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HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19D Kingry INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: ROY BROWNLOW, COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR FROM: CHARLES JONES, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: VIOLATION CASE CLOSURE DATE: 4/2/2004 CC: RONDA BENNETT You are authorized to close the Violation Case #02-19D, NATHAN KING. 0-al q-�-o Charles S. Jones, Dir to Date 05-Apr-04 NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ENFORCEMENT RECORD CASE STATUS - CASE NUMBER LAST NAME FIRST NAME BUSINESS NAME: CASE IS OPEN ..,,I 02-19D King Nathan • CASE IS CLOSED [ -------' AFFLILIATION SECTOR NOV DATE CLOSURE DATE Previous Violations in Same AEC PropertyOwner Private ❑ for Similar Activities 3126/20Gr i�• MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NUMBER PROPERTY ADDRESS COMMUNITY WATERBODY NEAREST ROAD DISTRICT OFFICE COUNTY DCM REPRESENTATIVE LPO CONTACT WIRO Onslow Gregson Altman VIOLATION TYPE Minor CAMA AEC TYPE NATURE OF VIOLATION wall within 60 ft. oceanfront setback without authorization. RESTORATION STATUS ❑ RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - CONTRACTOR [f RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - PERMITTABLE DEVELOPMENT ❑ RESTORATION NOT REQUIRED - FURTHER IMPACTS ---- RESTORATION REQUEST DATE COMPLETION DATE r RESTORATION EXTENDED RESTORE DATE - DEADLINE EXTENDED ❑ RESTORATION PENDING [_J REFERRED TO AG'S OFFICE - COLLECTION ❑ REFERRED TO AG'S OFFICE - INJUNCTION ASSESSMENT DATE PENALTY AMOUNT COLLECTION DATE AMOUNT COLLECTED -PENALTY STATUS - ----I PENALTY ISSUED i ❑ PENALTY NOT ISSUED ❑ WILLFUL INTENTIONAL PENALTY (MIN. OR DOUBLED) (j CNOV ISSUED -� CONRACTOR'S FIRST OFFENSE I ] SETTLED, AGREED UPON, OR STIPULATED PENALTY -_l PENALTY APPEALED ___.. LJ UNCOLLECTIBLE PENALTY `� FORMAL CPA ISSUED Violations Involving Adversely Impacted Resources AMOUNT OF ADVERSELY DISTURBED AREA (SQ. FT.) 60 AMOUNT OF RESTORED AREA (SO. FT) F_ NOTES CASE CLOSED AS PER CHARLES JONES 4/4/04. 41 /N W Post Office Box 3089 Topsail Beach. North Carolina 28445-9831 Telephone (910) 328-5841 Fox (910) 328-1560 SENT US POSTAL CERTIFICATE OF MAILING RETURN RECEIPT REQUEST Nathan King . Post Office Box 2580 Surf City, NC 28445 RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION, TO APPLY FOR CAME G March 26th, 2002 D NOTICE OF FAILURE PERMIT Mr. King, t, I, I 0 4 This letter confirms that an mspecuon was conducted at 915 North Anderson Blvd. (Topsail Beach, N.C. 28445; Pender County), on March 261h, 2002 to investigate the possibility of development activity within an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) without proper authorization. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS 113A- 118) no person may undertake any activity which constitutes minor development within a designated AEC without first obtaining a Minor Development Permit from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources or a Local Government with an approved Coastal Area Management Implementation and Enforcement program. The inspection verified that construction has occurred without authorization. Specifically, a retaining wall has been erected within the 60' AEC setback, on the ocean <ide of fine existing dwelling. Such structures are only allowed in the AEC of Coastal Shorelines [15A NCAC 07H.209]. Additionally federal floodplain regulations [44 CFR 60.3 (e)(5) & (7)] also prohibit such non -collapsible walls and alteration of sand dunes. This activity has caused us to conclude that you are in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act, since we have no record of a permit authorizing this activity. You are hereby notified to WVfEDIATELY CEASE AND DESIST your unauthorized development activity. Since the development activity completed to date is not consistent with the applicable standards, you will be required to restore the land to its former pre - construction condition and/or bring all aspects of the project into compliance. A civil assessment of up to S250.00 may be assessed for such violations, and each day that the development activity described in this NOTICE is continued or repeated may constitute a separate violation and additional penalty assessments. Furthermore, an injunction or criminal penalty may also be sought to enforce any violation (NCGS 113A-126). E(cEzvE Page 1 of APR 18 1001 SION OF COASTAL (MANAGEMENT C4�ON-� �ll�J1�� DCM ENFORCE_-M ENT REPORTU APR 18 2002 if (Use for Waivers) DIVN OF fMAONAGEMENT Case °: 00 COASTAL Permit n: None Sam Altman, LPO Consultant: ?dame: Nathan King Address. : Post Office Box 2580 City: Surf City State: n_ Zip: 284�_ Phone r: (910 1 28-023 County: Pender Nearest Water Body: Atlantic State Plane X• . LPO: Sam Altman Locality: Town of Topsail Beach State Plane Y: to Descp: Minor Deve oiDment without a valid Dermit [NCGS 113A-1181 15A NCAC 07H Use .306 General Use Standards for Ocean Hazard Areas - develo NOV Sent: 3/26/02 went not allowed. Major: Minor: Perm Cond: x CA A: x DBF: Restore: Yes — Requested: o.a/h_oi Estuary: Pub (.No) Completed: _ Trst: _ Shoreline: o W-) a°") o'ri ._ Ocean Hz: x _ Other: Pri Nurs: _ ORW: Wetlands: No _ — (F'c/Fo) SA: I DS: I Ci. I SY: I JR: I LS: I SS: I SC: TY: I SP: I IF: BF: I WS: I MF: I EX(CSAATE I FILLED RESTORE,, (TYPE OTHER I I I I (Sg.FY.) (Sg.FY.) ******* ASSESSMENT & DISPOSMON ******* Recommended Assmt: S loo.o_ 0 References: 7J.0409(f_)(5)E(i) Criteria: Report Rcvd: / / Assessed: S To AG: / / _ To Violator: Payment Received: $ On: / / Case Closed: Of Violators: Total Assessment: S. Total Received: $ WISED: 12/92 It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to levy a minimum civil assessment of $50.00 against all such violators of CAMA Minor Development Permit requirements. This is done to recover some of the costs of investigating violations and /or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Whether a higher amount will be assessed depends on several factors, including the nature and amount of resources affected and the extent of damage to them. If any requested restoration is not undertaken or completed satisfactorily, a higher civil assessment may be levied and a court injunction sought to order restoration. Similarly, note that the Town of Topsail Beach has recently increased Civil Remedy Penalties to $1,000.00 for zoning violations. Pending the satisfactory resolution of this violation, and our submission of an Enforcement Report to the District Manager of the Division of Coastal Management, you will be notified of the amount of your civil assessment. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving this important matter. If you have any question, you may contact us or the Wilmington District Office; (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Sam Altman, CAMA LPO Director of Code Enforcement Town of Topsail Beach Attachment; Restoration Plan Cc; Jim Gregson, DCM Field Representative NC Department of Coastal Management EcEl E APR 18 2002 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Page 2 of 3 LZI RESTORATION PLAN Remove retaining wall structure, recently constructed on the oceanward side of the single family dwelling, and restore land to it's former pre -construction condition. n I, Nathan King, agree to complete the required restoration outlined in the above Restoration Plan to the satisfaction of the Town of Topsail Beach's CAMA Local Permit Officer and/or DCM Field Representative by April 261h, 2002, or provide an explanation for non-compliance and a reasonable request for a time extension. Signature DATE: , 2002 4 APR 18 2002 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Page 3 of 3 M Enforcement Case Subject: Enforcement Case From: Roy Brownlow <> Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:46:48 -0500 To: CC: Jim Gregson <> TO: TOM WOOTEN, LPO FROM: ROY BROWNLOW, COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR, DCM RE: 02-19D, NATHAN KING CAMA VIOLATION Tom: Hope this message finds you doing well. I am trying to find out the status of the CAMA violation case #02-1.9D issued to Nathan King dated 3/26/02 by Sam Altman. The violation involved unauthorized construction of a retaining wall seaward of the vegetation line and required restoration of the site. Do you know what the status is of this case? Any information you can provide on this matter is appreciated. Thanks, Roy Brownlow Compliance Coordinator, DCM 1 of 1 10/29/03 10:47 AM Yahoo! Maps Page 1 of 2 Yahool My Yahool Mail "50Hppl GetLotai1ul5e" Sign Up Maps Starting from: ® Hestron Piz, Morehead City, NC 28557-2510 Arriving at. ® 915 N Anderson Blvd, Topsail Beach, NC 28445-6851 Distance: 70.2 miles Approximate Travel Time: 2 hours 15 rains Your Directions I. Start at HESTRON PLZ, MOREHEAD CITY on TAYLOR LN - go 0.1 mi 2. Turn on BLAIR AVE/BLAIR ST - go 0.1 mi 3. Turn on BRYAN ST - go 0.1 no 4. Turn O on NC-24 - go 30.4 mi 5. Continue on NC-24/NC-24E - go 0.9 mi 6. Continue on LEJEUNE BLVD - go < 0.1 mi 7. Continue on FREEDOM WAY - go 2.3 mi 8. FREEDOM WAY becomes LEJEUNE BLVD - go 3.9 mi 9. Continue on JOHNSON BLVD -go 0.6 mi 10. Turn O on MARINE BLVD - go 0.5 mi 11. MARINE BLVD becomes S MARINE BLVD - go 0.9 mi 12. Continue on US-17 - go 20.2 tni- - 13. Turn O on E OCEAN RD - go 3.3 mi 14. Continue on NC-50/NC-210 - go 1.5 mi 15. NC-50/NC-210 becomes ROLAND AVE - go 0.4 mi 16. Turn a on S TOPSAIL DR - go 1.2 mi 17. Continue on S SHORE DR/SHORE DR - go 0.2 mi 18. Continue on SHORE DR - go 2.2 mi 19. SHORE DR becomes N ANDERSON BLVD - go 1.3 mi 20. Arrive at 915 N ANDERSON BLVD, TOPSAIL BEACH Search the Mt When using any driving directions or map, it's a good idea to do a reality check and make sure the road still exists, watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions. This is only to be used as an aid in planning. Your Full Route Your Destination lw2mfA7NYzwJ123DxA9XaXN... 4/ 1 /2004 Yahoo! Maps Page 2 of 2 YAxoo!� yAxoots. \' . Topsail mood Topsail ew, Sound _ Atlantic Ocean m O Atlantic 02004 Yahoo! Yu gies Gn TECH, �5U Ocean '92 Address: *>.,! 915 N Anderson Blvd Topsail Beach, NC 28445-6851 ii 100 m t000 If 22104 Yahoo! Inc ©2003 Nouiz',otion Technologies TECH , Copyright © 2004 Yahool Inc. All rights reserved. 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