HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-39_ Smith (WITHDRAWN) (2)SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Phrase aric sry yws she drawing include ltw following infmmaniml reontred Gx a CAMA Ir.txV &: V.rP'.Iwm pamlil. ?In. Lrsci ?aSni•, fYlfrcr gilt kip )V.L i`ruquested. PII\5{L'.11/� n1atENJtoNg �+. Lena math Lzbel hidlia rsrikl;W:ways la:'nf Incrd s.:bock linos Wool any aW all ta'ucwm, and dtive%Yllys currently e.oalag uo properly yy_ Lob:l ajoxclii wamrirody PHI SVCALL\RAMRISTIrS Diuw and lcdxl nnneW itihh ss•aor Inc lcaio v LIY) IiR ossiduntt) aF Drosv i xtam al'm•,otw Rust •senor system It yen will be working in Ilw s><sn lumxd ono', Dato nod lab l duac edges FNciudc ^pot elevation) Draw and label heof i s idadhp sad ,acntim le tifn tiles of n:A;r .n)gdutian lcaw7 1.3'D he ussinmmel Omni and label wool") setback line ("Mae Lilo IOr nadaimwtl .Draw a d lata•I lopagr.,phieal fembrea (optional ) IFv,:u %ilVe worknyl is n comml ahcvliae acre: Shaw the nwf nvcdiuig as a jabd liar smans the anuetcrc Drove, nod kthrl Im:dward limit afAL•C s. Drinv ad kihcl all welard lines (cwtma LM for assiawwel Draw a'ld N bel des 30d'act hurt" Fix DEVELOPfsIFNIF PLANS sf thew mW hti,,rl all proposed slrueure. ova and busul ease, Oat will ba disturbed Indiar larulacaped /NW a Fze eti fills{ and depth la be placed in pound 4Aw rid talxt ell a, 1, be loved or grewded Shia r21 cross to In. disuirhed hnw:u:dsc:pinp NOTE TO APPLICAY{' Fbwe tw: • cwegYnt vl all Monks Oliver mdinAzt! ifran elydiudrle'i • notified mid lai nt aJµc.nt property omen? • included your si1e,kniviis? • signed aid dated the applrcapw:? • eadasnt the 110011:1 geto comp>tetvl as AEC Ill Noise, if neLrawuy? (Mnn be silmo by the property esa;a) FOR STAFF USE. Sale Notice Posted _ Fiend Inspoclme , Pee Rttrivcd — J'Ie ir.apee•(Ln'S Dar ofAetion: mued n<entlucd _ Denied ApPwd Daedlliw l20 dogs tmtxu (armit adiwi) APPLICATION FOR PC_ CAMA MINOR Coastal Management DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMIT E K 1 I T In 1974, the North Carolina Generel Asm.biy passed the Commil Area hlin"Reameent Act (CAMA) and 4t iho stage for guiding devebprurnl in frogile and produeNve Asses that border the store's sedads nod oceanfront. Along pith requiring special cam by three who build and doelop, it. GeneralAssembiv IOrectal the Coastal R. mes Commiolon (CRC) to implement clear regulations that mlnlalae the rmrdea on Alto applicant. This appticnliun for A minor dcwhita sal permit under CAMA 11 pan of the Coonnibe ma's e1Tan to meet the spirit and intent or the CentralAmcmbty. It has been designed to be straightforward and require m men time or eifari than no eaary from the applicant. Please go over this feider with the Ladd IYruth Officer JITO) for the locality in whlch you plan to build Is be cerium that you understand what information he or Ac needs before You apply. Under CAMA rrpriatloos, the minor pannit is to be issued within 25 dais oaee a csniplote spplicades is In hand. Often tons time 6 ocMed if the project la hmpW The rtas tty about i Jaya ran sd, the approval procas by making en that Four rylq)llkntlon L. complete and Abetted, that your drawing mess the spod1cadons {West ludic and that your Application The b attached. Other permits are rcmoimes required