HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-36_ Fairwind (2)LF �-Z7-22 AfYYW Oak Island 0136.19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT f cl_ PERMIT Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL DUAL I Tv as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Fairwind Ventures, Inc., authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 4911 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 07/16/2019. This permit, issued on July 26, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the renovation of a single family residence with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 7/16/2019 & 7/22/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVED This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. AUG 0 7 �01q C`�^ "kWL(,IINGTON,KC ei�nct.lti Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) ftnwv FAIRUND, M'00( Fier Page !of 2 Ml TIN perm ig, peq __. p [red tq 9 d t, o Lopal fttQft zostrudon to arratfge,9 befow"he - 'I Itt, ys blcrp"4,rnaforshvreXne fs. (7); Any `structure(g) constructed vuittt Y 'fe. Ocean Raiardarea ,stroll , odmo* With the No. 04MI6q!C;' -P 6- ,� In P-loolbo ;the Qa" wd R, ood Plain Oonsfrv*o SWftft of the 'Ni Q. Wkfnq Zodo and ,the Local flood UaMogo tqq*d bthe Mgtionaf `Mood 10tsuran;qPMram.., ' - or a flood: damage ptevorigon,andnone are konsistbnt vAlh :and .at Lthe,­ g A50 ttatidgrdk Ni more Dune dtstutErt will be alio�+ted; Qp f and'if 1� ,lylatho., extent for-dewelopmen tvdune's,.prbtoc4vv valuel _ Mt weakenieddune betas A-4 be, lhiffio$" 1W. b" Ago �gl AIL llncorsoCifiafed' material :tasttitiri� frQrrt assvcia#ed grading and; landscaping small Abe fetame�l .art sr%: by ef#ec#1ve sefflmprtdooand :erosion ortroll M suresDMhediiMshall U neg ated 4d slablIN(Ofgnted and Oq Aprstrv*m, a, th NO per J'�pi e ca�Wd, priz y sh.ql ,jo or dismantled when K boopmes Immfnen#y tbroateriod by shallges 11'shoreline ,Wnflig-U-Nafi-n. 'ThbithtUrd(A shalt be 'refocated or &it 'Whh :two- tears 6f,,thd time � es pace AM , 1! - . ­,­ ... 'b shorolitto moovefy, or beach rend ment, 4_­ Ifilln two :df ifidtib"d th 4 -)fQar4l I o-, structure w owmos, immiriontly-Iftroateriedw sQ, that, the structures Is, no if Vo�ger Im miloonW; threatened 11yonit need niotba totocatodor permit; WOW$ d,gh, I V §ePk. wthqdMow Of temporary prote0kovo Ilowedi under CK T*sw MGNATURSv,- ... __ - lam . ..... ..... Pflm kennitNum0er --ni �OOM ftW -V—' Estuarine Shorg14-6. OM Tf ust Shorelitip— (Fldrow4twe-,6gly) Olk. AMtess City, Y� "Z State Phone T'OC-A- PT.- �(A'Adres$,, str d TION OPPROU *d M V site.. ftnot-ocewiftopt, WW �js fttaft 0-ftfie r6 ' 04Y eot namikan oidjaceawate MCMUOX OF -PRO"CT-R (W 41f pre pascd cdnstLuction.and land diMfiti S)tZE Qua LOT& feet ' ALOPQ'$EP USE: COMMW/fndug'UW[] Other :El ICOWIXTE ErFW (A):()PM Vj9LO 6 1-)"OCEAN HAZARD T4TAI, FLOOR AREA Q!fPROPOSED ;STR-UCTURXv Air condiftoned living gorkbfgelevatedabove-gr level, Moir, spacaqqvAatp-nbsqWfWt(kiduIdes -i9'61 level but excluding non -1p4d..4 attics pace' !WASTAV$ffORMM AlWs: &ZE OF BVRMQ FQOTPkWANDDTHWIWWqOMOjVWT UP.014 SURFACES;;., WO& feet Cincluftft area -OfjW to"OWOpl fine of -all build ikogs, drivow M.Y.