HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-11_ Shuford (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government LP 19.11 Permit Number CA MA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT in an area venem Twpermit authorizes Covered w Akl-p mposed development andi:associ; p)i with- tte permitted , 1 any -,-change --ftniql tke—hftt A p, "--w r� ,eve a n 00,0id use --k—biffo re--e M UCLA A rfi6di is permit! d" ki-i"b do 0 i I i -at 61b 466; -41 _for_-Anspedon, ati A orlhis", shall -�,Poft "or. avai 0 le sba. o 7, ntadt.. it --office , =nof.work. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC tAddlana� Permit Conditions on.Pge_2ja FEB 2 3 -2019 otherTh�spe�rn�k action qualified'�persons maybeapp a theFTI within tweniyx(2t}} days of be �thp-1000110*to. t sp M*-MUst-"_p' of Ids p#4k--"1--"d"f- the project A-KaC IN _1 I the otmft"'�dfi eri- 't WAns noticovire&-uncW ;this:permrt, requirework must cease wken'this rby "further`#- -0,001 000OMw-M VV ..DECEM9ER'3­1,2022 In is5umg this penult It Is agree that project * if riwith i&l Lqnd aTolw'ipermit OV w0fiMAK6 wi*hl W—bt- ttheDmsiq6l�- Co ssw Ainagem6rkti TRW U7,77"T A : Christine R. j - PERM ITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) T 1 N ph rh 8 parkouSuit l �InorPecmi� #� 1!�11� - i Dates February 22ff19 Page 2 (a}; Ttie arrlQuntfof;impervi©.us surface shall not exd5_9 of fhaw(ot aaWriiin 57a feet of Whbrmariigh ltlla6er (Estuarine Shoreime, OR I Area.affnvironmental Concern); in this oase,. 3;994totat:square feet is authodzedl (6 -,Uhless spec irelrallovued'in A NCA tt #i. a2Ct9(d)(1% acid shown on th' ' permi# drplan dit0ting, all, - - ..devel merttamed a distare.ofU;fee#,©fi Narmal High Water Nopo`n ofh� rodio 60 ang shill encroach irtfiv the 30 ft tiuiier. Alt unconsohdatectmatenal rBsuih frorrvassociated grading and landsca in shalt -tie retained on site b effective V) O g g p g sed!Minta6orrand erosion control measures . Pnor fio anytend=drstur6ing ages, a Gamer line of fii6er c must -twee the I d i tbi " be:instailed be n rt an d stu ng acfivitya andFthe adjacent marsh oc wale - � uyµ�r arias until"5uch time asp eµa�ea has been propdy stabilized with �� vegetiv comer. I (g)x Any_.pmposedrfor grading whhiftthe 3V buffer -,from -the -Normal HtghiWatermust be.contounedwto prevent additional StorrnGVater runoff to ttie=atljaceiat marsh: Th�s�anea shalU lmiriediateiy trgetatively siabilm, and'rnust remainfin a vegetated spate. � _ _. _ ($}3 Affv# eudMurbed areas_shallbe _vegstadltely_atabilized (planted -and mulch)_within 14 days of construction completion. iVI RECEIVED SIGNATURE:- DATEDGMIA111041a'$l, NC PERMITTEE FEB 2 3 2019 r lag ti 5 AEC 14A2ARD NOTICE Project is In An: —Ocean Erodible Area —High Hazard Flood Area ,— Inlet Hazard Ama Dote Lot thlea Platiad: 6Asz a 201 This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the specialrtaks and conditions associated with development in this anck which b subject m oalural hazards such as storms, erosion and curfents. The rites of the Coastal Rasoames Conmistion n ptmthatyouremivesaAECHazardNoticeandacknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development cam be issued The Coi irpitsiou's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune iltatmiois are designed in mintmizr:, but trot el• property loss firm hazards. By granting permits, the CcesZ�outmiesiondoesnotguaranteethesafetyof the development and Assumes no liability for firtem damage to the developmtat Permits issued is the Ocean Huard Area of gavironmentai Cothran include thfconditon that structures be relocated or dismantled ift ey became brurdo edythtestaned by changes in shoralino configuration. The gtruclure(s) must be relocated or dismantled yriihin two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsiddaaoee. The best*available information, as'accepied by the Coastal Resources Cmpmissioo; Indicates that ihd annual long-term average ocean_ erosion rate for the area where ymur property is located is feet per year, The rate was established by careful analysis ofaerial photographs of the coesdioe taken over the past 50 years. Studcs also indicate that the almreline could move as mach as _ landward in a major storm. The flood waters in a major storm are predicted to be about feet deep in this area preferred oceutfrost pmtecdoo measures are beach nanisbment and relocation of donatened structures. Hard erasion control atructuras such es bulkheads. seewalli, revetments, grout, jetties and breakwalm am prohibited Temporary send bags may be ,autrorized under certain conditions - The vpltcw mustacloowledge this mfmmadeu and requarments by signing this notice in the space below. Without the proper signature, the application will not be complete. Appff ant Sipnahurs Date SPECIAL NOTE- This btzetdootice is required for development; im weasaubject to tmddemandneusive Wens ademsm permits issued fordevelopmentin this area eutphe od December 31 ofthe third year fallowing the year in which oe pt r atit waa issued. Shortly Wore workbegi at the ptmjoctsitc theLocalftmit Q3fieer antst be contacted to determine tta vegelatieo liae•and setbsrkdistanceatyoursite.Iftuep gwtybeastenhsdecharm since the dma ofpannit Issuance, ad tltepmptKaddevelopatgmt can still meet the se8mckrequ iement; the LpO will inform you that you may "begin work. Sd l progress on an pmj ed most be made wiihm 60 drys of this setback dewhaination, or the shtbaekmustbe romeesmed. Also, the ocaxr®ue ofa major shoreline charge m the rwaltofa seem w" the 60-day*dod will decesaiiax xerareasmemmt of the setback. It is ®Porlant thatyaudawkwithtbe,LPObefomtbopermitexpli sfor8t$eial approval to coltid= the wbek efts` the pEti3it lass aped Oeneralty, if fotidsEon pilegs have been p10*d and mibstaotul prvarass is continuing, permit renewal can be mrHa6raed.'It is udawNil to cgatinus wo+a9erpertmtexpi stion• Rer mart by fnn4aforr. ewzawe Locet Pam* OMrar tl;rlrf Ajkg.rrrrry rho _ Adckess {a4t/.rAe 73W, N4 ATW Phone Number !DECEIVED FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC t4eataaa20l Meyer { Greeson I Paullin j Benson ARCHiTECIURE I INTERIOU t, SiGN Transmittal To: Christine Bouffard From: Chris Barth Date: January 28, 2019 Re: CAMA :Minor Permit - 181 Beach Road South Sent via: FedEx Remarks: Please find the enclosed CAMA Minor Permit application, check and supporting documentation for the property located at 181 Beach Road South on Figure Eight Island. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Thank you. Best regards, Chris Barth, AiA RECEIVED FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC 32F1 South Trvnn S.reei Swie 2'1 (lmrlwe5 AC 282,J2 7t4,37i_1Oni 7(/4_333.3620(ac v=nae mtrpha ,w, SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please mahesum mirsil, dmraing includes the fulla,mg iafmmadern rcquif d two i AMA mm.0 des elopmem perms. I Ian Local Pewit Olf me will help I". ifrequged, PHVNICALyIMENSIONS Label mads —TJSSi//-abet hiptn+uvs right-uf-w ens /let luwl setback too, ny bet aand all 9murc ns and drlsexel, current, esia mil im property Label adjacent s+wc bLrd) PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS -d1/ Dhow and Dahl nomml high Nalu line Ia+rider 1-P(+fa'wsislrleel Oral IW[nln Of On-SIlC Na51[Nattt a}'tiM1m If yew rill be working in the rcean bawd area: -�_ Dims and label 3une ridges (indudt s(an desa(iass) --_ Draw and label ace ofduno, __. Idwailj and Imam first line of stable L egetalirm (neurI LPO for assistamn) _--_ Dnw mad Jabal emaiun fatback line li.saw LPO fa assislm¢) Drava, and Jabal topographical foam.,(olmonall Ifyou WiV, working in. mmal shoreline area: /Shun the u nfusedaa+g as a dmed It,. around d1e i uctury Dmx and label husluard limit ref AEC A., aml label all upland lines (condo LPO im msislanccl _. -WA` said label the 30.foor buffer line DEVELOPMENT PLANS -__ Draw saki label It proposed strand. _ Draw and bhei am,, than will le disturbed anJ!nr landscaped case:: sire of piling mad depth m be plied in second Draw and label all erns to be pssod or groveled Show all areas to be disturbed _ Show Imdsaping NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: completed all blam,s endrbr indicated if not applicable? y ramified and listed sdjscent property "a.m.' e mcludedyoursitedmains? • signed and dnesl the application? • :nmlooed the SI (IDMIX) fro? completed it ,%FC Ilvard Notice. if urmsamy? (Must be sipmd by the pmpen, owner) FOR SIEAEF (IS), Sitc Nunn PostedFinallnupagman .._._. Eta Rtenlved —.. .. Sdu lnapeL t�as DmaafA,anFIssued 'K._ h, fated Denied _ _ APPn+d Dcadlarte(20 day, firm pmna school ._. _... � � m z < in 0 z z 0 APPLICATION FOR y Lw- AMA MINOR CactValManagernent DEVELOPMENT ENV IRON NMTAL OV ALCnf PERMIT In 1974, the North Carolina Ganersd A aushly passed the C macaj Arcs Maaagemanl Act (CAMA) and set the stage for guiding development in fngilc and prod uc)ive mess that border ihesaate'. rounds and aceanfemal. Along vaath requiring special aaae by On. who build and develop, the General Assembly dirmted the Coastal Re mumps Commkdon (CR(') io implement clear regrahim.ns that minimize the burden on the npplia at. This applemton for A minor derelapmeut permit under CAMA is pan i l'the Commission's effort to wee( the spirit and intent ofthe