HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-14_ Williams (2)l.F S-Z�z NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Govemment This -permit authoii es:.:Conshc'c on_of'swimming:,pool. and:gazebo. {2�a 1944 Permit`Number pro NW de—ve- opmen assoctat6d constru pn mustr a one` in accordance with a ,permitted work plat iirawings(s}dated received on Februar Ali o_V Any change a—r- cftanges in tW-plans�for._development; construction, modif+catori 6f this' peRntE A=copy of, this �permit�shall. be°_posted-or availableon-site: Contact-thi�of 00 at=910-798;7-1'18q fct a final inspection=at completion of-M&k. RECEIVED (Additional_i-enmlt-Conditions.on:Rage_'2}j DOM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 1 9 2019 This,perrnrt achon may be appealed by .the_ germiliee or other quallfled persons _s u within twenty (20) days of.the Issuing. date 'This,peauniust be on, . project slte 'and accessible to thepermit, officer ufien the project is, -inspected for tcompila ce: Any maintensrice work=or--proleci modlflcatlon...not covered u4i!4 Ahisrmit� reguire_fu6er_written.permltiapproval..All.work'must`ceasewheimthi'J ;per _If_expirea_on: DECEMBER'31, 20221 In:issuirgi,its permit it is agreedtat.this prgact:ls_consistent withthe.local Land ,use=Pla&and all sppki le,ordinances-jjhrs permit ,mavnot be°transferred to_j =Managementy� without the' wntteni approval of the Dl�nsion of Cs�astaf tic - ERMi -EE (Signature required if conditions above apply=to permit) rNamee, !Y an AnneVill ams yMnnr Permit #:19,141 date. Fe6ruaryw18, 20_S Pags=2 (5): The-amount-of_impervious suriace_shah.not:emceed_25%-of theslot areawkhin 575-:feet-of=Nomtal_High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area -of EnvironmentalUram), 'in,this-case, 440-total=square feet is--authoriied. (6) tJrtle s speciFically,.allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10j; and shown on the permrit d plan drawing, all de�elopmentrconstruction-shi*be_located adistance of 30 feet iandward.of Normal High 1Nater. I0-portian_of.they roof -overhang -.shall encmach-into:the-3o.ft. buffer. A _ _�., - _ 9 ng a .- l? .g F T �,, ed on s he b�y effk ive II unconsolidated matenal resuib from associated radi antl landsca in 91% -be refain sedimerlt;ition apd, erosion control measures. Pnor to any land-aistvriarrg acvt6es,_a homer line fr cloth must be installed between the land distutfi ng actin #y_and._ihe_adjaceni-ro h or water areas, untilesuch time_as-thewea orgrainwnte3ber te(8) -Any- roNrmal High -Wafer must be contoured #o;pnsvent additional sfonnwater runoffto tfie.adjacent marsh? Thrs area silali be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated-stgtei. (9)1 All-other-areas.shall-be--vegetativef --stabilized_(planted and mulched) within 14 days.of.construction completioty SIGNATUR' ■ . RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 1 92019 GENERAL -INFORMATION I Krlki Nitff&l Aci�ir------ pn AUTHORIZED AGENT -Name: A Zip: Phone. - gqt Phone: q to 3-3 'l LOCATION --OF PRO T: Aodress--stre-et-name md/or rciong-tbsite? Ifffot-6dCffn� What is the--n-a—me6fthe �pro QS la di&MbanC V 60� VW W& ftn*-j�i 0 n 0 Md n TIONE d :-SIZE--OF---L0.T/PAPvCEl---. '&3 -1 91 ig (Sin -Wy, ricaffidustilal- . Other -USE:-U8E:4T**it.' —Xfiil440!k Comme— ILI RN THE7 T-6TA-L---'EN.CL-.O$EJb-i�t--O-O'R-A'�REA OF ABU v GJAN -OCEAN HAZARD-AREAOF "'EN,V IRDNI—VIENTAL CONCERN-4AM)t. . . . ....... Choose theAEC Fewthat.appliest (-lY4iil& 75--flwA ofNOM24High. Wag for the*as* ARC Water& (3.)