HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_19-10_ Anna (2)NEW HANOVER COUNTY Local Government - Aft A =0 M L,f-- 5-Z-7,2--2- 19,110 Permit Number Issued, Dave Anna, authadzin-g d'e-v-e-l-o-'pm—e-nf,,ih'thb;EgtU-adfto Sh6telitid - ORW (AEC) it 1 5�Pio Nick 4h`%Im#�dtb�h; q h Al - " __ 1"permit,'.1 """ - i NC, as requested J -thepei d�"�p w6ni,� di6d jan�ua'i'y'7", 2019, This issued on February 13, 2019 is subject to -compliance --with the application --and site drawing (where -consistent with the applicable qgulito—pe 4ifdl §Kq1 d6-dit6ft 5-d notes �dtl f6h �Xw. MY violation, if these lbrms may suVJW perrhittee to a fine,, imprisonment -,or civil action; or may-cause-the--.permit--to--be null andmaid. This , permit authorizes: 7ked.QsoAriveway and -addition (1) a All proposed developmeri,t and associated co- 16h Must tie 066 in ftafth& with tt* t dtWifUs(g) dAt6d-r6cbRe-­d on Jafi-u-jiY P, 20911 Alti-construdion, must conform to. the_tKd- Building Code -requirements --a . nd-all-other-local- State- and -Federal regulatibris, applicable-local-ordinances:and FEMA-flood-Regulations, Anchar,''ffi-d-W 'nd-&i3)dVgQs in the ddelonor lause activities, will reqVkia R7@1Van d Kddiff&tiDh of this o'erma, A copy of - this permit shall be -posted--or,--avallable--on site. Contact this office--at-91 04984-1118 fora final inspection -at completion -of -work. RECEIVED DGM WILMINGTONo NC i(Addiional Permft-..C.ondidons--on-Page-2)i FEB 13 2019 This ppqm"00'.'!Paybe appeded by �p p@rmil or other q'@11ed persons Ahi s ' suin rr-t! 9 date. This permit T# '� o�' � project perm' rojsct is inspected "6r ..site an the ­4 6fficidifffiih the p :_compliance. Any maintenance work or project-modftalion not oovered'uhder this permi!, re quire further wdtie -Permit approval:sltze so All.wo -mu a --when#ilsr per expires qn: W�. extii DECEMBER-31, 2022,' in Iguind tkitpeM"-isAgreedr,that,,t.-:s-p.rojed *Whe-local -Land We Plin! and all applidable orcrtnances. This-permitM@yj_not be bransfened to another" 1p-`Ar1'y_1without _the' written` approval 'the UA6 mot Coal Want" mJ60'. Lz , L2 Christine R. Bo CAMA LQM PERMIT OFFICIAL 230--.Govemment..Center Drive; Suite 1101 Wi Wl n- 617on, 'NC 284031 PERMITTEE _j Name; DkveAnnt Minor P-errnIt=#=19=10i Dai-Fjb��rudr7y, %-'-X tQ Page 2 Ar Ow. The-m-curit-of impemous-surbm.-stW[not,-.exceW.25.'Yd-.of..the-lat:ama,.whhin-57-5_feet"ofNormal High-water IlEstuarine-Shorefins - ORW--Area-,of Envimnmental--Concem),iin this- 5-,-2WtOtAl-s-- -f! pre be s afiff9fted. (60209(0)(10),- ffd UhWs—s MAecifiFally, 6116WIh 15A NCAC 07H.. shown on the peRnirtte 014p drawing,in, bo n shall'bej anciwar -Of.