-dreddecks, :concrete or fqqsqory patios, etc, that arewithin. the applicable AEC A,-ttich.,your"calculdtioo5 with tw Prdj0ddrawiq&4 T :S ST MANAAE-MENT"rarm, ,,..Isthe-project TGc* A WSt ate WO"Slormwater ated in an ar At Opf W _,gr, ty YF8S", Tf es i. Uppq 90/ini-poNfOsi surface aFlowecl,for o r, tot Ot parcel; square feett, DTHER PERMffS MAY BE, REQUMW no poft pa W ploWft MW Ngoift pedtft td"M tWCANt& m I ft* Munt, sY40fq)iW'S'UjJ on..:PIA Cortliff"o ron S44a, Dnrtei otkt CWf0,kj.. AOPmvaf,,Wb& dome Park.Ap proyat, Higliway connecdonx and othas, *04 WithyW,Local"POPM'k 0 f0f More kformation., STAT19MEN 01 OWN9 TAMA -ent g f"'of J f,tho(jnd!Dr�igtieitanapPl.*I.cent-t6r-,a.:C�',"-' '., minor devtlopm rmftbeinggit - -,P it 4o AEA mo .be - �V, person :authorized to act as arLagentfor purposes of ap -, plying -for'A CAMA W otoptom ortf iWatAwpi liste.d.ias..Iandowner.-on-.:this application has -a signi carat riarerest;,jqthereat,'p -qr 14 ppqro fts described.av, -,(,ch^eek., one) �a ow n e rq. r., regard vested.,in d 0 ok �OF �irwyw (7, xi ofbeids. q a, it ,�Owrxor by vilt-W -a"'D '.APpr It ao.; NO wzthr, astwo tit" prob�wa, i , . Count Ia be' I Loft., —fow-oruse-a.separate4heet, -attachtaffilsapp6cad Of PROPROVOWN91-99... hrita�tmore�cet*-ffiattkfMiWng. persons are, ownem of propertiesadj"Wining thisprope 4.1 affirm, thatfbave Vvelq ACTUAL NOTIC.-E'to.eAch ofifie'm conce miOg,,my lIntent :ta, dev-,elop this;property and toap fyfoCAMU : Cly 01 AClt 1OWY,EE L the wdwigna4 uktiow1w laudowner I'SAwam that',thepropmed davelopmentis ptannedbr an area.w.hich, ,in fI0odiqg,,,,,Iackn-owI6d& thatthe Locaf FiermicMeerhas =pWncd..ia me ifie part JAf hazard 9dobteffiJ .0so-cifited1l" with MIS lot This exptanaflon: was, accompartied,'6Y...reeommeriddftons.,conce ming-sta zar fibeand -floodor ,,-o-ofidg- - f6rftr,mbr,e;cert* that Cam aifthodzedta�,gFant, and ..do :in fact grant, permission -to ,Division: ofCqastaI,Man..agq cat the Local 'Permit Officer and., theiragents, to,erderon the. ,aforementioned lands invonnectioa with -evatuadag, iufqqn4ft,'0tjj related' toifit's permit appIkAtion.... .day o Landowner or person %#Wized ff as his/he, of gQWkp0r0*, f�W purpose - _._ , , ff I _ 4appIca,04j,ate the fto Fit and SI C No, t Wher op WMOOmaw payable t localxiy 4W IW- ife�'�004aft'y-,Pv da ioAf AhM,&kqit Will sritr 'rea*Idtajon, ;?f g9p)v rntts klyvp Avelra tfn It iff)kARCVUho 0,s# t -vc X 010,4ftinbMWN enaK I AEC H AZAR.D NOME I fqh; Haw floed Area W"WiNftkoft& This no*A intended to make you the M ic d 'Opaci4did -.001,1601%,aft d 1- Mp"Opmentin 'IS area,,Wbiph issu*cUm, natural hazards p4 As sk pw rasion require 4katy9g.-mm wAECHazad-,Nq#o, 44,60*011 bjew 0, po"tkAw rut <Od b0i Aanda4s, =,=front 4 M -0 t Gpasta l guarantee the-Safety''Of IW ipffio ISM rrAbi fottlmo: 4'', O , Ific &velopmenL Fermits issued in the Ocean Hard Arei :df be changes ro roft OqOPPOOMr I'M be WO'clod, Or- 610-ift—w6d ol, two 011 y df$e I imminenfly fteatened,'and in any c�se vpon its collapse or. The be#. available-Infbrinatiop. as gqqoted lip ,the -Co"td Aoii3111'�ES 00*wwt�- averag e ocean wosibn rates for the urea where your,property- is ,P hottiraphs Ofto 00 .14101-01 Over- YO" -W Ino M !or The good lWors rn a t abor stO)pw4,vqipOdC0 t0b0000", Pw, - 14 , M-4p , OV44001(W-0 , *id rclocation be OW bjeAkW AMPO '$Aii MOY, ap - thorizedundAr. certain concliqlopp� by, %goin" ts � (Ot ce 0 tOw W4400 ft pmw � 1 ­)9 1 1 - - M 11". -01 1 thlq�l AAAAI:t i6i be oft# 44-In N Pep UPPm to —'fokt