HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_19-037_ Brenner (DENIED)PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT EIII,EM,PU1,FH4MIH September 18, 2019 llmothy D. Evans inspector@hbtownhall.com CFM,CZO,LPO,CPM CERTIFIED MAIL - #7016356000057372431 Rhonda Wooten mooten@hbtownhall.com Administrative Assistant Mark & Crystal Brenner Planninginspecdon@hbtownh PO Box 5282 all.mm Pinehurst NC 28374 RE: DENIAL OF CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER-#2019-037 Dear Mark & Crystal Brenner: After reviewing your application in conjunction with the development standards required by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) and our locally adopted Land Use Plan and Ordinances, it is my determination that no permit may be granted for the project which you have proposed. This decision is based on my findings that your request violates NCGS 113A-120(a)(8) which requires that all applications be denied which are inconsistent with CAMA guidelines and Local Land Use Plans. You have applied to install a in ground pool within the 30 foot landward of the normal high water area which is inconsistent with 15 NCAC 7H .0209(d)(10), which states that: Within the Coastal Shorelines category (estuarine and public trust shoreline AECs), new development shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of the normal water level or normal high water level. Your application is also inconsistent with our Local Land Use Plan. On page 41 of the Local Land Use Plan, you will find that Section 4.1 states in part that the state guideline for area of environmental concern is found in section 15A NCAC 71-1. and that the Local Land Use Plans give special attention to the protection of appropriate AECs which in this case is the Estuarine Shoreline. RECEIVED SEP 2 3 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET • HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 •910.842.6080 PHONE • 910-842-7003 FAX www.hbtownhall.com Should you wish to appeal my decision to the Coastal Resource Commission or request a variance from that group, please contact me so I can provide you with the proper forms and any other information you may require. The Division of Coastal Management central office in Morehead City must receive appeal notices within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter in order to be considered. Respectfully yours, q-kmdo-- W Rhonda Wooten, LPO cc: Brendan Brock - DCM FIELD REP/FIELD OFFICE Authorized Agent - Southern Comfort Homes, Inc. RECEIVED SEP 2 3 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET • HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 •910.842.6080 PHONE • 910-842-7003 FAX www.hbtDwnhall.com ,i Lfo r , , Fermat Number e— ,oca:lity V Public Trust,Shoreltne v ' � T"�� � ` �' ' ORW.Shoreline Estuarine Shelin ore )cean Hazard (For of cicil use,' trw � war s ' RECEIVED ,r , GEi*iEII� &tiff®R1ygpTi�fi1 AUG 2 6 2019 LAND oNVN'ER - Marne d GTON, A1C T c' _ Zip City a. ail Phone a Sk State I` Email e• C A Ati'1TQORIZED AGENT r Cv -A Name Address L 25Phone City 5 LA State — Zip Email b J dress street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is ahe..name of the t LOCATION OP PROJICC P. (Ad` ; r,-1r� adjacent waterbody.) \ a DESCRIPTION OJ<' PR®dECT. (Last all proposed construction and land disturbance.) slZE OF LOTIPARCEL: square feet acres multi �]) CommerciaUIndustrta] ❑ Other ❑ PROPOSER) UsF,-, Residential ' t], (S n;g]e-farnily-, O Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are notsure which AEC applies co-Z PLETE EITHER (I) OR .(2) BE, (. 10 yoj1r properV): �' feetf(ancludes (I) OCEAN RAZ,�RD AECs: "l('OTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPO?.57 ael�vccl and level'bu't ' space, asking elevated above ground level, non-c i r t air conditioned living .spa p excluding anon -load -bearing attic space) ~ ' p.-......�.,.,.c j)..�T, $gpI,I1�ZE .r�lEC.s: SIZE OF BUILDING I± 00. p' square feet (includes the area of the roof/dri line f all buildings; d,�r}i�vew Ys� c � UPON! SZTRFAC ��- �IV concrete or masonry patios, .etc. that are within -the applicable AEC. Atta r STATE STOR1bIbl�ATiER iYi ANAGEt�1EN'II' pERd1fIT: Is tlae project located in an area subject to.a State Stormwater' Management Permit issued by The NC Division of Water Quality? YES NO s: uare If yes, list ibe total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel q OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other thi minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or othersanit treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energyt Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home. ParkApprovgl, Highvvi others. Check with your Local Permit Officer for more information. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: t, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of propel person authorized to act as an agent for purposes o.f applying for n CAMA minor development permit car listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described thei-cin:'lhis described as: (check one) ✓ nn owner or record title, Title is vested in �&W yJS W Eck- COw ky ' see Deed Book page _QC[$_Nin the —Uup, + kre - County Registry of Deeds. ACKNOW.LEDG'EMENTS: ],the undersigned, acknowledge that the landowner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an maybe susceptible to erosion and/or flooding, I acknowledge that the Local Permit OfTrcerhas explained to'i far hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations- earn tion and floodproofing techniques. I frrrthertnore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Cda; the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the afeiementioned lands in connection wait eval related to this permit application. This the 1 day of-_, 2 Landowner or person authorized to act as his/her agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit a MART. gREOIJIFR This gpplicalion luclnrlesr general information (thie form), a site drawing as described on 11!6 olvnership statement, the Ocean Hazord AEC Notice inhere necessary; a check for $100.00 tnd any Information as may be provided orally by the applicant. .The details of the application as e incorporated without reference in any permit which may he issued Deviation from these detai any permit. Anyperson developing in an AEC without permit is subject /o civil, criminal and c hich articu- iliza- it staff, ea f:rtucN uy IIIe�G JVHr6cq lNe ��{�1�� e! Vi0latlOm Of minisrrative actlon. AUG 2 6 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: A(c,k o.,A (',r4_AA - keu+ueR Mailing address: (:). b, 130X 5,p. >' -;z- NG ).83-7y Phone Number; I certify that I have authorized So "Akh J` 0 Cm_ e4 40WCIS, t 43 C. Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of A N e�_oj CZ2S1 cleN c at my property located at (Cl3 � �ta�.Po � S'T� 4Ar 'o gi�14G�ti IB C ar In County. This certification Is valid through be c 31 , aj ao Date (Property Own [Information) Signature t11a.2K 'E',szcNue2 Print or Type Name OWue2 T!f!e —TDate qkn-- agII —'Z5 q6 Phone Number S AN S ATB(0) nr1 RECEIVED Emat! Address AUG 2 6 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT BI1I,EIII,PIII,FIII,MII1 Timothy D. Evans, Director of Planning & Inspections September 3, 2019 inspector@hbtownhalLmm CFM,CZO,LPO,CPM Rhonda Wooten Mark & Crystal Brenner mooten@hbtownhalLmm PO Box 5282 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. Pinehurst NC 28374 Planning inspections@hbtown hall,com RE: NOTICE TO EXTEND TIME TO GRANT OR DENY CAMA MINOR PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER — 2019-037 RE: 193 Highpoint Street Dear Mr. & Mrs. Brenner: Pursuant to NCGS 113A-121(b), the undersigned hereby gives notice to the applicant that for good cause, and in order to properly consider all information necessary to making a decision on this permit application, the time period within which a final decision shall be made has been extended an additional twenty-five (25) days. If you have any questions concerning this action, please contact me at 910-842-6080. Sincerely, �Yvn WA"I"\ Rhonda Wooten , LPO Cc: Tara MacPherson — DCM Southern Comfort Homes, Inc. RECEIVED - ,) n 9 11019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC RECEIVED SEP 09 DCM WILMINGTON, NC 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET • HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 • 910.842.6080 PHONE • 910-842-7003 FAX www.hbtownhall.com aL (A R Date MAQ.k <wCA CACOU CA$¢AL Adjacent Properly Owner zn3o QP�ce S cT- ailing AddresMho �J-1 24,360 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property: This letter is to inform you that[, M A Qk '� a e D tie C Properly Owner L, to IT- rU 0 C3 0 0 C3 w m m r` O r- p__ cr_ ❑R .R.Ipt(Aer py) S p"a'1 a! ❑Ret Re Ipt(aM 10 e *il -ff: ❑GNflee MellRaVlctea Delivery $. Dr! Here ❑Rtlugalg.W.FW,u E � �gagalg []Mug Signature R"ded GIWery S ��e,oao !r'j l) Total Postage entl Fees s VP, Qj< p �' Sveer(a�Jn�3G�ND., ar beox Co. ...................................................... 