-NO r.dde—vql opmerd vfthm I ------ - - -d- imaiNgh Water. No:portion- to,� -7 --mg-shallenc Abffis r. (7Y, Al[unconsolidatod'maten'alresulffr--ftb9 N g6m—d I nand 'IaiiWs—c apIn'- s retained on silb, ye-wve $edimentahon-MfdW—esi6h control Ini measures 'Pirldr (6- lifiid4lsk� mv -li*df Usti any �d r_Viog�pepsil bafte � -: ' Oft stUibing aWv as, uM - 0, due , 0 tims-'as-the.,area. lWifisTallid-71k tfie land d- - - 1 0 a-- marsh or wateram has Ueeti y stabilized with ve-cover. ith- - (8): Any--pmposed--fbr-grading--,wfthin-thlOF30' buffer-ftaf #Fe-Ndr-Mel-fliatf-Wiffir must tie-coAb pffy—enfa-ddifi6fi-al ftmm9l#r--runoff-'ff-the i@0in-t rifers I T-kis ir-e—a ifFAIII—e-IM-Me dlat- v�*--#k 0-- ely� ry jI. 4 iCe—gq§§d� iW. _Vilizedi-gO, rqug- (9)i All-o7ther-disturbed I 7arowshall�be�-vegetafive��stabilized-(pla'nt'ed and -mulched) within 14 dlys-Of th completion: (-!7 1 RECOVED NC DO WILMINGTO1, SIGNATURE: DATE: PERMITTEE Locality PermicNumber 1 �'bt) Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline ! rrO��RW Shote(u> 1J4 i teh _Otte (For official use only) GF.NRItAL INFORMATION JAN 2 9 2019� LAND OWNER NEW HAP,OVER COUNTY PLANN;,yG g, 4C.L'�ur_ AUTHORIZED AGENT 31 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (AddWs, street name and/or directions to site. If not ocepnfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody?) DNA OF/PROJECT: (List ali proposed construction and land disturbance.} )tG 4 )iv v th}i vll'V Fv) ao ��✓ i SIZE OF I OT/PARCEL ' 9 ! `square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential (Single-family ,-k- Multi -family _) Commerical/Industrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (includes all floors and roof -covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVMONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): 52 (' (7— sq• & (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, co Crete or masonry part95� etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawingJ�('J( � e "vk Site j �iGi r'1 Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (1) within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2) within 575 feet of Normal High Water for rho Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding RECEIVED Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) FEB 01 2019 STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to DCM WILMINGTON, NC State Stormwater Manamnent Permit issued by the N.C. Division of Water Quality? YES— NO Yd If yes, list the total built-tipon ara/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. square feet. *�cr- o OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a list of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if any of these apply to your project. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tano�ojF�f,} waste neartneur system), Bunting, Elcetrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy CtTtitle4aAlioo[.$ eL`:'�a on, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile I Lome Park Approval, Highway, Connection, and others. ,i,+ � Q19 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: NEP 1, due undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owne4"k pit �$6ITdla person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, cert, t5a i&Nf4rson listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) ;�_air own t or record,title. Ti e 's vested in-f-{nxi C'� I`� m see Deed Book _ page �C, m the Nkk LLi 11LUE_C_ County Registry of Deeds. _an owner by virtue oft inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in _ . County. _if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (I) (2) (3) (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that due proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associ- ated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofrng tech- niques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in face grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any infor- mation as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any �i OED person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. 1FStGGvvCC������ r O r This the d Aet-% V ^IR 20 I 3 1 2019 )aCM WILMINGTON. NC Landowner or person authorized to act as his agent for purpose of filing 2 CAMA permit application. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Idy • W) (ti Mailing Address: a Phone Number: Email Address: I certify that I have authorized Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits t ' necessary for the following proposed development: t"e at my property located at l furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: z Signa ure Print or Type f, Flame T-V Titld. Date RECEIVED This certification is valid through FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC *I -to C�&Yl��Cade . Dw I I "we* a m ru ,n m .n ru a 0 0 0 0 ut S ra r a c M1 ��.e.��.r.7 ys� a— IrtNaoy�orae. JAN 2 9 2019 � �..�+�+��►�at�wa�ae�.e•ayd�srM.r+Ne�run.ew�e NEW HANOVER COUNTY swasl�IrFrl91 PLANNING & ZONING rawdowdmalNe/wbw r�wur..srteKarao�..�l.Iorlw�a�.+N.ta1M�e mnYryMal (OE'a P .hl.3) ArpyMOal*mKId lWdlaIw lyms Ab lll"Irl hT6bphm ibwbmcmwadrorobNk mwihhsMwl'-o C=4FCA MborFkwdPmpmw pvmgn6W rwo Ix _� �1 Y I.it)1'iLr 1�71"LiC rl/1 Vr-� W oM FM�r t'76r�rFENNN11pER GOINIIT • L�YIWI��NIICEdwESII11Ei10 wu�Imsral.acteFa� Sim* -0nr4k c10 I'm')bywtd+-PrLhdjt R powomm LIST bl'yaLi t far MoftAMM \�I I �(A.Yl .�I RECEIVED =EB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC ON'NOlJNIW1IM Vla(l oIOZ I0 833 Q3AI30SU 111T--3C )•li �4hu�r�\���'1 �•�v�ll uw=lals/frlll LtwwxaKwmmmxpmsop dR*o7 au AWW l4won i) 1PMIliIP�NRI�$b"—"' c�I l Y� J ��M?+M.d i�.o�adiR.i#��es�aiAvaNpbt�'�q.4eyRal�F'� � ONrNoz ?t:N.'H 'ld .V. N(10� a�,�,,N w H M3N irgp�iogpeawtq�dpeoAa,dtrp�,��(�yrr�p 610e 6 Z It"r P�.�e1�M�r�A�pLAp.P.mi�Mw1�'+4Rr1111M9�4Rf► *Mwo Q�A.I rT�M �-- JMMWNDnj1pwwv 7 �.1 1R+1 +�144��wi�lui *10M - ' AMO r 11!/414�%lw; ci ci 0 0 I r ru I- W L ru W r m affiil 9�;x� ¢ { 11 , a 11iei� TT i 1 CIE YV r r, is-.i.J a 2 9 �17i9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PIANNING $ BONING Jj u '++.m i°�rou Rvnc T��Qldl rttltl6 M,YyYZ.6S6 JCM NC LEGEND�`��� 5011. QO..OP.aCJ1.M. 11 T ial&`M N{ of LAIYDSCAPE!