HomeMy WebLinkAboutBC_19-10_ Springer (2)r Brunswick County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT a MAticrined by [fie State of Nor" CarolbW Dapartrnart of &WWMnNAW Queft snd ttte Coastal Resources Comm' 11 Pow dewaWpinartt In an w" of a %*oanartt Cavern prammirit to Section 113A-11a of the 5eneref gbk*@* -Coastal Aran Marge iiiine SC19.10 Permit Number ROM CAROLM Enwi z mtal Qr dny Issued to William and Dianne Springer authorizing development in the Estuarine Shore Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) at 1907 W. Sea Aire Canal SW in Supply NC 28462 as requested in the permittee's application package, dated 19-Jun-19, and received complete 25-Jun-19. This permit, issued on 08-Jul-19, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void This permit authorizes: Single Family Residence with Steps, Covered Porches, and Concrete Driveway. (2) (3) (4) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 25-Jun-19 All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. Any change or changes in the plans for development, constnucton, or land use activities will require a reevaluation and modification of this permit. A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site Contact this office at (910) 253.2034 for a final Inspacdon all completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit Am when the project is ume led for compliance. Any mairnenartce work or VOIW moddicabon not covered under this permit, require further wrten permit approval All work must cease when this permit expires on. Oeoembw 31. 2022 In issuing arms permit d is agreed that ttus pro W s cormMent min the local Land Use Plan and al applicable ordinances. This permit may not be rnr*fened to another party w4 out the written approved of the Division d Coastal Management, Cll 4 W-c Connie Marlowe CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL RECEIVEi PO Box249 Bolivia, INC 28422 JUL (l' �FLwy E ICCit�o_ ARe4,4- ' N�'! h ;' PERMITTEE 'Signature required 4 conditions above appy to permit) Name: Witiiamn and Dianne Springer Minor Permit I BC19.10 Date: 08-JW-19 Page 2 (5) Unless l specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H-0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all developmenticonstruction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of.Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 foot buffer. (6) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier.line of fitter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. . (7) Any proposed for grading within the 39 buffer from the Normal High Water level must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain In a vegetated state. (8) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction (9) The applicant has effectively demonstrated, through innovative constriction design, that the amount of impervious surfaceareas may be exceeded in a way that runoff water will be managed and the AEC protected, so as to allow 0.51% impervious surface of the impervious areas within 75' Coastal Shoreline AEC. All proposed development and assoaated constriction must be done in accordance with the design specifications of the permitted innovative design, isealed by design professional, Everett G. Graham on 14-Jun-19. ' (10) Upon completion of construction and prior to the issuance of.a Certificate of Occupancy (CO), a letter of certification must be received from the designer of the innovative system installed, certifying that the permitted system has been installed in accordance with the permit, the approved plans and his design specifications. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification and a permit modification may be required prior to %ceiving a CO. (11) The landowner or permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The landowner or permittee shall maintain the permitted stormwater system for the life of the project. SIGNATURE: I'QUIL DATE: 2-2 - 19 PERMITTEE Locality � P u-V15 w Ocean Hazard Estuarine UNERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name ]] W :2 v� Address Permit Number) _ U _ ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) 1a)( PO `," I y City /;I State � Zip . 2Phone n / b Ll 't � A n �i Ae V, ✓ h csi hn a, f < C. ryvi AUTHORIZED AGENT Address_( /old- Ji:!!4 U � 5 City JL c 00ice/ Stalte Zipy Phone Z/ L% 3' I34) Email 1 Y1 t t Ll Imo' G vtn r LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody.) �9b� (t�,. � F? {� ,' anal I✓T fC;o-•.q --F r "JIr�'Je t-�m�y frr;i�n DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.), Ao�i Mee s do c is It SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: `II `) square feet acres �tC r7S A r Jew -� PROPOSED USE: Residential ® (Single-family 0 Multi -family El ) Commercial/IndustrialEl Other El COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: 31 square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES_ NO`I-_ If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or ] E I V E E square feet JUN 2 5 2(119 RC' '_ INFO DC.".4 WI! MINGTON, NC JUN 2 r, 11 l The achy _j ity y04 Mpiannxn 14* requirejyermta ifiP6ler.-'m:, �tS, ,":mclft, buttrWWWbiW Dunking water `dell, SWTate; (or oth.er danitary waste U0A sydem,Buildg VWO!g, Heating mdAiTQ00=0AWM,W4W&audtnerg Cojs� fk.terdg4aSadreoCI C .C6nol &N(Vo AptovdM 606Rbme dark Ap r(A ghay Coixiiecou an4, 0aigm, ch Y�w -Local.I)emm mm"fo rnore.in£oririation. STATEMENT OP dWn-PSHW, to 4,�CA-MA�'Mmo .r&vftriiOntparnit be _SqI7 0 Of perty—In. person authorized, to e as acn agentfor piuposes of applying, :for a LAMA WOO &VOloputent dial the oe listed asla d Wdri�itwg 'on has. ik im. OWNT -.0 -Applicaft -asip. ogn!'jutor the,,.feat-ptbpertydesenbed---. ft This,: Wftst cam bey an n, wor j.ox i tord tit/ oVifie - is vpsted fiv ' ee 4 AM t the Rogi§ft of-beedst. y su owner by Mte of lohedtance. Appial"cands, a--n Wrtolhc, estate, of i otherinterest, I- - U w tot-0httAct -or leasq, ex 14i .below bt 00 A separate shed & gfth tail *t[ NGTMC-AT,I0N-0FADJAQA-N T PRO PE RTY, 4WNERS,,.- fWA 0,114W r persons am owners "qMW 4*jjjiqg jhjgpr pperty. 1 .aim %Auhm 9N" ACTMW IC-9tc�chdflhdmconcermn fOt a CW PafM�- :(Addtess) K 1 the .uaftrsignW,,4o OwId.dgd4hat, the :land,owner titepropnsecfi -develop ' development t� p.taan my beSoo Ilif o-sion.,and/or flooding -', 1,4 acknowledge that the Local. Permit .off - �01 ,b eXplsinect toz°me the 'Icu- lar, hazard problems -associated with -AWW lot, This explanation was.; acqqMp4qied by ToWnftdAdAfi6ns.concerning , tift andlloodproQ�ng feg AM T. tut, ik.1 am authorized �or t and, -.xgido:'M-140tgrant, permi tio,D $jo-n,,OfCoaWManqgpmentgtaff the c jo With ' al ad 'on cojw it ev. u ng ihf r.blAtedID this;permit P-tq PI Lai n 'thon- 'as.,'fijs/l ffil -A,"CAMA, r a. .I zed actr I mffp. owe p Ak,dpptrca&nindu,di -, poeM Affi?*4#bfi -a-s-Itp 6V -6 'back q1this,app[tulAo; (thf�fi )j, ihgps: des Oct 01 Via owmerm, Tstateme4t, lh Okoa ,Lazard AEC &e,,w.he,-qn-gq0 0% a 1000& ade,aidIftokAr $1,,;M pqawlw*�,.,10 iwl% d any, infonnWo "AeOovided-orallytAg'qP Mdotaib, of-MeapplicatiOn YS:&0I by-AW-0.4ources: am inaorpbrred wimout rq,, ewmcebv pergft h 'e -111, c6vsQut6,a vialation h oojo so 40 it A.VP try Tv is m1b0d Aq ON 44 1, anda&bzis at' ED, NWOOM ..edy Owner! R5q�mWVp4ok. "'.0 v Phone Vc4i rail Add k, . .. . . ..... A Vv..,ra 1 1. 11- to, act ::k 1b. .9. proposed 4avelopment, )4-r-11,4 [AMO 0 OP M.e,� Jocatedat. 