HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-45_ Knight (2)New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 19,45 Permit Number fc- Coastal Alonagcmenr -ENV!r"MCNTAL 011ALnv ar authorized by the State of North CaroBna, Department or Fmlronmental Qualtty and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, `Coastal Area Management' Issued to Avery & David Knight, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 305 Beach Road N., Figure Eight Island, Wilmington, as requested in the permittee's application, dated July 24, 2019. This permit, issued on August 9, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes; Construction of a new single family residence, driveway and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on July 24, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C, Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, Construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. RE :EIVED (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) DCM WILMINGTON, NC AUG 092019 This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance, Any maintenance work or projec, modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit a ores or, December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party wthout the written approval of the Divislon of Coastal Management. 0. Linda E. Painter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Avery & David Knight Mlnor Permit # 1945 Date: August 9, 2019 Page 2 ;(5) The amount=of rmpervrous surface sha0 not exxoeed2'% of the lotatea wrthn 57�;feet o€ t+lomtal High Water Esh W% S 6r-dine - aRW-Area=af=Environmental Coneernl,.in_thisease,._ # _ _ N� mod• i. � 4 721-sq ft of impe_nrrous is autho`�' (6) Unless-specifle ly allov in 16A;NCA� �7H 02 9(dY(10), and shown 6n=tfie pemu�ed �lan.draunng,nall =developmertticonstructron shall 6a located a'distance of 3aA'Lit Iandwaro of Nonnat hhgh INefer. Na pocticn=of the md--overhang shall-encmac"tD the 30 ftrbriffera LL resaltr g from associatad.grading anMendspaprng.shatl be,retained on site by effectivr3 (7) All unconsolidated material ng sedimerrtdo and erosion rrieasunes Priorto any tend dislurbmg°activrpes a -barrier line of_filter. cloth; must be installed between the land djst rtmg activity aid=tho adjacent mti ar waisr-reas,kuntll=such:bme as=the area hw.beeni propedywstabilizedvith:a vegetative camer. {$} Any proposed for grading iMthin the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water mustbe_contoud to -prevent madditional stormwater runaff to tine adacertit marsh. ibis area shall=tie-immediate etatnrely-stabilized, and -must retrain in ` 1 �" avegetatedstate , i, (9) All"other'~disturbed=amwshatl:ba-,vegetatnrely stabilized (planted and mulched) + tihrn 14 days of construetioh, , ?' completion. 3 - IN SIGNATURE. PERMITTEE . CY1er;off R C- tq-OoS`% O.zaHn.a ^ Eemaln sbomirs_ omP P4b& Teed Sbordk a_ Omr_ ow;vomweneaew M Y.Iv;. 