HomeMy WebLinkAboutBC_19-14_ Hines (2)Brunswick Countv Local Government 141 MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management' BC19-14 Permit Number Issued to Tanas and Sheila Hines authorizing development in the Estuarine Shore Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) at 3249 Mullet Creek Place SE in Southport NC 28461 as requested in the permittee's application package, dated 31-Jul- 19, and received complete 31-Jul-19. This permit, issued on 12-Auci-19, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Single Family Residence, Grading, Fill, and Stump Removal. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 31-Jul-19. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or charges in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 253.2034 for a final Inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. aE0E%vf-1D Nc 511� N� Connie Marlowe CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL PO Box 249 Boli 22 u VGW<- PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: Tanas-and Sheila, Hines Minor Permit # BC19.14 Date: 12•Aug-19 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious service shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), in this case 263.32 square feet is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H-0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 foot buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting;from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site e y effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter -cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water level must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) 'within 14 days of construction completion. - SIGNATURE: DATE: ---PERMITTEE _--------- LAND MNER t"ity, " V' v te 1%,moo 1PT 2z 7 LOCATION OFTRQUICTi {(Address, 7atroot to imo andl,"Ofdife'et'low, to site, tha.mam-e offile, Y,) g M ((List -A! proposed. cips, C'tI oand and (fisfurbance) I � v V-'novf- 8121 OF LOT-APA, 0t S' acres RCEL SAI ai two cbmnizoiauaustdato Other ?CQMKXTE MMR M 09 M M0W(CWWaYWZ0col PdEWN Officertfyou:arewot sure whichAEC appUes *A -1w, space, p e groiMd : bevel, ff Mcon spate elevatsquare feet (irceludes, ed jalbaveground.lewf"but; jo�ing Zion load at6d gpadd) COASTAL SHORELINE A,ECs SIZE QF UPON'S fe4 (incl> des the area of todfafiprib6bf all bUildffig's", &iveways, covered.decks Attach,, your calculations with, the oonm(o: or mas M'' Pat, P at, to., " x in- pRept dx STA ST7,()R,AM ATER, at gabj%t-idA'S-% So 'c 'Management Perm -if issued bythe Nr,,D on, Y-LZ rig, Tf yes, ffilt R iftWIY UpW 4000lxtnp00M $W400 44ftd lfdry6Ut la or parc& square feet JVIL-I 1 M9 0, MERYFaWTSM"RE, mot!, rho act vlt you a piin tnt "'Yv*___RMPOW`ts O'ther-thiaAce"A other sanity y w, 4,st Cor a-catiou-, �i vsron A -Sod and- offids., C-1heck with ,VIDUr LOCal. =gO 'O _ icon Cott jafthfatio SVw-, MS: TAN MUENT � I '0,,F' I,,6-eundersigned,�anapplY�nlftACAA MiMdMloMMlie' Mk'bifteither. 6amwnerof f WMAK Oro. person. "Qftwfir 44 20au4va forffiwt" 4"" for lWad as f0downa an apificatfou has a. sr cat t �wcreAt in'tho �,vW prti ie desoaeO terein. .ors bierest can be described as: (efieck-wic.) 