HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-34_ Pookie (2)(0 z-7 Oak Island AmVJ 0134.19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CoastarManagement ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITv as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management' Issued to Pookie Property Holdings, LLC authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 105 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 7/9/2019. This permit, issued on July 17, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all appl'Icable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the pemtittee tD a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a single family residence with an elevated pool and associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing dated received on 7109/19. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVEC This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the peril officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. AUG 0 7 ?o1q �, 4 Wlnel?\!r-CiN, NC�QYtM\.tAL Q 01 xM-_ Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Nainetftbk!6, PKILD N Oe 01M, ("0 " V, 4, madly hw*mto bwt� a-, tq required .;o t d 1 O)l Q2 , w _4 to qpmfm�, ',Cqr _ ow, SWO toorra�go MIW- memroMOM thatwill bt trt* M .days 46m-n "Wine g,gm, alu Win fjMf. eA.ftmI.- NMLo ant The,; Mm rnust s fracit matiin rtt of, Wtof, from tho''AT'st Ilmof, stbtesoWral voq6taft .arid oAmono, fk seaward #afto Do* ­01o8, , 4 obyft, 4CM1 ff M",Qfoomi the DOM. Any tune( �wrotruxw WIMITI the O;Rm."Ozar0 area: shall piilyoh, two NO Bul(dilbo � C700%, Incioding the ing -at"id' the Lfty'af-P-166d IM Mastal Wd !PlW Plain, C 9 df lh� It ;C. Pre"nft Ord'qobOby ft WOOW .FloodJmmmo Ppogm,�. If.arty p ovinvof tbo_t it dog Bode or a", da M-4 a& pr mi, M.- +",rtlinaftd tt 6, 1 n co 0 "'A wntlt 0 Wo. Me Oomw hazard arm.4W 'comply- with this N A offfto$ .constructed j,,d r.w Building fmoo and the � W; svu th Flood Ootnqgo Rovenfon Ordinance ositeq byft NftW Moil Wwrwm P"ram if any provisroffs of aree-ka with ;and Iftif A5,000arWho more fssfncf'�tep VWI �c *d - ACI b tiidinga must be eyed on pilings ri, #t a diaraiioter a at least miles iri diameter if round, r0fa Jo= al. side s�{uanr and the first.; aQr leuel dl thez sills arid; aiste ee ibe'l g eai'flobd level C1t till pilings sha[I have a dp pe trafitsn gi r than eight felt 4elow file , o w Of,elomatio ,rtcf wo" r d, mu orthestructum -t� F1, ve n v,6 no,tweakened or reduc%[; D*'Wftd dune areas, mc ponso I e4 m, t IN "OW0. om. Apsq�Wd grading (qRd.Aqao g; gh 'n 0 ty v sedimmatIon,and erosion cmtrol momros., blstuiW .areas shalt be �e9ptatod andswhiltEwd (pl"d and migh wiihii tijtflla -T-,Qf,C -, VC 00 Sftttvre autho b, , 16, -S 'f ithe imm"'ervor 'Wooh ronou ment takes withpiAm-yearss, ofth&, titneit-astuturo, becomes ;Immi4n­ddyJ,ffimwfociY totto t i .no fo"primmij n-eqq'�, - Abmte d #hers it rleod nod ­bdtojt%pd . pM"we, MWW Owelm.N. Or QFRO ir,01,0% (i ,bp.oqa,,hfttM.Urwovorod ;deep w"ithi-nthe setback area, amea, shall; ric.,ewa toof .600-s�m foot and ralyOde 0 1 the wofmodat -n p,114.10%, shall ho_ SMMtft pools are.dnky allowed fandwad oft line. DXTE PERMITTEE, I GENI MAL LAB QWMR Ngm� Ad AUMORMIRPAQW k7t; -5. -4 SI; T gtatepLQ, zi AMONW­1­1 .32 ci*toat mf6oq Mate nD&.,. Zip-.7*406 Phone: LOCA to sttky!