HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-28_ Eaker (2)YF (D3aa f!tf`Y� Oak Island 0128-19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Constnl Management euv,Ron,MWAI allALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Gary Eaker_authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 4003 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, Brunswick County as requested in the permittee's application, received 5/17/2019. This permit, issued on May 17, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: landscaping with installation of river rock area with associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site dravnng dated received on 5/17/2019. (2) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (910) 278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. RECEIVED NAY 2 1 "(j`ti'il MINGTON, NC Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) # ,And AM Mst iC ft hazolo Met NC !8,Wldlno,U., do LoW area A tdoffip�-', �A imo Imoo, PmovoWaOrdthaffCa. as, required.ly tl*,,, Woo floo'd owm= If ot rpm w my f #h fal more twit vo ptovw6in S'Nl Control.. fto ftibC will b"HAW " to ft WbM AkwaOrdev Ift ftfeiV pdedvo value is nd wooWW mmfta OWWOnomm wig ba (mmWWly stabiftedlO , I Al, unco6solWatodmate'dol resofflog,ftm omo* Oodw ,s d meta afiocrOo tot 000 M"Oft bl*rkd iieg's sfialf' imptatesf and staf I izW and, nwieg Mthib NAP of ed by "its W, ba-- ol, Atif auftkinz, -shd, reloca or ton- by, changes In shorel�na WigMastructure jhalfgmW or gnfbd,idrit i tOvam d "ift at any.,ca- M u wo ',Howove.r,,. If Oatum 1 li'minativ,1hre -M tin--., a 'a re W two, ft oflM aWcbre bawas! erl & r pq x orq, vt be _nou nwb,n,gsrTmm*erdl 1-0 y1firelafted th0 .dtsm_apffp �a # 4 This -cond via a.m ft pOhM &660t to seek augiQifzatlona 16mom Locality _.SOWL T-510t A Permit Number h Z z3 - I g Ocean Hazard ✓ Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name (G A-&Y Address 3 o q W bt l f? o o 2 v►I LL RD City ABo "S V1 L 4 State IV L Zip L$ l) 7 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name TA, APA MA'AN LAA*sCA f /NG Address 31'0 OCF—Arj 4vil E ?p RECf iVf o Phone 7°y � Z2. 6s�9 SV QPLX State AtC' Zip 2,Sg62- Phone 110 2�'3 0560 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.) �Joo 3 6 S 6*W -PAVI— 0 A-K 1.V41 rI , IV C 2P1,65 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) IZC�'MOA-L 0 G 1%5-A-1! Vjg,611-A-TIOa & INSTALt-k4A7V of AW&ARoa oAl XnV soar oG �i7E yA49 SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 15 0 O square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential --j/— (Single-family Multi -family_) Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRON- MENTAL CONCERN (AEC): N A square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SI OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE O#OASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patio etc., that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (1) within 75 feet of Normal High Water/Normal Water Level for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2) within 575 feet of Normal High Water/ Normal Water Level for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of Normal High Water/ Normal Water Level for the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your prope*L CEWED STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to State Stonnwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? MAY 1 YES NO� OCM WILMINGTON, NC If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet. on" P ITS G Y RED. ThvacUvFtyyAo-w= planningmayreqpiMpertnits other Aharythe QkMminor develep�i mentpe=it,As; a serviee vie have coz gzl d, 116-11, ti tl a klrzds of06j -, -, -.Wesugge%ty check- OM' list: I bg 'require d w-ith, these o your projectZoning,'Drink V$W 1-40*00A -vast-., #ewgnt sym gille ''Piumbingllea&gand.Aii-,Conditioifutgjlnsulation.