HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-15_ Boyd (2)._; NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government L� 2--TZ - 12 -15 Permit Number CAMA �MINO�RD_EVEL�PMENT PERMIT This-permttautharizes Installation of swimming pool and associated decking; (1.) All proposed 'development and:associated associated construction :must be --done in accordance with= -the permitked woi, plat "r Ijr gs(s) dated receitedron February l 2019. (2)] All const (3) Any ehange or changes-in-th-e=plans for,-tlevel6Went, canstruction, or land use aclavihes will require a n�-evaluation and madlkatiori of this. permit: (4);; A_copy-of thls-permit shaill ll bey -posted _or available on -site Contact:this-office at_910 798-7118-for_a=final-inspection-at completion -'of -work. RECEIVED DOM W11-MINGTON, NC (Addi4onal PermIf_Conditioos-on-Rage"2j FEB 1 9 2019 = This permit action ii,4 be appealed by the permitlee di aiier qual)ie persons `viith n twenty (20) days of theIssuingI date This pvmlt most be ori'the. protect rsite.:and_accessible to ihe.peimit_officer when=lhe-protect is-inspected-fd`.] rcompllence. Any-mai4nance work-or-;prolect mcdii�on_riot_coven?d',underj this permit, -require further wriQen_permir approval, All rwcxk must_cease whenth s, (permit expires on:: DECEMBER-31, 2022a In -issuing thls permit it is. agreW that Ibis-prolect is consistent wI the local tend I-Uselplan and-all-apNicable,ordinarces:l, is permit may not be IransfenedJ0 another party' without Ihe' writtenlapproval iof the NDivision' bf Coastal'°! Imari'gerrient Darre I E. Galloway CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 230 Government Center Drive: Suite-.11.0il Wiimington,MC 28�4Q _. . PERMITTEE Signature-r.equired if_conditons-.above-appiy_ta permit) a>i�e."�JamessABaysl� . rMifnor Penni�# �15 'rDatb:,F®bruary fg,=2019' ,_Pa9a2u (5), The=amount_of_impervious surface_shaii_not_exceed 25°[0 of the=lot_area_wfhin 573-feet-of;Normal--High:Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area -of -Environmental Concern), in_this-cue, 250:total-squaiefeet:is:authortzed. (Ei)� Untess specifically allowed in 15A NCAG07H `0209(d(10), aril shouvn on the penriitted plan drawing, all tlevelopmentteonstrucbdn,shall`ae located a distance�of=30 t"eet`laridiiard ot-Normal High iNater No- `' °"' .- _ W portion of.�the roof overhang_shali_encmachinto the� ft. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated matenai resulting=from associated grading and landscaping-shafl.be retained-w.site t)y--oketive sedimentation and erosion control measures Pnor 'to ariy land, isturtiing, activities, a Barrie%lire-.of filter cloth must lie installed betiuecn theland d stuibing-activityLLand ttie adjaoent"marsh o'r water areas until?suah fitne as'the aroma be�- has en grope ly stabil¢ed ,40 a vegetative_cover. (B)i Any,proposed-far;grading withirvthe-301 bufferfrom.the-Nonml-Hi h_Watermustibe-contoured-to prevent -additional storrriwater runoffto the adjacent:.marsh. i his oleo shall be iinmediatety vegetatNely stabilized, ,arid=mirstremain in a; vegetated state. (9)1 All--ofher_disturbed amas,shall-,be vegetatively_statiilized_(pianted-and mulched) withh 1-4--daytoficonstrucfion complefiom SIGNATURE: I'ERMITTEE DATE: �. L_ I VE'D r= �d 1 92019 GENERAL I EVRA—L, MOR-NUTTION, LAND OWNER mepi - m- es Do y4 Address. 205 Marsh Hen Dr PLANNING & ZONING Nzi6.,18-4019 .-2-3-73-688 W-Umingtqn, S io . We C 2 Phone 207-4 Nkrfte—.- City�— - Stdfiy:— NO: Ph6hb LOCATION OV-PROJECT -. (Addibss name -and/or directions to -si 'Y -the-Warne -.ofthei ifivetsite . - f not oceanfront, what is, '61 0 Waterway inl6tin the developme nt called "Channel Haven".off. M aqqptpM Dr I Above Ground Pool DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all PrWgatdhstructi6h -- aft-dlaid dig 14 '01 33 , SIZE OF LOUPARCEL: 7square - -Ac—rq PR©POSED USE: Residential .