--Wfdlin 30-fee-Of flte-ftjfli� Trat Shateliffe AEC (C- bittkid, your Local Pdiiiit Officer if you are not sure *hf6h AEC applies to your property.) ,5' ATE Atbi�A - - - - ------ - L.-.."'-'-.-L-.----.-- NIAN PERINW: Is the;project.,Iocated,in-anarea--subjec,t.to a -State Stor.mwater Management-Mmt usued by -the --NC Division,-jof;-W.iater--Quality9I YES L.No V, saiim fka. RECEIVED ®CM WILMINGTON, NQ. FEB 1 9 2019 STATEMENT OF ON M-RSMP-.- RIB, 11 31 WI-T] ih-zd AEC or -V'ain.own er`or —re;c.;�o—rd-tia(- D Deed 6ow, .563- ,Title is vested in 6u—n Registry see, ded B age 4,j-4 in the 0 Cff-,e�& p =-,own" by-vft%wQfi4ter probate-wasIni camty. . . . tL . . . . . 44 A� Via -NOTLFIC, ATJOY-OF ADJACENT-FROPER-TY-OWNERS.- 1-acimowlizdge that the land 1h lk--mpe development `-may b QW-4-4glis:LA-w—arel-44 -jgd --pn - -1 _wkAik e- �suseeptibl6--to:-erosion,-and/or flooding. Ilaclmowwledge thatthe--Iocal--pmmfit:officer-hai;--exMlained--to-me-th-e-particular �.h-a-z-a-r-d-p,-r-o-bl-e-i-n-'s ai-s'sio-cdaltz---d wfth this=lot. This explan&cm:vas a:womppic&byAM` reconmien a i(p '. AM DCM WILMINGTON, NO xA FEB9 2019 mig EB I SO C SW OO' MY " I Dear Karl and Judith, add 4 -bulIdAhe Wdiiarne, pool- nd--gazebo-as-.quickly-and professionally assJt ls--vur intentiohlo- A _possible. That ii5ld; please--fie-iF-ee to contact—fitk--t me c--o-'-nAru—don onoess if you need-myattention-caled-to-imatter. 1'reallze,coastructiorinconveniefetscannot b- sensitive -#in as possible; Thank yoti I h this :Cgrygur help 10 matter. ;Whit Honeycutt 'Ndfth Sta-td C6#7M RiAlIdd-fi i(91.6) 200--9174 *W@northstatecustoOuildirsicbnl RECEIVED NFW Vipt4OVER COUNTY & 7oNiNG RECEIVED DOM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 19 2019 Feb ruary 2019 Dear Arthur; ,aistric. tli ft Is our - . iiitentionto b7gild-thEd Willi0b:ol 4'04-d&quk - ' zibo as -j-- .-- and professionally at possible. That .-Said;--please:Lfeel free -to -contact me du4n'g-'tKe--c-o-n-fs-t-u-ct11 — - construction U I f - P-mc-AS—S if ,need iffy attention dilid--tip i matter. I realize construction incorveniences.cannet be - totally avoided --but we-Wll be as-rsensitive-to your pain as possible.. Tharikyou ,your alp-InAls matte 'T. \-3 Whit Honeycutt . (9-10)2M---9174 it@nofth'statecustombui'lders.-com1 Lj RECEIVED NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 19 2019 0 I OtaMwrR t 76 MCK 42 Q #A C.Ax v III P.V.,W4 PiA& 1� tv II t f i L,IrR MiCEIVE 17 ------- F E B 1 3 20 19 )vER-COUNTY NEWHANC PL -ANNING-&-Z-ONING MA 44 A 2 R E"CE' I V E 0 bomWILMINGTON, N 1MONDORO, ROAD' Z SK f laj 5'. w Mae w '(A'(tU-1 A M 5 " m ` ~~.,. ,.."~,".,`°.`, "~~� 9 ��wm��� �ARCHITECT vmzmwi | N 610Z a j ON "NOIDNIVY11M VYoQ tiya 0-n E%INO-Z 13 ONINN'dlcl ,k1Nn6o,d3A0NVH M3.N F EB 1 5 20-191 ER COUNTY & ZONING X j If 11 lot. mginDlig". Mal I "A 11 1 Hn. 1 .6 1 1ki 111"MIJUMONJI 1111101 Ali M; I Jul 99 1 1 1 m w I I i 10111 1 M ON'B's no i mow i FRO lot Bull, Mil 111H 111,1111 1, too A F1 V Rill 11 Gilit r m -RECEIVED 'ED 70N, NO )19 7 ul 11i CrID, FEB 20 NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANNING & ZONING ILL R CEiVED E. D CC M WILMINGTON, NC FEB 19 2019 -L F E B 201-R NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING &ZONING RCEIVED 'ILMINGTON, NC B 1 92019 -CEIVEED IILMINGTON', NC 92019