* Ommftoot wft is ftmwof ft OMMUM !WMMM;OLAt all proposed construction- na land disturbance.) ....... . ........ —square fleet, acres, C A TOTAL 9 WGINTHE - IMM An* OWL JC , , ­�' - " " "' -4 '& space, ar0h DMURM( L 57, square fee( (includes c dftioqed $?in sp4w, p__ 11 above gVuftd)ey4,464!difidiiedl-space, ele ,4boV6,9rbftnd 116ve but excluding non -load-beaiing.attic -space), COA91AL SHORELINE AREA QF"YMMMM CIMCM AM �rS= M %MPM700TK= AO 0, 11w 9VRF squarefeet, u4milhe area ofthe roof dtipdine: -of)- 1: buildings, rdftways,; povwod, decks to vasool patios, eta that.areviO&IhOapplie.6,10, Alm. A-094, your rdaieiAatta�s withh the" project, drawing J, g -out", plir ,Ck the ac:.amv. U. fa Y, (I)within 75 feet omomal dwIstuarine SborellnoAEC, , adjacent tobdtstandi>ngResource Waters n woet- rwjo Trust sm AK ,4)w (Contact your Local .Pennit Mcer.,ifyou are not sure wbIchAEC applies to your propeq4 .STATE STO 'MAN PERNUTT., 14 the p, projecto�ari.�subject f�� qtedj�o parc , or A Squ are-feet., If"ye-6,01stabot buiffruponoreAmpervIouss ace allowwvd AT -Your lot As a se> it mxOmp a mii ng,b f dery nd r 'an r nFt�f appt Ev p d � 000" P1ta�ttiwg� �earta� arfd � �ettdi t� asutn s w fMohili Awn Fite, �� are �slarft rna�;�qur,�.,.�: hinds trt'ge�►�s titer nffgt3t i E& fy1 t v7V �ng,l�ntf'#cltrg;�'efe>* t�e11y'�a�ta Tarp pww W, A 1, ft u ndOW ed , au apfpR arit fbta CAMA minoxr developrment permit„ being either the ovmer :of.proper in pan AEC :or - a uthox a t c c ppl i�t�fit � . ' r 1s � - p + eta tkrat p t` v t Ft teci ,as landowner an ;this appinea has a sig rf io ntt to Wft Md p opt dMdW t i t : Di t to W eau :o dei+t :rtc4 as Q�Ie cirree a€d title; Title) is vested in W; see:Deed book SAY :. c c af` a aQ t pplRod � an kteir the esiate of'_ probate was in�nt=, Off* Or no� a� �eanz� iaepl� se �ls ae%�.� �toppiaat I f~jttt tltec>t'e lh fQllQ ;ptots fl to "MS, adjait�rt ptpea: i tkta =ixa�e gvea: ... , .. , z A ", AL NOTICE, to eactA t�tttetrt eoncerrtxn - nryttW to dovolop ��� ���r � apl� a. ��;pier�}h. T ack",104P that the Wd aver is Ovw at the pte*w do ftbvttteat its puto tea man area M&Wh * be sitsc ptil�le t erosion andfot ftcr€tziitrg T acktrowtedg that ho Tctc l peXt it; ic�t hay e plait � t ►o the parW- uJor R F hid pt 1 J a soct i. ttli ttt Ian; Tiias a laoattun was accrtmpant bywconttmendaticuts.eo�tcerttYng stabily Lion and:- loodpmofing, chnigttes, PERNM, SION ENTER.ON . I fthwam gqw titW = sAborized tv grant and & in, fact amnt permission to the local permit o � �fnif leis a eats ti3 enter Qnthe Aremetrticttted.l�nds itr ►nn !a'Ipat �► t oit,attc r i`ela-,0 t� Wet ttta , , Ttcati4rt TT.l s :applicattott :isr hides ,getfera I fo1 x9 < � Gin r, a, sttc drowmg des ti.4 Oho Maack .of ttizs appl cat' , the o `sliRip tdt+ m- tftc , t bam ' notice her necessary; a ehed r t 13t1 �Q M pay .fs the la ity, c1d: �ttty ittfortnatinxt a mad be, p.,z4vtded c i±al%byft, appl caiit� Tho details t tfi pplicati%rt air diK Ibed,by these sources are, incQrpotAted Wlititout,refer-ence,,in any pert ,it.