HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_19-22_ Perfect (2)4e Oak Island 01 22.19 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT 10 PERMIT Coostul Munayemznr crr:xnrewex*u ooairv. as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management' Issued to A Perfect View NC, LLG, authorizing development in the Inlet Hazard (AEC) at 1101 E. Beach Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, received 3/28/19. This permit, issued on April 5, 2019 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: The construction of a single family residence with an elevated pool and associated development. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s)dated received on3128119.r 4f5I1q,C6ctrvt4 rtv+, de4act.ad Eck) (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVEL This permit action may be appealed by the penniffee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. MAY 3 0 201 M WILMINf�UNC Donna Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 PERMITTEE if conditions above apply to permit) NO I Fr#fi t�fC"E: hltillot Permit #, -0"1 2Z40 i;�ate.4lsl�i�? 0, C►sturexustseX back a rninanttm oftl feet frog theft ffne di stie nettirl UegetattFm, ar;the deyeloteril Une. asdeterr lrted #iy Elie t Ilt1►the LI�Qk air atfier assfgned agent of the Qc ( Ttie perthe ie required to contact: the tiapal Putt dertf>-&1¢ shot#.' ` . fore fte pJaris to begin can #ruc n on. a setbacfs meesurer erat that wiff 6e-eff�ectnr Into t 0 days b o orator sfr. re�inn ohaing ., Construction r�',rus# #rsgtn li tun}an4t�(6aj, dlyys of the d�tatitlI to o ar#he measurerriet t;is rniirl an ti� terse 1?) Alt buildings aons#ruc#ad wlftii, #Cie dcea haatd area shah "�f tenth the: i f Building' Cade; 1i tud kie Ct�ssfa( and 1=ioad Plaln Can'structron= Standards of the Bulldfng Cade; and iot;al flood Damage Pret�et tlon Ordinance as MOW 6y the i�lahottal faod'fnsurence f�rogram ff arty pravrsiorrs of the building) tide ar' flood damage pr yOnf ldri btdinattc .ete tison-kistent with a o the falbwing C standards, the Erziore r8;atrrcfve ptovls�an snail oartttof (t3 All bukngs mus# fie elevaieci. an piCngs rO a ;duameter ofral feast inches urr diameter round, or 1nGh to a ode if squu�re, and the first flaor;le�ret Of#he,sllls and meet the n-+car d level et at on, pignga shalC hr M 40 penefatsran grtetair eight feat betov the lowest grunSt eteVatan uRderthatnt re. (1t)Durie distarbancesri>I fie alloWed only to cite. eittent necessary for4t%lrefdofenfen¢ �fidune's prottn�e ire rye is riot areaicerted br redttoed.. t2istl�bed dune areas�will be ftnmedfafely staiillizett;, ' (11a11 unconsalidatatt matet7ak restiltang frat, associated gralrinb; a 'iandscaping "shall be retained on s►te by elf thee: sedlmentafron Arid erasuon eairtrol measures Drstnr6ed axeas .shaft fie iegetatavety :stattifized (planted "anti mrtchediih days ofcanshuotrorrcompCe#Ign f CZ Any structure au#htrnzeuf by fhlg1perrn�t,sflall tie retaca :ardistrtantked Hitler itbecom frnmirrerrtly tilteaf�n l�y� changes'rn ,5ftsr�ene carrfll�uCeltlrJn 1 [te'.trrtcftire(filh"alt hp rbrrtKr snareune rPi r- l (jr� boathi r t{ un ri R tGtt . - •w .w ,fwituvx6A� fk t� ltL �JI place Wudltri` fuuo gears of the iv the strtucturs tr'G es imminently #hreafened, so #hat the structure' is no Longer (mm'rnertflirthreatened, them It need rat !be aeiccat d'.o drsmart#ied ai loaf #mte this ..condihaii ,shalt not affect. re smit# holdefs: rrgh to seek �iumdrizatfon of temp(,rani rotect�re measures alldww urrderCRC ales i' i3 : fie oceanfropt, attcovered deck wlthitr Ehe setback area shall ndtryexcea a3fao"i , 'of- sguaie fleet and sh . be, str""uctnralfy todgpandeatfrom=:dse°�lictree foundafian pil�ngs,�: SlGitATU � IATE PRRMfTTf A UTR6R ZE -AG 140C IOC OPPRO;I OT Mdrets,, street,.name-andlw exitutrl�T' 2 L tM, aceaof what is the Pam oft e ��Tz- 'bane `IR !