Cameral Assembl). It has been dcaigoed m be Rtralglnfonrmd and require no amre time or effort them Recesion, from the applicant. Please go over this folder -with the Local Permit (Meer (LPO) forthe bnlitr in which you plan to build to be certain that you understand what information he .. or she needs before you apply. Y_ Under C'AMA regulations, the minor permit Is to be issued u'ithan 25 days matt a _ complete applinm m is in hand. Often ten itme is ached If the pro)eet a simple. The process generally rakes about Ig day %on can speed the appnwvl process by maklog certain that your application Is complete nod signed, that your deiwiug meets the specifications gn an inside and that your application fee is attached. Other permits aresomeamas required for development in the coastal area. While three are not CAMA-related, we urge can to check with the Loral Permit Officer to determine which of these you may need. A list Is included on page evo of the folder. tiVe apprccialeyam coupenRm with the North Carolina Coaxial Management Pm,,,ma and lour w1lRognrss 1st build ire a way ehm pneeels the.. -as of our beautiful and Productive coot. Cnuvnl Rrsumcu C'wmmiuim+ ' Di, idm a of Coastal Management Y A re 7 2 my %m c Y �ZG Ixl1 i emm ftsiVi.Emlaa+iaN Meyer] Creeson 1 Paullin I Benson ARCHITECTURE I INTERIOR DESFGru January 18, 2019 The Shuford Residence 181 Beach Road South Figure Eight Island, North Carolina Impervious Surface Calculations — CAMA Permit Lot 81 Beach Road South Figure Eight Island, North Carolina Lot Size: Lot Size to high water line by Hanover County CAMA agent. 25% of the site is allowed to be an impervious surface Total existing house footprint including roof overhangs: Total proposed house footprint including roof overhangs: Under by a total of 607 sq.ft. 25,409 sqft 18,406 sqft 4,601 sqft 3,837 sqft 3,994 sqft —]�- �/l I RECEIVED r"E5 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC 32056,4111 y)n Sree% ( Se.1?a22- 1 0: ,16't-, RC 2e202 r 'l: t75.10(tl 1 `1;13.53.362!1' lfi it ( n nua'r it-1$4 i January 18, 2019 Joan Woltz Robins Ttee, Joan W Robins Revocable Trust 6123 St Andrews Lane Richmond VA 23226 To Whom It May Concern: o .. Ir .r n Pe Q. -U'U' ti-)N 4 HJ o carunea Fee r� 6 0 Realm flecept Fa (EikoraemeM RegaNW� p i Ydsi„+5', �`� _161W P.eetncle0 Fes %rl p reameM Rao}iROW (EMoW O 'n T.W Pos ,o d Fe® O ,$ m OW To r aromww. This letter is to inform you that I, Stephen Shuford, have applied for a CAMA Minor Permit on my property at 181 Beach Road South, in New Hanover County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my CAMA permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at (704) 668-6599, or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the New Hanover County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Christine Bouffard Local Permit Officer for New Hanover County 230 Market Place Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 29403 Sincerely, Stephen Shuford 1940 Shoreham Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 RECEIVED FEB 01 2019 4CM WILMINGTON, NC January 18, 2019 Mr. and Mrs. George W.B. 1209 Fortst Island Place Wilmington NC 28405 Dear Mr. Taylor: rq rq .. Or m gave 5 7t '�+ O Cenmed coo fy f r3 Fim Receipt Fee O (ErWaseso merrl Requiral) + m O � Restnellwry (Endorsmemem ent Required) „� TOial POSlage & Fe4s J �(J 0 _ Taylor o �wT---- 0 This letter is to inform you that 1, Stephen Shuford, have applied for a CAMA Minor Permit on my property at 181 Beach Road South, in New Hanover County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my CAMA permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at (704) 608-6599, or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the New Hanover County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Christine Houffard Local Permit Officer for New Hanover County 230 Market Place Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Sincerely, Stephen Shuford 1940 Shoreham Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 RECEIVED FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC • .r g ek + . t* � � +� �` w•�...4 '"+�,�� + '�' Pa"':_ �' ' z+"vMw.7 .tlR+m"w�^i ;yh`�;a.. n pea } b.. _ . v ' n�+� tug ,-_g !'S Y q.-.+ 7� � `n�...nt,4� � 3.,�_ ^a.. � �, �i F"`.';�w ^ .�� r+�:.rd.- '_`c "4+'`kY `""�°".S' ,r"''� � ~``•p�4+ ..+. �'"� �✓'' r wwx �'^+...»+t.e »' i;' � - .,.aa*g �Y'TT LL. , ,',+'tc -".' t w, *•+e,-'v�"���. �,� y y�j_'�" i. .'a- �M� '�• ��dC4'W4,',.� `5.^M.�Yt'a .i .. eq. .� .. _ %f'• t�°7.i.�'P"' 'Yrz . F'. -tea '�. r �, ....aA"wt� n+ � ��*' t t� 1, INTRODUCTION ......................... 4 OPERATING PRINCIPLE ... . ............... 