HomeMy WebLinkAboutOIB_3-12_ Dakota�F 5 -a7 as T � y 0 *L �ocarsrl1 NA C m4fd 29.201:91 Dakota;Ksmpl'and C. ci6 Kimberly;i 'Ffam`flton IP_osf:`OffieeP�i3ox. ti0ti5 Ocean lsle=Beact , NC' 2840, RE; EXEMPTED'PROJECT:SAND FENCE 15A NCAC=07K 021 .21 OCEAN HAZARD=AEC PROJECT GOCATIONIADDRESS-11;fi:East.Flrsf.- treel Dear=Sir:or Madam; pw Exemption No: Qtr ,312 I have rev"iewed Iffe nformatiomsubmifte&to';�i offlce'ih youn inquiryfconcerning fhe=necessary filing] of an application, for a -minor develbpmen6ermit under fhe�Coastai�Area'Management.A612 �Aflen making a site inspection on Ma c-K 29,.�201.9,1!have d'etermiiied=that the-activity�you-propose, s exempt from needing-a3minor developme6f perm t as long a �t t-1inst"ailed irnaccordance,with the_atta4Qispecifications, and meets fie -conditions specifelbeloW ffffyob, 1-plans_should change-an&y.our, project will�no.fonger meet thesexond'itions, please.con�tact:me;before proceeding;: SAND FENCE=CONDITIONS: (1), Sandi fencing may only; be installed'forrthe, purpose of'. building sand_dunes-by trapping,windlblown sand;�the, protectEon ofithe dunes) and vegetabon'(planted' or existing). (2), Sandif6nting shall fiat impede ezk sting pdblicraccessIto the beach, recreafibna[ use_df-t�he.,6each or dmerg'encyi Vehlcle 000ss. Sand,fencing shall not b6--installed ih a manner 'that impedes_or restribts established common law and_statutory, dg%fo-f,`public.access andlusemdf7public-trust lands -and, wafers: ,(3); Sa_nd fencing shall" not !be, installed in a manner, that impedes, traps or otherwise endangers sea turtles sea turtle nests or�seeturtle.hatc(i(ings, (a)� Non=funcUonlrigl damaged; or d4§-e-cufdd andJence shall be immediately removed -by the,�property owner: '(5), Sand�fencing.�shall be_constructed1frorn evenly spaced thin wooden vertical slats connected' with twisted .wire, nomore than-Voet, in height. IN.00den posts ,or stakes no. large -ill thdrtriT=X 41 or F, diameter, shale suppo . sand' fencing! (6)j Location SandLfencLr g_sha[l be paced assfar landward as-poss[tile to avoid ioterfe�ence with_sea tur-tie.nesting, existing,pui5lic�access;=recreational use«of the beach, sand; emergency vehicleaaccess. (a)i Sand fencing shall not be placed on the -et -sand beach area (b)j Sand fencing irfsta(led parallel toy the shoreline shall ba located go farthet ,waterwafd than, the, crest of the frontal or primary dune; o� (o) Sand fencing installed wat_erward of the�grest of tk(Efrontal, q! pnmary-d shaihbe] ii�staifedaat] " an angle no less than 45-4degree, Co the shorehnel Indwldual sectionslof $andl fence shall noel exceed more titan 104eet m length; and] shall be spaced no less? thar2 seven feet apart; and shall .;not -extend ,more µ#den =10 feet . teLwar_d, ofI the follow ngl locations, whicheAfer: is, most waterward, the firstline of stable natura ve gtation, the toe of theme -frontal o�-r -- erosion.escarmentoffrontalo� rimaryidu_ fie., pM WILMIN(aTON, NC ARA-1 U Makoffi . f CanEp ran d-ILLC Mh f of! olit—afniiEgLfi, othersta—tb This exdmp o,CAMA ipermlt fe7qqhmenCs:does nofl alleviate necessiy, I , - YOE r, t, 60-ir— -the — Fbderatl,o Local au o lzaUont Tffis eie�L�Mn-expi?esM daysrifom the.bite-of -lettbi, ,Sincerely, 1"Mycus,l UPQ Tow-gi-O Oceanl IS—aaa-cb 3 Vtqqt Third-amem gOcean jsle,�eac 46 b,. UQ 28--91 cc; Tyler Mcgu ke 9 D P " j . r � IM Vasf Facts 2zi 8-and::-fieetreln- I dyi'd"efigeg Parm-&pq tx� W criteria" for"tw'e ift ots-eind-temes along th- -05-c—eanfro-fit took MO-Afg. ZO-021, ,ftir-qq4t Th 0 j -WhIlrigN Under the ff0w- §Uid6llftds; propertyoVqdrs certain c-Wr'N Will be, Clijible for=A:,eWemp Coastal Area permit:requli pffip-O-My- 6w--n6-r-,siWa-fitItb..put . upsandlfenc'e, 67M the cf114-64, MOMAI, have tbzap-olk Jor ftftljop ' ' . 1- U. 0-. then-1:pOrmM lh-emew fUl6s d"not i(fVt;§l[Qd "Hojt-67-Aug. 1. Vft-atifie -gi#:e I-niLszsap , - _y 1 6 __ 0 A 13 'C3 nwri To for the exemption; The _t I&A-MA and f, ma fg gpjdeHnes.qrqateZ.-(,-A'. . Alnorpermir" rid-MIOX0., pl iori� or _ew n -orf -- witoow to tow- jp� qVn __, sand - g 4 f6h r'. 13 0 The, fe-ncinqj;USt; 6z:w:j5O-:;taI(ei pq: -rtia ce�rtqChi woRe-h Ve a-lidlifs' E"onrceffied With' tvAsfe7dtWr.6". e The fenging mq ji be ip alckd as-pu—ndwar-d as:poss'iblelto qy�ltQ-tqr-f9rercqywihe@A rtle, nesting,, pint access and use of the !each,Itjmush p _�a:nt-,Wet=sin& beach. _ • Jf4driCNOYIS 16 V-Q Pltib'07 fly8fa-116vto ItieO-orjeliiie.-I:it must --not li�_fec6,t-ed.-Wa-te-r.w-a7rdI dfithe dreR 6fftie, Vorita-I or primary, c�une� 13 • Vencihq--`iiiFo be placed waterwara76f-:thezcrest , Vuthe #,qnejt:mu9t �Wihstalfed--at, a, 4-6-,deglpe or greater t� di spaced at a7ngft, q.;-�qch,:se� C qjlust must Ile s F 8ib&-d-fen e A n Abe longer than 4"feet,,ana:seqkons least i)ee6paa. ;-,ffi 01-e, tha-h, 1-0. fieet'.15.6yj5-nd OtthiFf thd. ffM-line:oCsfgble, -natu-rOlJ,0e-g6tdVO-nj the tot df tkte - Or-ttal or prim-df� dune,dune, ai the �jr-o-ejofi eWdarp- me -0todf-Ah-el ddi,, -8 acco , ng�as--the acceft &*a 4-& dqg!ee giedmOy -bpza-s (16 tc! SandfencingIi-C Why the guidelines are - lh-e7ent-T-Cbj,-ffid amounts ofle-dIedrg -al,drg the c6d-ft has f�OW7 siJbifidAntly ascbd-pefty oWhers'sought to, vwCrtWF 6"e!=f6m dtmandii6ngmerm-bearh,brjeidn, A-i�sukhWi[e-of sandTfbri6ng.- d0-O:bf-whidh:& lffiT6Vdyinstalled or neglected - novi line 'the state's7 U.eaches.. K,r3ecause improper sand fencing] can pope =al threat to sea lyrtles, the state Wildlife Resources Commission has cle.Mdl�-ed-id'luhi tary �sdfiid, fd-ncf�q ggilid4hes. Several beach] communities had attempted ;�k es- the ]issue -through sand :fencing ordinances;'bull the, scope of jq�-'RE the probtem:require01 state qritlar, Th0QR--Q- 0WOVnOgOl�itby qulddline§-w6e, ddvdI666d] in,cooperatkn,wiffNha WRC�anarthe SAL�i �FF�tCIIVG��ItAAYH:i I e .^i4 fl ;i t� a