- , an land 4iAur -L SQTYPRCLZS square fact acres. Commpricalft Other TOTA-LIE IWORAREA: OF A BUILDING IN, TREOCRAN)WAZ OF' ComE"kAF x2s, AM �WWJ &s4i conditioned kvin space, k , i , )ng-., elevated Kol,,'45 S-, u, r, g par at�ove ground. level„ non=corrdifit�ned space elevated a ore ground level but zxolwd' auil' illogo odnbo Rg"al"toQ's paoo), s, line, ANI? OR � i cot DMIA' (,square re, f( low l -th&..toof/d 1p d covered:decks; �concreteor` masonry vatio a q be p ,gs? j riveways, mago s, et 1 Wit t tyli to-AE.. Atta -,'b' kat at. 00_.. NOV, calcttatronsW'fhthe, .,project drawing �kooaeffie AWar6a th4fapplies, to your property,, 6"W-Estuan IJo S-horelme, AEA 6within 575,feetoPNor—m4fHigh. ,W, itpr ao .(3)vVith-'41:30 fftiK: of ihO P'tib-fib, Tiug.t's6re'llneAw '(Contaq j AG lYIE TERM T N tile: p toe ot. located irn an:area subject fo. a State gtormwater• Management Permit" issued -theN,,Q ' M AM-W QuAlityi YESIT stid Alo.sod '-y .-Jo,'Orp ul Aow red . t -)'t - l. sgixare teo OTHER �MMIT-19:I _ Y,;, Rt, it MJ RED,. The adivlt �" 3r ybu are ptartnut may a ptr�s rrnAS other the the A +IQt minor de 11.op n tit p tmzf Asa W*O"have coniptted'0 Wfuz of thr, kinci5, of permit,;bAt, might k6 rz aired W.§ szo st 1'tia ciz ck aver the f srl tkh yow LPO to 40entn1W,V*y oft1w, e. appt toyvut;project 4tiing, Drlf*g; Water'l 61L SepftMakOr other:santtqste 4tuftdfngy. tJ;uict3lttttt6tr}g, klehttng prod Aar Gortctiniitg, Ittsulattgniand energy Corzservation,.FIArlieand' atzon SDune, 5dhnenoritro;T3 nb %visi zz r pprava(Mobik'H.nme fork Approval, t tuva r ont�ectaan,.a d:dthers. STAT9Itl�tT aFHIP Y, the undersigned, an apptzcazit; ft a Cminor deve%pmsnt ;poraizt, tieing either tho owoer, of proPa�Y Wi a, -- AEC or, a person arthorzed tp act aYs an agent %r purrposes of applying for a GAIVI .minor developznetzt°perm, certif that�the person rested as tatYc}over cu this app}catzott lips a satgi�tiatit zrtterest t"zi. tie real ;property described :tlerezn. `Phis itterest can be desenbed,as. cheek one; Lt . arz owner -r record tifile, T1tle zs vested in � ��.,�'� E)eod $�ok . . . page 0166 iw tQun „Re is of'D.ceds.. [] an owner lay vzn `ue.of tnhen`tancei Applicant`is`an he'irto the emote a€, probate was; in �isunty: if other Interest, such as written contract or ease, ,explain below or use a separate sheet; and' attach tq this, application.. N+a "il�'I!C ifC1 1'Ci All�JA,CL,NT.gROp RTY`OW tLR f furtheritiaro ca .that the following;persons are: owners caf,pxppertzes adjoining this property; :I affii m tfiaVl have given ACTUAL NOTICE .to eacb :of he_ni conoerr itrg tzxy Jilt tt tii develop thrs.praperty and: to apply for a CAMA pernic}t, fog n MMA$,}N 0" HAZAl A" UTVA% MZA" . A& I ,acknc�wtedge th t;the }and taut for is a�W:aio that oho pro"posed level=oAment `is planned for an area which cna�r l suseeghble to exoszan atadfot ftoadmg i;'acicziow. i Oge'tbat t}re tocsl permxt officer hasz e> l tazzted'tea meet re particular hazard pr" bl�tns assodiatod ith'tlits'Ia . This, explanatiozr Was accompanied, by reeammendaitions concerning stabilization and" flotadproofing techrtzquear PIRAMMIf?N TO tNN'TER E N LAND': I -furt}netxnore .ce ` . that f am Aift- Ori od 'to rtitfy grant and doin. fact grant permission; to the local permit officer azrd'his agenfs to enter ort <the afoxomenttorned Iattds zn carauectzoit with ev-ituatin, .tnformattoii related to this it,' pphcatii�it.. r This° appltcntiott includes' getteral.vtftatatrtoti, (ttaaa forme :a site davvzag.as deser.,aii:the back oftl%s applcatiozz=the. ownership °statemezrt, the: AEC :hazard notice: where necessary, a chick'€or ] OQ.ifQ mane payablo t€ trio tacalif , and atti ! �.