HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-59_ Squire (2)�r :�f NEW HANOVER COUNTY 19-59 Local Government Permit Number CAMAU MINOR Or '� rMIT as authorized by the state of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Environmental Qualltv and the Coastal Reaouraes Commission for development in an area of environment Concern punrua tt to section 113A-118 or the General Statute% *Cmastal Area ManagemehY Issued to Bill & Anne Squire, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 101 Beach Rd. S., in Wilmington, NO, as requested in the permittee's application, dated July 30, 2D19. This permit, issued on September 19, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, Imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: 157sq, ft. enclosure over existing open deck on 1n floor (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plot drawings(s) dated received on September 9, 2019. (2) All construction must conform io ft N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a reevaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact tilts office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work, (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This pemtil act= may be appealed by the pennhee or other ou".ad persoru willun twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This pemilr meat be on the project Me and accessible to the perm.1 officer when the project Is Inspected for Compliance. Ary maintenance work or goJect modification not covered eider this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit euplres on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 Ir issuing this permit ft Is agreed thal this project is consislran with'.he local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinance. This permit may not be transferred to another party withal the written approval of the Div"' n at Coastal Managernwrt. f{�CE I VE D Christine uffard _ — CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, SuM 110 Jilmington, NO 28403 PER TTEE (Signature required roondfllore above apply to permit) OCT 14 2019 L)CM WILMINGTON. NC ff Li Mlnar 'Aimitt", mn P!go-2 W-00 omgd-.High--WatBr (E*wlne- Sho alsotoW- (6) UMOW VONW, th 16A MM I QTM; 200 -plan-dramm,t-to velopmerdloI --- H.-, I iw� (d)(10);,a4- Gntle Pwnlbd iificaoli Mai I -dMwm:bfL30-fWlandwmdofNorma1.HIgh=Wa6er, ftp- rooi dwdii burier. (7 110�1-11-iml-lw '[nod on she ,by m*daj,msufft:fromsswcWed graft aid ngA pmm, n Man L actives, m ust AN* Ad*8fidft t COM-6 qr W We -WIM--mlo'em has been ,-properly -st9blRMd:vA WWI — cover. (8), Any-popwW'fbf �m -W-ft-'tffe 30kibuftWOOM -"'N rm -H jbM-jgWr .