J44 Am t tow,"" 'Offic it nust. 6exonbctedto dde=ine,!Mvcvtafi*n ti-;o , ft sot, d— �,Al 3MOW and the ppposed,d"Olopment MAIM 4004*)MO, bmlph #!01 01 Amtberide rwithin fiQ'd Offt the Oct to-atbic A, �Sai COM 1pr a- Np Mai ,I-orcane changes asibe result afaswxMOM# 00oy pwpd Intl teoesartato toeasrtror rtt 6f ft-ft IMP!, -, n, aptartkvatt d progress ogrz IS alaw Ito For, caznaot Lwtv WL W, IM I :State , near At')q;eK vmpeny, lavem 'U lottor isOlOotm, al j w or 4CA%- mw Pig odr-owner Perafft on my, pmped y at, Asroq* by AA Are4A I ho"Ve en-olds"ed a. copywof, W., pe pro qoftwo of wmpp*'� 'P t a 4i to ui m,you gar gda a siga end r to ft-modow 00 o ob 1timypro.wo. o* 'p 4_ my'o �...avaorfy� (wal'a"Mortommel 1sabouppoj ea Z-p aO 0*.46 jfyo Of Itad, mat Afflk Y-M, Its Appricaes Tialephonp: fito wm" "Mmonts oro*dom w(who Iva of ft Island AMR..` Pogpwm pomoubrolt Ittem to., th L00'al, PUM '00 16 '.6f'O.ak 10 , Of f e, bwn OWE. bAkIsland Dr. 28465 ObUsland, �NG Shcerely, "IMP A rf-PM uw aprtgvyr .qjjjo,q;Aoft4 State, Zip tdde{ TV: failmkxNerdurese-gmallicom, ' ^ M -Pherson ac . , . Tara :Stt" MW Permit App6cafcn Al 36-n 49il F.'RWft Dlt, lour' if w oftnaiiu ac ted Ka t 44vo i vare that ad of jr-Ifoasom, nod letwffvo, roviebrrpr cass. Awordlnojy�,,f afft r .you sub ft 0, rt, 0, . foil Wpt.lad( d, W ftail filf6 ft�wbt to 60--d -j" u ;op cost rep avpy, ,Sbmm,, kco-, ox .0 opy: ,'raW qffi� ep 'Wortotoith0a ''a top lftmw6hcl-a& W-mi ffi.,bo"l 0 jft, rs 10. UrVft: wpwcabon "bas In -0 1 "s, UP-0,11 r bm" "' n cf':a bom d 260 P(Me wtAad M'O, tf a haveAfft pecOulty um 0mria C IP'Oi AMA LPG Buifd�rrg, lrp r Town "PlfQ4 "IMIM-0 fox. To 44.4A. 14 R She fir, -Adlre -- t _ cactb�r Name: ,L�tce�se omm. _,; nl?'done 'RIiNr.`fRiksl�ilY.aU�:i�il�X.teliw`wse4zetei'i[iiEirrkrtfi�r'�,'.n..:�t�.t.a•iiii"si;aeeiii�"sr`iiNr.•�l�.s�i�ulew.+rw.ar.•a.sa...•a�.a•w.a.r .e...�+rwve�rM �c eck owor both, u app&abie) T lies a st jo o2e W 'Aw f rep :mo&ft ust 'teQt31$��t SOS a el dN�n t ix e # te. . 14c h ` ca�[za er h � reps$. x ett nstrac t�nr dci�h ax ren rdel wrxot O bn a atfc d list,: •f' t .I h&ft dtest the ha that the repairs, add do rehaht.recons8n4 nd ar attod+ 1' list :si6mitted, R* zevtewu y my bontrActor are dll :©i' Iie proftents flat wll'l, . ddnc w- the Waikg i amiet and, that all tith :�Qri* in gi tints,: or x81f * suhj�et a a aoluded � "this 46$tjh*t o .. i.c c 11 , Qr ifiri under"stand t#,at.•t am sul�j�eet.��, �rcet�aerit �ctt9;ns andJcrr �inet�e� �' uxs� �� -0��� ; ert. re eal ;t rat`;t: tiave::xnail r s airs :not included on, the attached list a , :re s�mard ii ho ne orc that l ham z elud`ed non confbma--- or dlegal st actunest-additi to the existing "4i but hang we er azz ply Igor snc� .0, ns urrdepstaud that .* r perm sed tdo;s tsa. �cl�t dtt aticize t%cnfiruetrea�r,. ,or rna a an e flibe- die a <i tt !an } car n nen tot g tzse at sti tttres a i iatc of fti th t k dr Dean y 'BefQreme this da . :ersron , a e ff"IhC€t��w i'lit dnl . Y"� �' ]� aid �,. •. worse ?ud sys4 that he Macs x, urtderta�nrlswandxes ter ccimI 'th: albtho farexnttd 4 Sworn':to arid: sutisbedef+re this _ cflf� dar �f�. ��►A. ��, WIN �,_�'s� - �t��I� ►��ipf .:.4Mf•� �,�,+ '�t.