HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-33_ Floyd (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government =11: MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT O�F a3 a� pm� 19-33 Permit Number as authorized by the State of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commisslon for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Smtutes, `Coastal Area Management" Issued Floyd Investments LLCDavid Floyd, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 125 Canal St., in Wilmington, INC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated June 17, 2019. This permit, issued on July 5, 2019 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Demolition of existing structure (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on June 18, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit, (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed ay the permittee or other qualified persons wthin twenty (20) days of the Issuing Dale, This permit must be on the project site and accessibie to the permit officer when the project Is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or protect modification not covered under this permit, require further wdlten peomil approval. All work mast cease when this permit expires on. DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this pe;mt it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all appiicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. r Christine R. B rd CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL RECEMkcffemment Center Drive, Suite 110 DCM WILMINGTON,Wtfrington, NC 28403 JUL 0 a 2019 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Floydpltrvesta>t�nts LLCID�vd Floyd 2019 P 23 �(5) The 7amount --ofiMporvl6tMtsUrft halirfio-t exceed 250-/o dfthb dot liffa Wffirn 575-Beet-of-Wof6a-1 fflih Wafir !ffi§W*fhe Sh6ibline - ORWfto 6fEfivlfiJ-rfFnbfiWl:qoko in this We, Ro!new jjp� is authorized. ;Unless Peo-ftifly-alimrued in MN -,CAC 07, i 0209(d)(1.0), andshownthe-permitted,planAmwWng All % on I .developmenVoDnstuction-,,shal,be-beatedl*.a-disWce7ofi3O-,--fbalandwatiiaf,NomWthigh Wgk Nd grg6h df-tht roof overhang-lihallencroachIft! tho,301.606r. V)' -All U666hWiditkinatena( resiJiffind fmm associated. g4dfno-,aad:la4=pin',g,.sheii6retained-,on--site-by-,effbcMm sedimentation anV coutroLm-easures. �P-.,nor.to-,any-°lan"isWibing.acMI lesj--,a barder-line-,of-ilter--cloth�must, be installed betw.eanWthe-,Iand;disturbing--acbvity--and--thwqdjwalt:marskorwater areas, Unf--Such,--tiff at-Affe w#6 has been pmpefly-i;tabHized-wfth avegetadwcover. Any -f- -'-'-d'- —thifffthe".31' I bum, Witer mwt-be-contoured- pr dbnal A p-r- o- 0-6 qr7gmlql-pg-y(lt _g jfiq��l Nib to " W -I-,,--- -.-- - - - - -,-- -event-add kbrin4witir runoffIQ the AMW marsh: This area ushalt b.e,,immediat6ly-vegetatively,--stabiked, mdmustiemairvin. other-distalbedareas sh all "w-a-n -mu--f-dW)jw-I'Nin daysof construction PERMITTEE r..,.