HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-53_ Eagle (2)k,> NewHanoverCounty, Local Govemmenf Permit Number LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERU-1- zap T 6it-r-u—cgdh-6ra-'6-mm—efc-la-l-catag:d-iin-d-a—ssodi-b-d--I'-'an dic-apiing "66ftific-fib-h moat; lid "done --Ali& Wi� work wfth 1 ,"0170 associated Jv accordance -- Alt draWln ated-recdlvo& 6�,AUguit-14,2'0619. 0- L7 (21 AN 6on-s—,%LcUon--ftiu�st o—onkr7in-461-fi'd RD 8-uliding ad-i 'recIti-ire—ments in-d-1-ii-I 64herbcil,7'stafeand F--'et- re : (��ons-applicable:locai--ordinances-and:�F�Mk. Plood-Reg latigns. gy , -1 , ___j L-j Li LA I-Ij L Any, 6fii`nge�&, 6fianges-L"fn4e puns f6rde4l'opment; construc-Am,1or land use aclivities will-req a -a!-91P 116-fdr--d-fiNFIns-m- WY ipy--o C-this:p rmitsharl-tbw..posted:,-or.,a,� flable--onsitaq, o ntact-IM "-T!qe, !,Adiki'onal:Permtt--'Condi'Uons--on-'Oage72 i 11US7 It-mu"st be. on te-1 -..,project-site,-and-acbWW-ttFthe—Der—17. 6116frVi—f I06 Pt- Inspeed-AbtWnpilince-Any.:no�eqaq wo*:,or:pmjec.tMIonlot Ldov-ed,under his PermI, ;require 'further, writtenperm it °approval Ali work me when this dres '-'Deembdr3l, 20221 61 -,yngjih�-pjb ' 'k, ej,jedthat , s ­­-1r, .­­ -1"---, j,tlh�-l-ei1-16WF :Lwd Use,and all 9prcabWordinancesThls�Ivrm!iy-noi664tranikiedAd mw� ivision offtnastaI Lj mma imeM ,ge RECEIVED AUG 1.6`261-9--l' 7 M WILMINGTON, NC : Jt� Linc!A.Pahter )CAL PERMIT OFFICIAL no 6 t6t bifv6pbuite.21-fd I PERMITTEE- -Vc6ialgons ibove ap*Xpe required 60 Name: Eagle Point Golf Club Inc. Minor Permit # 19.53 Date: August 22, 2019 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575fee.t of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 7,101 sq. ft. of new impervious is authorized. C_AC� 7 uhwgs g—'e 1116WO-1h IbA N .07H.,0209(d)(-10),.,and-show-on-ths'perfnibd plan-ftwing, all - � qdwiy f aevel-o"pi4*oi#ig6'n.ih-all:t�e IdicaFed7a digtifide bf'30-fte-f l�n—dWgrd-of--N6rmal-H�h--Watqr,. Wportion-,of-the r1W POO .6i0:jn=qmjj4@ 0 f Owdla%. ftl�e aO �ft. tCu#o . .. ..... ....... (7) All urconsolida-t-ed-mat-edal-resuldrg-fmm-associated.grading-and-Iandscaping-shal—i7Ve-- ;o_m S_6-5 effective sedimentation sedimentation and erosion-control-measuraj Pnor-to-any-Iand-dishding:acMes, a-barrerline_ofNer_c1dfi must tie lfis­tdIWd_Fe&i—wRlfe ldn—d diiffirblQ activity -and W rstr-or-waters-arew unfil--such--tima--asthwarea has WolpMpe-fly 0—Mirz—d with a v—btr— , cover. (8)j Any p ruipose'd for rading-,willhin-the !PO-ibAfferfr.-om_the_J4ormaI High Wator Wil W Q-0-6tAuredlb_Prevefil 40-ditlWal stormwoter-rurtoff-tof.the-aojacent.-marsh. This-area-shallbe--immidiatBly.vegetafivejy stabilized, and must -remain in a4e— (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14-days of construction completion. tj -SIGNATURE: DATE: JIM j 71 GENERAL INFORMATION -A-U6 I - 4 LAND OWNER Z019 'EAG:LE POINT GOLF CLUB INC. (CONTACT: BILLY NTY Name: N19y- - ,Address: EAGLE, OINT GOLF CLUB INC. ss" 0- 86A653 -9 61. NStateC 28_-4j 1 WILMINGTON City: zip.- photie. v- AUTHORIZED AGENT Name:- TIM CLARK Address- 243 NORTH FRONT STREET crity'!WILM]NGTON Nib .28401 State Zip: -a910 Sone, 1 -,3- .