HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-27_ Sea (2)Oak Island Local Government 0127.19 Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Sea Rover NC, LLC, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 3720 E. Dolphin Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, received 5/16/19. This permit, issued on 5/22/19, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a wraparound deck with 179 sq. feet in the 30' buffer and associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 5/16/19. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permillee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 �l 9 Donna F. Coleman RECEIVED CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land JUL 0 2 2019 Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Oak Island, NC 28465 Management, LCM WILWNGTON, ." '' PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name: SEA ROVER NC, LLC Minor Permit # 0127.19 Date.: 5122/19 Pagel (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area. within 75 feet of normal high water (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, no new impervious surface is proposed nor authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H.0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of the normal high,water. No portion of the roof.overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft.'buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall,be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas,'until such time as the area has been properly, stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from'the normal high water must. be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (9), All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized .(planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE' Received Fax: 08/04/19 16:08 Fax Station: HP LASERJET FAX p.2 04/08/2019 16:06 703-580-9402 FEDEX OFFICE 1263 PACE 02 ig. Wei ,Ocean l'lurxd wS -, Olt_W Sljoro Inz`,,,,^_..ljtiblicTrusr Shorelines Qt er, , Lid SII���q LAND OWNER 1 �attae Addresfi 'ilk fr1 �JCaVtkd. State 02 -_ zip 110116. rYOa p 03- ] AU'MORiZ1.0 AGENT Nax�ecoo QrAddress._,..�:. r �a� City Stott 10 (L dip rti phone 6 2.0— 21 'ol 2z LOCATION Or, PROJECT: (Addrees, street name an(1/or' dil'00601is to site. If riot 4acent waterbody.) .7.a-� . D�(l i A mr, DESCRIT 1`1ON OF PROJECT, (list all (Ind land dis u battce.) twliat is the name of Ilse k) 6--. 2 <i-u 0 04, (eA SIZE OF LOT/1?ARCEL: square fwtacres PROPOSED ITS11: Residential {ft)ngle-fancily-.� .,�. fN ulti-Wruly Other, i TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A RIJa,DTNG IN 'TIDE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF FN Vl.R6N- 11f>CIvTAL CONCERN (AEL'): ^_ f square feet (Includes all f loors and roof covered dwks).; SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT kND OTIkI M IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON Sit WACES wi-14 S COASTAL SHORELINE ARE, A Or, t11iVXRONKE, N FAL CONCE1tN (4Ef.1 _�....� �.. square Yost (Calculations includes the Aros (if the rootYdrip live of all bialldings, d6veways, covertA crooks, cogcrete or MAC Oa y patios, eta, flint ire witt)ia fife applicable AEC, Attach your calculations with the projvct drawing .) Choose the AEC Area tbat applies to yoar property: (1) witliur 75 feet ofNormal High Water/Normal Water Level for the E$tttariue Shoreline AEC ( ) within $75 feet of Normal High Water/ Normal Water Level for the.Eataarbae Shoreline AEC:, adjacent to Qatstanding Usoulrce Waters (3) within 30 foet of. Normal High Water/ Normal Water Lever for the Public Trust Shoreline AEC ' - (Contact your Local 11ennit Officer i f you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) 5„i'ATJu STURNWAi El't mANAGFmEPYT PERMIT: is rite project located in an area subject to State Stormwater Managealent, perm t'ssued by KC LXvision of water Quality? YES— NU_ Received Fax: 08/04/19 16:08 Fax Station: HP LASERJET FAX p.3' 04/08/2019 16:06 703-580-9402 FEDEX OFFICE 1263 PAGE 03 fER PE R1V,ti'>t S MAY gEUQVFRED; The. Activity yutL are plaaiuns may ragvim permits other titian the CAhJA minor develop, t NUII . Ab a service we have eoinpiied