HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-60_ Goldenberg (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government HEM Coastal Management ENVINONNRNTAL 00.41i1 19-60 Permit Number '11T MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the North Carolina Deparhnent of Environmental Quality State of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Alan & Vicki Goldenberg, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 528 Beach Rd. N., in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated August 21, 2019. This permit, issued on September 25, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This perm t authorizes: Construcfion of 26' square elevator (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on July 11, 2017. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. 1 (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit acton may be appealed by the permittee or other qu lfed persons w3hin twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the pem It officer when the project !s inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under fhis permit, require further written permit approval. All wor!< must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31. 2022 In issuing this permit it Is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another patty without the written approval of the Division of Coaslal Management. Christine R. Bou CAMA LOCAL PERMI OFFICIAL Rr=09b\(Wmment Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 SEP 2 2015 DCM WILM1NGTok Nc PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Ataw& Vicki --Goldenberg M1VdrPeridtf '[MI Date: September ��, 203g Page 2 :(4) The structure must set E>ack a min imum of6f }`feat from the first line_of sta[ l natural vegetation; as d6tarmined the DCM,_thel-PO, or_othecassigned--agentofiihe=DCM Y- (6) The parmittee is required to contact & Local GFermit Officer at 9-1"98=7t 8, shoi['r beforo a pl n5 to begin oonstritlon ib (arrange a semacr< rneasuremer that Will be ;effectliia for surly (60) flays bar`ring-a major shoreline Ychange. Constriction must,begin wrthhth sixty (6p} day5 of-fhe determrnatiQn or the rneasuremer>t_is void -and mush =be redone. � _ _ _ (t). All buildings constructed withirrthe -ocean -hazard area. shall oompiy with; NC �Bulldh g] Code, includi[OW4he ;Coastal ,and Flood Plain Constraction Standards of the M. C Budding; Chide; and `the Local Flood 6' age fre ntion Ordinance as required by the National Ffspti (nsurance=Rrogram. lfany provisibns of the building ood'e ar a flood damage prevention ordinance, are mconslstent AM any cif the foibw rig AEA standards, the morel iestncti�ve provision "sfiarl control. (8j _All buildings must~be_elevated on_p[Iings Hrith a diameter of least 8 inches in;diarrieter if round, or 8 irides to a. side ifsquare, and_the=first floar_level:of_the-sills and joists must meetAlfie '[M dgr flood=level=elevatron. (9) Ali pilings sha8 have a tip penetration groeatef ttian eight W-156law the fowesfVground eCevatiort untler the structure. (1tl) Dune disturbances will°be allow ed onlyfo the event necessa - flbr de_v_elopment and if the i rne's protective value is na weakened£or red ',an,? Disturbed:une areas willWbe rmmetliate(y .stabilized: {11 )All unconsolidated material r+esut�ng from°associated grading andLLlandscaping shall be retained rin site by effective sedimentation= and erosion icontrol measure& Distuttedi areas shall be vegetatative[y sfabil[zetl �(planted and mulched) within t4days,of Wrf truction°compretion. " y sbucre authorised