HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-32_ Long (2)(-F7 le z- zz NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government Coastal Management [NV,NONNENT/.L QUALITY 19.32 Permit Number LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the North Carolina Depart rent of Environmental Quality state of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management' Issued to Robert E. Long, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 74 & 76 Beach Rd. S., in Wilmington, INC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated June 14, 2019, This permit, issued on June 28, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Grading, irrigation and landscaping (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on June 14, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluali and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the pennittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. RECEIVE Christina R. ard' CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL JUL r 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 ,.I'A WILMIINGTON, 1`41C. PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Nimen Robert E: Long MinorPermit-# 19=32 CiBte MOO, WO Page 22 :() Ttie structure must set back a mn�mum of G0' feet from ttie first line of stable_naturat vegetation, as-determin� !ny the DGM� tiro LPO, or other a igned agentofrthexDC"M. �sj The perinitt is required to contact the Local Rennin Officer at 91Q-7.98-7118; shorgy befaie he plans to begirt, construction_ta arrange:a setback measurement that will be effective for sody; (60) days bamng a malbrl shoreline chMOO., C©nstnlctioffimusf tiegin within sixty @0) days of the Merrninat{♦on or the rr easurement is void;and mush tie redone. t�} All buildings consmrcted within thei ocean hazard area shah comedy, with :the NC Building. Cade, includ{ngi they Coastal and Flood. Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Building- Code, and the Local Flood Damage :Prevention,Ordmance-as required by the National Flood Insurance=Program. !f any provisions of -the building code ar Ta flood damage prevention ordnance are inconsistent im any of ttie fol(ou ...- AEC "standards, the'mores restrictive protnsion shall control (8) A{{ bra ldings:must be elevated on pilings with a diameter of at_ieast g inches in_diameter- if round mr8 inches to al s! e,l,.square;.and.the.first.floorlevel-of the.:{Ils.and joistsmustmeet the 100=year flood -level elevation. (9) AIl,pilings shall have a:tip=penetrationTTgreater-than eight feettlow-the°lowest ground elevation under tte stnrctiiie. .. (10)Dune dkurbances w{II„i a allowed only to the extent necessary for development -and if"the dune'§ protective value is hot -weakened' or reduced) Disturbed dune areas un0 tie {mmedratel►'stabr4zed. (VI All unconsolidated material resultifromng asspc�ated grading and-landscaping_shall be=retained an site by effective _. sedimentation; and :erosion ;:control measures: Disturbed areas: shall bet vegetatatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days.of construction -completion. (12 )Any°structure authorized by this permit shalt be relocated or dismantled when it becantes immmenfly threatened by changes m shorelme3canfiguratron. The structure):) .shall.be.-relocated or dismantled within -two nears of the time when-{t-becomes-imm{nentiv threatened: and16-anv case-uoon-its_Q011apse, or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery :or beachi renourishmentr takes place within two years of the =time the stricture becomes imminently threatened; so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled,at that time This condition shall not affect the permit holdeies right-tb seek authanzatlon of temporary protechWmea"sum- allowed under CRC - SIGNATURE: DATE; PERMITTEE LAND OWNER - Me>rILING ADDRESS Name J;UN 1= 4120i9= - I'LA NIffli a 7 &VINI Address o O 1i �. �. r 0 5,t S {e: %t''cv a City, State IV Zip WHti i Phone Email dr" lo.:�,o, cf vr` il,� �, ` L_iLj- j'%, e . cd Air t AUTHORIZED AGENT Name ak r _i ii.