HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-43_ Barclay (WITHDRAWN) (2)}a.,IbOCa� 4a �U���7 a` ✓,"., 1� h a y � "' M '" �� s as a S � -v' zr � � ` OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: _others. GENERAL INFORMATION. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: LAND OWNER - MAILING ADDRESS J U L f 2i119 I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, heing either the owner ofproperty;o an AEC or a pers9a atthorized to act�as an agent for purpo s,dapplying for A CAMAmipoc development pemnt, certify that the person Netne eh%e47�1P-Gl-Ii ��ti. listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be PLANNING & ZONING descn'bed as: (cheek Ct )lLridla T6YState C_ 2 ip` t_ Phone Ct ttO 27 "(2Q ✓ an owner or record title Title is vested in name of C*9eMW tGZ9_-&W I04, see':Deed Book (A'I& 2.n'JI page G]1�'� bt l in the VAr&3 )dw_- ms7_ County Registry of Deeds: AUTHORIZED AGENT _an owner by virtueofinheritance. Applicant ts,an heir to the -estate -of probain was in Courtly. Name Address' City 1iV11_Ftl1N( -Cpro State1,1-C___ Zip ILYO Phone _t a t LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site; name of the adjacent waterbody.) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) 4011E F4tjr Ora {ilY'r� �L•Pixlty °% �T �� ��� �ool� � PlcClo ' SIZE OF LOTIPARCEL: 51,32S square feet L i-1 acres PROPOSED USE: Residential R*' (Single-family Multi -family ❑) Commereial/industnal ❑ Other ❑ LETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit QQ"uer if you are not sure which AEC applies property): (I)l OCEANHAZARnAECs:TOTALFLOORAREAOFPROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air onditioned living space, parking elevated aboveground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground•level but (2)IC0 A5IAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND'OTHER I14IPERVIOUS OR BUILT UI'DN StIl4FACES:1y5S8.square feet (includes the_area.of the:foundation of ell buildings driveways;.covered#ticks, co�crete or rnasonry patios,�etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with,the project #mining) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area:subiect to:a State Stormwater Mana!�Inent Permit issued by the NC Division of Energy, Mineral andrlland Resources (DEMLR)R YES_,_ NO If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: _. square feet. _ifother interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a "state sheey#Q&Jc6"" applicat opl NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERS: NEW HAN V C ���yy I furthermore certify that'the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this pz&VM f�uve given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. ,�� ��(N��amn�e��) /' t1'�.-, t.b*- (1) 4;e :�.ry LlV�ttscy— em, 7tzeca MP4—.m btgm-Ft­Wlu,r41L-em&J PC- =- f- 1_� � tom: E607/MD- F/li,� (2)1 Leg �tV Feu, '1��1� err xrt�?rn wnsuarto.