HomeMy WebLinkAboutBC_19-21_ Coleman (2)& Tik 1�/IS(i`1 Brunswick County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-116 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management' BC19-21 Permit Number Issued to Wade Coleman authorizing development in the Estuarine Shore Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) at 2076 W. Sea Aire Canal SW in Supply NC 28462 as requested in the permittee's application package, dated 24? Sep-19, and received complete 24? Sep-19. This permit, issued on 07.Oct-19, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Single Family Residence and Concrete Driveway. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 24-Sep-19, (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 253-2034 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVED OCT 16 20"9 This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the protect is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval, All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31. 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. DCM I Connie Marlowe CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL PO Box 249 Bolivia, NC 28422 A/ZaZ/- F PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Vade Coleman .Minor Permit # BC19-21 Date: 07-Oct-19 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious service shall not exceed 30% of the. lot- area within 75 feet of -Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concem),.in this case 2,525 square feet (230/6) is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H-0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction'shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30,foot buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures.. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been property stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water level must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed. areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. SIGNATUR . DATE: ---------- - PERMITTEE ------ ---- - R�AL. R.—,-W''.ORMA -wame: -W.Abt IC-QLE AQ M7 WH POINT AQ1W. -HOLDEMBBACH Stm., N Zip. 2 SO& ', 44 -'Q r - A "U TH AL49 Name: DANWtRARWv Addresiv. tKT' I P $ W, 1 2940 f-hog 919..5 -2- *dd namemdlbr&qct m fa OrPp, got moftot wlit*ftoomo 4filio MCRIPTION OP FROJEC-Mc, (.Lisp 411 proposed coffsftdfion and, land &sturbancu. CON$TRV '.PAWL Y D AMCWWTMAMOEE; 15"MuW*t #MOM XMdOAO* ElCohathemialfindustrid 0 OffierO TML M=M]MOOXAWA Or* SMOM ]w Tft OCE -A&ZAIM, AM ON, 1, tT lta0 i1VIE1 T If CONCERN MkAugloolect CIA heatOd/_air OfidkWW IN* space) ,#ones ,ofthip r, vofV1, ftftt. 