►, Address, 1S lil.14w Z`f ra City /?Er h^+ :State 111 zipyY3 A616-6IF! ip- 3 Y_0 � - Email WL-4 4 11-e "iJ & o,r , r,4z- e ever r ine.-. LOCA(AAdiess, streetname:and/or irections to -site; nam .of the.:adjacent waterbody:) �T� 'Q' -� �3� G�-, j �d fr1 `I"Gl lam, r�► fl w� '�i K` � �'i� �q DES.CkJk_'h N:OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land Aishuuffiar ce.) SIZES OF LOT/I'ARCEL p' squarefeet acres` kiil+9 / n PROPOSED'aUSE: Residential Q (Single=family [j Multi -family 0) Conimercial/Industriai 0 Other 13-' COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW_(Contact your Local -Permit Q ficer-,if yori ar"e=Not siW-W kh AEC d" dies .to:yoarproperty)e (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs TOTAL I+'iOC1R AREA Q PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, garking:elevated=aiiove grouiiil level, non -conditioned space elevated above B ound lgvel-but �.• _ excluding non-load=bearing attic. space) 'Alp C � s' s4' cAloo. ^ o _(2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: S1ZF OF BUE DING FOOTPRINT AND=OTHER 1W..BR you ORBUILT :UPON SURFACES":; square=feet={includes>the area of this foundation of all buildings; driveways, covered decks; concrete or masonry patios; etc- that are within the applicable AEC.:Attach your calculationsHrovith-A " roeeta P I I V E ,STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is tlse=project located iii an area subject°to i'S6DCM WILMINGTC ,Stdimwster Mra gt Permit"issued'by the NC Devi§ion oBrergy, Mineral and Ladd Resources-(DEMLR)7U N 2 1 2�� S J ,NC Ifyes,:.list:.the total builtu on.area/im erious.surface:allovi+etl for ourlot ar arcel: s P P Y p guars feet. .OTBER,PERMr.rS1MWAX KjvjjX y may re.q =t' q pam_4 9N u 9p q%j than the CAMA minor development permit, including, butnot limitedft Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or.othar sanitary waste u-takth-i-e-Idt S'-- 1*4M-i um 148" 1 ea jW H---- --a-hYdAirfCod-6diti�1 Ift-s-d la" t Idd-Adhid 13 C 6� 'M1 Dune, Mobile Home Pal& - an Sediment Approval, ftwW-C Connection; d .9ni S440 others, Check with your Local Permit -Officer form iore information. I, RECEIVF, D BI STATEMENT OF OWNERSP: undersigned;T; the anapplicant -fo-iraCAMAihihdrdb-mV--t-I-O'P-I--=,-t permit, ijbingelth the an AEC drii, :er' , to as mmaii6oazedtpacii anmoft#mlogpo$pWyihg*acAmklldinor yel C 9�a t, that the person elista&as landowner --on,--this-applicatiowhas a:sign&cantinterest-in -thereal property describ there n. This;interestvazbel (qi&k one) NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING 6*6& of, r666--fd"tit-le, Tiffie-As vdft--M-ihj� of 4w'�-T or af 4-, to county Qffielaa�� page an owkhp-r---by virtue of ifiliefibidde. Applicant is afft6if to ffiel estate df probate-mas-in County: if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERS; I fiwhamorc-car* that -the -following -persons -are owners f pro ad img,prope that I have: on -mom % --pqtiev job- rty;i I-j giv ACTUAL: NOTICE-ta each thern=conccrning--my intent -to develop thigproperty and:to apply for--a--CAMA permit. (Name) 13) lljfj� . j E(4) (Address) 1, the-dfiddM964, MckboWledg& dint-thWl9nd:owner is. -award that Ihee prop area whidh may kesqqcj�tibc to poflooding I a§ Local cqr has explainedi to me the P—P4'I947 ,tar .,hamd,,Oroblems.,associated with this lot This explanation wa&zccompanied.-.by reconw:iendationsl-.Conceming�stabiliza- tio-fi and floodproofing460 PCs. 1,,furdierm6re-,cerd,fy-,-,that-I am-authorizetto grant-and-Ao in -Act -grant; permission -to�Divisioi.of,,Coastal ,*,Mamgeniont.,staff-, the t d6ifp'0-ffl—cqr a-hid-t-h-ilk agents to efi-teiri- on the afo Etkn-id-- is connee4ion with evaluating information relatedxto this-1parrnkapplication; This the AV diy'q Landowner, orpersonaufliodzedjo�act as his -49 f6rpurpose offil e CAMAS permit application M& appt;calion 4404� g e?:ql Vf ((ki as described on thel 00� application; Vwnership,siatement, the..Ocean,Hazard AEC Natice.whemnecessa?y,--a-.made to-thelocalitv.