HomeMy WebLinkAbout86358A - Kundrock, Alan & Susan, doWk, SCAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N° 86358 B C D GPrevious permit GENERAL PERMIT Date previous permit issued [New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC F'� 1 t�"� = ..Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dgq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name r � a.o ')L( )/.(:f .. ! tt• �2 ' u' � Authorized Agent Address ") I J L9 k T) 6k 9 1 V % y-4L, Project Location (County): 1 City p n C&,..4 In by 14 a /state ZIP , � Stre�•e�tyAddress/State Road/Lot #(s.)) � t (V G �t t � V �-011 Phone # ("J-,1J b ^ 1 3" 6U%� `� I , }r , Vim(-' (, C3 }` -� C � 15"gaj cyk- Ail Email 5. K-- Lk ►i LAX (-(1 ( ' CO M(-W-, Subdivision • 4 c U I { ew Y)1,. W V,r+ @ City zip 11 q 14 B Affected ❑ CW EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES OPTS Adj. Wtr. Body toy 56 L A (nat/,man/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body / /1 ORW: yes/no PPNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity l � cu s vi t�1 Y t 2-1 C.,vy tj ` ' tY-scj y, 12, -r'. V (Scale: t4 1"�-J Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s�;g �) X Floating Platform(s) . inger piers) — otel Platform are •'� �-ti ' Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed: yes no,' 'ram Moratorium: - yes no •�s., �� Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes Cno .r A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions tv7 Y, [`, ?'% ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name z� Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Signature Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Issuing bate Expiration Date REIN` MAR 1 4 2022 - - SENDER:. Julie Tra f I k i N Complete items ', 2, and 3. S'' "'"' e s • F rVt your name arw addreverse address on the revse X art 1158 H a r b o u ry i e w so that wo can retum the ford to you. D IV. Arach Mis card to the back at the m^zoptece, d 9 e 8. by (Mri`> W- Name% G. of Dellrery Cr on the front If spw* pertrdts. V - Received Feb 22 --- �1r4 rs AC[Ml9d M' _._�_.__. 7. lx QOIiVe/y •Qclraeo dt�arvit frcrn Au"1 I � — ❑ YNS ?vt_t%E 'TYL A F a L 5 K 1 It YES, a ar d!1--'eq odd c= bciow: ONO f 1 S$ 'ifg/Z 60VQ V f V W 02, Okvtf_ 141LC3, All I' l l'I # IlI� III I !' l l l lla'I I I III �INII I ! I AdA SWOk. tJ AdA Slvuan Rratteo C.1wy 0 M=w r�l f ern �oec 0 cwslw man Od 9590 9403 0420 5163 0255 15 ❑ QW18d M611 Fk.%& ctrd Crrvwy C Rrrum Iroapt for D 0~ on Ddt"-V Irr ePurdee 2 ArUctc Nurr4r (rrff11:1or f5OI11 f�rbira deh.+n O Galm an Dave-v FYw-.n d -1-.My 0 &Wm m CaAkmrrgm^ 10" Mel 77 Gamwi/e Cwl'. mbn 7021 2720 0001 1394 5567 _ Mrk.,mciealornery A"Midwoel..rr PS Form 3811, April 2015 PSN ro:l0•o -ow4ow Domestic Arum Aw.--* Daniel Lamothe -SENDER: • ■ Complete items 1, 2. and 3. 1162 H a r b o u ry i e w Dr. • Pt! t you nary- and addnry on ltie reverse 50 that we can rtun the card to ;cu. Received Feb 26 0 Attach tt*s card to back of If tu rn3Npeoe. or on the front if 8W-0 pemtRs. 1. Mute Addrwtged to --- — i0 4NiEC- LAMvTN� Pei 40 )( /4 71 Lln,, 19 tf- � At v7o 3 s II1II1,,111l1111V11111111 GI 9590 9403 0420 5163 0255 22 1 A e cfn >.'umbff r,,��zrrc• %turn ae.yx o Aillro PS Form 3811, April 2o15 PSN m-jo 2.0000.9053 e- b y Pd a w �+N C. Mite d D. Is deveary gle�n.�.�+ 0yes If YES, er deltNo 62 Awu[ 3gnrerr U n ce,�>ya rear 13 Cosmic a, Oehcry R°rA. c7murdl ror aAcrr R.wrclsa Oehery ❑ 3gr4e Cn�s.r,.,..... D lrsuroa Ma, Rr Imiec 3irnrry `7 5 ,raeae RmV chd D* Wif/ _Low l.trl /1elft`— Donna GC Return RrocopS From: Alan & Susan Kundrock 1160 Harbourview Dr. Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 To: Julie Tafelski 1158 Harbour View Dr. Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Subj: Kayak Dock addition Hi Julie, North Carolina CAMA law says I have to notify you of our plan to add a kayak dock to our existing dock at 1160 Harbourview Dr. The plans for the addition are included. If you have no objection, you do not need to do anything. After 10 days CAMA assumes there is no objection. If you have question, please call or email. If you have objections you can send the form back to CAMA. Thanks —Alan & Sue s.kundrock@comcast.net nlwvet@comcast.net 571-247-6779 MAR 1 4 2022 i)C -EC From: Alan & Susan Kundrock 1160 Harbourview Dr. Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 To: Daniel Lamothe POBox 1671 Linden, NJ 07036 Subj: Kayak Dock addition Hi Mr. Lamothe, North Carolina CAMA law says I have to notify you of our plan to add a kayak dock to our existing dock at 1160 Harbourview Dr. The plans for the addition are included. If you have no objection, you do not need to do anything. After 10 days CAMA assumes there is no objection. If you have question, please call or email. If you have objections you can send the form back to CAMA. Thanks —Alan & Sue s.kundrock@comcast.net nlwvet@comcast.net 571-247-6779 MAR 1 4 2022 AGM -EC 1160 Harbour View Dr. Kayak Dock details • All pilings and decking materials will be preservative treated marine grade lumber • Kayak deck top to match existing decking material (2"x6") • No changes to lot grading or vegetation or landscaping • Kayak Dock hardware to be marine grade stainless or galvanized steel • Top of Kayak dock to be just above mean high tide water line • A —6-7" box step from existing dock to kayak dock to be provided • Kayak dock is two 12' by 2' sections with 2' wide deck between them • Kayak stop board to be placed under new dock and extend to mean low tide line 1160 Harbour View Dr. Property line 40' to property line 6' 23' to property line --► Bulkhead 3' by 10' Kayak shown Kayak Stop board 2' 3' 2' f 12' — — ---------------- Existing Boatlift 12' x 12' -------------- Existing Pilings —6-7" Step New Kayak Dock Existi ----—�---------- Water Line Kayak Stop board' 1 7' 1 T 7' 12' Bulkhead ,•.�,. a ha � �.� �Y Side View f,-v: � OUEEN MAR COURT ELRASETH COURT HARBOURWEM ORLVE SITE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE s,'E LOCATION 3600*29 5 1343152 nAC 63 I CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK 2323 PAGE 293; THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION IN MAP BOOK 4 PAGE 10, THAT THE RATIO OF PRECIS)ON IS 1 10,000, AND THAT THIS MAP MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA (21 NCAC 56. 1600). •�A••wmnby / THIS 12 th DAY OF MARCH. 2010. w 1 MARK E. KOHLHAFER P.L.S. L-3516 •? IV I L t \ C 00 � J� 2/ LOT 25 MAR 1 4 2f y A$9,. ,, Septic 4+, Nk P0�3eg�� aPa' Field \` I IVft N oEL �raR .m Rwn TO Sc FT FERYKH.S ♦ LOT 24 '.♦♦ ♦ t s 1162 Harbour View Dr e Daniel Lamothe POBox 1671 Linden, NJ 07036 r' CO&CAE'E OWvE ,y1 �► LOT 22 '�'2 Julie Trafelski 1158 Harbour View Dr. "AE= LRrt '.E Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 :AIRt LEGEND : (UNLESS OTHERWISE r' NOTED) 6 EXISTING IRON ROD O EXISTING IRON PIPE 3r C.AAUL Law EXISTING MAO NAIL. ■ EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT CP CALCULATEDPOINT 0r 1 e - `♦ b� .' 6,477 SQ.FT. CrEN R NOTES 11 N.F.I.P. F.I.R.M. ZONE AE (EL 81 PER PANEL NUMBER 7720986300J. EFFECTIVE DATE 9/20W9. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION 8.1. 2) BUILDING SETBACKS PER ZONWO AND THE RECORD PLAT. NO CERTIFICATION IS MADE TO ZONING OR RESTRICTIVE COVENANT SETBACKS 3) THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS DISCLOSED BY A PULL AND ACCURA TE TITLE SEARCH. 4) LOT COVERAGE - 2,490 SO. FT 29.4 % C.A.M.AI A.EC. AREA : 4.667 SQ. FT. C.AACA. A.&C. COVERAGE: 1,299 $O. FT. 29.6 % GRAPNIC SCALE I INCH • 30 FEET Ad NWILNL 12'x 12' LOT 23 SECTION N COLINGTON HARBOUR PIN 986306976807 ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP DARE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA REWSEU 101V7919 JGC IV. L'V: 7.Y9Y4B26 A:rO: '. ' o- R i MARK E. KOHLHAFER P.L.S. 903 COLINGTON DRIVE KILL DEVIL HILLS, NORTH CAROLINA AIFKONLHATTR&AOI COY ORACCUMARNO6XU3MAt ^OM NO 191215AS This map is prepared from data used for the inventory of the real �j �r property for tax •ue.�, purposes. Primary � information sources such as recorded deeds, plats, wills, and other primary public records should be k1 r� t \ consulted for verification of the information contained in this map. 1160 Harbour View DR Colington NC, 27948 Parcel: 019915000 Pin: 986308976807 'tt I Owners: Kundrock, Alan D -Primary Owner Kundrock, Susan L -Primary Owner Building Value: $319,200 Land Value: $136,400 Misc Value: $16,800 Total Value: $472,400 Tax District: Colington Subdivision: Colington Harbour Sec N Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 23 Blk: Sec: N Property Use: Residential Building Type: Beach Box Year Built: 2019