HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-55_ Oyster (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government Coastal Management c. vivo.ncuu� ov♦-iry 19-55 Permit Number 19miml., MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorised by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality State of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 10A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area ManagerneM" Issued to Oyster Pearl, LLD, authorizng development in then Hazard (AEC) at 5 Oyster Catcher Rd., in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated July 30, 2019. This permit, issued on September 3, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes Garage enclosure, 251 sq. ft, addition on 1s, floor, remove portion of existing open deck, replacemenUmodihcation of exterior doors 8 windows on 2rd floor and deck railing modification (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat dravvings(s) dated received on August 15, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. RECEIVED (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) SEP 0 9 This permit action may be appealed by the permiftes or other qualified persons *1nln twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project si.e and accessible to the permit officer when the pmjw is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modiflcatior! not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this pemr3 it is agreed that this prow Is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This pemrit may not be transferred to arotl!er party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. 4R.. WILMIN TON, NC Chrisfard CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 P MITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply io permit) Nam " w. 6ysWr Pearl; LLd Mlnor'Parmir# 1945' September 3, 2,04911 Page 21 Wd iWCt9U-rve'fffW`AwA bid a dfibum QfV-"fe0JrOjn, the *sf-9M_-of Vegetation, w"rmlned-by, I R1 IC O*th!a-L-PO'.,QT6"�ned.,Nentof.t*,,I)CMf . . ,_ . 'IAThe penittee s required ,to -contact the Local *- .constructlorrWarrange-a setback raaw-offi6fit thit M-ll W effective days �a M*ushorelinel change Construction mu-050gH M §:' (�Oays Of-hsCrM MMUrefflOnt1s vold,.and-musti be- 0-wofib ,(7) higO cont-Wad w&n Ahe_-oo Code, Wf _wn hazard area she][ comply with ithe M iB ' uildlrfg,, C de inc Opor 18 Coastal>,and Flood; Plain Z;6nstruction Standards of thaN. C1. Buildiffig, Code, and :the Lodi�FC60'[ Da mage RreventonOdInance -requiftd--by'dwNstioral F1 insuafidePik _, Ifey"AOnAofthe, buildin g or a food damage prevention ddjrigne are with any, of the ftowlOg AEC stawards, to moral ast-.8 inches in-Alameter if round or4 inches to a side if square, and the filet floor level of the sills and joists must 9 meet the 10y04r-1660001416 9!0_um, 0 OL under the OA&MYTOf and Oth".1 e-s-pmtective-malue-1Is not weakened or red dune-arees Ql- ji -if _'__ Md-1 4 Un-consbi atbd I Ali m-- I -g g and1andscepIng shall beuetaine&on site by effects .1 9 OeAme__ ni And erosion control measures: [Xistuibed, areas shall, be ve9ptOW,*ly, §WbilM j,"(OjkW 00 mulched) within ltdaysofconstruction -.