HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-47_ Sheally (WITHDRAWN) (2)Locality. Permit Number 1 `J- y7' IMPMW Ocean Hanrd Estuarme Shoreline ORW Sh=lmc _ (Fur official use 01?N GENERAL INFORNIATION LAND OWNER -MAILING ADDRESS Name William B and Jana K Sheally Address 615 Chablis Way City, Wilmington State NC Email bennie@shealtyinsurance.com AUTHORIZED AGENT Name David Lisle Address 614 Market St. Public Trust Shoreline Other JUL 2 6 `t019 Zip 28411 Phone 910.�pp�e9.r,n;^�,r;�COUwTY City Wilmington _ State NC Zip 28401 Email davidl(Mjislearchitecture.com LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or 814 Bayshore Dr. Wilmington, NC 28411 to V; name of the adjacent waterbody.) DF,SCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (Lis 11 pib}osed construction and land distumrbance.)ECEfVED Construction of New Single Family Home Jun 2 9 2019 SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 37,897 square feet .87 acres NC -- rC5n uNl! t��llt\GTON, PROPOSED USE: Residential ® (Single-fmnily Q Multi -family ) Commercial/Industrial Other COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer ij you are not .sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: AC?_ square feet (includes the area of the foundation of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR)? YES_ NO X If yes, list the total built upon area/hupervious surface allowed for your lot or parcek square feet. -ate �Crrniz offila e OTHER'FEMMM, MAYBE REQUIREDr, The activity ­1J." other * C-W-.-A 0 ffiftibir d&6100"f Ofifiifjmq*ft Wijq� 1*'kd t6 DfinkmWater Vell, Septic Tank_ {or qj� e r - sanitary, wastei treatment,system), Building, Pkmbmg, Heatin&mdAirfonditioning, Insulation and Ene—" Conservation, FIA CLittiEdtfibmi, Saftd3DWfe,�S-eidi-h'--k--i--it-C ---- -- 'SUbdifisi6h Appzoval, MbbilS Mme Park --PpA al Highway Connection, and r others. 'Check *W3W 14c ore information_a fqp;i�t� Officer f6r m M2 0 STATE- ENT,'OF.-OV;NERSMP: listed as:laidowner on thii x an qwRer qrTepudjtIdC is Kgg0jW-pamo_ of " 4- ' $ nd 4Emp 011"I-I y see Deed Book BKRB6191ipage 2070-2672 in the Now, H9rW of Cqyu#tX'keW stry 0-p9q.01. vauvwxier byArtmof inheritance. Applicant -is:7 -the- -of am -heir -to estate, profi to was m Count 2fother-interest; suchaswritten con -0 r lease; plain Below or use a_para d sheet & attach to thii 4V f- NOFICAON OF ADJACEN, OWNERS NERSe V of-pF"q"pe-tde-'s per-ty I affirm that I giyon fallowing e adjoining is -pro VTtJA NOT 0 each ' �.�10 - -- fI furiheniiore certify that the tm C-101C. (940 -P--ttos-pro-peity-and-to--applyfor --a7CAMA,,perniit -6 of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I, undersigned acknowledge `that tfic-land #r is 4 that il�e 0 owner proposed dvvel4inent i&planned-: for an area Which to. that Wfi may,ft-,susceptible I erosion -and/or. flOOding-A gckfiOwledO. at -the Local Pd�mffit'.&tdt fid's' explained thi rticu Ik MAW I#foblfts associated with this W Thfis explanation ias gqqo p e 1 to nak e p by regmMP04" concerning stabiliza.. tibn and d -jfp �-p*Z t;,ftijqugs. #o I ffirffer1ribr-e ecruthatI iia 46thbiiiiR to gri d fact gran ion to I�OVWOW'Df Coastal -M[MageMentstaff _kn�� qp� fact grant, p I, the, Local #wmit 0 on the-aforementioiiedlands Ti'- tion with evaluating inf&af6h related4b thig-pbthlit 2(p �phditidn-,. Landowner of pm6ji 6f for purpose ff fiH4 a CAMA p6iiiit application Ais-,qpplicafivnindudes; g0ffer0l"MfOrMaff -- s.f0m),&Wt"e"d'rmwhg.as dT&7ffb-dbA the track df WAYq&Wkaimn, the -6 O&eh H AWX,6necessary, a'Z P9*414 to-Iocalily nd6*66rMiMp y gW Vpjpvied or I7y:6y,%bgopplicant. neWetails of7keapplicatioros-de4eilbasouses A incor porated-uIthout,,r w Jr. !nc ie-d. D9VJaW6n_Wn i esi� d6ta-IM Q11 66-wh6jigg violation rafiq 4 of & �y perm t. A- m tpe t togwigr -S�ar 4 �' "'re-)4hqy vdministrWiw, action. and AGENTAUTV -kg&,TlqN,.F.OR.CANiA.PERMIT,APPL!g�k ON .jffifid o-f-"P 0--_fiB Tana K 8h6AIly _ert-y-( -w-'n-7 Phone Number, Email Address: L hik 1--, ave,authonzed q34 Chablis; Way NC 28411 RECEIVE 910.409.5631 R b; . ben6ie@slmN*suremii.com to idlon my behalf, for, tie purpose!.6fappiyiing for and,obtaining a , U-CAMA oermits fiCo_ fqr the f0[j - - - 0�0p' C 1 0" bhsIhj706h ew d67§§ fkr#j resilience eft I # 814-B,a� ; W2M WIM0 MY 9t6h,!NC,284fI .