HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-34_ Masonboro (2)New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1934 Permit Number Caasfgi Mannq,^mrnf a aMhertaed by the state of Nash WORM Department of Environmental Quality eW the Corral Reaoraces Commission for development In an see of emefrorrmanlal concern purlwmt to Balton 113A-11! of the Germ! StshRr, " A=M Am NanagRtenr Issued to Masonboro Yacht Club & Marina, authorlidng development In the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 609 Trais End Road in Wilmington, New Hanover County, as requested In the permhee's application, dated June 28, 2019. This permit, issued on July 5, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these tents may subject perrnittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be mull and void. This permit authortim: Construction of a fence and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on June 28, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Budding Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations, (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 789.7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Penult Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be an the proles Me and aoca®ble to the perm@ dbw when the protect Is InspCcta I for compliance, Any maintenance walk or prcied modlfleedon not omwed unaer this permit, requha furrier written pernt approval. All work nun came when this permit w#ms on: Linda E. Painter Dacan,ber 31, 2U?1 CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL In Issuing thle p"t n R agreed that this prged Is consistent with the local Land 230 Gbvemmerlt Center Drive, Suite 110 Liao Plan and al applicable odnances. Th:e persit may rra be trangervad to Wilmington, NC 28403 ano7her party without tie written approval d the Division dC E I V E D Management ti C DCM WILMINGTON. NC PERMITTEE JUL 1 1 201�&Pes,re required uwnftnaabove appytope.Brit) Name::Mimanbola Yacht Ciub7 Marina Mlnar-Penml't � 1f Deb.1 July-6j- l't9 2 (5} The_amour atimpenrbus:surfamsd ll:notexmd:3096:oFthelaka ( ne.ftmfir e=Arma of-Envl onmenW Conaem) In th eese (8) Unfr3se sp-odfle ly-aAoweed:� 1514-NCAC�07H. 0208(d)10), and.sh a _� �t daopmenticons�rucftai shaA be locafd a df$tei�os d 30'W-len ►Wfou�ifmi6a- OW30, buffer: i:drawing, at Rer. No=f (8) Any.ptaposed�far'grad�g�withfn°the30'bufferitomtfie=Nottnahi•Agh-Waiernwstbe:cor�toumd-fio:preventaddbional sto—rmwa6er runoff b the atl)e�nt marsh'; TNs area sh�l b®=hnmediaEe{y=vsgetatively=etehllized; and -met r�ernain=ln awe�e�ated sia6a. (9)', DUI oQrer disfuibed anus siia�l be y stallfzed (plaecl' and muk:lred) within 14 s of consbrcflar cottrple�on. RECEIVED UI' �/�• Locality Aj e W Pttmit Numbs r OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you am planning may require pttmita nation than the CAMA Oman JLI mL)o a�pTg^ pe may indud rag leer et limited to: Drinking Water Well, Scpdc Tank (or inner errantry waste fiazad __ Estuarine Shoreline_ ORW Shorelbe Pub1m 7Tua Shorolim_ Other_ Reaatmt d ,building, L•lechicvl, Plumbing, HtNing and Air CgMinami nil, Insulation and Energy Conservation, EIA fFw opkdW rue ontyl Cwtifiertbn, Sind Dunn, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. Chink with your Local Permit ORlew fo moo infoeruation. GENERAL INFORMATION NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANN PW8MA T9MNERSHIP: LANDOWNER - MAILING AD,DR•E-Sff-S!` i, the undersigned,anappliwnl for a CAMAminirdevolepmwd pomuit, beingoilkardin w ownafpmpnety In. AEC ors t Nano L�/,�d'�—b r rlNq person amlualied to act as an agent for purposes ofapplying for a CAMA other development perdt, cerfify that the person 1 fj hued m Imxbwoz on this application has a significant interest in the real property elmeribed them.. This interest own be Address,( `.�� d eardbed as: (check one) (� s� 7p �r . City �$ItYRfp� Jf��4 .S-me .{.��b'Zip;?S Phone Q��"KI-ID�% en owns v resod fink, Title Ir used in arena of ly\i'1i?