HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-61_ Kirby (2)New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 19-61 Permit Number Coo srat,44an agrmenr as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management' Issued to David & _Lyn Kirby, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 17 Oyster Catcher Road, Figure Eight Island, Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application, dated September 20, 2019. This permit, issued on September 27, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and speciat conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of a new single family dwelling, driveway, guest parking, new septic system and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on September 20, 2019. (2) Ail construction must conform to the. N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or praiect modification not covered under this peril, require further written permil approval. All work must cease when this pent explres on. Demniber 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Lard Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party w"hout the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. RECEIVED OCT Q.9 2019 79r, Linda E. Fainter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMI-TEE (39neturerequired If conditions above apply to permit) DCM WILMINGTON, NC ff Name: David & Lyn Kirby Minor Permit 919-61 Date: September 27, 2019 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 6,824 sq. ft. of impervious is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (7) 'All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been property stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Nominal High Water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall. be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. r SIGNATURE: DATE:.__ - — PERMITTEE Gf �a 15 NEW COIN" - o wr o�flaa] ore mW_ . x GENERAL INFORMATION _ ie. LAND OWNER S L P 2 0 2019 `=Nmww t71 lr j 3L�FZP3f ,�, 1_�,% ! 1 1Ctliefs1 Addrass: `+Sa-.t� — ;:PLANNING--fJNING , Phone- 86.beeko AUTSO14 $7�D AGENT .o •Name - a-L _ - . ..Salk - . �ddresa• Ciiy. V �d .'G IS�4�4t _State. - - - --- - Zip 2G'I�tiS? PZionea--8`ti3 ;$�3 - q t9-� . LOCATION;OF 1'ROJEGr _{Addroas etn�t tti�e andlaa di �octione to site. Ifnot ocea root; whet is_the name of t}iei -. adjacent waterbcdyWcmHrmN-bF Inn' .� YA (t' p aced=lend dittuaace Am—DFLOT/PARCEI: 2't; equanfeid .;(y?.y PROPOSED_U :-Readdmtiel ✓ (�3woa-fasmiy ✓ Muhl S - 0 ----- --_ ____ _--_Y.� r,= ate TQTAU ENC 4DSED-FL00R AREA OF A BUII.D�P1G m-, 6aUN- ZARD AREA, OF ENVIRON11�1TAi-CONCI1rRN (AEG. �o5s' ,guars ieet (mclades all floors and roof covered decks) �c:auauanona-mcnwae tt►e area of the roolidap T�ine.of ell buildings, driveways, cvveued dam^- ___ _ „ - aoe within ttio app ' -- or rtc. that uW bcable ABC � .)