(Single4ami1Y*— Multi4atnilY-J P-CWfif ffedc-Falfffidtistrial —'Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR ARFWOF, X BUILDO(G IN THE OCEAN ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (A-E an& covered feet (includes miudes all floors- roof decks) SIZE OVBUR,-DING ,FOOTPRINT AND -OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR-BUILT-UP-ON¢URFAC-ESlN�THE',I COASTAL SHORELINE AREA ,0FENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): ,square feet wilc-uldati6fis ifidlddeg the area of the ibbf/dffp-1ifi6 of Al Buildings, driveways, #yA, covered decks, concrete or mas onry patios, R6. Ifi-at areikiffiii the appji (Al ,your calculations jib the project drawl C-4005c, the AEC area that applies gtw.,your, prop": (1) withim75 feet of Norinal-Ifigh Water for_the,-Estaatinie Shoreline AEC (2) within-575 feerof Normal High Water f6r--tl eEiltdi-nff6 Shbf6lifid AEC, Cd*-"-- a_ t to Outstanding Resource Wateit (3) within -*3-0 feet of the P61116 Ttust 8 AEC (-"Contact your Local P,--eilam` ib'ff i -ou arernot-sure which MC applies to your property.) t cerif y S-T-AT'E"'STORM-WA-TE'R�iMAN,A'GEMN-T,,,P,BRMIT:,h the -p-ro-j" e-c-t located jhan area subject to 9 $�gtqr Miffi��W Permit ,sued by the NC DiN4fibifi'& Water Quality? IYES, If yP§, li-A the total built upon MV�imp-ou,,i-ous-lsurface.,allowedifor your lovor parc'61. square'feet. A5CEIVED bCM WILMINGTON, NO FEB 19 2019 OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: you a pl :r-iiiy'-ii4iiiieOkiffig%diCTMnttii�CAMAI motor-developmen determine if any9f these apply to-YOW pmjo��. &*940wkinglWa-W W01-1SWOcT qr—Q01eF7 -y M%ueatmentsystom), BuiIdW& 'Electrical , AuTrifith eitingand Air Conditwning,',Insulation and Energy, cqwryacq-g FIA Ction, Sand Dune, Sediment Gontrarl., i"ti d Connection, an others, ers. 1�6bilfv-166h Approval, Mobile Home Pit Apiii6Q; Hikhw4y STATEMENT OF OV MRS";. 70" I the undersigned, p appliCant fora CAMA minor development perrnit, being eitFei thea-awner of property, inanAEC or WPM minordevel- - -v t. ft Berson purposes &:C AMA OpMen penni f ce a person listed -as landowner 6n--thisapplication lies agigffifican Interest dti pi -op J" a�seIt"rem. Thii-4fitifigf cih'b6d6-s&-nbiFdas: '(4c'hee,ko-n'e-)I 0 page'. NON � _*1 owner 1iy iriftu6 cif iiiih&i1ki66. Applicant eir to e estate o is an h"' -' th' -- f" probate was in,. County. c __jf otherInterest, such -as written contracrordease, explain -below -use sepamte-sheet and attach W thiis_�-Iappn. JkNt PRO _'EkS." NOTIFICATION f W ADJACENT OWNERS: Iftirdidr—m-Me certify that the followingpiirs6fts- are d*hd§ of properties LadM—_ffi-fig1 thispr'op"e—�_ . I affirm that have given XCTUALNOTICE t66—ch6fdi&corteemi'ngnyi­en todevel9Pthis-piD"��and tqapply _fqr&CA%pe , 209 Marsh Hen Dr Dr FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: PERMISSION-TO', ENTER -UN LAND: ofany,zpermjt.-_Any _ -moa twiftt-issu lemth-civi, enrmna -,develoipiq JA g -­aff_-,AECvithoqt ---- i - -- to -civil, ---' �A_ re� ' I11 1 _ril \1 �.:` - '..' -, i, I 1 11111 . I t-:r',A'A/1LM1NGT0N, FEB I < 92019 ihd6wfi6r orpe"hsbh' a­u't_ho'h"zqgqp"ed to act as his 1 1 agent for purpose of filing a GAiVIA per mit application a0 CANAL R/W 4JNP � a �' 20lVE AE QN STORYSTAr''nS {4Tff=f=R AF #S ") I A, ua y r >m tY fRAr 1 fLOLY}' HAZARl1} �Cy i�t ` r •'*+.:i_ +...