1 Hrm'Z, W e*,;b o wtth AEC)CA #pfit�ble -',ttaciLyour.-calcitlationsw,. .;thoproject draw p -A—Ptiesi.to you .pro ier 7*4 ,'(.l 'ihfn,'! '015-sW ,)wi otujo A 'y STATE SIO -"- project a io,00Aftsubj� ton. w 9t4tt8thrm atrr 'Nllkmw-'AWAM Auto Y—E7S, lgo.x If Y- It tUW?ijciiit ipb# obAAzmpeiviaus surfaceiffowed.for- r,,!QtFftU S E-P 2 5 21-019 SERin I -El DCM-WILMNG POM"POw UrUO i ft r1stW ith ye, 0' Opp Y1, yot# "t Zouiing; D'dakinj W2biWv%,S'L- agtefteaftft P'M ed' "' JI! a�iF.hunbfrt%.ff c au, in, [I ton ananst-TV guhdWi#a ,A rav l,=lti�l�r Oi VMY'sApow, E Woo 00w.aft oq�- STAUMNYOF OWMSS ,;;ilia uiide s% ed an a pliaarit ;ioc a 1�1A minor development permit; ie to E�the itte o ofptb er ut7 : AEG or person authors ed act ass Aw this s app, '.a p.er,scitli�.�&-,asitando,w-=,:on jth,o,* in alto VWVMpoa d%c fift&ft i - WI-0,WxWfOf ft,46t.dtfigg, TMIe, IS v.e§Wd tn., ',,.see beed.,gook, vttte: CbaittyRegwof.DWs' f i0bodtoc-e„ APplicatirt ia an. tOthe:estate Of 3h00t1 attach to this api l icaton. QFA,-,.Dj PIKO QW-NE 'property. I 900YAaft follow-MI18 porv)�� A*OMW of XOPWW MTO,Idffirn-.thaft,have-g'j'Lven ACTI AL toeach nt them concerning nq, intent to develop this IMPOIN'014 S5 .99'WATTS . ROAD (2.) Nf A, 'U,ATOb( 1M IM9T SAA.A= CANAL $VFM��W 2M TTHEV tlwmT Ow wim MOLM 34 -ARNE $TRW Mam, A'O_c 285 YWRE, MW MRSINMW MZM AND,'M WAR! A-, AREA& f aclartovr edge that the land llho'Tprqpowd, development is phamed fopan area m � ­ - ­.. , -,-, w� 4ybo .hazard,pralileibs associated, wildiltih-6 'lot.'-T"-'his�exPtanation-.w4s accomPoakd by cecon rn ndsiions VOWOMIN.: S-tabillitaifiloft, md.flwd rEaMSS NI MERM . T ',LAMOt alzamau onz, actgrantp jowt I fil-itho wWWy_"tUfr.- th''I ti'dwgran't and- do f W0 oth loga m p a 'd his :a�geits lq�' Owo the". '0 M-Ofti6f rdl2ited:t6.-th�Peffi&appficaflbn. co II`fi__ft_­--fiJ6A'(. AO fty) We dlbk be&orrih c o -4,10. goner 'site dg;"i 'ri' -e'ba,k.. fthisVplicft tbp q,, ommers"Mpstatemenk1heAEC hazard ndtfce.here nieeessary, a ;b R.r 'Ift. a b $ j%" .as MY TO` Ideld. y by the app6cant� incorporated Withq* refer ence i.njany 'permit.NftIymay ijboi, WoW, Deviattoa from these (10fdOg Wilfc6h6tiffit& a-viblation ThrsIbgt h OW of UPTEM '011119 'AA ILI; Of- r PurP040 j V00persort authorised to act as his agent fo sA_1at,enti.apprcatioa ACAM-10 AU !LORMVM-F*R"MPMWAP— 'T poName ofPro�Owosr Poraft,'. ..W.AlsE :LL.C,-*-,6 A. WON AdOrew • 7 :,kfi PhormNumbert :Email A, f -1,1.,C-ert Alhat I hgva�adthod t I - to act on my behal( fofthe purpose d ap -,an h1h eft:CA-MA.p-, Oyingifdr d obtdi 0 perry 1 US n6cessar ,y:for the AbjjbW.j'n ro osad... to at,myproperty lo(catodat. 