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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-42D McCauleyFILE MEMORANDUM TO: ROY BROWNLOW, COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR FROM: M. TED TYNDALL, ASST. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: VIOLATION CASE CLOSURE RECOMMENDATIONS DATE: 02/01/2012 CC: RONDA BENNETT Investigation has disclosed information that warrants discontinuation of enforcement action on the case listed below. Therefore, based upon staffs review and circumstances in this case, I hereby authorize closing/discontinuing CAMA Violation case No.: 07 _ c(Z 0 M. TED TYNDA L, Assistant Director 02/01/2012 Date � r � �lsb �m � rb _orb NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary NOTICE OF VIOLATION June 21, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Stanley McCauley 801 Vernon Drive Jacksonville, NC 28540 RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND REQUEST TO CEASE UNAUTHORIZED DEVELOPMENT CAMA VIOLATION#07-42D Dear Mr. McCauley: This letter confirms that on May 25, 2007, Debbie Wilson, DCM Field Representative and I were onsite at your property located at 108 Clipper Lane adjacent to Bumps Creek located in or near Sneads Ferry, off Peru Road, Onslow County, North Carolina. The purpose of the visit was to investigate unauthorized development of installing floating docks or structures and the mooring or docking of additional vessels to your dock within Bumps Creek. This letter also confirms our June 13, 2007 conversation about this unauthorized development. Information gathered by me for the Division of Coastal Management indicates that you have undertaken major development in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). No person may undertake major development in a designated Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) without first obtaining a permit from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. This requirement is imposed by North Carolina General Statute (N.C.G.S.) 113A-118. I have information that indicates you have undertaken or are legally responsible for installing two (2) floating docks or structures measuring 4 feet in -width and 18 feet in length adjacent to your existing pier and bulkhead and the mooring or docking of four (4) additional vessels to your dock on the aforementioned property. This activity is taking place in Estuarine Waters and the Public Trust Areas that are contiguous with the Bumps Creek. Estuarine Waters and Public Trust Areas are designated as Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC). No permit was issued to you for work in this area. Based on these findings, I am initiating an enforcement action by issuing this Notice of Violation for violation of the Coastal Area Management Act. I request that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST any further unauthorized development within designated Areas of Environmental Concern. Based upon the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 07H. State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern, if the activity you have undertaken, the installation of two floating docks or structures in the Estuarine Waters and the Public Trust Areas AEC(s), is not consistent with Section 15A NCAC 71-1.0208, which regulates the size and location of 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: (910) 796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper f Mr. Stanley McCauley June 21, 2007 Page 2 of docks and piers, you will be required to restore all affected areas to their conditions prior to the unauthorized development activity. A civil assessment of up to $2,500 may be assessed against any violator. Each day that the development described in this notice is continued or repeated may constitute a separate violation that is subject to an additional assessment of up to $2,500. An injunction or criminal penalty may also be sought to enforce any violation in accordance with N.C.G.S. 113A-126. It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to levy a minimum civil assessment of $350 not to exceed $2,500 against all violations. This is done to recoup some of the costs of investigating violations and/or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Whether a higher amount will be assessed depends on several factors, including the nature and area of the resources that were affected and the extent of the damage to them. If the requested restoration is not undertaken and completed satisfactorily, a substantially higher civil assessment will be levied and a court injunction will be sought ordering restoration. In order to determine if the aforementioned unauthorized development activity may have been permitted via the CAMA Permit process and to determine if the activity is consistent with the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, 7H. State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern, I am requesting that you provide me with the following: 1) Documentation from the US Army Corps of Engineers authorizing the two (2) new floating structures to remain at 108 Clipper Lane. The contact person is Dave Timpy. 2) Documentation from the NC Division of Marine Fisheries stating that they have no objection to the installation of the two (2) new floating structures. The contact person is Fritz Rhode. 3)You must provide proof of notification of adjacent riparian property owners and no significant objections from these adjacent riparian property owners. Please be advised the ability of the floating docks to remain is dependent upon the Coastal Resources Commission not agreeing with the ruling of the Administrative Law Judge's requirement that your existing dock be moved 20' landward of its current location. The relevant statutes and regulations are available from this office, and I am willing to assist you in complying with the requirements of these laws. A site inspection will be made in the immediate future to determine whether this REQUEST TO CEASE AND DESIST has been complied with. I request that you contact me immediately. Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this important matter. If you have any questions about this or related matters, please call me at (910) 796-7215. Pending your submission of the requested documentation, you will be notified as to the amount of a civil assessment for undertaking development without first obtaining the proper permit(s). 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: (910) 796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Stanley McCauley June 21, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Sincerely, bY` 1J 41x Jon W Giles Jr Coastal Management Representative Cc: M. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, DCM Roy Brownlow, Compliance Coordinator, DCM Dave Timpy, USACOE Fritz Rhode, NC DMF Merideth Jo Alcoke, Assistant Attorney General Andrea Frazier, Onslow County LPO 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: (910) 796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper