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87344C - Smith Custom Homes, Inc
d (Y t "ZLik¢ 4✓� % N9 873+t A e rAIM CAMA ❑ OREM & ILL 5/10/))L Previous permit INGENERAL PE IT Date previous permit issued ❑NewMadiflcatinn C plate Reissue ❑PatYial Reissue As authorized by,Sq ;e bkutFiC'aadfisa, popatntsa rm O oral Chdiry and the CaatW Rewurces Comm+sslon In an area of emrkonmaitat c«icem Pursuant toy ISA NCAC iT110]4",1f711j_// Rulms attadwd. General Permit Rules a'nleble at the following ,/ ^ Project London Street Acidi essiS Subdivision 01 Uw - - - ,a a1 Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline tengffi Aaess length a � � I Pler (dock)len " � f Fixed Platforms) � fioadng Platorm(s)`�— FWr pier(si Total Platform area - Groin length/# _.___-----— Bulkhead/ Rlprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/length,_. 1` _ Basin, channel •--mil _____ Cubic yards aciatramp Z::�w_____. Boathouse oak Beach B R Jwl- Other u SAV observed: yes U (Moratorium: n(a Yes site photos; AWN Riparian'Naiver AKachedA 6uitding permit ngbe re 'uiresrbV; Permit CondR<ons a ant or Apphwmvnirvmu rvam�e { 1a�yy -lnatu ' ase read compliance statement on back of pe .. `(,nrj t 01 , TAR/PAKNEUSEIBUFFER (drde ono) See note on back regarding River Basin rules CZ ❑ See additional notes/conditions on bade pplication feels) ' Check d/Mohey Order c s 6 LO _ _ f X '00� ` \ Ct 4 1 j X ,Oa tS .4 03 iP lnoA jueyj •swaouoo ao suollsanb Aue aney noA;l nnoul aw lal aseald 1A leoq a4l10 apls a41 asueyo of papioap Aayj �1lwjad 1aaj1S sueA3 LZEZ jol Ouimeip ay1 laoonaj aseald noA pinoo aoueyo a 1a2 noA uay/N _aayleaHiH w S iodaa of luawpelle ue se pews snohidsns Ile puas'A)IJBA noA ssalun sluawyoelle uado jo qull pla Sou oa •Ilewa leuaalx3:NOIlntl3 dpd'£Zs0 ue:)s :sluawyoelly sueA3 I. L£Z 10 6wnneJ4 IJonnab [lewalx3] :loafgns analD ullsnf :oD •W JayleaH'uaA1S :01 Wd 9Z Z ZZOZ '9 AelN 'Aepp3 :was <wog-6ull:)ejluoDauuewlseo:)lelslu:)po 6uiluno»e> ueJyooD auueznS :woai -Vy iagleaH 'uoa 3S �0,oco!' CAMA ❑BRED FILL N9 87344 A s c p y GENERAL p Previous permit MIT Date previous permit issued = lNew []Modification f mplete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolfna, Depart ( Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to: f 5A NCAC ti a Rules attached General Permit Rules available at the follovdn link g : wv deg nc gov/CAMArules Applicant city >, ,0..,I., err ._ ��ii7sJa Phone�'' '�W-M Affected ❑ cw AEC(s): OEA ORW: yes o Type of Project/ Activity INA PNA: Floating Platform(s) Fingerpier(s) �.+ Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill — Max distance/ length Basin, channel —i Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ atl Beach Bull}}do Ing Other 1 li 11 PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS EISPIMA OPWS Authorized Agent Project Location (County): _ T� Street /XddftesKmte'toadlLot #(s) City Adj. Wtr. Body C Closest Maj. Wtr. Body See note an back regarding River Basin rules See additional notes/condltions on back ,o1*000A411 nCAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N© 87344 _ A_ B cOD y = GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued INew ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue [:]Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC � i L / ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules e _ Applicant Name 1I y V I k/V Address City State ZIP Phone # ) ---� — Email Affected ❑ CW '41PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ uW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS ORW: yes no PNA: yes/ r1a / Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity —/ �� pp (Scale: Shoreline Length Access Lengt (�/ Pier(dock)length Fixed Platforms) A Floating Platform(s)`"� 3 1 Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length rn Basin, channel---- 1' ` Cubic yards Boat ramp — Boathouse/ atli 11,1 1I f Beach Bulldo ing _ Other SAV observed: yes c�J" Moratorium: n/a yes n �r.(J, Site Photos: yes no l i ^ Riparian Waiver Attac�6i es' o }�`J ,4,'yA building permit/zo requi ed by: 1- "- `- /`` ► V ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) Permit Conditions ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules Gc�t' ❑See additional notes/conditions on back • liC\ OF Sa"40b, CR4 RULES AND CONDITIONSJHAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND Agent o(A$plicant PRINTED fame Pe S � ture ** I se ead compliance statement on back of Omit* Sif Application Fee(s) Chleck # Money Order Iss Initial Expiration Date Syron, Heather M. From: Hannah Cochran<hannah@crystalcoastmarinecontracting.com> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 10:42 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] CAMA General - 2311 Evans St Attachments: Scan_0468.