-completion . (12 )Any:sbucture authorize2ft y`is permit shall be relocated ordiim—ififfid *Wn it OMff_KCRftlnerdy threatened by dMides inShorelineWn-fidilfigh. TM.4kb&ratif�hall'-.ha-rpinraW-nr Mcmmfwd uahirfiun-ugsam .f 84ore ilke.recovery or 1)0801 Mnodds'hment'-',takes place vvithla two years of the structure becomes imminently ft- imminently threatened; so thatthestructure is no longer imminentlyneed ridt, be iL thff9WWdfzth_�i k kne_._, dismantled at thatArra Thj§�_,rjdjWfj shall NO affect the peny �it 6 geft�i n_ 'hr_� -,temporary. 9fit #) PQ* on: of, P-MteFdwft%wwS alldw'uw qK SIGNATURE: VAT E: PERMITTHE l4oeutny. �, ' • -f N,,,,��'t� �. z°--��-, ;� _ N n 1 �i% RECEIUD' LANDOWNER - MAIUNG ADDRiiS AAI'vSS 232473t*f!iy- St- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ab 91 717- SM z ip &QUIP -it Wd-d'l 3VZy%fq&- Ie--AV-e, -itwitei 91034.3.1065 Lo ION�-.OF°PROJFC--T-.w,('Adotdsg, Mr-M nknhm-'-e ffifq q #Ne% gi�ue4 fight IS-N.Fid, �tn,-New -Hanover County, -NC IDE9C qPTFO—NF PgO-J_i5Qf-. (ListpopgW-wnstmlioit-mdYatW-�4saiftnce-.) [Un6fi'didoned Eg:5�ge,En-d6s-!#re on fr-oun#d-liveV; 275:�* �fe if ad&6 &--eWt naVOR--Of'PO"f0)f-tke 9xW�fi9--&p--Cn deck on Flst-loor;--Yep.,Ia-ce-m-gM/i-�n-OWJ ea- wof 5§0�� OXWK*M5 ows-QR..2 fl, om-kd -n- wmd nd- on EmodffiPo'- -RCEL IPROPOSM us yo C 6lftdsjsUWn Odw, 0 C -BUJOW(CmAwte or--I.- Y C "twi.-i 16-625, fdc-t-(jjj-cjjfd6S Al*7Pk66d-kD R o T CRAMUN' ARD AEC-m Mull Ve.7fiO �J-C4DBI!Ntk�.7 12 air-condion Xf )Ve �XC,_p LA M CO -A -SOW 3lORFl i—NA A VCk,fhe-- UPON-S"RFACES! Sime—wkel(Wom Concrete ar m>tscttry_:paEios; etc! (eta a c Mfifili WR PEI in aw area sfiWdTo a S _AUG 6 2019 0 16—Nify., Ik-"S, NO DCM WILMINGTONAC- f $V" r r�(�� -stir I -F- Py Wq**es --y'as, listo -upon avious, ir 4 t9_550"' 46-fl, , , -.. . Hitput --"Ire�,penni[i;ofw-�-liMfihe7CAA4A mFno-r-div-e6mm—nilper—mli,�in-c-tFt treatment gys A Wi V- Certification" swltDwat Sedimenrcoapol'--Subdivision Approval;MobWl4owPark Approvsl.Highway--Conuwfion; and dthdig, Cl-m-k With h0iffid-im-C UVED RECE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: 'I, the (ifiddFiligg-md' it-116i a CAMA If* 6Wn6r i all, ido 'P EP-C-PRn aulko6ed toact a-s an agent -for puwa F-aw 'or. a LAMA nne or 4Yc!4Wnt-P-erAI-doC-CIQfY t person disicd-as landowner--on-thiwe wsignificent-interest-iw.the -�real-propaty-dcscr",lb-qlxiiNa .pplicalion has 7 dis&ribdiffs:�(cIie-ck x an owner or record title, Titic'is vested in name of gyqtr-:P-ear,.j ittC� , brew T H Wn-dw 'e r, -C t, see Nee4lfrook IN a in P an owvirtuef df3filtofiloft. e-sflwof probate was in County. if other i-nieds-1, i7wif.