6ti1' L..t Nam Awwy R D" &Vk Ad&" 3345 Alog'ft Orlva ay RRMVt Iw NC yp 27m Phone 9.16a66.T161 emm dwvkMO;nVdMloQudwm AurHOMEMALM" tee. ban JoMibn AL But 11SB0 Eby W star NC —zip 26M ekle.. g70-7e3-e7�g Desfl �1aaatRnT_ LOCATION Or PROIRC71 (Address. % too nesm WWW dfseoims b rk mope of tW rjarem syserbady.) 305 Baatdl Road NoMt W6rrmVon NC; Iw' M on Flpira S found Wdwvway ORSCRUTIEN a PRO7RCD (Lot r prvposd cmm,petipe ud Isd diaettms l Ct1ndmolim mf rOW 4 bodalan reddmxo am orLariPARmL. 1"" acme Rd OA4 sorr rAoroam Lea Rawsm" ® Owe's-timewm mm*mlly p) Ccssmlm -ub&-&iw C) phm p C'ObMZM RttUM ()) OR (3) BELOW (CA~Y l,- dAem& CWNseYyae see eer... ~ ANCyl.as (1) OCRAN HAZARD AEON 7'OTALFLOOAARRAw PROPOMW STI UCfl1RRt _ UPm ad (mkdee e4 aeedhlaed Srer •pros. Peddai devdd env. fPamd sent Llowtomtrtlmd spsae.heard eta» pPuna rand h.a eeatedley m-ksd-baal4 rdc 4es) (3) COAryALSHORRLfNR ARCM SM OF BURDWO FOOTPRD7f AND OTHER IML'EMOUS OR RDE.T UPON MMFAITIS: 0 �6aPees Poor OwWds ds ens of des fiaddlm of MU bldWhml dfiee mvcW &-ilk mmaar s mealy poise, sla moats, wilbo ierppbmM-ABC. Awehym oafculmdWO with On pmjeet dswmi) STATE ry(LRIMATER MA}IAOMMW4T PSUMM. Is 1W pmpa kcmd Is m sl a subject r a ems Steatwebrbvmay.mea Pemdt blued by the NC Vvislan dEemW. Wessel end [md Rsarcae (DEMIA)7 YES__ NO x Hys, uR me lured W W upon awrimpavlea nn4m Wowed mr Yw+ hl or pwl — -- `-agtlm° feet. DTRRR PRRmIIs mwv � xsQnutm+'m..m.u� r� N Per ��8�p�rama'T�S� mn« daedapmal perms,, imhxlbtL bum m limird m: Dre1®y War Wdi. Septic T=k (d otter sadny waste Use e»)• DaadlnIc E69UML Phmhdty, esday and Al, Cmdtlmm& wuiuks nod FmW Coamvaboq FIA Cadflosabow, Sad Dee. BoAmm tl Cm* Blthdivhim Appmvd, Motile Homo Fst Approvd. MOr*p Camaaluy ad other:CTe* with yaw Least PwWt Omar for mre tafftrumagm rrA7RMRNi or OWNV3tsW: L the mde>dVmd. a mWknot for a CAMA minor dwdopmeal Permit. AyI� s paam aibodad m ado as aylaa fLr puPaece of epplyma for a CAW. SOe tlae0a ad. lawom dom tide WHCIAm has e gRiffe d hams m the .a W ds®bed a: (cLsd cm) X novearssasd eft Tigsts adaemnd Avery d Cw)d Knight res Der Boot 190 pW _M__ let. CmW RgYuy dOaek _ mo,mw►ysbrs dhthab.aa. Appli.atisatdrbtW.adsd _+PsoWte wash Cam! __ yuim mtmst, such a wram waasd er IOWA explain bably Is, See,.epic, .seer A amch m this %VHCvom. NOTIFICATION OFADJACW T RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER& I Wilthmmse certify dW the 5r➢ohms, pmma m acme of proPstla 4..e ny the PoPftty I affirm t1W I hsve Sim ACIUALNOTICR m soh of mem cemmdny my i� m dn..I p mL peoperty ad to eppIy Pon a CAMMA pmmit. (Adds—) (1) PUTWA A DRNd Bpidck 3017 Vorbona Larne Gmwwboro, NC 27410 _ (_) W. t MnL EMOad COMP 213 E. Fl nMh @beat tkd1304 Ch Wd HE NC 27514 ACn4OWLYDG9MXNTS, 1, the usdadpad acknowledge that the hod aces, is swwe Lip the pawased c1mviopood is PlamW tr se sea which mey be susceptible m make adts flooding. I admowjWV feet the Land Pa mile OmcQks m[phioad m ma tW P,6=- la Wand problem" associated with W, IcL Tha agdaefko wa eomervaid by taummeMdlm. Sam -bg aabiRa- daadsoodpoaeoStochnkj s I tbNermmo aerdly dot Ism orlhsimd b ymM end do in rife paq psmie4M m Oivhim OfCoaeml mcnsge art, the Local Perms OMM ecd theh.rem m.Ws, ethe &Wmme d.