` W i1 .. LCIt d �'.r.WrMi`iliL6 Pro W I '.2-TIRACT, M MAMDAVTT W-S."Pool ': 0", 1 heW west to -the :fact Or an-v wee Qf io VqTplp�6 PWOIAWI' W—I!,th, A lice, ''d , I f. itemized, xg ptdd 1-flic'.4ttached -d coy and at , mW n- s` 0, fil d/k rem6a fik- whi6h are heroy submitted hIrrev iew.l. (chmk oiV Arboik sa.Vpheat TI .4amage -s t eel truotute,,. ad,all other adififfba Ad ('11 �'existing--truo"t"11%. a ,m Ont 0 'Theiefinprovem idl-,Wlflbo 01.11 t im grW in all lather ,nd addifions, proypm enV,, pr TW" o s,m O cl 4Amdte. A� d 'fineg if Inspictl&i -of iic'Ipioperhr t ed t . to, 0 i�' c 0 I wid"ei'd-On iftvil.l -am - SUN,:, 01,16 an r I . 0, 1 airst' t ; idusid, Owt I hame, me& t 04 ingh(dad, on, f�ciftta&*d., list At wift "'fil ft-, :this "soncture 0" 11, o T is a ru t t Q d nt or �ilOgg sno lEi''eiinihg, -his A-= '-0 X-i0c'mou'uOd "op, k "As lo Ind -.0 vit 4M, no. Oun OJ`a�Alft t-b" is, 10 pwowt .540; 0,nx f Of ,�ctures an the .subject pro arl;3& `fatal Labor and **W% l6veilead'and '-pidill Car ha, C."6untay"Olf, 90fer lbepl-ffiia-1 ftnaturfe '0-,Cq;k#agtQr.- Swow W ona46bgofihed, before N�6 - - soplembee"02 ,, Joseph R. Brochure, PLB - 1759, Certify that thti plat was drawn under my 5uperAsion from an actual survey made under my supcm5ron from inlcm bon shown in deed boob referenced on map and map books reference on map; That any lines not actually surveyed appear as broken Lnes and were plotted from information as noted on the plat: That the ratio of preci5ron as calculated is better than I: 10, that the area is computed by coerdmate met)ed. wpess my onginal .signature, registration number andptal thif the 24rd day of JUNF A. D. 2019. �w BLNLOAalf M VACANT LOT ti PARCL4J 249DFOi O FLOOD 57ATEMENT fTRM: 37OZ02 PANEL: 2065 PREFIX K, ZONED VE 12' EFFEC77VE 0ATE:0B-28-2019 NOIM ALL D157ANCE5 5HOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND 015. THAT 7H15 SURVCY 15 OF AN EX15nNG PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. PROPERIYADDRE55: 4,911 G BEACH DRIVE OAK 15LAND, N.C. PARCEL if 2490FA79 LOT AREA: 7.500 5F. +/- c✓t E B�a``� °R/�F F��El�IED �I+'tllq e. cak 04W e. Lxach ATLANTIC 0CFAN LEGEND: E/P - 5077MG IRON PIPE RAN - RIGHT OF WAY CA - CENTERLINE 5T. 15F - IRON $TAKE FOUND 195 - IRON ROD 5CT 5ETDACK5 FRONT -25' REAR - 20 510e - 6' Atio v£ 12 VACANT LOT PARCELP 243CF000 1996 VeyeutM Line Taken fibn, Ocean - Front Development tine map i Budds&e tine CO' 5, --%Vegetxu Ine Development hne taken Iron, Ocean - Front Ocrolopnient Lne map Int (ru of J RECEIVE AUG 0 7 ?r UC`.! WILMINGT0N.. f,, FROFERTYOWNER5 —W PATRICIA BRAOFORD R WRIGHT ANDERSON ^� LOT G, BLOCK 6, 5ECT. I A %/ d A ,._. Project Is In An Property Owner: AEC', HAZARD NOTICE ✓ Ocean Erodible' /Area ✓ High Hazard Flood Area t'r w i 11 d V e ktim �e S .Tam C. Inlet Hazard Area Property Address: Date Lot Was Platted: 1 2 q I This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alterations are designed to minimize, but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean Hazard Area of Environmental Concern include the condition that structures be relocated or dismantled if they become imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) must be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual long-term average ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is a_ feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as 35' feet landward in a major storm. The flood waters in a major storm are predicted to be about -'2-.