� tie 2Ryp( (3) (4) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS d.e undersigned anAA0wledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed' develo meat is u sane# for au area wliicli ybe,susceptible to.crosion and/or flooding. I3admowledge that.the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the,particu- lai b"W problems associatdd with'this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations conceiniirg srabiliTs- M�e certify that 1 am authorized tp grape; and do in fac6grapt, penmission to Atvision of Coastal lvlanagement staff. , W Permit -Officer and their agents -to enter on the aforementioned landsinconnection-with evaluating information to this:perrrt application. This the 10,4K day dfs « .,,.. , , 20 J or person, authorized __act as his/lrcr_agent for putposeoffiling a CA_MA,permit appliat oa This appliea44n trsdudes;general in (thrs farad, a sue drawing as deserrbed on the baclEq}1lus application, file ownership statement, rthe:Dcean Hazard AEC Notice whem necessary, a.check for $100 00 made payable to the:locality, and any infvrnraton as may bepmvided oral y by sire applicant Tlle,details of the application as described dry (hose sources pre incorporated -without reference in anypetrnff which maybe,issued' Deviafionfmm:these:detruls will cons"te_a violation.of. any pertnft. Arty ger`son devekpiir in an AEC without- enrrit is suifeet�c l r five actto'"n. P li P DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 6- 219 0 M C3 Cfty, SW Zip Code DearAdjacent Property* This letter is to inform you that 1, CHM-2 �� have applied for a CAMA Minor 0 Property Owner* Permit on my-,property.4d ��Ahz�-M- - M-1kv4A, 1n,COUNTV Pro perlyAddrew t6ft a 'Pro', erg�Cdu*. AvV�ty-CAMA rtgpla eve ndft" 0f.MyTM -81) drawitgs asn6i"dh 6fih_y p pos6-dpt,­o)6d No . idon1ts' * you or;Fosum ar►p realm . _'()0PN or, the QQ4Sqt 7 YGUb?A#*y pmjl -or con rki�eadcMLbelow. ryou wish -to ApOileanfi!Telephone NT Unorp-0 Piggraffi,you rray-sbibiftit .11&wdftm�-,Comments�,or-o*cdorts-m&the LOCAL GOVERNME them to: LPb NAME &L- LO CAL R NMENT eb IJ Pk7 0"rl' OCAL V-5 LOMI GOVERNMF D A AD Arrv,, crATr vin XAA—e� Mailing Address W1 State, dip Coda En RECEIVED 4 �O­ NEW HANOVER . COUNTY PINNING &ZONING pdmwk Here 07111/2019 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PIMMIT Al Name=of Property Owner Requesting:Parmif:' GKRtc:,_. Mailing Address.006TO-i 0-1 I,JG-- Mont Email Address: �- . ,��, �,, ceefifjrtafPt have.authon zw�,�1;4, Agent [Co' to act y befialf, d m°fc r the purpose of applying #oranftbtaining�all CAMA permits necessaryfor the following proposed development: at rnY .A �e rycated a 8 2= o P KY� for in NMAS:_{iE2 County. 1 furdiennore codify that 1 arh Oat fhonZed to :gran% deaf do A fact rarrt _ g i penrnssion to Ditiisroia of Caasfal Management s#aff, the Local P- erm►t Officer.and (heir agrents fo enter on the 4frfd lands=in connection with evaluaftng mfi rmabon related to this ,permit application. Property dwer-lnformatlon i t "� S ature Piint=or Typ ae N me Tftle 1, Itb ILI Die 1%fs�;cert�icatEonMis�vat�th°rov9h: 1 l F�' N", HANmdER CG, .: PLAi*1t~llt G-4 2C�`�` r„ Mu 4t CERTIFIED MAIL •R ETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM RU a Property