HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_19-009_ Dabbondanza (2)RFCEJVED 03/07/2019 01:02PM 9108427003 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 6/07/2019 13:39 8036315700 AIM147 PAGE 01/02 Town of Holden Beach Local Government L r 523-2Z -Pp' CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment Quality 2%the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concem pursuant to Section 113A•118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Managetneht" 2019-009 Permit Number is •+rsm: nrngaytwt:•ri Issued to Rodney & Angella Dabbondanza Jr, authorLing development in the Estuarine Shoreline at 432 Ocean Boulevard West, in Holden Beach NC 28462, as requested in the permittee's application, dated received February 19, 2019. This permit, issued on March 6, 2019, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject penrritlee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: ENCLOSED EXISTING SCREEN PORCH TO BE USED FOR HEATED SPACE. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work Phil drawings (survey) dated received Fehmary 19, 2019 signed by Vemie Cavanaugh Jr. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations- (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 910-842-6080 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This pc m'd action may be appit" by ae purisbe or other qushfied persons "thin twenty (20) days or the inwo date. From the dale or at appaal. any work condtsrerl mier this perrrnt most oease until the qVaW is meowed This pemth must be on the prgaY she and accesslDle in the permit otGcer when the PmJW is mspm ad for conapliaram Artymwmname wort or pm)ert modrrsebon not covered under this permit, m9" rurthir wrtfen prma approval. All WA must cease When ads peram expires ae DECEtBER 31, 2a22 In issuing this permit A is agreed that go project Is consistent with the Wcat Lard Use Wan and as applicable ord>riamea This pm" may not be Irandamd to another pedy Warqul ate written appoval of iM Divisim of Coastal Manegment. -�..i �" .( I )W� Rhonda Wooten CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL / 110 Rothschild Street J Holden Beach NC 23462 to pamn) FW-CEIVED DCM VVILMINGTON, NC MAR 0 8 2019 RECEIVED 03/07/2019 01:02PM 9108427003 d3/07/2019 13:39 8036315700 c ' Name: Rodney & Angella Dabbondanza Minor Permit # 201MUS Rate., March 6, 2019 Page 2 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH AIM147 PAGE 02/02 (6) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), in this case the structure already exist. (6) Unless spree ically allowed in 15 NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all developmerrtfconstruction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward o normal high_ water level (7) Ail unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping sham be retained on site by affective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activiiies�a barrit of tiller cloth must be insta#fed faetvaeen the land disturbing as t'yf y and the adjacent marsh or water areas un "I sue eas the area has been properly stab&44 with a ve etative cover. (8) Stairs and steps are remaining in the same existing location. (9) No grading is permitted within the 30, buffer from the normal high water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized and must remain in a vegetated state. (10) All other disturbed areas shad be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction c.ompl000n (11) Town ordinance states in part that the primary Intent of these regulations is to satisfactorily (antral stormwater on an individual parcels of land and to control runoff onto adjacent property, or water induces soil erosion in any form. To control surface water runoff within property boundaries and not drained onto adjacent areas, both private and public. The stormwater retention ditches shall be inspected by Inspections departrnent and a letter by the engineer shall be. provided prior to final inspection stating that it was installed in accordance with the approved plan. (12) Areas below the structure which are below the lowest floor shall not be designed or used for human habitation, but shall only be used for parking of vehicles, building access or limited storage. Floods Vents shah be installed in accordance with FEMA regulations and Holden Beach Town Ordinance. (13) Nz) daveloprnent or land disturbance is permitted within the 30 foot buffer area. (14) Nr) ebange in the footprint of the structure is being permitted. (15) A substantial trrrprovement packet will be rquimd to be completed and subrA#W with the building permit Application in order to verify that local & federal regulations are being met. SIGNATURE DATE: 3 zof� RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 082019 JzX GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWnNER('. II Name 6abb b Gl.n7 4 ff c City . C/ State 5 Zip �%!