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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01D HedrickA70112A NCDEHR• North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James H. Gregson Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary May 24, 2010 Donald T. Hedrick 4028 E. US70 Hwy Claremont, NC 28610 RE: Closure Letter Payment of Proposed Penalty for Violations of the Coastal Area Management Act, Committed in Onslow County CAMA Violation#10-01D Dear Mr. Hedrick: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your Check #365, in the amount of $375.00, dated 5/22/10. Once the amount of the check is credited to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources' account, this matter will be fully and completely closed. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact me at my Wilmington Regional Office, (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Steven H. Everhart, PhD District Manager SHE/tms cc: Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director Roy Brownlow; Compliance Coordinator ' WIRO File Copy Andrea Frazier, LPO 127 Cardinal D&e Ext., Wilmington, NO 28405 ne Phone:910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-3964 Intemet: www.nocoastalmanagement.nel Noc Q Carolina An Equal OppoMmItyI AffirmaMkdon Employer t "� PILE MEMORANDUM TO: ROY BRON/NLOIN, COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR FROM: M. TED TYNDALL, ASST. DIRECTOR SUBJECT: VIOLATION CASE CLOSURE RECOMMENDATIONS DATE: 02/01/2012 CC: RONDA BENNETT Investigation has disclosed information that warrants discontinuation of enforcement action on the case listed below. Therefore, based upon staff s review and circumstances in this case, I hereby authorize closing/discontinuing CAMA Violation case No.: 02/01/2012 M. TED TYNDALL, Assistant Director Date NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James H. Gregson Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary May 18, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 0290 0003 0833 8284 RECEIVED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MAY 2 5 2010 Mr. Donald Hedrick 4028 East US 70 Hwy Morehead City DCM Clairmont, NC 28610 RE: CAMA VIOLATION #10-01D Dear Mr. Hedrick: This letter is in reference to the Notice of Violation dated March 3, 2010 that Ryan McAllister, Local Permit Officer for the Town of North Topsail Beach, issued to you for unauthorized concrete installation at 350 Seashore Drive, Onslow County. The violation involved the Ocean Hazard AEC, which is an Area of Environmental Concern designated by the Coastal Resources Commission. Based upon the site visit conducted on April 9, 2010 by Ryan McAllister, the restoration requested a (faction of the Local Permit Officer. The Coastal Area Management Act pr violation. It is the policy of the Coastal to recover some of the costs of invest natural resources. UO jp to $1,000 may be assessed for any ; a civil penalty for all violations in order Pl°111- nsate the public for any damage to its k0V 15su.d Gj LAO Under the rules of the Coastal Reso V^-'r ` &v�k ,ivil penalty in the amount of $375 is appropriate for this violation. You may expeditiously resolve this matter prior to the assessment of a formal civil penalty by accepting responsibility for the violation and paying the amount proposed abovd. In order to do this, you must: (1) sign one of the attached copies of an "Agreement to Pay Civil Assessment;" (2) attach a check or money order for $375 made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR); and, (3) return the signed agreement and payment to this office in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope within ten (10) days of your receipt of this letter. Upon deposit of your check in the Department's account, you will receive a Notice of Compliance officially closing this enforcement action. If you do not send a signed agreement and payment to this office within ten (10) days, the Directorof the Division of Coastal Management will formally assess a civil penalty against you. You will then have the opportunity to request a hearing on the penalty or request settlement of the penalty. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 One Phone: 910-796-7215 \ FAX: 910-395-39641Internet: NofffiCarolina An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Naturally Mr. Donald Hedrick May 18, 2010 Page 2 Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this important matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (910) 796-7215. ' Steven H. Everhart, PhD. District Manager Enclosures Tc/Se cc: M. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, DCM Roy Brownlow, Compliance Coordinator, DCM Tara Croft, Compliance and Enforcement Representative, DCM Ryan McAllister, Local Permit Officer 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-7215 \ FAX: 910-395-3964 \ Internet: An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper VCNone arolina turally Mr. Donald Hedrick May 18, 2010 Page 3 CAMA VIOLATION #10.01 D Mr. Donald Hedrick AGREEMENT TO PAY PROPOSED CIVIL ASSESSMENT I understand that the staff of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources will propose the assessment of a civil penalty in the amount of $375 against me for violation of the Coastal Area Management Act, NCGS 113A-100 et sec, committed on or near my property located at 350 Seashore Drive in Onslow County, North Carolina. In order to resolve this matter with no further action or expense on my part, I accept responsibility for the violation as described in the Notice of Violation letter dated March 3, 2010, and agree to pay the proposed civil assessment of $375. DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER One 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 NorthCarolina Phone: 910-796-72151FAX: 910-395-3964'1lnternet: �►?��`/�N�"J/ An Equal opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper � �/ L �/ LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR MINOR VIOLATIONS CASE NO. (Obtain from DCM office): 10-01 D LPO'S NAME: Ryan McAlister PERMIT NO. (If Applicable)- COASTAL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Tara MgcPherso -Crft RESPONDENT'S NAME: Don Hedrick MAILING ADDRESS: 4028 Fact i is 70 Hwy 28610 PHONE N [L-- COUNTY: Onslow NEAREST/ADJACENT WATER BODY: Atlantic Ocean PREVIOUS VIOLATIONS (CHECK LOCAL FILES AND CALL DCM OFFICE): NO ❑X YES ❑ DATE OF ENFORCEMENT LETT' ADDRESS/LOCATION OF VIOLA VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: Owr VIOLATION TYPE: , © MINOR CAMA ❑ VIOLATION OF PERMIT CONDITIONS/SPECIFICATIONS ❑ STOP WORK ORDER (WORK IN PROGRESS) RESTORATION REQUIRED: X [NES ❑ NO DATE REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION: DATE RESTORATION COMPLETED - SITE INSPECTION DATE: I or PERMIT ISSUE DATE: AEC TYPE: ®ESTUARINE SHORELINE ❑PUBLIC TRUST SHORELINE OCEAN ERODIBLE AREA X HIGH HAZARD FLOOD AREA ❑ INLET HAZARD AREA ❑ UNVEGETATED BEACH AREA FOR DCM OFFICE USE ONLY _ p r vc;v 1jh RECOMMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT: $ DATE REPORT RECEIVED: J III D DATE OF ASSESSMENT LETTER: AMOUNT RECEIVED: ' 15Pr i� 0 Irl. 04U I � REFERENCE: ASSESSED AMOUNT: $ DATE PAYMENT RECEIVED: CLOSURE DATE WILLFUL AND INTENTIONAL PENALTY: ❑ (ATTACH DOCUMENTATION) 1'L(Nk 15b4 JtL l0"�2D Daniel Tuman, Mayor Mike Yawn, Mayor Pro Tem Aldermen: Richard Farley Debi Land Robert Swantek Richard McCartney _ RECEIVED t"� L�.� m Steven H. F °ter MAR 2 9 2010 Town Manger Morehead City DCM Carin Z. Faulkner, MPA Town Clerk NOTICE OF VIOLATION C� VIA March 3, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7008 2810 0000 9957 0907 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Donald Hedrick 4028 East US 70 Hwy Clairmont, NC 28610 RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND REQUEST TO CEASE UNAUTHORIZED DEVELOPMENT CAMA MINOR VIOLATION # 10-01 D Dear Mr. Hedrick: This letter confirms that on 01121/2010,1 Ryan McAlister, Local Permitting Officer, was onsite at your property located at 350 Seashore Drive adjacent to Atlantic Ocean located in Town of North Topsail Beach, Onslow County, North Carolina. The purpose of the visit was to investigate unauthorized installation of 786 sq. ft. of concrete beneath your existing structure , within the Ocean Hazard AEC Area of Environmental Concern. This letter also confirms my Dec. 18, 2009 site visit with Jerry Blackburn to discuss building permits and proposed development on your property. information gathered by me shows that you have undertaken minor development in violation of the Coastal Area Management Act. No person may undertake minor development in a designated Area of Environmental Concern without first obtaining a permit from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S.) 11 3A-1 18. I have information