HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_19-017_PRWPTown of Holden Bipach Local Government REVISED CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the'State of North d0dfifta, Departtfieht of-15*1rdnnient Quality, ahcl.the Coastal Resburce's.Cbmthitsl6h for devdloohndrit In an area of. environment concern pursuant to Section 1113A.11118016 General Statutes, "Coastal Aida Management" 20110 -611 PermitNumber Issued to PRWP- LLC, development in the OceanHazard (AEC) at 1217 Cidean Boulevard West in HoldedBea ch NC 28462, ; as requested in the permittees application, dated received March 4, 2019. This. permit, issued On April 12, 2019 is. subject to compliance with- the application. . and site drawing (Where consistent With the' permit), all. applicable regulations and special. conditions and notes . set forth below. Any viok.fion,9fth6sQ terms may; subject permifte to .a line; imprisonme6t of, civil action, or may Cause the .permit to be. void. This permit authorizesk REPLACE THE EXISTING 6.90 SQUARE .FEET OF'CONCRETE :WITH COMPOSITE WOOD, ADD 224 SQUARE ADDITIONAL GROUND- LEVEL DECKING. (1) All I proposed ddvblopment and associated construction must- be done. in accordance with the pemifted work plat dtaMngs(s) DATED RECIVED Match. 4, 2019. (2) All constructiowmust.conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other -local, State sand FedeW regulations, applicable.local ordinancesandFEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any chango.or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use'activities:011 reguire a re-evaluad6h and rhodification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall I be, posted or. available. on site. Qqnikt. this: office at. 910-84.2-6080 , for a final completion o, work. . inspection a.t This permit action may be appealed by- We peftO* or other qdA#qq persio with in This- 08eft must be on the project, site and abbeiiibI6.1o1he permit officer when the. project is inspected for compliance. Any,Maintonawd:w6rk or project modification no . t covered under VIS permit, require further written perrnit approval. -All work must cease when this permit expires ow. DECEMBER 31., 204 In issuing this permit it isagreed that this project is*c6hsistdhtwith the Ibcal Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another 'party- without the written approval of'%the Division of Coastal Management Rhonda Wooten CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 110 ROth.k.hild Street Holden Beach NC 28462 . PERMIT-fEE' I(Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) REC.EIVED- .DCM WIL MINGTON, NC JUR 2 4 2019 ff8mq.,pRwpLAG Nmor"Pounit 4 2011W b), M, MMUM., ft,109t tat batik di M_ r '(ft t 'Of _Qafeet' ft, ,ftpfift -lied Jof st9bid :h &A f3tu 11 deWffnbedtytefLM orm xho_,Qontadhe LwalPermll Officarg10842-60 go, thbA w 'Wall bey ,OW_Velbus Npg! 9 von and„ mast tie m-d-onei, Alf 11$ Opp., c:7Qq$#Q ft" h a ff.. III'Mo Oda hazard re chaff.. .0 p f with a.. p 05astal and Flood' PMb Cdffgtm* q % O�k* of the Ni, 0 Rulf.ft ng[ra M PmventiortOrdinancaw-,required:hy,#faRae6fi-ai:nWil-z-,u--,- Program: �npo q If any §ro.. §I6nv_4tKa WHillifig c iftooff9i A A -.odeQra-'P.oQd s an vn- _,WQftbe, J*Ong AEG siodands"to more to MAO 1'. (9)1 Dow A i6tutbgff&§VII ftot bdallowed , sec se, t0o -0 tould, he WLi t3�slurtted dime areas 6_1 W Oft., egetatiarty f-I All HOW' do- of tlydlnances (11. Aft. OFqiouq9dfldofod* MOtMatneWiftfrom ossooragw pgfig and fandki, apim" q4All b re qpj,$.jtQ $y _11 61% affftfiviadsodiffienfabn and :dffido toft measures. 071stur6ed areav S,hatte %getato rely MOMM shall bo re or OWWtLedi when 'becomes jmm _, _ om 024 entiK H o W c 0-6 r, if 1 n ot t a[ s I fo M i na-, r4filoarLshIm f,= afCes P4c% Othintwo years dlha ffmi,04 mesb d th, A -0 Aot affeefft. p )liotde to: Ismoow Oke,� ThikmAdIft M4 7 S06R authddzaffon Oftimp6rary protective Mtbtu r I G%.dbNd:qq6fMtuI (1�� me decking shall b_o Taaitv�ard ttl` all dunes.:and, shall be oo �therexispng ground.. o ft T,ik . _a� all DATE' 01- Locality IIJIY)II Ut 1Isina vp( �Jres Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline (For official use only) LAND OWNER Name a_ Q.! g991 Permit Number 6 J H -61 r Public Trust Shoreline Other City V I czr l'on State Zip 8/7% 5i`hone &2,f -3,Z.) -'f663 Email t AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address _�3 0 ct�a