-andFnorgy,'ConservatioNFIA,.,CertificFaii", Sand, Dune, SWimut Control, SubdiA610a App Mb 0:-P;Ok Apom)A fIrg hvcWa Qpnnecfion,. aaO 'STINTOW-NIXII POW 1", the;uxxdersigned,, an applicant f0k, OCAMA xlo develops mX ",eiftrft PWW Optp" jA a )ora, ,pp;mn.. an&orlzedto, act asamagent.for, purposes ofapplyingor.WA1�(Akftftordev IW the petson in listed AS! W 0AtwsVPP'6.C� has gsign ificanvinteresti Ae real property descri i ed, therein. nisdnterest,can* desMWdAk o0d) W -see bieed'Abole page: �� iia the $/�,vN�:wt. Gf� County Register of Deeds, Kati owner by vjrt4vi of inherXtance, A, p pjican t is an. Heir ta:the 'estate. Of p6ad. -*-as 4, cow if other xAterestA such: as written contract: or lease? explain belowbf.�us& a. gepkft shbot& wa&t applICKWA. -INOTMICALT OF PRO OWw- .1 furthermore t I mg. persons join ffis,,pro W hayq given . ert -f � ifidtfMADUM, 4 - ' - - - - -- J - -per(yJ,-4fflm, ACTW NOTICE to each ofthem, concern ffigmv,,Intenttd,,� d6velOp- this-V TOPO-ftY and -to 41Y :fora OW& pormtf (Address) O)v Q-1 FOR. MVWjOMS V OCEAN` RAM" A" 9$TUAWNE HAZA"AUA$�;! ,.& is V d."forai" 'rvaw i .sogpftw e,V,elopn�o J�t-latme 0. �� i 0 a 11444owled e yawner is. awarethal ffierproposed �,t h q-., lies g, that land 10 OM$iOn I 4400-WIedge thgthe, log-61 perm: -it officer has explained to me ,the particultirlazatd-ptobleffig assooi4W 'w66 " Ift jihise*lanatft Was:accornpaniEd tyy tOMMOn qonpe in stabilization an floodproo ng. .techniques. PMW$SIOXTOJWMONIAND*-., I'Awffieft6tid Amouthd6W.- to 9M*Iit, arid, do jbL f4awi%a pormissiotp the local, permit officer andi his agpnts.., to, br -at enter onthe�af ementioned "itig iiifbm4doo rg -permit vvnew loo- atod w:ihf. T,hi8-V*a jocludgg$ggWW ; iltts%irm asite drawing as:des cribecf, on,, the backofifiii appficatibil, the .' ownerihip,stat6n-ietit,,tb,e.,,A.tC. Hazard notice whew o sav, payable tqv, the locality, and any., information :as ,may be.provid%ed.ora,l-ly�by pp'lioatwn,as: d d �y oso wvtcPs 4-g .- -tw' 61 � a 14 rp in- -p � -hi h may issued. Devfatioakft th d de" ,,, Qrgt�d withoutreference qrenqq� 1 -- PAY - enm of an rpamit Aqpmoo devolopio$Ja onAK, -without perm is, sub)Ject- to " criminal,'. and .-adminfstrative action. civil, dad o 17� "V&e/k a "'. ,Landowner-ovperson auihoraedto, act as his agent; firbf Pupose 0., �pPPotio. f A"E TAUTHOW4$M,MMAMML-fAAMIOATION Nar Of Pf -Ownpir-App�ngfor Pent 6 MAMM4 adclie c.6 .teap 70-1-61, L Phone Number: t: Wrtif�-, thot, I has qW Atdht..tCt6traO_, ba 9d OM My boh4 f0f tW purpose ofapplyingand obtaining all CAMA pornft 00cessaWfor the proposed devel"Mnicif -Yk)tP--- -tom if ............... 20 at: property af IS prope� loegibd -0 K County. ThFs 0 rs v"W-9idthr h bate -(Pro,porty. Owner 'Inf6mation), a =i ED tclv Part ?"pa I'Vii T 1,06 phone Mm7ber I MO �Em-eAddmn A,�.: #.. . ,� r •,e; } 4 r' §s 'M f p n5 t7fi,t�t 5+, , 0' .O:C`'AI�HAZ_."RC ABC 'N�DCE Project is Inam Ocean Eroclibie,Ai�a l;lood Ara Inlet fiazar,,d Afea ..H1�IrHaza1` Pro e' This notice as intended io make you,, tl�e appkeant, av,�are of+tlie SPECl�IOT Tlii's lead nota as : recluued for special' rFaks and Coal , Cxis �asa�ciaEed i tl}+ :deve op tesii tiffs` Bevel