-"l--0-48," LOCATION OF POWE - T - Ofte4§, street ump:andior directions twsite.lf not oceanfront, What is the iii-nie of the AREA IWEDIATELY ADJACENTTO 1630 EAGLE POINT NGC kdfgq;:qt Ika _N 28401, QJE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT; (Li9vAll, pr-oobS--Mc'o'--nstr-u&6&- and fand &stijiban e COTTAGEADDITIOND MINOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1-0i003 9-89 6 229.16 SIZE OF L-OPPAICCEIL: uaref6etj acres x -Comme cal/hidustfial j Other If yes ;li the total;b►iilt on��--areah�pervious-surfwe-�iiii6w -UP dd-Pf sqwpfeet: RECEI D AUG 1.6 2019 DCM WILMINGTONI-N-C I OTHER PERMITS-MAr-MEREQUIRED:77-ib Addidly you are planning may M 0 ireyermit!okrban the CAM As r!y;q we h�qqMpjlqd listing indhtbe44iiied. W6 suggest you d6—Cove, the deterinke 'if apy of these apply ,to your project. zonin Pri0ing water Well$ --.Septic T9nkWbtke_r_&ifii1*y waste Erec—trii-al,�PluAiiing,;Ile'"�'M and Air Conditioning,fjCatiq)n,_SiWd., _Insulat�qn�qqd Energy q -!A CCrti w. zftbdvisi��il, Mbbile Home Park ApoiQ, HighwayConnection, and othem- STATEMENT'OF OWNERSHIP: I, the I undersigned, 11 - ­P�_app_fic for, a CAMA miaor_development� -bei either tht� pernu - ing C a personauthorized t Q actas awagent for--purposes.-of-applying fdniacCA-MA minor deve-Ig TMOP listed -as landowneron this application has a'figfific�i ifit6h&t in tie real properl y ty ,caw,be--described'ag: (cheek one} X. owner or rqp4o title,, Ttil_q is, vested. ins PONTGCLF CLUB INC. see Dwd--,Bddk A pagp., jal p NEWHANOVER 'COUfity-Re09W of DeRg. :7 —an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. =O order int-erest, such as written contractulease, explain below w, used separate she-Fet acid NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I finthermore-- certify that the-,fbl1owifi-g_-p&ton§ arc owners 0' properties, E4j ACTUAL NOTICE to each of-the-ni condRm-MY i�g to develop fts-pipperw (N (Address-) SEE ATTACHED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER PLAN AND TABLE (2) (3) (4)_ FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: M M ljl�,x in *0_9r *xe-lopmentperwit. ;t,w4ih Your ELP,o to neat system), [Wilding, 9pert,Y in an AEC or lit certify ' that therein. This interest RECEIViED Au, - .NEW HANOVER COU �h to this :applica ING t] I ajM rmthat1lhave given for a:-CAMApermit. I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that t1f4, V619pffient is planned f&an �wh e propose, amu- ich-inay be susceptible: -to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that Le local h4s,,exp h bl6ffig associated with P-enwt P cer, lained'Ao,me.-th articular ft lot. Thus explanation, was by recommerfdati­ c-6nj-6d-jn-iJ-qjg, s-jt-ab--IiiR­- im-d- flooid oopng��. stabilization ._, _Lpro PERMISSION-TO--ENTER'ON LAND: I-fikth6fi66ftecertify that 1, authorized grant and. do in fact grantperrnission:to the local pe ut officer -an 0hi's agents: to 0_­ �4to enter 91 the aforementioned lands Inconnection with cvglugtinginf6rd-tidiir0rf-d-fothis p application: Thusapplication,includes: CFnetal infortnat, Ttifil s -fbiffi) a site draNijfig as described on the back of this --application; they owridt9hiP gwe-hlffit,the AEC 'Iiaiard notice where necessary, a check for, $14 00 In to the locality; and any inforrimation is may be provided orallyd �by tlicLapplicant. The details fthe--appli as rib y-_1ffie-­§e' sources d b are *Orp �to without reference M-MY Permit-'whicmay be issued De viation ffoffiihii§6 details ivffl cons -a vio lation. Hof -any permiti. An)Lpersorr-develo,ping in an AEC without permit is su to di ri1, criminaland k ion. OfAUGUST 20 % -- agentmer-, rp ,ashis for -purpose of filing a AMA permit application AGENT AUT140RIZATION FOR CAMA-PERMIT' APPLICATION I EAGLE POINT GOLF CLUBINC, (CONTACT- SJLLY X ameEdf-Rropertyj Owner Requesting Permit.r. IMA111M Adidtdft- 81131 BALD EAGLE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28411 "S4 L 20f 91 Phone Number: 6-8-6-4-653 NEW /17R-Cof PLA JNry 7- 'q'N illy.