HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-28_ Shenigo (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government PC, Coasta/Management SITYIQ NIMYNr 6 QUAUYY L-P ,,M-wuJ 19_26 Permit Number 1 MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality State of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Michael & Ann Sheri authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 68 Beach Rd. S., in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated May 24, 2019. This permit, issued on June 14, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construction of new single family residence, septic system, driveway and associated landscaping (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawir>gs(s) dated received on May 24, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the pennittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date, This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit olficer when the project is inspected for compiance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit requirefudher written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is constant with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances, This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coasts Management. Christin . Bouffard CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 RECEIVEfWilmington, NC 28403 JUN 17 2019 DCM WQa Q;Q ,PERMITTEE Nrdd'if conditions above apply to permit) Name: M16hael & Ann Sl enigo Mlnor Permit_19281 dater June 44, 20't9, Page 2 '(5y Tfa~~slructure=must=set back;a minimum of60' %bt-fr -M tho-firaf-line of=siaiite n rai'rregela6on, determined by the l7CM, the LPO, or other assign � agent of the DCM @)J The permits is required o contact the Local Penult .Qffir:er; ,at 910-i-T118,shordy before he plans m begins oons#rue6on :to arrange a sett ack measur+�nem that will be eifec6ve�thr sixty (6'Q) days barring:a rrmaj�st—roretine change. Construxdixm=must. in -within _ ._ . hn ng beg' sixty (60)'days=of the�tlef:ermirration-or-ttie rra;a�uiement is voxl "and�must be -redone. (7)1 All' MUM ngs constiusted' within the ocean Hazard am shall oompty wdtr the O '8uildine Code, including the Coastal acid Flood' Plan ,Cons#ruciion Stendard8] of t o N. C; Building Code, and the Local Fioodl Damage Pro Q anca as req�ared:by the_Naiional, Flood Insurance -Program. If_any-pmvisions.of the -building -code or a fl :damage prevention ordirrarrce are inconsistent with any of ft following AEC standards, Me moth restrictiveprovision�shallconb�ol. -' ,� (8), Ail`buildings M- Wt I�e-elevated on piling$ With a diameter aF af,least 8 inches in diametier rfl round, .or 8 inches to a fteff square, and-tha first floor level of th'e sills and-ioiste mush meet#he 1Q0-year'flcod:1ovel:eievation. (9)� All�ps ngs shall have a hp penetration.greater than ei htfeet:below the lowastground slevabon-under.:the sir ucture. 