HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-23_ Becker (2)Oak Island 01 23.19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CoastafManagement ENVIRONMlNi1L OVAlill as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Michael S. Becker, authorizing development in the Inlet Hazard (AEC) at 1729 W. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, dated 4/05/2019. This permit, issued on April 24, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: the construction of a detached 10'x15' open deck on the 60' setback with associated construction. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on 4/0512019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVED This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further whiten permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. DCM WILMINGTON, NC Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. ,Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) . WarnomSecker Minor Pormitt.0123-1.9 Pqgp,;2-- -(5)i T.4 'itim iiefdtt 11 - fasts m ipqrrm is ieq contact cor LOffider; �910-201-8047'�,gfid he 'hot (I'll bdll�­ t r -on., t the., I al, Perm pans w be .. _9 corrsfiructiorr to amoo A setbackmeas Iv tmajptshoreriho _vrementlhot -will' effective sixty-IM01,� days barring changa Construction mast: begin wiihii sixty (s4j days,of the:determrrratigrt of 0 measurement 444d andAMSO ,06 The oceanfront, uncoveredWithin , .these shall AOWwedi P,fqptpdnt oM square feet and shad be :struotwlly, in-dep.eiidentfro-mfthe,,.,bc!use�,fbund,adon,. Pilings I * Y! 'NC Building CddO4 iniclud-Ing.,the l 171 Aft witth--i" 6 iw'.An area,!, shall with ith T I comply . Ith -P Coastal 'and Flood f1do Qnsttucft Standards of the IN. Building Code, a MO.' oa$ta 9 "Poll tine Da e t as ImO by the Ndonal Flo-FloodinsU] Nograir, If any provislor�s of .the, 6rritding e-or a, ftd damage vreVentibo ordiftainde, are ItiWiit"Mi tistdth any of thOO61WRo A% standards, I , h@_ more restrictive prov) shptil ponwii Aff;;,buildling, imusi boelevated :on rNihigs -vWffi -o dtapoe of atif, r�8�ich e& ta side ffsquare, and .the Rot. floor level of the s�(s and loisis must meetEthe 1'QQ year flood level ele�iaftort.. AN pillog&thiff­"h_aw.6 00 'odn*66- ­t bij t bQjQ jh elevation undestnxturex '00n0dj$(UrWCes.Wil4e�Aivvod to;the:extent necessary for devetopinenf and the prodfvovow 11o6 n6tweakendd ortWwmrt�ee areas wi (MO unconsolidated matenal;resulfln rom,ssorIated site: by 6.*coq seitimentation and erasion control measure's,D and, molchodIvithin 14.,days'. c(construo rmw 6#16h, ,.('j2)Any4:#hdU is pqrm - shall todiordi -P jt..� morn inonfly, threatened _IfA rej�qa_ dismantled vvhe .1 - es, Irnm 0 ed �ro�t n , by cAonwoin, shoreffrie umfibri. Theist= retil Shallalli, be; refdtarelocated.o? wri VAAM -hff6p! lima ' , shoreline recovery -, or be oi A ItWrt years of b6i *o %vstiv becomes:: Beach rem-odshitent takes ,piece aic imminently thmateno;l, so that the structure; is, ino longer' immmentlY throat000di then, It inood not be milwate, or dismantled at. that `time This cor�drborisliaii not; affect: the permit. holder's rightto seek 440104-049P, of temporary.; PrOtectNoneosum allow4under =rules, .StG-'NA,TU RE.',__ MTE" PER-MITTEE LAPWQIO' Address: ZgtW City- -z� e- AUTT "W Aft CityA6 zip ; State,.46t- 442160'� noiwllg00-a5'� ffmoof i4e, SIZE OF 'Ir;ZVL'i square £eet acres: Multi 190POSWU Residentiat 0 Single-family0 TOTAL EMCL FLO.i !OR -AMA Qf XRU 1 Il w M Oc t fi1'HA.fA" Ag" or XWMON ;CONCM( g 94uarefed Oncludes afffloors and roof co-verecLdedks) l, 00 IRM. rIlV G VO AND bTMR 'U- VIPERVIQUSQR15UIIS-4 $URF INTHE -COASTALLS]IORELM, AAA QF'ENM CONCM ("OL tod . re't dt'(Catculatiom includes the area: of the WM4 line of all builldings-, Ard'veways" covered #oft tm Masv adios.: *Awf ft within te4'2, — NoAEC.. 