HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-24_ Gray (2)New Hanover Count y ' �t19y4 Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Coastal Management R.vw. &lN 6UALITY as auldind ed by the Sate of North Carolina, Departmarlt of enriron ng, l Quality and the Coaxal Resources Commleron for deveopment In an eras of wrAronmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-115 of the General 9talmbM TiDastal Area Mamgem nr Issued to Howard and Mary Gray authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline — DR—W(AEC) at 1351 Trdalwalk Dr. in Wilmington, New Hanover County, as requested in the permittee's application, dated May 3, 2019, and received complete May 3, 2019. This permit, Issued on May 15, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), a0 applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes; Construction of a single family residence; driveway; sidewalk and associated landscaping. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on May 3, 2019, (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) RECEIVED This permit must be on the project site and accessble to the permit ofter whet the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maln'tenance wurk or protect mo0cation not covered under this permit, require further mitien parmli approval. All work must rases when this pema sores on: December 31. 2ffi2 In Issuing this permit it Is agreed that this proadi is Consial rTtvAth Me local Land Use Ran and all appiicabte adlnancee. This permit may nod be trans enW to another party wiMou; the written approval of the Oftion of Coastal Management, JUN 27 2019 Dcr,! W GTr r Darrell E. Galloway CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL Wilmington, NC 28403 Sc�tL`� �/LY.YLf�aI1i PERM17EE (Signature required Roondii ins above apply to permlr) Nam: Howard and Mary Gray Minor Permit 19-24 .Date: May 15,2019 Pop 2 4 6pow g � �m�sir ie-�Wbuieuftwthe-Namal.H (8) Wn y� -for -vdtNn "W WIMM *Y� I'M All otrier tliurbed areas j7- Will be v 7g Mu, 41111rif"14, di Ot 5/15/19 WON& 7URL DATE: Locality --�� >�l1^',��, PmmtNumber* q_a Ocean Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline �ORW Shoreline V' Public Trust Shoreline_Odw (For official use only) RECEIVED y,3 ECEIV�j D GENERAL INFORMATION � 1 LAND OWNER MAY " 3 2019 Name: Howard and Mary Gray NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONINO Address: 202 Lee's Cut City: Wrightsville Beach State: NC Zip: 28480 Phone: 757-831-2972 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name: Scott Sullivan Address: PO Box 10091 City: Wilmington State: NC Zip: 28404 Phone: 910-686-1223 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent watetbody.) 1351 Tidal Walk Drive adjacent to ICWW DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) construct new single family residence SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 13.617 square feet .31 acres r PROPOSED USE: Residential ® (Single-family ❑lMulti-family ❑) Commerical/Industrial [] Other ❑ TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): N/A square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES TN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): 3533 square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: S ithin75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC ithin 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters ithin 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES ® NO ❑ If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. 3570 square feet. RECEIVED MAY 07 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC OTHER PERMITS AtAyifik kWuAb). Tbe,go%y - p -P y�p� . I;MMgpia ---.y rqqwe� permits .-.@rthenfiioCAMA�mWq-dkvetopmenrp As a iik6�'Wilffe COm.P, ed a listing of the Idn& of permits that mightbe rcquiied. We �iW u check over & list with d if any of these j�pjy--th �*YPPK your project (6, other waste treatments LPO Lp— 1 — sy"�-, PURR Electrical, Plumbing, Heatiag-affdAkC6jiditi6-,n-in-'g-,-'Biiamo—n a�'Erf&WCdn—sdftti6i� F1ACe—rhficifldniS&d'­D't-m—c Sid— SqM Ap M, Approval, Highway Connection, and RECthtD 9TA­fth-d*­t OF 600-ftffiiSFlt&: MAY 3, 2019 -4 CAMA hffi.& d6vVe-lopmefit jo� iffiez 1, the-,,,,—juMhddf9i0-e I ail WlidMt f6k- �ge -the OWW QfwpertY iO an AEC a, ii&dtd ft�etasafiagent­'ffi or, f"', 8, 'person au or I PF pWP91W--s lappy g W4 0,� JR� development _Mgq - f &alt th n .a. PCTAT4,11ited, ]EM pnit&s application p ion has a signiflimat property, deb caw,be, described asp (check one), YM an 6VMdr--bit-Effied®rd titlel, Title As vestedinH DeedB66-k 6202 dw: see D pa, El an owner -by. virtue=of inheritance. Applicant is to theestate, of probaw--was in - Cotinty, ❑ R-11 rj if other interest, such written';`t as,conh% - 4i", —to tins applcattona NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore 61-iftifythat the 'f16lI6,Aihg­ owners p _pqrsons are own properties property. I afflim--that I have given 9p jtW ACTUAL NQ1TCX- to each of concerning my- intent to develop -this -property -and to -apply -for -a, C AMA, permit, cone (Name), (Address) (l),-Frances-Fausto 374Xdito-ifdAe-k'DtiVe,Fatm-iiigniie..NY 1-1738:' Q(3) Mark , Kelly Godfidy5127 Pant a W qg-tA4' FOR DEVELOPERS INOCEANHAZARD AND ESTUARINE EUZARD AREAS I '- kn "" lw--" ed- h may - ac (7­40 that lijdd owner R aware that proposed development susce Sle to erosion_Mpg is.;planned (6r an which be .pA -.-gnj�Vor ---the I --to--me-the-pafticularj jfjoo�! gjac owledge.that local permit. officer has mTlained hazard problems associated-with_this lot., This explanation was -accompanied by-rocommendationg-ffif li&ti6n and PERNIISSTON TO ESM ON I iarthermorexer* that Lam:authorized.to grant and do in fact grant permission to the wcal permit offibef afd1ig agents to enter onthe---afore dvhmdtirg infoftfidti6h f6hifed to this 0§r�t app!L6atLn. application .. PP-1i4#*n includes: gq�n—crallfidogaofig-nAfts form), "�A drawing on--the- -back back of this:application, the ownership -statement; the AEC hazard -notice where -necessary, a7checkfor V 00.00-made--payable-:to-the IocaHjy,,raffd--9fty, inf brm ation: as- m aybe.provided-, orally by thecapp li cant. Th e-detai 1 &-of -t ff e application m described by these g-o-my;de-g Eire i6Whp-6r-aWd without -reference in A-nype-ftfiit which may bi issued. DVi-tiF0mthese de will cons) �� k,V-0 Won . of any Odiftift. Aq 00i§on d6v-6160ifig-6 an AEC, without Vernlit N subject to and Wnsstrarive action. This,the 3 May; 2019 5:2p&&-)6 -as- -agent] ,-Lii,dO,wner-or-person.adthp4l�toad -his Nar> Carcalrr� e��f"p. DWRob of Coastal Management -(.- �`; vBraxton C� DBvis I r t�U�c�'1 � Ott! M AY verllo Qi., ``' � Se`r� r AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM +BAN©DER COUNTY 'KING & ZONING ' Name oPraperiy Dyr A eppiytngfor Perm:A. Name=of Authorized Agentfor' i prcijecf ' L.:— Sc ytt R, $gtlW +w� `__-____�_�"_�,xa Qwno6r. McAingAddress . Phone Number, `' Agent's_Mal/1ngAddress: PO Bost 10091 0 Wilmington, NC 28404 ie Phone Number 910' 686-1223 cent that I have a - f�,.. ,. y u Futhor�ed the agent t sted.above #o _act €gin my.behaE#1 far the.purpo$,& tapplyingk ftsr anc of tatn�ng aiI C tMA Permttsynec;easary to iris#all or..construct fhe. following (adMty}: Farm roe face d at -Piz Vim. Date 127 Codinal Drive Ext, Mittungton, NC 259'd5 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-3984 Intemet: www,nccoastalmaiagement,net t x., = AnethCaTC ' ria XcoRtldt'l RECEIVED MAY3 2019 H '.�NOV Re: 1351 Tidalwalk I)five Dear Fraftes: This IrAterds to informyou thatThavvappliedl as &i i Oct� Mmor pbiwift on,beh&of Howard and Mary otV &tM above referenced` ]qW#qu. ofthe p 11have encloseAa copy9MA 4Ppligation and', -&-copy, of thwdm 6f, i fi, pPosed Project Wyou have any --questions or comments oh the #r�6 .