($IT'/0N SsBQYC TEXTU JELLTAX! sMErs.Tua S'I4UCTURE CC(Corxaw Slope) .1 S(Slmd) 1.2-0.8 (.6-0.4 SEXP(Slightly Expansive) GlSiagle Grain) CV (Convex Slope) LS (laamY Sand) EXP (Expansive) M (Massive) D (Drainage way) CR (Comb) DS (Debris Slump) !77_y A SL (Sandy Loam) 0.8 - 0.6 0 4 - 0.3 GR (Granular) FP (flood Plain) L (loam) SBK (Subanguler Body) FS (Foot Stone) ABK (Angular Blocky) H (Head Slope) M Si (Silo 0.6 - 0.3 0.3 - 0.15 M. (Mary) L (Iimar Slope) S(CL (Silty Clay Laaml PR (Prismatic) N (Nov: Slope) CL (Clay Loam) R(Ridge) SCL(Sandy Clay Loam) PAO) WET S (Shouider Slope) Sil. (Sill Loam) T(Te u) VFR (Very Friable) NS iNaaukky) IV SC (Sandy CLAY) 0.4 - 0.1 0.2 - 0.05 fR (Friahkl g� �--. „—,, ,y Sl�tb Sticky) sic (Silly Clay) FI(Ftrm) _� Y.r�l' * (Clay) VFI (Vmy Firm v, Very Slinky) V ( ) *(Organic) None None ER(Fmmeely Fan) NIP Mm-dwb) SP et ighdy Phmy *Adjust LTAR due to depth, consistence, soucrurt, wil wotnms, lundKape, Pusitinn, warieweter Dow and quality.-(! IPlsPil NO TET `r VP(11y Pettit) HOR/ZONDEPTH In inches below=total wit mace DEPTH OF FILL a inches from land surface NC-W NANO)/ER RES777ICFIFEH0R20N Thickness and depth Son Widsurfa COUNTY SfPROLITE S(suitable) or U(unsuiable) PLAiNMNl - SOfl. I{E/NESS firths from land reface to bee water or mchm from and siafaco to wil colon with chrome 2 or less - record Munstll color eirip delYdeirorl CLASSIFICA77ON S (Suitable), PS (Provisionally Suitable), or U (Unsuitable) Evaluation of ssprolit dull be by pats. Long -fern ACMVo Rat (LTAR): pYdeyyR= OY---.161....e1..e. —,1 -.r .a. Mvnnrr— %--k—k end Vnr61 L 1 ; _ _ }—J. { i r 1 I } 1 1 1 i i t R E 1 FB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NO Updated February 2014 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacem to _ Daue- -A\ a (Name of Properly Owner) property located at II pk Y5 Mk( �,� Address, Lot Block, Road, etc.) on �.- VLr , in N C LD `:k-jfV f . N.C. IWaterbodyl (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(sl, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) 1)oICd '1cN,4,e0 / &/y/D or Type Name -336 a/o `a / Telephone Number /,;7,/9-/1 Date *RD NE4riANJV PLANNING - ZO-'diNG RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC ■ Complete ftems 1, 2, end3. ue ■ Print your name and address on the reverse SO that we can return the card to YOU. Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front If space rwn..._ IZI`I 5Cc+inivI Ai^� Chao (tTU i W IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI IIII1111111111111111 9590 9402 2144 6193 0737 27 40-1D JN,; 'M 2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING i ❑ ca7eci an Cerz� w oolveq 1 n rM,.�r,,,. nw �pzstrktetl Deivay ❑ 2318 Complete Items 11 21 and 3. t Prirrt your name and address on the reverse SO th-- we can return the card to you. + Attach this cart' to the back of the mailplece, ar On the front If space permits. Cl. Address te; �1 �I,re htl LLC o Zsizy Iti u L IIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllll�� 9590112 2144 6193 0737 34 O3. A ❑ c a 7017 o°c 0 0001 2L35 PS c'301 orm 3811, Ju1Y 2016 PSN 7a- . -..._ 92-0006055 X del!very address CW It YES, enter delivery , " , g ?019 NEbV H.q��r)t.r�c� COUNTY Domestic Return Receipt ❑ Agent ❑ Addreesee �_IjC. Date e{ pellvery n hern 1�-- below: ❑ No aeS`t'c14 ram ❑ nay 18 a,y naktid staged mail ne94lcw oaiv a(veresy Y - Omwr Rengpt for Irvxry flmMga00Nrvery ❑ ee S�oum ce,*r Mdbn x >ammeC °""°ry ❑ sin Ammar �vs,j en RECEIVED D'a"rc Return Receipt FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NO rnN R05207002003000 NEW HANOVER COUNT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 140 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-6667, FAX (910) 798-7269 Comtrucnan A,,�_:i a g Permit Number (Repvned jar Buildirro 14In1r1r., E y VE1' ON0664198 Rik Number 1338 71wcnnstrurtion aeduarlallation rcguirenrMs ofPodes 1950. J932,. 