HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-26_ North (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government coustail Management �YV,ROWMrNLI. OW VT9 LF (o -Z- \Z`z 1tN 1919=26 Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorial try the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality State of North Carolina, and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-113 of the General Statrhes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to North End LLC, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC) at 8 Comber Lane, Figure 8 Island, in Wilmington, NC, as requested in the permittee's application, dated 111 2019. This permit, issued on May 28, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Major renovations to existing structure. To include new garage walls, deck re -configuration, second story addition and associated landscaping (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be dale in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on May 7, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permidee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permi require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires orl DECEMBER 31.2022 Linda E. Painter CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL RECEIVE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent whh the local Land v1AY 3 0 Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of CoastalManagement. UCM WILMINGTIIN, NG PERMITTEE (Signature required If conditions above apply to permit) :Name: North End-LLC M PUffilt ho-f-, V 19;26 bate: Way 281 Wig Pgo 2 um'of6g, feet ftwthe-first 11fis--of-stable n6WraI"veg6tk16n; as.detirmifi6d"by *0%( the L'or'o1­!fiiraiWg-6da­edWoiff-ft'"-y (6) The permk"Te died to contact 10cap-- I)gCtM' . C&i thdify'5dibW he ans in construction to arrange a -setback measurement -that W will be, effective for snctyf6Ays bi­p_g a Maor qhore11n6e change. Construction must twin within sixty -(60) days -of the--determination-or the measurement is void and WS-t bbtbdone. (1) All buildings CCO h M ocean hM� areashall-complywith the NC Building Code, including the is_�_ 0 lan "_­_:­­W i� "Standards -of, M K C. 'Building' Coft, 10 d the Uto-C-8-11 Flood Damage Coastal and Construction Food F�Jqiry Constru n Prevention drdiniance-as required 6­_ Qati6nal-fbod-insuran P___ ','I ih� pidftldit� of the WHO- cq -Mgw. E f g code more �A any the; FM1 el or a flood damages preve6tioni ordinance we-inoonsistenti MKORdwS-11tk — - OftWetimprovision-thall-control. (Q) All bullW�ko musttieJ- -- -a larif -at - g elevated onpiingsW- diameter r�V- - least 8',inches]n diameter ffround, or 8, inches twa side ifs iilK,,-ain-d'j'-o'*--mu--st-mM'the- 100: 'flo6d1evel-tievation. quare; on0jhe first A* j AAII.Pilingtshall have t.,P'- g pg-reatbi than eight -feet '*1* the lowest ground 'elevation ' difide'-f-h7structur6. (10)Dunw-disturbances .will-be-allowed-only,tD-the-extent necessary fordey6ipmentand if the dune % fe Valueiis riot'weakeriedv,ieducedDisturber -dune areas -will be. immediatelyWAiw (11),All unconsolidatetl MOMI resulting,-kon-associated--grading and landscaping shall be retained on- by-iftedlie sedirrien"ta-416h and erosion conti-bi ffidiWft. Di Od! areas thall- be vely stabilized :(planted and "14 cons mulch ' wftl.' iLays­. com efi6h. mulched} by (_12 )Any. -structure authorized by this permit or dismantled when it IMMIN-1 P n be - ..