- 6 -WknmWWW ogetamV swbllkwi Eed OW-1 a lwded-snd-mUW")W"t4d jjj4&on 7ap ctw l_ f SIGNATURE— PERMITTEe DATE 9179179 Locality---- talo GE ENCRAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER -MAILING ADDRESS Anne - wal r-� 1::, L rcttnclit -Ii, c UP Address C, LIN— C�LdLcci_ffi AlQTIL(Yltr/,K0:A TJ "Nii66Goos#rick ArcF:Te!Mr_6,TA L__j 77i J,=% itl C� 1." -1 ­,jr56 I �l 1 Ima , i-0 .'N *pp, 1 1,nimm-ef goo.dricharchiteqtur.o. itockh6m.0K.PR OJ ECT: (Addressstmet�nsine.-anLVorjdireclioiis::to 102 Beach Road -South;j- iouVelikhff, f5iand,. Wjjffiin_a6h_j,'N& Rinover.Cou nty.-NC ;7W6n- de—ek, on 17st floodg 441" faintly ireifidence. of Piim� �a SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 42,251 sqtlalc feet 0.9.7---, acres a PROPOSED, U819. kcsidenflal''g. (Slogic-fornily'lm, Up!aAalfAY-0. y C- Other Ell 0 "M j(;Ef 09 V11—M, _ -OL UP HER11) _R:ffi yqqrLqcaj eirit'ilt-40-w-iyj,oio-arenot-siire-wkickAECoppiks to -your 1)mpejly-): -ARD'A 1 le. (1), (VIIAN-IJAZClk TUCK to s .q un ket-61,4106's M-, 0)" q "OKEL, OSCAR*% 8 gUiLDINGTOOTRiNTAl m 0 , U T UP-OMS.URFACES-i _ kipiarc.-fw- concrete —r-Inasom 'Vatins, etc. imif M-06ig Wfih Minerat-a-di.- "n jRch—otift-ebi-� M (,DE LR.)? o Qkl* WWN TO-476-0, Ra 7A '10 m ' . Cn�tifled•MaU1 u �t37 2-2tt19� AUC, 11"VVID Date Adlacer Property owner QC j� Ss�4'`:soc:ia e1aCe, ` ` Z01� Address NEW HANOVER COUN'�Y Ral 27s.� 5=31 s2� City, State, Zip Code PLANNING & ZONING . Si �3 Dear=Adlar�nt-Property: Bt�1 BAr�ne Shire Thus Letter is to irdoirn yrou that #, Madre app ed for a-AW-Mnor - P�rcapertyit)itimer s: 101-Beach_Rd South,;Figure-8-1stj, WikW � ton, NC 284. 11 jj Pemmilt_oi+ mY AmP�Y�2t `� '� �- _ °' - ,� New Hanover 't'� Address i fvcniy A:s t3equ+ ed-by CAM rgpMom� !have endo"sed a:copy E'mjr pi wnO _Whca�on and Aroject j drawin gs) as riobficatwtc at my, taposed:prclec# A!o acOonMk ufred from ygtt or y-ou may sgn and.mtum of the enclosed no ob ctlon f0ii i. if yQCt have any q!!q§j ns grWcomr s:abou 'my proposed=project, please contact me at ,910 520 2�6919 -; , - _ r,0_6y waif � €!9_ aQdcess �s6ed_below. ti YOU wish to Applicants 'elepFwne„� file written comments or o1i tiorts wfie Gor�ty of Pfew Ewver uBmit ie CA14f>!1 Du M.Fermd Program you may s ; x f - "it�erA.to Christine -A. Bou#iard New Hanauer-County:A kydnL*trationlAmex { 230-Govemmerd Center Ddve, suite T.10 Wilmington, NC 284031 4 a ;Since Bct1.&Anne-6qt4e T opeftQoer I � I 1744 S Live Cdk Parkway, Mailing Aditm- Vl/llmington, NC 284.03d State,p Cgde _u i�;. GG�iix:Q q/�, ba3 a - -- - ----- - ---- --- - - 41 -- G�l m -Z, -6--7 41.1 . I .z- " ,7t-77� sit LOW jAddw4 .(I tffils- atlirA as A—C 19 AGENT TAUT 8bIATONTOK-PARA-PERrTION Mailing Address: Phone Number Email Address: �_q eftngtfermjt: Bii� An qWr V&niqgan,dW(U4031 910-S-202699—. .1i�i-#-.