(Attach yaar calculatw�s wttlzahe-prosect=dzswmg.)' �- ;oaf the Pub1rC TNet-Sb�Biine _ABC . Dam offt i j mare:msm+O winch ABC applies th y0t pIOI Y � �o�eti� swxmw�i�rrec tv�nt,A►c��MENT;PERIVIIT: L the project located �n an at�eat eubjeot to:a $tate_Stormara� Maaagemant Permit issued, ify.the.NC Divisia�n of Watsr Qgatitj! YES : NO If Yea,`liet tlbe totel_l ilt upon_area/imPerviaus=e a-alloa+od'-for your of oa Pam• fw RECEIVED ®CM WILMINGTON, NC OCT 0 2 2019 H STATEMENT OF Off; a p�oa r7 act i� aft g • -, - - -cw far r CA1VI� patens oa tie _ mtno�rdovelcpma� dPP�c�stn bps. s e�,gu�icx� iala�w�m the / = _ PLANN146 ZONINGWWI J � an ow :or recA -Whk , a veded m .v s tom' wt ii eoe Deed Haalt . CP 4 �: +�►��- =,�: a Y �• _„An°ovmw byvhe offAPP _kiklW fb dia a�ibe 4f psababe was is county. pI[DTII�' CATxON OF AWAC=T, 'PROPERTY OWNERS: ovvnaae 0 4-ice _Sfp Name of Pro NEW HA party Owner Requedno- Permit VAN to, r COUNTY wt.Z2ONING Ma&V Address: %p 4, -44,r ZaTfr mp AM77— NXM Numbir. I cot* that I have authorized 44 eM4L. MWU., -Vp in New M�111Y- Oar iMens ---------- - ry '",MAW* 7ft o Dow This o'erMostion Is valid through _mil . ; m fi, -September 10, 2019 Mr. &-mit. Shad- IGOW WM-Mountsln_Aro .Rbid 6 roonsbow-WC ED O"r -we, Davli arts at 1TOysW_"C&tdw_Rbdd,`.6 New Wnover COPY Qf._OurpwmlL8ppftWon-vnd-ordjdbt drip froin you, gryo lhe- _wmaysigmand-raturn, ancl, TIP* Dpvld:and Lywkibv IK-W'-tOr-a..CAM�'Mincr-�P-OMW.--c-n—otw-pr'pedo----'- 0,by lly, CKWA rog'066noi,we have wi 6i ifour prates NEW, -R HANOVE CotjN P k A NIN I N, NGI SinceW David and Lyn lQrby 504 Hertford St Raleigh, NC 27602 3 LocalfPermit6fflMrfor New HnnaverCqkpjty VYiltnirigtcn. AC 2840 NEW HANOVER COUNTY . PLANNING &ZONING 9 Sepeml�er'=0,=2tarf 8 Mr A!#on Bay®r� W _ 1250 Souk IlVashingf_.t; #$ Alexandria, VA 2231, Degr a=t Pmpe ty owner, 'this letter I8tv trrfarm yauwthat,we. David and,Lyn 10fby.' have applied kr a GWA Mlrior PeniNk an our prvRertf► rmt �7 bar C�t�or Read, ImNew Hanover C.+auntyr. �'� req"tyy-CJrIMA r�pulatTans, vwe kave,ent�oesd.e +�+Y ofour permit aPpRr,�an andpno]ectdr�wlnpa_� no>9flcatfon of oucpn�poaeci pact.=No actloh°ls=requlr`98 troim you, or you may etgn ertd rotum fNesnolosed rea,abjacdon form:, lfyou�l�v�e'any.queelions=or oor�rrrlterrls atiout our? pr�apos�ed praJeCt.,Plea�e ovrlfact us at,9r119�9�-0@06,or 1�+ mall•pt �e aaidr+eea�ife�-hefour [f you wlsft bo flfe=van-c4riimeat6t or objections wlth:ihe New t�lenov_er Ca_uni3r CAMp,Mi� permitProgram;rycaimaywau6rni#ltem_to Christine Bouffard Local PenNt Ofter for New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, BL*B 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 sincerely David and i yn Kitty SM Hsiit o[d'-S#; l�llO NC 276M 0 "N 1!_NANOVERCOUNTY PLMNING &ZON[NG le Abe! 1D.2AZ1, (E♦Ii: and:iirfFa EUielvitl' W. RolRho Jr. 18&Oy'CiitGhB�RO�tl WlEmin,, E1[C�28411 =t)erAeaint Pdpperty'Owners; rThts te3ier'te irr/ntrt you tFtat ►vs. "iavkJ and Ry at A*Mysler CaWier:Road� to Neer Hanover ci cppy ofi ourpermit application and p mjm.drawir fr'ottt�you;_tx:You mey aign_and nettim�'ewe�rrc�os We;heve enClosed_a NO so loa W.requ tom! Q}rilrta-Bouf lhrd Local F>ertnk ailc�r for. Nenir_tfanotrer Coutlgr 0 G +rerr�mer�t Cep DrEve Suifie 11t1, A 28 .20191 Sincerely, . �E��Ut� MaN01�!`l�W�lJN'i'Y'" PLANtA4P g iO ING David-sindlyn.Kkby 564 Herlf St, _. faldgh; NC 27009 September 10, 2019 'W' go Witt. no . ..... . ... aw 504 141rdbrdSL NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING 44d _ r , 's 0* HanaY+�r au Envo iritil i sift ! SeM'WcE a30 C v tm, W,Center , 8u a 140, u1lNmilAr�h� NC s }788�87 �`F� (9i0) 791I=i8 i NHCrcom . Ph1�Ip E •PGAi�19-0Q28--F----- � � � � - Prlcerr�_� P Poe11. an�rr`B -008-023.000 `' : , 3 leeued Dab: August h. 2019 Ea Indtarr-DAW. ;August 10, 2023 Proloet Addrpt- 1TOYSTER CrATCHFR Owner Name: T[,tavrd µrQy SfpatoittriRbof• Addros: Addrssat Ed Phone: Ptlaref r_ Nrmfbi! d Via:. Propmed Nwnbsr or %dm ms: 5 SNumber:ot Empkrp s: NA -_ - ofWatifar No ! N $► _CA"Tj�ps: wj Rimp'°Ruqu�r sd: Ye l In�a��Requ�mec�S/Gcnditiort: 'Pwnp Tank Camay: 1,000 ga! YYss1r_MY�br3ystiiri=l'hPr: 11le -= LF'8etl toh!