for development in the coastal arse. While blase are not CAMA•related, we urge yaw to check with the meal Permit Ofttoer to determine s"No f Ihesa you stay need.:\ list is Included on passe too dth4 muter. cap clato your cooperation with Ill. NorthCemllns Coaxal Memagemeat Proanm Arid irpillinanemglmlld In swot that protects the mrmrsrs of our beautlMl Anti Mlwe coast. .ECEIVED -am JUL 09 2019 zn z z 00 0CM WILP:I!WGTON. NC rat Wmft=a.oaailb" O _z zZ �4 Coastal Reaaurm C:ommlmiw DfvWon of Coastal Management L C ►. t As a D 'm �p vr'b Kn� z i`l r"tn Z y El m y n �=o r1 i v E t acolity Pcnnit Number t �'i / 47iiE1t!•LitiltftMA1 k [tRt r„ `�,.. , tnlaor_d�wtlatmnerctt permit, lnchtt�ai ;Ckeua°Fiazttik P.sintiiasSlulselinc tilRlV.Shoicline.�.,.`PuhuaTru'st``�Shoicliue (_ treamicntayatcm�.'8uiN6tig.Eleatris {?br .#a d tree enih.l �-�iiRieeMtlas> Snitd i2ui t; SCdfiuolt oil. died with yimr Loot Penrt �.1LJ!!+1N1fA�S� 8'iAi'EiKEFFI`OFEi\1hNER9N}Y: Emml � - ACrItIURtlt:bAG6NT LOCATION OF PROD CM (Address, atitvel name and/or directions to site; name of ilia adjacent waterbi*-.l fE&CRIPTION OF CRWECI:':(Lisi dl pig con ieaim sad lutiili$aarbnnec l p's Ctlw1 -1----- 1 StIC1 t.L �iMli.l�ft ��tDF.YyiJAI 31'I.Ei1nLYPiUiCLt.t fl �,sgwll�feC1' y ! rims PA POSF.b iISE: Rrsidenlial (Sin lirfinlily o] Miill41iiiiily j j j Comnierc(aVliiduar id ❑ .Other ❑ CID IPLETEErmei (1iOR(Zy itELOW-(L'arucd;reWzl iil!'emW0(Rcer{ftvrnorexotstrirw1YTeliAJnCe��rtks catltxete or masotuy lm!14� etc, that ate tiy1hp111►o »(ephcrbteAl C. Atweh yv_ur adculatiuns with the;proa¢ct°drmri STATE STORAiWATER W NAGEAABNT PERMI7i 1s titaprtyrct ktentcd nl rem area Silt subl - trva $tntc rulollter meat t'Cmtit tssucd L1yr:tlie NC nivlsibn ofEiierj y. Mh1tvN:mitd Land Wei aurl (ICE &M? VES NOS ; Byes, 6 the total itmll go altCA/MVaYia11S 811Mae jnllllYlCtl far jldUr ll or 1pllll t:, •...::T m ° agaaro feet. i[Il• mC1i iltmtedt? ubd[vlsi� br more MC,E', L* :. . I h I �� r � R may. emits other tlia CAMA cif olh�ntercrel::alleh't��,ailt�a.canUCneiael�aae.'e>y�oin"tialeiriir mtensc�mrssL�t'dti i1taUiisipplla:tio"n! NOTIFICATION ORADJACENTRIPARIMIP_ROPERTY .WNERS t iixthhemtost ccitifs3 tho L'te frillowinu uersoes are M%vM of orowntin adidnine this muimv. LniBra Wee l haw nive tins and 8cluslp►nnMg iKchniquos. i r�111ermota;oelN'tytwt 1 ell authatizx�d:to;etaalt:mn[do in-f�crantt>armie�om loI]ivisimt^orG'atstd Mltstan ,q /?crmfa. r r/INAttll'ERttilikQFl►NAtfIIWtl4:i4Yl!!!. RECEIVED AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CA —MA PERMIT APPLICATION, JUL - 9 2#jg� r NEW HANOVER COUN'I'Y PLANNING & ZONING Narno of Pro pert ,.y Owrwr--R" 4w sting -17(4 Mailing Address: Phone Number., T '+ 4 b, _'v Email Address: '4'60�+ t�oeify -'A A -K G Agdnt if-Cohtractorl' 10 act On my b-stfalt fdr-_th+e MUM of 4 r m_d obtaining :P_erm­ p Yjfig fk­..._._1_ _! g,10 C necessary for fhe-161-lovAng proposed development- &I .at myproperty located at-t-l-tij jkwiT 29,12191 W1LA_AIQfi-rg&_ .,UC. ?ZA_N_ Iff 999 14A&gv_f,_KCounty. I furthennaire certify that awauthoriked top, ld-I­ 6- f6 J'andl b , n ftcat ­— ­­ 9! ]PP-Q.-P-M-M DM916h of C6-dW1 M sftffi ft L, Cal P6MM r, and theiragents-to enter .on -Mq OOWIebtfoned lands, In connecUonj �w 61 evaluating inthmmflon related to --this. permft-appliceflon. .'Print _drType 100 6-Ait'CA0 LD16 TMO-666 c-aon g KER STING R tl .