HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-38_ Lachowicz (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 19.38 Permit Number as authorized by the State of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued Scot Lachowicz, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 7300 Fisherman Creek Dr., in Wilmington, INC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated July 9, 2019. This permit, issued on July 25, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below, Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: River Rock Bed for erosion control (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on July 9, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for oanpliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another parry without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management, Christine R. Bo d CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL kt 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 JUL 2 5 ?ntq DCM W _ ,, • , r ... , " PERMITTEE --- (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) ' S .n =Walt rj7SCOt L8C11OWif 'Minor PertitR Dot kJ6i9�38a, _J Y .7z 1 j ii (j The amaunt of` mpenriou3 surface shag! not exceed 25° i flf the Tat area wain 575 feet o Karmal, High 1Nater ! (Estuarine Shon:6ne t7RW Area a# Erivtronmental Concern, rxthli�ca na.new impetuous space..i a lharized3 I AlU,n�ess.speciflcalty;alk wed::ro t5d TVCAD t17H 02Qg(ds(iQ};and-,shown.on the -,perm fed plan draanng, Ili developmenttcon , ction=shal be locoW a distance of 34feet-la Wwadof Noraa! High �Vf r No portron ofthe ).� roofoverhangshati ercrh=inGa tt 3t) ft buffer. ;F L1 All unr:onsolidand landaplig sha11�6e_�tarneduon site tiy_efectre sedimen tatian arid'enasion coniroi3measures; Priorto any_land istur ingracMes, a bartier;lir of itercia tXmrrsi be iostailed,.16b reerr-the land-d starbing amity► and,ite§adjacent-,marsh=or--stater-'areaa` unfi! such irmme as the area I has=teen proupetlrstabilize<CwithgetatiVe cave? i (8)j Any proposed ..vrgrading u thin the 30' butiec,from the, Nonmal High WaTer mud be cur un�d.top w�nt.additionaf.: starmwa%E Nnoff to tf .a�Ijace t rra shy Thie area stialLbe�mrnediabeiy uegetativefy stahHit d, and must'remain m a M6liated stag. i { Ali other disturbed aneaa stial! be �regetatnrely st Kidd (planted and mu�hee�} witf� 14 days of constiuci�on complon� ._ _ _ . it - z f� u, SIGNATURE: DATE: • FERMITTEE Locality � � _ Permit Number Ocean Hazard Pmuanne Shoreline ORW Shoreline Pubhc'I'nist Shoreline—,— Other use (For offio l an r a i.A11iD`O'WNEER `Name 0 6..).0 Address City �%9'C�.�. tr �� �- � . State � 4, ,. � Zip Lc�cie c .,..r� z o Email,Art.:x: ... . " t 'ACITHORIZED AE ; Name Address pity State Zip ° Phone Email LOCATION OF PitOACC: (Address, street riaarto ind/or, directions to site, If pot oceanfront, what is the name of the ad acent wateibod �.• ," . DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) � t �, �rL f c4e- 15t /0 SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: square `feet- /o acres PROPOSED USE: Residential E, (Single-fhmily:rl Multi -family 0.) Commercialllndustiial , , C? hex [ " COMPLETE' EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contactyour Local. Pe unit Offwr.Vyou are not sa yi .whkh ABC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2), • COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF, HUILDTIti'G FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES square feet (includes 4he area of the roofrdrip line; of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your cac ulations with the pmjact drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? M NO RFcl=(vFn If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious s wh= allowed far your lot or pared; square feet r l'l v000 9 OTHER PERi1IITS-MAY- BE REQ TIRED. -The aetivity you are planning may `require permits other than the C,AMA minor development, permit, inclu aing,'but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Budding, Electrical, Plumbing,.Heating andAir Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home I'arkApproval, Highwaay-Connection, and others, Check with your Local Permit .Of ficer. for more -information,- STATEN Z" OFO NERSHIP•, , the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMAmmor develop 1 ment`per it, being ciffier,ft owner of property man -AEC or a person authorized to act a&an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this7application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. Thisunterest can be described as: (check one) an owner or record title, Title is vested in see Deed Book _ 3 !' € ► page .; c in the f.gts,.�`�,. County Registry of Deeds, on owner by virtue of inheritance, Applicant is an hek to the estate of 4probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or.lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA.permit. (Ad t(Name), - , , dress) V. ,t3, (4) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or tIoodin& 1 acknowledge that the Local Permit (Acer has explained to=r i the particu lar hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompaniedby recommendations concerning stabiliza- lion and floodproofing techniques. I Ruthennore m1ify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management stalt the Load Pam* 00= and tbelr agent to enter on the a€ore marooned Ian ds in connection with evaluating information related to this'permit applicom This the day of;aA", 20 LS A,.w Rom owt�s.� 1 R Hau�1 vtitx Oft &a*fttar: ter' rho b** oftlds r1k tht . �i( #." ads payiabte t0. dW lQ** and, C �'�� o�aatvb'�rth�x�rctita�t, ''R -ADJ AW CENT i IP ANAN Lly-Rop"OWNER INOR PS TEMENUT FOR CAMA M WRECEEVE. A-gr-44Y, qQrUfY lhat 11 own--p'ropwtY4idWrent to EW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AiddraRs Wt. flock, F190, atcj In N.C. IT,,dWh ifidid, 06u&fy-) He his �"d6kc-filiba" to d_,Mb as ;sue own ink thq, attached application and --project draWift(Q1, ifie d6Ve-160iff 6M he Is f#eposing at f—fial,10MMI—on, and, I have no-,ob* p tiorWato hi (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Signature pf' M-lmi'Type Name' 'Tif .6Pb0neCNUYTiber ,Date; m ADJACENT: RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PER IECEIVED MITS. At NEVV " A JOVER COUNTY �LWAWtiy adjacent -Am L �l NG Acg--g z PLAN ZONING *#Te of Property, Owner). property located at — �,1&,.y I CIA -ecv—', AddFo", Roa d on cAsL5' ' �,7 in (Water od) . . .... r oun He hasudesc[itiad tows -shown irh� attached -anl pro V4 on xswing(s),G demlopment7bW h -At 16dation',,' am"d, 1 '4- 11 0— —objectionsAoThiw mraribF jwAt (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) . Signature Print or Ti p �p N Tel one Nunibor., 0 Addresses Parcel Boundaries Internal Zoning Map r�� 1 �6 . 0 r 0.01 001 0.03mi �4 Roads '0 z = z 6011 0:03 0:05=tan New Hanover Cm*, NO w �- Z New Hanover Courdy, NO Now Hanover County. NC,I w 6/18/2019 3:24:58 PM Addresses a Parcel Boundaries a oz Intent �I Zoning Map: u�w 0 0.01 OiOT.. O Sf3 mi n Rbads a fo f 0.03 0.06 km New HanavarCouqty, NC New Hanover County, NC Waua l.lennunr f`ro wHu MP r"©!� Nc Ct c *x e eoo"Pry f (V 1 �� rot, �I "gyp - 4a 4` X j AN* 10 1 YL m