>�toi7zzatnrn, as maybe pro�rtded orally ly the applicant. Thedetails of the appli'+caton as described by these sources are incorporated without reference it any portnzt which. may be issued.. Deviation from these details )yz Il CroosOM6 a vndlatjoa; of r y peritiit Acty ;person; devetoptpg an.,an .AEG without:,permit is subject -to cry l criminal and administrative action:. AGENT All'f �tQR1�A [QK FOIE -q A RERMIT APPLICATI0 Nameof Proparty'DW-ner ApplyM, for Permakk A Phorle,'Num 577 lfat hov, ovthotm�- ed Mn 0.- - AOMPOD to; act on my behalf.t. forthe, purpose -of app" and ob all. LAMA pethlftg f A (Property Owner Infortnaflaft) A � ,. in or cats �— Eiftd# Address faroi� apt . . . ........ . .. . ... . ... . --m-0 116- From .0 coowow $00Mdlld,4,. Apne,110L : W I , M, Tq: 1rr e@mofFittb Adef Cc. Sabi ect-.e Nar-gre -90 ON Y: werto Yopr ... 1-0 Iii AMA- MlnoT gipplfr4fignss mr.dortho lmptpokmhat It was, wmplol% On subsequent "revreve " I 164d�o�ered:°M iddlion-al *OMWbhlis ftWet tarilpletta ftm"Oro fibodhollt, te lipft aalowtwm*R to tim-S, go* Tow Ertdosod FWr Armlothe OHAEC, loo'ludosAt',cooldloned 11 nd#oaedVgwAsvaterdbow 0.011-111.1vo 6 M.—II., fit, u deck, foot por,q -on'�,.rveyl; deed atapfaftlftsent to. the Ft4W& end a 09W wgVvedllhq ffia latter vm seat cartiged raturrt recent jrt eceardance0b: tho Departmeatof Ermtornodand, Natuml 'Resourms togufatiorls we'. noto tfmta cortataftcha, paled -whilo, the gppkAiiar has raigib6d ift but 6mcd, tpv. Wee Y, W^ panne Cp n, uFor C AK4. 0, J Btatle#rngfisiedo"W" w 'df hamd, .(9 ifox 1. A P. Ai . Xo� Pet# Aft rQ - Y'ViD an',WO-19*aile hOT . 4 ft�A#Aljq 4 g .1 i0m, JV1 th dt� H9 OV. wI%c stet toaat�azissu�txs srCrO kv 77 ­­ thatum6p:ixefcyse: Phi' "U, j4sud qbacks: etzaa ro Eavifts M.- R wiw" , fds* Mwl bdifth n9mins-ho be tecatd ar dla Udd W*th 0#0 , I iuiifei�ttt0 o tdbsiddv h -'140'o von, eerilase 'T t vet oceans tot -Y Mell 'On over to b; re Mp knoudshmetit. and. re�qf' -bit etl. strrio may bc,-, lil e Hand Ao" t(OW,Uft 'and -- I wired- TV, PROP FM CA PERM : . �rtyadjacet��to at#1mknf 46 Pr�tp Euvecy z t111faterbod�rl R-A ! rt at�c' A deveTnpmo" he is pcnpo rn�at.#baf tftatkM and I have po, gb 0ons to his 1# RE�.i A'fit A =ORA'y ENE . 3F P Q iX t Pv lCyP E E ATTACHE tipp]1apn,futriber hereby cent # � t l Own POO adjacent to (Nam�vf'Aropeet� 4iNt�r.Z prapaeIcrcaedat_t E .j t" // Adt%ass,L Blotliroadz aj iTown. annty} H hay ttescribdd ter; me a �h Wrr i`n i a auchad' app�ic�tegp nd,pr�sja rave .* ng(s?"the; c(evelap ar~t t ts.pro. ostr�g atthat" lc t ;.an t I have c�ijectit�ns to Ftta prol3o (APPj.[CATIO' N Ahin-hRitimistu QF FRaPE15E� DEt �,CjPMEN`C r ."tT`ACN[�lfi. r Wt P'T. rtnta�+ TehQnN b+e From: Donna Coleman <DColeman@ci.oak-island.nc.us> Sent: Monday, April 01, 2019 1:53 PM To: julie@moffittbuilders.com Cc: MacPherson, Tara <tara.macpherson@ncdenr.gov>; Simpson, Shaun <shaun.simpson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] CAMA Minor Permit Application OI 22-19 1101 E. Beach Dr. Dear Sir. We originally accepted your CAMA Minor applications under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: 1. Total Enclosed Floor Area in the OH AEC. Includes air conditioned living space, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level. (Covered and uncovered decks) 2. A side -view of the proposed project with pilings showing a detached deck. 3. Deck labeled detached open deck. Not porch. (on survey) 4. Need a copy of the letter sent to the Roberts and a postal receipt verifying the letter was sent certified return receipt. In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 20 days. Please contact me at (910)201-8047 if you have any questions. Respectfully yours, Donna Coleman, LPO Donna F. Coleman, CFM CAMA-LPO / Building Inspector Town of Oak Island (910)201-8047 (910)278-1811fax RECEIVED APR 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC VICINITY MAP Nor TO srxc ATLANTIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEAN NOTE: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE C.A.MA OCEAN ERODIBLE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. i I I 1— 2000 USACE MHWL _ _ 1: SEED & STRAW ALL DISTURBED AREAS ----- 11.Tf 2! ONE (1) TREE TO BE 15' IN HEIGHT OR OVER r -1 AT MATURITY MUST BE PLANTED OR REMAIN AFTER CONSTRUCTION PER EACH 1450 SF. OF LOT AREA 3: ONE 9' X 18' PARKING AREA MUST BE PROVIDED ON THIS PROPERTY PER HABITABLE ROOM MINUS ONE COMPLETELY OFF OF THE 5.5't STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. WATERWARD TOE LOT AREA = 7582.8 SF I FIRST UNE OF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA I STABLE VEGETATION ( (1670.1/7582.8)100=22.07. (RBY FLAGGED BY A CAMA � AREA A RETENTION CALCULATIONS TOWN OFFICAL 1=561.0 SF/8-70.1 CF/0.4=175.3 CF/33.O'L/5.3'W=1.O'O u� 2=561.0 SF/8=70.1 CF/0.4=175.3 CF/33.O'L/5.3'W=1.O'D ENT 3-283.0 SF/8-35.4 CF/0.4=88.4 CF/18.4'L/4.8'W-1.O'D-- LI 4=265.1 SF/8-33.1 CF/0.4-82.8 CF/15.01/5.5'W=1.0 '0 3 TOTAL VOLUME TO BE RETAINED-208.7 CIF wetn-.orefiT' I O ENCAPSULATE WITH EROSION - CONTROL FABRIC r'i-T7EGETATIBN"IlM1lt 80'. LAN0yf D SETBACK 33.01 X 5.3'W X 1.0'D TRENCH FROM (RSV) 6- FILLED WITH #57 STONE -�----------�- WRAPPED WITH FILTER RIDGE OF io1 FABRIC (SEE TRENCH DETAIL) I I 18.41 X 4.8W X LOU TRENCH §. I FILLED WITH #57 STONE —_ J MB' WRAPPED WITH FILTER 15 FABRIC (SEE TRENCH DETAIL) I < m b1j5 � b Q _ W N 81'30'00" W WATERWARD TOE t ESCARPMENT 20' MBL F RS W All 43't r O 0 0 W 33.01 X 5.3'W X 1.0'D TRENCH O FILLED WITH 1O O 57 STONE >< r7 WRAPPED WITH K POOL 8.0 0O FILTER O FABRIC (SEE Z TRENCH DETAIL) ...TERWARD TOE 1 Ar.MF11 LIFT# 2. In x TOE PARK IN TRAN 5.01 X 5.5'W X 1.0' '" S B5'22'30" E- n TRENCH FILLED WITH #57 STONE 1101 EAST BEACH DRIVEWRAPPD FABR CE I 60' PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY DETAIL) AL 8.2't e2't MAY 3 0 20 LEGEND OF USED) NOTE: SILT FENCE & CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO BE PER TD1YN �INGTf RF-IRON ROD OR REBAR FOUND OAK ISLAND STANDARD LU 'F=PIPE FOUND APPROVED EQUAL MBL-MINIMUM BUILDING UNE IRS=IRON REBAR SET 3?.?'*-GROUND ELEVATIONS 3JJ -CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE -E— =SILT FENCE TRAN-TRANSFORMER CB -CABLE PEDESTAL TP-TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CAMA-COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT AGENCY USACE-U.S. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS SSCO=SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT F.E.M.A=FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY F.I.R.M.= FEDERAL INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONING GRAPHIC SCALE IS 9 7.5 15 30 R-7 1 INCH = 30 FEET SETBACKS FRONT- 25' SIDE- e' BEAR- 20 TAX PARCEL # 235PDO180 NIC ROOD CERTIFICATION: ­11.1".. . ,, ,.".o....E. I F)Piz'I IAAINIAPY CITP PI ANI