HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-42_ Dickens (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government Coosta! Management ENV,NONNEN[A\GVAIRY , FF&, a AMW 19-42 Permit Number 11K MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality State of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Margaret Dickens, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 6 Beachbay Lane. , in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated July June 17, 2019. This permit, issued on July 24, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, Imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Demolition of existing single family residence (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on July 16, 2017. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Issuing date. This permit must be or the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This peril may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. juL 2 4 ')(", "M WiLMINGTON, rdC Christine R. Iffard CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) IL 6 A POW1 .SIGNATURE: PERMITTEE LANDfflWNER - RECEIVED monommor.TIWI"1311\rhri?lrAel killPL AUTHORIZED AGENT �£nther interest sueh�aswritten contractor lease, arplain below oruseasepa?ate sheet &ettaci►�tu dns apphcattt®a demolition OF PROJECT (List all proposed construction and land disturbance) cek T" ARCEL: . square feet « ' amw ACKNOWLEMEMENTS J I, the undersigned, ackthowledg ; lZe3tdendal, QY ($Ingle fauulY, Mulp-?amn1Y{]) CommerctaUladpstnal D Qther may -fie suscepttble.to em4ion m /, 1_ L_a.J �..Lle..... ..............e.1. u d `(Z);COASTALSHOO�INKAECa :SIZEOF.BUILDING F.00TPRINTANIIOTEIE CIMPERVIOUS OWBUILT UPON SURFACESS1t[['' square fea.(includes the area of the roof/ddp line of all bwIdngs. driveways, coveted decks, cothcnete or.masonry pa mac_ that are within tha appirca6IeAEC. Attaeb yourralcul�ions with the project diawmg ) STATE S.fORMWATER:`MANAGEMENT.PERMrP Is theprojea lwaWiWan a subject to a State &o"miviafer Manesciac t Permit issued by the NC Divisioa of %6itor Quality? hYES s y N i _ n- ifyea,list,dutotal:tiwit upon area imperviousstufaceatlowedfo yourna squarefbit. . an .. .. .. _: .. -mac... -.v. ssio T furthermore certify dial I am au honzad to grant, and do in fact grant„permission to Division of Coastal Management staff the Local Parma Offiwand dteirageats to- mt the a_ Fareruemtgngd lands in caaaeaiQa g6 gvatuzfteuginfotmatiga related to d17 ris pe_r��tapplcationj �/,� .!� t ► i'�S / Thisthe� th__ day of June-20�L a' iGe drawing aWJiicr bad an the &ar�r`af' &6 apI'W-car mi he 5ecesmry.,geherkfar$10000naadeP*wNa,/0rhelacyPlltyt iarc 7U datails ajlhs oppJta�Jan os described byilrese sourcBs are issued DevlotwnAm 6 there "dx wAi cmfitwe a viokuiamg7 k ii sxbiea to civil; crcoi6i 4aft" Ira rrotivo acilon� SITE IIRAWING/APPZ.ICA'1`Q1 CHEKLS Pkasa make sure yoorsde'drasving;raphrdes the Follawmgu fgratstioaiie iuedf&i CAMA'mmar �cvelapremt.pemn[ T7+n:Locet Pcmtit-Otiicv' wiD=help you; if requested. PHYSICALD SONS iebetraads; abut hiebways npht of ways _�L'abel loeal:setbaclrlines _t any and alb sW clines and driveways currently existpg oa property �� t�.at�el adjacnnt_watezbody �" PRnlCAi CEMPACIERISTICS . taw end Labe! normal high wafer line (contact LPO for assistance}; ,_,,,�?