� Phone - s Email Q I Cd 7 a: a : 'Or c�1. ' G by-n Fi3 y AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Andress 1.ta•Oi , UU bbY`2 Sl KA City-{ State% : �: ' Zi Phone , /L Email: �. _ � �: Q: �"Y1n G • r?- ��� - " LOCATION OF-PROJECT.,(Address, street name and/or' directions to site If not oceanfraat, what is the name of the a� djacent waterbody} tl 'C� GCt✓tc� Re�'1n ocie `SLf -�� DESCRIPTION. N OF PROJECT (List all proposed construction And Iand dWiirbance) US �JQ' a� f�c,s_�I,�a L� �"�\q :A�eq (4-d� p locz�F-i•.oaY►1. SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL U ... `7 s are feet acres - .. PROPOSED USE Residential, ( (Single-family ( "Multi -family [] } Conmiercial/Iiidustrial [] ,;Other 0 :. COMPLETE EIT�R (1) ",BELOW BELOW (Contact your Local Permit Officer if yo"u"are nor sure which AEC applies to your properly): ,(1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs:"TOTAL FLOORAREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: �� square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking:elevated above ground level, non -conditioned space elevated aboveground Ievel but excluding non -load bearing .attic space) (2) COASTAL SHOI,2ELINE AECs: SIZE OF. BUILDING FOOTPRIPIT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: square feet (includiis the area of the rooVdrip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry atios, etc. that ale within the,applicable AEC. Attach• your calculations with the project drawing.) : STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Manageinent Permit is d by the NC Division of 'YES NO C d C RECEIVED If yes, list the total built upon arealpapervious surface "alIo r your lot or parcel:. C( AIGTON, NC FEB 1 9 2019. FEB 2 51019 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activityyou are planning 1.may require permits other than the CAIYIA minor development perinit, including, but not limited to DrfiMn Water WeII, Septic Taalc (or other rani waste ' g. 7.treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Coadthoning, Insulation and Energy ;Conservation, FiA Certification, -Sand Dune, Sediment Control,'Subdivision Approval; Mobile Home ParkA.pproval, 'Hrghway Corineehon, and others Check with your Local Permit pfficer for more irifornation.. STATEMENT OF_OWNERSHIP: t, I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor, development peiinit, being either the owner of propert-,in; ari AEC or a person authorized to act as an a ent fort ores of a 1 to for a CA1vIA minor development permit; ce that the Bison PmP PP y g ►. ltsted'es landowner on this appliaahon lies a signiizcane interest in tliereal property described therein. Thierest can be ;descn'bed as (check one)' r n't 5 t t f • t t J. Y t t r r 3� } ' an owner or record" title, Title is Vested in g l f D�1 Ar�ge !a i�`�bh e �: t r page lU zn thej ruy�s 1a s try Counity Registry of Deeds �y r�4i►ZG s eed.Book x an owner by ytrtue of inheritance Applicant is an heir to the estate of =„ r. Y > > fr < <probate was to t = Coiin t ],. �� " yr 4r r,. .. r,t ,:,,:.^--., _'. .. r_:•,.� ° r xJ__. _:.., ..,.. ,�,,. [, t �r. ... .. ... ._ .. ... �:i i- ) . _...w :', ....... _ �(� t�r�va��,�5 Luc ������ s W�3�-���.. � t -• > �. � , , i. { <<fii��� ►� � ����1 {TNT � a�y���t �� ��t, � , `'•x.t I. r a i 3fi1 ar �,'.� 3 .. j :•C �.! !I r'. F hr } "i: J t .1 r } _ /:'• `t J Y 1 �4 •I CV t 11 ikj"�'.. _ 7 k t 4 +, r= J li. _ + } ; 1=' \ •I' } 2 G £ � X'[ 0 ilh�• y `t 7 YVLEDGEMENTS• r x t srsigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for aiitaiea which` , scephble to �roslon ancUor$ooding g I acknowlede that the Local Pertntt O$icer has ex lame me the `f ,� p d to particu problems associated with this lot. This explanatron was accompanied by recommendations `concenung stabilize ', oodproofingitechruques s n i .�" ar s 1 r o x.. �-� t��. s � it _S•f s . ....-- -r _ti. � .. p. r.. ? t. r.. .. ...4 t+• a��,t..r ti .+�: [..� �w.� 'a related to this permit applioahon ^ { e' �aat, and do in-. fact grant; peniusston to Drviston of Coastal Management staff, itei on the aforementioned lands in eonbechon with"evaluating nfonnaTt hon t � r - x daY:o l.Q , 20a� r •, ', _ Laidowner or person au razed to act as his/her agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application pp cation mctrrdes: general rnforinalron (this form}, a site drawing as"described on the back of this applrcghon, th"e..: ownership sta[emenl,Ythe Ocean Hazard"C-Ni". where necessary, a checkfor $100 DO riiadepayable to the locality, and any informalron as may be provided orally'by [he applicant The details of the "gpplc ialM us described by: these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit W— fch mcry be issued Deviation from these detarls will constii f anypermit."rliryperson developing irr aAIAECwithoul•permit issublect to.civil,.crirri nal and administr # � FEB 2 5 ;2019 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Al 2 tf lip n Z¢, Mailing address:�J�-i .haLe Phone Number: gc> I certify that I have authorized Pe //-m� Agent] Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of I --.M C;Pc,--sQ S,_ -e, POLA, 4z) bcf Dodos'-e -IV45e ocx'14,:� ( i7x,,s-A„2, d Ao-4kt66m at my property located at Y 3 a b 6 L.J in _ County. This certification is valid through o? 1 /1 12 O Date Title Date Phone Number Q t _ an ?-,qA 6) . c(Jn-. Small Address RECEIVED -)Ohl WILMINGTON, NC FEB 2 5'12019 .1�1. E EMS IIII PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT Building Inspector Director Timothy D. Evans February 21, 2019 inspector@hbtownhall.com LPO,CZO,CFM Jason C. Mills Rhonda Wooten rwooten@hbtownhall.com 2504 Bembridge Drive Raleigh NC 27613 RE:1309 Ocean Boulevard West Permit # 2019-007 — Inlet Hazard Area Be advised that the Minor CAMA Application has been place on hold. Information required was. not submitted with the application. The survey is not to scale, the first line of natural stable vegetation and the toe of the frontal _dune as determined by the Local Permit Officer with the date was not included on the survey. The setback from the first line of stable vegetation of 60 feet shall be included. The pool shall be labeled as an in the ground pool and the deck labeled on the proposed ground. This information is needed so that it may be verified that all local, state and federal regulations are being met. Be advised that all the details listed above are included on the direction sheet that is attached to the CAMA permit application. Once the -revised -plan has been submitted Pursuant to NCGS-113A-121(b), the undersigned hereby gives notice to the applicant that for good cause, and in order to properly consider all information necessary to making a decision on this permit application, the time period within which a final decision shall be made has been extended an additional twenty-five (25) days. If you have any questions concerning this action, please contact me at 910-842-6080. Sincerely, r'1ECEIVED nda Wooten DCM WILMINGTON, NC , LPO FEB 2 51019 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET - HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462-910.842.6080 PHONE - 910-842-7003 FAX www.hbtownhall.com 02/11/2019 Date S&R Properties I LLC Adjacent Property Owner 2334 S 41St St. Mailing Address Wilmington. NC 28403 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that I Angella Dabbondanza have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at _432 Ocean Blvd W in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at _803 627 6622 or by mail at the address Applicants Telephone listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, Angella Dabbondanza Property Owner 5433 Commodore PI Mailing Address Lake Wylie, SC29710 RECEIVED City, State, Zip Code DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 2 5 ;2019 'CE�rRTIFIvED`;IUI�AIL°���'E`C4E�I;P€T , .