2.67ii" JO 4!!—. s"O ropt; a b g-d'd I Awheanore ,Oefh-fy lba t' I am odtholized, - ti - - - al In, act gwignfperm ,mmen orcaastai Afanaga mont staff, fhaLa6Wp -on, the atbramentlanord: Ialrds,ffi; mwat! vitrfh kyolog ja permitip'-p-piz" afian Propedy Owner fArmation-v Pant ,or Tffe z 24 1, i Dtft- Thietertfficetfton is h_ l.; 94,20 S -of North4or �"Q Ar Is Morikiend dty,146 IBM - no is to r m Y , prq"4atZftWV $00AWl-e 000 P Y that' '.has''an qf-ft.r, to p ropy Of proR d,,p yp y rased ra ,v,m jitutfort and mopy Of ft, dp Of" 4ect, OPP if you have any omonjoN on #W pmpasedpro please 4- 4~ ft C04041 ROW w "the, 14me-as.46-obj ion-Amyooh-4 i-bteyi,,n*ttfiedby&t�tifled�AOIL Come Mor' PO gay N- U.S. Postal Service" CE P RECEIPT RTIFIED MAIL r*—. Domestic Mail Only artFor delivery information, visit our website at wwmusps.come. r P banny Sotk 411jr,5'Ll Iu! S, 70 512-5,635' - Q/24,,/W19 dad b o p sY& n dtUie -a rfI tcatfo -.4-0— 0-MI-M-pured''P.11) "S It AWWO__.,� W i_ '.y _C:Huger will ;purchase only.for personal �WaW"-, ,'hW mmediateplans to. subdivide .It should riot bamed;wsell p kopef _'.iih&1whdt-Idedunleis thepropery I" been p 0.0el'" *10"t and retarded with the:cegister: afd eds,.as �fthe date of#hg cantraic f 5elldr is Huyerys 6,tiilder and the sale involves For, valuable;, congid n, they i#* aril legal =fficfenq ­ y, pf'which are; herdbyackoewled buyer 10 pr p and:. Selzer upon aMePtance.ogees to. sell wd,omo Pm.06. 0ctem-mad conditions. aflhi& OfferPu cliasa #0 Oon Any Tlie,, terms ' meaning to each i= listed Ifienras set adjacenf ,term. Ox SP m4*04 gywca WMIWi Su'sAft$haiwand DavJd-$hawivanied -B.nyme, k wftim, 0 Property tjeser ed below fageihery tlr al appurtenancesto- including there imp 'PeAMAJ, "Arpptlk Legal Degeriptio gt, (COM—k 't p too - soot' .. .t4.Sub_ondom'ifi'tmsdaAjre�canaPlaiReferen6w tptoV , shown , on page k FIN/PM-or- Th ZMficatIoi number (m, Owls, 'S. w (d) Vurchase-1-rice9t ...... �. ... .. . . .... . . Lld_olbkm I - PO4 in S Dollars up zwthe &IIomdng tenns:-. $w BY` DUE; M 1� fit ­0 and4ormored to �&Ilefby- thw, Ef,&-,M . . . ..... .. .. E 4ablo, Date; $ZOowoo . BY JNITTAL EARNEST MONEY'DEPOSIT ma& p I AY-41b O.Andid0jivVed to Escrow h, ®personal Aped- ,Oarxiqd Ih,,'Paras.mph,1(1),by'O a'a"'s"''--'*''-,ckd.6k, (] off ctalban' k check I With this offer, �Q OfVA (5), days of the Effecti�re Date of this Contrach - BY i(ADDITIMA4 P,AMST NN01�,Y' b U 0 ' SW made paydblet. and - delivered, 'ta Eser,o.w:,.Agpnt named itiVatagrgpli, -1(0', 0" Apcwire transfer or k, .5, P'th, bit TIME - OFTIfE.MSENCE,. . in a] oblig.ati6tig qSelzeron .. ......... .. ... KW M of o ..