0840TY-that'l-am 00*tOO to Oft4;aud.do h7 fact grant PeftAig.S160ft estef,mbnagam-e-,-n-f s Local P Officer., and Mok'ad-joOft, -10 on wnfibned: fifi#$r 7ff� 'WW evaltraft This carvfcafiry "'I �-N ., - m- ru CO rul .t3 `Date 'Gregory; AdjjC This, w. thformyda. that.. 1, Wifflam.& Dianne Sprjhger h4V 'plfedj 0- a r-C-A - ,eap MA Prwerty,QW(for fi eifflitton, MyllpedOft- At 19.07wsea it ty. Ppeft, im,. A or Asp.ggair d 'y rj�fi �� lb e 'timed a.copy 4f, my perr»It'a drawl a s rotOWho ofm-y?,FWOpOled,'pf6ji?dt 'No action is reported om pq _tj pi and mt4rrt go'dosegi no olijwlar f4ra, ff- your have any pprpoAts�,Abovit my questions r q propfy4pv listed bel Ifyojq W' Ow t-.ti,.16ii§,twit!TtfTe;LCYCAL'GOVERNM _RN-,,j4MA IltProgram, zy,.ou rrCa4y fw Amin o- 1v ue"M g6 -:�t e -e gy c , �; City, Late ZiPPIC wt rtamwt E lYeaAdjac ent.Oopft awaen" �applje f MA Ihi'skttersto'�inf(>Cm,WU�tha4Wiffiam&.Df �d ro CA #r - Prop" Owae WhOtPeff iltonMpMWWat� WSjaaA* C ' -V Promity A As rOA 1 byCAMA rega lb,#Vk enclosedla OW Of AWVOWtapplfca#M gW "WhVw t riottEicaf w Of *PMPOSM project, aftq 1$ req from -yap PTY04 40 04 the eftefbsed no, r,b y olf, have q-ny pest sir Ornments-abou _y, P-r-OP09-90, P r*C4,pjease contaptmpg AppCrca nits Telep.h-qns, f Minor Pf m.,.-, PM,,, M ' .9-01you may subs ft-th At') wr t Omffiw marlowe, l'runsulck County, Plapnln 00 M., NC,289,22 Sheila. Property, a city* state, BILL & DIANNE SPRINGER 1907 WEST SEA AIRE CANAL UNE BFM9i0 OtM U S 85 W 12 I1 ' L1 N OO'0 S7 E 4119 WEST SEA AIRE CANAL 4O' RIGHT-OF-WAY EDGE OF ASPH T PAVEMENT MMM 5.8 1 S 8T44'25" W B.P 4 P-C I 78' AEF 1 William Bland UME 1 1911 W. Sea Aire I S9 I LOT 39 SEA AIRE CANAL SUBDMSION LOT GO I MAP BOOK IM PAGE 73 i { I - 1 1S' EEE ZEE LAY--'2� I DRAIN SYSTEM I i I ; EArsnNc e.It I � NWSE t ERNE BUFFER I I i 6.t1� _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ MR I PROPOSED MO05E III% SUB ELEVATKIN: 6.3' I l �t 1., yt 123.7CANA I BUFFER f MTK'13" W WA AIRE CANV, BENCHMARK MAC MAL SET AT iME C/l INTERSEcmN OF SEA ARE CANK • SEA ARE OR EIEV: 610' NAVO 1988 CBS P N BB'46'59 E �WM y 99.88' BLS 1 Gregory Thomas Gray f 1903 W. Sea Aire .64 F LOT 37 SEA AIRE CANAL SUBDMSION LOT 36 m MAP BOOK t0, PACE 73 1 —� 15' EEE ZEE LAY j DRAIN SYSTEM iro.t 1 I Exrsrws ' I � Mouff I I I ____,_!r------ ----- UP I .6.3 o I /V v✓m O1 A,.q k RECEIVED NOTES: •SITE INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING. ADO NOT DRIVE VEHICLES OR PLACE HEAVY Atlantic Intracoastal Watcrwa EQUIPMENT OVER INFILTRATION TRENCHES, y 'ALL SIDES OF THE INFILTRATION TRENCHES MUST BE LINED WITH FILTER FABRIC, SCALE 1" = 20' r"i�iMciVct�7 JUN 7 5 2019 1Wf 25 .. . �rRA 111I: hA I,NtI>7�111� A:'. v BILL & DIANNE SPRINGER 1907 WEST SEA AIRE CANAL 8M EIP S 8T54'25-'�4 I � 75' Aa_ ME I � LOT 39 S� SEA AIRE CANAL SUBDMSION LOT 40 ' NAP BOOK 10. PAGE 73 I � 1 1 15 EEE ZEE LAYS/ I DRAIN SYSTEM I 16,14 1 1 EXISTNG NOOSE 1 EAYE BUFFER I , 6.1! M� NO U SEAIMG g LTS w 3! W 1 �— L2 N 00'00'S7" 2nY WEST SEA AIRE CANAL 40RIGHT-OF-WAY EOGE OF ASPHALT PAVEAI 5.B BA' 2. � .5 P NM OPrvE ✓ CONCPITE PROPOSED NOOSE SUB EI ATION: 6.5' s� j(l LOT 36 BENCH4 K VAG tWL SET AT 'HE C/L 1N)ER TION OF SEA ARE CANAL a SEA NNE OR ELEV. 6.70' NAVG 1986 W4 LOT 37 s SEA AIRE CANAL SUBDMSION m u BOOK 10. PAGE 73 EEE ZEE LAY IN SYSTEM 4_______ h3.7' tJu�iA i______ 1 BUFFER I 1 LIXEMPRON R�[ _ _ _ J r EA\£ .23' 8:A( .6.3 _. _ _ _ _ —p I ESlS11NG A %vIh {' —• BIAAHUD / V RECEIVED SEA AIRE CANAL NOTES: *SITE INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY GARY GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING. ADO NOT DRIVE VEHICLES OR PLACE HEAVY EQUIPMENT OVER INFILTRATION TRENCHES. 'ALL SIDES OF THE INFILTRATION TRENCHES MUST BE LINED WITH FILTER FABRIC. SCALE I' = 20' _ ^ TituCl Y C JUN 2 5 2019