00) Dune_dlsturbanxes-wiJl be:allowed ody_to_the_extent':necessary_fordeveiopmeM--and if=tl -dune's pirotec W—Wiue'is notweakened`or reduced, Disturbed dur>e.artas vAIII. a initnediately stabilized. (11)All unxxrhOldated matMnal riesufiing, room associaaWd grading and Caning shall be re alned on., s ; by, efiecM' sedrrnenta6on antl erosion ooritiol measures, Dtutbetl' anus sfiall be vegetataiivelyj stabilized ,(planted; and mulct sd) wrttt 14 days of�coli r c6rucom, .!,Ucn. (12 )Any -structure authorized by this permitshall be relocated-oudismantled:when Hecom wmmmnnenq threatened by changes,-shorefineweonfiguration. The_struct<rrets)stiali"be relocated of -dismantled wittiinstwotyeara.ofilie�tme when -it becomes immini3MBy tfireat8rred and=rri=any' case upon'fls`-colraase or s+�bsidence. Ffowe�ei if, natural shoreline recovery or beach rdnourislirq takes p1ac wiifun two Years, of the time, file structure becomes imminently threatened; so tl%at the structure is, no longer. imminently threatened, --then it need not --be relocated or disman ed at that Ume. This condition shall not -affect the permit holder`s right: -to seek authonzatian:of` Ofiporary pro tective:measures:aliowed under -CRC -:rules: SINATURP: DATE: P-ERM1TfEE LAND MWER - IMAJUNG ADDRESS Addmss - ucl� N L7,-I--,VjCff— -Y- 4�S4, i I _iu Cl- KUT-Ir-ZI S-71 . S VIA� A —17 991 Fj, T. Lot flat TIMIML iG N DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List All proposed constmolon and land &turbance.) acres rR jj,QR--(A BEL-4 8_4 am Deed Book 9-1% -, LA7*IC pt 06 an 11wher by virtue oVmhrii6nca. Ap,41--'?fdx iu'J�Sle i f o ther _ in uEiis t, Akh " Wd itiv w Witt 4$ 1 wniie.w 4r-;., ic T� rmmmm E?,W&QUMU gm9t. And"ide io,.Ikt to vjvuhiv;ot IIIIT V4ff: the Local PertuitOtIlceir.and their agents to ingi —.N: Or related taFd& pdinit ipolle-Wofi. TIWIS I%C AGENT AUTHOWA-now FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION IN im7e--6f Property Owner Requesting Permit:. Michael 13,"ahenimand 19R.S96% Mailing Address: A .Jvdar.Placei 4) 546;,36W NOfield Email Address. mshenigo@aol.com Rd --,` -C CAW 0 to act oni mibekfi for the purpose of a or,an � obtaining y1n. g_01� ' k_orrnits for the �y lb _f6howing Proposed --development Single FamilVResiddha New- Constructow.- . . ......... t My property, 10-Cifed at 66-geach-Road south in New Hanover County, it VM Wfttllad to on the c-aferementioned ponwit-wo colok), lnfbmufion:� QLV=%04� ek Pdnt-or,-T)Oe-Wbme TW61 I -7=I Datb T,,hIs'cqftifIcatlon'Iew._wtt* in to �fact-Orpnt grain,; -a-n'd do with -&vat#r!gInJbr-ma-66-n i#1#190 A R in 1w A EC A U,_ m T1, "t, note ut.tolob you the awlicut, at orthe S. 1- tip stmuk�?� SO cc .0mv om Aft, v.,Wa i iott in,#im, IN-1,11d, Aim C."d Uw. W. t 's, ocom firout not W �(M it iho wWthj4tith,-4 qi,, in 11,1= Irk Odudiow Amickq4t) vo,uit be, ) &1zmw1W..1vAwi1 twOU", YOM: of beWjWng UWOOY &W"&WA 6U4 ill Mj 'PARO UPOA ift (*HAP* Or h1ble atf)r"060h, u�i tMocowd ky Commi:'Riou, iudk;iw Um *0 anucal luuyterm I ft An. Ifte roar WbL e roto wus cift bl iij-14-41 1pi fintehl QVI gbm� ofokk W the ComAune EftVu rp'ner the pp"x SO vions". PoVard i!;i Tonloomy w,4y be signirsit thw rrofice in Ole apac-c bralow. fthtmt tine :ram mAtw., kkiUmpliegim wiop* bd OM, 1AL M MMT Aw 0M..1 MIMI, ftsd S^owitLe oiu , Mct Wn pow "qwTumot. the Ito will inf�zrm rio dvg� Yoli =,Y� be* Aab%fttl;ilpm 'i sol"'m *06' 60&-y*,uttmss6tba* MIRWWmA Aba, tWts tirawtmm otg smq.W WOAcsit titoribot..ti nt Ae*�Wft-tPO'befiwe ilk, to contioult 1w WO& Qcf it - pmwf 1M.4 �Xvhixt t =xvAl CM& auffimiza F4P sioft I 'EAR 'IN TGu R'C4H1, ECSTU:R?E May:.23, 2019 Congdon, David Helen S 1030 Rockford Rd High Point, NC 27262 =To whom it may concern: Certified Mail =� Return Receipt Reguested MY 2 4 2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING This fetter ist Linform you that Mr.,Mike and Mrs. An""*r~ Shenigo