that you have undertaken, or are legally responsible for, minor development by constructing a concrete pad, 34' x 20.5',12' x 5', 4' x 2.29' totaling approximately 786.43 Sq. Ft. total, with sidewalk and landing underneath your existing house and walkway to existing steps. All of the concrete is located within the CAMA 60' small structure setback on the aforementioned property. This activity took place in the Ocean Hazard AEC that is contiguous with the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Hazard areas are designated as Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC). No permit was issued to you for work in this area. Based on these findings, I am initiating an enforcement action by issuing this Notice of Violation for violation of the Coastal Area Management Act I request that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST any further development and contact me about this matter. A civil assessment of up to $1,000 plus investigative costs may be assessed against any violator. Each day that the development described in this Notice is continued or repeated may constitute a separate violation that is subject to an additional assessment of $1,000. An injunction or criminal penalty may also be sought to enforce any violation in accordance with N.C.G.S.113A-126. It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to levy a civil assessment not to exceed $1,000 plus investigative costs against all violations. This is done to recoup some of the costs of investigating violations and/or to compensate the Name; Donald Hedrick Date: 01/28/2010 Page 2 of 3 RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2010 Moehead City DCM public for any damage to its natural resources. Whether a higher amount will be assessed depends on several factors, including the nature and area of the resources that were affected and the extent of the damage to them. If restoration of the affected resources is requested, but is not undertaken or completed satisfactorily, a substantially higher civil penalty will be assessed and a court injunction will be sough ordering restoration. Based upon the North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Subchapter 07H. State Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern, the activity you have undertaken, constructing a concrete pad & walkway underneath your existing house and walkway to existing steps in the Ocean Hazard AEC(s), is not consistent with Section 15A NCAC 07H .0309 use standards for Ocean Hazard Areas: Exceptions , which are permitted types of development seaward of the oceanfront setback requirements authorized in 07H .0309 Therefore, I am requesting that you remove all concrete within the 60' CAMA small structure setback. The constructed concrete lies within this 60' small structure setback which is not an approved use for this area. Please refer to the enclosed Restoration Agreement.. If you intend to cooperate with my request, please sign one of the attached Restoration Agreements and return it to me in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to comply with this request or respond back to this office prior to the requested deadline with an acceptable schedule for compliance will be interpreted as a refusal to cooperate and will result in a Notice of Continuing Violation, as well as a court injunction being sought ordering compliance. Should you decide to appeal my decision, you will need to provide written request to doing so upon receipt of my issuance of this letter. The relevant statutes and regulations are available from this office, and are included as attachments in this letter and I am willing to assist you in complying with the requirements of these laws. A site inspection will be made in the immediate future to determine whether this REQUEST TO CEASE AND DESIST has been complied with. I request that you contact me immediately. Thank you for your time and cooperation in resolving this important matter. Upon completion of the restoration as requested in the Restoration Plan Agreement to the satisfaction of the Local Permit Officer, you will be notified by the Division of Coastal Management as to the amount of a civil assessment for undertaking development without first obtaining the proper permit(s). Sincerely, Ryan C. McAlister Town of North Topsail Beach Local Permit Officer Cc: Dr. Steve Everhart, District Manager, DCM Tara