by tfiis penriit shot! tie relocated or di�sinantietl when it becomes imminently threatened by chanoes in shorie6ne co i auration. The sftiidu r,4fkVshall-he minrMPA 1-nr rricmantlad within-fiwn vanrc of +ha -#ma shoreline recovery :orzbeach renoustimentakes `place within two years of the `lime the structure Becomes imminently threatened; 'so that=the structure Is no longer Imminently threw engd then fit net not be relocated or dismantled at that time. ThisTcondihdn shall not affect the permit hoidens right to seek autha anon of temporary pmiectiire measures �Ilowed aunder CRC rui. SIGNATURE: PERMITTEE DATE: w GENERAL- INFORMATION] LAND OWNER Name: Alan. D. and Vicki L. Goldenberg A-ddress:35_0Collier l3h/d'S #1206 -- - Marco Island FL 34145, 678- Cqstate: — Phone: .429-7590 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Tracy: Lane, Andress 704,Captain m RIV-d aag City: Hafno§tdad LOCATION OF PROJECT: (A adjacent waterbo 4, 528 El.liih Aiaid NC 28443i 12-6245 state:zip;Phone: ieet, name and/or drecfion-st to R--site. not oceanfront; what is--the-name-,of-thei -8--iimington NC (Ocean front) DESCREP-TION,0F PROJECT: (& List all -proposed d0fiuetidn- and land disturbance.)Elqvator;�kd ande.) addition SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL' : 9J0001, square feet 2,32 acres; kA6fdS_iD_ USE: Residential X (Sin Ie4 gami1y,_Multi;fhmi1y_L_) Comnerical/lndustrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF, --A BUILDING IN THEOCEAN %qW AMA-, qF_, ENVIR-ONM[ENTALCQN,CERN(AKCj: qjj h- 40 f -and roof-covered:deeks) -q!wr 00 (Indudo oors- SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL -SHORELINE -AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN,',(AEC)-. &.839 square fed (CAld,ti1Jtibh§,'ihClud6s the area of the roof/drip liofall Buildind dii—" d 9�, ly� y§ qqyere... _qjqqmtq, or twsoM=patios, etc. that ace within y9!Ecalculations;witht'hepmjpqtdrkmipg.) Choose the AM' areathat applies to your property:i . (f)-within 75 feet of Normal High. -Water for the Eguarina-Shorelina. AEC yqW, Local;icer if you are not' -sure -which AEC applieslo your property.) Permit O-ff.--. y 5jaffnWate STATE.-.ST,ORern�iiss TERMANAGEMIENTPERIMT�.I§tlidoidj&t��16eifdd-iii-i�iizi ksiubjectwkiEt* M j Kdj �p- me Fr if _Pued b' ', I NC Di' Ni6n 6f-Wiaji Q!* YES e Pv ttfy? Y, 146 x ifykSAW11ktota41, bmkuponarealfinpervious_surfhc allowed for your lot� 1 C-1 or parceL square feet. RECEIVED ;J SEP 10 ZO'!� DCM WILMINGT09,) I STATEOWPT ainYaw aer or a card title, Title is .vested itr�► l ores county;.. . ....... .. .. ........ .. -See'Deed:book 0140 in the low—HawTC94*-c-, virtue of 1 AMP y 0roliate was Win, C wy� TVI if other-interest;-guckarwntio --cmtmet o, -reti, �.ex to -this —�apppl -Ij p 11,D.n., NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS:i I fu t th 6f m- -6ffi certify tl Fafthe f01,10V-h'i 'n-�gp---9o'i'-sat owners ofp-r9--p-6b'e=ad I th pro—qffy I affirm that have given ACT-UAL,NOTICEzfo6-dh'6f-ihemconcemin to develop this property 44 tp; ap �pr ytor a CAMAipe (NarneJ Address) (I) Figure El ht Fish H..... LLC 530 - 0, Beach4"d !![Rg address 5925 Summit Ave i3towna Summit NC 27214) A Mobcoan PoInt Dr., WilminotoWNC-20405)i FOR DEVELOPERS WOCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREASv PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: ofany°perinit.Anyzperson'.develaping'iw-anAEC-Witho'at:perrnit�ig.