'oft ­­ or rduord'ifile, Title is vesfed msee 7j e+ hook 014 page in. -the _Aa OW,606YVffild bfiaheritance. Applicant `h an heir 'thootao Of p6ha *?b te, was in Co leaseaxplain-bolOW Q% W 9 s*Mk A00t: A 444A a this 400kA&m .N,OT_M,C_ATIQ.XQ_IFADjAC 'RP O %RTY, OWINO S: )ENT T I fudbowao Orti fbllw4pdjtons abi owners ofproperties adjOft thj4pr r of thad hake1 gIve ATUA 1CtTGE to ietich bfthem concerwng inyry pt fent, to _Ojiortyaid ttx 4pply, far:a tAM& permit. A C K NQW,—LWG.EWNT$,t In ti e, iuiiez signed, 4ckndwkdge, that the: land owner 4-, OW!99 the proposed 40ftftbt i Od for anarea which. may be susceptible: #o erosion anfllazogeitng T ackaokecige that the t� oca cerhasexplained o raprift pg*u . g w.-a,s.,accompanie(!,b!yrecon=end4do ponce Oabdizaw 1 furthermore certify that I am. x4tWzAd V VMJ, and do io f 47 ct gaii4°p PCoastat Kam eeffiittion tabi I on ono ggom, 4Ataw,4, the LocaL PernjjtQffi= io OW .off 4heaf6rementioned lands- in connection with; Mkaft b*=atboo: folood too fws gerWA, appli."fiou, + tray"day, 0 2 , 'Aup -ion 's rp son, authors bt,acL 4R�oCAK vi� qplia n;0qP 'pkeatigt nciude genet infor &awing,as. &scfib % a o $1, 004: 00`' Xado p a-yVa-b le' - to loeaUl and P & rc T t4its4fM���masdescribedbythes,-ey ou. eviare ihcorpoiatLed, withroul-relere jWi Uwu_ed, Dewafidn ft­om Aheqgdi? !' "I conk _'_'O 0"' :and ,pm,dt cbd, admina QW-widio u P^ .od in -utpermit S �jw to, L a� �,'n ac E AGENT'AUTHORIZATtONFORCAMAPr=RMrrAMLICfflON N' tki " -04pe port , S Wing Address: 134'. Log m � Dr �h a - GA 13 W— Phone',Number- 678 A &Z72a I certify, that I haveauthorized ftn- grak&, of, Brake CoUgrAX, flon Aww contiactof, to 00 on. tn ff, fortho purpose qf 'opOlyfpg,f .r 'q rend 0 b jaming 'all -- necessarry-forthefbllowingprWosed.dp-veJoom,.ent.. -Qon u'donio'g-, home.--. alt my propeqfaca#ed at324MMCreek P-lacs--BoliLvfai-.NC_.29422. . . . ... . ..... County". M"toorm., Pro cor*, thof Vam...-awhosized -ta, grant ant pa.mlasionto DIV on -of Coastal AWa itaff, Ae.Loedt Aiiimit Oft ' e.andi6eirag.efit.& to 6, br on. the', forementioned linds Ah connecridn', Wth -.evaluatft�g Idarmatlon, Watect to ft per rri aPPACOOPM Fmporty Qiwnor Iftmoltioni. an, l im IS i Nel-) P iffit Of Type Name Titter z .. 31, 2ZO Serge, Kri=w 3womo*k0five C9% NO �a* Dear Adjacent Property., This 60ter is to, inform yw that, t $heft Hnosnave. applied for, a lama Mftr Permit m my 0'mnsWpk Goun% Assrequired by QMA regluld fhavotriot, 00*0' of p rr i application and pfC drawingsas,no.fiftation: of.mar Prolgot, Nb tdibn Is"'req, on ydar bdhaff.' lf oo'om Ab9a, my Proposed prdfepleas* ogRIacre ,st 67 84729, or, by.mall of ffte Mtlre fist oo ;isetavy. ofyop -wish to, filo wriften mmmobts, or obloofibris with our, tocal CAM Officer, you away gubmif t by, 'email to COmlea Marlowe, sit�opaeMpyioweDb um , oun vus _- sincerely, Shelft, Mines 13-11 Loom Drive M,onough, GA!30252,' .1 M16h el ren�nan 32-61 alftria,'NO 28= Dear Adjacent, Properly: .!his Letter isato' "inform ymu. that (j., -iJo S.Iv 'M limbs twe, appliOd for a Cama:Minor -Count,y'Aa w veqUirad- by, CAM ' requ14, tloosi: A i'haV6,0001 ."my, orm 4.4p pf-10atiQuiand, project. drawingsas, nodicatlon have a My. -questlqns.,,about -my, pr6posedprolect, please daft m6 Aft 88-77-29 or byEmari gtl _g - isteO Oel. w, tf-;yQ jy! W. liewdiften comments w bblecdons with, out fafcM,LAMA Off you mq,6dbt&if-#o WM-- email lo Connia Marldwaat,, wpOLq,- Stho&,10' Shdila 131 LOM DNS, McD'-on.ou.,gh,,'GA- 30252 PO 60,)(2 SollvAa, NC ., 010 M-26SO Pro WOO -910 4 --ja t W--, Parcell 11.7MAO tl+ go W 4, V �XOIW MOO", $249 MM CR'5EKr "Abi;mv � A MIN- pWM i N' tmWi as N1A,p grTO t o"o 4111111t, 00 "QV I&A m. if, AOMUR:, IVY 2 5 g q IN.4 M g S, ru piG .sp W, 411i"Imp all ....... ..... ..... ggif AM� 1 ," f- g, , am 4 f MP, 54 from u otaddPOW Me0.