-� taw►gp�ouofan-siteawastewatecsystem If you�will doing is the oFean ha2ard stead w add label dame ridges (include spot elevations) d�label toe of dunes I' loon lust bue afstab[e ve"64J t (contact Lib for assistance) apd label erosion setback lme (crones LP0 fort essiatasci); lkaw aua label MPols<ephi� features joptiasal) If yopytilx ko wadiing ti a coastalshmalW%r6: Show the roof overhairg as a dotted line around the strugaae; _ Ardw and label aendwatrE bmrtu (i1hG .4 prow and label ali wetland Imes (contact LPO for assistance) :kd �._Urawnodlabe[_ e30=focRbuffalkae . CDEVELOPM ENTP.I.ANS titi _ end label Bllpfspasedshu�Jctures Draw and label areas that-wt11 be disturbed a -dtor landscaped ode s,ze ofyihng and depth to be placed m ground - aad label allmeastobepaved"ortlravd�d liaivuall�s tabu.&sdibed Show landscaping NpT1��:0APPbICANT = Hdt±eyoar ,/ ttaompteted"all blanks andlorindiceted ifnotapplicablg?t/ notified; and hstad adjacem prop gwners?a y/" includedyaurad diawmgt signed and dated the apphcatian?� OTt k APPIMAUON FOR Ala ONO,-, _ tnToi: i� P, ERMIT. In I4?4, the North Catnlinu t:aetalAssembty passat tlte.CoaatatAttii.Msaagtment As;t (CAMA) and set t I stage forgutdiag development m fiagik aid productive areas fiat; botdcR titeelate's eoaads"awdaaeanFiootAtong.t�itlt tegolrCagspeclat'ciie bytlase w6o.. build aad devcl p the Genera! Assembly directed the Coastal RRsoun Comluissioaj i 4 .1kla PIeiosuideat reguiittai>; ilniai(nimlattlie ba des oa tYe apjelieaat IbJI9j OW:i ioa'fora`ki a.i.ii ' mt e , onide'r CAMA''ls , . pm permit partufthe Commission'sett'ortton ttheaa¢iuteatof"wgcuaaiM!sgwItb#44Jte�!. desigiudto be sttarghtforwrd and regwre ao mo4 ne tune or effort than neoeas1ry from the applicant Plgaaga over%Iderwrgr fhe,Locai Permk f)ffioet{LPO}fair„tit loci iyid tvhick ymr plan to ii R" to tie ceer' , M tint you understand what tnformad" he orsheneeds befotsyoaappl} Under CAMA reeaiattaas, the nhwrpermitis to_be iswedratbha2dsyaotire I—omplete a,,, —tion is it hand; Often less time is needed if the purled is ritpide; Tate Preeeu ameral(y:takee about iB deye. Yost eaa`�eed.the tipproval ��"itY m�n6 "In �that your apphntioa is complete and aiPjled, that your dnweng �aeaa the epcdfications given iaride and�that`jyatiiir app6catlinfee is atliched. t OtheriR iese are not CAMA-related we uIZeyao to cieda with the PermitOf determlge wblcpafthesryuutiWldeed.Alistisin hiilon:pagetwont'this.&Mir. t?Veapptaaateymtrcanpei>atsonwilli`tiallorttiGiirolinaCo stal=Ma oagement•Program and your wilGegness to build u a tray abet ptoE4cts the,taesout>r a of nor baaatiFitl-And pridnetivei:oast Coastal Reseumes Comm ad Division of Coastal Management T lA RECEIVED`` 0 Z CCM WILMINGTON, NC � = C:_ ❑ to y JCz UL 16.,-2019 ^o" go y rn tom, H ❑x tiGMl+omi ®t9sz zaio are nwti zo ii 0 0 I Vi z0 d M ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT ftqity A&MOM MiW01 P 00* ' Ngme-dfPropefty OlNni4 property-Jocated at 'on Attanac cean in r<Ebte Emiiowr-ca *1ty N.C. IWA (0%00" griftr' urify) 7�-71 i Se Pro ",fh e7a6ve locatsan I have.. objections to this proposal. .. .. ....... I -11.111-M--141 11-- ­ ­­jjj% N PR -OSEDMEV�Lb 7 _A Oft W1146 OF � OP PMENT (Incividbef-proposing development must fill In desctpdon beftWorsdach a4fteAkwWhW. "N 'kk ;r- �J'& kom See d Q-Y4 e- - 'S -- A(PA RECEIVED du 1 6 20'19 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PU%NNING &ZONING - BE WAIVER SECTION i understand Chat-s Pier, tdock, mooring,0111rigs, ibodt, ramp, breakwater, t6whouse, lift, orgrolw, i mustbe set bacica minimum --distance of W "from my area of riparien ateag--unlea"Waiml by me.'