-. - - - _ ° _ _ _ - _ - __ O YERMI TS WAXB;E UIRED:'Iho,iwt iy ouam ragts mpormits other dw the C.AMA l caltt Peitts t Nttnbat �.. minor development permtf, inclodm& but trot lin" tot Drinking Septi Tank or odw switary wpm w - ° system), $uiid3ng, Eledan al "lumbuW, Hetting sndArCondlutm*Jmu)auu" fiA t Ceamhazard %tttattneSborelrpe GiRWShorniint':. PubliciYeta lsore3tne Swit..,,.. Cerdfimslon,Saudiiune,Se<lirneattCo F SubdoWoaAppmvW MobfileRomePm&AP1 ,H+� 3' flmtect, ur�d' (per v etuf t rpr+vj others. Check with��your local Permit Officer for aim .00. `�CI�'hii.lYA'.:1N1F0 NATION STA=fENTO1't?'4'VNlr13SMPt .. . ' LAi1tIiOWNER I,ib*undersigoed,anapplican0braCANfAminir&v p it: dtltar nest tan aud==d toad as an• ent for r sCA'bfA evil u the son � II�� A2tIAiri'd � � son G s. - *+. � �-+�Y..,:: � •^'-` `= pa itsECbl as Olt tbf5a application has a sigtdfkaut imetvstin.the rml propeaty dcsm'bcd theceia lttis ittterEst can be .. „ Cal fbEd.aw (C onC) , Address t 't a F S i� n- Uity & `tl tTl tit n 4 t8i� i" 1 Zl�l-1 PIIQLLP V & ` as o ccoz roc+nd o#le. isle is v dirt s, we IDoed Book-- ,/ jitgG-� iGtlke • Aft�i� �}itf7F�fM1-< � � \\\ Etntdl I�f�tr�l�� � . , . , , .. .... " - SD OwnCC Vtffµe oftnite°.T'rtenCt, ApplfauQY 14 an heir to tine estate itf s: AUTHORIZEDAGENT`. - Violate was in C Name " lf other` suc&.as wdtmu confect or lew- explain hekw ar use a separate thw & thin chto applicafti ....,_ Address` PIfBMCAVON OVA JACEL4T PROPYWY't1WNEM. LL City State Zip, Phone . n I re certify that the following persons amowners of sdjo t3fyr 1 atlism t l htft given . - AGTUC L NOTICE in each: ofrhem concerning myiunt�ttneleve2ulfi>ai4'ptapatylutdtot�lyfarsC:A.,4t�lipetnslr, F.vtatl' LOCA11ON OIL PROAC'T. (Address, street name dnd* dircctlons to site. If not oceanfma what is the mine ofthe �- filwri` 3ft.11r+� 1_) i adjaceutwaiwmdy.) ID-S- C4AAAL ttil it DFSCRIP.TIONOEPROJEC ( ptaposed construction and knd diaturbanec:} I: List all '' itsfSti. (1} w , 1 - _ (4) , r SIZE OP k i1T/PARCfiI t re "., sgaa feet aere5 ACICAiOWLE1Dt - �{± PRQPOSElI L do unduzign4 scknowletigs.that the fund owner is %Ware that the proposed development is planted for an *m wwd USE: RGsidentsal. (Singis faattiFy ® MuSd-family j ) CsstsimErcialt]ndtutrtal ❑ Uthec j may be mxtcpdbie to emsson sadtor 9oodioA. I Wwowlatge that tie Local .Pumit C?M= boa ex pLtinW to me the particu. COMPLETE F<ITiFETt (t) OR 2} I FLOW (Cestaiact ZoradPenerlt® r ,,*e VyouaretratsareWhichABCeppUes tar hazard problems as odated with Oda lot Ills e.<pianl ion was eceompitniW by or,a cot pg �iw opoand toodproofing j ° ° " (t} OCEAN nAzARD ABCs: IFLO ToTALOR AREA oFpROI!oSED STRuCTUREt square feet ('mcludes 1 fttrthermort sxttify tlrax I aim aanitrsriaeiito i�� end do in fl<ct grant, pafattsaiot oo Dlviaion o€C.atatal t�Setrget�uuat str�', °, air conditioned living space, parking elevated about ground (evel, nou-conditioned space elevated move ground level but the Local Permit Offtcer and thckagmts to enter on the afarcauentiotmd land: is coortwtiov with evaluating iakrzatnot related to th" pe ma application. excluding non -%ad beving attic space} ° EAECst S1ZE OP BUILDING 1FOMP tINTAND OTHER 110ERVIOUS Ol"f QUILT ' (2); COASTAL SROEr: y ihiathe _ _ � 4y 1 f 1 ��� , 2tl O 3WAC1s5,quare feet (includes the area of the t'6ofldnp line ofall buildings, driveways, covered ' �" yr ry1j r.> { conereteazrnasonry:tc,tisatattvnthiitheagFrlicebleAFCAt#aChyotucateulatiost5wtththeptujectdtawin Laudowperurpersansttlhasixeduractaa�hl fro o£itlit�aCe A: amlitaia STATE Tt7RMYS'ATER IANAG�T PERMI.T.1S the prq!cct irrcated in an area sobjecf to acute stotmwater ` ManagcmentPermif ued by the NC pivi.sion of Water Q*ty? 77+is +tpplteadton eta/a. gene at dnfatatadat {chic firms} a site err t r3 rtbod ru+ the trek a} t,5ts s tTies�iart tha NO '° awntrshpstatr+nttr�the Oc=HawdAECltvs1tcwMmneeemag,ache*k,4m 100.00mrkPgY4 *;othetacutla}tand lfyes, list the total built espoa atealimpetvious surface allowed for your lot of parcel; sguare%et ow W16n as m4Y be pmtaded amity by tare appUcant ?ter details ofrlre opplcaxim ats eirscriwhy Awe sowra om m=rparared wA.01' iitafmxce fit any permlt`whA may be1med r► l vm Owe dowth wilt Itw amokwim of _ = imy permit. dtrygeson developing m an dECwvfthcw pa*t'o oubitcr to'civll cr tm wNam " �D � ..;JUN +..