� �', ' "�'� iz�omestic IVlail,'Only: ' " :>� � •-t4 '� _�,:: ' � `� Fo tlelivery`7information„visitro—L ir; T, i WebsiteIAtz,a 02/11/2019 Date Corporate Funding Associates II LLC Adjacent Property Owner 270 copperfield Blvd S 205. Mailing Address Concord, NC 28025 City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that I Angella Dabbondanza have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at _432 Ocean Blvd W in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you rnay sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at _803 627 6622 _or by mail at the address Applicants Telephone listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, Angella Dabbondanza Property Owner 5433 Commodore PI Mailing Address Lake Wylie, SC 29710 City, state, zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 2 5,2019 CUB 3067-0077 FEDERAL tMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Fxp:ru: lmu l9J/ NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE This form is to be used for 1) NowlErrtergeney Program construction in Special flood 14arxrd Areas; 2) Pre -FIRM construction after September 30, 1D82: 3) Post -FIRM construction: and, A) Other buildings rated as Post -FIRM rules, , George A. lipps, post OFFiee Box 5. Clarendon. North Carolina 28432 (84-49) BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Lot 142. Malden Beach Harbor Subdivision. Holden -Beach. North Carolina PROPERTY LOCATION (Lot and Block numbers and addroxs li available) 432 Ocean View Boulevard Nest. Holden Beach. North Carolina 28462 1 certify that the inforniatlon on this certificate represents my best efforts to Interpret the data available_ I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or Imprisonment under IS U.S. code, Section 1001. SECTION I WGIBIW71f CERTIFICATION (Completed by Locat,Community Permit Official or a Registereq Professional Engineer. Architect, or $urWynr) .Oi1.l nuNI rr NO. PANEL NO. SUFFIX o^TE or FlFt% tau► I:ON@ OIITE OF CONST0. oGZ�L0000SLt SUILOINO IS p. 1 Il O N •rp�nry .� FiR4 mo- 375352 1191-01, C 5-26•-72 A-11 3-84 14 Ft. MSL O PnMF�RM Ap. YES NO It is intended1hsl the building described strove will be constructed in compliance with the oommunities flood plain 0 • 0 ordinance. The certifier may rely on community records. The lowest floor (including basement) will be at an elevation a)ft. NGVD. Failure to construct the building at this elevation may place the building In violation of �_ the community's flood plain management ordinance. YES Thu building described above has been constructed In compliance with the community'a flood plain management 0 ordinance based On elevation date and visual Inspection or other reasonable means. if NO Is checked, attach copy of variants Issued by the community. HOMEMAKE MODEL YR. OF t-tANVFACTURE SERIAL NO. OtMENSIONS [-MOSILF X (Community Pormll Official or Roglatetad Professional Engineer. Architect, or Surveyor) NAME. Dwi t]h't Carrol 1 ADDRESS 110 Rothschild St. SiGNATRI � rs -! • DATE S-2O-S,S PHONE 842- f)4 _ SECTION It rL AT1ot8 , cxnT1Fic aT ow (Certltled by R Local Community Pormit 0lticlai or a Regfatored Professional Engineer, Architect. or Surveyor.) FIRM ZONE Ad-AZO, f certify, that the bulid;n% at the property location described above has the leanest floor (including basement) at an elevation of I?. _feat. .feat. NGVD (moon sea level) and the average grade at the building alto Is at an elevation or Fi R toot. NOVO. FIRM ZONES V.. VI-V30: I certify that the bulltling at the property location described above has the bottom or the lowest floor beam at an elevation of feet, NGVD (mean sea level), and the average grads at the bulltling alto Is at an elevation of toot, NOVO. FIRM _ONES A, A99. AH and EMERGENCY PROGRAM: I certify that the building at the property location described above has the lowest floor alevnilon of feet. NOVO. The elevation of the highest adjacent grade next to the building Is toot. NGVD. FIRM ZONE AO: 1 certify that the building at the property location described above has the lowest floor elevation of fait. NOVO. The elevation of the highest adjacent grade next to the building Is feet, NOVO. SECTION tit FLOODDROOFING CERTIFICATION (Certification by a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect) t certify to the bosl pl my xnowiodge. Information, and belief, that the building is deslgnad ao that the building is watortlobt,•with walic substantially Impermoablo to Ilia passage at water and structural components having the capability of resisting Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads.and effects of buoyancy that would be Caused by the flood depths. pressures vg�EetMh9"14 -.9t and uplift forces associated with. the base flood- le ]C J� RO •+> 'YES 0 NO O in the event of flooding, will this degree of Iloodprooting be achieved with htWt1 1. n7l/� (Hyman intervntlon means that water w111 enter the building when Hoods uQ a I�hWse 110+409 ter� cur unless measures are taken prior to the Rood to prevent entry of water {gam bDlttng.epotgl;ttthleatf.