HomeMy WebLinkAbout57-03 Operations and Maintenance Manual0 JUN L 0 Z002 Whittaker Point Residential Marina Operations and Maintenance Manual • Pamlico County, NC Prepared for: North Carolina Deparunent of Natural Resources Raleigh, NC Prepared by: Land Management Group, Inc. Wilming on, NC • June 2002 0 10 Table of Contents List of Figures and Appendices............................................................................................ii 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................ I 2.0 Marina Operations.............................................................................................................I 3.0 Water Quality Management...............................................................................................2 3.1 Live-aboards..................................................................................................................2 3.2 Sewage Pollution Management......................................................................................2 3.3 Pump Out Facilities....................................................................................................... 3 3.4 Potable Water Supply..................................................................................................... 3 3.5 Fueling System and Facilities and Oil Pollution Management........................................3 3.6 Water Quality Monitoring.............................................................................................. 3 3.7 Stormwater Management............................................................................................... 3 4.0 Contingency Plan for Spills of Oil and Other Hazardous Substances .............................3 5.0 Marina Rules and Regulations...........................................................................................4 �0 i List of Figures and Appendices Figure1. Vicinity map................................................................................................................5 Figure2. Marina site plan............................................................................................................6 • Appendix A. Monitoring Parameters at Whittaker Creek Appendix B. Contingency Plan for the Spill of Oil or Other Hazardous Materials I n I• I* Whittaker Point Marina Operations and Maintenance Manual 1.0 Introduction This Operations and Maintenance Manual describes the procedures to be used at the Whittaker Point Marina, a residential open water facility associated with the Whittaker Point residential development. It is the intent of this document to outline proper procedural operations designed to ensure an environmentally sound operation. This manual was developed using best management practices (BMPs) recommended by the North Carolina Clean Marina Program, the Division of Coastal Management, and the North Carolina. Sea Grant. This manual is designed to serve as a guide to marina personnel, specifically the dockmaster, and for the information of others who may have an interest in marina operations. Individual initiative and discretion, within the guidelines established, shall be used in those situations where the following procedures do not apply, or should not be applied. 2.0 Marina Operations The Whittaker Point Marina is located near the town of Oriental at the confluence of Whittaker Creek and the Neuse River, in Pamlico County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The facility contains 53 slips. The water depth is approximately 4.5 to 5 feet throughout the structure. Slip size varies (3005 (4), 20x50 (23), 18x40 (16), 1605 (10)) and is based on water depth, with larger slips being located in deeper water (Figure 2). The marina is part of the Whittaker Point residential development and is intended for use by residents and their guests only. The marina office is located adjacent to the marina itself (Figure 3) and copies of this document will be available there. The hours of operation for the Whittaker Point Marina are 8:00 a.rrL to 5:00 p.m., daily. The marina staffing consists of one dockmaster, whose name and telephone number shall be noted on the back of this document. The Whittaker Point Marina maintains an experienced marina operator, designated as the dockmaster. The dockmaster shall be responsible for assuring that the marina is operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements presented in this manual at all times. The marina operator and the Whittaker Point Marina are responsible for compliance with all specifications and conditions in the permits and the principles and procedures established in this manual. The Dockmaster shall have a complete copy of the CAMA Major permit at the marina, including this manual and all specifications and conditions or requirements 16 I• placed on the permits. The dockmaster shall inspect the marina at least once daily to insure compliance with the manual. The dockmaster will report all violations promptly. 