HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-27_ Drish (2)New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (.fi(,-Z-zZ rmt) 19-27 Permit Number Ac Coasra/Managemenr ENVIPOA MENTAL OV �111♦ as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of envirom mental ao c pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Managemenr Issued to John Drish, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 5401 Ebid Road in Wilmington, New Hanover County, as requested in the permittee's application, dated June 11, 2019 This permit, issued on June 20, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Removal of 30 pine trees, fill holes and prepare lot for construction. Construction of a single Family home, garage, walks, driveway and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on June 11, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 789-7116 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the protect site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance, Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local '.and Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. JUN 2 7 2019 Linda E. Pain et r CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) DCM WILMINGTON, MC Name: John Drish Minor Permit # 19.27 Date: June 20, 2019 Page 2 { . (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30°/ of the lot area within 75 feet of Normal ,High.Water (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 2,765 sq. ft. bf new impervious is authorized. (6) Unless, specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the ° roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 it. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities; a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal' High Water must be contoured to prevent additional !' stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. :. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. `I E EI rµ SIGNATURE:. DATE: -W- - PERMITTEE GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name. , Mr. A-ddwsi: City, , w- , - MIL(O J24D n State zib; AUTHORIZED. AGENT) Nab!6-: 6 oi n- Zity. - Stater - coon :641& an _Allt SIZE OF LOUsPARCEL: ,qA e PROPOSED USE: Residential (SugleE_family ffifie—reiil?)i�l Mu1ti_fhmily)_.2'2�_i,__ed4n oftfj TOTAL 7i9ej-OSED FLOOR AREADFABUILDING IN THE'OFMAWRAZAR—D AREA OF iN'-VM6Nii�ENTAL•C,ONCERNI(AE,C-,)'.- "'­( # - - qqgafe -covered--deeks) rg SIZE OF -BUILDING FOOTPRINT ASO d1_'At1kbbPERV1OUS OR BUEUTLUPON SURFACES INJ COASTAL 64 Qf(ELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL, CONCER N square feet; buildings, `driyq1xayg, cove red etc. that-are--withii'tht- vO deb]ks;-_concrete_-or_-mas6nr_y patios, . . 4fPPlid_abl&_AEC-)(4tfach Yfiu:r qjCdoa�tibns with, the project drawing.) ie the AEC area C tfiat appfies-tokyqurproperty: - :75 feet-0f -W�r ki�61 Water_for the Estuarfife- Shctird I ifib AEC 4 h!n-$7,5•, feet of Normal 1E'9h-Wdtef-for -the Estuarine Shoreline AEC 42PPM to Qutstanding-Resource Waters' (3 n 3 01 ftfbtof the P-ublFc Trust S horefi& #0 STATE STORMW= fs:.the� t located -­ b� the� EPUM. Jec,wmsp t:6mlwatqr _lie 1;f -proea su,Ueet to a p*w$ Permit ti - Pmriflis�ed Division -of Water -Quality YES NO Jfyes; list.th total, tal buflt-,­ _4� 0 U O�6 7�0.surface allowed d for P7 j — your lot or par _04 -cel, Ed'fffft D -4966V E DCM WILMINGTON NC DCM WILMINGITON, NC. JUL 0-12019 OTHER=MMYBitRP_ D: The activity you ,_.,.Amplaanim mgyy:re'qui=e:permits other than the CAMA minor developmearpe_rmit: As.a secv ce:rve have eompim a listing of the kin& of pert* that, ought bee m red. We'suggest You check over'di®•list with your Lib to deDermmn_.e if anYothese apply Ub yoiusroJeck Zomn�, nrinking Water Weil. Septic lank (orother.sepitarywaste treatincnt:°"sys�cm�; Huilain� Electncai Plumbing; Headngsand Au Canditianmg, Insnlahon and•En y Co servation, Flt�i Ccrtificarion $an+d Dune, Sedime Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, ,Hignvway Conaeetion, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, _the undersigned, an applicant`for a CAMA minor developmetitlpermit, being eidher the owner of property in an AEC or a -person authorized to act as an age for purposes o apply. l !i[rg for a.CAMQr minor development peanut, ce , that the _�, �- person tis"ted as landowner on taus application has wsoifieent interest lit' thet+eat -I.,-.