-gubject,toidrim�uial and adminislrattVe action TMii the 0ii 20 Ao-I L606 or person authorized to act as his agent 'for pqTpqsq CAMA pemit.App .1katign AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR LAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Alan `& Vickl G0 enberµ Namexo mperty O nrner Requesting,permit: .,. _ ..m. ... , _ Mailing Address: 350 Collier Blvd S _._. 120 Marco bland; FL 34'1,45 Phone Number: 678-4�29-7590 Email Address: adgvlg@gmail.com 6certifythat1have authorized: Tracy: Large, Agent G Coritracfor to} --act on my behalf; for they purpose of applying for and -obtaining- all CAMA permits I ecessary for the following proposed development: eW. el_eVat0r at;rny property located.at .52$ rBeacl�' d. Narti, ;Fig. 8,yilmingtan , 'r_n New, I'IanOV@rCourtty_; I turfhermare certify fhaf 1 am aufh©riled tv grain, alid do iri fact ;grant permission fv _ 0 C)& Division of Coastal ll?anagement staff,, the Local. Perrrlit er and their agents -to enter on °the aforementioned, lands' in connection with evaluating 'information relatedu to iths permit application. Pi�pertyj-0wne� ir�farma � " Signature Alan Goldenberg Print or Type Name Owner Title 08 121 f 201.9 Date; This certift%at`onwisyvalyd-tY�raugh 08 i�� t2Q2a' 08/2112019 Date - Figure Eight Fish House, LLC Adjacent Property Owner ,%258=&IAve Mailing Address Browns Summit, NC 27214 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property:: Pro Permit on my property -at 0 _NFig-40; 94111F.1gure-8 WIM, - P"effi Kdd- do t required _by regulations -'h '8' y. y �AMA�regujaffh ""I we"L ncl- drawing(s)as.notPrPj,ect,NO]- 4 the enclosed no objection form. If you have any quests contact mer.at 678-429-7590- Applicants Telephone, file j. written qpmrnk .,.or oweq(14M with li PQ Neyu.-I 491 them to: -J- '14 Zoning L,,..- I Wilmington, NC 284uo Sincerely;; At-dn Goldentfdrb. Propertyc owner -- Mailing Address Mauro Island, FL 34145 City, State, Zip Code Hanover ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT F-G1.R CAM�#MfN�R P-ERIVLI_TS I hereby certify thadown ropertY:ad)acentto530 Beach�ROad'-NOrth. s (Name Of Pj per y owner) property located at 528' Beach."Road-North, Address, Lot; Btocic Road; gtc::) on Atlantic Ocean in, Wilmington _ , N C (Waterbody) (Town andlor county) He has described to me as shown in the, attached appl�ca_ti0 and projectdravinng(s), the de�eHapment he is ro `sin at thaf locahon;� and, !have no ob'ect�ons to tiffs propgsal. _P Ro —9 . _ __ J __ _ LAPPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Pant or Type Name' 678-429-7590 Telephone Number 08/21 /2019 Date !" 00/21120I9 DMI� MM"WWf;WV Twa djacen OWner "Ambl, j C,28405 City, State, Zip Code Dear AdaceEit�P�operty: This latigr Is to MM you that 1. Alan & VmM GbWenbeiql ham applied for a CAMA Moor Property Clbner Pdfm-t Wr!—yprppeqy at MISS kfAdmd:ftWFV-8VVMWn in New Hanover Property-Mm's County. rAs required by-'CAUkregulationKi I hmsidosed,-acopy-of mypumftM)pfic9Udrf-dfid-pu- diW*l-*- s) as ndUciWn of my 0 y-s-and return', k;*W jkm _p qT yo ,_M-ma _ Q"_ fhe.-embsed-Ino ob*Wrtfi)iTn.-if-you.hava'any..questons:orco'mrmnts:abDiA.myproposed, pmjtcti plasm contact me at um-429-7590 ®r by mdD--dt--th6 k kW&W16W. ffyoy wlsli to Appficanfs T616phone i-i-wil6n,commal&-.or-oD,Iom,ons-A.&-,New.-" over-Cmnty bWA-,kknclrPamd.P- imay-- s Han _. �jn them to: 6WLocalfiern iidm,cerj 230 Zoning WU Sincerely'! Am CWenbM Property Owner 350CoMer Blvd S #12W Mailing Address Marco Island, FL 34145 State, Zip-C-odo ADJAC,.ENT"RI.PARIAN'PROPERYO__WNER -_`koad.