^€eet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary sand bags may be authorized under certain conditions. The applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the space below. Without the proper signature, the application will not be complete. Applicant Signature ate SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer must be contacted to determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little change since the time ofpermit issuance, and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LP0 will inform you that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the project must be made within 60 days of this setback determination, or the setback must be,remeasured. Also, the occurrence ofa. major shoreline change as the result of a storm within the 60-day period will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is important that you check with theLPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal can be authorized. It is unlawful to continue work after permit -expiration. For more information, contact: Dotlj"A F.- OAfm Local Permit Officer ' 'Coo! E, Calms --rs6r\d �D2 Address 2Qy(..5- Locality (9(0) 001- '80 49 Phone Number c coiemajn@ Revised t � � � �� j�E,p��M�AI�°•¢RiEC�EI{PT,�� � ��x*�; - k `�For"deliver vi�rt ourwebstteat�www€usps com ,.mfoimation iJ N �n Rdq W 9 Dat pf� o Adjacent Property wner o ilmg Address �' � , City, State, Zip Code a r- Dear Adjacent Property: This letter is to inform you that I, ��-r i Phz1't�'C5,,-have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at 7 1� t`% :� ,CA U K/ C— . , in Oak Island. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any,questions or comments about my proposed project, please L710- Cai 1 024z- contact me at ! " 3. ""y! ( / 0 r ,or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Donna F. Coleman Local Permit Officer for the Town of Oak Island 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 Sincerely, Z1 ifs =-� Lc— , Property Owner Mailing Address AIC 2-J'L1-ib3 City, State, Zip Code Donna Coleman To: fairwindventures@gmail.com Cc: MacPherson, Tara Subject: CAMA Minor Permit Application OI 36-19 4911 E. Beach Dr. Dear Sir: We originally accepted your CAMA Minor applications under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: �L `i1 1. Copy of a recent survey with the FLOV with 60' setback, development line and the ACOE 2000 MHW. o/2, Copy of cost of repair to the residence and appraisal of the residence only. (Either a copy from Brunswick Co. or a copy of an appraisal from a certified appraiser). In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 20 days. Please contact me at (910)201-8047 if you have any questions. Respectfully yours, Donna Coleman, LPO Donna F. Coleman, CFM CAMA-LPO / Building Inspector Town of Oak Island (910)201-8047 (910)278-1811 fax OWNER AFFIDAVIT � 1 Permit No. Tax Map; Lot Block Sec l Property Address: 911 L 5 e-d c h P r- Subdivision Name: Contractor Name: DoL u1 d 1 J a.,Lka,-c e- License Number: ��� Y3 5- v ot, 10 '_o r � 1 Owner Name: 0. i rw i M CA V e h �Z- r- e- S ,f n.Vbone Number: 71 o_ to 1-7 - n 2 W 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ (check one or both, as applicable) I hereby attest to the fact that the repairs/reconstruction and/or remodeling list submitted for review by my contractor are all the damages sustained by this