5 Sr C1§fete,G 2436d Permit on my property at 1 q3 ST , in Brunswick County Property Address County, As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please L contact me at �110 tl2g 3 5 or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the Town of Holden Beach CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Sincerely, Rhonda Woolen Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 R— Property Owner P.O. Z eX 5 a 8 2 Mailing Address DS>3e,�%,A.rS+, u L 2 83-1q City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED AUG G 6 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, INC III III II IIIIIIIII II III IIII IIIIIIII III j 11 F09a4 m03-052015 5:46s-49.001 PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page I of 2 Brenda M. Ciemmons Register 03-05-2015 35:4649, 001 RegiBrunster oC.Deeds NC NC REVENUE STAMP:' yga0.00 (4427317) Presenter_ awl Rel: Total F ev Int. # / Cash $�_ (jI Refund: Czsh 6 Finance ❑ Porb=Lq 4uunI-ei;l aip it u911A: Uue lu W wop ofotigina! ❑ DC.,vo Int comaim :r.h v^ .,ret by ftA fr<:.d1'el Yot calrol LU PrOdacadprcp*. This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the Brunswick County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $980.00 Tax Parcel #232 PC 030 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED, made this the 34 day of March, 2015, by and between MOISE FAMILY LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, of 2420 Kemway Road, Johns Island, SC 29455, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, and MARK E. BRENNER and wife, CRYSTAL BRENNER, of Post Office Box 2000, Pinehurst, NC 28374, parties of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantees; WITNESSETH: THAT the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantees, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantees, their heirs and assigns, in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lots 1 and 2, all as shown on a consolidation of maps of Holden Beach Harbor recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 132 of the Brunswick County Registry and preppared by R. B. McHenry, RLS, on March 3, 1962, and in Map Book 7 at Page 24 of the Brunswick County Registry as prepared by Gerrit C. Greer, RLS, on January 15, 1963. This conveyance is made SUBJECT TO certain restrictions recorded in Book 228 at Page 31, and as amended, of the Brunswick County Registry. This property was acquired by Grantor in Book 3102 at Page 810, Brunswick County Registry. In accordance with NCGS Section 105-317.2, the mailing addresses of Grantor and Grantees are as stated above. The property herein conveyed does not include tt�EpC1 residence of Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantees in fee simple. UCM WILMINGTON, NC IIIII IIIIIIIII II I I IIIIIillllllll 83611 P0985m ons 49'PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 2 AND the Grantor does hereby covenant with Grantees that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, that it has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, subject to the following exceptions: utility easements of record, street rights -of -way, and ad valorem property taxes for the year 2015 and subsequent years. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto caused this instrument to be duly executed, the day and year first above written. MOISE FAMILY LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, South Carolina limited liability company By:C.�-Qif--J Michael Edmund Moise, Member STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that he voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Michael Edmund Moise, as Member of MOISE FAMILY LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company ("the Company"), as and for the act of the Company. Date: 3 -3-15 `.QGC1A K'Ji➢ ,0TA13k w PUBOG j ti e ;goy., • _; S��CK c00 ' Z��— Z%khtns Notary Public signs re Notary's Printed Name: %;na e JCn.&5 My Commission Expires: `7--11-7O/8 RECEIVED AUG 2 6 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC A 03-06-2017 Brenda M. Clemmons PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page i of 2 et: Ch -- ! Cash S Fief to condition i (orlm:nl -.,,�.. �.