24 of the Brunswick County Registry as prepared by Gerrit C. Greer, R.L.S., on January 15, 1963. DECEIVED NOV 18 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Holden Reach ' (1 of 2) I Zoning: R1 { Legal Description L-1 &2 HOLDENS BEACH EAST PL 7/24 & 6/132 Owner Information Owner Name: BRENNER MARK E ETUX BRENNER CRYSTAL Mailing Address: PO BOX 2000 PINEHURST, NC 28374-2000 Deed and Plat References Deed Book:03879 Deed Page: 1304 Plat Book: OOOT Plat Page: 0024 Parcel Photo Zoom to Brunswick County GIS Data Vievver ® Search Address or Parcel II Q HIGHPOINTST w ' 0 z UJ �1c z C; n �GJ I Il'111 VI"' § -78.295 33.915 Degrees M EVERETT G. GRAHAM, P.E. 159 BRUNSWICK AVE EAST HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 (919)622-7776 MARK & CRYSTAL BRENNER 193 HIGH POINT STREET HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. TOTAL LOT AREA 10,052 SQ. FT. LOT AREA IN A.E.C. 9,578 SQ. FT, TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA HOUSE AND DECKS (INC. O/H).........................2,609 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS AREA IN A.E.C. 2,578 SQ. FT. • 2,609 sq ft x 1.5 / 12 = 326 cu ft of stormwater containment required. • Utilize gutters and downspouts draining to an EEE ZEE LAY drain system. • Capacity of EEE ZEE LAY system = 3.75 cu ft / ft. • Length of system required = 326 cu ft / 3.75 cu ft / ft = 86.9 ft. • Round up to 90 ft. 12" Drainage Bundle With `'.. 4" Dla Corrugated Perforated :;Backfill '•:,", ` P.E. Distribution Pipe 2 Encased With Filter Cloth `Drainage Bundle Drainage Bundle Without Pipe Without Pipe 3' RECEIVED?-Zo"9 NOV 1 8 -6S`1 EEE ZEE LAY DETAIL nts DCM WILMINGTON, NC E5 U O O Z S U MEAN HIGH WATER IS FACE OF BULKHEAD :. f 'NE ANGLE DISTANCE _1 N 87'46'04' E 14.24 2 N 17'07 01 E 23.63 .3 S 87'46 04 W 5.63 .4 S 07'24 54 E 7.68 .5 N 88' 11 43 W 14.21 .6 S 82'57 32 W 21.75 .7 S 86'48 22 W 58.74 L1 ERB N 87'46'04" E EB JElp N 87.4504- L WVU -crto 36.47' 5.7GRAVEL2 c I 11 DRIVEWAY 0 HOLDEN BEACH 1 0) HARBOR DO �n Z1 SUBDIVISION 1 rn MAP BOOK 7, PAGE 24 sew _ _ _ _-J_--I 40.14 _ _2s (� I- Lot 3 PORCH _ 11- I'1 14.1 \\ +5.9 1 4.5 1 + 5.8 +5.7 1N1 \/ 1 \ l'I 1n 1 POSPORCH PRO ED I tJ m1 \ HOUSE11 1 N 1 \ HVAC platform on elevation With 21 heated floor II 10= Pool equipment platform on elevatioin With 1st heated floor U1 1m rn I EXISTING HOUSE 1 SLAB El \ 1 6.0' +5.71 5. 16.3 +6.61 4.5 PORCH 1 30' CAA BUFFEg_-_-L �L�� 1 _ E 48_97 J ------ LOTS 1 & 2 Do - 1,i _N_86'48'22" 20' SBL +5.5 10 + 5.6 '_'a 5.3 w COMBINED 5.1 � `v _ _ + +4 (VACANT LOT) 10.709 N N / SQ. FT. \ / N 5.3+ �,f'ir'/'46'04" W ERB - - - - 49.92 4.3 4.1 _ .4.1 MEAN HIGH WATER IS FACE OF BULKHEAD :S: CANAL 329 IS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE 'Al BASE ELEVATION FEET BASED ON F.I.R.M. 3720200500 K. EX DATE 08-28-18. 1 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD 1988. )POSED IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE: 2,413 SO. FT, NOV 7 C 2019 !IZONTAL LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NAD 1983 RECEIVED L RS 2011) USING NCGS VRS WITH A SPECTRA PRECISION OON SURVEY IS ; SUBJECT TO ANY INFORMATION FOUND DEC 0 2 2019 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH1 I THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE SEARCH. ISED 8-27-19 TO SHOW COMBINATION DEED BOOK REFERENCE. C 2019. GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING GARY GURGANUS 0 20 40 LAND SURVEYING SCALE 1"-20' GARY L. GURGANUS, P.L.S 2011 ELK ROAD SUITE 5 ' LEGEND: .LE EIP O E%IRON PIPE (FOUND) Supply, North Carolina 28462 (910) 233-7605 SITE NRB O NEWW RE -BAR (SET) PLOT