@— 110wra no Email Address: g t I cer* that I have authorizedi TIM C-LARX'(50—MPAP NY: MC7K-(M--A-WD CREED) Agent Contractor to act on r1yy beh-giffi-4drike purpose df � apply and 061 A CAMA-permits A--pertnitsi necessary for the,,-fb7J[,ovAng proposed --development COTTAGE ADDITION! -461-0 EAGLE !POINT Q% VULRINGTO-NiNIC I I at y 28-4 ,y cp dL in NEW HANOVER County. Property --Owner Idiormati T iypq Nkmp L 81 .1 4�., tao rTi Datbj This -o ON A tion,1§0141-d -thrib— S][TE DR G/APPLIeATIQN GHECI LIST Please rri8ke=suiesyour'site drawing includes ihe following information required fox a LAMA n The drawing mae y=be git P-le an� not necessarily. to scale. The Local Permit_Qfficer will-, hclP-yo PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS raa� � . rNAL4-z highways nglat=of-ways X' Labe171ocal setba&litfes X�Iabel�an and=all strictures-andTdnvewa � `�`� ' ' ' �" ` r— Y �� ��__ys-currently eXisttng on_P_roA�Y PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS X-Draw-an Label mean.l rgh wa% mazk t- . r r .r �XDrawivcationof ou site wastewater systeato V you will be i� or ngin amestuarine_shoreline areg: �X Drawandlabel`lantivrard�limit of -AEC �X;Descrbe ferraii (slope) j` DEVELOPMENT PLANS NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: X� completed -AL -blanks and:/'or indicated=if_not applicable? X n tified aid iistedadjacent owners? _ __. X included your site drawing? K •� signed.both.applicgtton=and=st itement of ownership? 'X �� enclosed the $IOO:;OQ-fe��e`?� X• completecl'anAEC Hazar&N tice,_knecessar_y_Z FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted Final Inspection Feu Rdceive, Site Inspections 0 Date of Action. Issued Exempted Denied Agpealeaane:(ZU MW 'Ci_ 0'. ..j permit. , if requested. NlNG 4& ZONWO D. cam-19 Date MADELEINE VANSTORY Adjacent Property Owner SW BALD EAGLE LANE Mailing Address WMMGtm. NG 28411 City, State, Zip Code QW-Adjacent-Propeq. _hI&jetterj6-tD-jnf0rM-yW Bl# ANDERSON have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit -on- my-propeitf at imiq.E—Amq PqN�.cm --Jn:NdW.H" — anftrl Pfq:�pert ,y cf7 County. fft-required-by-CAMA regulations,f a copy of TRY-- P—erm 4--aPpilmli.0111 --an & p mject i A O drawing(s):as notlficatlon of my proposed project tliCo4on!-prequ' you or You-may-sign-and,retuth �*Wen os6dA-6"-d#k-"0dvn-wrffi. Ifyou have any quesUprI o Qqq entsAWut-My-propmd�.Prolect,-plaa,sej �Fth byia- eaciressifsw:betow, iyou-swro s �pp T4e h04 ns Comm wr '�Fw b or OFIS P-m 'gr I �Wl may them thern to: BILLY ANDERSON RoOerty-Ow* 0.131 BAUD EAGLE LN Mailing Address VALMINMN, NC 28411 RECEIVED CW,.-LD6tP8fFnit:0fffW-, Loci ':P-efmft'0ft6r, f,Ne-w Ha—nv-er 230-13ovarntffeffif'CifiPf D7 Suite-1,16 Zoning Wift VNImtno mw NC 28403 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &ZONING ADJACENT RIPARIAN PWOPERTY OWNS M . STATEENT FOR CAMA MINOR . PERMIT I herebya i�rfff a r-operty-adjacent, (Nailkwof PftPdW-0wwr)] �s� tot, Block, Goad; etc:) on in N.C. e body' _-Wgt (TOwn- dfOr'. Print or Type Name RECEIVED Telephone Number Date �w HANOVER Cell nay �PLANNING & ZONING `73 FWD'71 4 Date arANa rtaevrroiwwdusr Owner co, State; —1-vp " Dear Adjaceit,Property; . This letter is to inform you that[, BUYnnsoN have applied far a LAMA WIWI - Property