•.,. ,:2t',:d n; orglnal !on:producedorcopied. This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys, without opinion on title. INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, made this the day of February, 2017, by MARK E. BRENNER and wife, CRYSTAL BRENNER, of Post Office Box 2000, Pinehurst, NC 28374; WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS the makers of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION (hereinafter referred to as "Owners") own certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, known as Lots 1 and 2, Holden Beach Harbor (Tax Parcel #232 PC 030); WHEREAS, said owners wish to combine the above -mentioned properties into one tract of land for the purpose of complying with all applicable provisions of the Town of Holden Beach and Brunswick County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances; and, WHEREAS, this is a limited special purpose instrument for the purposes specified above and is not a conveyance and does not change or modify in any manner the ownership interests in the above -mentioned property; and, WHEREAS, upon execution and recordation of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, the above -mentioned properties are hereby combined and shall hereafter be described as follows RFC;EIVED BEING all of Lots 1 and 2, all as shown on a consolidation of maps of Holden Beach Harbor recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 132 of the Brunswick County Registry and prepared by R. B. McHenry, R.L.S., on March 3, 1962, and in Map Book 7 at Page 24 of the Brunswick County Registry as prepared by Gerrit C. Greer, R.L.S., on January 15, 1963. DCM WILMINGTON, NC IlillliIII lllllIII lllll�lllllllllIII 6t9 P13e5ma50:03.004 Brunsulek County, C Register of Deeds page 2 of 2 i: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owners have caused this Instrument to be duly executed, the day and year first above written. I 2ME. BRE NER +r . CRYSTA BRENNER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF (Qr I certify that the following persons appeared before me this day, each .acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing dtiCument for the purposes therein stated and in the capacity therein indicated: Mark E. Brenn&and wife, Crystal Brenner. a Date: ` l J^'.q XN 2 -868 ���� 'nEiary�}tei�p- ^ .y z C- • .R r. Notary's Printed Name: My Commission Expires: (O-, 1�)— V1 v RECEIVED AUG 2 6 ?m DCM WILMINGTON, NC 2 EVERETT G. GRAHAM, P.E. 159 BRUNSWICK AVE EAST HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 (919) 622-7776 MARK & CRYSTAL BRENNER 193 HIGH POINT STREET HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. TOTAL LOT AREA 10,052 SQ. FT. •�1T_Li �_��iL'� TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA HOUSE AND DECKS (INC. O/H).........................2,609 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS AREA IN A.E.C. 2,578 SQ. FT. 2,609 sq ft x 1.5 / 12 = 326 cu ft of stormwater containment required. • Utilize gutters and downspouts draining to an EEE ZEE LAY drain system. • Capacity of EEE ZEE LAY system = 3.75 cu ft / ft. • Length of system required = 326 cu ft / 3.75 cu ft / ft = 86.9 ft. • Round up to 90 ft. D � � � 0 W 19 AUG 2 t 2019 D TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 12" Drainage Bundle With ��.�`1%4 CARD`, 4" Dia Corrugated Perforated ;Bcckfill? P,E. Distribution Pipe 025971 Encased With F Filter Cloth�;p��E;,� Drainage Bundle Without Pipe 3' Drainage Pipe udle o;�ci�iG•Gr"�`• W Fr-4-Zot9 RECEIVED AUG 2 6 2019 EEE ZEE LAY DETAIL nts [)CM WILMINGTON, NC , t � p[A��� 1 AUG 21 2019 ! TOWN OF HOLOCNAOt' EVERETT G. GRAHAM, P.E. 159 BRUNSWICK AVE EAST HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 (919) 622-7776 AREY HOLDINGS, LLC 860 HERON LANDING WYND HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. TOTAL LOT AREA 18,604 SQ. FT. LOT AREA IN A.E.C. 10,570 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA HOUSE AND DECKS (INC. 12" O/H).....................2,536 SQ. Fr. HOUSE AND DECKS (NOT INC. O/H)....................2,331 SQ. Fr. GRAVEL DRIVEWAY (MAXIMUM)............................1,325 SQ. Fr. TOTAL.......................................................................... 3,656 SQ. Fr. IMPERVIOUS IN A.E.C. 565 SQ. FT. MAX IMPERVIOUS FROM PERMIT NO SW8 990123 3 6s5 SO FT • 2536 sq ft x 1.5 / 12 = 317 cu ft of stormwater containment required. • Utilize gutters and downspouts draining to an EEE ZEE LAY drain system. • Capacity of EEE ZEE LAY system = 3.75 cu ft • Length of system required = 317 cu ft / 3.75 cu ft / ft = 84.5 ft. • Round up to 90 ft. • Supersedes the document sealed on 05-25-19 RECEIVED 2 _ '.,. •' Drainage Bundle Without Pipe 571 12" Drainage Bundle With 4" Dia Corrugated Perforated P.E. Distribution Pipe Drainage Bundle Without Pipe Encased With Filter Cloth SFP 23 2019 025971 ,NC EEE ZEE LAY DETAIL nts Iillll II illllllll II III I II IIIIIIII III WZ Fa984 w G146 49'PR 1 Brunswick County. NC Register of Deeds page 1 of 2 Brenda M. Cl enmans 03-05-2015 15: 4649. 