HomeMy WebLinkAbout86503A - Pittman, Jr, WilliamX CAMA 0 DREDGE i FJU W 86-50 3 0 8 c c) G E N ERAIe PERMIT ''_'p-- ? )Zj New ✓ Moth cauon Q C *fta Re*sue �] Pama# Re ssue As &Atv w b> &* Su►e 4t Nw)r Cu si, O t=ar nwrt d Gxc+otttnr oW Qum aw dt-- C ajwa! Anr.,rz-fx comma- .r+ .q w, srwa of CZTXAM zxax+t e , SA NICAC C3%A- A the bbw mV w** WXMWoa m &6dAnja {�,�"..Gil "►cap r,� ��t� rn�a, _ �c . __ ,� �.��r�,i�.� 4#trrurs _. _1oSQ_ ��`_ C _ _� i�� rsoma zw -_ "L.l.s _. Str�art A�kfra2 °st F�rw i�c Ott F — c r Otha, W ob►er•sd. a ;i . 1 Mowwoffmm- n/a kes nr �-s-•sync .y .. — l Rli7wLira tMthkr h:twd^eo Yi'S A Ou,4dirV p rm%eja�g wrwt r-,#y be rrcgt,�re d b4 Pervrw. LAM AWAW Oi STlTtft OjC wiU5 AIDS cDNt?i? w)ft4 TNA7 Ate U To IM MKM ACRIA Srtna4um -•Pieaae r"d cwr4m bent mwemem on bast of aermtt** Fool) Clvacir l3AAWWV Ord" I r TAtti�tiiOUMEI,iSMWFFUA (I.,,k aryl sew nc" on ba k ryi 4"" harsh mAms See addlt�onw` rj}l4dRtorS tuck ®a ,�. _ ! - i • ' *ice Mrs Addmus, \,` EMW Address 7 4; 64tv rust t have auty"Ofizou 9 � t Eck 04 On MY bed, fcw the purer of !or aM ob , ' , 40 C r y t ave4cc t: b, (T - A ov- ;�..1. L- KC. Dr SION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RWARiAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONMANER FORM 9ERTIFIED" RETQRN RECEIor hA_NDQtL ERY (Top txxtior to be completed by oWIW or their agent) Nww of prop*r-y owner• Witham G Pittman ,}r Addmsa cf P-op" 102 Nortts Wheeler Dr", Merry+ Hill, NC 27957 Magirg Addre." of 0,.riw 4055 Queen Street, Windsor, NC 27963 Ownw" •f � D bafc alt COtn ma's Pis. (252) WO-2527 AQ*r S tame Stewart M Davenpon Agem phorot (252) 394-6015 a : t smdinc14msnxorn ADJACEMT RIPARJM PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTiF)CATWN (*- 22alon to be comvigted gy JbI & vA mt Proo.tr ) y cewtfty "t l owe.. ipropwty aLti ent r;) t ne a�uvoreforencw property. The tndl dud applying wt o* t I'M des,:ribed to me, 40 S OWn on tte snacttod drawing. " dWVIkKWrWA OVY are prsapMi S, 6 # y ei ,ti4n Syr ¢r r =v th S ill iolft. tts4 t k rt}v e4i 9 *M elk YiRI�, �' 1 DO NOT have copecwna to teas pr+d4 100 h abpied€As to !hIS cam . M yew five 061ww s to what is b+sinq sassd. you r»usf no free N.G. ahelston of CoeSW A#sn*g*n:errf f0CA0 In wrttfng within 10 days of mcW of this notice. Corrrsponder► a shouht be rnaged to 401 S. Orman St Star. , ENasboth City, NC. 3'7ti 9. DC#OI r*pf*aarrtrtvv** t*a etsO be contacted at (7S2)1 M4-3401. No $Pon*s ;s considered the same ss no ob ctlon if y iv hay# brags rrob**d by Car find dfaN. WAIVER SECTION { ' - ta!rsa! ifYst inky' PCOP0200 Pitf, dOD *, ttt 0MV P*f-5 Dv —at MM. b(&&KW8e'.. , i+tt, rat {yet+ rrsuft b76 silt bMiCk a Mitrilmom Utanco of IT lrom ray area of rtptrsan ae s infess Wnwed by +ne (thss does not sp* to buitrfieads or dpw 43vsttr*rU), tN ym *eh to waive me sae)w*� ym MMgt.14a I tO wish to we've sor was or the IS' yMba* -OR- Sivnsim #f A4sced l O"Ve 1 tNt not war+ tst wrir*t ".hw ! a settle+ recZ;twenabtt firuttal ttre bi�itj SigrAc re of Adjacanf RtDar an Prop" (7tiv er FyrpsttfPrtnted tearna of ARP{). � t zC %. ita2tf� nJ ARPO s ernati r 4 i 4 S111 A `s PNOlfri: fats .Y ' 2 0 2- 'we1 yiv+er M wltC for up to one year larAart ARp'Q`t Stgrss#wo' Revrsed July 2021 APR < 1 2022 DCM-Ec N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: IA ' I-L- 4 / G A14 /). /,— T/t Address of Property: �.Z N 1 k—,-Ct �' , e' f r `Csi.w� �•-�u-r N)e 2—Wr7 Mailing Address of Owner: S• a+t'r-e-t , <4- ,-k- Ly i 0 f✓, n G Z '7 �� 0 2•fZ7 Owner's email: I,i%�� �� ��'"� WI�Owner's Phone#: Z S z � Agent's Name: S�Ew G�t� i�Vj, 00-e-e414- Agent Phone#: 2- Z 3YY (1 ° fS Agent's Email Sin • rJC L m S N ' ,brv. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. V I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. if you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St., Ste. 