Owner, I Permit on my property at 1610 EAGLE PCarr DR, WLMGTON MC 2U11 f in New ffa'nover Property Address County. As-.requimd-byCAMA-mgulationsi, 1,kiwadosed,910 an and P14i d rav ing(a) as n ofi ff ca V on -of. my p rdpo ad 0*ct. WdOW Wrequired fiodi )idU of -you may y 1 ahy—qu—wWsi-ff=—ffifi—eft proposed — project ffe—ase contact —meat Ar UY M iddiii-ebilid bilow. # ygu Aft-toj file *RF86 comments Cr il&t6ns YA 'the w N*qr 90* W W0_r NUCK P_r09RM, you-may_submit them to. . gowfly, BILLY ANDERSON Property Owner 8.131 -BALD EAGLE LN Mailing Address WILMINOMK NC2M11 CHIG State, Zip Code LAMA local Pen -Offer WIP� (di fo.rA Ld. ew Hanover-Couhty, ­­ . ?V Govemment-CenterlDhe, SujMf-17vjrVED ningD1,046n, Wilmington, MC2803 El kUGgRi 4 201-91 NEW HANOVER COUNTY . PLANNING & ZONING ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMEWNTIFO CAMAS iftORPERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 4s (Name -of PrMwdv_-0wwry pro pertytwated-lat! 3 A. Block, Fo n N.C1 (Wit rill yj (Torn kodl6r036 Riahas d6idiWd-to'm-6ibitio—vinfnthe Aaaie-d�poc'an-or� dK*ct-draw1ng(§)i1ft0MlopMerTt , , @n _6616�ns to his 04*88"1. Wig 0?6WirW_8tV1i&t-Wc_at6n_, dfid,' IlWavend (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Sig nature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date - - NEVV H1-4 A�_'OVER,06bi\J'TY F- -- - - A F 4.\"' & Z- G NJ N­ G Date! Adjacenf q Owner W19 &4D EAMZ'WiE, Mailing " -SS-- d"e NC2MfiI (2y, State, -,—zip Code Clear Adjamt.Property!�i. This16hris-to-,inform ...you:thatl, 2IL2N09R3Qq eve applied fa a LAMA Minot Property Owner Permit on my--properlyet iSWEAGW POINT R , in —New Ranow , -: —mmly-Adftsis County. As-mquirmd-by-CAMA-Neguldions, I 146ii-eWi-eda Cpy of my — "p '00 permt grkd project No, action is requQed -Y R -Qu or you may sign and return e enclosed en 11c 9 If you h&j anyk6�or _My propogW_ project-pleasel �c—ontaa--me it -,or oymiml.st f 'eWd'iJ�.---,Ify0UviBh-.toD A,`p0!*f6 T000§41 Mi—viiii —00mments or:o4ections with the New Hanover Qqunty, C—WK ,er -may,- m P- ff "69 n or gan-you -,sFUFMif, LiIiiin FD: EsIncerely, BUYANDFRSON Property Owner BAR RdMAGLE EN Mailing Address WILMINGTON, NC 2841 t ;Cfty,--Statff, 7jpFCode CAM-Acca[ ft-mlMffiwj L,ocal-pormk,,Cfter-for*NSW7HObVtr cdufity EMBovemment-Center -Divel, SfiiW-'I-Jol sZonhg:Dlvision Mihingbri,NC 28403 RECIT4" .qV_E 41 --'T - � N"W' PLANNN-6 16 ZbN 1 N 0 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS '1- ereby certify that I own property adjacent to Is (N�me: eN.Pt+opertyowne�': property located at Address, Lot, Block, Road, oft.) iy in N-; . (Waterbbdy} (Totem andlor'Cou.My) He has escrt6ed to me as shown rin the attad ted aPpr'P*n and_projed--Omwing(s)the _development he is proposing at that=lodiation, and,. I have no objec forts to his-proposa1. APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED Signature . Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date E, LEGEND Pur.! m a ,vums) y wFsuni�wnrenuxe y wcxw�reaunE r � ZONE AE I \ry ZONE AE \ /. (ELd2) / `•c i _ mil\ ® fl\I 1�`�m':� J`� \R+� \,�\`�\\ ��,/`�I ♦ ` — oasnnp ���. \ ♦ i ZONEX\\\i I\Ole ZONE X � I I`Ile I (� meFrussErwmww � I wcnwnreaur� • �, ` , � � O DECEIVED I'Z ` 2 CONTEXTUAL EXIFRNG CONDITIONS SCALE' 11W 1 . NOTES AND LEGEND rns Ii � 7e Point EAGLE POINT COTTAGE ADDITION M4b QZ� E"6o 5 zunoamBmxrsi�r ` 8131 BALD EAGLE LN, WILMINGTON, NC 28411 wp npBp�Ggq�µ�g�p� GOLF CLUB _ CONTEXTUAL EXISTING CONDITIONS ^�M CAMApERMrt o i