3.0 Water Quality Management The Whittaker Point Marina shall comply with any water quality monitoring programs required by the CAMA permit. It is the intent of the marina to maintain an environmentally sound marina operation. The Whittaker Point Marina is located within waters that are classified as SA and nutrient sensitive waters (NSW) by the NC Division of Water Quality. This area is also classified as a primary nursery area (PNA) by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries. The SA classification means that the waters are suitable for shellfishing for market purposes, recreation, and aquatic life propagation. However, these waters have been historically closed to shellfishing. The NSW classification means that the waters may be more susceptible to eutrophication and require limitations on nutrient inputs to the area. The PNA classification means that a variety of juvenile finfish and shrimp develop in these waters that require minimal bottom disturbance. Restrooms (one women's and one men's facility) are located at the marina office/bath house. There are no fish cleaning stations at the marina facility and overboard dumping of bait and chum will not be allowed. The marina pump out station consists of a hand -operated portable unit. The unit is free to the public and is equipped with an attached transfer tank mounted on wheels to facilitate sanitary system discharge. Controlled discharge will be completed through the use of septic tank pumpers. Additionally, "No Overboard Discharge" and "Free Pump out Available" signs will be posted at several sites throughout the marina including the terminal end of the southwest dock. 3.1 Live -aboard Live-aboards are strictly prohibited at Whittaker Point Marina. • 3.2 Sewage Pollution Management The dockmaster shall monitor and ensure that no refuse of any kind is thrown into the marina basin or the extended cove area. Improper disposal of garbage will be sufficient cause to refuse service to any boat operator or to cancel their slip lease agreement. Appropriate garbage containers are available throughout the marina. Major boat repairs, paint scraping, boat painting, and other activities that could cause a discharge into State waters will not be permitted at the Whittaker Point Marina. The dockmaster is responsible for enforcement of these rules. In the event of a discharge, the dockmaster will take appropriate action including notifying the appropriate Local, State, and Federal agencies if necessary (a list of relevant phone numbers will be readily available at the marina office). Regulations and penalties for non-compliance will be posted throughout the marina property. 0 2 1• i• I• 3.3 Pump -out Facilities The Whittaker Point Marina sewage pump -out facility is a portable unit and will be located at the marina. office. This equipment will be placed at the end of the southwest dock during weekends. 3.4 Potable Water Supply Potable water is supplied to the marina slips by the Pamlico County water system 3.5 Fueling System and Facilities and Oil Pollution Management Whittaker Point Marina does not provide fueling services nor maintain fuel storage facilities. Portable fuel containers can be transported across the docks on an as needed basis. Although the marina does not provide fueling services, proper spill containment, cleanup, and reporting procedures will be followed during any spill event. The names and addresses of the nearest Division of Water Quality and Coast Guard offices will be posted on site. 3.6 Water Quality Monitoring A water quality monitoring program will be instituted as required by NCDENR and all results of the monitoring will be submitted to the appropriate agencies in an annual report. If at any time sampling indicates a water quality problem at the marina, the dockmaster will attempt to locate the source of the problem If he/she determines that water quality degradation is resulting from a marina related activity, he/she shall institute corrections or controls and include the measures implemented in the water quality report to the agencies. A list of parameters to be measured during the monitoring program is given in Appendix A. 3.7 Stormwater Management The Whittaker Point Marina is associated with the Whittaker Point residential development, which includes both lots and townhomes. Development within this site is planned in phases. Phase 1, which includes 21 lots, several roads, and the marina, has already received NC Stormwater and Sedimentation and Erosion Control permits. Permits for all other future phases will be acquired prior to beginning construction and in no case will sormwater be directed into the marina covelbasin. 4.0 Contingency Plan for Spills of Oil and Other Hazardous Substances The marina's oil spill contingency plan is included in Appendix B. I• 1• A 5.0 Marina Rules and Regulations 1. All boats in the marina shall be operated according to the NC Wildlife Resources Commission rules and Federal and State navigation laws. In addition, the dockmaster will be trained in safe boating practices. 2. The maximum speed for boats in the marina shall be five miles per hour. 3. The speed limit for all motor vehicles on marina property shall be fifteen miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. 4. No unauthorized motor vehicles shall be allowed on the piers at any time. 5. Smoking shall be prolubited in posted areas. 6. Docks shall be kept clean of obstructions at all times. Gear storage lockers to be used on docks, including their location on the docks of the marina, shall be approved by the dockmaster only. 7. Fishing, shrimping, or crabbing from the piers or docks is prohibited unless authorized in certain areas by the dockmaster. 8. No detergents, oils, spirits, flammable liquids, or other pollutants shall be discharged in the marina 9. No garbage shall be thrown, discharged, or deposited in the marina. 10. Boat owners and operators shall be responsible for putting all refuse in the containers provided, and maintaining their leased area in a clean condition. 11. No horseplay, boisterous or loud disturbances shall be allowed in the marina. 