9A .h project&.—&N Choose tthe AEC area. that appIres-fqy,(!qr,,- Iro t Fk P'Orty (1)wtt in 75, feet of torn al Hig1i Water Or ,(1)."witbin'S feet of Normal Hii'gh'W,.aWf F-,Mo* Shoreline AEC,; a to. Outstanding Resource, Waters (5) 3,0' -feet offt Public Trust, Shoreline, AEA 'Contactylour L6caI l'et nit Off car if you are not sure. Which:; BC .applies u �,p . top, "' toyo, nAu 5T ..,MENT P.FRMT,, Is the project locatlw, i4n.fan =.ca.sA-,ec-fto.' a,!. State Sto-rinwater. •h ' .1 ; i f issuedhyt e-,NC Division 6,,W—ft I atit)-t"DES Management Permit Q 0 NOR( if yes, list the,, total built upon -4 pai`cel /?oo square fee UTH it,PEI2MiT MAYAR REQ. IREp The nftity, wu. are Alanyliqg may,�egeti g is uc �r #iran fhe ltit xniinox den lcsptnentp rm :. doge n Ofxtiese p tyc o e Zoiiiri bt ei�, Tat pr an wee a tt nt yst Pb tc lttt2du Ekactttcal, 1 rtt� ng,: kTeat}tk and t tr ctndtxtcnrtt rasalatton and Energy ot�servattQt►,>Ft rk Cettifis�ttiat►, sand.Dttnc,. S dimenf:Go*Qo ,, ttitiitvts►on Av ro�al� 141c6t7� �I�sii�'s pa��C AppY����. S�tg�itw�y�'.C�titeet►oit3 � zd o�tte�s sT a► nuSl T,'tlae ttxadersxgtie 1, aiz applicau fot a, : zxnin ir:de Io} zne it petlnit , .being 6Act-Ihe:,owner ofpr zpeirt iri an.t C or a person.authotzed to nct as an agent for Poses of appl%zeg fog' a G nnot• de pei✓rtt?4 sett tt` persctn listed.as.landeiw itex� Qtt:tlixs application has a:st cant interest ttx the real p er. descrYbed iheretn: Thxs interest cats � desori"bed='' (check ono ';'� �, M an Qwt> coxvedod tttie, Title jested inAV, :see Ieec# .acl� page, in the County Registry of Deed Q .anowner by -virtue of inheritaneo A ppl[c tt is ri heir Yo the,estate oi' probate was, in ;County , E]„ if other; interest,':such,.as. wn"tten:contract or -lease, explainbelow- ar°us a sop to sheet and atfIQ,' W4apialteati� . .NQ�')EE.ICATM 4".� 'Ilk I' .kROPERTY- l►WNERS: fxxrthermore derttfy that the following persons are owners:ofproperties adjnining thin property'.I afi tm that+I have given. AC WU NOUM to emit Othem :con� My inW t6 46e4•th s property ai d to apply for a G permit.. i190 sine (AddressY (4 > flR DEYELOM 00, Ili 0CEAS, AAZA�D AND E1WARO AREA s ac off. edgy t at the Ian owrtetis awaare isZahmay bethatt e odvonedopm suseepfiblo to', erosion and/or 11ooding ;I acknowledge that'the Iocal permit officer has e.�platned to me the"particular„ fiazard pr..oblemsaassociated.w%tli this lrat 1: s.,explatia-ton, was accompanied by:recommend°ations=concerning stabsil'izat on and' floodproofing teehi�que, :F�RI�IISST<bN' T`O E�ri'E>� �N LA< I f u thermore icorufy'fhat7 am:WA-' 'rized to grant ai d do in, fact, grant pert- ission to" Ibio local,,permit; diffiker and.his!:age n s to enter og the zaforeinerirelated toAWs permxt� ztppltcat 0,01 This applteatton. includesr general infQrmatton (this-foixn),, a site drowt ing as desdrtbed oit the lbaclt of: this appttcati'on, the ownership statement, they AEChazard notice where necessary,,. a chedk for l