HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-40_ Saint (2)dF (0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 19-40 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern Pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued Fred Saint, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 27 Pipers Neck, in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated June 24, 2019. This permit, issued on July 23 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Porch addition of 380 square feet (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on July 11, 2019, (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations, (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a le -evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. RECEIVEu (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) JUL 2 4 ?n+(, This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project sfte and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. Ali work must cease when this permit expires om, DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent wflh the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management, Chnstine R. Bcuffar CAMA LOCAL PERMIT FICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, INC 28403 PERWTTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) {Name.Fred Sal ,Minot P_�mtit �,1 =401 Date�Jui�=23,"2Q19 _ — - , 1(5} �7he amowfof imperwo s s�,riace shad not°exceed Z5°iG of -the lot an2� wain 575 feet of Notinal High Wad _ .,.�.� �(Estuanne: ShaehneJ QRW Area of.EnvironmentatrConoem); to ih case; 380 totsquate_feetis authorizes :. I4 i �t:. ;11J! eve __.__s . RECEIVED I;o'caliq • ` iPetmit-Ntimtier � BOTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED• -The activity you aro P1a►tnmH m@y roqutte petmlts ofha`than the CAMA j-minor decrelopmea,t p�aoit, meluding, but noYlimlted to.;I)nnlang Wale+• Well, SiPtte Teak. � older Ucean Haazid� F.stimnne Slioreliue ORW.Shotehae Public -Trust 3hualme Othcr Ltreatmtmt sysDem) Building, Slectrical,•Plumbiog Ii�hng andAu Caidihlmmg, Lisulati , Eae` -FIA• (For offidd free only) LCahfit:etioa Sand Dung„St�ioient Control, 5ubtlivisi Apptoval,'1V)obile tltme PetkApproval;l ighway.Coaneation; and] o. G�hecic � yoa�r Local Ptamit 016cerfor more mformatibn; �� N GENERAL IIYFORMATIOIY E _ j STf#TEMENtT dF OWNERSHIP W HA�EOVER COUNTY LAND OWNER MAILING ADDRESS 11; the under�gaed; as a*cimat far a CAMAminor developme pemitt, bewg eittiendt f A8<; DTg poison authorised to ax,as an agent scsof applying for 4 CAMA u idor taut ant permiit, certify 1 the'person listed as lari weer on this application has a significant interest -in -the teal ptapetty deic i�d t)tcrein: This interest cm1 be- �J 'O YGii F desaibedes (check one)1 (I" A h0 , -, �-i - Rt Ztp Z;6.. '10 i g1s0' !IO �_'%� ✓., -owncrorrecordtitIe Tttleisxesstediarutmeof `i / tsee Deed Book# page in the — Catdty Raglshy of Deedi. f I&mail { i _ . 4�SG:i_h /t 0: G-OWti t ` _..an owner by virtue of rnhentance App4teat m an tit it to the estate of AUTHORIZED AGEN7 J w m !Name r!%b.ar ! 3`tiar;o S1 :.probabewad'iti3 cnnaty. Ll if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. iteu bvl ;Wry su, lic A.vc.. Ctty �y(�iNSN4'�"'e"�` )Stale -_N� ZipPh. one I�0x' 6.?Z0'i NOTHrICAT[ONOFADJACENI RIPARIAN PROPERTI'OWNERS: I fiuthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given IFtriarl r ONrj I� y W.i. /�w+J/ f/Oy--oo. Ly W+J ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this properly and to apply for a CAMA permit. l[OCATION'OFPROJECTi.(Addiess,sheietnuuelidlo duectiousaoatte rieninofthe`allacentwslerliidy) " „e) Z,'r` —=a` :- :r►t •..� l-u --' .Bi.. /a l- '�-, ems..-_� i+t r't� j(O3) l e- Is Z- '14k_G . 2) L M,_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (L'is��t all proposed wrist uchon and land disdubance) AP(NOWLEDGEMENTS:1 NV poiG:a' "1 j• c p v� it, the tinde�gnod; acknowledge,dket the land owns is awieie thatthe- uoppsat `develop ire pl�ned'for .area wfitd l r ,- :� '"y m bos 6le to erosion and/or flooding l ckaowl that'the al Permit Otgtxr•has ed to me the cu- `' _.,-r• ho andflt proofi_agtecliniquesl explaaau p� by tacplmo part SIZE OFLOT/PARCEL 1 squaze feat agree ` — Q —� S } la hazard ro6laas associated with this got- This on was acegm W u 1�od reeammdenona epnaming afabrliai: &' ..r _ P OPOSLD:USE. Resdenntial "F' s .a,. e R ❑` (Stngle-family B''rMuth fanirly j]) 6ommeroiaVJnduainatOut ,❑, r . — � _t 0' 1pfurthermore certify thatI'a1n authonzal to grant; and do is fact' t; P.etmishGn to Division of Cwatal entate@;+ the Local-Pennit Oflrcer and theira ants to eater on the afo�ed lenJ3 in coantxtion.tivitti evnluatma infomietion R0 r-+ ;. { � TOTA, ��__ "J-- , � �Ttiiiithe 12�' dsy-,Zd1 (I) OCEAN HAZARpAECs.L FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED 3TRUCIIJRE � square feet (include,s...3 air c>intioiied living spate, parking;elevated above.grounddevel,nonrmndititmed space elevated above ground level butt I i 'in g non load bearing attic spate) Lan t6 crud to' act ��j° _ _ do su o " ` as hrslllar agcrt for pulpoae of Sling a CAMA petmit nppltcition or (Z)` COASTAL SHORELI AECs, S[ZE OF BUII D]NG FOOTPRINT AND OTMX IiktPERVIOUS OR BUILT ' W UPON SURFACIiS:4 � feet (includes,the art:a,of the-fimndatign of aR.tiuildings,'driveways covered decks, T QPpP DA lnckrrles','generall orfar bn:(!h!s fonrrJ; Q mile drawing as described an'thtr back Of(hLe applrcatrar. dkt a ownershipstateenant. ihe.Ocean Nciarr/AFC Notice.wbeirrltcessa+yt a drejar S100 00 merle pgt+v6le ro rke lo&rlln. Qd i>oactete or "masonry patras; etc tfiet:aze mthrn the appligableAEC: Attach yotu cciculatioa@„witli the pgolect drawing) TE 3TOR— un}(njorrnrAron,asmQ�'bepfnvidedom/lpbytheQ/rplrtavrt:;;7hedetailsofttrtap/rlifxrrion'asdmeribodbythcraaourrwsale� STAMTWAER MANAGEMENT,PERMII T: sthe projec4located in eant t n rea shjecto, a Sate �co>�iQted'wthaul.reference:iri rinypernrlt ?rhich aniry be- ;tssvtred.-Deviafiarfldoe Ihesr deruict wrll coils9il�e q v!olation + wfv rmN; A►± rson rleve/ m to Qn APC wulrout Jt 7s srrb err to ctvt! cWlnol mfJarinnnesllve:aglpn. Stormwata tvlatragemt nt i?errnrt rssoed by the,NC Division of Bnsrgy. Nineral aud:LaW Rtsdaices"(DEIV➢ R)? , _Pe I zNO:..nl if yes Itst the total built upon area/lmpexviouseurface allowed for yoyr lot or parcelsquere t� GWATHM.U"y ��� a �-RESTr�E�rr-IAi: GROCSP� �� tkgl4 Wrightsville Ave, Wilming�on NC 2JUt �� i9T03 b79-8500 1 19 NEW HANOVER COUNTY July 9 2019 PLANNING & ZONING Tip WJ pm It Ntay Concern 27 Pipers Neck Road Figure Eight Island Wilmington, NC 28411 RE; 27 Pipers Neck Road To WhomIt WMarcorf rril This lettershal serve --as formae adjacent praperty_.ou►rner, loCated_at �7rtPipers; Neck Rosd: Intends ta.renovae=the eXlsting-structure and-buildwa new Z.-story parch at the franc ,-elevation. Should -you have. any. questions; please call. Sincerely, GWATHMEY RESIDENTIAL GROUF411_C Willie 0 UE-CE Junel4,10191 Fj JUL M19 To Whom it may concern, NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING 9 Residential--!Srbup, LLC T'd aeFasmy agent n � Sincerely, Fred Saint W, Ar "lei I rl_ -1V Z& Alt '7'PIC7)o Li N 5URVL- r&� 3 M.55AMOREDsmiri- SIE LjjGjm?jGjr. 0 -PPIUMINARY 50AN �Xcrqq In D JUL 9019 =W HANOVER COI ,pi-4-mmNa-& ZONI 1.1 z D,§IAW 141 nis36 4-a' Lu n, C)- ~PIPERS NECK ROAD u !! NbfiA?,q� 1 tf AT 1 s1G �r WATER; !� eAD I AREA CALCQ -ii6AS,, axa�.i_ ram_¢ _ ilWb WA,NF! �yy� 7N! -rv. A2` LJ C C L A+tVTs Urt ke:S� rQ Ate cOkp�t, i t:. soul WV- o a q_ �LaT F CO nwITW-0 7 JUL 1 9 2019 HANOVER COUNTY MING & ZONING s PIPERS NfC--K; AD E r MA50N5 CHANNEL E55 FLOOD = AT-FACE-Ofl --A 111-Z Ise Nir LTNCH D5 5212 FG534 4%J 4 0 f rERI—.ter FAGE`Sll ;A .. . ...... .... . wz*IMR DB 4830 FG 56 JUL 1 IJ2019 EW44ANOVt COUNTY IVONING lW* - I- W uo, _j A. 04 '7 kit., wkk:T%-%%t,qf &1111001�4 L L-OCAT ION:-.5URVEY, FOR 5U5AN V 5AI NT I RED 5AI NT `EIGHT I At 2-7--, lba-f N' I j BL 7EP M ARWIT-TOWN! 5M I NEWIIANOVEJz.