­_j becomes ­ - -Y WtWfi-Ababomes imminently threatened .1 and'in any .case ',uDon1s-_cdIIaDse or subsidence HoWeLwr, If natural -re,mu I ns'h Me-nif takes place Withift two years: il�ie time the structure becomes reins recoverybeachI of imminently threatened,-nedi so r� is no imminency threats*r'ied then it need rot be relocated` or dismanted at that time. _Hsvcordrbon41 not he permd h0IW'" nglf-tb seek authorisation oft0mpbray pmtecfive,,measures--allowed--under'CRC rules. M SIGNATURE: PERMITTEE DATE: a U)cality Omn li.�txxrd Ertuatnc Sbntr(u)r___,_ ORW Slxrdlnr ((kVk:RAi I%FQk%I kI RA LAUD OW NE•R - WULIN(: ,ADDitk-sti Narlr Nudt! "LLC Addc2s 146 f?tavers Ln City t'wste: spri ol; _ 1tatC Cmpd v^atly.eLlcieeiofgr.+i...ear- AI IORW7 D ACEKT wmr David LIWu Adarvo 6u ►Udtel (for n#r'w! Nat' .xthY) Puma ;!Jumbo 114 Ptd+tic Tnm Sacxelmc ()Ole! Zip Pdw r• Its r' a :�r W vl. F 1lQY 7 20t9 Nc ZrP Fl` 13 E31W david@llk;learch*v*um c*m NEW HANOVER COUNTY L(K'.A710.X0FFRWEVTI("*vtw stunrurttt �dnrdiraruuatauF ii iFl���httt>,atet(xtl� I 8 ConAlw Late. Wkwgttn NC 28411 DI.M RIP II(I\ (A PktIJI.t t: i(:.: ;':+,v.;=. nr6 „ r. uu.t:;en:tcW l,tm!d)rtati141tprr RonovaWn h exisbrm Singic F;trtaly Mort:+ wt,ol iol pmr-rt-. 51,401 1.;,; , t i8 KEel PRf I SE. 14oulcmul LID lhill; k !e!n.i: Q %tultl-IM111% Ej i COIIP(_F.TE Ei'lllt R (11 (iR t.I BF:I.O\l it�r);rtul? tnrrr' Lf+cerl PeraK (►//ixe•r il,r�w m.• uur.�unnon & .i£C app/i✓t (I► II.%ZA# L AECc TOTAL FLtX)k AKLAIII; PROPOSED SY RUt"YURE. 3,366 u4tafC (rm linci4N(af .ur . Htahc hsard ];s !nr ylarr. Mrk ing r(rl V Ctt AO -It rnumd lac rL tt,x:- m:it4t m<,:S I, wrc ca.ln;4ny lhln-kssd�+car)rt� atp:c �(Kx cY (21 COA`EAL$iltlRE(.INk AELk:S(Zl:t-kf BUILi)iN,(:Footi' iti\ofAND(.IT11FRibofW.RVIO(i:Ft*mnt.T ['1'I.IN SL Rl AC[3: T___ syttarr fat iia)cktlirc dle area nl tLc 4undatlon of r� httih(i1R;.- s(rircH a)� euranyl decks, atlruxnc or m;sonty (tatir7- roc. dtn art ui+btls tlac appiteabk AEC'. Attuilt yrnsr :aktrkgkxu isitk Ii7t+ plujcce JnirmR t STATY:STOR►fW TERMANAt:£AtE%TPrE"1T:(s*Cpm)htl wucdlnartsrrayuLf}t �t xma atcr 1Lm t.t:cra. i'rr it ass :a( b. )l,c \E' Un9 rtnn 1st l nrntr d and Land Rt d Ili W) X ilyta, lice late ta(ai buns ,tram ar�lu ia)jrt tau: cuiact± allowed for �nur k* trparn(k MAY O 8 20'�w DCM WILMINGTON, NC LQ:-9 N PLLANNIN& ZOHANOVER OUNTM PG 1 rv1 i�18r�te.c�►f PrOi?�erfiY Owirrt®rlRegEttrl '?mot lei.,s Ttii. a L-! ..J Ch C%`z r 43e...;.gA 194251 7_ _ .... . .m c+�ea�d .dteiccca�gma"1 camp i I rtifjMr tF at i:have atfihan7A David e. t { E •= ,, tractfl n�1C r h fly} , _ _Jr to act on mp behaff JW tha A�upose of appiyrng far and ati ping all CAtViA r�rm n�dwagary, fof.the fobowing proposed d®vaiopme ►t-` r , r Co ►�re+�t ri of nevv sin" � wm re�+d> neat, Y fit my pra�erfy looted a# 8 Cor�►ber Lane, Witrriitgiota NC2sd.11 ' ' MAY 8i 20191 J v r s y in New Hanover Cal nt}r; � ' 1 ; _ I 3 � fr , NEW: HANOVER COLI.Y17" h5 J A Lr� a m _ 1 fru€lter�»ar+ cer#y lhaf ! amulollzed tv grarif at�d aIo in •';fact g�~arrf parr►rrssivr� "alvi�nrr of Cc�es�hetlag� an Use afreertfrotaed' tar ' : p61�i71�.