12. Tampering with, altering, or damaging any utility service is prohibited. 13. Alteration, renovation, repairs, etc. to the leased space shall be prohibited. 14. Conducting business or professional services from any vessel or watercraft from the dock is prohibited unless otherwise authorized. 15. All approved fees and charges for marina services, including dockage, shall be posted at the marina office. 16. All boat owners shall enter into a standard form of agreement and registration with the Whittaker Point Marina for rental of dock space. 17. Berths shall be assigned by the dockmaster. No assignments of berths shall be changed, except by the dockmaster. 18. All appeals from orders, decisions, or actions of the Whittaker Point Marina or any notice of intent to vacate on the part of the boat owner shall be made in writing to the dockmaster. 19. If the Whittaker Point Marina is compelled to refer any unpaid accounts to an attorney for dockage fee, collection fees, and any other marina charges incurred by the boat owner then the Whittaker Point Marina shall, in addition, be entitled to charge reasonable attorney fees incurred in collection of amounts due including interest. 20. The marina's attorney will also help the dockmaster in clarifying these rules and recommending means of enforcement via cancellation of contracts to slips and prescribed penalties for spills and discharges to estuarine waters, as enforced through a lease agreement. Cl i• 1• Land Management Group, Inc. Whittaker Point Properties, LLC Figure 1. Vicinity Map Environmental Consultants Marina and Residential Subdivision Wilmington, NC June 2002 Pamlico County, NC 4V+ Water depths taken by Mr. Henry Frazer oiy5/22/02 7'6' using a depth finder during low ti)fe. 7' so� 3.5— va= SHORT LINE TABLE USE Ri VER & WHITTAl R CREEK Figure 2. Marina site plan. 3-0: Nt. ago •JO Ip IN an iP ay i alp N66 IO ;f Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, N.C. June 2002 WHiTrA KER CREEK "K" Fm— SCALE Y'= 100' k- Water depths taken by Dennis Fornes and Assoc., Professional Land Surveying, on 7/24/98 unless otherwise noted. Whittaker Point Properties, LLC Marina and Residential Subdivision Pamlico County, NC Appendix A. Monitoring Parameters at Whittaker Creek Appendix A. Monitoring Parameters at Whittaker Creek In order to assess the effects that the Whittaker Point Marina may have on the environment, two stations within the Whittaker Point project area will be monitored. One station will be located in shallow water near the edge of the cove and the other will be located in deeper water in the middle of the marina (Figure 1). An additional station will be located further upstream of the marina within Whittaker Creek and will act as a reference station. General site information will be collected annually between Julz and August. The biotic data will be collected annually between May 15t' and June 15 to follow established DMF protocol. The water quality data will be collected weekly during the summer and monthly during all other seasons. Monitoring will occur prior to project • construction and for three years after construction is complete. At each sampling station, the following data will be collected: General Site Information - Location- latitude and longitude - Water depth - Bottom type- sediment sample analysis with percent sand, silt, and clay and percent organic matter - Bottom and surface temperature - Tidal fluctuations- Wind tide levels will be measured and recorded every two hours using an automatic tide gauge. Information will be graphed annually. - Turbidity/Sedimentation/Suspended Solids Water Quality Dissolved oxygen- taken at surface, mid -column, and bottom Salinity pH • Biotic Sampling Fish sampling- Protocol will match Division of Marine Fisheries' sampling methods. An otter trawl will be used to collect fish samples. Tows will be one minute in duration and calibrated to span 75 yards. Samples will be taken during daylight hours at the same tidal stage. All species will be identified and counted. For the economically important species, a random subsample of 30-60 individuals of each size group will be measured to the nearest millimeter. Crabs will be measured on their backs. Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling- Protocol will match Division of Water Quality's sampling methods and will include both boat and shore work. A petite ponar dredge will be used at each sampling station, with three replicates at each location Sandy samples will be processed through a fine mesh sampler. Three 0 sweeps will be collected from bank habitats at each site, sampling as much of the edge habitat as possible. Other areas to be included are roots and areas of debris. Leaves and other large particulate organic matter are to be rinsed in a wash bucket. Macrophytes and well -colonized logs should be washed down and processed through the fine -mesh sampler. These macroinvertebrates will be sent to a certified lab for species identification and tolerance analysis (EPT and NCBn. C 1• Appendix B. Contingency Plan for the Spill of Oil or Other Hazardous Materials A Appendix B. Contingency Plan for the Spill of Oil or Other Hazardous Materials The Whittaker Point Marina will conduct its operations in such a manner to encourage all individuals who handle material to prevent spills through planning, good housekeeping, adequate equipment, proper maintenance and safe operations of related equipment. Upon receipt of a spill notification, the marina shall initiate the proper and immediate response action to assist at the spill site. Notification