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HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-30D Slack & TimberlakeDCM ENFORCEMENT ACTION REPORT SHEET Report Date 11124101 Case No. 60. 30-b IDistrict Office L,)I R-0 Responsible Party: &u 'iLA-u- � �Qv nrai �r Location: Road Waterbody Locality County L Violation Description: DCM Representative: J Z.U5-,� / k (RAG Date Initiated / NOV: 'RI Restoration Requested: N Restoration Completed: Penalty Assessed: Y N Penalty Collected: Y N Y N Recommendation: Proceed CiscontinueD Notes rbO Kcya-pb PFir�L HOIZRrcaa+ -rIZM . l�)*tu= -P Do-xAPteyr +ice `oTD3 5+���2c. Fl SNP 1��> iil.°1rE� OC-- LTURE RC C_€IAMeOg 9'ISQt`)TIAD*� . r. "i • / tv -' 9 7- 3 0-b CE E. KEE, "yw URF VARALBURY,Wymr TEN CITY BOBBY C. C. ITH, 00 , OOUNgMypMgER(d� BOBBY C. SMITH, wuNgL NEy9Eq N O R T H CAROL INA 2 8 4 4 5 TODD N. THOMAS. OOONGL IF R/yr May 20, 1997 CERTIFIED MAIL #P 110 710 597 Mr. Bill Slack Mr. Guy Timberlake 84 Rivers End Seaford, De. 19973 RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION 96 06 12 922 S. Shore Dr. Surf City, NC/Pender County Dear Mr. Slack & Timberlake: On December 6, 1996, we had written you a letter asking that you comply with the current CAMA guidelines on repair/replacement of decks. It stated that you were allowed to repair your deck with a 6'wide deck the width of your house. According to Mr. Stewart you had built a 8' deck and had added a large deck seaward of the grass line. The large deck needed to come down and the 8' deck cut back to 6'. As of yet this has not been corrected. You are hereby notified to CEASE AND DESIST any further development on your property. The development you have undertaken is NOT consistent with the applicable standards. Therefore, you will be required to bring this development into compliance. A civil assessment of up to Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) may be assessed against any violator. Each day that the development activity described in this notice is continued or repeated may constitute a separate violation which is subject to an additional assessment of up to $250.00 An injunction or criminal penalty may also be sought to enforce any violation (NCGS 113A-126). It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to levy a minimum civil penalty of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) against all violators of CAMA Permit requirements. This is P Box .2475--•--214-N. NI May.20, 1997 Page 2 . done to recoup some of the costs of investigating violations and/or to compensate the public for any damage to its natural resources. Whether a higher amount will be assessed depends on several factors, including the nature and amount of resources affected, the extent of the damage to the resources, and whether full cooperation is forthcoming in bringing the project into compliance. The enclosed .Restoration Plan describes ;the. action .necessary to bring this project into compliance with the Act Please sign ,the Restoration Agreement if you intend to comply and.return'.us If the requested restoration is not undertaken or completed satisfactorily;'a higher; civil assessment may be -levied and a court. injunction sought to order=restoration Pending the satisfactory resolution of this violation, you will be notified of the amount of ttie3civIll lassessment. Thank you for-:you>prompt attention and cooperation in resolving this. If you have ;questions;"please call me at 910=328-4131 or Janet Russell at 910-395-3900. .Sincerely; Jane Kirk Local Permit Officer cc:Wilmington office DEHNR RESTORATION AGREEMENT Bill Slack, Guy Timberlake, 922 S. Shore Dr., Surf City, Pender County 1. You will need to remove the large deck that is seaward of the grass line and cut.the 8' deck. back to the 6'::allowed