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Heather - I have attached a permit application and will have a check dropped off to the office later on today. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! Cleve Contracting, Inc. Crystal Coast Marine Contracting 680 Swansboro Loop Road Swansboro, NC 28584 (910)325-8481 AC3ENT AUTION FnR CART q PERt I ' A�pp�.IC Name of Property Owner Requesting permit3 I Io s 4 Mailing Address: -�-} Phone Number: Email Address: c� �� i certify that l have authorized Grp► StG 1 g&cLG - MAri ne. CoMr -loob ►-yea Agent! Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all LAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development COnS►.Q-i-t Ors t� G rt+e dock boor i i ft_,,, at my property located at 2311 E v G in _ Go► Y 1-tr 2±k- County. 1 furthermore cerfiiy that t am WAiorfzed to 9mt, and -rD h7 fact- grant permission to Division of Coastal Managearent doff the Local Permit Ofter and strew agents to enter on the aforemenhOned lands In conrrw ion wNh evalua ft ftftmahw relaW to this Permit appfi0aff0n. =A# �_h GuS-bm '►tom S s� G iiodd Print or Type Name oyg V_ Me 1 1 2-2- di ThIa 4o!'il iOfla n" in v nti hereby c r i 'hat I own property adjacent Smith 0uS+0rY--, 1+0mees to &S property located at 23I l EvchrS SA" (Name of Property Owner) (d r .s, Lot, Biock, Road, etc,) on _�o�vte 60%And in ca r+eret~ , N,C. ( laterbody) (ltyyiTe n anc for County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above 3II�� or2. ..f have no objection .to this proposal I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR I G OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (IDdividual roPoslrrg deveIOPment must fill iR desedpdonbelow or arch a site € ra i WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 1 ` from my area of riparian access unless Waived by rne. (if you wish to waive the setback, you must itiat'the appropriate blank below.) f do wish to waive the 16 setback requirement. do not wish to waive the 15` setbaCk requirement, (Props Owner Mora atior (djacOnt Property Owner Infora Pion) Ile ►C.t�nikh �.... a'sare* G� 1-1 ar Ty e Narrte tom tkDmC� In A!", or T`yp- game Maitlllu Addres -13 Mailing Address N��yip +-�-�G �? �vewoor # me z4�5�to !3it sttate 2S2-=...-r a�' 7 f't� i staIEI7 p Telephone Number email address LA I _.. . _ __ Telephone Number remail address _._. `Valid for one calendar year der signature' ' Revised Aug. 2074J pip , clock, mat se b ffjrljmum u WiS�I tO Wilrethe y aM , b.. k i cla wish to waive the I ` s " a r nOt Wish-tO waive the IB siack 9+ope er 7nf{g a¢royyjg/a vrOPertY 3 nt erIn a}_ N: r � r r�rin#ar t"J'pe Atoms :1 l.AlYlUti t � i , f?rmf or iy�rt� �rrae .�t,"" .. Wawing Afd ss17 Telephone ti ufriberfen7ait addres One LT�3�78TYYt1QCCB�� — r_E'/ii F 4ytN K[lCx4MT lA�-6r aro�sr^ K EAA�A O !RA �2❑ Rom-( i AR ^an`n ��zmo a t^nz n� n�3 ry(� 6 C �Z yvR Sw C Ot STREET 60' R/W ---- I.,LHE__--rm Q'i'4 pp� __..t-•._ 7' SE78ACK t tF'a- ce D H ---I�N y147 Sg` (TpTAt n Qo 0 2 2r '____-__-^�}��-». t' 3'� Z"�$�-5........�„� ""•t of SkTBACKLIKE \ ----(WAL)ra••�atcY _ ~ems �oj �91, ?C A e Qmnr'• F .hob JIM _ ysy�p¢j 2H�Q C i p$as ee �^� s pp¢333 r I7 G pap �:��.�y�. f(((Yi :f1 if " qg -1 L�Ti `c��i2i a I v w �_ n n- m ��`aM1:��Y'r0 22p e in : �=; FFs'ssd9X�dSa.E�tF.. ny t ; F liv i' Oo, -t(Al \t( ?'%It nqG N-Q-V,Arf,� C,0101,reej 0�,,, AUJA� ;ErN ; Rik A ail r�PZOPERT—, 0t�RJ%r- -TA-, =HEI T i hereby ceilLify that i Own Dropertiy adjacent 10 1 Lmri►k'h c�eSkprn ,�i0m�� ,nG S �I1d>rm¢ Of, �c �oatae (Address, �,�i,cc�,, Road; Wko.) h in +ere-t� (CH 11-10Vdn aodlor %oun-b1) i h@ 71 Grit has described to me, as shown below, The decVeloprnent proposed at the abovo I have no objec ion to this proposal. --- I have objectioils to fills proposal- C, OF PROPOSED DEVELOPIWENI- a 0,r:s 4 "36 a ac. & sita'' cW ?mil WAIVER eSE 1 IONN understand i17a; a pi:?i, dock, imooiing pilings, boat rarnp, breakwater, boatf10use, iffi: or Ciroir! rust be set back a minimum di s ante of 15' from my area of riparian access iioiess �Praivpd byme. (If you Wish to waive the setha&, you Aq sf inffMt Ala aapr€�priate blank belo-w-) I do wish to Naive the 15' seibacic require,nent. do ziaL wish t0 41aive the 15' setbaci( requirement. (f,�'oaGs'Elf Dvdf?ertTf:f?i'ioEa-voff) �- rr,,,- a 3i e 4�:.�Pei'-�-1 ,�-tu-9-_lii,f.Ar....�.i_,bmat,.�x,..�_. -7 t or Type Name rior T e Nam- -7 ornes In ;ioo rlaNing 9ddras— +1� nng �l�ras >;v P—Qr-� , WC,2a5l p City/Siare%io c � v �5I %elepnone Numberl email address t inlanhnnQ Afnn.F :, __ {'Re vrscd s f �� . =Valid for are calendar year crier signature` 2014) '00 le�l w fAl 10, no ob�"M wr loft 1U, i4 77 �. 25 �4 � out � I p a the co adoh 0 to Oro Me ]lot to the sfta"k fA