MacPherson -Croft, District Compliance and Enforcement Representative, DCM Roy Brownlow, Compliance Coordinator, DCM Morehead City Headquarters ENCLOSURE: A.)15A NCAC 07H .0309. USE STANDARDS FOR OCEAN HAZARD AREAS: EXCEPTIONS B.) SITE SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS POST -CONSTRUCTION 1-21-2010 C.) SITE PICTURES FROM SITE INSPECTION ON 1-21-2010 Name: Don Hedrick Date: 2/1/2010 Page 1 of 1 RESTORATION PLAN For: Don Hedrick at 350 Seashore Drive CAMA Minor Violation #10-01D Property located at 350 Seashore Drive, Onslow County, NC Remove all concrete located within the 60' CAMA small structure setback as noted on the enclosed site inventory plan by R. McAlister, NTB LPO, on 1/22/10. The enclosed plan shows the structure in relationship to the first line of vegetation and the constructed concrete that will need to be removed. I, Don Hedrick, agree to complete this restoration to the satisfaction of the Local Permit Officer by04/03/10, or provide an explanation for non-compliance and a reasonable request for time extension. When corrective actions are complete, I will notify the Local Permit Officer so the work can be inspected. SIGNATURE: DATE: It is the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission to assess a civil penalty plus investigative costs against all violations. The amount assessed will depend upon several factors, including the nature and area of the resources that were affected and the extent of the damage to them. If restoration is not undertaken or satisfactorily completed, a substantially higher civil assessment will be levied and an injunction sought to require restoration. RECEIVED LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR MINOR VIOLA�"TIONVAR 2 9 Big CASE NO. (Obtain from DCM office): 10-01D LPO'S NAME: Ryan McAlister PERMIT NO. (If Appiicabl °reheadCaY� • M .511 COASTAL MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE: Tara MacPherson -Croft RESPONDENT'S NAME: Don Hedrick MAILING ADDRESS: 4028 Fast I IS 7n Hwy CITY: Clairmont STATE: NC ZIP: 28610 PHONE NO.: C R78-181-9514 COUNTY: Onslow NEAREST/ADJACENT WATER BODY: Atlantic Ocean PREVIOUS VIOLATIONS (CHECK LOCAL FILES AND CALL DCM OFFICE): NO ❑X YES ❑ DATE OF ENFORCEMENT LETTER: ,V3/2010 ADDRESS/LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 350 Seashore Drive VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: Owner & contractor constructed approx. 786.43 Sq. Ft. of concrete under the existing structure and added additional concrete for a sidewalk and landing under front steps & porch. VIOLATION TYPE: ®MINOR CAMA ❑ VIOLATION OF PERMIT CONDITIONS/SPECIFICATIONS ❑ STOP WORK ORDER (WORK IN PROGRESS) RESTORATION REQUIRED: X ❑YES ❑ NO DATE REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION: DATE RESTORATION COMPLETED - SITE INSPECTION DATE: or PERMIT ISSUE DAT AEC TYPE: ESTUARINE SHORELINE OCEAN ERODIBLE AREA INLET HAZARD AREA PUBLIC TRUST SHORELINE X HIGH HAZARD FLOOD AREA UNVEGETATED BEACH AREA FOR DCM OFFICE USE ONLY ASSESSMENT AMOUNT: $ REFERENCE:15A NCAC 07H .0309 DATE REPORT RECEIVED: DATE OF ASSESSMENT LETTER: AMOUNT RECEIVED: ASSESSED AMOUNT: $ DATE PAYMENT RECEIVED: CLOSURE DATE WILLFUL AND INTENTIONAL PENALTY: ❑ (ATTACH DOCUMENTATION) A-rfRww— le.y,� RECEIDVE '�(1�� -" (4) All foundation shall be adequately designed to he stable during applicable Iluctualiunrn rounsil cR At o44 n wave forces during it IM-year storm. Cantilevered decks and walkways shall meet this standard (Kol" f heti tfy`�CM to break -away without structural damage to the main structure. C HistorvNote: AnthoritvG.S. IMA-107(a): 113A-107(b); 113A-ll3(bp0)a..b.,d.; 113A-124: Ef%: Jnne 1, 1979: Filed rev a Temporary Arnerulmettt Ett: June 20, 1989, fora period of 180 clays to e.rpire on December 17, 1989; Amended Eft: August 3, 1992: December 1, 1991; March 1, 1990; December 1, /989: RRCOhiection Eft. November 19. /992 due to ambiguity; RRC Ohiection Eff. January 21, 1993 due to ambiguity; Amended Eft: March 1, 1993; December 28, /992: RRC Objection Eft.'March 16, 1995 due to ambiguity; Amended Eft. April 1, 1999; February 1, 1996; May 4, 1995; Temporary Anterulment E .. July 3, 2000; Ma.), 22, 2000; Amended Eft: April 1, 2008: February 1, 2006; August 1, 2002. 