--Isquire6i7bitmaif.cqrn-. L-;Anne-._Asqujre,1744@a&cOM 0 act on *00 Of, W LOJEOLPMO-me 0 ap'lp p hg-for iandLdbWiningall LAMA_ -permFts I ANWW9046f,ffie- faiiowirig p9sed Reconfiguration of a small interior' flo-a ,wry' 7 ELve-E% t _*t!OV�MLcW, d UtF U -0-K in New -Hanover —County. fhat 1--am:w(hoAzed relatedJ Wt"i , Print or Type Name 07 1 24 1 2019 Date _76649- 01' '1 174 Tfis_ _16ft rib-iff isSfid-th 6,-� 1 62 M hay 11 -.- Oceaw`ard-- atuariff "-ftorb C'er-WERA h WORM ATION LA146--b-W-MV-it --MMIb1N,-G,ADDk N 81114 -Anffe,SqulF, e Address 1744 South- have 0-ak, ,Parkway, City- Phone scale "Zip 1,26M 010-520.2699 One]. riil? �alicom A-U I =Z77--l-I I-,------ Nhiiie, GoO&MC-h-A.' C'ly ,LOCATION, -OF PROD G-A (A-ddresm, street name and/or directim AL— ,DESCRllvrloN-Op--PROJECT..- 157 ctiftdot-fif e-76V#-r. cikiftfiV "t"edk on 2lfflffib-0 5f 'I ffy 19)(Ik9P9AN_ resi denc.e. 42-2,11 57� tic 0-97, RcwS! Oj C QKKETE kaff] ifyou amnot sure which-AEcapplies 0;1 wl P (I , I -, - ff A471,41, siquatc eect (includes'OfFAM-]AMWO-A L MONA A -ME -A aiixconditioned vtng:space;-parking-clevatectabove.,gto i4level, non;wnditioned:spwc,.k,vated.ibovt�1"Im c —WWW(NO'A - T JZ—) COA�SMA-1—MORIP M:C AVII IMPER bk-if UPOKSURFAC ES.' squal-a-AXI-On"I buildings; -driveways, c9l, torte 6-r **O-0—typoilos. c-s that are iWiffiffi—I Ap— p E-A 1p gi �7 �y tw-pr�&A -c on- c v 0 ci -Wlsi& §xXithd AmW &,A c in an area sub)eet to u S►at6r ,y ie-N LUI an ,,yes,listCe-toto lbuifi.-A:area i6rYoUrloi-Orpaivel: quare foci.V A=8"A ZZARD..!NOT[C AM _S PfOft 16 *Wn Area ik-1 RaftOlf-o W-MArea WetHazardArev er-, 0'ropertro" . An Pieq#er:101- gi-fadi-ICoa&S-oi0j-"riiLure-tt-.island;WI MjWonj Wb jkj-ja 0245-49991 nii�noW-is `ia�enWIO'Vffi- We you, tFe a*-Ari O_F#O i *Lai rites area, which-.is-subject-to-nat,iiral-hmrds-such-as storms, crosioni and Offilffift LrM -tulds df _tbe__C6i8W Ke-S—OUM Cdiztta�ssi__& that--notice--in Wdi bef0m:a pennit-for developmew--dw-bei ig9died. Thei G otmWss'ion!s-,ndes . ze building` standards, , ifibbu are Ah"M WiWtwi—ns lo&%Lfi 1W By m1fing-vc qo_ a0its -thei (-'oastal-Resourm-Con=issiowdoes, not guarantwthosafety-Ori ffiffirde dkfia�g-i 9P We-- Bevel Vel-Rii& tMto a-.t aftl of 4AP," qgn 1107 Am BoAronmentallConcenrinclude thc-couditiontharstrucambeFi 111__i, - w1b, few- + ir Na Wll or disman becoming-i immintatly threatened, 4W in Any case Op'", itsWlKpted dr sdWidd=—. , Coastal T-Ife bestavailibld iffftifta is 7p(dd-- YIh- e; c �wx Vk 'C-§m:W_W_ssi-6n,j�njd—tcs drat Cc annu@ Long- -M jq— — average Qp4anor(Wition Mte for-th-c-area where yourpropeMris :locatedis2-j &crpier_yegri 'C—Rrs'. lei t=landia%ard=ih'a major Wdft�i 3851 4 1 io-ii-V —2, 4014 in tii'Ls area. Pfef, ocean front ji Ocean pro - ion-mcasww iffhe-kh �6-ufiihifi add.r6l'o'c"a-fioln otj_fhi�catctted MOOC444" wffd_eQiicft convol structurcalsuch.