001 Register of Deeds NC REVENUE STAMP: Brunswick County, NC EeB0.00 (#427317) Presenter _ 6cal Ret: � J Total f'dy Int. Ck 5 Ck # / Cash Refund _ Cain b Finance ❑ NrtfM L, ;a.u„ -�:1 uiL Aluvok. u4c tv'ANr3300 of Of ;Rq! ❑ Qi.W'"N CIX'GiuC ;r1`3V Yyt h�oApingl U..La,*unatcan,ad .•pWucedorcpped. This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the Brunswick County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $980.00 Tax Parcel #232 PC 030 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED, made this the 34 day of March, 2015, by and between MOISE FAMILY LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, of 2420 Kemway Road, Johns Island, SC 29455, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, and MARK E. BRENNER and wife, CRYSTAL BRENNER, of Post Office Box 2000, Pinehurst, NC 28374, parties of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantees; WITNESSETH: THAT the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantees, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantees, their heirs and assigns, in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lots 1 and 2, all as shown on a consolidation of maps of Holden Beach Harbor recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 132 of the Brunswick County Registry and preppared by R. B. McHenry, RLS, on March 3, 1962, and in Map Book 7 at Page 24 of the Brunswick County Registry as prepared by Gerrit C. Greer, RLS, on January 15, 1963. This conveyance is made SUBJECT TO certain restrictions recorded in Book 228 at Page 31, and as amended, of the Brunswick County Registry. This property was acquired by Grantor in Book 3102 at Page 810, Brunswick County Registry. In accordance with NCGS Section 105-317.2, the mailing addresses of Grantor and Grantees are as stated above. The property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of Grantor. RECEIVED TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantees in fee simple. UG 2 6 ZO'9 DCM WILMINGTON, NC IIIIII II II I IIIII I III III III III III Brend Pawl 5� s 9'PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 2 AND the Grantor does hereby covenant with Grantees that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, that it has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, subject to the following exceptions: utility easements of record, street rights -of -way, and ad valorem property taxes for the year 2015 and subsequent years. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto caused this instrument to be duly executed, the day and year first above written. MOISE FAMILY LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company Michael Edmund Moise, Member STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged to me that he voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Michael Edmund Moise, as Member of MOISE FAMILY LAND HOLDINGS, LLC, a South Carolina Limited Liability Company ("the Company"), as and for the act of the Company. Date 3'3-6 L<1A K,J4, - Z�- 1. �OTAgy': Notary Fvublic signs re _ PG ` , ue�� Notary's Printed Name: V••ICE4 �rw Cn�snS Kcoo''` My Commission Expires: .•III IIIIII..VM RECEIVED AUG 2 6 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC A IIIIIIIIIII III)IIII IIIII IIIII III11I1 ROP o ;-�' Bruswlck ty, NC Rapla or of Deeds papa 1 of 2 foi l an lky— Cash $ Re d:___._. _ ' -- _--Finance ;�i!:c:a�r;,r.•ai:., bconditon pfg nti. r C ^Jm.M1bznt !n' tk caf G :9 Lg onglnel !.,:•iMi;'st!a�notLs!eproducedormpled. This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina attorneys, without opinion on title. INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, made this the day of February, 2017, by MARK E. BRENNER and wife, CRYSTAL BRENNER, of Post Office Box 2000, Pinehurst, NC 28374; WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS the makers of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION (hereinafter referred to as "Owners") own certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, known as Lots 1 and 2, Holden Beach Harbor (Tax Parcel #232 PC 030); WHEREAS, said owners wish to combine the above -mentioned properties into one tract of land for the purpose of complying