�, ',ice 1 Y , 4k� 4 ...i /Z�N X Y^ 2yt E AREA ZPA i� i( t 1Ii$`flSt l CDrlLt IFS r C — D!1£ STORY t8.3.., MVD FR"F '?off l�3Ei <F I U01l�F >; oUNTy cor s5 x wvaoa cvx ING NlNG z s y g sOT 5s A HYAC PAad— �+ Lor 52 v POWP Ppw t 1 4 RIK n � ' 7 111111 s " 7Y7/ , ..?f7 VT7 t✓f f,Y6('> ii� flipW, fap 1 :; PROPERTY_ n � JI NGTON, NC 9 2019 - � r ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OW {- �STATElIAEN3T�FOR CAMA? MINOR PERMITS NEW HANOVER C UNTY James BO d' PLANNING 8` Zt3NING I hereby certify that I oriri property atljacerit-to Y s (Name of Prpparty, (*n®r) property located`ait 205 BMW" Hen Of Addre , ll a- , kip* Road; etc) , an Infeame4al,W__atarway ,;n Wilmington N.C. (W'itte�6oify)° (Tovm and/or County)'] He has described to=me as shown in-the_-attached,appllcatiorti:and-attached,-`tlrAwing(s) th6bWelopment he is proposing at=that,locaton, and; I have na objections_to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Telephone.%mberi bate-1 RECEIVED DOM WILMINGTON, NO FEB 1 9 2019 0 r Fate- 5%m Adjacent Property Owner malt, ,�ddr,, - ., "L . A)c ZVI C4,, State, 7,d Code , DearAdjacentRmperty. - RE Aftelpts for SerfifledUsili (Staple"1,166) RECEIVED NEON HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &ZONING This letter is to inform you that 1, James Boyd have applied4ofa- CAMAMrin'dir Property Owner. ;Ewm-'an en In -New -Hanover hmiltonmy.pr9perty t'WW6_h'H Ur _ PC ProP-04Y s AddresW-044- County. r4 required'111ACAKA ri'm hadons, 1,fifi -p _*ve d, -00 of my; 0-app __t' e, . a VP T and- project �(} my proposed roct. No id6n is nquired fpoT you may sign and ftm the enclosedn"bjechon form.f-_ybUW if contar,t.me,at 207423-3m -below. you wish to Applic-'an'-f-'sit"elephone, frlw'i CQm" ouQbje CAMkM!nor"Parmit,P-ro-grgr-Till:96TMa-,-Y--lsUbifikj them to: ;Sincerely; . James,Boyd Property Qv neu 205 Marsh Hen Dr Xcidress- Mailing'- WJ1Mjnpn NQ 2 aw" state;`lip c6de Pkl*. Loca[Permit,dicer Lop?! PArmit New yer H_4Aq -Count 230 66vommepA center bdvq' SU40,31 10 Zonrng ion Of I dj—g0n"-','Nd' 29403 FU 91 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 1 ' 9 2019 1 op, 9 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR 1 CAMAMINOWPERMITS fjwr certify that I own go U t to James 6oy-d S &aMe of _ Pro_e_QWRR63 &' pt9e_y !qqqted at M&Aen br Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.} on Intracoastal Waterway Wilmington !n- N.; C (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) Hd'h7as ddi!fd-nbbd'-f6 rnd shown in thb ii 6'Opfic'"n'tf-16-in andprojectdtiMig-W, the development he--is'proposing-.at.-.that--.Iocation, and, Lhave- (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Si�gnatture 1A 7111:-j RECEIVED DOM WIL MINGTON, NC FEB 1'9 2019 KI 2lrzl��� a e, m Adjacent Nroperty Own Me' in Address City, State, ip Code 1E Dear Adjacent Property: Ra�cep#s for Certified Mail (Stap'f Here) RECEIVED EEO 2019, N U1T HAN,C VER COUNTY Pt.ANN1lVC ZOi'+jING Th9s_letteris:totnformyou that James i39yd have applied.forz-CAMA:Minor .Property -Owner., Permit on mypmperty at 205 Marsh Hen Dr in New Hanover Property.Address County. As required by CAMA regulationsJhave enclosed a copy of my permit application and project df awing(s) as notdiCat on of rny_proposdd proaect. No actign is required from ,you tir you may sign and refum il►e enclosed no objection Form. tf-you � M any yuestiai►s or comments about m}I proposed project; please contact me at. 207-423-3688 ,or by mail at the address listed below., If you wish to - Applicant's Telephone fide wrtencomments or�objections Witt the -New Hanover.County _CAMA Miner -Permit Program, you.may_submit them to: `Sinoereljr; James Boyd Property Owner 205 Marsh Hen Dr - Mailing Address Wilmington NC 28409 City, State, Zip Code CAMA Local Permit Officer Local Permit Officer for New Hanover County MO Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Zoning Division Wilmington, NC 28403 FReCEIVED DOM MMINGTON, NC FEB 1 9 2019