(ff Voif-wish to--walvWttf6setback, you Must1fiffibFft qlPf-q9W -pnblank 15616W.) . I d6 wish to waive the 10 setback requirement. J - kdo-mah4ish to waive the 1 zetback-requir ement. r10 Telephone t4o 4mW adftsd "Valid >for one cafindarye-ar p4r signature* Rdht,orType"Mmid; ifflng-Address W. 7617 'Qfy1S1ateM0_ :99olAo " ev Wow /'eMell address Di7few (RovisedAug- W14) m ADJACENT RIPARIAN - MQPF-K-Y.- M.ERSTATEMENT Q 4 "Z d §Wft ft) !Lgi7fe j (Niune-of Proper Owner) (Addfess,rLot Sldbki Rda-d' gift6f, on AftnfiqOcem - ' - 1 -, itsN.C. '(W ft ,(Q --lT.Qwn-andl6rCount V) T -6, di- i6-me, as shown, .6elow,tment-1pm proposed he dawlo I --- ftfte- 'a', Ve XXXXXXV, 64 ESC." ffidiol ri rWg orielapment rimu3 f�11 Fi-il-I pFCFJVE D Jut 1 6 fS NaV4 HAN,OVEFt COUNTY PLANIV* - & ZONING reakwater,l boathouse,lio,, ter --groin - 6ciporl Air f.dil 1. - I do wish X wave WOO- irim on setback :rag irement. Aot . mishiom, ive.1fie, -'S -0 (Adjacent Property Owner Information) Tetephorte NOWWrIA- Wes Date �VWO, ;for, one-.calendaryear after signaturet, Telephone Numbs/email atldr�ess Date* YR6iooAug. 2614J M`-M-,-, hE �: J* ; j , d a max- . r � y ! No Av ; �. AW-AdENt 111-PARIAMPROPMT-Y-t B.STATEME 'I . _tt8reb cftif.that LUM pfd�p ' do ert Addht to Kq9kr6v.F adha (NUM9, Of Pnope_ *4►:�=i ned pr operty 6Awh► Lam Fg On Atlantic N.C. ft�s. 44 -66 64 f6 'h me. as-n blef6w,the -d6el pment-proposedat h"bove .Xxxxxx,;., Oave no --,objection to thit.,gropoul, I sh# c*#04n# to this proposal... posal.. I g��'k� a�6 tk-*Ae- - 5ee- AKw 'Me'. In CEIVED sit A 6 N15 NEW HANOVER CouNTY PLANNING.& ZONING. 60iffiouse" lift, a F_,­111, 0�' setback requirement;. 175'se requirernent.i 40",ri6t nwifi 0 waive Aer (Adjacent Property Owner Information) g 'z 'S' . . . . . . . At 'Ptintor,TY106 ame ress Mailing al Ing �Ardd Address Eialegh 7 !Y?§tafd 1P PRY —SW T'dWphoh6 W66&liima40i * Date R, Ir - *;Valid for one calendar yearaftersignaturel, TglO hone Nqp)h!er1 / omsd'dddress Date* (Revised Aug", 2011 SHEM �13J .T P.E ,R P E O NEtt $TATEMEN-1 i hereby ce* that 141r:pr rtacacsnt:to;argareiPaick+sfw-_ The appliGatit; hes. described.to...me—i as -shown below; the development �a -w _IOGatIQi1 �.. xxxxxxxx ;haverto 64!,E c*on-#o"thismproposal` 1 Fla�ra c'�c�r�e=t�"this F.roposail � , ` V At G 2 1 NEPNTY LAANO & ZONIHANOVER NG NIG r� I"cia wish to wr avp the 15`.setback,[equ�r r t I alo no_t w tQ trkaiiCe the 15' settiack regn cement, W Telephone Number/en7atl address' Date "Velltl fog one calendar year afker signat� e'"' (ReviWd .Aug. 2014) tH I Jf� C_- 4 JUL 1 "6 219 NEW PLANNINGVER COUNTY & ZON NG • -1 11 ,STATB 'Lori. NORTHi CARQI;INA COomy OF N'EW`:EANOVER BK RB 620C1mm ;�+ Z0180 REtA�EOr� -•-� ti ^ram r- •� NEW�HANQVER "cQUNTY, O�IIOJI?A1; REALESTATE Q1ZOW03PM3 TAMMYTHEUSCHBEASLEY] REGIN'MUMDEED81 EXTXS53SpD0 r B Pr lE?REIJIEFOW DPUTY7 . m ELECTRONiCALL`GBECORDED REVENDE STAMPS: $5,350.00 GENERALS WAiR"NTY DEED Tax Parcel. ID #I R0460 --002=002=000 Mail After Recordiing To: Margaret . Dickens (Grantee, s Address � X �1365''' DRAWN 'BY: CALDER, LAW; PLLC 14101 Commonraeelth Drive, Suite - 4)9, Wilmington, NC 28_03 RETURNED TO: EUGENE DAMS 16121 Military Cutoff Road-, Suite S'61,. Wilmin,gtgn, NC 284.0.31 *=*Dpj=j WITHOUT OPINION C*1 TITLE* * v ofAthe Gr ors,totherwse Y includes the prsmary residence of at least one lif ��,P �Pj�t _F ; note, gas N/A. (per N. ,Ci GS, S 1-.05-317. 