PLAN FOR ERB O EXISTING RE -BAR (FOUND) AHo1nE CM c CONCRETE MONUMENT CO O MARK & CRYSTAL BRENNER He CLEANOUTOUT HYDRANT FH O FIRWATER MADE FROM LOTS 1 & 2 COMBINED, (193 HIGH PT. ST), HOLDEN BEACH WV a WATER VALVE WM a WATER METER HARBOR SUSDIVISIOfJ MAP BOOK 7, PAGE 24 & DEED BOOK 3879, PAGE 1304), HOLDEN BEACH, TP a TELEPHONE PEDESTAL EB 0 ELECTRIC BOX MH O SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE NORTH CAROLINA AND EXISTING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE L ATl HIGH PANT OCEAN Sr. LOCKWOOD FOLLY TOWNSHIP BRUNSWICK COUNTY NC 07 22 19 FIELD BOOK: 023-055 _ FILE NO. 16155PLOT JOB N0. 16155 N d n N d O vV O M Q 00 �00 ZZIQJ_ OW a O U ZJ� Q OuJ —y, O Z O N m W :2 000 Z = U MARK & CRYSTAL BRENNER 193 HIGH POINT STREET BENCHMARK COTTON SPIKE ELEV: 5.79' NAVD 1988 HIGH POINT STREET 50 RIGHT-OF-WAY +5.8 +5.6 +5.7 +5.7 EDGE OF PAVEMEI rn 0 4.1 / 1NV+5.3 � +5.9 ; p TP "B, „A„❑ �e WV ❑ ❑ERB Z ERB N 87'46'04" E EIP N 87460 _ _ _ _ _ ! - - L1---;---_ ----- D f57+ 49.9�.- r - GRAVEL ! ( } I } 4' I 1 i ; DRIVEWAYI (i } I( I 7 REQUIRED PARKIN } 1 } v } I PER HOLDEN BEACF 1 } } 0 } I } CODE 60F 25 LF EEE ZEE LAY SYSTEM ;•I I I } } ACTUAL LOCATION MAY-___} L-- ---- VARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS -n ;' Lr______J ! _______� } rn _------.f_ �t s_BL_-_ — __ = ,_6 6.9 Lot 3 40 4 @ ORCH I } } I } IN I14 .1 \ +5.9 f I } + 5.7 GROUND +15.8 I POOL (, 45 LF EEE ZEE i 4.5 L_______I • ACTUAL LOCATI o \ } j 0 VARY DUE TO b cn \ PORCH PROPOSED HOUSE I -b N} \ Bi ELEV: 6.0' }�I \ECK I 4. _ Wo :' • rn EXISTING HOU NORMAL HIGH } } o } } SLAB ELEV: 6 WATER IS FACE } +6.6} OF BULKHEAD 1 }+5.7 PORCH 5. I �3. 4.5,CAMA BUFFER , N '4822 E 48_97 20 LF EEE ZEE LAY SYSTEM ACTUAL LOCATION MAY VARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS LINE ANGLE DISTANCE L1 I N 87'46'04" E 14.24 1 L2 N 17'07'01 " E 23.63 20' SBL -- _ - + 5.5 J N a: ID + 5.6 N LOTS 1 & 2 5.1� J N am'- 4 gg (VACANT LOT) N °D �? / �10,052 SQ. FT. \ / ml<R 5.3+ ,81'46'04" W S 87'46'04" W � -- - - 5 49.92' 4.1 I 50.01' 4.3 5.31 w N ERB A � ' NORMAL PARCEL 2—A WATER IS 71 n nn c r-= - NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY I, GARY L GURGAI�I���►7�i0��THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FR(9�1 ��1�s�Ii�l Y MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, DESCRIPTION .W IP !St ; SAGE 24 THAT THE ERROR OF .'S ill B , COMPUTER IS 1/ L000+ , THAT THE0 I S NOT SE'ACE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES, PLOTTED 4iOM INFORM RNCEI� THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARES IN ACCORD REF G.S. 47=30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY Ik�U SI6tTUR�; i�QCL tJaMBER AND SEA4�iIS ���� A.D., 20 ,p REGISTRATION NU .P I41� 1` SEAL OR STAMP N � (n d' c O z O M rn it QQo z=� ow 0 U Z J � ¢ 0 �w aZ ONm mm 000 Z=U m z C) m D Z D r MEAN HIGH WATER IS FACE OF BULKHEAD 0 41 Ln U Ln J 0 0 0 LINE ANGLE DISTANCE L1 N 87'46'04" E 14.24 L2 N 17'07'01 " E 23.63 L3 S 87'46 04 W 5.63 L4 S 07'24 54 E 7.68 TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "GRIF", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,419.347 AND E = 2j211,632.693); THENCE N 86'45'15"E 824.06 FEET TO MONUMENT HB 12 , (N.C. GRID COORDINATES; N = 59,466.005 AND E = 2,212,455.432); THENCE N 50'53'53"E 2,068.98 FEET TO ERB "A"; THENCE N 87'46'04"E 86.39 FEET TO ERB "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, NAD 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. HIGH . POINT SP 50 RIGHT —OF WS Y +5.7 O TP „O, 5.9 WV❑ ❑ERRB____._ HOLDEN E HARBC SUBDIVI: MAP BOOK 7, F MEAN .HIGH I EXISTIN SLAB E +6.61