�C)LiNw, i.cT PATRICKC-BRISTOW IANb WAVENIN k WJ 20HE AZ t�' -4),ASIPM� I I - 1-1 1 1 , � - I I r -- - SITE; DRAWING/API!LICATION CHECIMIST please`alake;sure yoltc site drawing includes the following information requiia for i CAivIA auttor development permit. The Local=Permit Officer witi.help you, ifrequested. PHYSICAL" DIMENSIONS'! Label`roads NA Label b%hways right-of-ways Label local setbacklmes "Label any and all structures and driveways currently, extstutg on.pmperty "✓ Label;adjacentwaterbody � '- PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Draw and label normal high water lute (contact LPO for assistance} : _Draw:locatiauafon•sitewastewater system Ifyaiiwillbe�workmginIth oceanharsd,aiea: WAI Draw and label dune ridges (include spot elevations) Drawar label.tot of dunes) v I fldenirfy and locate first line of stable vegetation (contact LPO for assistance) adt %,Draw and label erosion satbaclrtine.(cotitect l PO r'orassistadce) z;;a and:tabel topographicalfeatures (optional) if, be:tivoikmgiti a coastal.siioielitie arcs: Show the roof overhang as,a dotted line around the structure �/ Draw"andlabelleitdward limit ofAEC Draw and label all wetland lines (contact LPO for assistance) +� Draw andlabel.the 30 foot tinlfez luie WINWWP1W640LAN _✓ Draw and label all proposed structures r Dia►v and tails) areas that well be disturbed sndloi laii8so ed ✓ Note size of piling and depth to be placed in ground )_, aw and label all areas to be paved'ar groveled 1 Show all areas to be disturbed Show!andscaping NOTE TOAI+,t11 NTI Have you: completed all bWiiks:aadlor,itidioated ifnot"applicable? ""I notified and listed adjacent property owners? focludedyounr sitedtaw'no. lcigneci and dated the application? • clidt sed the $106.00•fee? • wmpleted aa'AEC Hazard Notice, if necessetx4'(Must" be"signed liy:tlie propeity:'owner}! w ' APPLICATION FOR sA?a LAMA MINOR Coastal Managementa= DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMIT in 1974, the North Carolina General Assembly passed the Coastal Area ManagementAct (CAMA) and set the stage fur guiding development in fragile and productive areas that border the gtate's anands and oceanfront. Along with requiring special care by time who m P build and'develop, the General Assembly directed the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) to implement clear regulations that minimize the burden on the applicant L. This application for a minor development permit under CAMA is part of the Commission's effort to meet the spirit and intent of the General Assembly. It has been designed to be straightforward and require no more time or effort than necessary from the applicant. Please go over this folder with the Loral Permit Officer (LPO) for the Ioadity is which you plan to build to be certain that you understand what information he t' or she needs before you apply. r Under CAMA regulations, the minor permit is to be issued within 25 days once a complete application is in hand. Often less time is needed if the project is simple. The process generally takes about 18 days. You can speed the approval process by making certain that your application -is complete and signed, that your drawing meets the specifications given inside and that your application fee is attached. Other permits are sometimes required for development in the coastal area. While these are not CAMA-related, we urge you to check with the Local Permit Officer to determine which of these you may need. A list is included on page two of this folder. i' We appreciate your cooperation with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program 6, and your wi0ingneas to build in a way that protects the resources of our beautiful and productive coast Coastal Resources Commission E Division of Coastal Management y a� • � A r t7 zZ �R z nccw'i:oiar6ei4ssZatsl%sea �0 ' PC M 0 o �' z C cod G)j t