-_Jinpaidpt.u. cipalbalairce, -and I existing Joau(4)§eq'a, t'9-d'hYAdof on. the; Properly!n, accordance. with. the, BY SELLER YMMM In; °accordance )ft IWWO�hedl ;Seller, Financing, A'4404dniii,(SUndard Form 2A.5-1)! $j98,OOW,00_. the to 4.4 wow loam Val 'Va. �_ to. d.CfIV tither Ifte DcuDiligenceXei anany Irtittal BarnteANOOO DOQA by their due 4ates;, or, should any, Page, 1, of 1 'This form Jointly approwdib _1 forthi Carolina RarAmoctation STAN DA ar wit N4WC olibaAssociation RKALTOIt9jm_ ylk PS'ALTO I 'Nonct"MoRwa-ION, INSERT ATM04M MOW APPROVn'TOR,TMfMCEIP.r,O.V AN, YV- MARC W, i Ai is°W, OTAPPROVED. WYERNOMICRADDRESSr RM ERNGTICEADDAM, Acting as Q )3- gentO SellWs73(subj4genf ODtfal A,gW Acling as L7 Agent r IA t Firm Lkenseff,:C 44 14. UMOng Address' MailitfgAddress: :,5826 ghWlotto,,M�2$470: MOO ;-A lhdiv-feud Selli mAgO e, CioweU, C3*tlng,,,aa,]5 CI Acting as a. Y3s►tated �,ap pllcable� WOOgA$*t Wir.,enwA130-9ft lSsting,AgentLic -401w, Selling llpAXAMOL,61-44q-�764 A Noting Agent.Fwdi- LisffngAgpnfFa)aV: $0,1114$ Ap �c tna pnt,,F it. AIM= ALLY-71 =,,., BLANK] A e .41 .1 NTANDARDTORM,42rT Q. 7 Aeb Matthawke ZM Wat sea.. Aim Mandl 2-84 S_ lytw rp _M to you That T'have, o' p0114,4, far C-A -. `Af -fi n CajuPty", Won prqerty- av h. 'that has an of f er to pumbw ode, C M., clmlfi e enclosed. a Copy' of f my -yof he draw-1 f .my proposed pr jecft rf you have and comments 4h W proposed: praject,, please, contact the.: 4-S he within;" C000,41 kelpruolom I V11,16 4$tp-d b&W.N.O.- n. �,y safe as rt objection whe tfi­d b, c ifledtmoiL you -Connita*010bounty lplane in9l;, I Pepartme:POD Bay 24 40JI10.4,_ MCC: 284Zz. t9 Z!5 Sincerp.,11. U.S. Postal Service"' RECEIPT CERTIFIED mAfL __D�mesffc Mail Only --A,L.- U Dann S- ar-` 0 1,1h.- y pc Lh; GeKi�tm A MOW4 Smith,., '99 WO Aodd ShdffOtte4 N.'ell 284 -Th[ u fhat I h an fettiew is. to fnf farm qprted for a :LAMA Permit on propwty, at -ZMW S- Aire, -,C and, I'm gruMmCk. 46unty..,,, NC � " pr pip," that 'p. of q ha$ cl.q.,qff f rcfiO;ae!�y.,'Wc* Colemo,'X hoft, losg� A toy plapy atiorf and'a" :capy of the, d No -f op & (Oft - pr-oj"ect, If you f Ithe., co R*divz risted below, NO raw" wffi1 # tan 40)m is ft bMad maft, sam ho 'be ftv ftlotUffed -"y dert orr la MOVIOWO PO Sox 20 SOU* KCt 2"22 (WO) 25 - '• N • Bru�1.54ir�a� ��u�� f�e��x�i �'dCritlt�iTY 75 C'a� rtfaQfrse `Ar it , Bol10a RO 042 lteceiisk fps Pdcl�tith, p ano"O'. (gore t Nu r 460M Poymeht tea to.i 912412 Fay fO f MO[ ha CHECK PoymentrAOOOM =qp Check Number 2497' El , a • Am air kdAw1 1:.: 1 .Ka visaMW-ti iYY emm or N PLORE4 31 QI` m 7HISU7 PAEAA(�L#I, 47;jStl A%AUUO®. WOM$ AND 3 110' SEA AIRS CANAL t 1441i1tWN t$ NeSRIr,?tl twoWATtli SEN. CR STAMP . N Bfl56D2' E 405 . N.SRS6`02' E 4986' tA4 70 .