oQrQO, made.payable to; the. locality, and any in orrt A.. "May be provided=.otally;by the applicant. The details of the appfioatiori 0 described iiy these spumes axe incorporated withotit reference in; any°permit which. -maybe :.issued::' Devaattort, frcfm these deals will constitute a VidIatton o£'any periinit. Arty peas n:developing in..an A EC vuatihaut permit;is sOject to civil' crin nal and adxnintstrative action. Thfs'the �'7 ;day of-* ,161,f' andc er orperson atithorized to aft as 1us agent' -fof parpose.of"filing Aa CA:permt: application AGENT' AUTHORIM -ION-FOR-C-AM PERMIT APPL«ATfC" N (Marne of rroert dwmer Applying far Permit. -- - I a frog address; Ag �to "r w :X' 77 Plume flu ber , A! 9 ' 3 - f ;G 4."3'6 -�, 1 cr , OW i fiaus "or�zed: 4g�i�t�" Ca�tza�c�r ,to.. act on m- y- bebalf-for.-the purpose of applying .and obtamtng -all .GAMA permits rietessary for ttfe ropasod de lMont of ipa- Tale- -D- PM snoAl —ber O" AddTess yJ' r 1 Il "A. A 11 ,.., . e r r. i r .4✓ $.p a *p r g s h�� '�'r�lt is innn„.�..Qceat�r>cciSt Af`e' �.,i h�Ha id i oitea :. l la,1 aF �+4 r �a , i11�, � wsi,^ f 'F' 6 tl 6 5 '� .i 1,4.t^?. ,,' d '�4u,' L _•ri r` :. x 4 4�. , V ,i "^"yb � v r a rnotxcesnt"Ai e yob a foie apn% aware=of albs P�CIAt,G fQ;F d 'nos 'xe+gri fish, peial}}�ks aid coxrQus assoczcieveToep� �ii thus` dgvecpn ►uia�eaas�t ect sidd y azdat� s's au�d, axes, s 63ects{ b laa ds aueli as sto asp exosr�on a rs on per nts4 biwit, fox' ev �i3prr,e4t 4�us area andertts Theai1eR theoatalesonrGes aCossioti 1nezY e; th y� fa3ping ilia yeaf� �nYP ic"la� the require that.: you receive, ahtzard? �tzeabd "pex wassail'=b�cyeoro1 bis and die pka�eet aclmow%tle{ :that notice fu wr�furg becai Of`.=fox 4the Totl Feu (�cex eFi°tix deye o eaii be3issu , s 5 s 1 1 "Ye�yeatl0 i 1tUP. r� i2 ratbg Ct b w'i &Y ri dl5ai���'t%Q1U�ae E' pt taeoi 4 abarie suxae a o€ peintt �ssance, and' the}. e Comm o ' fiules� : ` r, o d e e o �ht� st1.y tliea s x olk a itu dung daxd ►tear t fiNO se � x °� �?m 'r ` ��i get�Zac� ��u nemt, selbacks,an dunes alexalZons arezlesgnerunYmzd, bud noto L''Qjl tn�i8a you "thayduY begin wort Sdiisania�l ehmina�Ce, prgPerty to fr®raj: Ixazaxi3 Bye g ntr,I C iba 1, p agxess a sae ojeu n st 1�e iade rpusi un ti d s s ' Coal al esources commtssz04 does,t�rot ag it n e ,t e s4— 1WR f s baol ;'deferna f a , r„tote setb artist be rem g ` s , " el-, eldelop�ge t and,n umes no ab Ctz uiuxe d`az ge #o tie oac urea e o Jo ho ne change as9 fhb t "oE : the debs omhfiHdraoenBnopoL withe Gl}dy o 1! beee remeasremep En1xUi]inel 'G`Onrl Qltt` e B�CQIld1? aft . th §tructtne of#the setac:ts7pa� ;that you;i�eck :YQ relot�a'ed on dlstantled te`teQzugmnueIy,theategec boxe tiepe�expares�fox o�fzc��f `apt%valtt�p coniii��e the b3� changes shorehae 4conftguration4 T'hhe stretwe�s}gnus %e' wox ai%re pecut . bias expiz Genr�tly, . uridan xelocaecL Kot, 4hmaned Ravi two: (2) year pop' beco;��azngpiingslaavebeerilacednd1tan#alSrtlress,e couhnu3ng, . �enitly thxeatetxecl rand, any case 1?pu colaa�alse of p� rsnit renewal =- be aut�tgr ecl T zx `Ito ont e sulisieop ce, `°iozkae{Srsiepuat#n g lbe,66"k d°Vd2�ab e'�1�Oitlta, o�l;;as 1eGef��dF'�i*i �e �`.Oa3 �E't)FxlitUfB �Plr T/l� tpCL�t R w Pa' SO11Li'eS {`.41t1iI1T3stiC8 g9 8ts a`atltigng� average oceap erosion rate for the axew w,' pre yot pYopers located rsp _ 77 . fee per y ear �;Y l rl t�s'r dwry Al (?fhcBr fibs rate wad