1954..1596, 1957,.1938, od.I911san atanr ljl triirntux IMo thispr mnoMahad be met. $smwAnil be hutalled in accordance with Me atlochedsom, I YW. Issued Ta SWIFT. ROBERT NEW t;ANOV- Property Location:15 PIPERSNECKRd - SECTION - FIGURE 9ISLAAN ;,',vr; F'4COUNTY k$ Facility Type: SFD O Expansion O New E Repair Basement Fixtures: p Type of Wastewater System IVa (Initial) Proposed N of Bedrooms: 4 Repair: IVa InRtallation Renuirem nW gliding s Septic Tank Size 1.000 Existing gallons Wastewater Flow. 480 GPD Total Trench Length 200 ft Bed Sq. Ft.: N/A Pump Tank Size 1,000 Existing gallons Trenches shall be installed on contour at a Maximum Trench Spacing: 5 Feet on Center t irencn bottoms snail be level to+/-= 1/4"in all directions) Trench Depth of:_18.24 _ inches Con&tim: INSTA1L22' OF 3' SCH.40 PVC PR&SSURE MAN O D AND CONNECT TO EXISTINGr SC1L 4o PVC SUPPLY LINE INSTALL E VE40' LPP NITRIFICATION LMER ON Y CENTERS WITH 1&20' TRENCH BOTTOMS, MAINTAIN MDT. 50'' FROM WELTS MAINTAIN MIN. 10' FROM WATER LINES MAINTAIN MIN, S FROM PROPERTY BOUNDARIES. SEE ATTACHED FOR SYSTEM LOCATION AND SPECIFICATIONS •'Ifttpplieab/e lunderstand the system type specified is dld'ternt the rypespecifkdon Me hcudons laccept the sprclfestions ofthi3rmlt. Owner/Legal Representative Signature: pate: 1 A% �e gnu tonstrvetronAwtronzonon u subject to Mooadon flne siteplan, plat, or the intended use changes The Con.Nruciion Authorlwtian shall nar bt tmmferred when there is o change in ownership o b six This Coutrvctia i Authortotion u subject to compliance with Me provisions of the Laws and Rules for Sewage Treaiment and Daposraland to the Ca {pfdus pe nit. Authorized State Agent: urp Date of Issuance: 12/04/2018 Date of Expiration: 12/04/2023 See Attached Site Sketch RECEIVED FEB 01 2019 DCM WILMINGTON, NC "Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Healthy Community" DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES��� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION PROPERTY ID K: ON -SITE WATER PROTECTION BRANCH COUNTY: SOI[JSITE EVALUATION for ON -SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM �,� W�' Lq� (Complete ad field. in full) Y OWNER: S�5•^ •+' pare {ina�. ,AgPLICATTONDAI N,—t►-12118 ADDRESS:��l 40 N G 51 S _ :.. DK't� FNi4biJATED: „,�, ,vls PROPOSED FACILITY: %m (',;,{ PROPOSED DESIGN FLOW (.1949): PROPERTY SIZE: O.SS woo. LOCATION OF SITE: L Nit, w,it K .'6 R TY RECORDED: WATER SUPPLY: Private " Publio Well Spring Other NE' " '/�R COUNT, Y EVALUATION METHOD: Burin Pit Cut TYPE OF WASTEWATER: hldttatrl� Mixed P p F 1 t' E t X a94B LANDSCAPE POS1TTONt SLOPE'/. HORIZON DEPTH (IN.) SOIL MORPHOLOGY (.1941) OTHER PROFILE FACTORS pRpglLg CLASS ,f &LTAR .1941 STRUCTURE/ TEXTURE .1941 CONSISTENCE/ MINERALOGY SO11, WETNESS! COLOR .1943 SOH. DEPT11 .1956 SAPRO CLASS .IBM RESTR HORIZ ( ID(1 Sit !"