�..M. LMT ----. Lotzc kT3� _EFWa�rrcr , 3 N a ci -VaT Wk AIM QW& �Y i 46' .0100-415-WAY `oOIMWNZ f 1 F LOTS�79 i EVE �//r rACANI LOT) E — .+ .. SEA AIRE CANAL 9 PROPOSED, x9NZ Ae mom �- t LOT 77'LOT 76, ZONE VE' 4: ( I ZONE At: 3D ZONE VE BURER la L4• k7wrg P tL FACE OP . I-V( T^i4 -Stw EXISitNG 6ULICNEAO 15 ;NORMAL KOH WATER AcTL TIC TUMACOASTAL WATER'WAAY NOTES: * FLOOD WZARD ES3ONP-'8AlIONf tJN EmNG DISTANCE: D ONRJA.2M16aa E: .' Lt Naa S5"'4? 1QA0' 1NX D- 9 *EXISTING UTILITIES ARt NOT SNOY �. Sate 3 4 E YOe00 '*HORIZONTAL LQCAiVN,,$ -ARE REFERENcw, To RAO ism 13 - Sa1X5S'St'E 4"' (NMS 2411) US NO NCCS VRs W M4 A SPECTRA. PREMbN 1,4 .s6s as T k W37 SPaD ON 06.-29-19 45 588 a4 Y4 V€ 49 Z7 -�THIV SURVEY' IS SUs,3ECF YO ANY ..- MAT10N FdUNp L6 NGO S 'i1E 5.95 , ITH THE BENEFIT OK A TITLE L7 N00 S3'S9"vi 4Q a9' L1t.. N3Q'T2'at E Y.3.�7' L>;vi AttElk IN .AfE:� 'P,RO.POSED SMUCTURE IN A.Er- t,�628 SO 67 *P QSaAA� DRKW 'IN O. saa , m *TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERWOUS 0 A,EC, 2:5215 SQ: FT. 2'39 D.OM & REA ..,". ' C '2C}ei GARY QGiCANU$ @AHC:SUR11fiYfNC ._ .-.._ GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING sue, e.--w NARY L RURGANUS, PL.S ' �. aoptYc IYLlifitr CdErcllnaa2$462 1 4/ Z 51-7$Y19 Vlpla� WAP Y EC�NC" I> J7P O D75m m PW-&(fmm) M0 O ''MEW AM PIPE: (SET}, �.. ... FOR .BF� o /YE--BAi iCWti6Y or Fs§fl� Idkf" oftTx&mAQilju � WADE ( OLEMAN WADE -WOO T7EatC+Ci' 56T 6 scox L1E43T. " `� �E (ITS 79 4 lf1 D 6'2 (21T28 4/ SEA NRE . SEALi Cf1 laf# � to WAXR WE aP ASPR&T PAVEMENT _- Cb4SP 60Tf1 1,4; .f � kl5WIClC NtlRi1L 41ti017NA ANp NC F+1vsICAt.EVIDE6ICE._. .. }(@LEv' BEArlt HACK LINE -•" ' ' E7WE _ ' 000ow M1LLY TdriNE1JP': BRCNSVACK Cowrt I TTo d$y2fi�"t9 19ud it08116: fST�C' W21 T tn. Pt FADS ROUSE hfAP OT77 )TT 76 04 -490 W 'PAO I W All� bNrat ERA R, ZONE vel". N Am: EXISTING But, MAN.= INTMOAML VMZWY )Tm. _0 mz, IN aQQ-0'HAlM0, MV.-H. I � - - IBASE- ao"" -0,� 0000"'o 372M W-10! -'X RM trATE, 0 Wilt t A T $01OWN 0"PKAL R CED Q, N asa F, 1E �,-RENJC �Tf i, ', 1, ,, _.0 - AD -$ING N 'i'GS- )QS 07Rf A. SF golm A, PRE -cfgjdN III T SURVEY, IS i,9u8[jEot 'FQR.Mk Fe 6- vNo IH THE.: BENEFIT 6F'A:m INAEA,. RN, AX IN AX.C., XK C 26 ROPOSE-D IMPERVIOUS IN A-L. 2�5 %rFt, S ARE: 9 SEMW wy, Gr Wt4 R AVER, AWHAU owl, NE L --U : EXdnN.0 .DOCK &.; PIER RECEIVED SEP 2 5 2019 WILMINGTON'. No gle 'T S RI W SfA ARE tAIL ou �Gw 'y Ic R -, LAND SmvenNG 0ARY1. 0 ZEK, ROAD SUITE;'8 2WZ WAVE C w. MNMCK Z IS146 e,