-,-and any h a, m . ay bi provided`orally b�'&- details 6f-the-4 tidn' iFd--' these sources d- rah y e app licant: wan The details in -iionfi J will constitute . -olatio of incorporated without j� ergnce�tn an -e� w may ' from these &e( --p.ar any -W4�­ A -7- afty permit, A)ty-,-p&sm-developinglinTan-AEC:%vftut,,perm- it-is.&ubjeortw- �y fir: �. AF@ W-A MEWAR No'dh-Caib,lihi.4,"Department of Environment and No Division of Coastal Management Braxton C. Davis 0 1 Imeor RECEPYED i AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: 06/12/2019 JUN NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,!Name -of.-Pri�pefty,-Owrter,-A-ppl�Ing-16 Warne-zfAuthorized: RWVIIWprJ�.NING r:Perinit:. Robi-WM ]4" Jr 0*66ft-M611"O Addrdei: 30a North alirmt-, Sike f7-p,' NC 2-7401 Phone 0440 I a Erwin aw a 4-fth --- A06d,§I-M.0111 Addrftb: S03-'.NC E1W-Y2'f0Iwiif Hil ,'Xc 2-I4171.1 8- X�f Phone Number (9-10) 270-4702 applying: for and -obtaining -. all .LAMA -Pemits� necessary toinstall-orconstructtheJbIlovAng (acitivity). -Grading andi LandscaoirwwIlthin-Aherlaht. of wwand- related 1andscaving -in keepina with -Figure u8" Island HOA specifications. 4 46um,,-5 For.,my,,--prqpertTiocated-at.i4�,and....� -Beach-,Road--doult�-F- -'Ight,:Island,.W gton,k- 28411i This valid thru (date) f Pedo-bit-y ow"t-Sto . nMueb Dift 127 Cardlial Drke tit, WimkUtm NC 28405 hc D XtA(ramffina Phone: 910-7W72151 FAX 9*395rtcoast -M Intemet: WwWalmanagamentnet An Equi CmorU* % Aftmht Adon EffVbW #19-3a &tum kec6pt Requested,, June David RZFECEI Tsl�pd A D', IN= "81' Beach Homeowners' Association, Inc: 15RnidVeRdad,i JUN 1 41 2019 Wilinington; 9C 294,11 D*'Mr. Kellam:�PLA IU4gy Thib kkter is to 16t-* y.du 4#9* U* j#*,WpqKqj Kathryn-S. iiongplan to. grade and revise landscaping on lots 74 and,76:Beach Road South; Wilmington; NC. an, -- ­d have ie s far a CAMAMinor Per mitl The proposed work would Itie' done in `Pguidelfihes both keeping ,*WF!gurp' %' i the HAI Qfway Aawqxxt to these lots, and immediately adjasentto the right of may, on lots 74--aftd 76, As required by, CAMATegulations,I I am effel.osing a dboyof the pftihft appiication n4 PrOJ00 dipft as ridtifiddi6ft oftKe proposed If, you have no 6bjtctidxis- wffiis #40w, pie* q the correspgndu g *4=W b� w and return, this liff-0 mt­ the mc16sqd.swmpgd envelope, as soon -as possible to- M - a Erwin North State-lGardensi 3FOYNC HWY 2-10 west Hampstead, NC 28443. Should youhave-objectionsto this T'rop osal, please send your written ebft ffinij�to` CAMA.Local Permit Officer, New Hanover County-jn-spR�. 61- I)4aJ&e-,A 010 Market face Driie; Suite 110 Wilmington; NC Sincerely, -Matthew-Erwin (agent -for the owner) I lia-fe no abjection to -!-&,PT- ct as presently proposed -to- e proleet as pkc iay,propm_and hiii . i Signature Date Certified Mail Re —tam Receipt Requested RECEIVE, D 13ff6e;]B. CkpotMW P6 Box 3649 W NC 28496 Dear -,Mr. Cameron NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &ZONING This letter, is to let lyou-know that landowners, Robert . Long, H. and K4--r--n S. !Llp-plan; - to:grad "y _ and revise 1-anidge—aR-mf91 ki lots 74 dh&76 Beach Road SoPNV.'ffiningto� N.Cand have.-appAed for a 'Ca ' CAW MiwrPermit: The proposed work would be --done in keeping WithIF"'J""' gu1&1ftiqs,b6th in '-the-right bfway-adjacentto these 61ffan 4"ficWt to the -'t-of way on lots'i. and 76: As requueti SY CAMA WgAtfons; I am enclosing-a-zopyof the -permit application and -project p jftt drawing as notification of the -proposed -.project. Ifwuhwe,no obicetions-to-this--proposal, please check -the - corresponding statement W6* and return :this letter in enclosed gWpwidii-ve-16]*ds--soon ,kiposSiAI4 to: Matthew Erwini Ndrth State G&diifm 16-3 NC AWT 2-10 West Hampstead, NC 28443 :Should yoiAay.e-1 objecfion.