City fleet c-A State _.Lfo!: — Zip p Phone / 1 b -'143 ' 91 q( l Email LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the naive pf the adjacent waterbody.) /a' 7 0150 R�� cVG � k �i�iGnn c'rci C j�ooL J DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all pr posed construction and land disturbance.) i W. irr� O SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: square feet , acres i ! PROPOSED USE: Residential (Single-family Multi -family ❑) Commercial/Industrial [] Other COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer ifyou are not sure which AEC applies to your property): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER jYIA1V _ ct located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit is ed by the t' s e u YES_ NO i -M q ao�4� ' �✓ If yes, list the total built upon are2' rviCMARur€ A �Rffl9red'iFbN t�ur lot or parcel: RE-G@IV "D TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH APR 15 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: 1" ;3 kj f L L- C- Mailing address: 84 ' Qdinm+orl LOhe— mar-✓�°yl .TAl G o? ell 7 3 Phone Number: �'—o7/�Gf - 1 �(p P I certify that I have authorized S� rf i Agent / C r ctor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of ti=M o$90 eoWnr-%e at my property located at in 61-on Sca 1 c.l< County. This certification is valid through /a- 3/- 19 Date (Property Owner Information) C� r Signature &A 4� P&IP LLc Print or Type Name �Y✓h�r� Title 04 03 —1 Date $'l-'—Aqq— It1,0 Phone Number Lee, barL,(0,embacama;L. Cowl Email Address RECEIVED APR 15 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC '-fro po sect PLAT OF SURVEY ]N OF LAND )ARDSRVISIN OF LINE BEARING DISTANCE )ARDS M CAROLINA. Ll N 80-28'26" E 4,79 L2 N 03-57'25" IN 1 23.84' OCEp A BLVD. T WWES 60- R EDGE WM I I ' I I O I CONCRETE SLAB N 1 I + ELEV. 12.72' I I EXISTING ,£ N 1 REFAINING I I WAIL 12.6- 1 I OD 1 OD N� I 1 TOE OF DUNE N I LOCATED 1 08-30-13 I I LOT 14 11 LOT 15 11 LOT 16 ERB I I 1 I CREST OF DUNE LOCATED I 1 08-30-13 1 1 II HOLDEN BEACH 1 I WEST i 1 I SUBDIVISION I MAPCABINET 7 1 1 PAGE50 II e { 1 II o+^" O 1;LJLA 51, c. I 1 I �j 1 V-0 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —7 1 1 I 1 1 I I -5' ACCESS I I 1 EASEMENT I I 1 CONCRETE Sy[�p + ELEV: 10 n L.�j 5 I nll 1 LOT 12 LOT 10 I LOT 11 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 HOLDEN BEACH WEST SUBDIVISION I /" MAP CABINET 7, ,III PAGE 50 /f� 1 I 1 �M0 11' ?aP►� II I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I Ln 11 II RECEIVED 1 , 11 Al,; f 5 2019 II n DCM 11VILMINGTON, Nq a al So C DomesCO .n Er Maa s Ic ate FL2 DayJ tM {-c�r N o certfie o emic � Ad'acentPro ert Owner 1 P Y aCz0 .9 EL►y! j p ❑ReWmflac�iP� x ❑c.nm�ens s.: i ® "p a . Mailing Address 24 C3 .tee—�o„„�S— Q�ms6o,v, ,t/G o?740 o P°tti9e�.,s�.�� City, State, Zip Code n o Total Posaga tO M M $ 0S Sent To SiieeiendA— r No=� o�� Dear Adjacent Property: �-�X f' Pfi 4J P LL C 1 This letter is to inform you that I, = Property Owner Permit on my property at 06Id /-/olden County rn Bruns Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application ar7d p�oJeof drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sigr7 ano turn the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, P,,easP contact me at g +0 -- q 43 — 9l R l Applicant's Telephone ,or by mail at the address listed below. If YOU W1,,h to file written comments or objections with the Town of Holden Beach CAMA Minor Permit Program, you ma3'submfl them to: Rhonda Woolen Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, P?IA) Property Owner To h Lyi e— Mailing Address Mar-vlh , AIC- a8i93 City, Stale, Zip Code RECEIVED APR 4 5 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll s347z P1384 ; 06. Brunswick County, NC Register o! Depnp eds page 1 of 2 Brenda N. Clennons Register c! Oeatls 11-07-2013 14:99:06.000 Brunswick County, NC NC REVENUE sTgnP: j1236.00 (d371930) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA REVENUE STAMPS: $ PrecenferRetZCZ ®TolalRSQRev 1.a51t. 4.c., Ck$ Qji Ciutsll CaSh$ ROMM CR-1$ _ Finance C)POIa1ss01xeu0eldlt X,lyOt]Ik IOCmaa00 000GIIwmmmai�s.'OBL re�fOtl broAgma If'• InsWnrommai::�a,p, nb reBmEurea wmgsE, GENERAL WARRANTY DEED PARCELM 245FB027 DRAWN BY AND KIRBY LAW FIRM, PLLC RETURNED TO: COX LAW FIRM Brief Legal: Lot 13, Block Two, Holden Beach West This deed, made and entered into this 6 day