with all applicable provisions of the Town of Holden Beach and Brunswick County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances; and, WHEREAS, this is a limited special purpose instrument for the purposes specified above and is not a conveyance and does not change or modify in any manner the ownership interests in the above -mentioned property; and, WHEREAS, upon execution and recordation of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, the above -mentioned properties are hereby combined and shall hereafter be described as follows: RECEIVED BEING all of Lots 1 and 2, all as shown on a consolidation of maps of HoIdepG Z g p019 Beach Harbor recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 132 of the Brunswick Cou Registry and prepared by R. B. McHenry, R.L.S., on March 3, 1962, and in ap Book 7 at Page 24 of the Brunswick County Registry as prepared by 1XIN11WI.MINGTON, NC Greer, R.L.S., on January 15, 1963. 0 L II I III I I I II II I I I I I jI III jI j IIII III PZ Pi .� 2017 ON Bra aulok n Y. sglsler of Duds page 2 of 2 WE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owners have caused this instrument to be duly executed, the day and year first above written. CRYSTA BRENNER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF )DCSpCQ, I certify that the following persons appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes therein stated and in the capacity therein indicated: Mark E. BrenniEand wife, Crystal Brenner. Date: �;r,-> .fir�'�•T'•.V�.i-`•+ Notary Public signature n jn6iiryib oifBrfE", o r -,i F r- : J Notary's Printed Name: ''>• `r .' �,�' My Commission Expires: c t: RECEIVED AUG 2 6 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC l PROP IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII 638]s P1394 n03-06-2017 mons 03.004 Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 1 of 2 Ck$ Cott; CashS Ref ,j: -------.-- r,; ,;t , _Finance Potions ci c:caar:c::arai_.;:' co: to conditan ongm�i. �zrls.9 by original .rantti:etc nrotLoreproducedorcooled. This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North ia without opinion on title. C, rE t 1 — INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION �_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I AUG 2 8 2019 J COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK This INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, made this the 1101-DFN BEACH � �` - dyay"of Fa2ry,'�01'7;--- by MARK E. BRENNER and wife, CRYSTAL BRENNER, of Post Office Box 2000, Pinehurst, NC 28374; WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS the makers of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION (hereinafter referred to as "Owners") own certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, known as Lots 1 and 2, Holden Beach Harbor (Tax Parcel #232 PC 030); WHEREAS, said owners wish to combine the above -mentioned properties into one tract of land for the purpose of complying with all applicable provisions of the Town of Holden Beach and Brunswick County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances; and, WHEREAS, this is a limited special purpose instrument for the purposes sp ,cil'ied above and is not a conveyance and does not change or modify in any manner the ownership interests in the above -mentioned property; and, WHEREAS, upon execution and recordation of this INSTRUMENT OF COMBINATION, the above -mentioned properties are hereby combined and shall hereafter be described as follows: RECEIVED BEING all of Lots 1 and 2, all as shown on a consolidation of maps of Holden AUG 3 0 2019 Beach Harbor recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 132 of the Brunswick County Registry and prepared by R. B. McHenry, R.L.S., on March 3, 1962, and in Ma Book 7 at Page 24 of the Brunswick County Registry as prepared by Gerrit C'.' 4 WILMINGTON, NC Greer, R.L.S., on January 15, 1963. IIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllilllIIIIIII 1 5 .0 .004 Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds' page , , PROP 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owners 1i1,.ye caused this instrument to be duly executed, the day and year first above written. not: ikipp CRYST4 BRENNER STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I certify that the following Persons appear ed before me tlils day, each acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing d6d.Umenffor the the capacity therein indicated: Mark E. 411, i, I Purposes therein stated arid in Brerindiand wife, C "� - rYStal Brenner. Date: \S-111 ry 4.iit -z' tz I V RECEIVED lC AUG 3 0 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC LINE MARK & CRYSTAL BRENNER 0 193 HIGH POINT STREET N �t U) '. N N O ZV O �Za•- rnN Z Z L OW Q O U O J fN p Z ONO] ry 0 BENCHMARK IN = o0 COTTON SPIKE ELEV: 5.79' NAVD 1988 HIGH POINT STREET m 50 RIGHT-OF-WAY Z +5.6 +5.7 +5.7 5.8 Z EDGE OF PAVEMENT 0 +5.3 +5.9 m 4.1 1 WV MH MH C) 11 0 +5.7 O13 O T "B11 D ER'•� B N 87'46'04" E EB EIP N 87'46'04" E WV ❑ ERB — — _ — — — — — — - L1 � `-- r-- \ ----- .