4 BENEFITS OF THE PERMEABLE PAVER & SLAB SYSTEM ................... 6 4. IMPROVED WATER QUALITY ........... . .. 6 J , TECHO-BLOC PERMEABLE PAVERS & SLABS ............... : ....... . .. 7 DESIGN CRITERIA ........................ 10 LEER............. .......... ...-., «.., .10 FAQ ...................... . .:....... ......... 11 RECEIVED FEB 01 2019 0CM WILMINGTON, NC 1. INTRODUCTION One of the direct consequences of urban development is an Increase in impervious surface area. Over the years, vast areas that used to be covered by vegetation and natural permeable surfaces have been replaced by parking lots, streets and roofs, disrupting the natural process of water infiltration into the soil. One of the effects of this is increased runoff and flow during precipitation. The higher flow and rising water levels in storm sewer pipe systems and streams can cause problems including flooding. erosion, sedimentation and pollution. In addition, with global warming, the frequency of events involving heavy rains and accelerated snowmelt is more pronounced. It stherefore important to rapidly seek new solutions. TECH 0-B LOC permeable paver systems reduce the volume of water directed to the mun iclpal system and, as such, are viable solutions for better stormwater management. Permeable paver systems reduce runoff and improve the quality of water returning to the environment. Water seeps through the paving stone joints and is then directed into the ground, or stored temporarily in the base/subbase structure. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes permeable pavers as a management practice for stormwater and as a low impact development (LID) practice. TECHO-BLOC is a company dedicated to the development and innovation of new green products to support sustainable development. 2 OPERATING PRINCIPLE The role of a permeable paver system is to allow water from precipitation to pass through the paving stones joints and seep into the ground naturally or to be retained in the base/subbase structure rather than turning into runoff headed directly into the sewer system. The base/subbase structure consists of a clean washed, porous stone that can collect and store water for some time. The water can then seep into the ground in a more natural process. In cases where soil permeability is insufficient, the water is intercepted by a network of perforated drains before being routed to the drainage system; in this case, the system acts primarily as an underground reservoir. The system is designed to promote water detention and infiltration. Three types of systems are used, depending on soil permeability Recommended in the case of soils with an infiltration rate of at least 0.491n./hr (12.5 mm/hr). All water seeps directly into the soil; a subbase drainage pipe system is not required. Water does not infiltrate fully. A perforated pipe system in the subbase Is required to allow the residual water to be evacuated to the network. DECEIVED Recommended when soil infiltration capacity is too low or the water table is too high. Water is discharged 2019 through a system of perforated pipes and a flow restrlctor to control the entry of water into the municipal network. The system essentially acts as an underground reservoir. Jill WILMINGTON, NC CASE No 1- FULL INFILTRATION A q CASE NO 2 - PARTIAL INFILTRATION H e ° II V YRRUBLE i i CASE No 3 - NO INFILTRATION A. PERMEABLE PAVER FROM TECHO-B'..00 (INFLO. M ISTA RANDOM, PURE, VICTORIEN PERMEABLE OR VILLAGIO) B. JOINT FILLING MA?ERIAL ASTM NO 8 (CSA 2.5-X) mm) AGGREGATE * BEDDING COURSE Iih-TO2"(40 TO 50 mm) ASTM NO (CSA 2.5-10 mm) AGGREGATE * BASE COURSE 4'(100mm) ASTM NO 57 (CSA5-28 mm) AGGREGATE E SUBBASECCURSE ASTM NO 2 (CSA 40-SD mm) AGGREGATE R GEOTEXTILE C. SUBGRADE H. CONCRETE EDGE A. PERMEABLE 'AVER FROM TECHO-BLOC (INFLO, MISTA RANDOM, PURE VICTORIEN PERMEABLE OR VILLAGIO) B. JOINTRLLING MATERIAL ASTM N08 (CSA2.5-10 mm) AGGREGATE C. BEDDING COURSE I V2" TO 2'(40 TO 50 mm) AMW NO8(CSA 2.5-10 mm)AGGREGATE 0. BASE COURSE 4'(100 mm) ASTM NO 57 (CSA 5-28 mm) AGGREGATE E SUBBASE COURSE ASTM NO 2(CSA 40-80 ITm) AGGREGATE F. GEOTEXRLE Q. SUBGRADE K CONCRETE EDGE 1. PERFORATED DRAIN CONNECTED TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. PERMEABLE PAVER FROM TECHO-BLOC (INFLO, MISTA RANDOM. PURE. VICTORIEN PERMEABLE OR VILLAGIO) III. JOINT FILLING MATERIAL ASTM N08 (CSA 25-10 mm) AGGREGATE C. BEDDING COURSE I Mk'TO 2"(40 TO 50 mIn) ASTM NO (CSA 2,510 mm)AGGREGATE D- BAS E COURSE 4,(100 mm) ASTM NO 57 (CSA5-28 rnm) AGGREGATE E. SUBBASECCURSE ASTM NO 2 (CSA 40-80 mm) AGGREGATE F. !MPERMEABLE MEMBRANE 0. SUBGRADE