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from y area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetme (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive somelall of the 15' setbac Signature of Adjace iparian F&Kerty Owner -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initiMhe blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner' Typed/Printed name of ARPO: L� � \ , IJ� Mailing Address of ARPO ARPO's email: aim5c,� ARPO's Phone#: Z,iZ � lqa 01 D Date: ('� — Z _Z� *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* Revised July2021 NORMAL WATER LEVEL 4"X 6" 2"X6" TREATED CAP (18" WIDTH) 6"X6" WHALERS ­k 9' MIN. FINISHED GRADE ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER FOR STABILIZATION 6" A\ 3' MIN. 3'-6 20' HDG TIE —BACK WITH ROD WITH OG WASHERS _L_ ® 5'-0" O.C. (BEND AS REQUIRED) DEADMAN 8' MIS BELOW GRADI (SEE NOTES ROVIDE DISCHARGE P HRU BULKHEAD ® t 14' VINYL SHEET PILES (SG425 SERIES) ATTACHED WITH 1/2" 0 HDG LAG BOLTS, NUT & LOCK WASHERS (TYP 8"0 TIMBER PILES ® 5'-0" O.C. (SEE NOTES) BUUChEAD DETAL NTS FILTER FABRIC 1 L SANDY BACKFILL 4" OR 6" SOCK #57 STONE PIPE TfOMCH DR4N DETAL NTS D NOTE& 1. ALL LUMBER SHALL CONFORM WITH AWPA STANDARDS AS NOTED WITHIN THE APPROPRIATE USE CATEGORY. 2. PILINGS: SHALL BE 8"0 X 16' TIMBER CONFORMING WITH UC-5B LOCATED IN SPLASH ZONE. 3. WALERS SHALL BE 6"x6" TIMBER CONFORMING WITH UC-48. THE LOWER WALER SHALL CONFORM WITH UC-56. WALERS SHALL OVERLAP (1' MIN.) AT PILES. 4. SHEATHING: SHALL CONSIST OF VINYL SHEET PILES. 5. DEADMAN SHALL BE 8"0x8' TIMBER (PLACED VERTICALLY) AND SHALL CONFORM WITH UC-4C. 6. ALL FASTENERS SHALL BE HOT —DIPPED GALVANIZED PER ASTM A-153 (2 OZ. ZINC/SF). 7.ALL ITEMS SHALL BE TIGHTLY ANCHORED OR ATTACHED SQUARE, PLUMB AND TRUE, OR IN OTHER PLANES AND SHAPES AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. JOINTS SHALL BE TIGHT, EVEN, AND FREE OF OFFSETS. NO FIELD ALTERING OF ANY MEMBERS WILL BE ALLOWED THAT WILL CAUSE THEM NOT TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER. 8. BACKFILL SHALL BE CLEAN GRANULAR FREE DRAINING SAND. VEGETATION AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. 9. BULKHEAD INSTALLATION TO CONNECT WITH ADJACENT RIPRAP, WHERE BULKHEAD CONNECTS WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY, RETURNS SHALL BE PROVIDED. RETURN LOCATIONS AND LENGTHS SHALL BE FIELD ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BURY INTO FINAL GRADES. SCALE BULKHEAD DETAIL FOR N/A 1NLLIAM�Q Prnum 102 hL WHBBLM UWE REC. REF. D.B. 829, PG. 644 LOT Q, BAL MA SUBDIVISM FILE No. 08645A CAD FILE MERRY HILL WHITES TWSP BERTIE COUNTY NORTH CAROUNA 08645A me a es, 115 west St. Clair Street P.O. Box 3989 Kill Devil Hkls,)44 NC 27948 SURVEYED N/A Phone: (252) 441-2113 F_:.Albe harkAs 5 .Af eso . lbemarle DRAWN K� Lamm ur . C 1027 Can. of Lbensu2lb. GW27 Th5 daaiment ¢ the om"erN of & ASSOCIATES, LTD. Albemarle & A&SOCL^7176S, LTD. April 15,2022 Stewal, M Davenport (President) S, M Davenport & Sons, Inc PO Box 100 1087 Meadow Lane Creswell, NC 27928 RE: Bulkhead Plan tor Wiliam G. Piltibmm. 1102 North Wheeier Drive Marry Hill, NC 27957 Dear Mr Davenport Attached r3 a sealed detail for the installation of a new bulkhead at this property, This design is Similar to the last. Project we worked on with a few minor modifications, This se —nor has been analyzed and designed to meet the conditions at the aforementioned lot in Merry Hill. By this tatter and the attached certified detail, I do hereby certify that the construction of a new bulkhead using these design and instal1atton standards will comply with the building code and the anly--spated loading cha;acterstics It I can provide any additional information, ple-W do not hesitate to contact n-k,- cc: F4e RLCEIVED APR Z 1 2022 DCA I IVI-L,.-., A" t 15 W slov cW "k, K* 0" hift *to Caroav 2no AP& G f W" 0%0 Flu 25-1-"t-Ow a ArcGIS Web Map 162 `v `vParcels vv bertie_nc_parcel_annotation Green: Green � S �Q"`� ` 0 0 0I 001 ml So , N o 001 001 oozkm Orthoimagery_2020 County Boundary Blue: Blue �'7`�3, NMa 001 001 RQkNat sl;;; GSA°� ola�a" EMA: Red: Red ArcGISWeb AppBullder Esri Community Maos Contributors State of North Carolina DOT 'L) OoenSheetMac Microsoft Esri. HERE Garrnin SafeGraoh GeoTechnolo°bs Inc. METIMASA USGS EPA. NPS US Census Bureau USDA I -b 1w, ngle Earth #0 A 100ft