(A1 I I I o ;_� 7 3647 ,? I GRAVEL I I DRIVEWAYI U! 1 ; 7 REQUIRED PARKING D I I ; PER HOLDEN BEACH b 1 D I I n 1 I CODE 6OF 25 LF EEE ZEE LAY SYSTEM 1 - 1� ; I I r- I I ACTUAL LOCATION MAY Eli c ", I I I VARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS -n1 I I I ___j L_ _-M L -- --- -n ----•' L----- -- SBL r ---- -- -- ; I �r 6 6.9 404 I r s; gORCH I i \ Lot 3 Ln L AREA I 125 SQ FT IN j+ 5.7 E E I? \ +5.9 I 30 CAMA BUF 1 I , I 4 5 \ PERVIOUS + 5.8 i I L -- ---- j N 45 LF EEE ZEE LA � I 1 ., ACTUAL LOCATION 00IN \ . _ �________; I -o VARY DUE TO SITE o U'_I \ GROUN PORCH PROPOSED HOUSE '�' I i o cn POOL SLAB ELEV: 6.0 I I� I v! a) I I f l aLn I ECK N. rn- I EXISTING HOUSE NORMAL HIGH I PERVIOUS POOL DECK h L________� SLAB ELEV: 6.0' WATER IS FACE 200 SF MAX IN 1 i • OF BULKHEAD +5 7 + 5. 3 +6.61 15 CAMA BUFFER l`.1 PORCH4.— — — — — _ I --- ------ CAMA BUFFERI— N 86*4822"E 48_97' \ 20 LF EEE ZEE LAY SYSTEM _ — — — — — — '-- — — ACTUAL LOCATION MAY — I po 20' SBL + 5.5 VARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS n; °: to + 5.6 5.3 w LOTS 1& 2 J c = N + cp 4- 5 +4. (VACANT LOT) 5' 1 CA N / v 0,052 SQ. FT. = / S 87*46-04" W n 5.3+ S 91'46'04" W ERB — — — — — _ ANGLE DISTANCE 50.71' 1 1 f 49.92' 4.1 _ _ NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWIC I, GARY L CAi � s, SUPERVIS DESCRIP a ROR �F C 0 ER THAT TLTE BOUND PLOTTED FRAM U PREPAID A FI MY Q61E,9Ne _ aim GARY L. GURG REGISTRATION SEAL OR STAMP r- N 't � r vQ O M Q r 00 c r � o 0 zI �oeJ d' D: 05 0J(n Q EEoz �r� N z=v ttHtj_-- COUNTY ;, (6' '??4HAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY IaI.AG MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, 3bs►fi/' . PLSrE4_ -. THAT THE AS CALBl�Try4 $Y COMPUTER IS 1/ iQ�002±-, NOT SIfR' ECr ARE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES, RION REFJRENdlD, THAT THIS PLAT WAS. MZE WITH S. j7-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MWI ER AND SEAI�IS i , A.D., 20— 1� m z D z m 0 D z D r NORMAL HIGH WATER IS FACE OF BULKHEAD TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "GRIF", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,419.347 AND E = 2s211,632.693): THENCE N 86'45'15"E 824.06 FEET TO MONUMENT HB 12 , (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,466.005 AND E = 2.212,455.432); THENCE N 50'53'53"E 2,068.98 FEET TO ERB "A"; THENCE N 87'46'04"E 86.39 FEET TO ERB "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, NAD 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. i 1IUh50 RI H`T'—OF WAY +5.7 +5.7 0 TP „B;,5.9 N 87'46'04" E WV 13 '3 ERB _ _ _ _ _ -- HOLDEN B� HARBOI SUBDIVIS' MAP BOOK 7, P) 6 Lot 3 \ +5.9 v N O -P; LT Ln -v I rn EXISTING SLAB ELI + 6.6 1 L---- LINE ANGLE DISTANCE L1 N 87'46'04" E 14.24 L2 N 17'07'01 " E 23.63 L3 S 87'46 04' W 5.63' A C A-7. n A G All ff L5 ninDhAAi UiflU 0 N (n "t j' _ in N O CVO nZ- rnId rp0 ZZL¢i. OW cr(5V 0 �U) Z�Q aZW �OZ ONm •ZO0 MARK & CRYSTAL BRENNER 193 HIGH POINT STREET BENCHMARK COTTON SPIKE ELEV: 5.79' NAVD 1988 m z 5.8 D m 4.1 yw+5.3 m MH 0 "A.. ( +5.7 00 DL1 ERB , N 8746'04" E EB r- 36.47' 01 25 LF EEE ZEE LAY SYSTEM 'r ACTUAL . LOCATION MAY c VARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS ( -. i Z m - Eli 404 I 4.5 PERVIOUS + 5.8 I HIGH POINT STREET 50 RIGHT—OF—WAY +5.6 +5.7 +5.7 EIP N 87'46'04" E r------' 49.9�F .17GRAVEL i j� I 1 1 DRIVEWAYI Oil D i i i i I A 1 i i i "I Ii i 25 SBL — OORCH 1 +5.7 0 TP 11131,5.9 WV❑ 0ERB--------- 7 REQUIRED PARKIN PER HOLDEN BEACH CODE 60F .