&S-buftea&, seawWls,-;Lovehnentsr,,groins,icttict a-d iu-ffi6ffiid qode-rjcidaifi conditions: by in Ole space WOW. wi&urthe- g & notice � 41 -Prow signature, theapplication _w -n4be-completeirrJ SPA ,AE:° xcWvedl6dwvlopmnl area c4pWO 6n_D6C=_Wfl jrffik k&*ak fbilbW .110 ih&ft YM !11VAWCft'Ifik,-PWuft was issued., -and 9, setback d ftat VOW site. 1,1`if ft .—pr edimsel sh#Y char _y - -ml and-ftproposWilevelopfent cawlatift", req'ri- i _r­_emety,4­, 9 W1_,YCYwait ­Wf6­_nnyou` (Eky66 6q begm Wiik. $qk 4kial progress ft,*:pp(* t mw*D-6 wiihinL60--days-of-,this:sdbwk--dowmination,,,-or, die�sotbackmustbe-mnuwsuwd--Alvo,.� lie 6046. M _PO V4101 necessitate-rcmeasut exit-Qf the setback-, 11--is-,impoirtant, t _YCU'r bat Che&-with tree -LPO,mfore�ttiopettMtD—o=-- wd_ irdi, approval-toIOrtlwd ,qxP (69ift fOYQONOVIQ';i--06619s_been pram andsubstantiat progress is- _col tinuinjr,1 pennif-renewaUcArc-bia alithottedd-it' _ i§1 un4s►vfu!'to+corsttnuc= spa a � ]r-P ft"­­1 I ­­ . ­ - - -­­ - , i i _J AO'r Im ami4b M-ato", conta.cf: Ckritfifiti-M-876fiftM Loci Permif Mor Ik:GOVerAMer't_Center'Dr- 50 _110L te . . Address ---- :County ot-New Hanover,, 4A.-RIDPW-7074: Ff : J( 910Y798 7059 Pkqke Number Revised 2/0 7 ".7-24-2019 .Mr Xat I-d—flotou PQ 1-400i-4 -Couni Dear Adjacent Property: -Ar* 44iikO IND County. as ieMM-b-y7CW fWg the W&Sed'no:& I ' cm Am. ify =W me at _.Ar_bVmaHatdwzddww -if -?dimm- Ap*euWi_-T"hone -file witen mnaaft oro*dm wft Ow, Comty-,of New-Hanover-CAMAMWNW9 PiWw—, y-Oumjy emit Cncisine R. 'Bath Ah' pl,,,knex MGovennmniwnt,� 2�840 fW14-Ane-NUR're P_mpirl wne 1744 S! UVe � 6a-k-, P-ar army, Maillhg,-Address City, State, Zip Code ej . go 07-24-2019 ate Mils. Mare S. Stevenson Adjacent Property Owner 8524 Society Place Ma - Address _NC 27615-3192 CityrSteie, Mode ::Dear Ad�a�ntP[+op�iyt� B�i1=& Anete Sgttue This_(etter is to inform:you_that.i - ktawapplied.for a -CAA Mirio f-Prclperty=i3uurter Pem* on mu-urooerty at 101. Beacfi-Rd. 28411 , ift NewiHanov f -CAMA S. /}.�y,��,p�� I:have dosed a V , , dr$mng(s} as- of rW ProPow FO-" No- acbo r'ls t9-rebw fhe erxttasQd no obj n form lfy_ouHave anY quesGorrs;orcomr Offt* _alwut my PraPoSGd lxaject-pteasel txmka t_meat 910 520 26991 Arby_maih3t:ft:adit fisted : w..l#:you yAsh,to uAppi}CM05.T6 le wriften_cMmerrts oro*cdm:wkh fti-QDunty..of New►_•HanoverCANIAMiff PerxnitArggprir,,you may subnb't ;, 49. Nevi Hanrnrec County Adtninrstri�town AOnex • 230 Govern' n` Center Dave, Sine 1_'tU 1Rfilsgtora;`28a0 $ire 7*1" MA -Anne Squire l3roperiy Owner ,17.44-5 lcve.0ak PacicvuaYI Mailing Address Wilmington,M 