2 ) Grantor., s Addfiiddl: 6 04 Aired ,Road, Bahama,. NC 27503 Brief Deseript 6h: ";Lot 6, Secta.on 6, # gore Eight Island -This Deed, made and entered into this the IAt ,day of 'March, 2019, by and between Joha AYan Monroe, s ngla/ the3 GRANTOR herein+;. and, Margaret P� Dickens, marr�ad;Jthe GRANTEES herein. WILT N;ES SET S!: :That the Grantor (s,) , for and in the cons°sderation, of7 the suf of One Dollar and other valuaklle consideration, the receipt ,, fof *Bich is +hereby acknowledged, has ;and by thes;e presents, doves igr;ant, ,ba ,ga n, "s6 i and convey unto 't Grantees) in fee, simple; that rea estate 10cated in the Cou my of New Hanover; State of North Carolina, smore ,part cularly. rdascribedi as folloias: p M. �ana� tn�-rums-a_� the�sut�dl.tCer _a0reenenx .rrttl�f tfie 'Hew: Hanover`C�uety-Regfisterrafi-Deerls. �. Being that -tract locate&i at-i 61 B —ttohi Hay �Laa�, Eeet sa ,Hanover, :County, NC has aq Tax Parcel ma Nirinber 'R04609- 0-02" 0 2=000; descrzbec In, lmstr=ent recorded in.1800k 3-674-., Page 2821 in the said New Hanover co`�unty ,RegLstry, as the? .$ame beia9 more Part�,cularlg described Inthat 8xfiib t A ,attached hereto arid] ncosgorated here n`bY saference. To NI'V6 and to hold the a- said lot or parcel, together w.lth rail ,privileges and appgrtenancesx:thereto.; -heretofore belonging, to the Grantees) immn.ee simple . The Grantor (a_-) ;covenants with tr a Grantee (s `, that `Grantor(s) is seized' of the premrsesi in fee lew simp, has thel right to convey the same in fee simple; that _the; title is ;mar-1-table &nd free and clear oil all enaumbrar_ces, and that Grantors) will warrant And defence the title against they lawful claims of ell persons whomsoever except for the, exceptions her_e_a after stated. Title to the.. property hereinabove described is; subject 'to they following exceptions The provisions of all applicable zoning and land use- ord�.na ices, statutes and, regulations;; 20;19 ad valorem taxes;; all applicable,9 -, x'estrictive covenants, ,and, rights reserved or granted. tther:ein'; and! all applicable utility, drainage "and other easements of record. In witnesst whereof, the, Grantor (s=) t'have hereb to set their - hands and seals this the �da_y. +and year first above vritten. jjj,� G (SEAT,) John Alan Monroe jl1L 1 6 2019 STATE OF NORTH "CAROINA NEW HANOV>=R CO"WXX!QS NETnTi HANG pLANNING & ZONI - 2, a. {Notary Public of the County and, State ,,afor:esai:d` certify that JoY n AhotoFMra�hc oei personally dent fi anoappeared a thsb da ef r and krfaacknowl.�'edoed ethe� Proven to me bey photographic P ► Y g., execution of the for:egaing.Instrument. Witness m" hand aridl of r cial s µD or seel, this; the Z5th day of March-; 20191. 12 ~.•• " fir '0 o ary' ub i.c � :Printed; Names: .Annette L. Corvelli, U. -, 'My Commission Expires: 06/30/2020 CG,G [ y t