Owner ' I '-1 r Adis �0f bP-"' Ageds-NamiM, MillingAddmw hone- L Agon-f-W J L U 2 j#,p�p-j:L sill ilaveo OK m-- - S-- h 1" t I Ao'hotmAsh-11to VaNdIfte 15 66—thd6k. he7q (0-ropeLpypmer Infor dn)j Signature all w) Pdht or Typ e lVdme To � MblUnd Addiess], Qtk1Sfat&0p. Teld—phMeWahibigit - 111,0111 a E!" Date porty-Owner-Informatidto Signature Print or Type Narne a Marling Adtlressn Taleph6ne .Number Date Revised 611WO12 11 N M 0 CERTIFIES EC !g#TU 2 RIVIM-A 6F:COASTAL ,MANA AD' Olm-ek, � CENT RIPAkIAN, - Y N6TIFICAT-11ONNAIVER FQR pk(zpgRT Main@ of -,Prop. rt ' Y Omer RFile-;, q.,. vi J Address of Property:- e_�ju 3--m, Agent's -A "ingAddress: 4-3.-7, -A;#tft p-hohn LAW 1, Otebft that uwn property adjacent to the. above refeienced property The ifid! app for -this permit eSO d to'me,as shown on_the attached drawn ij..jh­6 & they are proposing. &M§ with dimignmeuri. P. I halveza objatjbh§ to this jv_QpQa4l;� hv6-obj,e-, ons- #hIs pro WAIVER 60aihouae, e qujrement, Ml do' not .vuisfr tb:waive the 1 b'�setESack equiro {Propell�owner information) P-Hi7t'Or Typq.lva, me Marling Address T'kl_ip7_A �aeJW�mb& �.(A�Ola-c-e-n-t�Property,,Owner Infomiatioij Signature Print or Type Marne 'Marling Addre-------------- U[W t$RrRMIP - 7etephonp Murnoor, CEMD 1-9 2M NOVER COUNTY MG & ZONING I Date xa R8viW 6/18)2012 M M I D -C T -=OWNIER SMSKE-14T -J A - T RIPAP ARIA N' PROPER- -Y 0AMON WITS FOR owm RECEIVED I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to CMIAS, !S (Came O'Piop-04, QiMR-4, vi JR, 19 a n h k 'ROP-eirti. 1.0-p*qat AddrOWL6% Block,Rcad, mica) NEW HA MER COUNTY I - in PLANNING & ZONING 0 - BA N.C. (Town qp#§r'C Hiit4si described tb M-6 as 3-fico-ki— apo qj� 04 _iF and .pdq!#--dry%-ftq(s);-the- development he -is -pr6potlioig Athdtl6dA@6fi, Wd," I MW no objectianstofili proposal! APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED L4EPI U :A ,#I r�,J I �i 0. ----- Q ------- - Sigrigure, Print or Type Name Telephone Number E3 bate x E, 0 Dear Adjai±ent ProPelty: ' �ltiis�(etteris fvinform�ou that=l, ��'�,5 , Property'�t�+rner Permit on in COxIJNTYa , , County. As required by CAMA regulationsA have eridosed a copy of my=permit-application and project drawing(aj'as rrititific.8tion of my ProPi ed pint hlo action is requtred ibffi you=a* theysigh and rjum -1tie encloseir noo6Jection faun. ff you lima ant► ga�6ons qr cornme�s about rnp PmP P..�je.��Please —--: e contact me at mai! at the address Iwo6Iow rif.you wish to Applicant's Telephone 66 w>itten ornmen :or6bjecftons wit lhe:t fi1CAI` OVEi�NMENT:CAMA Minn-Psrmtt Program;;yo may ubm t= them to: L.PO-NAME . Local Permit Offww for LOCAL G.OVERNMENI l'OCAI..GOVERNMENT ADD_ RES CITY, STAT#:; ZlP`CODE .NEW HANOVER GOUNjy e. PLANNING=& ZaNIING City, State, Zip Code tz V TE DJA0 } ki E RU4. PI C P tTY D INE. ,STATIERN T ' 0 C KMINOR PERMITS . C�'Eiereby„certify 0*1 f Wm-pr perty adjacent fioi C%H, —12-7i 1iT G :k-" 's :(Nama:of: PcopertyOwnar) properly"laid°at A ammi L at. Block,,=Itoad,_a. c ) °Ta"t odyy {T�oum�andla�r County)l . He ltss tlesol d-1 me °uaik . in the atf�ctied:applii Lion and project<draeiring(s}, thal devefopneent:he` s pmposing_at hat.loc adon, ends Ftarre no oe ons toyhirpn. L M—PLICa4TION AND DRAWlr4 OF�PROPOSED DF-VELOPMENT A [hE ' — VED � J U L Sigrfatu a NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Print or Type Name a,� PAGES Coee, gig M -17— 0 G) C= CA= 0 m z -- — ------- z IIII iven I I h. g 111M, 4. 