structure and that all other additions and improvements, or repairs proposed on the subject property are included in this estimate. No other contractor has made any repairs, reconstruction, additions, or remodeling not included on the attached list. ❑ I hereby attest to the fact that the repairs, additions, rehabilitations, reconstructions and/or remodeling list submitted for review by my contractor are all of the improvements that will be done to the existing structure and that all other additions, improvements, or repairs on the subject property are included in this estimate. No other contractor has made any repairs, reconstruction, additions, or remodeling not included on the attached list. I understand that I am subject to enforcement actions and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have made repairs not included on the attached list of repairs/modifications to my home or that I have included non -conforming or illegal structures/additions to the existing structure without having presented any plans for such additions. I understand that any permit issued by this jurisdiction pursuant to this affidavit does not authorize the reconstruction, repair, or maintenance of any illegal additions, fences, sheds, or nonconforming uses of structures on the subject property. State of North Carolina, County of Before me this day personally appeared 8tr6bn , 1.0-1 rlc:1 ' D� -'�^'no, being duly Y rr sworn deposes and says that he has read, understands and agrees to comply with all the aforementioned condition . Sign ure of Owner Signature of Co -Owner Sworn to and subscribed before me this dCfl01 day of A.D. 20JLCI_. p�pIN�NNq�� •� 1V rap'••� Notary PubJict!of orth�Carol na�� SS on 4 11 •. �, �, ROSARY i°' My Commission expires: O� "a3 bmber �,, GO September 7, 2002 CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT Permit No. Tax Map,365 Lot Block Sec Property Address: vll/ / ,� Subdivision Name:y'/1 Contractor l ems-, q! 4L ,icense Number: O413E Owner Name: / f��h� ✓�` C �� � �'G ® ' Phone Number: &W G/ 7— ` I hereby attest to the fact that I, or an employee of my company, personally inspected the above mentioned property and produced the attached list of itemized repairs, additions, rehabilitations, reconstructions and/or remodeling list which are hereby submitted for review: (check one or both, as applicable) These damages are all the damages sustained by this structure, and all other additions and improvements or repairs proposed on the subject property are included in this estimate. ❑ These improvements are all of the improvements that will be done to the existing structure, and all other additions, improvements, or repairs on the subject property are included in this estimate. I understand that I am subject to enforcement actions and/or fines if inspection of the property reveals that I have made repairs not included on the attached list of repairs/modifications to this structure or that I have included non -conforming or illegal structures/additions to the existing structure without having presented any plans for such additions. I understand that any permit issued by this jurisdiction pursuant to this affidavit does not authorize the reconstruction, repair, or maintenance of any illegal additions, fences, sheds, or non -conforming uses of structures on the subject property. Total