$O&a(,l,.Cej!t Por-M 25a20� Wiowm000 1)0g di° paymeot ioptWs,emO ggbns@ 713IM019 2:27:3PM Rpoe -1 of,12 I NFP gip\ BRENNAN, MICHAEL D. b DEED BOOK 4159 PAGE G22 LOT 56 - STATION I RIVER RUN PLANTATION PLAT PV256 PARCEL M217MA05G NCRINCNOJUM GNA'MCR COIMY 1. L\1AYM w. VV`Av R. I.". eCgm m.1 Or `N[ 10Nq.V9p: 0 THAT Me SUR CREATM A 5MW6pIl Of VAN) WITHIN TY! AREA 1. LNYNIA W. DMANV II, p.L$. CCRM1'Y THAT TICS MT WA5 DRA". UO[C MY SU[!RV151ON IRO. MI KNK 5UMev OF A COUNTY OR UU40PAUTY 1HAT NA5 MI ORDINANCE TINT 'MI UNIXR I5.,MR CN ml,l, OH50H."'ON RCCORDED IN Rx6UATIS FAME4 Of UND. OE!D MroK a I A R AT FAG! INW MA RC V ..J RE615T[R O`-B[fh5 O"ce. TNi THB WUNDA46 NOT BURltrm m If. M:!ltlW Y i5 or AN p:-Nm "Rm o, UxD. ARE OI Riy INDICATED AS CRALNN V" IIIIOMUTUN IOIKD IN°WR AT PAOC� THAT THC RATIO Or p su[veYp Or ANOTMEA CATMORI'• INCH AS ?R!0540NASUL TN BY 03,W 6 1: 1 D.COJ1: rZme P.eCOMBI.WTON Or ONWHS FAC .AfDV RT OR !Rm THAT INS ALAT WA$ MRARm IN KCOROMCE WRH..I. 5URVE1'. OR OTNER@CVTION TO THE DMINITON OF SUBOWSON. U.30 A9 AV[IION. •.•° 4Gkq WNIIC55 NW ORWMK 5RNATURe, WMTRATION NWB!R AND Ar vROIC 14LIAN0 uRv R L2973 C 5m THO DAY Or AD.. xO w_ y f{ GRe�r OV, i,N'f Alf, IKOIMSIO4 WU SUIIK.DR I,M3 L-Mxi po a-1.38 r. LNe DE Nc Ot5TANCE L I N 51"33 1 1 a 5.66' 9.93' f.I.P.F. TO 30 BUFFER L2 N 52.3 '1 1- E 29.23' L3 N 50'0O'36' f 13.03' �. L4 N 9P50'3T C 5. ,�,_ • s t—Vn F r�,,rnTur"���/�l5 Nf32'aa92' [ 9.85' 1 j F e CZKO,5ERyE '.x DEED BOOK =9 PAGE 43 LOT 58 - STATION I RIVER RUN PARCEL 0217MA058 5 61-IOIT'W 55.11' 2MG.60 SO.R. y '.•.r - - HOUSE OUTSIDE 75' AEC -. •a M"; i° _/�� 293.32 SOFT. "r. r(yyjjslA7 11DLISE INSIDE 7V AEC 23GO.00 50.FT. HOUSE TOTAL A �S.ST -r R.70.O0 <: '4 •: ....�,••..� :ems 1190.77 SOFT. 8.543.5335'w DRIVEWAY C 5.57' 3550.7750.F'T. �••! -• TOTAL IMPERMUS ' '/ . '.:. •.A: ••i•.: NO RECKSIEK, rREDRN: P. DEED BOOK 4114 "" 10" LOT 55 - STATION I RIVER RUN PLANTATION PLAT K/256 PARCEL A217MA055 1 1 RYAS: yUr c m¢ NIP KOEHLY, KENNETH DEED BOOK 37GG PAGE 105 LOT5: 59 4 60 - STATION I RIVER RUN PLANTATION PLAT K/25C PARCEL 0217MA000 *X59/ SYa VICIM'r MAP . NOT TO 5CALf SDlveyed ar10 Mapped By Tide Water Land Surveying P.O. BOX I I5OG 802 North Howe 5treet South" North Cardma 264C I Phone: 510457-9560 I. NO QOO[TC MJNVI.lNi WM I.N. 1N11NN 2000 2.5UR[r DATO:IDV 22. 2019 3. PUT MAL0: I' - 20. 4 ALL MTANRS AN( HORIZONTAL craxD. 5. The AND WJ:nI 0. li sml Is m A FIDOO IYSMD ARG K 13'KCWDNM TO FIRM AW 1372020xOJc c ZONED e71. 7. cJ. -CG "VI FONT. D.IA.s. IRON 51AK SIT. OWN. RIMR. la °.I.P, - p45m4 MDN Fx. I!. lL... - IXOLYW CONCR[i[ MJI[AItNT, 3249 Mullet Creek PI. Se LOT 57 STATION I RIVER RUN PLAT BOOK K PAGE 25G DEED BOOK 4145 PAGE 1380 * 1384 PARCEL I0#217MA057 12329.38 5Q.Ff. 0.28 ACRES Survcy5d and Mapped Nor: KON DRAKE near 5un5et harbour 5mdhm5e Towenhlp 5mr5wlck County 5tate of North Ca'a'.