1 PHI hie hie �Z yp z------ r m Urban Design NEW RESIDENCE FOR: ITT i I. I I I BARCLAY RESIDENCE Architect,PA i mgg P.O.Bx 10537 A Mvrde Beach.SC Wiminnn NC 76404 011 *AMTA RAADIA%= IMPERVIOUS AREA —MLATIONS ,T Cm A- RF- ,F Wjfn0.ACf o'TG CNC. CF,-V EW NOTOR COURT _R­ ¢CAR PA10/)R­/S1D­LK5 11PE-OUS AE4- T-S F IN 141PER161S AREZ- TOT, LOT XREA- DMVMAREA-13,838SXX,328SJ`- 26% YTEMPORARYPEDESTRIANEkSEMENT ALLEWS LANDING M.B.35, PG. 197 I BOAT LUNCH NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE RAGGED BY NHC (PINK RAGS) COD LINE RAGGED BYNHC (GREEN RAGS) COOK • GANGWAY DOCKOR — -- — -- — -- — -- 1.2 N 41-33'15' E -- — -- — -- — _ — -- — -- — -- — -- N1 196.2, _c%� ------------------- SHRUBS ESmAN RED -0-8 YSETBACK 0L WArm BLUTDITYEASEMENT A ALLEN'S LANDING M.B. 35, M 196 7 4 ------ GRAVEL DRIVEWAY PqS - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOT 1 ---- ---- ------- ------- - ie 1c, --------- 10 FOPT STONE SAT. PATH -- - — ---------- 1Q, 10 A. 4' 7: -iONEX ZA NEWPDNCRETE. _­Rf MOTOR COURT( BENCH Rom \c, RE 24rEl ja 5 __ JA Wo 1R PT j 16' 4' 1mosEHLEP m L ---------- -- - — —­ — - ER 4, 5NEW SITE PLAN w Z 0 , w w 9 a� Z W w q 9 0 113 z or 4 cr. SITE PL BYTE A OAIE 1-1 RECEIVED SDA JUL 16 2019 I ,V) N r O O r D Z 38 e o NEW RESIDENCE FOR: Q D r 3 aA BARCLAY RESIDENCE P 07, CANT. lAA- -----------------------, I 1 4 � v 4 I ❑ t u 8 Q 1 I N m I 4 O Z I � I O i I ' I 9 B i � I i de'—O' I S—e 53-1 1111F urban Design ®rij Arr:hitect,P.A P.O.Box 10537 Mvr le Beech. SC Wllminoton. NC 28404 �� � �� N n V N = ,� O f = � a �m E i$ �aw �� � t �� a NEW RESIDENCE FOR: BARCLAY RESIDENCE WOO enuTA -.1. AIM T I I I Uiban Design Architect, PA p.O.BWx 1053, Mv'Oe Swch. SC W Imi.Wton, NC 28404 F -- --- �� -----T-- ,. I i JL — — / L_.----— — — — — J! 114 - — �11171 OOF PLAN �•1 FLASHING DETAIL GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL OINENSIGNB ARE FRAMING .@R) DIMEN90N5 UNLESS OlN MM 2 REFER Rp. TO DWENSIDNS BHOwN- - DO NOT SCALE ORAMNGS A 3. REiER LE �ENF1EAM Atilt ®AR 9WNE sNwc SCHEOVL6 FOR REAM INFO. BL B— FIN H.LT GIiR 'PLUMBING RAtV OUNDING D g I stEAnuNc FRAMING NOTES {..yL. RI 4ltM 4�AIANT ANVN[ N pBfE F1At� WNW w o ®i _ "710 illLL fUBIIING A SMNt of 9'� mlOw W415 M.W 9E 1 0 EOG( TO _ �AG1S Y IENIXS 9WL BE (]) fnol VI/Y RY- \.ffi c� H ww \ ASonALT SHW suppmlMM� t0'ab4 ro n¢ w.u� i m cME mom. \\ TEATS AT I2' G c-NNL ro M OTm IO GA • Y a xuNpvrvE —(OxE rtg mf£ MBNIxc Inc nl BRttr]E OR o Bi of t a oBS K , mw FAw �9l \ ABPMM.T SIUNo sc Wa4 =aA) M w R AT BOW �omAaxc awL BE A MemoW mwE s nuwem a swnuW .\ away Fwc ra:Ixao oa RAKE FLASHING �� BASE FLASHING wsoAT=w¢m®O°WDWurzaa -eoo t tR' - I -o -BBo I tR' - +•'-G• ro >xE gsr •wowW rAxaxA nrz r