a listing of tho kinds or permits that might be require s- we sugge*c you obcck over the list your LPn to detarraine If any ofthese apply to your. project, Zoning, Driokiitg Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste melmsystem),1luitding, )F)ectriml, Plumbing, Heating and Air C miditioning, Imul-Won and Energy Cvnsorvadw, FIA Cnrtifigation, I Not, $4ctitnegt Control, Subdivision Approval, Niobilt 1•Icrmh Park Approval, ilighway Conmuctioit, and others. -TEIv ENT OF OWNERSiFiUN -a undersigned, an applicant for a LAMA minor developmerit permit, being either tiro owner ofpropetty in an ABC" or a on authorized to act aS an agent for purposes of applying For a LAMA minor development perthit, cealq that the person d a$ landowner oil Mis application has a significant interest in the real property ¢ascribed therein, This interest can be .fibod as: (check one) ,ari owner or reeorci title, Title: is vestec! lti Rp vew �G w, see Xh ed Boc�lr� in the Cuwaty Registry of Deeds. 1n owner by virtuo oifinhcritance. Applic&tit is an heir to the estate of mte was in County. ,cif other interest, sigh ea writtsn contract or loan, explain below or use a sesparate sheet & attaoh to this application. ?l;MA'lr ON or, AWAcENT PROPERTY OWNERS# .thermof6 00ftify that the following persow are owners oF properties adjoining this property. l affirm that Ihavt; given IVAL NOTICE to each of them cone omiug my intent to develop diis propany and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) RE Situ It DEVE)GQlpilaltS.IN OCEAN RAI1l;)Ei)d AND ESTUARINE 1EIAZA.liti3 ARirA,sr knowledge that the ladd,orwner is aware that, the proposed development is planned fcir an area which m ), bo susceptible rosion an.dJor flivding. l aelwowledge that tho local perlliit offices; has explained to me the particular havAwd problems )oiated with this lot. This explanation wtus acrmmpatiled lty recotm aadations concerning stabilization and floocipmohng. tniques. 2.lYl<lIR,5I0N TO ENTER ON LAPIN: cthermbtp ecttifY that I arts authatl2,�;d to grant and do its fact grant permission to die local permit ofi%oor and leis agents to -foil the aforementioned lands 14 connection with evatuoting ittformation relafed to this permit appEicatintx. 3 application inehides; goneral information (this form), a site drawing as described on tits back of this appiiemiori,. the iership statcmernt, tote AEC hazard tiodw -where necessary, a checIc for $100.00 made payable to the loviiity, and.ainy irmation as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application ae described by these sotsMS are irporated without reference in any pertnit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will, constitute ra violation ny permit. Ar1Y Person developing in an AEC' without periazit is subject to civil, oXitninal and 44minisndve action. 'this ttic 44 day Of Landowner or twrwn atidiodzed`fQat as hill age�fo urpose of filing a CA.MA permit application. Received Fax: 08/04/19 16:09 Fax Station: HP LASERJET FAX p.7 04/08/2019 16:06 703-580-9402 _ FEDEX OFFICE 1263 PAGE 07 AO I.ITH9WAri4N FOR gAMA► PERMITAPPI.19ATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: S. Aostt:i: L) 6" L L C, '' Mailing Address: C/o r ( .Sc `, i��.MS- �' �Jr— Phone Number: Email Address; r"I H A A w+ certify that I have authorized la�aS1 _ Agora 1 Ccx rmWr � w to act on my behalf, for tho purpose of Applying for and obtaining all LAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: Ver &6e 60 ►�'� : t GS'64 tr% " et my property 16cated at In WW county,. Vftlrthermom certify that / any aythotfxed to grant, and ,do in fact grant permission to DlvisW of Coastal Man99OMent,staff, file Looet Peimft Otter and their agents to enter on the ,eforemontioned lands In connection with, evaluating informatlon relatod to this permit, application. Prapdrty Owner Infor mode t: Ver W9ri lu . Print or Tyler Mame Titt9 sate This certification is valid through .4�— RECEIVED 5hcohcl Received Fax: 08/04/19 16:08 Fax Station: HP LASERJET FAX 04/08/2019 16:06 703-580-9402 .f Date Adjacent Property Owner � Mailing Address City, state, Zip code Dear Adjacent property: p,6 FEDEX OFFICE 1263 C3 Ir o 1 .i` caCertified Mail