under the CAMA regulations. I agree to complete the restoration work on or before June 20, 1997. Slack/Timberlake Date > ^M 4 �. y M N t` h 2844 N rH F �ii ^ {{` .. U12 @e 91 y$$tr '. J od�.8 e mm {qO� Z S68i IPdv'OO-I CLI so w,od Sd a SENDER j also wish jo iecelve the r■Complete ltemel endland foraddldonal aervlta■ f�r",err rz " folloWin services for an r1■Complete Items34a, end4b ri•- * ., `j m ■print yoyuar name and address on the reverse of this farm eo that we can velum We sera } 6) x r f eAdacudd this'fann to the from of the meilpiece or an the back If apace does not r F Addressees Address Z _ ppee ^i�S'� i (�2r477an-y S �rR r fk dc.; L r d §■WnletRefum Receipt%iegaested orilhe mallpieoe below the eNcle nember,�, n�2xq'ROstdC(ed - ■The Rattan Receipt will show to whom the aNde was de gored and the data < rum s o delwero s Consuttposasterfarfea, af gl- 0 3 ArticleAddressedto '. 4a� rd be Nrx.,y;< e,t Addressed A cue Num r t. // , 4 /iJ✓t+/ iiLrLt� }+r .zYr i"s+ r��� b4-���r' i t E _ a 4b',ServlcojypeK r <7r a r d, �C. lq9% j r, fi y`; ❑YressMall }Insured i, w yS -,I Jt4 f �Y ❑rRetumRecel t orMerchandlse ❑COD G %,DBAf DBIIVO ihcxw+'Sr •CY �� ,... .,..x+.>: -.. . _ „i.wl ...... . t 27 i t .\0 Ei Recely By (Print Name) I, R. Add leels ald dress (D re as •=Y• 6 gnature: (A dresse ,orAgent T 11• t t \I �{ ttt �. {rt {{ ... 1. �' 3811; December 994; r i^s a- 1o25eS978-0179 Domes Ill All. 11 pp Return Receipt, ' - • ..� •z JUL 0 21997 DIVISIC)., OF COASTAL MAI4AGEMENT Preston P Pate, Jr. 151B Hywy 24 Hestron Plaza Morehead City, N.C., 28557 RE: Notice of Violation .96 06 12 Dear Mr. Pate: June 19, 1997 84 Rivers End Drive Seaford, Delaware, 19973 I want to thank you for allowing my wife and I to present our case opposite the above citation. In our conversation yesterdays I told you I would be forwarding, our.,documentation some time next week. I have since revisited my business calander and find that I will be out of town essentially all of next week:' And we are at the. Surf City beach cottage all of the week of July 7. If a change in timing is OK with you, I would plan to have this information in the mail during.the week I'am at the beach and drop off a copy to Jane Kirk. I would also sent a copy to Bob Stroud in Wilmington at the same time. Unless I/hear otherwise, I assume this will meet your needs.. Again, -thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, (do 5wc-t'a- William H. Slack cc: Jane Kirk Local Permit Officer P.O. Box 2475 214 N. River Drive Surf City, N. C., 28445 Bob Stroud State of North_ Carolina Department of Environment , Health and Natural Resources Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N. C., 28405-3845 11 Notice of Violation 96 02 12 DCM ENFORCEMENT REPORT /�}�/� (Use far Walverz) , h �' r' n ET Case #: Permit Permit #: Consultant: L 1 S 1997 Name: William H. 'Slack/Guy-.Timberlake Address: 84 Rivers End City: Seaford State: DE Zip: 19973 Phone #: County:. Pender Nearest Water Body: Atlantic Ocean State Plane %: "LPO• Jane Kirk/Floyd Stewljtkality: Surf City State Plane Y• V;O+Descp _- large; deck-builiseawa .of.ivegetation line ` NOV Sent, os / 20/ 9Lwyiolat►on"Major �u`�1ylmor Perm Cond: CAIVIA x D&F y, a.c ,Y; a.. ,-. � r u.�ur-}r y k�rto- ,�.� , f �r Y iestore r;Regue wl" Completed: (rtdNo)i.Y�� (Yr) - (Mo) -(Dal)- (Yr) F.gstuary Pubs t `�horeylme OceanHz: X Other: _ Pri Nurs: ORW:__ {� 5A DS: CJ.2 _ :'SY .° JR: LS: TY: SS: SC:" SP. _: BF: WS: MF: TYPE (AEQ EXCAVATE (Sq.R.) FILLED (Sq.R) RESTORE (Sq.Fr.) OTHER (Sq.R.) ******* ASSESSMENT & DISPOSITION ******* Recommended Assmt: $ References: 7J. Criteria: Report Rcvd: / / Assessed: $ To AG: / / To Violator: Payment Received: $ On: / / Case Closed: # Of Violators: Total Assessment: $ Total Received: $ � 7 REVISED: 12192 _&QQl