HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-13_ Congleton (2)New Hanover County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT �li`!IIkI LF 19_13 Permit Number Coastal Manawmenl FNVWOWM NTAL QUALITY as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management' Issued to Thomas Congleton authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline — ORW (AEC) at 1359 235 Williams Rd. in Wilmington, New Hanover County, as requested in the permittee's application, dated February 8, 2019 and received complete February 8, 2019. This permit, issued on February 11, 2019 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Installation of non-structural fill dirt; limited to two (2) feet or less in height. i (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on February 8, 2019. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re- evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910) 798-7118 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit must be on the protect site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2022 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. RECEIVED FEB 1 2 2019 Darrell E. Galloway CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL Wilmington, NC 2&0 PE ITTEE (Signature required nditions above apply to permit) ��N;ame�Thomas Conga q Ndnor term{t # 9-13�� kEiafie: ebru Theaount merviousshalt�notexceed _'25 of the lotarea .wrthm 575 i�Iof NormatwHighuWaber� ( y I Estuarine:S�orehne = ORW<Area:of.Eniranmerrtal C;oncemj-irt:thls re;=30d0 ttal'uat felt is authorized? 6j]-UnlessLspecificMy owowNedLm 15A 1VCAC 07H' 4209(d) ff Q)_and sh m o� the permitted 'jxlan drawing;�an deveioprnenticonstraction shalt 6e lacafied ,� distance._of 3 feet landv ard_ofWNo[mal High_Water No portion -afythe rv_of ovefharig�shall encnachinto th'e�3�' �utier is 7 V All.unconsolidated.mate al re uhi from associaied radr and land rrt shall be�refai ed o s by effective sedimentation and erosion Control measur Pnor to any land�lisfurbIng acmki, a' bamer-line of:filter cloth must` asnfn Properly stabilized wnta ue�gtive ine adjacent marsh or water areas, until such lme.as_the6area _ a .. i _ 1 High Vitater-must be cones to prevent add' onal s6onnwa%r nrniW 10 the ad acenthmarsf buThisr r�eapshalf berm' A rn forgi 7 . . j medrately vegetatively stabilized; and must rem'ain in � a�vegetabed�state. � - i (9 Alt: o her:d sturbed areasyshall be vegetatively statiitized-{Planted7and7malctiedjR-Ain 14 days of-,consttuc6lon 1 comptedon i RECEIVED: ®CM WILMINGTON,.NC 1 FEB 1 2.2019 it x S1G.NATURE ..... , * QATE;. PER_MI NEW KANO M kkcdul I J 1A P t -0-C Aft a 13 � tl F 4' 71 �_J GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER RECE . WED FEB 1 amE NL-vv rVANUVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING . Address: City', klz_4,�,-&- State: Zip: Phone: 4(al -1.2�5 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name: oxwe-r' Address: cityi,. LOCATION OF FIR -adjacent Y.) ,JmFa-tetbod State: Zip; Phone; site? .6FW0.W"-t: (List all proposed construction and fond diituibandii, Q C 7 J :SIZE OF,,LO_T1PARCEL: pet,, square feet 2'. 15, acrgs, 3--&- X1,49--Z PROPOSEJYUSEI.RdgidendtiAl V(Siff gle4amily Multi-Tfarnilyj_ Commerical/Industrial Other of TOTAL ENCLOSEDFLI OOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN -THE -OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN v, - _.�qfeet (includes all floors and r6offi�6--vm-ed-ARki) ___(, -A4-1,41 fia­re OR BUILT.- `AkES1NfWE A-� —SURF ,SIMOF 0UILDIN-G FOOTPRINT AND OTHER U3­_ N ,,COASTAL, SHORELINE AREAVR-ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. (AEC}:; I Fsq- (Calculations iffeludias qw-area of the roof/drip-line-of all --buildings, driveways, covered&&s, co ncrete or masonry -patios, etc. thidt &e Withih the dfiolitAbld AEC.)