*4h, 1, -hereby certify that,i 'own. property adjacent 526-S,adhnt to S (Name of -Property Owner 528! Beady-ftaid-North property located at, kdd( L.6f, Blocks0*) an Atlantic Ocean in, Wilmington N.C. (Walterbody)' (,Town andlar, C'0unty) He has described to me as -shown in the -attached qp AqgfiLbn,�nd-p -drawing(p),.bede ,p development he 6P_ "a no objections to hit proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) A15-h GuoIVqqbftr, Print 6rType Name 678-429-7590 Telephone Number 08/2112019 Date is GOLDENBERG RESIDENCE ELEVATOR ADDITION 528 BEACH ROAD N; FIGURE 8 ISLAND WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA EIEVATORADDRION HERE RELOCATE HVAC ELEVATOR ON THIS SIDE FRONTOF HOUSE ' ® AT Xi. MEW] I. Tn6AIDN®gTatDMR11CIQI W01@IRW0.1Al0U]A!®�BIL A8]: AroVe IARA. AIHJCNaw1111[Mnl]TKT N9L PAIATKN wr. wlmoA ARIIE1C R61XEmMIVLIWf iF9Q�RTA]O WnRTrolOWFAWFAT®t naR�wnmunsFwmnw+armxn¢nurxum+cma. AWl NIIl4AN OFF. ABOVFAIIDIBDOR 6x RxR IA 1pV i T1aW0ARNALLlNML9NMIQMTIIITX@aAWN.SNOfiKPGTtlM Wffi A6 iLMc YAY IMIOIN 1MRIBIHOII�iW1T1EMONUTOlR/G®CRllwn. MLwORflWIlN K !/JI ovn lAFm KK Ifl'!xM � i[ihl. I0001�➢Nl6YAIIIn000�IL1ARiAA18M0IlIDAl1lUNIACIVFlt nao]9maAmna unmaeA�acunnaeawlFtan[Atrenoiarla m. muu9 NIL rmwoomucr A]OUIB.TroxOAPOCATIRL om mArtu oL wa]Ria x nmeauwtwsirmaemumaASNnxumma>a�I�AAiuoavu�aNw m mI1AN fGiL NIUE16 aF. alimle li]IG RAM® TXF]11aBItta000MC00A]OiIECMF,IC TaonrmlNNLl RNVR®TO IIiFANaa�WAPlONNTONAl018lBF3N WMECIpNWIMTROMOOI@ mrt. mamas ' oR oovw Pti rAw n. rourt AwomvArsranenmlar. nfEgouxoniun®crwraaoNLwr! ummnaavrmiwu]maeaaxo]Iengsgo�rnxvnwAa®e+r oA oau ss. ioa wmlAlwaAxiFmeeamora u GW etc oL i xGW. SGIDm1EW00e ss. sawfwor a ro]DliwFaAwrm.uRD®HNl®aal®xa9aunliwwRron[ m MIIAI oRa ix]einl p9t fl94M u nAwmRei ATTBRNNaT1EA]OYf[RPoAGAMCATna ALLa`1BnolcAnf]p11Aaa mororAaammwrs�Nnmorlanns:. iL Hw@B]i !y �® FIL Sly � �lyy i RBTE(ONIIIK10R211001dLIRt010GlEFIDIYLNn]RSINOFro iti arorNc Ga. GLLYAa4ID TDri TaaMA9NR M. TRLl IXCAVATIH Aineuumroo�]wccraiuraanunn�awtnrainmAr TlCGIIIACfOII�� cc a]m�amaRAcla cTi.Ucwal c]FAAiwAumvm was ura�NOT®o]ia:xvmx va vAiawFm a AUTiIa®AtO wLSBNcnOmU�rtAu0P6FD en91El R NOI Ma IfAe Y.4a N9eRW WWF. WBOR]NAl AWUC ]. AMAIDNLDRdCA0001FNDMMOA59W11flA9®w11BtlRMlaC >SFApIB11FlDi'iMIA'NAOOaaa¢NRa M@lWERRLMIBC®wSTN1AacN ]ILL Nu]AYMETAL NRIIICR'JASBa]+An.vrmlmAnxaroB3luy _ l ALLIXIB111df]BA#SrolIdN�F18c Pw C411i}BM8 x eracnneAud]ewx]ralixuroianwTlw NOTE DEVELOPERS BUILDING LINE AS SHOWN HEREON IS FROM UNRECORDED MAPS FURNISHED BYTHE DEVELOPERS FLOOD ZONE BOUNDARYFROM NHC ONLINE GIL i FIRM PANEL REFERENCED -------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I 11 I I I FIGURE EIGHT FISH HOUSE LLC DS 5845 PG sl— al ITW ] I i. I � EA'ATORADDRSON WU HIP RODF Ig,p THIS MAP AND FIELD SURVEY WERE MADE 1 FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE PERSON. PERSONS. OR ENTITY NAMED IN THE CERTIFICATION HEREON AND MAY BE USED EQUI BY SAME FORANY PURPOSE REQUIRED ]•r� IN FURTHERANCE OF THEIR M NEEDS AS AS REGARDS TITLE. PERMITTING OR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY PUBUC. PRIVATE OR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. SHADED ZONE i ' ZONEAE@L13) SOUTHERN TSLM M1S OF CURVE# I -MB IB PG88 NO2.46b0•E ATLANTIC OCEAN rr I r NOTE THIS LOT IS LOCATED I I IN ZONES SHADED X & VE (14) I I MAP#3720318900 L . I �z AS PER COMMUNITY ID # 370168 46ri To GR LINE PER NHC HRSBNE BOUIFARD i I I I •DATED: FEBRUARY 16.2007 . I I ___. _________ I _ ZONEVE(ELI4)__ SHADED ZONE I I la zi I IS I 1 MMRE I DB 3679 PG 010 f i ELEVATIONS GA AGESLAB-9-W FOYM- IM' ] LOWEST STRUCNRALMEMBER-1651' WAC- M,W SECOND FLOOR. I&Ar — i ROAD NORTH _ NOVATEFLW E EIVED ail INPTOW f S0 -4% W 3931, SITE PLAN .A SURE 1'=20'-W J