�.. �`" ....._. _._ .._., At VE fill ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY IOWNERi I .. . ... 'fiANOti�- RWO � STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITSPLANNIWd " azo WIN NTY 1, WPr , -!P tNa'ttf; of fjD 0 r ty owpo-r) RoWtY 11RIcated, at Addrest Lot, Blok, iRWd, ific.) on in N. C. mteiio�dyy He has ddic—rUd to me as -800116afth and 0,i6jod oja, Ahcvwn In- h"ttached- Wl gfsy' the development he N p TIPPKIAR at that 1.9-cation, and; I W iD t n 0 his MPoisal. Al2 J (APPLICATIGNAND,DRAW .n nr ING OF PROPOSED? DEVELOPIVIFNIT,AT V TkC. W) Telephone °Number #f9-33 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERECEIVED STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING is hereby �certffysiitet 1- own�prflperiy� adj® et=to; �� � y.� �N ursri►ti.ss GC C S (Hems of Property owner) property located at Address; Cot,, Block; Road; etc:) one , in N.C. (Waterlsody) (town and/or -County) We has described to me as shown irfthe-a i®bhed application end project. d►swing(s}, :tlie development he is Proposing-atthat tocetlon siad, 1 have no objeotfons to Ids proposal. DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATT Telephpne Number - L / �C a/z, -Date; Im W 9Ag"Wi71iOl: POl17 I --, �- '{� IM0'11`I7'E 0.11' ( r� i i ' it x ttdllr ]iHEiiBffVE:F10uHEs t1ERE =' (i DEISYED FROM ANeAMMAL...� YY F i s avEv- usrD comm r. t�pmns '� ' * AS-511001N, ppON .wiNN 71is _ f r SIDb1U m AS ]HE; QON1110L; J a ( 3, UI F L1Z U ja2rfi r 14s7mlmo OM S� a m i 1 tOl A110M C�l�l A 5 '� A t oft ATMs cmum: NarfLtltlldntT7 f I 3 , ,j 7116 5 _ t @ E CAw&. �TKECT o .6 1` _ �____ j I _ 15Z N ' sr�aat�tmc oA V R COURI ll'1� •I �µ OLAnon Nrs RVU-WE f .� AtAt: COYYIMiY-MNfJ MU1�R J) Iljr001t pAT ` 1p1A1 �1E ANEir<--acr'AG* ;!J1 _ *— i LOCATIONA i ! _....,. f(CERTp°Y}111A,TIYS 1bw0RANN iNipFRAIY svPERVIs1aN f FRow AN WWAL SWMW IWADE' ROM MY SUPERNSIONI Ler 0UCW110N R1!Cm PIED fJ 80011 s7D4 FACE = r ME NOIpDy4pE5 NOT SLRik1iD A16JM1ED j 7 DRANK FROY': ORMA'11pIW SHONN HVIEW 1HAT THE RA1f0� iiE1LAHDs iixE E ,Q . OF REMNRFMENZ a�om000+e ARnEmAr n, TAtO N FROLIaV �s ttaINS rAr( OF 1HE SiAN0AR05 OF PRACTICE FOR UND POSAE LEAP OF S# WRA"a IN: ZZ :WmtjA(ZI'NCAC db. Oo CRODWS TM WE,1H6 1Zth OAT OF Ad 7. ZOt= r i, s�n1gl b J V G Y�TLMID r• i •t�� '�ys tr} �� rv:1!� :L—�GE=fV b- ( w O 17 WM* IRON SET mm— rd. AKp w" Ea Ra O�LLt! ! P 01011 FROM t ? NCHO INtA —&M 7RAM ADPxEWr Pm, Ll PeoloaiupH 1 BOUNDARY " w ..;':� i 1 iENCE LINE t/,11'r -FL.OYD 1NV�TMENTS UC�I�0g�,Iff AE i P lmw OImYIwm 0, F42.A2 _ I rgj mN A7�If9�fP =.�lY OF NaM.: n -- avw&OM7P C701Mn tleAle t• . sa' - J1LY 1z-sDtr� - 1eun0�Srww isr' i , rl 1 C JUN s I CI+N�E�yAyl ROM7 NY�yVDD 4 , M ° � , •� a ,�.- �! + ,� � . �' �. r*— . �. f � ..� I ,-, A'Si'14" 'W 1.04` f t1fFY 1f1AT 1MfS iN P URANw+ luNm W°St&�JM61 1 ��1NAT 1FE t011fDM MWOMA .4'EU W �. 1 111E -" DODIf bTra, PAW N.71af ( rAASS F110Y AN ACiVAL,I # J r "i! 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