e5fl?I1Shed; bj� v Cared allalyST$, Hof kezal = f photcigraplis wife cotliue taLcen averthe 50 ears ij P(�(� %- a Salso xndfcttte that the shoreline could move{ as much as A"ddressF feet laudward uz a�a,}or,stoz The floodwal"ers ��a.;ma,��r�stoxm arepredrefed to be,about � �� #'��'`�' - � r __. feet deed' ut tltts axes, a Laltty ° Preferred'0 m on, "'PTotection measures ice beschknout�sl meni t� and '%locahon of thieatened slxuctuxes k and erosion coritcol '"! structux�s such as bultcheds, seawalls, xevetmeut, groins,ethea fi Phone N tuber and breakwaters are prolu�ted T eporary' sand bags may be autied,uiZder�ceitaco�n+ttaris� '> r, aut must ack owle fibead a this nnforinatx n xegwrem tcnts;aby stgrtng tli�s notice the space bel'otvl $ottf thezpzaperignatue, the apaca#ibji tail nob amp)ete " PropertyUuvne� gnat �Dafe x Revised May 2010' C ° . -4 RetelptOor, torfirled Mll , ("T'Ago (oroy, Ad scent Property w1�er Vil" d Oat ejty7 `dater Zip Cotle Z�� v MY. This totter is to inform you -, that I, Am have applied for a tAMA Minor phdpe`fty, Ovmdr- P1 oru, k, County. -As. requitedOy. Qffl* rqg4(a ,fipg;� kayo enclosed copy of my! -0 ltopp ry aR ro wt, P fill AmIlm. dp_js. ft as �omy�TMoosedl proj.'Nd action itreqwrW fibmyou, or,youmay,siqn�and retain ( the enclosed no Qbjpcft!Om If hays ny questionsorcomments about my proposed please a p lat, ,or by address listed b w if you wish: fo Applicant-sl.616phone. fjjo;wd%WoMoonts oMbjecticirfsWithifid," ,of -OW 18(and C 'PermitiPrcgfaffiyou m6yubmit ,'Amk,Uhidt, lhentli Local,Permit, Officer fog ttie Tdw ii of Oak Wand 4641.E,Oak Island Dr: :Oak., islaridi, NO Propefty, Owner Failing 610og Address., City, Stat% zip QWe L l © CERTIFIED U.S. Postal Service - RECEIPT n I�Ae XttCes&eeS�c7rerkpq+>eLId49kPMR7(y> t% s%ik(herG m' � �Qd.Metlt'�g�4tectlta �'�""^, - P t3eaukaI �,� Postage '�estdat�aae' A" z�F F�irt! a - t t . 1.01M - t • :Reo�z�i �Q 82I5805391`�84$fl$884'1 4t�1 ii:em� - . Tnaklngf Maio Me balk min tuft Wha+t� ;car b�isan�ssd pr on 44 it ADJACE RIPARIAN "PROPER YO ME.-ft STATE-M,gNT, FOR MA,:M.'IN.OR:PERMITS IName of Property Owner) pro y. Lot, ftok; 46W,, ftA !On der Kill (Town ajncvAucourlty), Re. has describedlo ma as -shownim the; attached ::application :anti ;project drawing. the :development-hols proposiqg at, Ifti, lbeation, iand,l have rto obifertions to his, prqlj(ygal. ( -LIC "TION '00"CRO OF PROPMD DIEVEWPM5 AMC -APR A AN Print or`T'ype (Verne - — ----------- . ...... .. ... Date Door, t Prop Thus= letter°is to iAbft :ydu 6d for dt"'W' W6r RrQperty 4ugler,,° f�eiti►It ort my reperly at '?�G4 j �f� . tt ,Brdris�uielti ProperYr Address CauW. As (44wlfed by LAMA regulatibrw I gave i hdbsed �a ddpy of:alyypeftif application and, prof cl drA► n s� As tro#iftafta f prQ G N� :ap 1s r0g fired rorp oar°fir you may, and.rom the iofclosed Rio oction fbft Ifw hikv&6 iy uast'ran or ommeiata about ` W popeyed ptajeet, pleasd ..��"�.' _ _ Apr byrxt�it at the addross�I�sted �el0u�: 1��+ou runs} Appatcarti''felepliorfe fife wnf m@nxs or 0bjaof its WiiM Wows:q Oak Island: CAM 9 Per" FcoWyou MR- 0mtt tiae%xi td Donna Coleman WO POOR (der farftFTown of'Cfaklslancl ���li �;aeltislarid t7r flak Isf*4 NC, * w $Woero(y vow— airm,g Addross ' l'17 City, State,;Zip: Code. N I r. M / N �7D V V W V :viw o/.-� (,K bET��r�o IV v �y m yd u V y/ 4lv vv WV' V vvzoi�D 4\ RECEIVED MAY 3 0 2019 CCM WILMINGTON, NC