%�C� j_��—� �y Email 4%Vj Rr rAt% sin Dad Boot 'JrV page �' lathe IJGd usaaer !County RaebW ofDmde. AUTHORIZED _ ran mvner by Attie ollnahaitame. Applicant is an heir m the estate of `ArGENT L �y 4Lj(0 C`eI7r � partial. was In _County. Norm Address C9 I 1 , OI 6 '^I`� _ it offer intems5 such as wrinsn contract or levee, explain below or we a separate shear $ atusch to this eppliralion. r� (''� e E•'�hZip�_htrte q1D' �j1��7 Q City v�� _State NOTIFICATION OFADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERS: E.mall hMag_P s`0, i�.A_ _.........__- I furthermore certify that the following persons ore owners of pmper iw odjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTCAL 140TICE tieach ofthem eonceming my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMAperrat. LOCATION OF PROJECps (Admi comet name at directions, io sits; name of tie adjaciss watmbod)J I609 PiLS 164. 626,Lj W lei 6 k�N DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT, (List all proposed corahuwbn and lad disturbance.) SIZE OF LOWPARCEL, L74 n Gr slaae feet nines PROPOSED USE: Residential (Singk-funnily Muhf-family Q) Commercialflncuarial &4 h [] COMPLCTE EITHER (1) OR(2) BELOW (Caehd your Land P~ OQleer Ifyrra ass nse aoa nalich AEC appGes ro yearpraPafygr -- (1) 'f- 1, the undwsigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is palmed for an sow which may be susceptible to erosion author flooding. I acknowledge than the Local Permit Ofrieer has explained to me elm paaieu- far Imeadproblems aaociated with this lat. This cxplonsiorr was aemnpnnid by reenina iendalan.concerningstabiliaa- lion and flodprnofing techniques. T fumbermom certify that I am authorined to great, and do in fret gram, permission to Division ofCoaaal Monegement stag, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connecdaa with evaluating information valued m this permit application. (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs:T'OTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE:_ square feea(bmlude, / air conditioned living spas:, parking elevated above ground level, non,cmidnictied space elevated some ground /1und level but 0ii.-J excluding nomlmd-bearing ado spore) Laduwter car person (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AEC.: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINTAND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: _ square feet Hatchades the arm of the foundation of ail buildings, driveway, covered decks Com em or maranry names, M. that arse within the applicable ABC. Antes, your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: It the project located in an men subject to a Saute Slormw W Manogwnem permit issued by The NC Division of Energy, Mineral ad s Land Roiaces (DEMLR)'! YES / NO If yes, list the must built upon nrtVimpervimas entrance allowed foryour let maniacal: 17, S 6 f sgwi This ibe —2-1 day of Ywe-, 20 1 neater agent nor purtose or mrng a This appllradnn NeWeve Sea eral lnfrarthor nhlr fan), ..rite drasang as dearlbcd an die bad ofdiis apldh ad. r, like ownernhip sldemeni, the Oceon HoameiAEC Notice ahemnecenary, aeieckj -$100.00 sadep"ble to the locality, and may(lib snolan a.r nhy he proNded orallyitvthe apoikimr.Tire dehrds ofthengipUcarlw ar deurihed by these sneers are incarpommrl Afhata,Mercian in aoy penair n•Inch maybe awned. De daRM fiom dmsedebils "I rnnstila e a Wistatiou of anal pemsiG Arty Person dose/epfnR In rot AEC nvisho,Hpereriry suhjecr m nWl, cdnJnnl am/rnda(rdetrntlre adfou. :;tCE1VED JUL 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON. NC ����xCo4NF tt k� p tT#DWne kv K.,1?. Mailing Addres b.. 441166 City; State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: M Receipts for ertifi Mai (Staple Here) RECEIVED JUNl °E 8 2019 NEIN HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Th18 letter is tpjjt rm . Yo_- that 1, �1`50 4� cis r i - h � � 'have ep�Ned f'&,"a LAMA Motor Prop ily Owner ner LL A Peandon my,propertyat ' "I" i g"0., if,j Ayo tt -;in COUNTY •raperty=Address County. Atrequitod by CAMA regulations ] K enclosed a copy'of rriyrvPemllt appiit Eiloin and project dmwIng(8y,A6-WfttWn of my prriposedproteet No aior is required