Labor and Materials: $ Overhead and Profit: $ Total Cost: $ State of North Carolina, County of Before me this day personally appeared `� 4 �- (�' who, being duly sworn deposes and says that he has read, understands and agrees to comply with all the aforementioned conditions. Signature of Contractor: Sworn to and subscribed before me this dd day of A.D. 20L. (Seal) a��uaakN,q, ) � • 000�...... �S �''o, Notary Publ tate of North Carolina C�,, NARY �'•� g My Commission expires: yo s'1tir_rt September 7, 2002 7/21/2019 BRUNSWICK M11M Y Appraisal Card AVIDGE THOMAS O ET JACQUELINE H Retum/Appeal Parcel: 249DF009 Notes: 911 E. BEACH DR OK PLAT: UNIQ ID / 128116 38898110 ID NO: 206508899224 BRUNSWICK COUNTY (100), DOSHER HOSP TAX (100), OAK ISLAND (100), OAK ISLAND CARD NO. 1 FIRE (125) of 1 Reval Year: 2019 Tax Year: L-6 B-8 S-1 LB PLAT 1/98 019 1.0000 LT SRC= ppraised by 53 on 09/25/2018 306F OAK ISLAND -MAINLAND -SOUTH TW-03 CI EX AT 08 2L�0925ON CONSTRUCTION DETAIL MARKET VALUE DEPRECIATION CORRELATION OF VALUE Foundation - 2 Eff. BASE Standa 0.24000 Piers>8ft 8.0 US MOD Area UA RATE RCN EYB AYE, CREDENCE TO MARKET ub Floor System - 4 07 01 1,242 140 176.40 1908819951955 % GOOD 76.0 DEPR. BUILDING VALUE - CARD 166 51 PI wd Ptl bd 8.00 TYPE: SINGLE FAMILY BEACH SFR CONSTRUCTION DEPR. 08/XF VALUE - CARD Exterior Walls - 10 MARKET LAND VALUE - CARD 245,000 luminum in I Siding 30.00 STYLE: 1 - 1.0 Story TOTAL MARKET VALUE - CARD 412,450 oofing Structure - 07 me ular Ceiling 13.0 ___.------._.__....__.__....___..--- __.---._...._......_-_---------- .,._._------ _..--- .._.._.....-._...._-_........_-...._..._. _.._....-..._ .._..... Roofing Cover - 03 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE - CARD 412,45 Composition Shingle 4.00 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE - PARCEL 412,45 nterlor Wall Construction - 5 D all/Sheetrock 21.00 TOTAL PRESENT USE VALUE - PARCEL TOTAL VALUE DEFERRED - PARCEL Interior Floor Cover - 08 Vinyl 7.00 TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE - PARCEL $ 412,45 Interior Floor Cover - 14 PRIOR Carpet u.uu It YID Heating Fuel - 04 BUILDING VALUE 122,260 Electric 1.0 BXF VALUE 51 LAND VALUE 225,00 Heating Type - 02 Baseboard 2.00 I RESENT USE VALUE DEFERRED VALUE 0 Air Conditioning Type - 03 Central 4.00 tb 21 TOTAL VALUE 347,77( Bedrooms/Bathrooms/Half- throoms df FiP t /2/0 14.000 Bedrooms PERMIT BAS - 4 FUS - 0 LL - 0 CODE I DATE I NOTE NUMBER AMOUNT Bathrooms' BAS - 2 FUS - 0 LL - 0 Half -Bathrooms ROUT: WTRSHD: BAS - 0 FUS - 0 LL - 0 SALES DATA Office OFF. INDICATE BAS - 0 FUS - 0 LL - 0 0RECORD Ih )t, DATE DEED TYPE /U SALES PRICE OTAL POINT VALUE' 112.00 00 AGE MO R BUILDING ADJUSTMENTS O4213 16080716 014331320 995 7 7 2 12001 01 1 002 GW WD WD X Q U I I V 32000 230000 30000 Market Desl n 10 .2S 1.250 Uall 3 AVERAGE1.000 Ize Size Size 1.0000 Construction 05 1.00 1.0000 Factor TAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 1.250 TAL QUALITY INDEX 140 ` HEATED AREA 1,280 NOTES Click on image to enlarge SUBAREA ODE DESCRIPTION OU LTH WTH N UNIT PRICE ORIG % COND BLDG# AYB EYB ANN DEP RATE OV % COND OB/XF DEPR. VALU GS 72 IER/DOCK RESID 1 1 6 35.0 0 1 199 199 S 1 4 941 TYPE AREA % RPL CS BAS 96 100 16934 FEP 320108C 45158 rOTAL OB/XF VALUE 941 DD 128020 458 FIREPLACE 1 - None 0 SUBAREA 1,40 219,08 TOTALS