-d lade k mnmalm wIlh evdoedq hrfal e la.md m min parch appliwdon. p oL 1 f 1 Tbh 6. l_y-j- My d 70 771Is eprtlsarw d.tlrdm rmd 6t6�sadae (d'o-J�la ,/r e,weAey s dacrlbdad Ae Aart afdb epp+krmw. da olvearMp emmsen, ale t7aw flmslASCA4dc+s aAae eemmX a ok.rkkr P1IXAsd md.pgwNr mfhe Ianv!!QL and orry dpbrwadn a+w'bPevtled a.eTly by 1W. appRm+e. Ise desRs afA.4up/lt=1al m dsalbd by dear Scarce are lanaepare+s✓ w.+Aeus e�liener ALsO'PveYt I.feYi �' br farad. Li.:stlmlAew rW.r. dssiL taw osawae. a sfdetiow Ql aay ps,ma. Awypwaaa Mwhplq is a ARC wM&mdpenelt is "Ned 0 aWdl arWad lief mdwbdsoodw'Mm UL24; DCAA WILMINGTON, Cii jp AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR GAM PERMIT APPLICATIgN, . N-M0of*'W6- --"-0wRdquedg gjWtt �& David Knight/Middle Sound Creek LLC Mailing Address: Allsgh®ny Drive, AaIsiuh;,NC,,,27609 Email Address:, Fdv&1g!�kd6ud.corn fc�rtiiytha#:1 �ha authorized j. Lan-A-4 W07h.- —AgWt1-CWtfWb6r1- "for,,a—nd-o6t-ifn-fn-g-ift--.C, AMA, lwfim—bl f itjo. '--- ­ — --.1-11- 1... Al j�veN now 4 bedroom residence fis d' casary-, -0 ,at prop9rfVTbcsfe&&,305 Ekiddh Rbid-Ady-th, Wilfifthlb- N-i- aw dVdr--" c6uh*1 Properly Owner Information: 'SldnAre] P-nnt or T*v him- e rue JUIy 1 23,1 1 �011'9 ThrsertifrationAu iky&d-ilrou JUL 241 20191 1 N FW HANOVER-COUNT -Y —PLANNNGA ZONINdl N REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 9 July 2010 mkI--SprInIde 3017 Verbena' iArm, Gneena6ord, Kell 01-cl col dew -aim, &-Mr. , spdnw* This m 0WAvery and pedyat=-Beach-Roadln Now -Hanover aawraW, depicWthai.proposed con*uddfL Should -you -have;-- r!;an p-00-99-W;' Ohkk 'sfifened W7Walbp ind difffm i i;;ii;eK ancLretum this War to. - Johnston -ArchiteclumAlk. PO -Om 11360 L 'Wi 40!0-9-fofil zShould hiN lons� AL Am" ;CAMA pen 1 Ch 41C dallne.-Boullard 11 'NOWHanovw-,Cou ,Pwrw�gi,.Zoning *lr�� '2P,ppySM!n-a i 'C— Pier nt. an —ter' 110 lKift-W& "-NO 284031 A, tfteasauar�s-of-s� permit. `Sincerely LL WfA have no 7' JUL 7,* NEW HANOVER COUNTY pLANNING & Zoi4lNG ffiWpr6j-W-8s-presm* proposecl:and have, -sent my comments,,to�ft:,per.mftgng--ofter,. SIgnatum mft REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 9 July 2019 fGlrs Mr. 8 W o dd ,. � Colo* 213-Ei Franldiw8treet Uldt-304, Ch-a--d'-Nm NC'27514 p dear'MmA-Ain &vood:CoW., you, se on adjacent rlpMm- Iafid01A Reld C� n 0 Knw.- q'h X iila Axk reAdom t6r:86'aich. Countp The-enclaoxf2fte P-larraccuraWdeplats-thepi Sfto-Uld-y—u naveno6bo-ft-n-s W#l# P­M0A71 p le-m-64 d -, Johnston Architecture AIA m Box 113W Wdmln&n, NC 284M , 'tit ,r"6 Proposi CAMA Local Permit 011cer Ms. Chrhdine Bouffeml Now Hanover County Planning, Zoning & Inspections 230 Government Center Drive, Suke 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Commentsivvill.be-consiclemd up undI:fth=ancw--of-,a-; m-1 i � 2 a L-". ..T,. j—" [,have-no-,-objbct1on to tw-prole 1 64"' nsib thiep 1 0*6 , lhavw,sentimy co-mments.to-the-pwmitting--oficer. ftnawfe and RKCANTD�3 JUL 2 4 f9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING pmposed,and! on. C a i u FOU.E eIOKrlouXo W�IYiR a I