HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_19-022_ Carter (2)LF 7-5-u Town of Holden Beach Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" 2019-022 Permit Number Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL OUAII: V Issued to Brian Carter., authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 153 Tuna Drive , in Holden Beach, and NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated received May 6, 2019. This permit, issued on November 14, 2019 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: INSTALL A IN GROUND POOL WITH 815 SQUARE FEET OF CONCRETE DECKING, NO LAND DISTURBANCE IS BEING PERMITTED WITHIN THE 30 FOOT BUFFER AREA. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received April 29, 2019 and signed by Everett G. Graham. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-842-6080 for a final inspection at completion of work. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Rhonda Wooten CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach NC 28462 PERMITTEE (Signature required if condi�i gd vt�Qply to permit) DEC 0 2 nig DC" WILMINGTON Nrr, Name: Brian Carter Minor Permit # 2019.022 Date: November 14, 2019 Page 2 The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of mean high water. In case there will be 2,278 square feet within the 75 foot (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), The structure (house) is already existing. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10) and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction including the overhangs shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of normal high water. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land-disturbinq activities, a barrier line of (8) NO GRADING OR LAND DISTURBANCE IS PERMITTED WITHIN THE 30' BUFFER. (9) All disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (10) Be advised that an as built final survey will be required prior to a final inspection with total impervious area provided, pool location, normal high water and 30 foot buffer from normal high water. (12) No fill material is being proposed or permitted. (13) The swimming pool may be placed in the ground and deck shall be flush with the existing grade. Areas used (14) The pool and decking shall be independent of the building and its foundation. Pool pumps are not permitted underneath the structure. (15) Town ordinance requires all new structures to meet both A and V Zone standards for construction. (16) Be advised that the area determined by the engineer to infiltrate the runoff from the concrete Deck area shall remain sand. A pool building permit is required prior to land disturbance RECEIVED SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE DL- , 2uS9 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Locality Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ✓ ORW Shoreline (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name CAit-Trees Address LOB-+ ro %-EaF 3- Permit Number C� 0'"1- D 0�u Public Trust Shoreline Other City �p`(taCCE State N L Zip ZBToS Phone Email AUTHORIZED AGENT \ I Name _ rec-e NN ZSz 4tz- Z2S3 Address kl 1�p \4-9AyCe _ City State 6-�L ZipON4Z Phone 'tt b Zfo S a (a 6 9 Email 'sC'jrF eQooLswVTiESKP,- *--,3Ci LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.) l53 ..ae ZS Qr bZ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) \wl-GRu- C�' V (OeQG' DP s5 St.