imexit to ea sub eoi.to sudden adii #uassi ve #orms aril area; which is subj'.ecf to natural hazards, suciv as stoz ns, ezosiQn ecgsiou. Permits issued +for development i" ibis area expJre oil , require Fnai .you xeee�ve - •an azu, :itiazara' ,I` k)ucP ;ana ;peTimv ;was I5NtLW, Apuruy, uczvic wv}•x umrWz"':vu ,um FIvjr'u4 acknowledge that °notxce in wr tun , lidfore� a ipei i, iit, ``for side, tiie"C dcal P rn�it Officer must be coritacteii'ta'clefemai�ud thee; devel9pmept,can be.issued., yegetat[o line and setbactt distancexat pour site Tf the poperty . F h'as seen Jfd( ,ha, qe ismce the Itiiiefpezmit sMance, and The„'omnllSSioi1'5„ r&CS oil bu�diing standardsi oo �prapoed`;dteloiuient czar +stilli:meet the`ethc7 r�etentai setiiacks and' :dune, aitsi ations are ;deaigned ;t4 mifiiz?ize,,iufi aiot: I✓PQ willnf(rm y ou that �rou nosy •begui w the oils. Substantial. ehmnate,,proper4y :loss, fxoi� lzazaxds By'grartrng ,pemuts the , :progress oz tlie. protect must lie ;made:tthsn 6D days of this ` Coastal Resources Commission does ;not, guarantee they safety, ;off setback ceezmuiatxon;, oz thesetlack multi besreirteasured: Also; the 8evelopment and• assumes• no 'liability'for ft�fure, damage to. fie ocgurzeiice of a, shozeliue cb-aiige as; the zesulf or A the development .+Pezunts issued in,'the ocean Iazard Aiea d, stom wntf n the 0 aay, pettod +will necesstYate xemeasurement; Enviionmenia1'Golicerp mclt}de theconditi'on thatstructures, be: ' o£ the setback It is important .that y jit check# v the LPO reloca ed or ,disman4 jf they,�becopae imminently. fttateried, Before tile perm expires for official appxoval° to continue by cliariges` in shoieTine eoiifiguration TIiid structilre(s) must lie work ezz the` permit lias expiired` Generally,,: foundation ,relocated ordismantled' wit7unt iwq '(2) years rof' ' ecoiriing piluigss haveIbeen lrlaeed and substantial 1rogress ilk continuM& , irnrriinently threatehed,rid;ltn any case upon ifsb reolapse or,,, , permit ?refaewal ,can be authoricd It �s'atiil ,to cc;nonue . subsidence. . '� wont al%i',pemuttpnatibn, , - - . y The J est available iifofmatYon, as accepted Oy the -Coastal or motet:nfarnsa ivn, co tact Resources :Ca7mmisson, inhcates that :the annual long:-te�nn ', ,. . average; ocean erosion rate "fora the area where your praiezty is . _ a l� IP�CY1'�'n located. -is _ feet get yeaf Loca1Permit Officer The ` 'rate; was. estabilshed by •careful analysis of ;aerial ` photographs.of thescoastl7ne taken oYer ;the past 5Q,yea rs studies also iridicate:"that the shone„line could rgov'ol, much as; A. ddress' feof `landwards a zrtajoi storm,. The, flood waters in A matorstorm are, predicted to lbe about' . ��:k' �,. feet .deepja,tlus.area Locality, - Preferred oceanfront ptottcfiori measures -are beach,gounsliment and relocation of; tltrea#erred stiuotures. Hard .eros�an cQritrol— :structures. such, as Bulkheads; 5eawaalls, •revettnerits,.,grovns, }etties -PhoneIlfumber ,and breakwaters are. prohibited. 'Temporary sand lags..inay'be: authorized.+under cet&m coildittons m The applicant must acizowleiige ibis mfoxnatzon and regL einents >�y a{gnit►g,ttiis notice .w the space l7elovv Without 'r �, _: ' the proper signature; tbe,appTicationwilED l iiot be complefe. Z4 Prgperty 0 net Signature . . Rev ed.Ma 2Q�0 I tA AA� P-u Ad an er' ,ja dF"weity�OWn ft Orl st " ft, .4 � J , bearAltapenf,Py -T,his wir is to raorris po at. 1, C,,-A-AY -P ' Femit.4 MyPro.1*4a 00 'Ift, Brqllsw County Agroqu,b'.CA mA foqd4f oboy"dW.elmitppjj Ond, pto� etAWW'.at noiffcation QfV"mpo --d-. pf j dt xt 'r tn _so o a Nb aclOgjp�"Ire r 0 or you mq,--� 'y the e 1p-sAdll- oboctionlarm. If you h?y"qy, qU afloat _htt jb t .