HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_19-039_ Keen (2)Town of Holden Beach Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT I as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" 2018-039 Permit Numbw KZ COQS Crr ' \1901tM�N15t1. bUA:.' Issued to Dwight & Martha Keen, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard Area (AEC) at 787 Ocean Boulevard West, in Holden Beach INC 28462, as requested in the permittee's application, dated received September 19, 2019. This permit, issued on September 27, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: CONSTRUCT AN ADDITIONAL STORAGE AREA UNDER THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat dravvjngs(s) DATED RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 19, 2019. Signed by Gary Guarganus and dated July 31, 2019, (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-842-6080 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 Rhonda Wooten CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach NC 28462 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal PERMITTEE Management (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) RECEI ED OCT 14 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Name: Dwight & Martha Keen Minor Permit # 2019-039 Date: September 27, 2019 Page 2 (5) This development is in the ocean hazard area shall be set back on a minimum of 60 feet from the first line of stable natural vegetation, as.determined by the DCM, the LPO, or other assigned agent of the DCM. (6) The permittee is required to contact the Local Permit Officer 910-842-6080, shortly before he plans to begin construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline change. 'Construction must begin within sixty(60): days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be redone. (7) All.. buildings constructed within the -ocean hazard area shall comply with the NC Building Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Bbilding Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. If any provisions of the building code or a flood damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards, the more restrictive provision shall control. (8) All buildings must be elevated on pilings with a diameter of at least 8 inches in diameter if round, or 8 inches to a side if square; and the first floor level of the sills and joists must meet the 100-year flood level elevation. (9) All pilings shall have a tip penetration greater than eight feet below the lowest ground elevation under the structure. (10)Dune disturbances will not be allowed because the dune's protective value could be weakened or reduced. All disturbed areas will, be immediately stabilized. (11)AII unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetatatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (12)Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery or beach renourishment takes place within two years of the time the structure becomes imminently threatened, so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules. (13) AREAS BELOW THE. STRUCTURE WHICH ARE BELOW THE LOWEST FLOOR SHALL NOT BE DESIGNED OR USED FOR HUMAN HABITATION, BUT SHALL ONLY BE USED FOR PARKING OF VEHICLES, BUILDING ACCESS, OR LIMITED STORAGE OF MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PREMISES AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH BREAK A WAY WALLS AND FLOOD VENTS IN ACCORDIANCE WITH FEMA RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 SIGNATURE: DATE: PERM Ocean Hazard ✓ FstuatineShoreline ORW Shoreline (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LANDOWNER Permit Number D / / L�01 Public Trust Shoreline Other Name V t,U t � 1 t) / ft ltl'k7 Jiff' lC L e�4sad4Ada/z ,tau City �4 n (� stale Zi}i - 7 Phone q I �I do y9 a AUTHORIZED AGENT Name City State M Zip Phone LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed coustmetion and land disturbance,) �nG� coSCa� �.1 eI )e e'l 1 vo ,. SIZE OFLOTIPARCEL: , 1 �j square feet acres r�i� �f= i CL PROPOSED USE: Residential a (Single-family & Multi-farmly D ) CommercialMdustrial ❑ Other COM]IILETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Loral Perruil Officer ijyoa are not sure which AEC applies toyourproperty)r S)ercte (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: o? 9 square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing alit space) (2) COASTAL SHORU&iE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: _AJA square feet (includes the area of the rooftip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES_ NO jn a V H If yes, fist the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or p 1iJ square fee D RECEIVED I I , SEP 1 9 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUM]D: The activity you are panning may, req*e permits'other than the CAMA .minor deiielopnient 'Per.mill, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic eptic Tank (or oilier sanitary waste -treatment system), Building, Electrical; Plumbing, Heating and Air,Condi.tioni6g`. Insulation,and.Energy Conservation, FIACerifcAtian, Sand Dune, Sediment Control,Subdivision Approval; Mobile Home ParkAppro* 'fighwayConnectibn, and othefs. Check with y ourL.ocal.Yermit Officer for more iaormatioh- STATFUM, INT OJF'QNV1,qMSH.V: .1,-fheitdersig:6ed,,wapp cant- for a CATMA ininor development permit; , . ; , , -... , 1 .1 I '' . , " . z , . , owner.n �an AEC qr a, per 9 Xq, d to act as an.,.agen or.purpo$es of applying fora on a rfunpn eye qp e rei n2 iutef est-cah be l d 1, - il , isted sasignificant interest ffi:th " 'I - I . .. -. - _ 7 1 .. clea'-py rly �,escr -T� h e s 'be c.n d.as.:(th6&b.ne).. an owner'or-'recc) f. 7,11 -e se i B 6b 'T. �:,tle is v,,,, t n 101,� A/Q' ee k P48P a au' -o- loy.,vkM e-, n -heir tt�. flip'p8."On owner of any 6�09)-Mwjbt ds Ma", h p, eprow provided a y,by the applicant.etai s of the #p 4,p incorporated vvbbuf r7ejcrCe,fn ..6,�!�iio . r�,. an 'Pgm %Qc�_* he.issued Y M Avype)-.�on 46,elqping M'an AECv-Ah&z1z permit is- "bje& 10 SEP 2 5 Z019 nr-m W11 MINGTON. NC 08/13/2019 Date Nancy Glover Cooper ETALS Adjacent Property Owner 708 East H St Mailing Address Erwin, NC 28339 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: U.S. Postal Servicd��� Ln CERTIFIED MAN _a , Domestic Mail Only Er-r` P.R.FFF- ERWIN r '$C an8339r to ru Vamise Mall Fee; ' . $JG ✓_:a �� M1 $ � Extna Services & Fees (chx$box, edd lee e C3 ❑ Felem Receipt maro.,M $ t(++� C3 ❑Realm Rocelpt(deMnlc) $ _ O ❑Cerlifled Mail Reahlcied OelWeey $ O ❑MunelereW.Repebed $ a pndun svy m Reeblcted odwey$ C3Postage .0 $ $0.70 p Total Postage and Fees $ $7.00 OF to Sent To � Stiee(s-- t-N0, or Pli gtiiJl ...... _--------_�.___......._ IG' — This letter is to inform you that I Dwight Keen have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at 787 Ocean Blvd W in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at _919 820 2492 _or by mail at the address Applicants Telephone listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERN ENT CAM4 Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, Dwight Keen Property Owner 115 Chadbury Dr Mailing Address Dunn, NC 28334 City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC 08/13/2019 Date Ann Ennis Odom Adjacent Property Owner 226 Wilcrest Dr Mailing Address Matthews, NC 28105 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: CID Ln .. - . Only MA1 Et r `Ft OCerglledMail Fee $3_E0 04`9 r $ 99 Fxtm Servlees&FOSPedbw. eddtee - 0 ❑ReMn Romlpt 0M -PYi $ ❑Rehm fleceiPt (a.ceanm/ E—:�-l-ryfl P Hem slmark p ❑cedmea Mellflmhlclea DeWery $ p ❑Haan sga.me R.gwrea s— []MuaelgneNmfleaekleaaelNery S C Postage CO $ $U.70 08/16/2019 r3 Total Postage and Fees $ 87.OU Asent To O O1^^ C3 Siie ifA-tIMP 6oi PD x(Jo:_..__...--------------------------- ................ �` ciof-Co cj---�-—_\�---(---I---- � 1 U5 This letter is to inform you that I Dwight Keen have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at 787 Ocean Blvd W in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at _919 820 2492 _or by mail at the address Applicants Telephone listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Sincerely, Dwight Keen Property Owner 115 Chadbury Dr Mailing Address Dunn, NC 28334 City, State, Zip Code Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 RECEIVED ')FP Z 5 iei9 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Project Is In An. Property Owner, AEC HAZARD NOTICE Ocean Erodible Area —High Hazard Flood Area 9 Property Address: I'Z� -) iJro LJ Cate Lot Was Platted. � � Cj ja Tbisnotice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the specialrisks and conditions associated with developmentin this area, which is subject to natural bazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that youreceive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alterations are designed to minimize butnot eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean Hazard Area of Environmental. Concemincludelhecondition tbatstructaresbe relocated or dismantled if theybecome imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) must be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the anneal long-term average.ocean erosionrate for the area where yourproperty is locatedis 3 feetperyear. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerialphotographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as Lfeetlandward in a major storm. The floodwaters in a major storm are predicted to be about .feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawal!s,revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary. sand bags may be authorized under certain conditions. The applicantmust acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the space below. Without the proper signature, the application will not be complete. 4 Inlet Hazard Area Call Brunswick County GIS for this information! 910- �sj3_2m This shall be completed. SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required far development in areas subject to sudden and massive stom±s and erosion. Permits issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the projectsite, the Local Permit Offucermustbe contacted to determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little change since the time ofperm it issuance, and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will intorm you that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the project must be made within 60 days of this setback determination, or the setback must be remeaswed. Also, the occurrence of a major shoreline change as the result of a storm within the 60-day period will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is important that you checkwith the LPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal can be authorized. It is unlawfiul to continue work afterpermit expiration. For more information, contact: o Local Permit Officer TOWN OF HOLDEN ®EACH Address PENIF"He R. tNSPE� 110 RO HSCM D STREET HOLDEN REACH, N.C. 2W2 Locality ate -Buy- ao Phone Number RECEIVED 5EP 2 5 Z019 OCM WILMINGTON, NC EA G�� !qi jl1 • p7 Io E soft OCtnN gL-VD w --- . _ ---------_ ,.....__ AI& M �5f O O� W �CO Parcel ID:246BB044 0 }. c Parcel PIN: 200506488450 777 Calc.Acreage: 0.29 �,• ;- I Zoning: R1 2..` • Legal Description E L-105&106 S-B ROBINSON BEACH PLAT 2.5/130 Rsr_ i Owner Information 5� Owner Name: KEEN MARTHA W & JERRY L WEST ; a< Mailing Address: 1 PO BOX 574 x DUNN, NC 28335 Deed and Plat References Deed Book: 00122 Deed Page: 0266 Plat Book: Plat Page: Search Address or Parcel II q s ti•� 4 Yt�`sN' .�kD RECEIVED SEP 2 5 201g DCM WILMINGTON, NC -78.324 33.908 Degrees NORTH CAROLINA 8RUNSWICK COUNTY I, GARY L GUR FNP(d$iIGEFtTI6yl AT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION /6- MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, DESCRIPTIOCI►N�lj 2-1 2. PAGE 130 THAT THE ERROR OQ= & COMPUTER IS ll/.-10.000+ THAT THt BOUIsUA�SiIES NOT S WE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES, PLOTTED-FROIutINFORW6RV RE CE= THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARE@ IN �CCOR%K& , WITH GjS. 4Z-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY :g TURE, I ON #%MBER AND SEV,4HIS A.D., 20 TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "HB 13% (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 58.928.47 AND E = 2,208.008.50; THENCE S 83'05'33"W 4.097.86 FEET TO MONUMENT "HB 15% (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 58,435.62 AND E = 2,203,940.38; THENCE N 78'35'19"E 551.33 FEET TO A MAG NAIL; THENCE S 87-54.15"E 335.95 FEET TO NIP "A": THENCE N 83*06'12"E 49.92 FEET TO EIP "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO NC GRID NORTH, N.A.D. 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. WEST GARY L. GURG L �� SREGt EAL30 STAMPUM+z��h�� OCEANRIBLVD.F-WAY EDGE OF PAVEMENT ERB S 83-0512011 W 49.92' CTV OTP p „B„ "A" WM MHO EIP VIP N 8370612 E 49.92' �XI, � N' zo I I I I 1.08 0 110 w i N o I I I SECTION B WESTERN EXTENSION I ROBINSON BEACH i SUBDIVISION o I MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGE 130 I I I ZONE AE I I (EL 12) I ZONE AE I 9JIP (EL 11) ZONE VE I I (EL 13) I I I I I 60' RECLAIMED I PLATTED I RIGHT—OF—WAY I I I W I I I I N o I I I I I I 107 `� I I 109 i I I I i I 1 I PROGLESED P 6. EXISTING HOUSE I I I DECK j LOT 106 12.95 SQ. FT. �b J� rrzh 349. ERB42�` 9 2pgg.1 4r....-- iO�IVN of ERB 11 cn 0 104 I 102 0 W I w 4.8' SECTION B WESTERN EXTENSION 0D 41 `n ROSUBDIVISIONCH m on c° MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGE 130 J I I ZONE AE I (EL 12) I ERB NIP I — —_ IZONE VE I I (EL 13) I I I I I I I I I I � I I A I I N I I I I 101 103 I I I I I i I I I I I