28403 City, State, Zip Code ;w LWILUVur. %-ULURV -90 P7---- - 66'4- I 10 -- :-ARF D. g0462b-00.03 SQU-19VOLL0 'ANNE'A-J TOT' BEACH RD S Parcel Alt ID 317811,57.8138.000 Address, IGI SBEjkCH RE) MR VVA.MGTO.N -ZO-Code N61g-hbMf(Wdi Mass RES-Residential -Land Use Code 10-1 Fam 'Res Llw4urlits].. Zoning t F-20SREa N -T OISTRICT Legal Legal Deseption Lj L T. Tax= .EDP -ownfar, SQUIRE WILE. IAM 8 ANNE E Cl y -G-:T—O-N state Zip 28463 T3 'Sigttc�ture yCERTIFiED-MAIL ' RETURN -RECEIPTS REQUESTEDI DIM"--41F COASTAL-MANACEMEWT ADJACENT-,REPRtA PROPERTY OCAT_K?ILWANEREiDRNi 4NCWe=of Property Owner: UMArnie-e, Address of Property: A,gent's Name #: Goorrtch'Actiitecture PA, - AgM#-'s=pKMe #' 91M3431065, M-09 ft Address; 3142 Wri t tsvilie Ave. _ jlN�nusgton;�R� ZS�i3, . Gave o cib eczYoas to this_" xoposa Fhave oiijections_ro this proposal? WAIVER SECTION t Wnderstarrd t#rat a piear, aodc, mooitrfi9 pings, break,nra#er, Ioathvuse Tit; or groom mus# Tie se# back a rrnnymum ciis#Once of 15'=#ram ity area of gp&Wli access u�r� ss waived by me: (I# you wish . waive setback yoc rrt:ealthe r '-at __ Opp o{�te&.btwk i e6m. l do-v ish,#o= irai tt3a-15.': se€�+�Ir: it ment. 1Fda-notvAsh_to waive -the ll�, setback --requirement. (P - -Owne+rJnt'ornaa#wy r Goodrich —Architecture. —PA, Print ar Type -Maine 31421NQ itsvifte Ave. Mailing -Address Uyi�rangtno-Nt zs 1 City/St_a`te2lp -910.3411065 Telephone -Number 07f2512Q19 Date. - Io Ad - t-PrOwner rmalon} °PAY. A; S'igna rye PAM t-C Al. r AL Mailbag Aditss cVsw&zip Melephvne-Nuthber 9— Date W Q c l& $akla a �" �Ia��$ d66 �&S CC7O hill'.� q ��`1S� y �� = mn� 4 ii min = y� u�£ oo xc 44 IT I M, HIM IIn W B! 3DYd V "09 AN / / / / / / / / ol / RECEIVED SEP 10 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC d . . •r•d rnaoralworr o�erao ov e�or�o�ep.e nnw. B310N ic, N0003B 19 NVId 3118I414 00 LGb9L °N NOlO NINIIM IQrp9EDA0f01Q1 N O I.L--'.ui' 30N3O183LI 3MI22S $ 2 d !s N g�B $ ^•MASONS CHANNEL— ggg 99 (SEE N.B. �a� a _ $ k iXSIW RaN DOOf ME tn W. z Ilk e ya yy y3g1 Y b qgQ gG s V' a6' CQVTOUR NN,W. ? NB. PG R 1'T I W1 !Q # yygd9 yy11 WHWy ryryyy ggp n`'L c3 STBTO9'W SEE qO.W yaV' 1.1 8K �$ F3F F$ Fe`ba F 2 S III N I u LI J A M 1 d d w d Y y 6 0" 1 ticr O .i+ 1a" �j .• S a m k W O^Cpi :j W q=� •� �� FtlI::N•,��-F�NY •'N19y � ��3 S� a q _ : g p9gg R 0En dga8 d�g yyRyR y}2 � ° aB a a ea ky %"L�pb�� BUI(DINf \Illlt�� rr-11, Z ti ❑ x 3 ❑ �00! sv 3 >§ :. Z wM5E3 L1 �mxv a Z p= K R qr � IWZ s tiWZ ul Woo W m 7 F' JD' FRalr sEmar �0Z 7 3 \QS NJ629'WT I2500' .:...........: :�:,:asPtlur`�tvkvAcir::::::-;:;�.i...`•. :•: • .,.::.'` ry u --- ----- -----� EDGE a-PAKuair BEACH ROAD SOU TH(60' PRIVA 7E R/W) irolalNtl I L ` V . 6iQ19n9Q Pgo -- --•- . --- II nl� 5I OJ