—Ym pq ',r.PQao pr_gject, pteasa 000fadm af 44-1 ,or byM-41! Kywoo to '.A Teiephaiia CAMAM mpo ,m ITP9rM lou tw, *""y tubmI'tfiattai to tt�p' D"woo F"'C'o'16ftij3jt T L04-POWWOM rthe Town. -QfOak!'jsWftd 49.61 Oak. W- Roperty, N(ndr '&01 9 Addrdtt -IP7 A DVAI-SIVI L, L4 -ANI "RecoOts! for Mill -OP . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. .... . .. . gv— , "o �-k- AdIs OWw ftfjbg 44dmo 04.171 Gty,State; dip Cade Poar":Adjaseat Propeti TMletter is to infornifyP41hot 1,have applied fbr a LAMA Mhot a, 'p.boff0fimp"Prooerty PropeqAddtqp Gauaty As 16 project Oltd bytAMAee'-" - fh"-, of ---ftapplication *- -'d - -`� - *t,. ou a ns, avemc enclosed ai copy a my. perm �. an , 0 x ss'.i rfolflo-affo h, of M. y W-41 VOR t.urni �tppopIqseO nc D bleolb ;fo Ifrj baye,q qyqqpOonsor,bomintn s dUt ffiy fbo dd, pro ject, #66td =tad me at 4ortymal atthe aftroolisted Wlm It you wbb to ,00;wwn,,Comm,elnts.orobi6etioris w Towof Oak IsW CA Manor t Proven y xto 'them to.' OM FQOIOM Local PerMitofte Town OW.Island 46M E. oak island & 'Oak,: OlonOQ N�, ,2M J _ $ln.cerdly. V A&I VAINg Address 717 CIVjI(aWZfp Code,, VICINITY MAP ATLANTIC OCEAN xTmsWt F6 L? OFADCEuaxw = --- RAGGED �OEAA RAGE OF _ C 10111m SITE OFFKX FAST BEACH DRIVERECEIVED 5 /i'] tly N 76'25'09" IN 50.00 EAST DOLPHIN ORVE — _ _ _ _ _ _ ---"—_ I I _ IRF UNOWARD TO Sµ V — — — — — IRF •..I 6o' LANDWARD SETBACK — LOT AREA - 7500.0 SF TOTAL WPER✓AUS µEA (1524.0/7500,D)100.20.3% 1-057.0 SF Y 1.5)/12-44.5 CF/3.53-12.6.15 IF 2-(357,0 SF A L5)/12-44.6 CF/3.53-12.6-15 3 !F 3=1357.0 SF R 1.502.4t.6 CF/ IF Tv 4-(357,0 SF % 1.5)/12-M.6 CF/3.53-12,6-15 LF 0 5-(R6.OSF/8-12)/.4-30 CF/36.0'L/.BW-YD 0 TOTAL VOLUME TO BE RETAINED-208.4 OF 0 In I 11kVANEAfENL" I I 3 o I Tn 19 ry p I VE—lT I I I 3B'L R O.BW X 1.0'O TRENCH -FB1IDD W,T,, 15 4003 LEGEND (IF USED) tH cq IRF-IRON qW OR REBµ POUND Ro PF-PIPE FOUND )F _SS%O�GZ RSL IRONNRE9AR IS�INC UNE Y 7 CMi-CONCRETE NONUNINf iOUNO SEAL cP_c"IJI.ATED POINT TMN—TPNIBFORMFA L-3586 _ c6- Ae vEDEs A DECK i� 0 O a ci O _ � w IM RIVE/1 AaL� G R0 0AIP Co V64 /ry r9am, of / +kD �, A�LoN6 Dy BoT�J m S 76'25'00" E °TM S/ EA BEACH DRIVE C�RADP1h7l 60' PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY A-R.D AOFNCY FI.R.M.. FEDERAL INSURANCE RATE AM _ NHM.- NEW HIGH WATER UNE FLOOD PROT'ERCttA:TOUNE:S WlTHINRSPECWFOOD NAZMDµA V-17& AS SHOWN ON F.LRM. 372020600, SATED 8/02/2006.cEnERAL NOTES 1. MEASUREMENTS ON THIS MAP ME IN FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF. 3. THIS PROPER YMMAY RBE iSUBJECTN70 DOITIIOFNLS UNLESS ERICIRS'OF WAYS µD IESIRICDONS NOT gSCEANIBLE BY OBSERVADON AT THE DNE OF SURVEY OR THAT MAY BE OF RECORD. NO TITLE SEARCH BY THOMAS D VON :ANON. REFERENCES: 1. PW OF LONG PAGES 66 BB ONBEACH.13/1006 IN THE BRu�N511 CK �WW. NORTH CMOUNA REGISTER OF SEEDS. 2. DEED BOOK 1027. PAGE 625. RECORDED W THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA REGISTER OF DEEDS. SIGNED 2 STORY RESAENC£ DL. PRk4S GRAPHIC SCALE Is q 71s IS Do iINCH � I SGE-REM- lD6'. 1 ITAX PARCEL # 249DG01903 SONG RCnC FI PHYSICAL SURVEY FOR: BUFF BUILDERS LOT 2 BLOCK 17, SECTION 2 LONG BEACH 3 U gDl UI 514Td OAK ISLAND, SMITHVILLE TOWNSHIP BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED VCS & CO., INC. C-2160 1 YAUPON WAY OAKISLAND, C' S 611-1557 MAY 2 )� (04) EMAIL vcsbrunsco®ec.rr.com WILMINGTON, NC