�U�Y�tt r +CP nr°ot, (Z6-X2usM 'ooL 'Oet4r_ t N --A> F0-+cE SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: PROPOSED USE: Residential 4 square feet acres (Single-family Multi -family Q ) Commercial/Industrial Other ❑ COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer ijyou are not sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: 1AA square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AEPs: SIZE F B�jLDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: uarretaet_nciu espt�ie area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, co Crete or masonry Qatios, etq. t}Iat aie within the$ pp q le AEC. Attach youMOFHOLDEPNI ing.) �i10U5� alQy eX4S�,✓� 1, 41�3 s �FccT E STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located er Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YESNO If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowi��v Uvor p. tAN 17 20Z0 DCM WILMINGTON, NC RDdT-S".MAY,BE-",REQU-,Wl)-=Tbe-,activityyou 'a'r',e Pjkn6itfg;mayr" other than the CAMA. 0re;permits: minor development:pdrini4,:iticluding; but notlimited to Drifildng Water Well, Septic Tack, (orother Sam 'waste treatment 'system ),-B-dil&gi.Electiical,. Plumbin& &ating�andAir C AgdEnergy- Conservaiion,.FIA onditioni4jnsola#on Certification,- SAndbune,.Sedim6ht Control, Subdivision Approval,,, Mobile Hoine Park Approval; -Highway Connection;. and, others. Check withIyourLocal-Permit Officer for -more information., STATEMENT OF OWNERSIftp,�. -1, thevundersiP4, an applicant forra;cAm- minor deivielbipmeapermil, hft either the . owner-of'Or -oPetty Ctr, a person,Authokized to act -as, an agent for Purposes 0 ' f appiymg'forla,CAM-A.mii2orld6vel6pment,,,. tc the person perrm terrify that listed .as -landowner "on this application hasAaAgnificant intqrestijin.ther-eial property described therein. This interestcan be prop described., As:, (pheck one) - an owner�orrocord_ title, Title.is vestedfit sed"D66d 966k 3t , page County, Registry, of Reeds; ------.,,gn,-ovmer°byvirtue: of.inheritance. Applicant isanheir tathe-estate probate was in county. if)other-interest; such as written: con t I ract orkale, ,explain , b6lovror Use, a separate sheet & attwht6:,this Application, NOTMCATION Of ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS... Iffimthennoreceftify.that: the .foHowih personsateDWnerSQt�rbpetties.-.adjoffii this, 91 4 4 Proper affirin that'l haVegiveri ACTUAL NOTICE; o eackofthem, concerning,- zny4ntent to develop this,proPertrand, to apply for.a.CAMApetmit. (Name) (Address) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT& 41heunder.signed, acknowledge that theland-_,owlieris, aware thit..thaptopQsed development is planned` for an.. area which maybe susceptible to erosion. and/or flooding,. Facknowledge- that the. LocatPetmit Officer` , -explained to me - has the,,particu- larhazard problems "sociatp# with thislot. This, qxpig4ation,,was%acconipaniedby recommendations concerning. stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. furthermore cer*'tbAtIAm,, quifiorite& to S"nt, And do iftfacr grant,,permis4ioa toDivision of C6ataj- Njanagement stalk he Local Ferni.it Off iqer and their, Agents to enter on: the,aforementioned lands, in. c6nnectioA, with, evaluating ,elated, to this permit application.. information ,afidbwner or T,hix the CO) day of`-X?Zy,,,--_,!0, V) for purpose of filing -a rhis .1 P-050adow includes.-. general informafion (thisform), a site. drawingIbed on the,back of ihisa as eksor pplication, the, )wnership statement, the Ocean Hi&ardAW Notice where necessary, a checkfdr $10.0,00,made payable 16,theiadalioy and' my information as may be provided ordily, by the applicant. The details of the ap plication plication as described, by these sources are ncorporatedwithoatreference- In any permit,which maybe issued. Deviationfi-om these details will constitute violation of I a inypermit.':Anyperson developing in -an AEC without pprmit..