�hich maybe :issued- gent t o ho t�iese details rtil.co itttt a. V l Of 'Por ita .M` pe�`s� i e wdlopt"tt : a" ari A Vd-&. rt permit' sub*t to civil,; criminal and admin str#t o t a id v eec or pecan ou. 1 zed tQ eat as hk went: for,purpme-atfiling 4 QNM pe apii�� t fl 1V !wgito w. AffrAftsiou1l s Ll vk Lk"t"S i ne r 1 11 -41 On oo r 4 t I Ov NO 30 f" 747 11�1- 144, WE Mg or 4.4 -ip I, P-",W0W#!wkfV ol IF -!"m,,,,p pr w W. z, 00 MV.: U 1, 1 it Ik M, t-- . �f 11 e q 47 - ft NA;ft, AN �-, WIN, AO" 4A cayi %*,zlociao f R Qoq* "*dbyCAMA of wpo��and p$pd ftitfi-AV.,op baffamot: M-y- p(,V-Qatdd- J, "116ct". N6,40.bft vOW&wwpwy6u nWqttdttd ram PTO the enclosed no objecriomform. ff you have anyqpestlons pre Pmqwt0WAmy-'proposed ,-"p -p twe confab ,m s. risfedlibe."IM Ify0owskia !Wwftn tommm"t*dbm wh Woo of)Ogk!�sW ZAMA-,M!fto(F%nft!ProgMftW OWsabrot, thom to. Oborm R ��,AM P60it-7 46ai E. bgutwnd Dr. ilak Island, :N, C 29,65 b VICINITY MAP ATLANTIC OCEAN warm 9exE — ATLANTIC OCEAN x 2000 USACE '� a w EAST�D� i NOTE THIS PROPERLY IBLE WITHIN THE LAMA OCEAN TAL COEAREA OF a.ENViRONMFMK CONCERN. EAST ^� S 05'45'0p" W 50.00 1: SEED R STPAW ALL OISTURBED ARE/5 12 5.1't ATERWARD TOE Os'2 2: ONE (1) TREE TO BE 15' IN HEIGHT OR pVQt �' IRA AT MATURITY MUST BE PLANTED DR REMAIN KIERrI 1 DDE OF WIVE— 6.8'tr CONSTRUCTION PER EACH 14M SF. OF LOT .'.RREA- 3: ONE 9' X 18' PARKING AREA MUST BE FlRSI DIVE OF STABLE PROVIDED ON THIS PROPERTY PER HABtfABLEi VEGETATION (FLASV)ARpc,}gFj7 t' ROOM "US ONE COMPLETELY OFT OF THE FtACCED �, A CgLLA STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, TOWN BY A .Y LOT AREA iBBB9�o SF I ' I O .. L ...- a .. �� c) TOTAL 9FPERV1011S AREA 11 (I 19510/7500.0)100-15.91 ( O d 0 O 3 'Aafs A aRFM10N er rfne ( '40" STATIC b e vcrctn�vw LOf�1F 1-423.Of8-S3.1 CF 0.4-132.8 CF 23.0'L/3.8'W-1.0'D �*v;�,t. LINE 2-4255.0/B-53.1 Cp//0.4-132.8 CP/'25.0' S.3'W-1.0'D w lmt]2.5%8-210 CF/04519 GF/i S.O•U}6W-i.00 TOTAL VOLUME TO BE RETAINED-149.4 CF O tyN ( O 14 I�� Z) I60' LANDWARD I SETBACK IO'L X 5.3'W X 1.0 P IT FROM (ftOSV) FILLED WITH #57 STONE ER051ON ( e- CSM WRAPPED WITH Fllp CONTROL 4' # 57 STONE PERVIOUS I x UN x FABRIC (TYPlrAL FABRIC GRAVEL NqA y DRIVE I� J UNDISTURBED SO4 23.01 X 5.e w X 1.o D PIT L- — PERVIOUS GRAVEL WITH /57 STONE FTLLEDRAP DRIVEWAY DETAIL WPwrrH FILTEN 7.2' ED FABRIC (TYPICAL) m IRS ssco 5000. 74't— AE_1i ` 15.01 X 3.6'W X 1.0'D IT N 05'45 00' E 15.01 X 3.6W X 1.0'D PIT ENCAPSULATE r EROSION FILLED WTTH #57 STONE FILLED WITH #57 STONE CONTROL FARRK: WRAPPED WITH FILTER WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC (TYPICAL) FABRIC (TYPICAL) 105 EAST BEACH DRIVE 60' PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY LEGEND OF USED) GiPANLbMNRYF_.E.MA SPDFLOW 37202056WK, DATED lNDlO7A NOTES: 1. M REYENIB ON T MAP ARE M FEET AND DO 2. ALL SET CORNERS ME 5 8' IRON REBAR UNLESS 1 3. THIS PROPEM MAY BE LIBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EA REFERENCES: 1. PLAT OF LONG 8FACH, RECORDED IN MAP CABINET PACE 182. IN THE BRUNSMICK COUNTY, NORTH CA REDS" OF DEEDS. I DEED BOOK 3174. PILE 13 , RECORDED IN THE NORTH CMp.R1A REO4TER OF DEEDS. m 160 TELE. (704) 361-1557 EMAIL vcsbrunsco®ec.rr.com JMAM OWN wwry wmp� M, MY M, =T M p m w a W40 SMW'AMP4WRM:l�,l A" IN HOMO VR vt 'PAO" M= 10R."PO" f i , nw, utw,,;w sn MWOMIlws pis i &I T-UNIP'l 7 I vg tan -mmma-Vk IF OL X 5;Sw-,)( Pi ROW (FIAW -4% tSTOWEL QfM EC-1 M M 1. UlkTE -,13.0"L X 3;6,v, Ul RLIMI M VAW. PEWM;IR MlMR' R', '105, 5k$T a r, %mm 9M- 514TIMCC A:M �OW-llRON RWRmw- mvw A.117-19 ` ` ' � P�RPVI�V-TWORf LA ' 0.4^ ^ �