-WrNeW Hanover_;SOUnly ­-­f. ...... I' Iturthermore cerW, that I 9M authorized Ito gfrafit 'and do Jhfiqq�' gm p fo JDM t A046jjjg� jjjW die Local Permit Officer anc0heir agents to.vnter on the a6rementibned lands im connections with 'evaluatij7p. information' M-1610d -0 tkk permit applatort.. I I Property Inter IffibrMation: -,O*rw _,die 20% C u 1 Y t Project W I t Am -Ora io d b_t Area I h faxa d a+a r f s PI`b�f V Vtirgsik Olk POLY re 7ir 7 ,W� 3. n ton, LTG- 284Z 7 Ciaati�Vltas Pt �� January 1t�a,201 � � , ,.fiYf[ilar�in�ftifcf f Vs��bnr��s�;i�n e.a n•tm»., f�ieti a�wrrt i+:ewsi."Ui�r.n"r'w i1'i+X. d... s 4 d re A"I ��"'�� ,� � §,�� �j �"" �mi rv'7'�'. iv��'s��i„' °� ,�ar F 4�►1[j�.,��I r '" .- "'�tQR.0,,N IN TA r ks �efred JTIT R."I Mrv� MtpwQlveoaa �h tivutxsli�ena�, nti;zelc�ca an of tenedOrlAmetures rsf ei s m c ►r�trut f, 5t tl tl fi' hi $bidlwk3{�3�8['► 1*�L85� t2iltlilt,S,,�yy�"�� f�iCS s 't..,::..� M, a f7'"""'T"'SJ g,�Pt>Y3�:c""T�-'a'3"'.�.,j'�"; adbztrs`pr�1�t�PeT' a � Irx' 3 i "�i� � * e d"; .✓its a3^?' � s r s "x a�at�o�� 1 er aertara �t�i�� � �� t�' � � � �Y s g; t�xs uo ce to tie 1pa— taw. Wittaau[ ih� pr+pper. . siguatute3 the g�plt�a��n�a%ll�atbe plet� 5 �.- LJ z. S •'ice � '� r I } } » . ._ [�i.= � �i 2a19• LROV1SBda}7 f July 2 2019 SWgi"n-F-a--m-,ily-R-----a e'-bl---T-r tust evoc 8.16"6iythore-dr.. 34 Willffiffigton, MC, 21 plam Dear -Adjoining -Property Owrw! T his- letter 19-to . i fifqr"do F avje�- h-at- h— OWW6t6--D-r.,,Wl.lmjn9ton, NC 2g- 11. d t0� h.avq any comments -66-ifid- -prop Representative -iisted-below.NoRespa when -eh 1-004, Architecture-t- Ve il 6; 1-fn c CAMA Representative .Linda Mnter-, Z0, .b MA=lPO Phone. A910:798:- -1-A I., pa,inter@nhcgov.-com RECEIVED JUL NC 'tY EN Hi-,NOV�,F! OUN ,rQpeWy-at.,814-j )sedl-,.�a-cppy.-of-the Pgrftiita-�p—plitatid-riI pleaseL&h-taC1:.fh.e-,doastal - Qd obi same, as no 61 N I, wif 614 Maiket' %i111`ningt -, NX. 28-4­Q�Cj 93.0;763.60.53 _4 In Ju ly 23, 2019 [AW-e-hp-e-1 and J—ane-CM— i I-, 1 ;'171-1 _6 — .1 viurW. 818--,Bays'hore-. r. wilfh9i on NC28-411 Dear, Adjoining Property Owner iMA -CA - - --, ,PerMit'.'-- on the p q_prp _4rt''y --Olk and>site plan fdr the ffp --T p 91 p, Ifyou 'h Me -a n 0 n 'e-proposed ' p o ed-p r6'i-O- Representative,sted-belowNo Res osewl te V�eyOie been led b certified rti Sincerely, David Lisle, AIA Lisle Architecture & Design, Inc. CA-7M%A-' Representaktfme, Linda Painter, CFM-, CZO, CAMA LPO Phone: 910-798-7068 1painter@nhcgov.com 1 1� I JUt 2161 2019, NEW IANOVER COUNTY PLANNING 8. ZONING 3 2 k� RE NEW: ANOVER COUP PLANNING &ZO z ® . g 15 1:10,000+; THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE 5HOWN 5YBROKEN L14�5:PLOTITD FROM. INFORMATION REFERENCED; THAT TH I5 PLAT WAS PREPARED JN ACCORDANCE. WITH. `Ty, E:5XANDARD5 OF. PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAKOUNK (21 NCAC 56:)GO4};-WITN ..:MYORIGINAL 5IGNATURE, UCEN5URE NUMBER AND 5EAL THl5 10TH DAY OF JANUARY. A.D. 2019. , -, . PATRICK C. BRISTOW N.C. PI5 No. L-4148 THIS MAP AND FIELD 5URVEY WERE MADE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE PERSON. PERSONS. OR ENTITY NAMED IN THE ' CERTIFICATION HEREON AND MAY BE USED BY SAME FOR ANY ?URFO5E REQUIRED IN FURTHERANCE OF THEIR (ITS) NEEDS AS AS REGARDS TITLE, PERM( TING OR IN5URANCE REQUIREMENT5'Of ANY PUBLIC. PRIVATE OR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. 5URVEYED LOT 15 5U13JECT TO ALL EA5EMENT5. RIr5TRICTION5 OR COVENANT5 OF RECORD. BRIDGEP5 CREEK CANAL FLOOD ZONE / BOUNDARY =� L / s to N/F M U RIZAY D13.2824- PG. I G7 l 1 ZONE VE ' (EL. 16) � 1� m / N go NOTE: T IN ZONE5 AE (1 MAP, < / �� NORMAL IGH \ VE ATIC ` GCp CHRIB iNE BO \ \< <� \ 30 CAMA \ BUFFER anj• m i .,