*4 pypjkt, pjedw contact.tue;at'tlie number listed -above. If Wntt& comments- "fy -.Y may �subtniv them to; Linda Painter LoCAYP Officer fbi l4kqver County; 230 Gomornment. Canter Drive, Suite 140 Wilmington; NC 284031 Sincereky, I EC �1� aY - 2alsj HANOVER COUNTY '.ANNING & ZONING Re: 1351 Tidal-*mlk Drive Dear Mark anct:Kelly I have oneloseil, a ca y of the N" " a p�l da#on and a ,copy of the_drawing_of tpe tiro �sed P 1?t PP . project: po If you bate any questionsocammentson the Pibp oset ro ' p 00g ; please contactme at thwnuml er listed -above. If-yuu wish to f le wntteii comments, or objections with New Hanover _County, you may submit diem to: Linda Painter, Local' Permit Officer foi =3rTew Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington; NC 284.03 Sincerely, y Scott Sullivan, autlioriibd a -- + + + ++ + + + + + + + + +^ 6-� — REC6V]ED NEW HA 1 Py NOVER VNTy • �1 PLANNING & ZOQIING o, \ i \ � r \ 'RECEIVED MAY 07 2019 r DCM WILMINGTON, NC + + + + + + + + + + + + + ON + -4 4.1 J, �gg 1 4f, -A2 D. �q- -. -.!m�- IOTALVM jii3 I TOTAL ,a: A7 �k �A-Y `J tL,40 � nr ANOVER- -COIj 7777777\1 rj -124 1. A . HAZARD NOTICE Proj>ct Is, In An: -- Ocean Erodible Area � ,High Hazard I`1t�d Area Propeft owner, �Ilt AT- ? true# Hrd Area Property A aress�� . Date Lot Was Plaattotl; Tt ;ts saott isaittiad t6 trsf l you, 610p;i4'aiva^ a cif ho SPECIAL Nd'i'E: ;'has Iza; ncztee i r:t fatle�ir_e j 5s6�k'tk0 3 5 5acit�GQSN?4i0tYS+i, 0�G23[?E i CCvIOY t DSIGLFl2° inatmuai�tJ8Ct2i suddeGaud.Ili;:Efve@ t�ti2'1 aaderwou.<A-W199 arcs , tiztxs as Sty' }ect to u iaxraZ t?ds such a�5 sCgrnl , c raSion imd fD *M1gP M iUt ihrt; area UP= = December 3 i of{� t ,d cuzr nts, The , pfti Coastal Rcscrr< Ms C'.omezissiot+ dw—d year fciai�r+ng *.itG ymr ire M�uc n , i3c t was-is,.sAwd requ a v x r G H Gard a Q c. r�ud j+ e .° y before wac% bbg,= caa tbVPr0jt0ct sit, Lo .a1 Powt tlaa� r zip e `x�i v rat b o a'd a rm*c for daveaDipmant can be , C cm= be tamd to &ieamue fcae-ftgot�iion I tau Issued sckFa kdis ttc� a your str if the ti�gertYhacs se�niittle chm? The Coiwussions rules U,7 11ttrldiu St$itt;,St*v, t7G ail Oilt vnc a to time of pa=-1 issuarz4e, and the prespt d develtaPmot , sc?r&�s anti rltt mi*aous , dzrz So tnzui, brit zar�t . k 'tCitqir�I,3Sl�cBt 3bcCutheL?0,wW li4 oi t you eht• i lt, pr•opemw hiss c� 'aaz? s. py gran +gjults, the that YOU -MR), Ibe r, wmk, suiwantial povew, on t� prgf oct Coastal R savzc Co=xttssian dMa riat groat fttfie safzty of must bu made witbm 60 days ofthis sefl=)..• d =natiorti a. s daft opine t and a sumo no l a f ' tox f t u� : die io 01;KbSC�fMUsxU reTT.tC&St}� ed Also, the oackm l� ofa Mato Lll d t�G tJp411Litj Y333? S SEotl iA l] �G ittt �2efii� EiL i UE ahta:tiiare r-hwge a� tine rasizIt Ito' �:starrn w,tbzir the 60 slay penod �' . `1Li''aa {%Ai17$ttt� GflXtCi$i inGlUde �kGl�}LEdt'IxCYJl � �1r;I�ttCts be ae,oegaftaw r,=aGur=ezd of tit serbeckS It rs lL1j.portaD1 ! reiocatod or di44imde4'if they beet ue rmt Ire tiv fh- a tx xied by that you cbss�;! it tho LK) i)e.��'the pa mt exp °� aft r official chmpa in sbmetine cmfigur-atioo. The si'ructae4sj' MWt lee �trvat tc� a n sae e work the permit, }ems expi „ zelrsrated or dismanded ithttt tx fyj +ea of bewbnvn�' iieneraily,iffoi datavupabn b veb�.engl era fiat rratnute;rdy tbreatened and ar1ye cese etro>a its co!1Qpse; csr prog css is uartt nmcg, perrmt rartewal Mall bE, au�'�. It - ntiia al to,cOn. ue work efLrpi Vae 'bc'ty avaOAble &hmatiwi, R. w-ceptrd by the Goas-tat For*more k1,rvMMdn-% Outddw esources'Gor i ioak, xndic tas! that the annual lc -terra avWge Ocean ewsiGa raft 'wr tha area, where - ar pro ioca;te.�:ra £�;,tper yeas ` fberztte cv e51&bltslrecl' c+.ftrl aasasts t3 a.cm 1piroglrs a%``,'e r. as fine t rt av *.tie past #dreg ; Rtu� 6,6, lli c,4te.twhat he sl2orcime tmuldm'ovt, as U' we,,,L tas _ feet laltrl ___�_�:... i�83d: ii}. 8.72i;3�jt>r --•-^�-..---r°---+. The flDod w tem m mior b",s xn aie pretf ietcd >'a aba+ i f euq dew in ibisa,:P.a CatG,€�1�"9?1t p�Ttlt�cttc�i'! �f'.1�'e$ fie iiE° �IAiri3�3.i7TilEil�. • ' .' � " . ' and fira'wcation, of t4kcatoned ftm j arosiw im;° ,Tzu =,-o-wh8& groimjeOtes aad bte.-I, vraters ='ProOhfbited,.`Leirtporary sated bag ma. be aaidtot z,-,ci under oeri in cou litiow- 'ice hentrxae . ` lat�sleiige ?tifo�{a.i'aii 2iE� idla'•�'3.'�s�tliro . . by ;fig this aorta k tie space. bt .ow.'Witkoa€ the, proper Sigi?aaft,thoapplicatlim.wCdTl tiff i! 2_-t pfwrit�frvnar' i r l r i