&sub, �to and, administrative action.. - ject criminal, N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL -MANAGEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Doe Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: lhilingAddress: tt 1 4--- I cep► that I have authorized (agent) F- `. V A.a s w to sit on .my behialf,Abrthe purpose ofapt . far JWd' obt aff CANiA Permits p .. _ ' to install, or wnstr aet acts c-� ,s.-� ' t xw►r �Ne.. •a,.. �= cs+�•c. Q!r at (my p 'q bca tat) e►. lx .3C. T.Ms eertfiiieation h.vaW tbru (date) Property owner•Sipature . JJvqW . =MIV WM ® 7"Domestic Mail Only i For delivery information, v?sPf oiir we si(e at WW l �� � •4pvr *_ _ w `:?ii SDI f•i w • 1 Ii==� t-_.rrc• 1+ i' —,tall J f vf.: c;t +.-. i "./- i «f,.i !." I1" � � T 1 t J 9' t' i Billiding.lqs0ectof Wrector 11mothy' D. Evans Inspecto LPO#CZO#CFt4 Me-hda*bben, rwo6ben@fibtovvnhaQ.wm' May 15, 2019, Bria''n Carler-& YVqn0y,Jon . es, 111.4 Long,16a"( Drive Fayetteville NC 28305 RE: 153 Tuna,-D rive — Estuarine Shoreline.,, Permit # 2019-02.2 Be, advisedApplicatio has. been place on hold. A, town (local) zoning , that the Minor. CAMAn permit cannot-. be�. itsued, for the proposed proosed prqject.,,$ased on a.site visit I was ibiind that there are. several 6.16cps on' -the property where, the -bulkhead, is, allowing soll, and sedimentallon to travel under the bulkhead and .pilings that are broken -andis in violation of town ordinance 1,57.025(8) & (C). Once. the -above bulkhead issue had been addressed the: undersigned hereby gives notice to the applidant.that, for good cause, and in order to, properly consideriall. information necessary to making a decision on this permit application, Ahe time. period Within., which a final decitio6ahall be made: has.. been extended, an additional twenty4ve (25), days. If you have any ing H questions-conceml�' this action,. at9l 42-!$080. Sincerely, Rhonda Wootenz, LPO 'Cc Jeff Vanj.0ske 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET • HOLDEN BEACH, NC.28462 910.842.6080 PHONE 9104424M FAX WWvv.hbtDwnha1Lcon r s BRIAN CARTER D L " 153 TUNA DRIVE D w O MAY - 6 2M W 0)Z.= Q o N gt CANAL03E 100.57 H DEN BEACH zZZ� is a o z in ZW Z O Z O N N m i m N m 0 o 30 CA►N BUER „A„ ERB I EA 0 CANAL N0. 3 STORM WATER STORAGE (830 SO. FT.) N f FLOW p PROPOSED P AEC UNE IDI FLOW IN GROUND to ♦� POOL I i ;o EXISTING I I CTV f BULKHEAD IS CONCRETE EB❑ { NORMAL I POOL DECK MH HIGH WATER rn OS j I Z m ILAo N i I --------- ---- � I N to I I o a tn ci GLE I m Ln o I n A I lc � £ IK ---- v- ----- I m MP DOCK No I EXISTINGI z HOUSE ------------------ FLOATING S 87 19'53" W DOCK 7'19'53" W 22.33' NIP RECEIVED NOTES: S. 025971 F *INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY GARY GURGANUS JAN 17 2070 S, % ? ? SCALE: 1" 20' , • -'•�"' P'r�, DCM WILMINGTON, NC I,��'��..,,4;160" ` y -7-7 —2O19 • t�ci`-CtctrCs�S` M40111 - ootaoa�>a�c� of:or€nat ot)op.neie+�riteinsaaats;ir�edtryo - , Pmpaned by: Richard F..Cizr a, Mon., y at J aw(NoM Bxamiaation oz:Clpimon kaquested.or Rendered) STATE 0#NORTifCAROLINA - _ AJSTh�j1V�NT'OF'COI�TNATION COUN N OF BRUNSWICK. . Ibis INSTRUMM OF COMBINATION, as required by -the COUNT•Y;OF'BRUNSWICICas madetbis the day of Ap4, in the Year-2019; Wheereeas BRIAN. L,, CARTER and w6j WENDY P. JONES (aone-buff undivided interest), and:THOMAS ATLAS