&_to:tbis_-p!oV CAM -A Local ftmit Off cerj New 6_ odiib D696p,artm nt � y.- Inspections; 1-30 Market Place Drive;S Wte, 1-10 Wilmington; NC, 28403, Matthew Erwin (agent-forthe-ow1j,6r) .1 :.I -ha--ve fio offig'-6c gjq�'tE t 1. 9 . presently proposed the p pqjj�kas present I We bbj "d dh§ t6 th6,or ebta� Proposed oW have ' P;Ppo endosea comments., Signature Date #IR 3a, fune.:14, 2419 N. Thompson Long and Elizabe S: Long 36181 Tuxedo -Road NW Atlanta, Georgia 37OW 1.046 Dear Mf,. and=Mfs. Long: Certified-Mai1� Return Reeei t R ueste& J63 1 2G-9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY This letter is to let u know -that landowners, Robert E on LJr and Ka �: _ ode and revise landscapixig on Iots, 74 and 76 Beach Road South; Wilmington, NC .and have,"applied for a .. _ . CAMA Minor Permit: Theproposed work would be done in keepi ►g with Figure "8" guideliires, bath in the right oiway adjacent to tliese lots and nnmediately adjacent to tFie r`glit of way, on lots 'L4 and 76. As required by CAMA:regulations I am enclosing:a-copyof the_perm t application and --project drawing as notification of the =proposed project. If you. -have -no, objections to this_proposal, please check the coiiespondirig statement belowW retain this etter inthb dfic-16§6d stain envelope as soon as possible to Matthew Erwin- I North Mate Gardens; 30INC HWY 210 West Hampstead, NC 284431 Should you have =objections -to this proposal, please send yoiu wntten comments to: _._ CAMA.L-ocal Permit Officer. N•ew Hanover p County maechoes Deponent — �. 230,°:Market Place Drive; Suite 1101 Wilmington, ITC 28403 :Sincerely, Matthew=Elwin (agent for the 6*hdi) . I have no otijeeti.on to,taienproject as presently proposed .. I hake ob�ecttiions to the pro�ect,as presently. prQposed.and have enclosedcommen . Signature Date7. rr Cc ir Lr r YD' R r M C C C G Ir C R i-� a r • ma, rv+. ,mmm - R wpm nnsi A m IAE VE 03) -- I I I y M1 I W� Ar.c�esrrc rwnr I I >O FTfO5PORIA"I TOBE2A I 24 I-EifJUfI Nb AUAGG I I am erg �n'oro"H`mm au`nu� , I ,�000, wwx.. �r rwm.� e I I I Twsu arw rca+ra. I— ` I I I I � TCN x �• caa5xnoYota000 I nnN, N+�Q+� Mr, I , rUM I I a I I I I � �" E°nw >aoEOF1R"'n s� we `� 31 I I `er""�nw""�IeuE ulo�s�vRe� I I `• r I --K�i1�E �rw^� I I � . �rUf.F ' - w ovwe •TIRE • - - ERE LOCA f1ON MAP a VVNL ZONE VE CO) I I I I . a I . I T3 PITTOSPORLI't T.— I 24 I'LSOANTH,S ADAGIO ZRE VE ibJ____ _______________.- BEACH ROAD 50ffH (W WA> ax aW) 4 W RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MBE 6/17/201G �J..+1 A 1'INI LAND L FOR :���; > aBOBBY AND KATHRYN LONG • ST TE .�... .ovma. W �,oew.4 �, �`_ 74 AND 7G BEACH ROAD SOUTH — WILI"IINGTON, NC Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ur.sne nceas,omore.you.appty; RECEIVED �Q 11a CATION FOR C"ACAUNOR. DEVtr (Y)PMENT PERMIT Udder CAMAregulations the minor permit:istobe°issued'wittiin 25 days once a complete:apphcation-is in hand. Often less time is needed tithe project is7sfnple. Thej process -generally takes about lSldays. Yon_canspeed the.approvatprocess-by amahiag certain -.that -your application is.eomplete and signed, "that -your drawingpeets We sgecificatIons given insld'e and that your application [ee is -attached. Other_permite aremaietimes ragniredwfar develops eaf14 the coastaharm While these are not CAI1�A related, we urge you to check_with the Local:Permit Officer=to:.determfue wl ich-vofthese youemay need: A ist.,is-included'on page two of-thfs"fdldec We appreciate YotW cooperation with the.North Carolina:.Coastal Management p-r-ogratn and':your williagness-to baild`:in=a way -that protecfs the resources of ouriesutiful and, piod6-6 a coast. Coa_s'tal Resourcm-Commission D1vision.of_Coastal Management M WLMjNG.'T NC �� uN 21 Zp19 DCM Form EB1952-2015/Revised I