� 6 6.9 Lot. 3 +5.9 R o o °'-I , GROUN PORCH i------I i; 7J PROPOSED HOUSE 1 '-� i -� Ln POOL SLAB ELEV: 6.0 iLn 1 RECK MEAREA IF I m WATER IS FACE OF BULKHEAD MAX 0200OL ASQ FT` 5. IN CAMA BUFFER 1 +5.7 PORCH I 13 I 4.5l\ I -- — ------ _ 0_ CAMA BUFFER N 86'48'22� E 48_97 2 20 LF EEE ZEE LAY SYSTEM ACTUAL LOCATION MAY — — — CD — — — — — — 20' SBL + 5.5 v VARY DUE TO SITE CONDITIONS N, �p + 5.6 IV LOTS 1 & 2 G.00 +4. (VACANT LOT) 5.1 0,052 SQ. FT. S 87*46'04" W 5.3+ S 81-46'04" W 50.71' f 49 92' 4.1 LINE ANGLE DISTANCE 45 LF EEE ZEE ACTUAL LOCATIC VARY DUE TO S I EXISTING HODS I SLAB ELEV: 6.1 +6.61 L------ k 'NORTH CARO.LINA ; _ BRUNSWICK%tVW,44f7- COUNTY 1, GARY L. G ( tA`T_T•HIS PLAT. WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISIat�FROflI;Aw- T14Ar�SO .MADE .UNDER MY; SUPERVISION, DESCRIPTIQ►7 ` C[� �L4 ,'; 7-PACE 24----__ . THAT THE ERROR GF E AS: CALC 6T it COMPUTER -IS 1/-WAQL4+ , THAT THE BODARIE T SURVE,YED &E SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES, PLOTTEO-FROAI:IN FOR� REFEAENCEa, THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARE? IN 'A OR WIT G.S. C-30' AS AMENDED. WITNESS MXUL)RG*Alry$�URE,. ,E 1 `ZUMBER DD ZEAL,T�,1ISS GARY.L. GU4GANGWR REGISTRATION NUMBER SEAL OR STAMP N z z w o vV O K) '- 00+� ... cy) x 0 .z` O. w' �•O U O _j zoo yw oz O:x; m. z2U m z z M. z CD D Dom+, r � ZONE VE (EL 1'7) _ ZONE VE o. (EL. 18) o FACE OF BULKHEAD LINE ANGLE DISTANCE, L• 1 N 87.46'04" E 14.24 L2 N 17707'01 " E 23.63 Lt TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "GRIF.", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,419,347 'AND E = 2,21 P,63'2,693); THENCE N 8845'15"E 824.06 FEET TO MONUMENT HB 12 , (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N 59,466.005 AND E = 2 212,455.432); THENCE N 50'53'53"E 2,068.98. FEET TO ERB "A"; THENCE 'N 87'46'04"E 86.39 FEET' TO ERB "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED M. N.C. ,GRID NORTH, NAD ;1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE . HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. BENCHMARK COTTON SPIKE ELEV: 5.79'. NAVD 1988 5.8 HIGH50POIN of STRE +5.6 +5.7 - +5.7 Wv +5.3 +5.9 EB N: 87'46'04' E WV ❑ ❑ERB ERB N 87'46'04" E7MH E "- "- 36:47' 5.7+ 49.92' I lz HOLDEN BE HARBOR cn SUBDIVIS1t N Iz' I MAP- BOOK 7, .PAC _ �1.6 Z,,�Lot 3 al �1 +� +5.7+1 �\+5:9 --- \ I cn LOTS 1& 2 o L \ w o (VACANT LOT) o L \ 10,052 SQ: FT. c P� I - rn \ N N 5:1 + 5.7 + 5.6 45 LSLAB � + 6.6� 30' CAMA BUFFER�-- I-- — _N _N 86'48'22" E 48-997 ----'_ _— 1 — 20' SBL +5.5 °n�, lot '0 + 5.6 5'.3 N 5.1 �• i ,4.5 �? = � � ERB --- S 87'46'04" W 5.3+ S 6�T46.04 , W B 50.71 49.92' 4.1 — 4.3 MAonci n A FACE OF NORTH CAROLINA _-BRUNSWICK _-- COUNTY I, GARY L. GURGA'.I §49MRIJ11THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FR.ON �J �j{1 MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION, DESCRIPTION,-FidE'11.IN AGE 24 THAT THE ERROR OF,'.$ ,g1 9��COMPUTER IS 1/ -Q OP9�_, THAT THE�O pil,�ES NOT SU � . SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES, PLOTTED iYtOM 4NFORMNjTIQfJ REF RINCEM- THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARE@" IN AbCORD� 'WITH G.S. 4=30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY IN,�I SIGN�ITUR T I§MBER AND SEA4,3}iIS ��)g��.�D;•[A11-4w - ^� A.D., 20_i.T-_ GARY L. GUiiRAty P.LLSaJr" REGISTRATION NUM 141$41Aa' SEAL OR STAMP 0 cV � cnNo .Z LLJ O N] ZZ '- °�o 0 Z j oW � � U ZJ N a 10 p z �0:m Z 2 U m Z m D Z MEAN HIGH WATER IS FACE OF BULKHEAD TyouM>�� A LINE ANGLE DISTANCE L1 N 87'46'04" E 14.24 L2 N 17'07'01 " E 23.63 L3 S 87'46 04 W 5.63 L1 TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "GRIF", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,419.347 AND E = 2t211,632.693); THENCE N 86'45'15'E 824.06 FEET TO MONUMENT ' HB 12 , (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,466.005 AND E = 2,212,455.432); THENCE N 50'53'53"E 2.068.98 FEET TO ERB "A"; THENCE N 87'46'04"E 86.39 FEET TO ERB "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, NAD 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. BENCHMARK COTTON SPIKE ELEV: 5.79' NAVD 1988 5.8 4.1 I WV+5.3 „A„ ( 13 +5.7 ERB N 87'46'04" E 36.47Wo 1 V PI cI I � - ml 4014 O EB N 6 HIGHS PORN ofR' ST +5.6 +5.7 +5.7 MH 0 TP„B„5.9 N 87'46 04 E WV ERB _ _ _ ! _ _ - 5.7+ 49.92' GRAVEL 14I DRIVEWAY L 01 zl rn 25 SBL _ - - PORCH L- -- 1I- HOLDEN BE HARBOF SUBDIVISI, MAP BOOK 7, Ph Ln 1 1$.1 + \\ +5.9 + 5.8 +5.7 4.5 \ PERVIOUS I v \ 1 N \ IN PROPOSED 0 ul GROUN PORCH HOUSE iIl POOLLn Lot 3 RECK rn EXISTING POOL AREA \ 11a SLAB ELE MAX 200 SQ FT\ I r IN CAMA BUFFER j I 1 +5.7 PORCH 5. I b•3 +6.61 4.5 \ ` I --- I 30CAMA BUFFER _ 1-1- - I- I �- _ _ _N_86'48'22" E 48_97 J - - - - 0 20' SBL + 5.5 LOTS 1& 2 I N to+ 5.6 5.3 L4 COMBINED 5 1��J �' 00 o + (VACANT LOT) �'' W N_ •- +4. 0.709 SQ. FT. 5.3+ /$/'46'04" W - ERB - - - L3---------- rI--. &:------ -- 49.92' 4.1 I 1 4 I, ti/-74 n4 F .1 /_hM- I 4.1 L5 .7 MEAN HIGH