�llCati0fl • Pren®rtv Owner i�fo.^nationc . ►rent the Local Peimft C�cerafld ftt�ir agents i�i�infar° S Nr' 00mecfron-wrtli: oualua irAbh"tio raldtdd 6 i" � 1 e; �� 2 _,j 'liis oei ific ton ie vai" through D'i -- .! Q3 l ;2,� _� _ — 1 Cl i � =3 AM' t 6 -6 iownsK -oEL'e Qpgt, v, ' ,D1'1fhAr6u-,iddre ski i 9 051- W!%& Im min a i i Avtq - Wk vorz 4�) 'At YK :4 4� In, ai*- 1U AY Xc! 0 Frs" % 10.6 Olt ON =�,ARRP, di MON _poll, OW rN, N;,m _A4 4, 7:4 ta"Z�t�4`14 ;41 ::NP Z_,, AKN !zl� -6. k ON T. MRw_ on, MM I "1 1400 -0 avpk. wk, w m ®r -I t UZ I LRky -WARJ�-*?, or boiftuf. 0 9- V TM Pf RO bi t j, 4� 1*MO, sn-�v r t&, 0, Om "=Lj� P— W_ zj. v, 04je upemepW.(tS ..j py &.g*_ L Mg, A 0 Mqy 3, 201:9 rAndrea=and,MibftgeF.-Po' .jMeCLtEtai 8509 0-verbrooki Dr Fairfax, VA 22fl31 D&A-r --- qtni---, Qwner -Mg-J-1-11P --y If you have--any-comments:^on,-the--proposed'-project,--please.=contact-ttys-CoastaI Re — ';�ffl the same ii'6no— P-me "et4tiV�,-IKt6d]b7eldW. �Nd-R,�'�pqpW- thin ten d, a -_ys p ,., MAY 8" NEW Architecture 8� Design; In CAMA-Representative � -P,hnstina,,Bouffard, CFM,,CZO-,-,CAMA--LP6 Zoning Compliance -Official ` 7,g8 Q-,7. Phone '. 9 -, -- I _ 974 A, 6R WiirkifSt; Wfli6fhj!on, WC. YWi 9 A� -- y-3,-20A Nine Comber Road LLC 114 MAd "66-n D t. I Cary,, INC 27511 Dear -Adjoinin Property -Owner: his.- lefter--is, i nf-brm you that I have applied ifora LAMA A permit on the -property, at 8-Comber-Road, Wilmington,, NC 28411. 1 have enclosed a copy of the-permit le 1-1.. prqpqjO-�id th- Olds -is# d6fitadt thb'C§"W �f Y �h �ftdbFrfi--m&ftt§qn'- -.epropoWt project, 1- -1 - Representative-4s—ted 6e'lor'w­ No 46�—onse vvlffi ini teWdays is the -same as no objection when you have,666rf notified by certified, mail. since ly, &I -A Lisle Architecture:& Design,, Inc: AMAL.ke'-pi- —reiibntafivej Chrlitr66 136Uffdrcd CFM CZO, CAMA LPO 2oni—n Zq-'m-pj­1a-n-C'e 0--f-rip"ial --..91 --l- .--- 1- - - - Phone --910 9&.-7.07-4 RECEIVED A M AY � &- 20191 NEW HANOVER CoUis�T'V PLANNING & a p h�-ac S ;' 9" �� r :A . P PRELIMINARY �. W. anANllcoclm E .ii unam•o biAn�I : � � ^n^ � � ��' M%sort iM COMBER ROAD � r n m p —-- i PRELIMINARY �- V • CC y m BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC ♦ SIGHT LINE 9URVE( FOR WENDY DICICCO . PATMCK C. BRISTOW ANDaF R YQiC. PC oeraen ie, zone o.szc.c.z ca v LX 93 srnpx le N B nwwe arart el wo • iwnnrioirenie � rwa.n mvRr. w.c. °"'"°�v^'�� I� -a� NO MJS P DATE DiCicco Residence c<,fe� g s �� Comber �jQO�a 3 B 8 Lane, Figure Eight Island SET (� tI0f1 z� r Wilmington, NC. M EDT NP.19191 DATE; 4.1219 1 1 J South Elevation 9 IM Water/ East Elevation Ifl � Sheet Trtle Air^/xuuesn% 1 22 NO .19118. RAZE . 4 114: DiCiccoResidence nJpP%- �E6��BComberTane,FigureFigbtWand Oion 50% SET 1k1 Fg Wilmington, NC. S crauterxo:191n DAM 4.12.19