-,..---ey, descnbec{ t erein�. This interest can be descnbod as. {check one} • An•owner or record title, Title, Ave [ dr,-see:DeedBook ` g' rpage1GZ the 4J_Gt-no�1 Pr,1r m . �Cour ltagrstry of I7eeds� �� . �lfirl owri@r by Vlttue of inhi3r`its"""nn County. Hather.interest such-as-written-c'diilff fi or lease, ez Iatn below'or s a se -- -� pamte_sheet and attach=to this application NOTIFICATION Of AD,1<ACENT P" P7 ROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore -certify that_the-foliowmg persons=aeo owners of`prope " adjoining this_propietts I affirin thaVI'have given ACTUAL:NOTICE.#o:eaach of -diem coiicemu g:my inert tg clev_elop_this property --and to apply for a LAMA permit, (Kamp) .. ( I-) FOR DEVELOPERS IN==OCEAN-HAZARD A^ND,` q ESTiiAl2I1VE HAZARD:AREAS: . PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: IYA Landowner or person `aiiffbd ed tp wt as his agenh 6 for purpose o£ filing a C ;permit application NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 1 10 Wilmington, North Carolina Telephone (910) 796.7165 FAX (970) 798-7053 p la nn i ngdevelopment.nhcgov.ca m May 22, 2019 Ms. Dana Lutheran Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 S. College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 Wayne Clark, AICP Director Ken Vafier, AICP Planning Manger RE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED APPLICATION NUMBER- 19-27 PROJECT ADDRESS- 5401 Efird Road, Wilmington, NC Dear Ms. Lutheran: We originally accepted your application under the impression that it was complete. On subsequent review, I have discovered that additional information is needed to complete the review process. Accordingly, I am requesting that you submit the following additional information to this office: 1. Written approval that proposed work is consistent with City of Wilmington's regulations. In accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulations, we note that a certain time has passed while the application has remained in our office. Upon resubmission of a complete application, a local decision will be made in 11 days, provided this period is not extended as provided by law. Please contact me at 910-798-7118 if you have any questions. Respectfully yours Linda E. Painter, 1-PO cc: NC Division of Coastal Management RECEIVED MAY 2 9 2019 DCM WILMIINGTON, NC CAMA MINOR PERMIT SITE PLAN FOR 5401 EFRID ROAD JUNE 5, 2019 SCALE; 1 IN _ 45 FT �, r q• '� e...�. AREA WITHIN 75 AEC - 16j00 SF � � _ � � ��•' x AL�dWABLE�BUA WTtHIN 75' AEC 4 530' SF (90`Ydy i PROPOSEO-RUX WITHIN 75 °AE6 2166E ' r xr AREA WITHIN 375 COb BUFFER - 7;550 SF I ALLOWABLE"8UR WITH3N 37.5` COD BUFFEk - 3,775 SF j PROPOSED BUA WTTkIN 375' COD BUFFER 2765 SF PROPOSED TOTAL BUA 6,712 SF •� � 'LOT SIFF 1.43 AC• . -, ENTI{2 SITE IS WITH* TkE AE F4dO.Q ZONE 4 i PROPOSED HOUSE AN'b 6aRAGE FoQTPRTNT BUFFER ENCRdACHMENT AREA BUA WIHTIN-THE37:5 D'BUFFER PROPOSED DRIVEWAY � _ ... '-' NM , �R _€ L' i � a � WtC 6 C& LCME 3 ' �y �F' �' R06217-002-UZ1-0�0 i ' `i MNRICHS JOHN'F & . fl I CAMILLE J NC DOT s s f r Bdbk '6200 Page 27.98] BK: RB 6200 PG: 2798 - 2800 NCEE F.co;SM '9019007W!, NOW, ANOAMR-066iii�,I. REWSSTATE'l 11:43-SBAM ANDREA..CREMML . . . ..... Ti ElEdb4 NIGALLYRECORO9b Warranty Deed Excise Tax s—k3D_�U. Recording tiwe,i book and page Parc7el-Idanffier-Xo.