Fee p- $ Extra Services &Fees (checkbox, add fee as oppropdate) 0 ❑ Rstum Recolpt N"WcoPY) 5 E3 ❑ Return Reeelpt (electronic) S 0 ❑ Certitled Moll Restricted Deli% ry S C ❑Adult Signature Required S ❑AdudSignaturoRastdetedDelivery S rru Postage - rU Total Postage and Fees Sent To 6tieef and Apt: No:," orFjtS Boz No: This lettxtr Is to inform you thgi I, , kv 6 Property Owner' PAGE 06 i I Postmark Here Permit on fitly property at ._Z -b . w - KA,��W �I3� aSS ��.L��- Property AddressC • � � 'F1'C G�1�� , County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy Of my permit application and pm Ica drawing(e) as notification of my proposed project, No action is required from you or you may sign and r,, . the enclosed no objeodon form. If you have any questlons or comments Wout my proposed project, pleast, contact me at ?'� - Ar by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicaul'e Telephone .ft written comments or objootions with (he Town of Oak island LAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them ta: Donna F. Coleman Local Permit Offioer for the Town of Oak Island 4601 E. Oak Island Dr, Oak island. NO 28465 Since ely, Proporr Owner Mailing Address City, state, Zip Code RECEIVED RJA CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 4125 LONG BEACH ROAD SE SOUTHPORT, NC 28461 304-620-2122 Gareth and Janet Hayes 5123 Summer Rose In. Durham, NC 27703 Be advised: April 15,2019 The Hackney's of,�d21ZO E. Dolphin Dr. would like to build a new deck and storage building on their property. The town of Oak Island now requires neighbors to approve of such additions. Please. fill out enclosed form and return at your earliest convenience. Thank You, Joe Gaydosh DECK WALL STUDS, M91NO BEDROOM 1 DINING - v �`o. (2)aXIO wAtl L3 MID SEC. F. 16' O.C. SLOPED CMtNO BREAKFAST/KITCH. o j i SLOPED BATH t 1 - ' I, CEAOID I m ; _ �r 3P•— �s.o;© I 1 LIVING 3' 0' I •-2' CLOSET FOYER COUPLE 21-P' N W-2 MIN DOualw4lii0' % 61- I`� PORCH \` FIRST FLOOR -PLAN SME: Ile . r-O- HOLE : ALL CLAWS IN WHOM AND DOORS Swill BE DIPACT RESISTANT. NOTE : WSTALL ALL CONLTNENCE OURETS. LIGHT FIXTURES. TWO Stl1ICHES M ACCORDANCE' WIM THC NORTH CAROUNA STATE ELECTRICAL COOS. I 61-3' % X-6, CAMENT aX6 0x 1100N1 WAIL STUDS 2A6 C.J. TI. 16' C.C. - 'I BEDROOM 313 to' —lop %, IHIEPoOR AM ACCESS. '1 W, ,_. �b 4-0• 7 C1ASEf �b BATH 3 'e — O 36' T1 II II SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1%s• _ 1,.v FIRST FLOOR HEATED AREA: 1499 SO. Fr. SECOND FLOOR HEATED AWA: 324 SO. Fr. PORCH, 122'SO. FT. WALKWAY: '34 SO. Pr. DOCN:.390 SO. FT.. STOOZE: 32/-SO. FT. VHS UNO B O, = _ - wyl 0 e . a 1DO� D FOR DON WELCH AND 6ETrr ICNEELT CUSTOM 172478 3or61 q Joseph R. Brochure, PL5 - /759, Certify that this plat NOTE5: was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervlsron from information shown In ALL DISTANCES 5HOWN ARE deed books referenced on map and map books reference HORIZONTAL GROUND 0/5. on map, That any lines not actua/y surveyed appear as THAT TH15 5URVEY 15 OF AN broken Imes and were plotted from mformatron as noted 67577N6 PARCEL OR on the plat. That the ratio of precision as calculated 15 PARCELS OF LAND. better than 1: 10. 000, that the area is computed by coardmate meth tress my ongalal signature, registration PROPERTYADORE55: number 57-H day of MAY. A.D. 2019. 3720E DOLPHIN DRIVE w-.4, OAK 15LAND, N.C. e. oak island PARCEL X 235NA046a ^oc ure-L-1759 ,111g8901#00 AWntrc Ocean Land Surveyor ��� N OqT ••� LOT ARFW 6, 192 5P +/- ,• �'•� `f R O/c tiC ,�I, F•9•. VICINITY MAP - � StpIr. •: = LEG -END am :2 SF o O: C : 2, 2 / PROPERTY E1P - EMST/NG IRON FIFE RIGHT OF WAY a L 9 :•!i9 A �; a S • SEA ROVER N.C. LLL RAN- - CENTERLINE ,I• • • COT IO, BLOCK 18, SECT. 2 15 P - IRON STAKE POUND6YOQ.•'• •• •i, O •"••• •�• LONG BEACH DB. 3764, PG. 509 IRF-IRON ROD SET ••Iaa�E,,• ofI 1�, OAK ISLAND, MC. m PLAT- I - PG. 96-99 5ETBACK5 FRONT -25' 5MTE OF NC. REAR - 2L7 SIDE - B' PARCEL/ 234NGLY)102 5TREET5/DE /O DAMS CANAL L'I 37IB E.PDIPPARCEJ 235N3'cxrosdMmt FLOOD 57ATEMENT..- FIRM: 370202 PANEL: 2066 PREFIX 'K' ZONED'9E I EFFECTIVE DATE06-26-201 B YCi! RECEIVED 113CM JUL 02 7i! q WILMINGTON, " RECEIVED slitill9 GWMC SCAM a 1 MAY .Y 6 2019