DECEIVED H. CONCRETE EDGE I. PERFORATED DRAIN CONNECTED TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM 2019 1 GEOTEXTTLE TO PROTECT IMPERMEABLE MEMBRANE (OPTIONAL) JCM WILMINGTON, NC m 3. BENEFITS OF THE PERMEABLE PAVER & SLAB SYSTEM Reduce the construction of additional impervious surfaces Contribute to maintaining hydrologic conditions that existed prior to development Reduce runoff volume Reduce peak flow (discharge to sewer is spread over a longer period) Reduce network overload: Reduce wastewater treatment costs Reduce the need for expensive underground retention basins and surface retention ponds Use In, confined spaces in existing areas requiring additional stormwater management Reduce potential riskof erosion and flooding associated with increased runoff rates and volumes Improve water quality Contribute to replenishing the water table Reduce heat islane effects (light color, high solar reflectance index (SRI). cools and humidifies surrounding air) Gain credits for LEED certification Improve the aesthetic quality of urban landscape 4. IMPROVED WATER QUALITY When it rains, water runoff takes on pollutants (suspended solids, nutrients, heavy metals and other contaminants) that are then directed to the municipal network before ending up in the waterways. Pollutants carried by runoff have a significant impact on water quality, affecting the water supply, fish and wildlife habitat, recreational usage and aesthetic aspects. Permeable pavers are known for their high pollutant removal potential, which contributes to improving water quality. Pollutants are reduced mainly by infiltration, and through several other processes. The permeable paver system is effective for removing sediment. nutrients and heavy metals. Some studies have also shown potential for bacterial treatment of oils. PERCENTAGE OF POLLUTANT REMOVAL BY PERMEABLE PA Total suspended solids 81 Total phosphorus 53 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 53, Total copper 13 Total zinc 72 The data were measured on King Campus at Seneca College in KEng City, Ontario. The Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute presents several data from the various s!tes that show lower levels of pollutants where permeable pavers were used. FEB 01 2019 ' .Van Sabra, T., Performance Evaluation of Permeable Pavement and Noratentan Seale Seneca College, King City. Onto Intrim v#I,6MtlNG;k9Nr NC Conservation Authority, Doernvl", Ortw*, May, 2001 7 5. TECHO-BLOC PERMEABLE PAVERS & SLABS TECHO-BLOC permeable pavers are an alternative to traditional impervious cover. They reduce stormwater runoff to sewer systems by promoting water detention and infiltration. They are an effective way to control stormwater at source on residential, commercial and industrial lots. They can also minimize the need to build larger sewer systems downstream of vacant lots being developed in an existing urbanized sector. The permeable paver system Is the type that has been the most successful among the various types of permeable paving avallable today. It can be used successfully in a winter climate and is less prone to clogging comparec to pervious concrete or porous asphalt. I ECHO -BLOC permeable pavers and slabs meet the requirements of ASTM 0936 and CSA A231.1 Standard. Compressive strength . 8000 psi (55 MPa) min. Freezathaw durability with use of deicing salt Loss of mass after 50 cyclas 1%max. Water absorption (Techo-Bloc requlrament) -_ 5 % (max) Dimensional tolerances Length and width x'/r -r— Height Compressive strength (Tech* -Bloc requirement) 6500 psi M MPa]mht, Flexural strength 650 _1 psi [4.5 MPa] min. Freeze -thaw durability with use of ds-icing salt Water absorption (Techo-Bloc requiren Dimensional to lerances Warpage ACCESSIBLE DESIGN Loss of mess after 28 c ' 0.1021b/pia[500 g/ma] max. Loss of mass after 49 cycles 0246b/p?[1200g/nv2']max. ---- ---------..._.—.._�5%(matt)----------- Length and width -113 [1 mil to+1/m"[2 mm] ±1/P [3 mm] ± Via" [2 mm] Dimension of 17 D/at: [450 mm) and less ± ys [3 mm] Dimension over 17 a/u" [450 mm] On a path with no obstacles, walkways should not have any gaps allowing the passage of a sphere greater than'/2" (13 mm) in diameter. The openings of the permeable paver pints are filled with clean stone and thus comply with ADA Standard to, Accessible Design- ANTIKA2 I Variable _.. Verietile ! 993in./hr(25227mm/hr)' wr o1 5.8 1/2' (13 mm) 837 in./hr (21267 mm/hr) U ISTA RANDOM' 6.3 a/m" (4 mm) to 9/r" (14 mm) 610 in./hr (15 505 mm/hr) i PUREr 5.0 ;_ a/a•(lomm) j 726ln./hr(18440mm/hr) VICTORIENeommPERMEmLE1 _�-- 9.6 �.—1 ; � Va. OOmm) _a ; 909in./hr(23085mm/hr) VILLAG101 _._. 