(Attaeh y6ar-cal-culations witly-the-project drawing.,) Cli-o-cWe the AEC area th-aft a'p-e--s' to your FF f-- v (1)thinr5,fietQNrmal MghWater for the Eitufffie Shoreline AECfl Wil'P5&qtof-Normalff6h`Water -fi?rthe E-jj 'neSh'-o--r-e'lj-'n'-e'AF-C,aoj-iC 6nhi to Outstanding.Re urce Waters (3) withinJ0,feet-.0f the Public TnwSbomlinp AEC 1. F(Contactlour Local Permit Officer if yowaremasure which AEC applies to your, property_:) STA-T-E=STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PERMIT: Ig-tht pr-dibbt Imwed1wart area subject tcFa StaW-Stonnwater Management Permit &i-ssde_d' by tlieLNCDivqii-dndf�-Wiite-r(Z#ily? YES -NO V' ifi,yps; list the total lluf " parcel. (t upon a - low4 4 �Oryo _'6t or p gpe� sqCq�_& � , HrL T squwe, 6& RECEIVED 0CM WILMINGTON, NO FEB 19 2019 GENERAL INFORMATION LAND JQW_ WERi Name: Addrd-- City: �Ah_ZZVL4g; 2 ��g State: AUTHORIZED AGENT Name: Address: City-, State - LOCATION .OF adjacentmaterbod CEIVED FEB - 81 pig ::;W HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING&ZONING ZIP.. Phone: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all 0i"&-6bh§tfii&ti6fi and land 'di-l-""i- SIZE ­OF­L_0T/PARC--Et: rvsguare feet _Aqrep_-_- -7w-7-510W -1-A-WoV 4tr-o- #k_(jkb§ib_ trgk-. Residential A6_�Kmglorfamily Multi7family Other C ommerical/Industrial TOTALENCLOSED-FLOOKAREA OF A BUILDING -IN THE _OCEAN ,_HAZARD ARE2VOF (AEC). , 'A ­­­­ -(fiw - --it iii&fw &o-Ve-r&d-­d&-ckg) -ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN 44/ squaif-fat, clvd&s all--fl6o SIZE ­OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT, AND OTHER EMPERVIOIJS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELMAOUA OF KNVEW NtAII CONCERN I square feetii (Calculationslilie iQVdiip line of all b driveways, cove_- -ormiasonry patios; inclu qj gs, - -w _sq cq 4d6c1cs; mnprete- etc. that are within the-appitcaj � AJE�-_ —ur-caicui-l-aii-o-zis-with the projecudrawing.) big, IkA b:yA _.____ Choose the AEC area'Ant-appliesto-your property.-' _(1) withini75 feet -of Normal High Water-for-theFEstuarine ShorelineAEC AleW, Sl:r ,(2) withirr.575-fm of Normal High Water fimr-the- ShowtWe AEC, a4#&&Qb. Oak&idifig Re7s_bi-fiee W, A-11" '(3) Withih'30 feet ofthe Piublk T-fi-ift Sh6iififi6 AEC (Contact yow Loa Fernit Officer ff-you are not sure w$qfi AEC. T, es, to you r 9w P-m STATE 9 T-WORM-W-AT E-R- MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is —the —project -located in an area: subj eata.z � State- Stormwater Management-Pennitissued by.Ahe_-,NC Division -of Water Quality.? YES NO to, If yes; ist: e.tota uilt iqpm &WftembFiffs gffefde dlF6iArdd.-f5r Yddri Idt or parcel. square . RECEIVED DCM WL.MINGTON, NO 2019 OTHEIUPERMffgMAY-BE-RF.QMRED.-iT�hb�eetiW!*-.y��amplibiiigfi*iiq-iR&iei66t&rfi-mdk,--CAMAifiiie' 'a--d ntpir—mft 0 nt M-I'service -ka, nhr� kinds of kau me7 ve--compilaw -0 r _t(j dcWmine#,qni�qf fl� 'jy Iq qF Bull �qi�ap _y zo*' NNUtra-riwel- -*k .p #qi'MjFqtL_ _L S Tm*(CT other VWV_ Ang C I Dune; Sediment Control, "rc'�I, Pl�n1ifigk and Ali'Co�diflofiing, hisd1iflon and Energy ConservaH&W,'Pik S-U&j[jjjj&7 AVpio-��I, =no—ME-P&k 40-proval"HOW4 c6a7e-cli6i, ffid-6ffivs. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: T L We undersign rit applicant lap AEC- or , " I I - --. -7.1 k t f6rp ing7'Or a minor di permi - ceifi Cat t n to actzs'an-a I cert - a- pqr autho Q Uq= _ap'pjy 1k _p _goi _h pgsqn rtgW as landowner qn-thjs'@ppHcaC _�qA has a si ncant-interest in the rqqlpropertydescribed can bidwaribed_4: (check -one) - - an owneror-record tide, Tit1eJsvwte&in pqe'_t�_j the AhN-� -giviftAgr COifffity lft-ittry-, of Deeds an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the. estate of probate was in county.. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or . use a separate sheet and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I Crthermore cefffy.1hattfib Toffowffi' -.pe ns ge owners df,properties:aQUoi@fig tW prop ty. I gTibp �_hatj%havq g6Len gAq �T'V�_*OT_ �_ 1� -I.- , � o jn7j'c qk NOTICE -my intent to develop this property 9T *Q- AMA- erml P * vo_ , W to j _ _____p FOR DEVELOPERS W OFC---EA-N- AAI&W- A -0 19-S3T]ARM HAZARD AY": I ackmwledgitthatAv land amor ikawar-c-iiAlhe propos-ed-deLvolopment-isplame-d-for an area which maybe, to: ff icerhas--explainedtome-the-partic -----War susceptible erosion-andlor-floodin.W I-acknowiedge-thatthe -local-pennito hazar&ptoblms-associated�witirthis-,,Iot. This 'lexpimudion,was ,.accompanied.,,b.y recommendations -concerning stabilization and f1 dpr6ofi6-g-tfthniq—ues. PER14WON TO E111 M-R ON LAND: 1-,Aqtauffiorizea�W-gr o, !A W- gm", 10" --11 to the ]Rco permit officer s agen J furthermore (.!� missiqn _grant and fact— und hi— to--eatet;oit.ihe,afor-ementioned lands m connection vdth,evaluating information related to this permit-applicadon., This=applic&ibir-in6ludes:-generaI informatiorr(thig-forth), a.site-drawhyg­as described -on -the back -of -this application ', the-' ownership statement;!the AEGhzkfd,rft necepsary, ItheekBar$100-00--ffMe info oration, as ffikyb6 &6W&ddrilly by ttie a0pli-a-L Me. d6t0dls of the application as described-lbffde i6'u-c-s.a=e insoTo4ffibdt_.ref6rence ma"ny pdpnfiit.wfi1ch_-maybe issued. Vevia L*6m6Wese dRili wif_congfitufe a v61ab_n ff'do any permitAny person o�Ayploppg in.;R YWth6ut pent is subject to of , q� and action. RECEIVED D �M" ILMINGTNAC %FE8.1'.8-2019 This -the day 20 gu-66-flie-d-lb act as his raCAMApermit 4PPA r� Locality, ,� Permit Numb i Ocean Hazard . `Esmanne Shoreeline ORW Shoreline Public Vast Shoreline Other (For official use on&) GENERAL INFORMATION City V i/J f//�, State AICZipJloPhone�� 1��, AUTHORIZED AGENT Tame Address City state, Zip Phone Email LOCATION OF PROTECT: Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent watertiody.} t, o'Sow& ic1 t ' +SA60ve ui've r� Ici Y'IAc B . ' ( DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) Gx1Gt.,KIAM 6421 SIZE OF LOTIPARCEL: square feet _ acres PROPOSED USE: Residential . (Single-family ❑ Multi -family) CommerciallIndu$trial ® Other , Q COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer ifyou are not sure which AEC applies to ,your propent v): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOORAREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space: elevated above ground level but excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach our calculations with the roject dra g.} it�+cT�eel -rvo,ve0 re lot oa,h. u,+att t /krc . STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMEW PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject -to a'State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? S E C; E I V F-0 YES NO... ACM wit -TON, If yes, list the total built upon areaiimpervious surface allowed for your lot or puml: fleet. t , OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning mayreGiiiW permits other than the CAMA, minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank I (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heatingland Air Conditioning; Insulation and EneigyConservation, FIA Certification, Send Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Rom Connection, and others.Check with your Local Permit Officer for, are information. high STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP:, L development permit� being the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor eiihJ K �owiiefb&�wperty in an AECor a person authorized to act as an agent forpurposes of applying for a CAMA minor permit certify that the person WA listed as landowner. on this application has a significant interest in the real pry I intmst.can be (A described as: (check one) an owner or record title. Title is vested in M Je see Deed Book page A/,*&) &&&W,00a County in the Registry of D&ds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interes4 such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a, separate sheet & attach to this application. NOTIFICATION 6F ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I firtherm6re certify that the following persons are owners,of properties adjoining this "Property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for'a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) W-4,M, * 'A ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. Lacknowledge-that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu. lar hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabiliza- tion and floodpioofing techniques. I furthermore certify that lam. authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Pennit Officer'and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. RECEIVED' DOM WILMINGTO.N, NC Zhiof Ly s the day 20 TEBA 8 7W Landowner or person authorizeA act as histher agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application , IV M appUcff&n kidudes.- general information (this form), a site &vwing as duenbedon the back of this applicatlor4 the, ownership ,statement, the Ocean HazardAECNotice where necessary, a checkfor $100.00 madepayable to the locality, and any injbrmadon as may beprovided orally by the applicant ne details of the appikation as described by these sources are incorporatedwithoutreference in anypermit winch mW be issued Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit Arty person developing in anAEC without pennit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR LAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name 9--f-, P (0 , Wwner Re nesting_ Mailing Address: 4, Avo_ IgAd-A q Ph "e- NUMIJO: 4 7:-2 - -33 -5 Email Address: 7 —r.- - , &I — - - - , , �1_ _�' C& A I zo� I certify that I have authorized 1-,A- 'M 0- C 40ifting:--all-'CA A--.,Oermits:-j -to 0#40 OY-1*01-0 fo-f thk 10 necessary-forthie followilp proposed d&Nqpffitent6i 7/ p kn_ at my property located At i h A-16, k),— C �n og e�,- County. furtherm-orezerfify that -am auffrafit6d t6ig-ar-ft, 9n--d db in ffidt, ---'ft topermission Div-1 s-06--h of Q oba-s§t6l �'ffi-e Local"Mennit, 06w and tkoft, agents -to --enter on ikearbreihif7zkoWe_d viands in :connection with zevalualing--information -related 40 this permit applipplion. Tit1b. -2 Date ceiC. ioniA' sivalid .through -7 RECEIVED F E 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING RECEIVED DGM WILMINGTON, NG. FEB 1,82019 Dear Adjacent.P_roperty, This Is67 r.is to-Inform-pu theI rl P-emvt on-m roe at S �[/%�1�1$ ��(%/ / /i� y=P P �+ , in New Hanover Property County. As required by CAMfA regulations' Irhave encloseii a copy of my permit application' and project drawiiig(s) as notification of my proposed project No action IS required from you or you may sign and return - tf a endos� no obiection form.'If you have any questions or comments about my proposed -project; please; contact me at 4�w - 41-0 9 -.2--"�35 or by mail at the address listed below.. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the New Hanover County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: LAMA Local; Perm it_Offlcer Local_P_ermit Offioer_`or New_Hanover-Han 230-Government'Center Drive, Suite UO Zoning Division, Wilmington', NG28403 ,-Sincerely; Property Owner] `"., ` Mailing_Addresst T, City, State, Zip Code Ivl~utr HA ED PLAN . �ON NC FEB 1' 8 2019 M ., . r, . -,.. CearAdjacent Property, #1Y9_ 1 Receipts for Certifled_Ma It �(Sta'ple Here) RECEIUDr F E B i� 8 20i9] NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING SZQNlNG This -letter is_to_inform you--thatl, &/WIOKI have app►ied-for-a-CAMA-MinocI Prope ; uv & Permit on m property -'at - in't(euir Yp part Hanover y:apt �3S�l;AS J Pr'opeity-A dd sess County". As required-by'CAMA regutatians, I`have enclosed a copy of my permit application and p�aject drewmg(s)=>as notificatiin ofmy propaosed projcNnis reqieom yu or omgnad rptoatioaseutrn the endbised no o6jectior >f6—rm."if ydu Piave any, questions or comments about m6 proposedprotec-.. please contact me at ?1D -_ �f0F Z3.. or by mail at -the address (isfed below: !F°;you wish to Applicants Telephone -61e written comments74 obtectiorts with the New. Hanover County :CAMA Minflr Penhit Program,youu-may, submit:, ti e.m.v: Sincerely; Property' Okerj :3 Mailing Address !/�•//Ll1�1 tr7/GI �M_��.-ice City, State, Zip -odd CAMA Local, Permit Officer Local Permii Officer for New Hanover County I 230 Government Center Drive, Sute-110 2onmg_Divisiom Wilmington, NC 28403 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 1 �.9- 2010 • lsdf-ah.Add-ms 1648.Sand Bar Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 4@-amalixam 910-20-3208 TacAmA wffiit dfrit-e-r RECEIVED FEB U M NEW HANOVER CouNTy PLANNING & ZONING. Feb 14�;2Q19 I PNqPtIY MPOWPda request-tasignoff'on.a request fdr-WCAMA 0d7m__fffbr ff y- neighbor Th'67M7A's'Cbff_f__6h 96t, a copy py of W _hIch Js enclosed. He Is-proposingj - of hisi Q_ __aImost.an re w6d.01, fe PrOP-erty-which is bordered bY.My,-PropFL5".6ri-dnd-,-sid6. This 06 area 1*01ii _Yj fldM§ dG60iiiVy' raffi or a dormi becomin �essentfall several daysi I amp conpamed about---theTimpact:that,filling-thit-dr-ea Will VwV6 on ffi�. increases thL gLwAtL -I q elevation gn i fficantivuch that- t1si, higher than m,ineicausing,rurvoff-to-m--y.ptdp6r-ty, I v o u I d: I i ke7 toFspea k-to 6-C A M A dffld7r about thesed 66flci-m-s., Sp eciflqq Cly fLWou d like these questions answered: 7)a What are Mf C6-njIbf6-n% f iif"h for fh-fsV eqe_6fpEqper_tyafter, the fill? Mat Pffed will his-oroposed.-changes:h-avei,-on rij:y p-dWty �Fn-d-6th&�]a-djdc-ent !SfdWrtre-s dG-d-ng-heavy rif-hfa-11 and storm surges associated with a hurricane? Will his ch ..--4-i3gesLaf.fe-ct-the-floodline--drawn7cnth6.-s-ur-v#y--wdkifi-q-m—y.pwop—er.t-1 and ffiy- ftd—mem ore at risk off I b6d[ ng, a ri'd t h ere7fore dee rea s 4 ing Lts, property dj M11 an engineering study be7performed-tcFdeterminer,:th-(jse--dff6c-rs? 5) WdUId76-'f&.bMldh JJ�61id r6� d-t6 pre-verVi 4fEe* on t p!- pqfteL4? ZPI6a—sq--cdIUrn__eLL,]qis e p rj In.- writing -a - -a r s _q 5 Soon, s,, possibiw I am furthernot willing -to give:permission#orthese proposed changes=vVithout ifffdffi-�a-tlon and r'lzcp-Arc, RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NO . FEB 119 2019 Thank you very much for your cooperation. I Sincerely, Sarah Adams . . 4V11A )4V'Xtx12_ 3 ON 7W, ;2ol ae Adjac nt Pr erty Owner Cily, State Zp-Coale Dear -Adjacent Property: This_letter is to infarrn you-th-at 1, a/r» Have-apphed`ioMra CAMA-Minor Property.O era Permit on %ny:property at 23 FirM/f+ S n,.-�%/L%T/�..-/t , in New Hanover Property -Address _ County. As requiredby-LAMA regulations; I have enclosed a copy of n y permit--applieatiion and project drawings) as notrmcatton 'of my pro--- ' projecE No action 11s required -from you ,qr yob may sign and reium the ericlisei3' no obJec6arcform.'If you have any, questions Qr comments about Tji proposetl project; please3 contact meat ���' 33-_ ,ar by mail at the address listed below, If you wish to App{icads Telephone ' file written oomments or o 1pt6ns with the New Hanover County LAMA Minor Permit Program; yau:may__5ubmit them to: LAMA Local PermitJOIfcer t:ocal.