15A NCAC 07H .010 USE STANDARDS FOR OCEAN HAZARD AREAS: EXCEPTIONS (a) The following types of development shall be permitted seaward of the oceanfront setback requirenwnls of Rule .0306(a) ol'the Subchapter it all other provisions of this Subchapter and other slate and local regulations arc otcC (1) campsites: (2) parking areas with clay, packed sand or gravel; (3) elevated decks not exceeding a footprint of 5M square feel: (4) beach acecssways consistent with Rule .0308(c) ol'this Subchapter: (5) unenclosed, uninhabitable gazebos with a footprint of 200 square feet or less: (6) uninhabitable. single-sltxy storage sheds with a foundation or floor consisting of wood, clay, packed sand or gravel, and a footprint of 2ltf square feet or less: (71 temporary anmscment stands: (8) sand fences; and *gwfnlming pow In al f cases, this devckrnt shall be permitted only if it is landward of the vegetation line; involves no alteration or removal of primary or frontal dunes which would compromise the integrity of the dune as a protective landform or the dune vegetation; has overwalks to protect any existing dunes; is not essential to the continued existence or use of an associated principal development; is not required to satisfy minimum requirements of local zoning, subdivision or health regulations; and meets all other non -setback requirements of this Subchapter. (b) Where application of the oceanfront setback requirements ofRuleA306(a)ofthisSubchapterwould preclude placement of permanent substantial structures on lots existing as of June I, 1979, single family residential structures shall he permitted seaward of the applicable setback line in ocean erodible areas, but not inlet hazard areas, if each of the following conditions are met: (1) The development is set back from the ocean the maximum feasible distance possible on the existing lot and the development is designed to minimize encroachment into the setback area; (2) The development is at least 60 feet landward of the vegetation line; (3) The development is not located on or in front of a frontal dune, but is entirely behind the landward foe of the frontal dune; (4) The development incorporates each of the following design standards, which are in addition to those required by Rule .0308(d) of this Subchapter. (A) , All pilings shall have a tip penetration that extends to at least four feet below mean sea level; (B) The footprint of the structure shall be no more than 1,000 square feet or 10 percent of the lot size, whichever is greater. (C) Driveways and parking areas shall be constructed of clay, packed sand or gravel except in those cases where the development does not abut the ocean and is located landward of a paved public street or highway currently in use. In those cases concrete, asphalt or turfstone may also he used. (5) All other provisions of this Subchapter and other slate and local regulations are met. Il the development is to be serviced by an on -site waste disposal system, a copy of a valid permit for such a system shall be submitted as part of the CAMA permit application. 29 (c) Reconfiguration of tuts and projects that have a grandlather status tinder Paragraph (h) of this Rule shall he allowed provided that the following conditions are met: ( I ) Development is scthack from (he first line of stable natural vegetation a distance no less than (hat required by the applicable exception: (2) Reconfiguration shall not result in an increase in the number ol'buildable lots within the Ocean Hazard AEC or have other adverse environmental consequences: and (3) Development on lots qualifying for (he exception in Paragraph (b) of this Rule shall meet (he requirements of Paragraphs ( I ) through (5) of that Paragraph. For the purposes of This Rule, an existing lot is a lot or tract ol'land which. as ol'June I, 1979. is specifically described in it recorded plat and which cannot be enlarged by combining the lot or tract of land with a contiguous lo((s) or Irael(s) of land under the same ownership. The footprint is defined as the greatest exterior dimensions of the structure, including covered decks, porches, and stairways, when extended to ground level. (d) The following types of water dependent development shall be permitted seaward of the oceanfrom setback requirements of Rule .0306(a) of this Section if all other provisions of this Subchapter and other state and local regulations are met: (1) piers providing public access (excluding any pier house, office, or other enclosed areas): and (2) maintenance and replacement of existingstate-owned