8.0 Va" (9 mm) to 1/*' (15 mm) 8961l./hr (22 750 mm/hr) ' Fx1: fi0r1W -PAvEIZS Measu�amenri were taken at various Sin r wrlrf nits to thestandard ASTM C 1701-09. 'Measure wts war a taken at various sitesin confarmaytathestantlnrtl ASTM C17811i FEB 01 2019 CCM WILMINGTON, IN M1STA random 2 3/16 65 7 7/a 200 3 "/% 100 2 a/>b 65 7 ale 200 7 71a 200 2 21w 65 7 7/a 200 1113/16 300 BLU 60 mm SLAB COMES INDIFFERENT FINISHES: SLATE (DISPLAYED). SLATE AG ED AND SMOOTH. V! LLAG IO SLAB 2 3/a 51/a 60 130 51/a 130 2 3/s 60 51/s 130 6 3h6 160 u 2 3/a 60 51/a 130 7 3/w 185 23/a 60 51/3 130 81h6 215 2 3/e 60 400 13 330 61/a 165 2 3/a 60 13 330 13 330 2 3/s 60 13 330 RECEIVED191/2 495 DCM WILMINGTON, NC N 6. DESIGN CRITERIA The design of a permeable paving system is based on site conditions, including, without limitation, rainfall data, topography, soil characteristics, the height of the water table and bedrock surface, tributary runoff surface and proximity to water supply wells. The main factors to be considered are: Soil infiltration rate should be at least 0.49 firl (12.5 mm/li where the system is designed for complete infiltration. The underside of the system must beat least 2' (0.6 m) above the water table and bedrock. The permeable pavement system should be located at a distance of at least 98' (30 m) from water supply wells. The paved surface must have a grade of at least 1% and most preferably not more than 5%. The slope of tributary runoff area should not be greater than 20%. The ratio between the tributary runoff area and the permeable pavement area should not exceed 5 to 1. The porosity of the clean stone composing the base and subbase should be no less than 32%, but preferably 40%. The percolation rate measured in situ should be understated by at least 2 to account for the long-term reduction of the soil's absorption capacity. A maximum drain time of 48 hours is recommended. In situations wi rainfall is greater than the design flow rate, an overflow system directs runoff to the drainage network. LEED The U.S. Green Building Council (U SGBC) is a non-profit organization promoting the implementation of sustainable projects through the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDe)certification program. TECHO-BLOC permeable pavers can directly contribute to obtaining LEED credits in the following categories: . _pcD6T7-I HEAT ISLAND EFFECT Nan -roof ,!� POINT '10% Extracted. Processed and I �^ASO!Ti REGIONAL MATERIALS I -' - ManufacturedRegionaly 1POINT 20% Extracted, Processed and 1 POINT - REGIONAL MATERIALS Manufactured Regionally (in addition _.----------_..__-. .1) TECHO-BLOC permeable pavers can contribute to obtaining up to 3 points in the Sustainable Sites larlGLp ft up to 2 points in the Materials & Resources category. tiC V C FEB 01 2019 OCM WILMINGTON, NC S. FAQ 1. For what (ppe of tra,,(lic can permeable pavers be used& In general, permeable pavers are suitable for use in low speed areas not exposed to heavy vehicles, such as parking areas, driveways, bike paths, walking paths, patios and playgrounds. However, TECH 0-BLOC Inflo permeable pavers are designed for applications in larger areas with higher traff Ic, such as residential streets, parking lanes, storage areas and sidewalks. I1 04 1 1'MM'11 ' 11 ' The absorption capacity of the system is based on the infiltration rate of the soil on the site and the clean stone materials Coints, bedding, base and subbase). The soil infiltration rate is an indicator of potential water infiltration directly Into the soil and determines the type of system design (complete or partial Infiltration). The materials used in the construction of permeable pavers have higher infiltration rates than natural soil. The initial surface infiltration rate of the permeable pavers is very high. The system allows the infiltration of precipitation with intensity lower than the surface infiltration rate or until the water storage capacity in the clean stone reservoir is reached, In a well -designed system, water storage capacity is rarely reached. 