-Permit Officer for New Hanover.-Countyl 230Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Zoning -Division • . Wilmington, NC-28403 Sincerelyr RECEIVED '77`d7s' PropertyOwner -91 - 8 '2019 'Maili'ng Address G.J Lam. Ne ; ` J NEW HANOvEa rat PLANNING & ZONING Caty, State, Zip Code FEB 1-8 2019 Date Adjacent Prope` ' . er /} i City, State,,~gip ode Dear Adjacent Property: This-letteristo:intbrm-you-that_I, .R.W-UW., A • Permit on myproperty=at] Z3 ai 5 . I � . in New Hanover Property Addre s' County. As required'b-y-CAMA regulations tNhave endased a copy df my 'permit-applicatibn and' project drawin -s as notification of m ^ - '' "T "' g( j: __ y proposed project No action is requihed=from you or yvu may sign and reewm the enclosed' no objection tom�.3if you have any questioris or odmments about my proposedp bj4 please; contact me at %Q - TQ / s J' orb mail at the add err listed --com If, ,ou _wish to Appl�c ks Telephone file written comments or objections +nrrkh.the New liano�er County GAMAMnor Permit Program, you may�submt _ them to: Sincerely; Property Owner 235 u.�l�srns MailingAdddress City, State, Zip-Cdde GAIuIA Local Permit Officet-,� � �., Local Pemut Officer for Newr,Hanor:County 230'Govemmen# Center Drive, Suibvee110 Zorimg Divls�on ._____ Wiimmgton,10 28.03 RE F18 " 6! 201g NEWHANOVERC RECEIVED PLANNING & Zp I ILMINGTON, NO FEB 18 2019 Dear Adjacent Property: 3 This-lettei is tri inform you fliaf 1, �F. have applied fora CAMA Minor - Propeil wrier Permit on my prbperty? at liaiaouer County. As required by,: CAMA regula#ians,11heve enclosed a copy of m, pgg6pplicat rr.andolect drawing{s} as nohftcation of my proposed projeet No action is required from you or yourmay sign and.retum We —enclosed no abiee6on form. ti you have any quesb ns or comments atx4ut my propo52d project; please .Rcontact me at 4D" - ,or by mail at,the addres&,Iisted i below. If you wish to a M Applicant's Telephone 1 X-1 file written comments, orobtections unthIthe New Hanover County CAMA Minor_Per i t Program, ywmaywsubmit _- them to:- Sincerely, Property Owner Mailing Address City, State Zip Q2'ode CAMA Local-Permit_Officsr Lac a] Permit-Officerfor.New. HanovevC0unty 230.6overnmentCenter Drive, Suite 110 Zoning:Divisfon` Wilmington; NC 28403 r NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 18 2019 NORTH CAROUNA QATE--.� '424;r c 20[18, FP4:RE?t qE IMB 61 PG ;!51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- w Bow 134 Kzf Xa2 "iP, A17.7 X 7 X%7 xar XZ7 El AiWaxiM W-jpuLpc g;, x 1.9 ;17-700-M— ; ----------------------- 6 ae ----------------- X" X&F .1 ::11 XJL2 XX# $141 Icaj xr - - - - - - - - - .7. xas xas 147 KILO Xse 'two xa4 7 i4 xiw KOS sa.7 k _p A4 YY; 4, val X&O X A xa4 tail US xSj - - - - -- �01 aw- -X44 Kan --X" IZA cm 1 x Zvi 47 xv.4 *W-Urviamveni ,W -81 PO Ixxu& Sao I,, XA2 Sir L AL WTANM Aar MW rAL JX F&i faiJww tl JORD ELP. East - Tetemo. I mmf or wAy- ;rg!gl Prlwmr.Aml rwwrx - ;;;------ NOR& ftfTTMCW - - AD, ar �x Kai .934 =3 LM2' /' 4 v-7 J;1 w Vj CAR p i . tehminary A(AP Of 235 iMLLMS'RaAD MACt E- 1 ARV! 14CON-LE AN CAPE Hkit "VE cq4kTY- qW111 CAR., A A: REFERENCE� ltB 61 PO 154 ---------- Koo XA ILI 17.1 if t1 go P-, �,�do�ak 61-PAS 131 in' k%iX XV Ole, I tj - le, Nz� gas US Ka i= i xl� If xF Ila? r YAC it 'PM4.11 4-- xas X;04 x2s I— F 't" zn Vis t7—otu 31 — --- — — — — — FIT_ 'A' " XAP H�v )t&2 3501 mum I. AWA CMFAW By wammir AffrAD 2. AA WAWFS., tzcjk. LVRWgNT iww LEE-ffdm I PC fCOEIf'klA421A%;Nfnt- Nx, A . wmm