JONES, III,. mud, wife, BLANCA`G. JONES (a oue_bj f and vnded;#u#erest) arc She mak= of this asttum= and wish to combine 3 tracts of land into one for the purposed expressed herein. is THAT : WHF. M,, the `md w. of the°t NSTRAMEM COIwtIBI IA . .certain properties, parcels,, or tracts of land, all of which.werc duly recorded in the Brunswick:Couoty,11ogistor` of Deeds O1Ace, more particularly described as:. BEING ALL OF LOx( jX 13si; 13S AID 1 6 +f Bator .Arse buyout_ for ComW Development' Corporatloa nt Holden Baruch; Branawiek County, North �CMlina, as per plat thereof by C: B. Berry, RIA., dated. July, 30 ;1965, ie,eorded'.in-Map Book 8 at` Page 13 of the Brunawick.County Registry, towhich plat reference is herft made for greater ceAdnty of description. The awntas wish to -consolidate &M -tbree parcels of land iota a aingle "parcel of" land -for all governmental purposes r+elating.to zouic& taxation, special assmsments,and issuance -of improvement pncmits by'goYeaamental authorities; NOW, THEREFORE, upon execution and recordation.of 1hisMMMUN11NT' OF COMBINATION, the• aforementioned parcels of lend are hereby combined, into a single ° parcel fvr all governmental purposes relating to zoning, taxation,, spacial assessments and issuance of improYenient perinits by governmental authorities and shall hereaft be, considered oneparcel of land and :nf red to as: BEING AI;L OF LOT 136 REV][SEDAS SHOWN ON A MAP ENTITZED COMSINATTON: SURVEY.OF LOT 13t REVISED"; PREPARED BY GARY GURGANUS LAND SUAYEYING, DATEDCH 2t1,; 2019, SAID MAP BEING DULY RECORDED°IN'MAP BOOK Air, PAGE BRUNSWICK COUNTY~REGISTRY � �, tesc� t;t.etsr IN WITNEBS WHEREOF. this tW*ad specid pwpote btumAm for die pure q apecitiaiabavaaadis aotawovayatrs�owipin,ury wtrq;themtkeshnneheiswt3ai aeetlrit hasdatid seal. iheday and hr,dwpuqmaespmuett dwpugma 141�;: �. (Sue: STA78OPNO t7iMAROLINA coliHTitoo Icartifythatttia [ailowin8p��ta), pearmallypppaaed6efdemztb'ssdoy, and"{I have peaoir,i imowkdge"af tba',ideadty of. RLe Prrocip�tts)� Q-love azcn.at3a6ixpcy. cvideace of fUe pemc4mrs ida*,, by "ciu eat mic: or &deal ` with dip. principal's photograph in the foam of'a � ) `(a . Wenaityofttmptiacipa)(�)):acitiarwlat,�ingtgaxthalb�a, aed�le wlttass has awam tn,ffia, . . orabavolnmarldy, the _ . tb�am.� tip• W N-t� (OfflUALSEAL) Nipcalon.i�ph,:s: ��=Z STATE OFNORTH CARO WA. cotwff OF Ioadfydoift poison{a)'pmoa&Wappeare ,befammethis4ey.andO, have petaonal lanrwied� of tde'ideatiiy of the peia�I(e)) Q 6ava..seeasesisfagtay: evrdarcr ;af.the.iaincrRaPa ido iry, hy.cumi,sbdc or its a! ii niificatiotr with,tho pnucijta 1i pbotogi' Ph in ffie form of e ) (a aMb3ewitnrsahitsaioratothiiikOtityofdopciadp ka));eckwwkdgiag_tomedwbe' at ahe:voliramtily otgaed tl fategeiiag dacutaeat far.ihapatpbsa stated tbeoio and hi the, cgmityhWksted: Dater (OFFR IALSU ) NOTARY FUBLiC My Caomiuioa. Btcputea: F3 r .JG��Ca'•: tzr�.: . i EVERT!',1G�R;AAM, P.E.. { 159BRUNSWICK AVE EAST HOLDEN BEACH, (919) S22.7776A _ BRIAN CAIKf..ER .` '153 ;TUNA► DYE .: - .. Hf3LEN BEACH,. NC. s WRA16©, r40 M "MIM MA ou aRE . MOUSE &PORCHES...:..i463 SO. FT. ..,::..:.,:....... • .CONCRETE POOL'.. 4NGRETE FOOL DECK, Slope concrete pad to; direct runoff to'slde &front of .deck. • Sand at this location. can Cnflitrate i3O ga!A day. • Storage Required: $i5 sq. ft. x ii,S in / 12 in/ft -� 102 cu, ft. Or 705 gallons. • Surface area regUired:: 765 gal / 10 gal/sf/day = - &.50 sq.' ft. • Surface area a ailable :for sheet; fiOW -; 830+,sq. ft. Brunsvv` 'k.Co("'.nty G IS a Dt,taVievver 'Search Address or Parcel 11 01 WDO&