+F1 4 . 11 eaLrtnA tvro Lit Ex4A5F,'!l b,5 LTpR 8 zya T 4( C,QjS vaw-Ni rrr s y r vg ? Ef_ Rv 2 3 �?ECEI D 4 r52R1Ftal�:i' N�Sati •1L �(-V .a1Ri33i�.'�r WILNIING ON, Nr, _Ssi+,R.. �aealuvF3T. ...=a.'rC-at.+�'L :'v:Q:e:;a�': -,v3 DESCRIPTION PIITIAL SYSTEM REPAIR SYSTEM OTHER FACTORS (.1946): SITE CLASSIFICATION (.1948): ( ui abl .��5 Available Space (1445) EVALUATED BY: System Type(x) OTHERS) PRESENT: Site LTAR COMMENTS: xt t 4 �t71F V•� Updated February 2014 4 J A, RWTABte U31MG-POT1rED AREA --24,295 SO. FT NtIINL A9154= 1:e /;23_5 30. FT. *NOTE: NORMAL HIGH WATERLINE 'FlAGGED:5Y'COUNTY, OFFICIAL I/ I 112019 -NORM .ALjHlGIj WATERU NEJABLE WIVE LEKGTti BEARING "Ll 4:06 N 75052'5 1 W L-2 ox.;5, -5 i 105738W L8 10.65 NQ00042 PW 1:4 9. & 0, N79"39'5G'W 0 67,51 5.8505723RW Lig 7T-40 '5 I"3*25'43HW L-7 48.65 NO 1"39-5 PW 'NOTE; NORMAL HIGH WATERLINE FLAGGED BY COUNTY OFFICIAL m 1/2019 LOTS FIGUE , EIGHVI15LAND MAP BOOK K�l 4-PAGE'13 ON'NOIJNIW11M WOa 6toz 10 83� a3A13o32i uSING/LArW AREA=24.P O.f. USN.G NMN. AA`A-21.29 =.Ff. •NOIC: NORI NIGH WATCDINE CU6G®B OOLWYYORYC1Al I/I12019 NORNVL HIGH WATER TADIC um Lvl 6H1DNG lI 4.06 N73•D M I2 6.69 971.5730'W I I 13A5 RGO'04'21\V IA 9.D0 N78'99561V 0 D.51 5D5.57231V IL 7.40 1 519.2E v V 4D.C5I ND I.9951 SY 'NOR: NORNNL HR,'H N Toww M- 6Yf011IIYORIOILL ill 120I9 i LCT 3 SCCIION I I HGUE O B D NW D001 14 EAGE 3 BOAT 5A5IN z D 17 SECTION 1 m AGUE HGHT Fi NW OK � N RO14 AGE 3 RO1i. mnem•ae eRN.. w+a.�31."11L 10I4.IR . r! r.mR•An vu CURVE TAeIC U/RVE CN. DRAG C2H4O.ND CI IS0•E 72"' 3543 1142 6R3AD2.U01' II.19TA 5'DTC2 ' p N8339'212 D.D 19 4 • G/RV[I3 DRNG THE PC UNC NO AY TN[ RNILR OF FIFERS NCCA TO UT71C NElJ( ROAD AR ARFA ii� 4 295 -90. FF U51NG VHK so. ff. 'NOTE: NORMAL mGH WATTRUNE tvLA 9 ED-,.BY, COUNTY` Off- 1/1 1/2019 P NQRMAL. WATERLINETABLE Uwe EARING tit - i 4.-06 .97;5*52'5 1 W 1 '57-38W ,V3 2 V'W 1.3.85 g0004 ..Nj I 'A q--pn - N79"395GW NO 45 1 "39'5 1-'W , oq5 f7 'No:rE- NORMAL H16H WATERLINE FAGGED GED BY c- 0 _UNW Of ICIAL, 1/1 1/2019 Lar a 5ECTION I 9GFJ MAP BOOKS 4,P ON LNOIDNIMIM WOO 610Z 10 83J a3AI903a 80AT BASIN Ne4a6•' W r " W, PACE USING PIATTPD AREA=24,P93 R U.`JAL^NHWL AAFA-21,2355p. A. 'NpTENORNNL MIGM WAI N[ - FlAC+GEO fX COGNTYGTTIGAL I/112019 NORMAL N16M WATEI¢IN[TABLL uw LENGTH BENtlNG Lt 4.W N7e•52.5Iw a 8.69 57!"573ew l3 13A5 N60'0921w LA 9.80 N]8'395Ew u e.St S Lt 7.4o s112-14ts•zsv31 V 4D.65 Ne I.3951w 'NQIE: NOR t11 WA7Qd1Nf rvccm mcoLArfrorrtnu I/t l/2019 LOT 3 BBGTTIOM I I NQLWMTd D ~ BOOK 14 MOR 3 F O 1 z 17 SECTION t i FIGU[ MGM IS� N AAbJ' eGCR. 14 PAGf 3 .4cnAnaR tm�aR,�egoc-�. ,orK r..>de rles.An vu 1 CURVE TABtf CURVE 1 CM. WNG CMORp RA U5 ORTA CI D I'f?eO4•E �2.64' 365.43 11.2429' C2 Ne7'2844•E t24.8D NO 632.01' il•19'SS' C3 NB3'3OR 19e.E4' 602OI' I9V041• CURVE I3 TNC TIC IINC AIgy6} QN(Lpq PIP[ft R5 AOCA TO UiTEf NEG: RC34p Imi