BUILDING DIMENSIONS FEP=W16W24SSE40N8Area:320;WDD=N16W8S16ESArea:128•BAS=W40S24E40N24Area:960•TotalArea:1408 LAND INFORMATION OTHER ADJUSTMENTS AND LAND TOTAL IGHEST AND USE LOCAL FRON DEPTH LND COND NOTES ROAD UNIT LAND UNT TOTAL ADJUSTED LAND OVERRIDE LAND BEST USE CODE ZONING TAGE DEPTH / SIZE MOD FACT RF AC LC TO OT TYPE PRICE UNITS TYP ADJST UNIT PRICE VALUE VALUE NOTES FR OCEAN 0107 R7 50 150 1.0000 0 1.0000 CAMA PS 245,000.00 1.000 LT 1.000 245,000.00 245000 0 TOTAL MARKET LAND DATA 245,000 TOTAL PRESENT USE DATA https://tax.brunsco.nettitsnettAppraisalCard.aspx?Darcel=249DF009&TaxYear-2019 1/1 1, Joseph R. Brochure, PL.S - l 759, Certify that this plat was drawn under my superws►on from an actual Survey made under my supenosion from information shown in deed books referenced on map and map books reference on map, That any Imes not actually surveyed appear as broken Imes and were plotted from information as noted on the plat: That the ratio of precision as calculated Is Letter than 1:1 O, that the area is computed by coordinate met00a.wFriess my original signature, registration number andAl thil the 24rd day of JUNL A.O. 20 / 9. BUILDABLE VACANT LOT IL PARC110 249DF010 O& FLOOD STATEMENT.• /77RM: 370202 PANEL: 2065 PREFIX 'K' ZONED VE 12' EFFECTIVE DATE.06-26-20/9 NOTES: ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DI5. THAT TH15 SURVEY15 OF AN EV57ING PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. PROPERTYADDRESS: 49l l E BEACH DRIVE OAK ISLAND, N.C. PARCEL ,si' 249DF009 LOT AREA: 7,500 5F. +/- O °&%�P.`-$p �� ,.`r LEGEND: EIP - M57ING IRON PIPE RiW - RIGHT OF WAY CA - CENIMINE ST. I5F - IRON 5TAKE FOUND 195 - IRON ROD 5ET VE 12 5EWCK5 FRONT - 25' REAR - 20' SIDE - 6' IVACANTLOT FARCE& 249DAX6 1996 Vegetabon Line Taken from Ocean - Front Development line map Bwldable Line 60' � � /_ ,5, �o VegebGon line act 1_ �1Deyd0pment Me 2 / Taken from Ocean - Front l Development !me map oM IRS / h / / T �ist U� f �019 RECEIVED AUG 2 2 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC PROPERIYOWNER5 `''���_L PATRICIA BRADFORD 4 WRIGHT AIVDER50AI LOT 6, BLOCK B, SECT. /7dC /41 AAin Ar Down Deck 20 X 10 Down 40.3' room, 1,254 sqft) q 3;, IS 88.33 sq f ; 45 sq ft 22.87 sq # 387.34 sq ft a „ { ii fp t F,h t x � x'ywiro � ]is .'w.� ,t+..� .., a-xr. G. .. „>.;. �.., ✓ >, ':. ..... :+ ,. , . , ".� -.- ,.. L'%$ ww",�w`,y.; E is �.. "i ,ur. ,a MacPherson, Tara From: Donna Coleman <DColeman@ci.oak-island.nc.us> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 3:08 PM To: fairwindventures@gmail.com Cc: MacPherson, Tara Subject: [External] CAMA Minor Permit Application 01 36-19 4911 E. Beach Dr. Dear Sir: We originally accepted your CAMA Minor applications under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: 1. Copy of a recent survey with the FLOV with 60' setback, development line and the ACOE 2000 MHW. 2. Copy of cost of repair to the residence and appraisal of the residence only. (Either a copy from Brunswick Co. or a copy of an appraisal from a certified appraiser). In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 20 days. Please contact me at (910)201-8047 if you have any questions. Respectfully yours, Donna Coleman, LPO Donna F. Coleman, CFM CAMA-LPO / Building Inspector Town of Oak Island (910)201-8047 (910)278-1811fax RECEIVED JUL 17 20"1 DCR4 WILMINGTON, NO