-as written a0wr-aubf-Iftw-, fdx-p bebw bir-use a'i"i-te- ske-et & 6URNIo this application. NOTIFICATIOLCOFADJACEN.T-PAPA-RI'AN-.PRGPERT.V-,O-VAURS: jr-fu-awn—nore certify :that dw--f6lWW-Wg persc -am 6*nprsl proper Ms- lag- thrs.P� .AC:- ft"A -�N-QTL each or&mConcernmstjmy (kyft ftfvoperjy. to pEy for78 CAI A per. (Address) (1) mrsl ey-.'L:7,Hat&r &-b.age-Dotter. Jr. 25-Ayirfieid-Road, P-mehutst;-14C, 28374-7131 M) x-enneffi-A. Cams rem iUb scothnd-Avenyei iffhaRotte;-rite -16207-2-567 P-) f7l- (4) 1, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may, -be-ouscep bk-WAM001% --rawthe-p-w-cm- 10 He& a-nd-ff66d*­bkg fCchM:q7qes. This 30th a /IV. of Ch# q7M7:rcdI-(W, the all'oembip--sictleinent., the OcemullmodARC Notice whownecessarp. a tztt ffif "rin ien its '#ray re AGENT AUTHOWATION FOR CAmA.Egg*T AppUCAT161-' Oft AUG 1 2VI 9 Mailing Address: 2324�PsnWSL, NEW HANOVER COUNTY Nm4e, &4§861 PLANNING & ZONING . ........ .. Mmne Nub: Email -Address: lisc rat i eh Mwfl@V—UM.4b�DM— fQ0#*Y*l&'-l-haVe authorized G0- ChArmtecture.0-1ki 'A Co Ad--on-my--behaff, for fhe7puqwse of aRplylltg far and Oftifift M-CPpMA perms necessary for -the fviowjrto prW d"v, )i4#h- 1: SjiWL% -c-- enclosure kva, 1571 sl, bed .1 - -1 &. at,-m -d -ti p rj�p ca e a, 'y in l4ew Hanover curt JUS707 "A -Wt:6 - -7K —V.61W- 1 2020 Th ilffidaffi6n -, 07 1 '24 n . 4 r- W_F' R A Z. - M � ffi -Amai pk--- W_ Ofy � N w r . This notice is'i fir sloe' tt�e-Emir - .Lai risks anif ow_ - ft-Mant in-thist that you an AEG -:Hued' 3+To�Ce sttd- The --omission's Mtes, on Widift Wi-adddi, 666Cm bl� . I to nub; but aoc Coastal aw-&-maptow. Efiwbfii�" cb�cef_a Wfi&-trie a"fiew lie diavrownes 4n, 7U__Mvucfi*Sj �U relocssd. rir sited within two (2) �. -imminently gnoaftd,4wd is CalI" or AftwW& _j_i , - t . awvtod--by--. the--comw ERwwu=-_Commisdw, IndiMwdfav, dw-WWFW 144S-=inn 7MO-c- ft-_ P_ F Y—Mr- ii, Wilk :Ag Q*VS r385, w --aWprc&cIed.-"bc_aboM ed-doop-in--thic Mw P�+efetred oceanfront protection measures are b cin nouFshmew and.braikwaters-aw-probibited. M= ,PGMrY4sff&bao ii�+=Eie .by-si t -thi A U G i 5 2019 . tw- aiw- rb ��r,w ow w—ak youivayleM we&, G�_] og goo, Mod �4 q:.CM=-d-MCTL'![:t impot # tk0j)#Ofk afta the bij& WAW arixed. it is NO r scare: A i W--,= a- 4--_ ^__ � �! U_arrterr� 4kDover pmntggMer-_IDr. Suite-11OL- Address Countw i! P. - ffljd t�L- --*7-4-.l k. 79V705 3 P h"-NWFAW RaWWWOZ oty', � --Cad State, . p e 'Dear Adjacent Proparty letter into !*TM'YOU that 1, POP"- ww Cm*., gc-lg "Imvv HANOVER COUNTY the -dn—a ww 4 f6 ons pr-&dm-6f&*W Was& ZONING lfyou .vhhtD iut IlMnMantsor qqunty -them u .239GoVd- 66t-Ci -151*6, 966i7V Wilifikigt6h,ANC 18403 Siff--- jt, Property r ._y 2324-F4!h7—sy,St, MaifrngAddress Hufftv; , I -AL 3580T ---- ----- - - M'State, Zip Code 07;24--20-19, gwee, Jr. Adjacentfknpmty. 2-5MulrW&ld-Rd9d,1 J" - '4402,8374-7131, CRY, Stale, Zip Code Dear Adjacent PrQperty: This-.Iatter-is-to-,Inbm-vou,that:t,, 0-yiit-OTT6 VILE have7a.pphW-Jcr-m.CAMA-, Wm pq"-Ownerj p6nnR.7�q-W.PP"V -t!ft-d;*j! m.-ingtw-, - R CEIVED aw*d6iid4tw--(vk w-amp-ph *_�� o is. cCft p�:mpqsed-jWa--'tr0, d MG 15 MIMI -160OW444 -0 -ft- w--9-rWMWaj6Q*M-Y F-0-P-wed'W-QJ0cl;-~ NANOVEP, COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING contact me at :Ar iiail:at dozddresided bebw. If -YOU Wish tD 17C—hniim"A 964r-afd'. TIM 'g w t:o Aduinlslu"7A�'-' P., Wilmington, NC 28403 Sincerely, Oyster 0ea rl;- Lt G P10*0w", '2n4 - . P,' ng Mailing Address City, Stale, Zip Code F NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING rNam.,o1L-P_rop9W.I0wner,: i0ysterPaarhn Address of Property: r,5.'Q7ys Cgr-Qt7chdr.'FWU"re Eight-uW4, Wft!Won, W, 28412 0_Fj Sweet trqefoi.RoadQ*6Coif_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY _A ISBNG & ZONING ��'MWkV d&eW .GocfMch ArcftedweJAP Ea__ j4pra's-,phomt 9103-43-.1065 XC -28403 min _affmi * sifyou--have-abOadow-to-what-is--bw-g Pm--004 fn9Wm L4­ ntact: J��on r of reompt oft* tot-o o FavadabIC-St WWW.nOOOaSts[M*n&OOMOntniWDCP-tsct SLOM&L", -WbwaaNing 7myou -foal WAIVERSECTMI g_,,pft'gsj-,bM� oujibi-M! or WOM ifWWb-6 tLet' 1--understand--that.a-,-.�pier, -do.ck,,�,nm-m t-0 'zbiefck a-mWmutn--distance--of-15'-ftom--nty area-djoadan access ttessmidved'.. Lmove. ('y wish to Mive=t#Te setback, you-au-must-Inftf--the appro"� bLsnk below.) I do-wish--tomaime.-the 140s- - Tfq�Rqhy 0 _Wn"_ orma" L 11' Signature pG oodn ch-ArcWte—cture, RA Pfint&Type Name Mailing Add%ss WiFmffi&qnj1tC-_18_403j ToLeftw@ NulmNer. 45' setback rec#uisetrieht. pe-p - 4wwa-m6miamony rcd _4 P-dnt:br 5",,.n'AcWreq g c 1 c- 0, N Cq/SW62ip Date Revised. 6/1&2012 w aaas�uYcc �:vwiLlr a�cpsrrcr�atuis�-gurwu��rs�st-,�1r�K�:t�aie��p7ct�riii�'isvJSii-u... PARID: R03811-003-011-000 OYSTER PEARL LLC 5 O1fSTER ATCHEh R? Parcel �'�'�^ d'r, gyp, 3�1-c+ lti/'YF- F� D, . [Address R.1GC i' �X CityY WM:M1i11GTOR9 2ip�Code� ± , Nsi hhoftm& E3S01 KES=K@SWI"1tial Laid'lase a O-1 tam Res; Livingffii m s 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Asres ,PLANNING & ZONING Zoning ft-2fVS-Et Sti N'i"lAt ofS't�i� Legal Legal Descripfioi� LOT 47 BLK,B SEC 18 FIG 8 i'ax trigFD T. _ Q!s dwners'XOn .Ianuaryl st} 71 zJj Owrieri OYSTER PEARL LLC �Cltyj FRWSVtLLE t Country Zip 3880ti THEaD"ATA-IS f3=2�t�79' ON J W�aL QDIa',QDPYIwTTDItIIaYv9lpeDInWPMY,Q1W91WBW ,nvaRn�aaoertalworcl®,o�uwaWms'avuin 0410Pa�19WIK0ula®QA,9DL�uE9W a9m,uDIW®Id �—_ . 99�IRWQ9,Dm4� ®gQYfQ11LYYlaM1�NW,9'.IOIt � / \ � . IIDIRY\mYQRVVD1i1WV�+L.M ma � \ BEACH ROAD NORTH — — �O MATE � .\ i LNAaY3 I' T \ Air I q� 51 g / 'd` I. ALL D9rM1Lb AWL fI�111ID M1OR�IIt \ �l � / z.mDLm DDuel[LTroALL u9D.m9s, WLswrnorD OW \ I . :,K"r`� / . ' fDV@UM90W WLCDIQ). \' I • wl:� 9. l7f Wrtl6DIIP MRMWTDH 1Ra.110'/M.1WP/R WQMYOtMS \ _ I iT_ ' T/JIRGOWD SG>O1. 1. TQD IOTD 10GVm MIDNL AL 1191 /.9 rDt NPI OQMNUNQYIAOIiD \ i 1 2ri .;; i.Y . ' Wv1972G9199-L GAI®�AUQDT 2D, ZQID. - \. .�/ $!T '-. 04 NrJIR+' IQfl 17 ' � \ � SMELLBANK \ \ LOCATION MAP \ 'Imlosole' - \\°�`e`--9r,py. \ 9URKYRDV�12 ♦ \ \ \ ! 1 I \\ I I ' wrrAwLaN \ 9. G?zQITL71@G A9rAl6W MAIAMRNUIIIYONINL Gl9. / / / / \\� / . DW.20 oDrWlcr. nDuslm selavxv AFG Iwxr-9a. rLuc-u\/ -�'+• / / / / sroe-Is•. nomt Dort LYANQ roA Musr eL fAH91LTm WlG1AtING / // , RECEIV , DCM WILMINGTON, NC ,� ' 201� 1e2, OCT 0 wmnmf x PACK C. BRISTOW JULY 2G, 2015 0.509 AC.2 SIGHT LINE SURVEY FOR i nrm suxvTmiG, pc OYSTER PEARL, LLC 8 tlLM O1HAtIIl8QDA1V8 Q IQ - LOT 47 BLACK B 5EC `l0N I & FlGURE EIGI T I5LAND ' wa 010N.N.c seem ' IU101-201@r HARN2R TOMMSNIP NEW MANOVER COUNTY. N.O. . ruotm: (Q10) n1-isa0 sauce: pI—.W.q'ioa[tm . - PIpM12�6Up8N0. C.LRl .