`,NumMr of Elms: 6 rs�a! Wists_Wabr Perosy 800 Trrrtch $p�irre: 3_f! - lynch Csn�h: S#?O R tnrreh Dii�rlh 1 ' -� , 7G Reduatlorr /Ufawatf: 1 fl?r� Absorptlorr Ms o Trwrict=rrt:s tnstcired arxca�nur.'ranchaxattomuliar:ba.t01.a+t='ll4" inµalldirtt+bne coy P—oft, tons: Ift— W LPP B.d. Dann.9ard_ I be —aid ► iln n a-7o to ebaie i re�lrrn! p�'�uanoe afi CP_a!a6ar Pbrmlk` A�alnbenautas~cotrbsd Repair Specifications Rip l Wasie yra6ir Byshlrn�ru !Va -LPP Bad R+ePetr Anna lRpidircNlbns: 16iaBQ' Od This �ruction_ltharizatton"fa:sub " ta:revacirllun-IE t3tie aria, Plan, _ t br irisied use ohm ., 9• 'Wei- aneiruatlnn Autht tzaii i subjed WcOmPfhMMWMAhe`ptY:vWton OfAWLA4sf d-Raltie 6j Sewa Tta nge ar d Dl po i t capndi#to of r�r p�trrrtlt., APIRh Ahad 8jr . N s:Mcltrer oo�+o ib suesl'ivratty uoc& omINANc2s, AN[! 4 7 Herbr� Nrots6ects September 10, 2019 17 t *—W- C r Road IN - 11 HE QZ- >`_' NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING $ ZONING 3 SITE DRAWING/APPLICAnON CHECKLIST PHYSICAL" �✓' .'.Ab�j3acai�e�edc yt� , lahelauy_andslmuctmaransi dctvaavaya°am�t1Y �at�S SPY f PHYSICAL c7fARAcrERIST°res : _i�t8w s� label m�a i�i� manic 77w"1 • i , in an esd aUne sb6ie ie sue• C-, and label Imad�cd Itrnit of AEC �►�� _YDk�ibe ia�siti (�lopa) �� DE`V�LQFIVffi T k ANS to NOTE TO APPIICAN $ave � � co-mpleiod ellbianics aad / ar iadic�md if nat aplicablc?F .. p�i'Dpats► o�erB? nottfitod_aedai�Godad�aoe'ot: Pont, in duded'y.site drt*ii V s g 1 " lic�a and ' - L ✓' ! statement pf qP %e eh�p7 w e�loscd the �100 va cximple�rl att ABC A�rdNace.-if nary? 41-- 11-1 11 -- -- �- - I" I I SEA ,20ofq- NEUV HAA(�t�No�.v�ye$tl ct�?+t��111t� aa€€ / �I- 1NNIIN �7 l4�7�Vf +pi moo=- ar'relocs�ed + -je, -ham ate.af Actcon: � l�xa�optecl - _- �7enied �; APP� Deadline {?A:days) aMi LWA'kiur rr Hanr . nuwom'�iiwa�Es"i�nrc tag rats in — [, �' p4ongn'►+mq tA>Fb�sVrhlt nxFtC► rwr Mlfs ru'r'v�Not �' �7E0 i4MNT :_ { 'rJYYktt MIa+C �me to #T-� RAW 7 y d E`suliVElr itladtnld►r } j �' w g �' y! �" .3 t 4riNa#IF7Irdt tioilE� 1 itrA1lTRaitBH_NMItII:_<� ,. � �� HARE1 wnoQ 1/Zi��YTY. =NAF fib - q f y t "y •�;� � �, � f 0 fr u k i� '�'. .i '� •��1 J`Rt l _ Afti ol ZoN fit 40 V (�, Asa All " 7 .(' i'R.TTU SQ s! ze FZ add l !,j­RE fi I fm d SEP20; i Ni N suaisrwc` sEt slcocs°°. l HA CVER COUNTY .n'i�nr�ula FttoHr• PLANNINr,2 DNING sail' MiMIMUEA BEAR DEN REG IV DCM WILMINGT N, NC { OCT �4t MOTE btlD.CCT'BlIOPxR1Y RE1,E@ii�D-AP�a Ba01t't#C PA4,t 'InQ;A1CF lµP ODt�Wtp'1E !MF 7. ��Ati�i tAP !'i2Gh1t6bfA.�'116�a swill, 1'AR.CFk`�TY ANtl 4CES;NOT aaNTafix� ure slam air rsiue � evr�. ar�A� 7sWww�o eY rtxTeS LOT 9b 9LOCK��@� �—,�C�TOIi� 1� FfCFlR� 6 itV�i`T��7f.P-�]VBir aA�'�7�R .!rOU�yTY — l}'�a C,�Jir�T�Vd a LAA9"DxY6.OwlQFT OG1�N.UEIiS%PtLC ra � >�,� . 44it E Ev�atii ougt RowU J u+lx TrCI„L VR SEPTA TANK SYSIHIA Ya1TFKIUY PR M RPPROvAL OF THE ASV 4t47 AR COUNTY rur_ ! `1'%1 1 ADDRESS j1 OySic.- SIGNATURE ' I It NEW DI