3. Can the permeable paver srxste'm pediimm weY in a winter climate? Yes, ;n order to ensure their performance in winter weather, TECHO-BLOC permeable pavers are manufactured to meet, in addition to ASTM C936, CSA A231.2-06 requirements for withstanding freezing and thawing with de-icing salt. Experience with permeable oavers in cold c'Annates has demonstrated the absence of heaving. A maximum drain time of 48 hours is recommended and the water that may have accumulated in the clean stone reservoir should be evacuated within this time frame. In the event that water freezes before it is evacuated, the space between reservoir aggregates allows sufficient room to accommodate the expansion caused by freezing water and the risk of heaving is thereby minimized. Ultimately, the permeable paver system is flexible enough to tolerate minor movements. i l l /I l• I rY1 1 1 1' I Regular cleaning will help maintain a high enough surface infiltration rate to allow rainwaterto soak through the joints. At least one inspection and cleaning should be performed during the first year of service and thereafter as required. Cleaning is recommended when the surface infiltration rate is less than 9.8 in./hr (250 mm/hr). Cleaning can be done with a vacuum adjusted to minimize the removal of Joint filling material. In winter, snow removal can be done as for any other type of paving, but It is still recommended that snow removal blades be covered with a protective coating and raised 1" (25 mm). Permeable pavers require less de-icing material than conventional pavement. Since melted water does not accumulate, it will not re -freeze on the surface. It is not recommended to spread sand for :ractlon, as this may clogthe joints; instead, spread the aggregate used for filling joints. RECEIVED FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC COLOR THROUGH&THROUGH i DE-ICING SALT RESISTANT'; STRENGTH & DURABILITY I TRANSFERABLEUFErIMEWARRANTY TOLL FREE:1.877.832.4625 : www.techo-bloc.com USA Pen Anus 852 W. Pennsylvaria Avenje. Pen Argyl. PA 18072 Dougfassri9e 23 Quarry Road, Douglassville. PA 19518 Massachusetts 70 East Brookfield Rd.. North Brookfield, MA 01535 North Carolina 5135 Surrett Drive, High Print, NC 27263 Ohb 15000 W. Akron Canfield Rd- Berlin Center, OH 4440'' CANADA Montreal, QC 5255 Albert-Mllllchamp street, Saint -Hubert. QC J3Y8& Ottawa, ON ,-.. 6310 Hazelde Road - P.0- Box 179L Stitt;*� IQ Toronto, ON 10 Freshray Dive. Vaughan, ON L4K 1S3 CIS J 1 LUIJ Tormtq ON 10501ndustrial Roan. Ayr, ON NOB 1E0 DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOTES 1) HIGH WATER LINE IS AS PER FLAGS BY LOCAL CAMA AGENT 2) AREA AS SHOWN HEREON IS TO MEAN HIGH WATER LINE ±. 3) COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM BOUNDARY DIGITIZED FROM GOGGLE EARTH IMAGE WITH CBRS OVERLAY PROVIDED BY FEMA. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE BEST AVAILBLE EVIDENCE AS TO THE LOCATION OF THIS BOUNDARY BUT IS SUBJECT TO REGULATORY REVIEW. LINE AS PER \1,0 MB 14 PG 3 COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCESYSTEM BOUNDARY LINE(SEE NOTE # 3) \ 1l \ N/F GEORGE TAILOR LOT 193 . \ \ w 1162 PG 1 sax 04LSELED °X° ON \ CONCRETE FLAME \ \\ C+1t1 DECK tE@ DR CONCRETE ORNE \ MAW RESDSNLE - THIS MAP AND FEW SURVEY WERE MADE \ ON RUNGS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE PERSON, a 183 - PERSONS, OR ENTITY NAMED IN THE CERTIFICATION HEREON. SAID CERTIFICATION DOES NOT EXTEND OR TRANSFER TO ANY \ - UNNAMED PERSON, PERSONS, OR ENTITY WITHOUT AN EXPRESSm RE-CERTIFIGL'110N BY. THE SURVEYOR NAMING SAID PERSON, PERSONS, OR ENTITY.* COASTAL3NRRBL RESOI \\ (SEE NOTE 3) i RIGHT OF WAY / --� RIGHT OF WAY TERMINUS BOAT BASIN FLOATING DOCK H�ill�/NNG COUNTY LAMA AGENT Rl� S\ \ SITE BENCHMARK \\ TOP OF HYDRANT ELEVATION. 12.12' \ (MSL- NAVD 1988) BEACH ROAD SOUTH RIVATE R/W 1 ` N8790'421'W \ 63.25 \ WESTERN TERMINUS --CURVE 12 --- MAP BOOK 1414 PAGE 3 0.422 AC.± 20 -0 15 30 60 .I 1 INCH = 20 FEET © PATRICK C. BRISTOW LAND SURVEYING, PC SEFTEMBER 2011 CORNER FALLS ON FIRE HYDRANT LINE L7 L2 L3 L4 L5 LENGTH BEARING 34.41 N81 °35'58"E t!4.58 4.05 N80°09'47"E .69 S87°54'1 TIE .49 S88°19'01 "E N70.15'41"E TF05 LOT IS SUBJECT TO ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS OR COVENANTS OF RECORD. \ SUBMERGED \ LANDS 7— PE3 . N/FENwSRS,ULE \ G PIER TO RELLMN JOAN W. ROBINS, 7RDSTEE \ NIF MALD OESMOND WOOD BOARD WALE( \\ LDT In .\ LOT 179 SECTION 12 DB S517 PG 2425 & Dfi 3573 PG 653 \ \c°w , 5191 PG 2°OB 30'Flear Set ee,a, \ $ \\ I � PRASE RESI ON PUNGS >n O 9179 A \ _ pi`APRO WB4j'36\ \\\ .. @OONLTiETEAPNO \ `�=0.� CH.`52.29' — `Y• SET IN CON BASE—G R1GFh OF WAY C�f•1206,97' OF ELECTRIC PEDESTAL COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM BOUNDARY LINE ± (SEE NOTE # 3) LOCATION SURVEY FOR N MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN SHUFORD LOT 181 BLOCK B SECTION 12 FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND " o E 4 Yn. HARNETT TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. PHON E-M S FI NOTES 1) HIGH WATER LINE IS AS PER FLAGS BY LOCAL LAMA AGENT 2) AREA AS SHOWN HEREON IS TO MEAN HIGH WATER LINE ±. 3) COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM BOUNDARY DIGITIZED FROM GOGGLE EARTH IMAGE WITH CBRS OVERLAY PROVIDED BY FEMA. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE BEST AVAILBLE EVIDENCE AS TO THE LOCATION OF THIS BOUNDARY BUT•IS SUBJECT TO REGULATORY REVIEW. LINE AS PER —�— MB 14 PG 3 COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE O \� SYSTEM BOUNDARY LINE± (SEE NOTE # 3) /! \ \ V \ N/F GEDRGETA 1YLDRLOT 183 C oB t 18z PS 1 59z CHISELED "%" ON ��\�\ ,,,,,{{{{{ \ \ CONCRETE FLUME \ C NMEVE I DECK \ NEIGNBDR'S \ MNOEIE ORNE FLNGS THIS MAP AND FIELD SURVEY WERE MADE 0183 FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE PERSON, PERSONS; OR ENTITY NAMED IN THE \ . CERTIFICATION HEREON. SAID CERTIFICATION \ . DOES NOT EXTENDOR TRANSFER TO ANY \ UNNAMED PERSON, PERSONS; OR ENTITY WITHOUT AN EXPRESSED RE-cFRTIFICATION _ coasrAL aARRmc RFSOLRtti BY THE SURVEYOR NAMING SAID PERSON, Btttrronat� PERSONS, OR ENTITY • \ (stE xorEa s) RIGNTOFWAY RIGHT OF -WAY BOAT BASIN FLOATING DOCK j \\ H ± B NE HANOVE COUNTY CAMA AGENT 4 SITE BENCHMARK TOP OF HYDRANT ELEVATION v 12.12' \ (MSL_NAVD 1988) — TERMINUS BEACH ROAD SOUTH T RIVATE R/W I I _ N8790'42"W S79'29 18"W \ WESTERN TERMINUS —CURVE 12 \ MAP BOOK 14 PAGE 3 0.422 AC.± 20 0 15 30 60 I I I I I CORNER FALLS ON FIRE HYDRANT E TABLE BEARING 81"35'58"E m4l N80"09'47"E S87"54'17"E S88*19'01 "E N70'15'41"E THIS LOT IS SUBJECT TO ALL unLrrY EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS OR COVENANTS OF RECORD. �l \ \ SUBMERGED \ \ LANDS \ \\ N/F FMW BRS. LLL& \\ N%F GLRALD DESMOM IN PIER TO RL.FaAIN JDAN W. ROBLNS, TRUSTEE \ LDT 177 PE WOOD BOARD WALE( LOT 179 SECDDN 12 \ D83573 PG 653 0 5517 M 2425 8 N� 085191 M 2409 \ Yj \ a \ 30' Rear 9e1 Beds Pc3:o c� \ "a DuB788' CfLogz29' — CH-206.97' — / q COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM BOUNDARY LINE:I: (SEE NOTE # 3) LOCATION SURVEY FOR _ --1 SET IN CONC. BASE RIGHT OF WAY OF ELECTRIC PEDESTAL MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN SHUFORD LOT 181 BLOCK B SECTION 12 FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND CAMA AGENT 2) AREA AS SHOWN HEREON IS TO MEAN HIGH WATER LINE t. BOAT BASIN 3) COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM BOUNDARY DIGITIZED FROM GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE WITH CBRS OVERLAY PROVIDED BY FEMXA. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE BEST AVAILBLE EVIDENCE AS TO THE LOCATION OF THIS BOUNDARY BUT IS SUBJECT TO REGULATORY REVIEW. LINE AS PER MB 14 PG 3 COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM BOUNDARY LINE t iy (SEE NOTE # 3) L2 34.05 N80°09'47"E L3 29.69 SB7°54'17"E L4 14.49 SBB°19'01"E LS 4.58 N70°15'41 "E THIS LOT IS SUBJECT TO ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS OR COVENANTS OF RECORD. FLOATING DOCK RAMP SUBMERGED P \ \ LANDS \\ \ H t B NE HANG R ✓ COUNTY CAMA AGENT _ \\ \ \_ \ N/F QOPGETAriDR LA2 Ps I CHISELED "X' ON OB 11a2 PG 1582 CONCRETE FLUKE \ L' NO PIER TO R@aAM PE WOOD BOARD WAL� \ _ N/F ENW RRS. Lll a X)AN W. ROUC, TRUSTEE LOT IM SECTION 12 o9 ss+v PG z425a \ \ \ \ N/F GERALD DESNONO LOT 177 W I— FG 11, \ Ck"ERED DECK .wSim Line — 101 A 30'Rear Set Bark \\. 085191 PG2� \ \ � CONOIEIE ORrvE ,.. 'M \ NNE O \\ mob \ F RA Q Rl1NG5 a THIS MAP AND FIELD SURVEY WERE MADE \ • 183 �iy ✓�� - �\ FOR THE D(CLUSIVE'USE OF THE PERSON, PERSONS, OR ENTITY NAMED IN THE CERTIFICATION HEREON. SAID CERTIFICATION \\ \ Sk\ ��\ ' DOES NOT EKIEND OR TRANSFER TO ANY U em UNNAMED PERSON, PERSONS, OR ENTITY WITHOUT AN EXPRESSED RE-CERTIRCATION BY THE SURVEYOR NAMING SAID PERSON, COASFALRARRER RESOLRCE a or PERSONS, OR ENTITY. \ SYSTEM ROMMARY IdEt \ (SEE NOTE 03) O --� SITE BENCHMARK \\ TOP OFHYDRANT -- \ \ \ ELEVATION 1 D 988) iIGHTOFWAY C RIGHT OF WAY / CORNER FALLS ON TERMINUS BEACH ROAD SOUTH FIRE HYDRANT � RNATE R/W I - ..1 N8T30'42°W 1 vs 9'1B'W \ WESTERN TERMINUS -CURVE 12 \ MAP BOOK 14 PAGE 3 CK.206.9T CH.�g�Bg, \\ -� COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEWBOUNDARY LINE t (SEE NOTE # 3) DECK C. mw FRAME RESDEMM \ \ D .ON PUNGS \E \ \\ 0 6179 $` n ayle GMlaaYM \�$ \\ N76'4T 36> W\ \ AD.3, NAI SET 81 CONC. BASE fflnR OF WAY \ OF ELECTRIC PEDESTAL 0.422 AC ± LOCATION SURVEY FOR " 20 ° ,s 30 60 MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN SHUFORD W O E 4 1 INCH = 20 FEET 1 LOT 181 BLOCK B SECTION 12 FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND WL PEA HARNETT TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. FIF © PATRm C SRISIOW LAND SLRIIMG, PC SEPfEMBER 2011 S oI o o n In ' n /n 11 n' ni 0. Henn Porto+ ® �" s Wall Section Through Dinm Room Ba _l. T 1 Y er-0• = EXISTING STRUCTURE NEW MPT M