` oJgr .doors end windpwa).- YES U NO 0 VAll the, building to occupied as a residence? L.-2518 2 S If the answer to bath questions in YES, the ftoodprooling cannot be oredited for rating purposes an$ the 6y,L lcwgrl_gbc� Lst be compidled and certified Instead. Complete both the elevation and ftoodprooling certificates, FIRM ZONES A. Al, A30. VI V30, AO and At+ Certified Fioodprooted @levntiori+» °�r ,$_ltli �'epl` (NGVD). THIS C.ERTIFiCATION IS FORASECTION It. - b3 SOTH SECTIONS 11 AND Ill (Check Ono) CERTiFiER'S NAME COMPANY NAME LICENSE NO. (or Affix Soul) lhooas W. Hargan Brunswick Surveying L-2518 TITLE ADDRESS ZIP Registered Land Surveyor Route 2. So% 128-D 28462 SIGNATURE DATE CITY STATE. PHONE se 6.9," zi! - / 8-19-85 Supply. North Carolina (919) The insurance allent should attach tho original copy of the compfated form to the flood inaum"ir the seco" copy •hould be supplied to the policyholder and the third copy ratelned by ti INSURANCE AGENTS MAY ORDER THIS FORIX NC Form 81-31. SEP 23 REPLACES FEMA FORKI St-31. APR 82. WHICH IS OBSOLETE. T -fi irea*-SSS (OTi3) FEB 2 -5 12019 do*;To fro so GI-S IIIIIIII illli III IIIII IIIIIIII IIII I III iffik tolpl m o27-2: PROP Brunswick County. NC Register of Deeds. Dace 1 of 2 Brenda M. Clemmons Register of Deeds 04-27-2018 15:10:49.000 Brunswick County, NC NC REVENUE STAMP:: $570.00 �t,t,(ti580087) Totem t e�/'l �W� _Type Total In> a Ck S _&0— Ck # Cash $ Refund Cash $ Finance 17 Portions of document are illegible due to condition of original. 130mument contains seals verified by oricinai instrument that Cannot be reproduced or copied. Excise Tax S 570.00 1 Recording Time. Book and Page Tax Lot NoJProperty No./Account: 51963870 / L-142 B-C-F Holden Bch Plat 6-132 Parcel identifier No. 231 MG019 (Not dweliine of Grantor) "Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the County tax collector upon disbursement of closings proceeds." Mail after recording to Rodney M. Dabbondanza. Jr. and wife. Arimlla L. Dabbondanza This instrument was prepared by O. Richard Wright. Jr.. a Licensed NC Attorney P.O. Box 457, Tabor City, N.C. 28463 (ORWJr/amw) T-4342 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this 18th day of Apra1 .2018, by and between GRANTOR PATRICIA STEPHENS FIPPS, WIDOW P.O. Box 6 Clarendon, NC 28432-0006 GRANTEE RODNEY M. DABBONDANZA, JR. AND WIFE, ANGELLA L. DABBONDANZA .5133 !bti-,..r a dorc ;P/o cP Zoh �VlhPf X .29W0 Enter in appropriate block for each party: name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e. . corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey to Grantee, in fee simple, SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS ARE SET OUT IN DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 190, PAGE 134, BCR, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Canal Lot No. One Hundred Forty-two (142), on Canal "F" and fronting on Ocean View Boulevard, according to a survey of the Canal Development of Holden Beach Realty Corporation as surveyed and mapped by Greer & McHenry, R.L.S., a map of which appears of record in Book 6 of maps at page 132 Records of Brunswick County, with that said map being incorporated herewith by reference for further certainty of the description of Canal Lot No. One Hundred Forty-two (142) on Canal wFr�. This conveyance is subject to those limitations and conditions and restrictions as are set out in that certain deed recorded in Deed Book 190, page 134, Brunswick County NO TITLE EXAMINATIONHAS BEEN MADE UNLESS CERTIFICA TION STA TING OTHERWISE The sellers) further acknowledge the information required for IRS Form 1099 has been correctly stated to the Law ' Firm of Wright, Worley, Pope, Ekster & Moss, PLLC RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NO Page I oft ; F5B2 57019 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII N1. Poi im ons 49' PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 2 Registry whereby Holden Beach Realty Corporation deeded the property to Orene B. Stephens and Mary W. Murrill. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Deed Book 681, nave 211. Brunswick County Re¢istrv. A map showing the above -described property is recorded in Plat Book 6 . Page 132 . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple, SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS ARE SET OUT IN DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 190, PAGE 134, BCR. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the,property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: 1. Subject to property tax as assessed by the Brunswick County Tax Administration. 2. Valid and enforceable easements as may appear in the chain of title. 3. SUBJECT TO LIIIITATIONS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS ARE SET OUT IN DEED RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 190, PAGE 134, BCR. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written. L (SEAL) Patricia Stephen ipps, Wid SEAL -STAMP NORTH CAROLINA, Columbus County. I, Linda D. Lee . a Notary Public of the ify that Patricia Stephens Flons, Widow `��NDA,State 0 perso ally appeared before metthi day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal or stamp, this the �L 18th day of A ri1 , 2018. 1. G ��%13 LIC U& ''•.�6�,_ _,�l 41 My Commission Expires: 04-08-2022 NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY The foregoing or annexed certificate of a Notary Public has been verified to have a Signature, seal or stamp and an expiration date. This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the Date and time and in the book and page shown on the first page hereof. Register of Deeds for Brunswick County BY: Asst./Deputy Register of Deeds Ret to: Page 2 oj2 RECEIVED ow ` JILMINOTON, NC FE8 2 b ,2019 AT LANTIC OCEAN r CANAL LAYOUT HOLOENS BEACH FAST SOUTHEASTERN DEV. CORP. RECEIVED DOM WILMINGTON, NC FEB 2 5 2019 NOTES: 1. This Pmlx-ttl' does lie within a I % Annual Floor] Ilaattrl Alva per FEb1A Fh nt Panel: 3720201500 K, 11(tod 7onv AE (EI. 12), Dated August 28,2018. 2. (on vls marked as noted on trap. 3. All brali,lgstvlative to N(`CjidNAD 83 MRS2011). 1. All chstences air honyontal field measunrments. S. Atva romp and by the cootdivate method. 6. HotizontalCouhol as shown by GPS Location. 7..Vo knowtl Easentents or Rights of M'al om, propettp. R. 7 his Sunrl lx•tiiulned without the benefit ofa Title Opinion. Map ofCatlals I Holden Beach I N Map Cab. 6,11agr 132 1 Pmrel:231MG016 !�J c^ Hugh Brty, et ar L Q _ Deed Book 903, Page 1005 PVIR I I U C I P"IlTel: 2"11MG017 I Pvrel:231MG018 ,r Grant Campbell, et ar Deed Book 2719, l'.tgrr 12301 S X R Plopeities I, LLC Deed Book 2882, Page 171 I I l�3 I � a I � Map of Canals 1 Map of Calslls M 11oldruBeach I Holdell Beach h Map Cab. 6, Pagr 132 Map Cab. 6, Pagr 132 I I za '0 Sn I 1 a 50A3' EIR N.59,636.37 K-Z 213,3 55. 2% I I EPK ilt IPown Pedestal 50.03' .S 81`00'51" W SI 1116- (bean Bh d., West - (60' Pubftc RAW) For Rodne-v M. Dabbolldanza,,Jr. alxl wile Attgclla L. Dabbomlanza 0 Sitr ? ucc;W Bind 1 Y(YNITYAMP (N. T.S) Ittyx•n'irun Slularr Calculations: I I l,xtst• An4K, A C 1. 1,508I' FIT: i(hrlllaug) tC A C- 1,605 �F Soil Din- and wur,dslatesand Id r6u1s Canal F M11VI'L at Ibtdkhead E mm, N. 5.26' E1R '7Eve Lisle— J , - -r .Srrra•n Purr L t' srr rae below I I IS toly Fialue I t Hutlle oil PhAp I C'oucirte Pvkulg Below -EL-5.5' I f'ovd.-Pore — Eve l um b Aura 5,0-11 51 Feet NIIt S 84"00'S-1" W 50.03' N:,59,652M' E$213,72-I.34' Panel: 231MG020 Cuipurate F'rulditlg Assoc. Deed Book 3529, Page 355 30' Setback MHWL Mup omutab I h Iluldru Beach I hMap Cab. 6, Page 132 1 75' AEC Setback I I 432Ckr<w Blvd. West, holden Brach, NC 28d62 Lorkwood Fbq), llowuship - Brunswick Cbtuttl' - Notth Carolina Scale: 1"= 30' Mal 22, 2018 Revised 02, 082019 to show LAMA Data I, Vemn' E. (:nenaugh,.b., PIA cettilj• that this pktt was drawn br nle lion a achtal held smver made hr ntr• front ittfutunafiott as noted hetrun; that the botmdaties not sunrledate cleatlr indit<ated as dashed Gees; that du+ ratio ufprecisiun as cakttkned is 1:10,000+; that this stuvel• was ptrp<urd within the guideltites o1'the Stattdats ol'Piactice tot' Engittee-ts and Survrrurs attd is (,nerd to thr best ofntt• kttowledgr au beGet. N itness utr anginal Sjgllattur License Nuntberand Seal, this being the 8th dal• ol'Febrnazp, 2019 AD. e 3URIYs'YREIEREN( T.- Deed Book 40-18 at Page 103, Lot 1.12 oil Guud r, Holden 1 Map C'abulet b at Pagr 132 Panel No. 231MG0IY Brunswick C'omlty Registry