from you or:y_ou may sign:and return the encfised`r o ob ticn form. IN h_m arty questiorrs or comments_aboutFmy..proposed,prgect,;please) can#act me of °f,d' 7� (= I ,or by_mall_at the addreas:listed:bNaw. Ifyouu.wlsh:to Ap*pnrs:31elephflne tie writ!en CommerAs.orob*4ons:wM the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor P6m1fPro ,ft you iW dtimit #hem to: . LPOINAME Locail-P-m— t Ofterfor LOCALtGOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4ODRESS3 CITY; STATE, ZIP COb Surcerety, H 240-16ro &A," d1A., Marioti Property Owner 77A(L5 egtr 2orld Mailing Address City, State,:ZipCode Re7dilo 1 fisid- Certified; Mall IVED 43-11 2019n NEW HANO ER COUNTY PLANNIN V G & ZONING Dear-Adjacent:Pmp9rty.,i 'haved­p--IIed-fdr'dCAMAM r Thit-lettist-IsW-416 yW1111611"ll VIIA&1010 -F 111 Props0" Pe-rifilf-on ffivirbWrtv at Il 7.'j W116, 051S A%t AL44U.IIAZA inCOtJMY - Pr'pp"--, Address County. d I- permit.applicatiamand.project ,---tdty. kmqufi� by W&mguI- . ins- I have-enclosed-acopy-of.my., d(SW!ng(s)_Wnoikgon-cf.M-pmposed:pmjed, Noadonis--required-.fmm-,you-or-youmay."sign-andretum the ,enclosed -no-objection,form. Ityowhawany-lquestions or -comments about my"proposed-protect, please .0 contacumeat -youm Lt Appll4rhTelephone' file wrliteri-comineirts th-th7d- o-**P-rog you may submik ffm to: LPO NAME Local Permit Officer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE - Sincerely, suw-63. vuk_ri�6� �,N; - Property -'Owner' kof --r-fow" MtUlfib Xddff§§ "Ale, ell Zip Code Nerlw.erwmurrc +mnuemete � ee.w r.RNtlona m,�nnne•ew.wnaltbrwctoe r6C1SX{O OIYYe!♦WebR'le.RAwe.YT1Rf,Ne tl111Y,Re 1C! e1.R�e W /.! �e.�I M Ao�11 W IIRr er@wWRmecomeewbwa�� R.M�'�IIUf a me�iws�neeTia� '�'uron .� �lINK Ik f� m N a �r 1 ¢NPeIr H. w.m+mwo . rr, nam `.gib wtalE 8B3 OF DEEM � cEW"C wM LnE Z(DZ rtnn rwemnmrno-�w iemll`ruim+Y^c'mn �!a awl �(e wnrz PLWE u¢Iwo.am.mm.a�woiow.usm WVA,."F'.YItl INW 1M0 Ait m,®J%W m w�t^s �[i®nIDmns�P�F�A"lYM'�mM.'uvt.Ywv u 77 a 1 Nt]C'JLm� r NORTH GRCe1xA �- � rPbAr.W IQ �'�—� sjle41j.1� NBW NBf.VVEB oaRary 'IY h•J':s'�`� !� � RVMew Om.wbr lM'+Hwbvs CaYay. �, I0J 21� - � 1 ' Iwalanw tlY mvpwpwbwl�k•YJ cv�.IYMenb mlwmu NRnT 1 ' wema meeb mebabY n.ullAwnb Mnc.neN. ur tlr Y.w to P I oee8mt � teY � __-.I(7rl r ReNlew olw� _ NOTES: / i..w.nas wmoutw M moNlnnly mnma.mn mwm. 1 Clrt1fIEA1E OF OVMRn&RP. CEDN:ATlOb R1A R,vBOCION: }. 'xR...na Yon Pl�f Y05S nWr. d. T tllYn Olani 2onl.IpwuN mvveurtllrnrls'd B Marvhe Plea 1 I McIbM.bY WBY1M11 Wn MV RH1b vY.YRIwb PAPMYeeAnWd:fONe. ♦. Tw....ru Nhntl.]1G nvae Pnmw N'IUYmana B.Owvex YmMnnwe Yi „ ' lens vea MYl Me)tlel♦.Y eboplYm PY.meuSaNirw YN wedew cook bvu s'°ew'�M Wllm.. wltl CeabM el.hw., eFe..w�.. nvM1i v.Ym � 5. PrtCvnf SrymVwwlb sutllawpw+lon,.Imels ena oPm rtun visas aeexvee pMY W of vwM. Nl foot Na•eb.B.+wwY.e b hvN.wlFeflM wEObYM M wt 3.aen h,Mt rw l pvpnea Nwq•r, l(1w)eeflA• •, p.lpx� yma pN feY 6lr b1.0 NVD= IAda9ptglleM xvmM,CwN/. T. HOIW qI W ue l Nb..sy H) BDR.CI Ns 9Yw)MU NBRS q.nenw SpW IRelTnu Bye W e. Toe wn+r wu pemmeawMom ttw eeren of.,on aoen. T.e pxelbwtlpa o.Y a0.5�afoberp) e.T•e wgrY e.ra�Nw wnm.,.n�. .,�.,.. .. e.._., _.. _.._..._ MeP xo.>'Iim1N0.rt wN w ♦iuM e.b w/YBrwlze, 201I. ta. N.osw � o..unu.m•m.xewnuna wwnMm Bnexmnu,uc ew emm iia N my Wemgepw OWnOem.YMMMvvYrboa YeGa CYSa N.nn.wolM eNbSeM1etl w�♦c.re•u.n dN •IINe Re6 _. 4N.NWVOI IVC161N6Y.14 1 z° / a 1 m P° 0 ! Z 11 O 1 SITE P.CO Lb'. T.W. OWHIC scum < M rctr ) 1 Inch = !O N. - u o w m a�Hi-�. �awh i:!C i` JUL 01 K-9 r-,l =-= wMCWM*W� RNIAWDIDMU A Ic X1 r'--yj SIT,% i ol WiEwt tr Rai wo -01" F-7-7, 777� tqi " hipw Internal Zoning Map �, 4,V S 071lZ019 1140: TOAM Addresses F Parcel Boundaries pRoads .l( pliffi&—r-y 100's I 1:500, 0 0 0.01 0.02 nil s 0 6.01 0.01 0.02 km Now Hanover Counly, NC Now Hanover County, NC Now Harmer Cm*. NC I 7r"19A:20A9:PM - rAddmasm .��'' Reads ! . Paroal Bounanes 14500 0 0 0.01 0.02 mt 4 0;0,1 0.01 0.021an Ne _ um Mmmw coq, me Mwr.tlmovrrGaan4a NCI s t f i e i t t WIN ,may a• m ° ti .. ., TI colt �@�f �y'�t• � A F hk Ab moo a .. j77 4z =ci pia -- N41 y .p 'a -