bridges and causeways and accessways to such bridges. (e) Where application ol'the oceanfront setback requirements of Ruic.0306(a) of this Section would preclude replacement of' a pier house associated with an existing ocean pier, replacement of the pier house shall be permitted if each of the following conditions are met: ( I ) The associated ocean pier provides public access for fishing or other recreational purposes whether on a commercial, public, or nonprofit basis: (2) The pier house is set back from the ocean the maximum feasible distance while maintaining existing parking and sewage treatment facilities and is designed to reduce encroachment into the setback area; (3) The pier house shall no( he enlarged beyond its original dimensions as of January I, 1996; (4) The pier house shall he rebuilt to comply with all other provisions of this Subchapter; and (5) If the associated pier has been destroyed or rendered unusable, replacement ol'the pier house shall be permitted only if the pier is also being replaced and returned to its original function. M In addition to the deve[opt*rtt authorized under Paragraph (d) of this Rule, small scale, non -essential development that does not induce further growth in the Ocean Hazard Area, such as the construction of single family piers and small scale erosion control measures that do not interfere with natural ocean from processes, shall be permitted on those ncm-oecantnmt portions of shoreline that exhibit features characteristic of Estuarine Shoreline. Such features include the presence ol'wedand vegetation, lower wave energy and lower erosion rates than in the adjoining Ocean Erodible Area. Such development shall be permitted under the standards set out in Rule .0208 of this Subchapter. For the purpose of this Rule, small scale is defined as those projects which are eligible for authorization under 15A NCAC 07H .I 10(1, .1200 and 07K .0203. Histon, Note: Authority G.S. I LM-107(a); 111A-107(b); 113A-113(b)(6)a; ll3A-/ 13(b)(6)b: 1 /3A-113(b)(6)& I/3A-124; EJf February 2, 1981; Amended 6fj`: February 1, 2006; Septemher 17, 2002 pursuant to S.L. 2002-116: August 1, 2000: August 1. 1998; April /. 1996; April 1, /995; February 1. 1993; January 1, 1991; April 1, 1987 15A NCAC 07H .0310 USE STANDARDS FOR INLET HAZARD AREAS (a) Inlet areas as defined by Rule .0304 of this Section are subject to inlet migration, rapid and severe changes in watercourses, flooding and strong tides. Due to this extremely hazardous nature of the Inlet Hazard Areas, all development within these areas shall he permitted in accordance with the hallowing standards: (1) All development in the inlet hazard area shall be setback from the first line of stable natural vegetation a distance equal to the setback required in the adjacent ocean hazard area; (2) Permanent structures shall be permitted at a density of no more than one commercial or residential unit per 15.000 square feet of land area on lots subdivided or created after July 23, 1981; (3) Only residential structures of four units or less or non-residential structures of less than 50M) square fee( Iota[ Floor area shall be allowed within the inlet hazard area, except that access roads to those areas and maintenance and replacement of existing bridges shall be allowed; (4) Established common-law and statutory public rights of access to the public trust lands and waters in Inlet Hazard Areas shall not be eliminated or restricted. Development shall not encroach upon public accessways nor shall it limit the intended use of the accessways; 30 RECEIVED The Town of North Topsail Beach Zoning Ordinance requires that a scale drawing be sub ed w A 9 2010 1. building permit application. Please use the space below to provide the following information NtoteheadCity DCM -Draw the lot and the road that leads to it. -Show where the proposed structure will be located and the distance it will be from the road and from the property lines. -Also, show any existing structures and where they are located in relation to the proposed structure or addition. The applicant's signature below guarantees the following information to be true and correct and that all minimum setback regulations by law will be met under penalty of legal action. --;.. .. , of NM-ryf��.,T,�I kre-*1 �'' ATul Ex. 670*5E orf fiLtlftS N �V%fL N, Ge►+Gtsi_'re I—f ++ �4 44-i +4—}- Ntirw'Ga,m'e, P.c.. �350 6EL!SROa-E I w/0 i