shall be made by the dockmaster to all other persons, agencies, industries and/or businesses throughout the State, who could possibly be affected by the spill. In cases in which the spill material may have a detrimental effect on air quality and/or threaten drinking water supplies, notification is made at the proper program area by the On -Scene coordinator (OSC) or his designs. Procedure for Reporting a Spill of Oil and/or Hazardous Material Step 1: Anyone observing a spill (including the spiller) should report the spill immediately. Listed below are the agencies and phone numbers to call: - NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources; Division of Waste Management (919) 733-4996 - U.S. Coast Guard at Station Hobucken, NC (919) 745-3132 - National Response Center (800) 424-8802 - Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, GA (404) 347-3004 Step 2: When contact is made with the above agencies, report the following information as completely and accurately as possible: - Location of spill • - Source of spill - Time of spill - Volume of spill - Potential hazard of spill - Has spill been contained? - Has spill material reached a body of water? - Responsible party's name, address, telephone, official to contact, etc. - Weather conditions at spill site Note: BE SURE TO RECORD THE NAME OF THE AGENCY STAFF RECEIVING THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND THE TIME OF THE REPORT. 0 i• I• Step 3: If the spill report is not made by the dockmaster, the reporter will communicate the above information to him as soon as possible. At that time, the dockmaster will coordinate all further Whittaker Point Marina activities in response to spill control. Spill Containment and Cleanup It is the responsibility of the spiller to properly contain and cleanup the spill in a timely and diligent manner. Containment involves building dikes, deploying booms and other barriers to prevent the spread of the pollutant, limiting access to only authorized persons if a hazardous situation exists, and other measures to minimize health and environmental damage. Removal of the spill material from the site usually involves physical measures such as skimmers, sorbing materials, and other mechanical means of removal. Vacuum trucks are an ideal means of removing quantities of the pollutant pools behind a barrier, with the exception of pollutants with a very high or very low viscosity. In circumstances in which extreme fire danger, other unusually hazardous circumstances exist or severe environmental damage may result from physical cleanup, other cleanup methods may be employed as approved by the OSC. D Disposal of the pollutant and/or pollutant contaminated material will be in a manner and location as approved by NCDENR Division of Waste Management. Cost Recovery In very unusual circumstances, the containment and cleanup of a spill may be done by the Whittaker Point Marina. If a spill is from either an unknown source or if the spiller is unable or unwilling to take the proper actions to contain and/or remove the spill, and the spill is not reaching a body of water, the OSC has the authority to activate any or all portions of the Emergency Response Team in order to accomplish spill cleanup • activities. Personnel from State or Federal Agencies and/or private spill cleanup contractors may also be requested to assist in the containment and cleanup of the spill. Once cleanup operations have been completed and the spiller has been identified, the Whittaker Point Marina will initiate actions to recover all cost incurred by the marina. �• n • SPILL HANDLING PROCEDURES When spilled material is not identified, assume it is hazardous and DO: 1. Rope off area, or otherwise prevent contact of anyone or anything with spilled material. If it is a gas, dust or volatile liquid, evacuate surrounding and. downwind area. If a dust or powder, cover with canvas, plastic sheets or other material. 2. Provide first aid, decontaminate with soap and water, remove contaminated clothing and take anyone affected by the spilled material to the nearest emergency hospital. Note where they are sent. 3. In a safe manner, find out what the spill material is. 4. Detain vehicle from which spill occurred. Note any contaminated cargo. Detain persons and property who have contacted spilled material. 5. Report incident to fire, police, and health agencies, and ask for assistance. 6. If spilled material is not identified, assume it is hazardous. DO NOT: 1. Wash unidentified material off roadway into a waterway or sewer without official authorization. 2. Handle leaking container or go into truck van without full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. 3. Walk in spilled material or otherwise contaminate skin, boots, clothing or vehicles. 4. Allow vehicles to ride over spill. 5. Allow anyone to eat or smoke near the spill or provide source of ignition. When Spilled Material is Identified, DO: 1. Obtain expert advice on what the hazards are and deal with them accordingly. Health agencies, fire departments, and chemical manufacturers can provide advice, assistance and information. 2. Forward the name of material to the hospital or doctor to which anyone was sent because of exposure. 3. Notify manufacturer of spilled chemical and request services of an expert decontamination team When Spilled Material is Identified, DO NOT: 1. Attempt to clean up any toxic material without adequate protective clothing and appropriate equipment. 2. Wash any material into a waterway or sewer without official authorization. �9 m