have_applied fora CAMA Minor Permit `far a new construction single family residence at 68 Beach Rd S (see attached drawing for.full destription): As an adjacent property. owner, per CAMA re&atians, I have enclosed a copy ofttte permit application .and project ite.plan_as:notification_of the_proposed project. rgquired However, fyou-wish to fle �Inspecfior�s Department New; Hanover County Administration Annex Attn: Christine Bouffard; New Hanover County-CAMA LPa _230=Market PlaceDrive, suite 1-10 Wilmington,, NC UO'3 Sincerely, :Mark Wilson (agent for the -owner) I "'L c�al'e;dl a:t-' THE S W tT C H Y A R D 4 0 2-2. M a a el 5 t r e a t, PeO. Box.} f240'3i Wilmington, NC, 2$405� -_ www :k=e,r_stl;ngar-chIlecaure.°corn i ;_u F 2� ,. i - 24 Sc� TP ARC"H]ITECaT_VJF.-E Certified Mail Return Receipt Reauested ...� ....� Y ay-23, 2o.-._. - ssa.-,.� , M Oceania Hold1fig s'fI.LLC R.`ECEIV ED 2108-Live-0aicPkwy_-S Wilmington,-iVC 28403 MAY 2 To--whom_it-ma -concern: y NEW kAiV4Vl=R COUNTY P1J-�iyN1NG & ZONi G y __ _ __ _ _ This=letter is to inform you that Mr MikeandMrs _Ann Shenigo have appi edvfo;r a LAMA Mmor ,ermit for a:'new construction-single=family residence at=68 Beach Rd-S (see attached"drawing=for-fullI description); Asian adjacent property -'owner:, per CAMAregulations,, I have enclosed a copy.ofahe permit application and pro�ec# site plan as notification of -the proposed project. :.If you-ha►re_no objections--to-the-proposed--,work, there--is-no-action required, However, if -you wish=to file written comments -or objections; you may ubmt there to: i nspections-Department New'Hanover County Administration Annex Attnw Christine Bvuffard;-New Hanover County CAMA LPO 230-,Market--0-lace�Drive;' Suite7110.i Wilmington, NC 281403 Sincerely, Ma*-k,, W U4o-o, ftik Wilson (agent for`the awner) L 0 C:a.t:e"d at . `_.THE ' -S WI T,..C_H'_Y._A.R:D7 4-0 2:2 , M.a=rkp7ti Street: B_ox 1 2:4.4 3 -W_i :m i n g"G.on ; :-N:C . 2:&:4-0.5j w w k_e r s f _n-g a-r-6 I t e c t ut a-x c-o-m "A 9.1 .0 _7_$.31. _3 48.I OWNOl`JNI:WIIM WOd boil 0 S Am 03AI3038 ATUMIC OCEAN THIS LINE 5HO" AS APPROXIMATE VEGETATION LINE AS MARKED HIGH WATER TINE ON RECORD FLAT BY LOCAL CAMA OFFICIAL CHRISTINE BOUFFARD L5 10 BEACH ACCESS FIGURE EIGHT i DEVELOPMENT {B) POTENTIAL DECK SIGHT JNf fhj A ..... >a -------------- UYI� EXISTING DECK RESIDENCE FKWr a.j RESIDENCE FlUNG5 ��jjgpgy EnK � i 71 � 576 m mummom ---------------------------------------- BEACH IIDAB 5" m—. TOTALHEATEDAREA:�SF IMPERVIOUSAREACALMI-ATIONS TW& At TImp- wa.DLfif �nemaewsw- u- aw sr a AseLvaawsw- xw ZONE VE (EL. 13) LYIIFOV[R I 1 � I W y NT L#INN 1 1 IIgUNG511. NL Q Z I 75 1 I T� Lu 9.m LE t}13 fG 0'A µ{IpIf IN LYWR CRAU 7G j IM FOE[IR L011f. JL Z 0 a c GO CAMA 1 IDf 1 pB SD'x9 P4 Ml '- -5ET5ACK I 1 IOfn i w sN.l w 2NA W fn� C =WmE WOOD 9T.C[KM WNK Wes` 2arowm CANTILEVER i LANDING 0 DECK F EXISTING EX15TING U51DCNCE RESIDENCE I .EA, !70 I #72 1 ti3 jul= F' o = ZONEVE (EL 13) ZONE AE (EL. 12) i Z i 3 I OQMIN 1 1 I FAY IIgDIMG511. NL zIM UVt O/J.IRWIS I L—�, Lu rW0. L 47'5Y30W zc W —30.07 Xa3 54ZIW30'W 300.00 WE STE(�__ PLAN ® PLAN C1.00 lyrRAJotl n -0031 SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Planetrai:e Am yoursitrdr. D. wirleludes tMfolhr+iuy i„tirtrnautm rtqu!rad fan a CAMA mitsat dwtlnpmrnl nenria. 'Itu: I. 41: tl?`M0711wr "'I MIP yDt. ;f:adura:w. PHYSICALDLMIENfHONS _•wag wYds _ Ltdwl biyha:ys riybwl-ways __ laihsl Ir1aa1 sos!1w:k l:hrs .