-'H, I - TFj E C T V R_ July 8, 2019 Bayshore Estates Inc., PO box 3649 Wilmington, NC 28406 T'67w_R6ff-it__ft!#V -ccern- t__j MUL - 9 2019 XTIT] Mr. V1 Irl I Tf lifte__ _U - Pgthlltlor rfeW construction of 10111ft-glimirmilIq re'sIddifid'94t 218 P61fit D7riv-e (96d atfith tl drawing f&fullf 4qsqfjpt1on),, -A -;kn prop" A I!h the adjacent owner, per LAMA MA,regulations, , ave,.enclosed-a-copy of- 04-rhilf-appiicatioh Wd-'O-no beit life plan it ifo-tiflEaftl6in 6f-th-6 Vrop6iid projectJR"AW—'ill-Ing Lcrt at-114 - Point -Drive, South of the--adjacent_propertV-and-Lot-.646-at 222 Point -Drive, North-oftfiff-adj9tent property. ;you hav e no objections i6ps to the -proposed work, Jtbere_is_=raction required. rHowever, if-you-'wish--to1ile Wrft-n 66-ffiffi6in-ts 160615WEdWs, Fou ffiCy submit fKe—m to: lnspectrons IDbpaqMnt; k6_vtf--K4uLcmer-Co,u.nt,v,-Administration A'nrlex-i Attn: Christine Bouffard.-N'ew-'Haffovtr-Cd-0-6t---CAMik-LPO "y 230 FIVIR, ke-f Place--Drive,,SU1t-e-1to *4'I-iLn--' 'ij L gtoi :- Sincerely, Jim Graham (agent for the owner) Lo-cate,di aA. Tt+zi TSM-TCRYTAR-D 4-022 IVIVIi-et ..$'fr—eet P.O. B'ox 1,24-43 WiNwI:n-gUwt, 4C 2 84 0-5; www.kerstin-gAr hite-OLur"M Ci ve'�. 76 1314_48 N 1 ' toRCHi!i ECTVR+ lutya8,2O19 6ayshore-Estates Inc. PO --box $649 Wilmington; NC 284061 To whom itt may. oanc re n:, XL AZIiI_ 9' E Ju JUL - 9 M NEW HAN4V �' PLANNING r 1il- Return Rece(gt Requested T is-letteris.to_-Informyouu'-that M.r.:Brent5mith_-and-Mrs. Qorothy_-Labeil haveiapplied.for-a-CAMA:Minor Permit "for nevi eonstra�Ion of;a singe -family reiat 218 Point Drive (see a#tached drawing for fiu_It deseription): {his an adjacent property'owner;.per CAMA'regulations, I fiave enclosed a copy of the permit.application and -protect srte-pEan as notification of the proposedproject. Regard ng Lot-6 -at 21-4 Point Drive, South o`fthe adjacent property and=Lot 646 it 2-22 Paint Drive, North dfahi adjacent property. 19, Ifyouu leave no=objections to the proposed_W r-k, there=is 6-aaction required. iNowevet., if wishto-file written comments or objecCtgrk% y_ou may 5u4mlt them to: Inspections Department New flanoverCbunty-Admmist�ation annex Attn Christine Bouffard New -Hanover ggqr4yCAM4# 230 Market Rtace`Drnce;_Suite 110 W(Imington,.NC-284O3 Sincerely; lint Gaham,(agent=for the owner) Lacait--d] �-64 T'RJt j SWITCHYARfl 4C 22 Market' sS;t-reat1 P.O. B?ox 14403 Wllming-ton, 4f6 28405 w-wwAe.rs�tingarc.hit'e_ct"ura�c m ,,9 1 0. 7631. 1 3:4_8 El u7r b r9°. m, tr,�' al C J el Q M, c RECEIVED RECEIVED JUL S! �0193 € .91 ' R M91 NEWH.A[JOVEIR COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING NEW HAN OVER CO'JNTY PLANNING & ZUiNING U.S. Postal Service " CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPT D6W(IMm n1'cttl L'rnik F.jr cLt61 0ry .=s;armn1son vielt oi_,t',ctm:*:•at. „nt ,PS Fonn 3800, Agri! 2015 PsN 7530 w ow sw ! 5eb Reverse kyr instrucllons - BA LGC Site EVERETTs CREEK S29'46'21"E' Ilp \ 82.07' 59,3 152 9 --- Z-7 -n -Zk7i N MAP OWN M FUNGOTORE OW tMNWWOFff llv- MY S/B- FROM NHW 4 75' S/B IEROM NHW, .6-47 (VACANT.) 0.70 Arc 2a U POOL V) coo W 0�; 5$3 (R]Ax MOTE: 1. ELE(/A TONS ARE NA VD 1999. 2,404 'WE-7ZANDS, COASTAL WETLANDS~ (C VOAWAt.l1 GH W)S) MVIV,�-A?t-22 BY SEG1 0;