-R06217=007,4"0', Frqmu;adlrl W.' Talmage Hogue Ha` LLP P. O. Drawa-2,1781 Wflwi" M 284021; Grantee -mailing WdRW5.401 EfirdRoAl NC, U409 Grantor-mmilb.9,addfw§: 2 Returned to: JC. Hearne,Racine -D #104 Wili-in DdWj&fp'w'pirty taxes, if any, to bevai&bythe, cattorney to the County Tax-Ccneewr, upon -ldisbu se --- 6f ooviel* Closing Attorney: J-(C eameJ1.,, R— P"p sig ned certificate,, acFeptmig-' !s4eeditke4ran instrument, and the Is y firm settlementattorney and mm Grantee (Sayer), and cannot W10-1 counsel, and WM prepat by 0,'�MCIMOWWM,dhelesurelhat th6lattor�dq- vohb dhift"Imi tkktattorney-:is-associated-or.is-g-pgititte, ii-lidt-ii kfQr;:represents -ouly.t6 Grantor - *ice to the Grantee-,(BAyer)�otherithan7.the-:tdvict-to,$;eddit-6thii to P-000 the iU#Kg$0:9f ti�euGr or(Seller)�and;therefdir-ii, Gt"tje *ppl *04@#4dqt kegal wimsek audIllwhereby-adWsedlo-do so Vf-the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA' WARRANTY DEED COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER By.vxecutilig this, de-ed, the, Girkhthir POW ALL MEN BY TB-E§t PRESENTS that EFIRD FAMILY, PROPER-T-IES LLC- a North Carolina -liniiWliability company,NORANT Win consideration ofTEN AND. .Np/ioa (1010-66) l!di-,LAR§ and -other good; --and vAlujjbj6.t.bjjgjd did --to GRANTOR; by wife, NELANIE 1jAW-N-,-DM-J-§-JH`-( ".GRANTEE,"receipt f the o ittedi el qct ron1cal ly bvi%.C. Hearne. Ti. Attorney at caw, in_ comp iiance wiTn--Nortn,.icarolina,-Statutes,j'gpverning reppi7da4l.od documents -and' thii terms of - 'the` tubmittee agreement' With the New Winover 'Co unty Register of Wds. Bddk'c'6200; Page 2799 which it hdvby iiclffid*ledpd, by 0, gtye,7ga_n-4bargaiuj�s-eft and -convey -un to -untD the-said--�.GRAWME;7and GRA-NTEFS.-Ihi =-', 9-u'"c"c*-e's-s--o-r's,,.-a-n-d 'as"- . WSM'. Or thitce taut lot %ipgoal of land in the City of Wilmington, County. of NEW HANOVER ,Iiiate -ofNorthCarohna,'a&'more PIT - entitled Efird Tract; . Map Book 38, Page tp���4& dl- iff d! ,TO,'HA,- E.AND7014NP ,.pn, eges,.and, or �and, ' 4 4appurtenances "thmeto-belongin&to,.the�:sdd GRANTEE and said GRA,,NT--Evs hoj * successors, as :and assigns f6" s and the ORA- N-TOk SOSfor..'itsettits. heirs; successors',and * assigns, does covenarit with thesaidGRANTEE and said :'GRANTE E',s-Wpj successorsand ,;qjgp-s, OW GRANTOR is-scised of"-premisesIn fee simple,, and 'has ithe,-t�Arto ic&rmiy, lffd '69bWin the estate ifbf6 ftt title is marketable -'and ffmanddearofaII encumbrances, except as -herein -stated, -and that GRANTOR, Ifet6y-,*iU Wfdiint and ddflefid the title against 40* of -all persons APMPaveroxcept liar the exceptions zhereit, stated: Utlea6lhe- is 9W:q#ffIb the � _j I gatUn-'set-,fordi-Above; The_ptovislansO'f al —pi, Ie toning- and I-a"g"d- We 9rduzsncesi 404es.Art�d-r.egtilafions-, current id ydorern taxes and 40 ap Ile 'ct[v zpvenants:andutility plic y— -reft -e- casements'Of recordas well -as -all mwertand things lltow- fi 6n-the ---above r,esbte-n-66-d rfia-- ofthe-vcoptr� .- _ p, Eiseffiefit to The Reserve , , 4 *W qpp hj U& recorded Book 37-82, Page 439 of the a6�140cd-xegistiwi of deeds. Any portion ofthe-propertywbich may fi6U9Wff6 mean hid' water U40 q; waters which ebb afidIl6w With the tides, is ci chided fiom The--desipafioa-GRANTORarA- GRANTEE4§ used hddh shall include parties; thee heirs, suxccessors, and assigns; and shall include ,singdarplural, masculina;, feminine ridadf:49 regiiueci W, Z-. Bbdk 6200ri. Page 2800 IN bM hand #nd 'seal; - of if corporate, had caused this instrutneiit to bd signed in its corporate nameby it& duly --authorized officer,, thisAhe � day of 'Much, 2bi-4. IN STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER gFlgD FAMILYPROPERTIES, LLC Alex M. lfffi By; UOJ� (SEAL) 05:u-d L._MM', ft.,'WdfitieW.%4@ii%dr BY: -,,A (SEAL) 4�� Thomas-E. 701f & Mernbdr/Mahqer -v_),C7t mn J c,. a.Notar'y Public; certify -that the following j -fig- -j--i6dr�db6­67�- day, and personally a;ppi ore o I hava-personal knowledge -of the, identity of the-principal(s)i idI have seen satisfactozy e�ni en b of the principal's identity, by -a current state.ov entt#cation with thqp 'S pAogr204 in the f6rzfi of a D6,r- (i V, 14 n idengka.ft .Lqn'number each th' he & , g to iftd dt, vo unwily, 9_ ' W"ed the foregoing ddebinenit fafthe1 purpose stated ic=.and inthe ;capWj'bin Xime Ca ace —'lox Nt,.Efirdl, an!e, Ffird Family Properties; ,Ltc Claud L. Efird,f 7r, i3mil ana Properties Thomas; E., Eflid _$e' �erj 0$4 Family Properties; LLC .Oiibehalf ofand " the act dfthe fbR6Wijftg--e---ntity: Efird-Family Propert entity, name, or `-`NW'if iridividuid or bru§ 17 A70,1k J, Date., (print name -of Notary PXPJ Al seal)n a lk