� Labcl may mkt all auudwan. and drwv aya l'uTen ly ehwiny on pW.mny Lapel ad smin wavirbody, PHYSICAL CHARAMRISTIC11 _ L4 . fad label ucnnsi high wear lix (5onmos L-0 far wuuvgu) L'mw !caaticn of o'wc wasleniss sjalvi `7'.m :n!! hr rt;�kr.!y. r..lea ta:n+t heAee!ANd r-loo, rnl b w stereo didadf}ai'lefk lMM!Ik M1, _ DNrt a:!A 65e1 fee s)': dhhaa ldmai.j anJ!:mule net line of,table voymatiun Icnnlwi LPO for aasilwatl Draw and lapel orosion relb h hire Isnlaol Lt0 for and Initial h+poy:npbiral :papal imi't,wo .Ypa A+R3d ttiheY=sS'Na smdx�.N 9.StnslNe e.•en: ._ 5Ms+rk Jgsi:atrhrxR d. a dtastJ!lsa: anan!81�Ib#^+Fmre Draw.r� A)Fe) kml.tarJ )M..+.r el.ir' ,__Draw sM!M! ss} witlmd Igra ItPakrt Lt('fNc ar ta�ml t).ar0. :aih11*4 fiR vw,nt hili JIM DEVELOPMENT PLANS Draw lief !nee! e3!!rMa+1 titdotdea D:¢a+�td!sbs! srexa Itxitw::v?v � atp.:'ic! r..f.Mr krul.a^.d than;ietl rr.•¢V'agitaihFplP. tt be p!-e3!n yrwmd f!rilw aaA MM! rd! e•: rr sDr wi: a to uew:.be T' lit rrge'a+ba, sh*ba! iYara MMs;cp!3 NOTE TO APPLICANT klava you: cemplatad all blanks ondlar indlrnod if an applJoublo? • na:ihad and Lanai adjaaam properly owners'.' ^ inc!ada, your Ota drawlnir • aiyaed and dncd tho nppl!catiW? • mntoaed Ile S 100.N fna? .•ale.!s�Aetic-jvoi'd) itY.ifnre.asVtlta,:vf!+e'iH'e!by t!-cr.:n+al•anoler� POR STARP L'tR S:: 14; ,00 1`4wai _ Pi:ul ln,rcNluen __ Pm Re noved Si e.'rcx=w ^9c:at At" lte _• Ea:c^.F:ei __ 7a_.,< .: - t'_. t.n._74r__...;.. _... _ APPLICATION FOR CANIA MINOR e�a+(n,uaut,yt:wlnf DEVELOPMENT fAT1RbAAaMat aln_111 PERMIT In I0:. the North C.:trulhts Gea.val ixembly paned the Coastal Area Maasyem in An J'AM.A! and Put the vMAe for guiding dtl'el proeat In fratilie rand pradurHte area[ that $nodarthe Mitt', sauada sRd ....roue Abng kith rogutin special caav by lhosr who Dulld and d.eNop, the General Aliembn directed the rozanl Resources Caminlsalan i III. ;c la.psen:ms clear rryu6Haus that mlakedes the baud® an the appncaat. f hN npplia=:km Nr a mlmr detalopareM panda [trader CAMA a Port oft►e %anlmisaan'e efore to mean the splrtt and intent of the GentraLtaembh'. It hsl trail des:gtstd W De atralghtfarn and laid regabe ao mare Ihne Per tnurt tea s»reson tram :hc Ippteaef.?!ease ►o at or shh!alder wfth the Loral Peruih (Iifieer (LPOP for the locailly la whieb you plm to bond 1u he metals that ) a aralub Nand what lat ensiles he II, the uesd, before you apply. Uaaer CA44A ryfulatluw, rbe Wwr laarnit I. to be issued whhm Sc days oam a eer:rpii spp e.riaw 6 in tab. ODm Wen Hue 6 asadad If 1►e i ralecr 6 Nmp e. The IINa.9r gtacraR) takea about IV days. In eu speed the spprnt+l process by mYlag ,riLrin (hut )our epphcstk.. is lossplea sad Nysed, that vase, drawkrg sleet. the +phetlta:hm ylveu talkie and that your uppHcaitteu fee ie attached. Cmllw itcrtUHt are wmethne. re land fur detdopnlsat In the eoasud am. t1 hbe 11eu art flea C AMA_rc6s d, we ut)te yea m cheek 1Hth the Lmial Pet mh [Hiker to dererrdne whh h of Iheaz )oil ua) heed..\ has Is Iududad us Page ❑ o, of this 6,196 . 1Ve itapn•Waleyear eaoperatlusnith the Narth Cavell"(osacai Munayemenl Prayram aad our'ntllagri le build In a any that protects the rtanumts of our huutiful and prcdaeY.rs euaR. l sand Rewurcer Ccnnlstfua Di.tafoa f co atial Mansyeuent RECEIVED MAY 3 0 2019 z n No Z 0 Z ,a ir DCM WILMINGTON, NC <9 I _Z FwfiW/M►7MMtwMN Q �tv Z Z z a hfaH