of No" *' &II ' 2013. by and between CHARLES G. GEGICK, M.D., P.A. aka CHARLES G. GEGICK M.D., P.A., Employee's Profit Sharing Plan and Trust, (Grantor) (Mailing address: 5603 Westfield Drive, Greensboro NC 27410), the Grantors, and PWRP, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, the Grantees, whose address is: P.O. Drawer 2428, Hickory NC 28603 WITNESSETH, that the Grantor for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land located in the county of BRUNSWICK, State of NORTH CAROLINA, more particularly described as follows: AB of Lot Number Thirteen (13), Block Two (2) of the subdivision called "Holden Beach West", as surveyed and mapped by Gerrit C. Greer, R.L.S., on August 6, 1963, a map of which appears of record in Map Book 7, Page 50, records of Brunswick County, said lot having the metes, bounds and location as shown on said map of the survey. This conveyance is made subject to those certain limitations, conditions, and restrictions as set out in Deed Book 228 at Page 620 of the Brunswick County Registry. The property herein conveyed is not the primary residence of the Grantor` To have and to hold the aforesaid lot or parcel, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereto, heretofore belonging to the Grantor in fee simple. The Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that the Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that the title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property here)nabove described is subject to the following exceptions: The provisions of all applicable zoning and land use ordinances, statutes and regulations; 2013 ad valorem taxes; and all applicable restrictive covenants and utility easements of record. RECEIVED APR 15 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(IIIIIIIIIIIIII 634j !!# Br--1-k County, NC R111ster of Deeds page 2 of 2 In witness whereof the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written. CHARLES G. GEGICK, M.D., P.A. aka CHARLES G. GEGICK, M.D., P.A., Employees' Profit Sharing Plan and Trust By: a" '-ffzs-e Pdnted Name: CHARLES G. GEGICK Title: . atuoe A STATE OF /1 .C_ COUNTY OFF C,? tOrn� I, , do hereby certify that Charles G. Gegick personally appeared before me and acknowledged that he is oL—y-.y,— of Charles G. Gegick, M.D., P.A., aka CHARLES G. GEGICK, M.D., P.A., Employee's Profit Sharing Plan and Trust and that by authority duly given and as the act of such entity, he/she signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. [Check One] ✓ (I) I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principal(s); or _ (ii) I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principal's identity by a current state or federal identification, with the principal's photograph, in the form of a (Official Seal of Notary Public Here) LIERNN DIEMCH NogryPWlc Gu11atl CwiAy, Ntrlh Cagan M/' CmmissBn ExpkeS MatA �, P016 Date: Y /—� lam. 2013 , j'1 rrl Nbtgry Public Signature %Rr» ny-e-k-,cZ Printed Name of Notary Public My Commission Expires: p x S �q/te "This instrument prepared by: Amanda Kirby, a licensed North Carolina attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds." RECEIVED APR 15 7919 DCM WILMINGTON, NC ;;:X&Ail PLAT OF SURVEY TION OF LAND LPERVISION ffOARDS OF M�FI CAROLINA. NUS, P.L.S. Jly : DATE ��IICiLIp�P��, OC� RBw�•WAY EDGE OF ASPMAL'T PAVEMENT "B., N9 NLAN I Z 4 pR�jyEWAY --- --- 7wmf 1 CONCRETE SLAB N 'L 1 + ELEV. 12.72' 1 1 PORCH 1 1 RETAINING NG 1 I WALL 1201 { ME Y TOE OF DUNE r: I I LOCATED , 08-30-13 I I LOT 14 1 LOT 15 I ERB LOT 16 I I I CREST OF DUNE LOCATED I 08-30-13 .- I I II HOLDEN BEACH WEST SUBDIVISION MAP CABINET 7, I I PAGE 50 I I l I I I i I I L 1 I I 1 LINE 1 BEARING DISTANCE U I N 80'29'26" E 1 4.79 L2 I N 03'57'25" IN 1 23.84 BENCHMARK MAG NAIL ELEV: 6.62' o V) NcO Z U O _ rnN1 I U zza I I I I =o:8 5' ACCESS I 1 11 G [A EASEMENT I I d i w II II CL Z II CONCRETE SLAB + ELEV. 10.3' I I I U O O N z 2 U 12.6' 1 I I I I I I 1 o o I I I 1 I I 1 )NE ' I LOT 10 LOT 11 I I LOT 12 I I I I I ' ERB I I I I I I II � II HOLDEN BEACH WEST 1 �' SUBDIVISION MAP CABINET 7, �' I PAGE 50 I I POOL WITH CONCRETE DECK I (890 SO. FT. +/-) I I I ZO I 1 1 (EL I I I 1 LOT 13 I 1 52,566 S0. FT. I I 1 1.21 ACRES I 1 I 1 WOODEN I I I 1 WALKWAY I I 1 I I I I 1 II Z I I I $ 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 q 0) o f 1 R [E@[EaI MAP — A 9nlO-Ul